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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Life sciences: general issues > Neurosciences
The current popular and scientific interest in virtual environments has provided a new impetus for investigating binaural and spatial hearing. However, the many intriguing phenomena of spatial hearing have long made it an exciting area of scientific inquiry. Psychophysical and physiological investigations of spatial hearing seem to be converging on common explanations of underlying mechanisms. These understandings have in turn been incorporated into sophisticated yet mathematically tractable models of binaural interaction. Thus, binaural and spatial hearing is one of the few areas in which professionals are soon likely to find adequate physiological explanations of complex psychological phenomena that can be reasonably and usefully approximated by mathematical and physical models. This volume grew out of the Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing, a four-day event held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in response to rapid developments in binaural and spatial hearing research and technology. Meant to be more than just a proceedings, it presents chapters that are longer than typical proceedings papers and contain considerably more review material, including extensive bibliographies in many cases. Arranged into topical sections, the chapters represent major thrusts in the recent literature. The authors of the first chapter in each section have been encouraged to take a broad perspective and review the current state of literature. Subsequent chapters in each section tend to be somewhat more narrowly focused, and often emphasize the authors' own work. Thus, each section provides overview, background, and current research on a particular topic. This book is significant in that it reviews the important work during the past 10 to 15 years, and provides greater breadth and depth than most of the previous works.
This book examines the neuroscience of mathematical cognitive development from infancy into emerging adulthood, addressing both biological and environmental influences on brain development and plasticity. It begins by presenting major theoretical frameworks for designing and interpreting neuroscience studies of mathematical cognitive development, including developmental evolutionary theory, developmental systems approaches, and the triple-code model of numerical processing. The book includes chapters that discuss findings from studies using neuroscience research methods to examine numerical and visuospatial cognition, calculation, and mathematical difficulties and exceptionalities. It concludes with a review of mathematical intervention programs and recommendations for future neuroscience research on mathematical cognitive development. Featured neuroscience research methods include: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Event Related Potentials (ERP). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Neuroscience of Mathematical Cognitive Development is an essential resource for researchers, clinicians and related professionals, and graduate students in child and school psychology, neuroscience, educational psychology, neuropsychology, and mathematics education.
The Opioid System as the Brain's Interface between Cognition and Motivation, Volume 239, focuses on the opioid system as the interface between the brain's cognitive and motivational systems. As the opioid system is widely distributed through the brain, particularly in areas implicated in cognition (hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, claustrum, thalamus) and motivation (hypothalamus, amygdala, pontine nuclei, periaqueductal gray and medulla), this book provides chapters that address ongoing research on topics such as the Brain's cognitive system, the Brain's motivational system, Antidepressant prescription patterns, Antidepressant-like effects of opioid receptor modulators, the Behavioral effects of antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs, and more.
This book is a compendium of the latest research on acoustic communication in these highly vocal vertebrates. The chapters are written by experts currently investigating the physiology and behavior of amphibians, in the laboratory and in the field. This integrated approach provides a neuroethologically-driven and evolutionary basis for our understanding of acoustic communication and its underlying mechanisms. The intended audience includes senior undergraduates, physiologists, zoologists, evolutionary biologists and communication specialists.
This volume is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the recent explosion of experimental tools in neuroscience that now make it possible to manipulate, record, and understand neuronal activity within the intact brain, and which are helping us learn how the many neurons that comprise a network act together to control behavior. Leaders in the field discuss the latest developments in optogenetics, functional imaging, circuit mapping, and the application of these tools to complex biological problems.
Human Hand Function is a multidisciplinary book that reviews the
sensory and motor aspects of normal hand function from both
neurophysiological and behavioral perspectives. Lynette Jones and
Susan Lederman present hand function as a continuum ranging from
activities that are essentially sensory in nature to those that
have a strong motor component. They delineate four categories of
function along this sensorimotor continuum--tactile sensing, active
haptic sensing, prehension, and non-prehensile skilled
movements--that they use as a framework for analyzing and
synthesizing the results from a broad range of studies that have
contributed to our understanding of how the normal human hand
Memory, Consciousness, and Temporality presents the argument that current memory theories are undermined by two false assumptions: the memory trace paradox' and the fallacy of the homunculus'. In these pages Gianfranco Dalla Barba introduces a hypothesis - the Memory, Consciousness, and Temporality (MCT) hypothesis - on the relationship between memory and consciousness that is not undermined by these assumptions and further demonstrates how MCT can account for a variety of memory disorders and phenomena. With a unique approach intended to conjugate phenomenological analysis and recent neuropsychological data, the author makes an important contribution to our understanding of the central issues in current cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience.
Understanding the mechanisms of learning and memory provides one of the major challenges of contemporary neuroscience. At the reductionist level this equates to an understanding of synaptic plasticity within cortical structures such as the hippocampus. Recently, considerable effort has been devoted to researching two forms of associative synaptic plasticity: long-term potentiation (LTP) and its counterpart, long-term depression (LTD). Increasingly, this field is being influenced by molecular approaches, and Cortical Plasticity brings together the recent findings on all aspects of the induction, maintenance, and expression of LTP and LTD, with an emphasis on molecular mechanisms. This book provides an invaluable overview of a rapidly expanding field and presents discussions from internationally known researchers on a number of controversial issues regarding synaptic plasticity. It will be essential reading for researchers in all areas of neuroscience.
Bringing together clinical expertise with the latest findings from social, affective, and cognitive neuroscience, this accessible guide outlines how basic concepts of neuroscience and family therapy can be highly relevant to all mental health treatment. This expanded second edition includes content on a range of areas including effects of racism, poverty, violence, and childhood abuse on the brain; substance abuse; and advances in the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Grounded in five key tenets of neuroscience, the approaches highlighted in this book focus on the safety of secure bonds for children, adolescents, couples, and families, as well as how an understanding of neuroscience can be utilized by professionals during trauma therapy. The stages of brain development provide a map for practitioners that illustrates dozens of practical, daily interventions. Chapters discuss neuroscience in light of a range of contemporary dilemmas for client engagement, accompanied throughout by fresh case examples, worksheets, clinical guidelines, and step-by-step interventions. Written in a jargon-free style, The Transparent Brain in Couple and Family Therapy, second edition is an essential resource for mental health professionals using neuroscientific principles to bring relief to clients from diverse backgrounds.
This book comprehensively reviews the proteins associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It also discusses the interactions of the associated-proteins, like bromodomain-containing proteins (BCPs), kinases, synaptic proteins, scaffolding proteins, transcriptional factors, and DNA-binding proteins at the subcellular and molecular levels. The book also explores the potential of these proteins as a druggable target and a biomarker in the neurodevelopmental disorders. The book further explores the recent advancements in understanding the important role of epigenetic factors in predisposition to these diseases. Lastly, it presents genetic factors that lead to variation in gene expression in these diseases, disorders management via diet intervention and the future potential of stem cell therapy.
Thisisthefirstvolumeinthe CerelJral Cortexseriesdevotedtomathematicalmodels ofthecortex. Itwasmotivatedbytherealizationthatcomputationalmodelsof individualneuronsandensemblesofneuronsareincreasinglyusedinresearchon corticalorganizationandfunction. Thisis,inpart,becauseofthenowubiquitous presenceofpowerfulandaffordablecomputers. Suitablemachineswereformerly rareinresearchlaboratoriesandrequiredsubstantialprogrammingexpertisetobe usedinconstructingandusingneuronalmodels. However,computersarenow routinelyusedinallareasofneurobiologyandanumberofsoftwarepackagesallow scientistswithminimalcomputerscienceandmathematicalbackgroundstocon- structseriousneuronalmodels. Asecondfactorleadingtotheproliferationof modelingstudiesisthedevelopmentoftechnologiesthatallowthekindsofdata collectionneededtodeveloprealisticmodelsofcorticalneurons. Characterization ofthekineticsofvoltage-andligand-gatedchannelsandreceptorshadbeenlim- itedtorelativelylargeneurons. However,therapiddevelopmentofsliceprepara- tions,patch-clampmethods,andimagingmethodsbasedonvoltage-sensitivedyes andintracellularcalciumindicatorshasresultedinasignificantdatabaseonthe biophysicalfeaturesofcorticalneurons. Thescopeofmodelingapproachestocorticalneuronsandfunctionsiswide anditseemednecessarytolimitthepurviewofthevolume. Thefocusisonattempts tounderstandthepropertiesofindividualcorticalneuronsandneuronalcircuitry throughmodelsthatincorporatesignificantfeaturesofcellularmorphologyand physiology. Noattemptwasmadetoincludemodelingapproachestounderstanding corticaldevelopmentandplasticity. Thus,workdealingwiththedevelopmentof oculardominancecolumnsandtheorientationselectivityofneuronsinvisualcortex isnotconsidered. Similarly,modelsdealingwiththecellularmechanismsunderlying long-termplasticityandwithapproachestolearningandmemorybasedonmodifica- tionofHebbiansynapsesarenotconsidered. Relativelyabstractattemptstounder- standhigherlevelandcognitiveprocessesbasedonneuralnetsrepresentasecond, majorareaofworkthatisnottreated. Modelsofcognitiveprocessesbasedon dynamicalsystemsmethodsinwhichnoattemptismadetoincludethebiophysical featuresofindividualneuronsarealsonotconsidered. vii viii Thetenmajorchaptersfallintothreegroups. Thefirstgroupdealswith compartmentalmodelsofindividualcorticalneurons. LyleBorg-Grahamprovides PREFACE anintroductiontothemethodsinvolvedinconstructingcompartmentalmodels andthenreviewstheexistingmodelsofhippocampalpyramidalcells. Becauseof theeffectivenessofhippocampalslicepreparations,theseneuronshavewell-ehar- acterizedbiophysicalproperties. Thischapterillustrateshowcompartmentalmod- elscanbeusedtosynthesizeexperimentaldataandprovideanintegrativeviewof thepropertiesofindividualneurons. PaulRhodescontinuesthethemebyfocusing ontheroleofvoltage-gatedchannelslocatedonthedendritesofcorticalneurons. Thisisanareainwhichtechnologicaladvancesinthevisualizationofneuronsin slicepreparationsbasedoninfraredmicroscopyhavegreatlyexpandedtheinfor- mationavailableondendriticfunctioninjustafewyears. Thechapterbothreviews theexperimentaldataonactivedendriticconductancesandemphasizestheirpo- tentialfunctionalroles. Thesecondgroupofchaptersdealwiththegenerationofreceptivefield propertiesofneuronswithinvisualcortex. Theyaddressissuesstemmingfromthe originalattempttounderstandhowthereceptivefieldpropertiesofneuronsincat andmonkeyprimaryvisualcortexaregeneratedbyinteractionsbetweengenicu- lateafferentsandcorticalneurons. ThechapterbyFlorentinWorgotterevaluates modelsthathavebeenusedtoanalyzethegenerationofreceptivefieldproperties. RodneyDouglasandhiscolleaguesaddressaspecificsetofissuesdealingwiththe roleofintracorticalexcitationmediatedbypyramidalcellcollaterals. Animportant featureofthischapterisitsrelationtoattempttoconstructfabricatedcircuitsthat duplicatethefunctionsofcorticalcircuits. ThechapterbyPhilipUlinskifocuseson thegenerationofmotion-selectivepropertiesincorticalneurons. Itseekstoidenti- tycellularmechanismsusedbyneuronsthatrespondpreferentiallytovisualstimuli movingwithparticularspeedsordirections. MatteoCarandiniandhiscolleagues discussthefeatureofcorticalneurons,knownasgaincontrol,thatallowsneurons torespondeffectivelytovisualstimulibypoolinginformationacrosspopulationsof corticalneurons. ThechapterbyHughWilsondealswiththereceptivefieldproper- tiesofextrastriateareasandintroducesnewworkanalyzingface-selectiveneurons. Thefinalsetofchaptersconsidermodelsofensemblesofthalamicandcortical neurons. ThechapterbyWilliamLyttonandElizabethThomasusesthetheoryof dynamicalsystemstoanalyzethetemporalrelationshipsbetweenthalamicand corticalneurons. Animportantfeatureoftheinteractionbetweenthalamusand cortexisthepresenceofoscillationsthatdependinpartuponthevoltage-gated conductancespresentonindividualneuronsandinpartonthestructureofthe overallnetwork. PaulBushcontinuesthisemphasisonoscillationsbydiscussinga modelthatdealswiththegenerationofsynchronizedoscillationsinvisualcortex. Oscillationsofthiskindhaveattractedsubstantialattentioninrecentyearsbecause oftheirpotentialroleincognitiveprocesses. Thelastchapter,byMichaelHasselmo andChristianeLinster,reviewstheirworkonmodelingpiriformcortex,emphasiz- ingtheroleofcholinergicmechanismsinmodulatingtheactivityofcorticalneu- rons. Anattempthasbeenmadethroughouttomakethevolumeaccessibleto readerswithminimalmathematicalbackgrounds. Thevolumethusbeginswitha shorthistoryofmodelsofcorticalneuronsandcircuitrythatintroducestheprinci- palmodelingstyles. ThechaptersbyWorgotterandUlinskicontainmoreextensive ix introductionstosomeofthemodelingmethodsthathavebeenusedtostudyvisual cortex,andthemathematicallychallengedreaderwillfindthatthechapterby PREFACE LyttonandThomascontainsareadableintroductiontotheuseofdynamical systemstheoryinneurobiology. PhilipS. Ulinski EdwardG. Jones Chicago and Davis Contents Chapter 1 ModelingCorticalCircuitry:AHistoryandProspectus PhilipS. Ulinski 1. Introduction "...1 2. LorentedeNothroughDynamicalSystemsModels...2 2. 1. LorentedeNo...2 2. 2. CellAssembliesandNeuralNets...3 2. 3. DynamicSystemsModels...8 3. HodgkinandHuxleythroughNetworkModels...11 3. 1. HodgkinandHuxley...11 3. 2. WilfridRall...11 3. 3. SoftwarePackages...13 3. 4. RealisticModelsofCorticalNetworks...14 4. Prospectus...14 5. References...15 Chapter 2 InterpretationsofDataandMechanismsforHippocampalPyramidal CellModels LyleJ Borg-Graham 1. Introduction...19 1. 1. NeuronModelEvolution-followingElectrophysiology...19 1. 2. NeuronModelEvaluation-followingtheParameters...21 1. 3. WhyHippocampus? 21 1. 4. OrganizationofThisChapter...22 xi xii 2. TheDatabaseforSingle-NeuronModels...23 2. 1. VoltageClampversusCurrentClamp...23 CONTENTS 2. 2. Single-ChannelversusMacroscopicCurrents...24 2. 3. TypeofPreparation...24 2. 4. KineticandPharmacologicalDissection...25 2. 5. TemperatureDependence...26 2. 6. AgeDependence...27 2. 7. HippocampalSubfieldDependence...27 2. 8. DifferencesinFiringPropertiesbetweenSharpversusPatch Recordings...28 2. 9. TheMeasuredVoltage...
Cerebral Lateralization and Cognition: Evolutionary and Developmental Investigations of Motor Biases, Volume 238, the latest release in the Progress in Brain Research series, discusses interdisciplinary research on the influence of cerebral lateralization on cognition within an evolutionary framework. Chapters of note in this release include Evolutionary Perspectives: Visual/Motor Biases and Cognition, Manual laterality and cognition through evolution: An archeological perspective, Laterality in insects, Motor asymmetries in fish, amphibians and reptiles, Visual biases and social cognition in animals, Mother and offspring lateralized social interaction across animal species, Manual bias, personality and cognition in common marmosets and other primates, and more.
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of the development and evolution of flatfish metamorphosis. The chapters use the tissue model to explain a series of metamorphic events, including eye migration, front bone deformation, dorsal fin elongation and regression, and body depth change, left/right asymmetrical pigmentation, give a hypothesis on the mechanism of eye migration, and the evolutionary origin of left/right eye asymmetry. The book is written by expert who has worked on flatfish metamorphosis over 20 years. It serves as a valuable reference for graduate students and researchers in related fields
This book reviews all major models and hypotheses concerning the mechanisms supposed to underlie the process of navigation in vertebrates. It covers data on all major model groups of vertebrates studied in the context of animal navigation, such as migratory birds, homing pigeons, sea turtles, subterranean mammals and some migratory fish species. Some other - less studied - groups, e.g., whales, have also been touched. The first part of the book describes different sources of navigational information, with their specific navigational mechanisms known or supposed to be employed by animals for navigational goals. The second part discusses possible functions of these mechanisms in different vertebrates and in the context of different navigational tasks, ranging from short-range navigation, often performed by animals within as small an area as several square meters, to long-distance global-scale migrations performed by many birds and some sea turtles during their lifespan.
Brain, Decision Making, and Mental Health acknowledges that thinking is not a constant phenomenon but varies considerably across cultures. Critical thinking is particularly important in bridging thinking divisions and its applicability across sciences, particularly medical sciences. We see critical thinking as educable and the arts as means to achieve this purpose. We address the multidimensional relationship between thinking and health and related mechanisms. Thinking mainly affects emotion regulation and executive function; in other words, both mental and physical health are related as a function of thoughts. Considering the thinking-feeling-emotion regulation/executive function pathway, it would be reasonable to propose thinking capacities-based interventions to impact emotion regulation and executive function, such as mindfulness and psychotherapy. We review decision-making taking place in integrated and social contexts and discuss the decision-making styles-decision outcomes relation. Finally, artificial thinking and intelligence prepare us for decision-making outside the human mind.
Mammalian skin, skeletal muscles and connective tissue contain a wide variety of miniature sensory receptors which respond to mechanical stimuli. The monograph describes different types of these mechanoreceptors, such as mucles spindles, tendon organs, Pacinian corpuscles, tactile digital corpuscles etc., and outlines the role of sensory nerve terminals in their development and maintenance.
The 1st World Congress on Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Disease Research (GeNeDis 2014), will focus on recent advances in geriatrics and neurodegeneration, ranging from basic science to clinical and pharmaceutical developments and will provide an international forum for the latest scientific discoveries, medical practices and care initiatives. Advanced information technologies will be discussed concerning the various research, implementation and policy, as well as European and global issues in the funding of long-term care and medico-social policies regarding elderly people. GeNeDis 2014 takes place in Corfu Greece, 10-13 April 2014. This volume focuses on the sessions from the conference on computational biology and bioinformatics.
This book presents neuromorphic cognitive systems from a learning and memory-centered perspective. It illustrates how to build a system network of neurons to perform spike-based information processing, computing, and high-level cognitive tasks. It is beneficial to a wide spectrum of readers, including undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers who are interested in neuromorphic computing and neuromorphic engineering, as well as engineers and professionals in industry who are involved in the design and applications of neuromorphic cognitive systems, neuromorphic sensors and processors, and cognitive robotics. The book formulates a systematic framework, from the basic mathematical and computational methods in spike-based neural encoding, learning in both single and multi-layered networks, to a near cognitive level composed of memory and cognition. Since the mechanisms for integrating spiking neurons integrate to formulate cognitive functions as in the brain are little understood, studies of neuromorphic cognitive systems are urgently needed. The topics covered in this book range from the neuronal level to the system level. In the neuronal level, synaptic adaptation plays an important role in learning patterns. In order to perform higher-level cognitive functions such as recognition and memory, spiking neurons with learning abilities are consistently integrated, building a system with encoding, learning and memory functionalities. The book describes these aspects in detail.
This book describes the state-of-the-art of treatment of schizophrenia and reflects its development in 22 chapters written by leading authorities in the field
This book provides an overview of the biology and biochemistry of peroxisomes, and discusses the contribution of these organelles to peroxisomal and neurodegenerative diseases. It begins with a detailed introduction to the biogenesis and metabolic functions of peroxisomes, and highlights their role in oxidative stress and in lipid metabolism such as fatty acid oxidation. The following chapters focus on the molecular and clinical aspects of peroxisomal disorders caused by defects in peroxisomal function. In particular, the biological aspects of peroxisomal biogenesis disorders such as Zellweger syndrome and Heimler syndrome are discussed. This includes their underlying genetic causes as well as the biochemical and metabolic defects associated with the disorders. In addition, several chapters cover recent observations suggesting an association between peroxisomal dysfunction and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and other degenerative cerebellar pathologies. The final section of the book discusses important cell and animal models for studying the role of peroxisomes in human diseases and presents current therapeutic strategies for their treatment. This book deals with a highly topical subject that is at the heart of current research, and represents a valuable contribution for all students and researchers who want to understand the complex biology of peroxisomes and their role in human diseases.
Designing Presence offers a unique insight into the training that has helped people around the world to cultivate more presence in both professional and personal settings. It explains the research behind the method of Towards Vivencia, shares stories of how it has been implemented and offers practical exercises to apply it in any context. Presence is something that is often talked about but is difficult to pin down. We have all experienced moments when we felt one with what we are doing and with our environment. However, this feeling is usually fleeting and we don't know when or how we will experience it again. Towards Vivencia is the first methodology of its kind to train performers to locate and replicate that specific state of consciousness associated with presence and peak performance. Based on over 20 years of experience, combined with research in anthropology, philosophy and the latest advances in neuroscience, Towards Vivencia enables performers to become fully engaged with their experience in order to operate at their highest possible level. This book aims to equip readers with the ability to actively design their experiences and create lasting changes not only in how they approach performance but also how they approach their everyday lives.
This book focuses on energy metabolism and brain functions related to Cortical Spreading Depression of Leao (CSD), an important issue in brain pathophysiology. The first part of the book offers a comprehensive overview of the history and early research on CSD, and then discusses the recent advances in the technology used to map and monitor brain mitochondrial NADH redox state and other physiological functions during CSD. The chapters explore the connection between CSD and mitochondrial function under hypoxia, Ischemia and various drugs treatment, and provide a resource to scientists researching the development of CSD during various brain pathophysiological conditions. This book is essential to scientists and students working in the field of bioenergetics of the brain and various organs and tissues in the body. The use of this technology is also crucial and applicable in the neuroscience field.
This volume explores the latest techniques used to study neurodevelopmental diseases (NDD) that range from molecular aspects to integrated research approaches and brain imaging in living rodents. Chapters in this book cover topics such as protocols to deliver shRNA in vitro and in vivo using lentiviral particles to knock-down specific protein expression; experimental procedures to use recombinant fluorescent probes to visualize endogenous proteins at the mammalian synapse; CRISPR/Cas9 toolkit to assess either gain- or loss-of-gene function in brain organoids; detailed protocols to use in vivo manipulations to correct the behavioral phenotypes in cognitive disorder mouse lines; and experimental approaches to genetically engineer macaque models of NDDs and investigate how genetic predisposition may cause neural and functional alterations. In the Neuromethods series style, chapters include the kind of detail and key advice from the specialists needed to get successful results in your laboratory. Cutting-edge and practical, Translational Research Methods in Neurodevelopmental Disorders is a valuable resource for all researchers who want to learn more about this important and developing field.
Daily rhythms are a ubiquitous feature of living systems. Generally, these rhythms are not just passive consequences of cyclic fluctuations in the environment, but instead originate within the organism. In mammals, including humans, the master pacemaker controlling 24-hour rhythms is localized in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN). This circadian clock is responsible for the temporal organization of a wide variety of functions, ranging from sleep and food intake, to physiological measures such as body temperature, heart rate and hormone release. Moreover, accumulating evidence suggests that dysfunction of the circadian rhythms due to genetic mutations or environmental factors (i.e., jet-lag or shift work) contribute to the development of many pathologies, including sleep disorders, mood and affective disorders such as major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, as well as the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders.
This book describes the recent advancement of basic research on the biology of aging and longevity studies in various organisms, as well as the neurobiology of aging and neurodegeneration mechanisms. Chapters present new findings and conceptual developments concerning the basic mechanisms of aging and longevity determination. As a follow-up volume to the previous book Aging Mechanisms (2015), it overviews the rapid progress of aging research introducing new topics from leading laboratories in Japan. Chapter contributors are selected based on recent scientific achievements on the mechanisms of aging in various model organisms, including yeast, worm (C. elegans), fly (Drosophila), mice, and rats. Chapters are ordered from the discussion on molecular and cellular levels to physiological and systemic levels. The book also provides an overview of aging science in the region and helps readers quickly grasp who is doing what in this research area. As the aging of population becomes an ever more pressing issue in Asia, advancing the understanding of basic mechanisms of organism aging and longevity determination will be crucial to developing more effective therapies and protective strategies. Researchers and graduate students in biomedical aging research will find this as a rich source of information and a stimulus to novel research directions. |
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