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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Applied mathematics > Non-linear science
Wave Turbulence refers to the statistical theory of weakly nonlinear dispersive waves. There is a wide and growing spectrum of physical applications, ranging from sea waves, to plasma waves, to superfluid turbulence, to nonlinear optics and Bose-Einstein condensates. Beyond the fundamentals the book thus also covers new developments such as the interaction of random waves with coherent structures (vortices, solitons, wave breaks), inverse cascades leading to condensation and the transitions between weak and strong turbulence, turbulence intermittency as well as finite system size effects, such as "frozen" turbulence, discrete wave resonances and avalanche-type energy cascades. This book is an outgrow of several lectures courses held by the author and, as a result, written and structured rather as a graduate text than a monograph, with many exercises and solutions offered along the way. The present compact description primarily addresses students and non-specialist researchers wishing to enter and work in this field.
An extension of different lectures given by the authors, Local Bifurcations, Center Manifolds, and Normal Forms in Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of these topics. Starting with the simplest bifurcation problems arising for ordinary differential equations in one- and two-dimensions, this book describes several tools from the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems, allowing the reader to treat more complicated bifurcation problems, such as bifurcations arising in partial differential equations. Attention is restricted to the study of local bifurcations with a focus upon the center manifold reduction and the normal form theory; two methods that have been widely used during the last decades. Through use of step-by-step examples and exercises, a number of possible applications are illustrated, and allow the less familiar reader to use this reduction method by checking some clear assumptions. Written by recognised experts in the field of center manifold and normal form theory this book provides a much-needed graduate level text on bifurcation theory, center manifolds and normal form theory. It will appeal to graduate students and researchers working in dynamical system theory.
These volumes cover non-linear filtering (prediction and smoothing) theory and its applications to the problem of optimal estimation, control with incomplete data, information theory, and sequential testing of hypothesis. Also presented is the theory of martingales, of interest to those who deal with problems in financial mathematics. These editions include new material, expanded chapters, and comments on recent progress in the field.
During last decade significant progress has been made in the oil indus try by using soft computing technology. Underlying this evolving technology there have, been ideas transforming the very language we use to describe problems with imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth. These developments offer exciting opportunities, but at the same time it is becoming clearer that further advancements are confronted by funda mental problems. The whole idea of how human process information lies at the core of the challenge. There are already new ways of thinking about the problems within theory of perception-based information. This theory aims to understand and harness the laws of human perceptions to dramatically im prove the processing of information. A matured theory of perception-based information is likely to be proper positioned to contribute to the solution of the problems and provide all the ingredients for a revolution in science, technology and business. In this context, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), Univer sity of California, Berkeley from one side and Chevron-Texaco from another formed a Technical Committee to organize a Meeting entitled "State of the Art Assessment and New Directions for Research" to understand the signifi cance of the fields accomplishments, new developments and future directions. The Technical Committee selected and invited 15 scientists (and oil indus try experts as technical committee members) from the related disciplines to participate in the Meeting, which took place at the University of California, Berkeley, and March 15-17, 2002."
1. 1 Preface Many phenomena from physics, biology, chemistry and economics are modeled by di?erential equations with parameters. When a nonlinear equation is est- lished, its behavior/dynamics should be understood. In general, it is impossible to ?nd a complete dynamics of a nonlinear di?erential equation. Hence at least, either periodic or irregular/chaotic solutions are tried to be shown. So a pr- erty of a desired solution of a nonlinear equation is given as a parameterized boundary value problem. Consequently, the task is transformed to a solvability of an abstract nonlinear equation with parameters on a certain functional space. When a family of solutions of the abstract equation is known for some para- ters, the persistence or bifurcations of solutions from that family is studied as parameters are changing. There are several approaches to handle such nonl- ear bifurcation problems. One of them is a topological degree method, which is rather powerful in cases when nonlinearities are not enough smooth. The aim of this book is to present several original bifurcation results achieved by the author using the topological degree theory. The scope of the results is rather broad from showing periodic and chaotic behavior of non-smooth mechanical systems through the existence of traveling waves for ordinary di?erential eq- tions on in?nite lattices up to study periodic oscillations of undamped abstract waveequationsonHilbertspaceswithapplicationstononlinearbeamandstring partial di?erential equations. 1.
The goal of this book is to explore some of the connections between control theory and geometric mechanics; that is, control theory is linked with a geometric view of classical mechanics in both its Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations and in particular with the theory of mechanical systems subject to motion constraints. The synthesis of topics is appropriate as there is a particularly rich connection between mechanics and nonlinear control theory. The aim is to provide a unified treatment of nonlinear control theory and constrained mechanical systems that incorporates material that has not yet made its way into texts and monographs.This book is intended for graduate students who wish to learn this subject and researchers in the area who want to enhance their techniques.
Six new chapters (14-19) deal with topics of current interest: multi-component convection diffusion, convection in a compressible fluid, convenction with temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity, penetrative convection, nonlinear stability in ocean circulation models, and numerical solution of eigenvalue problems.
Contains well-chosen examples and exercises A student-friendly introduction that follows a workbook type approach
This book is one of the first to provide a general overview of order and chaos in dynamical astronomy. The progress of the theory of chaos has a profound impact on galactic dynamics. It has even invaded celestial mechanics, since chaos was found in the solar system which in the past was considered as a prototype of order. The book provides a unifying approach to these topics from an author who has spent more than 50 years of research in the field. The first part treats order and chaos in general. The other two parts deal with order and chaos in galaxies and with other applications in dynamical astronomy, ranging from celestial mechanics to general relativity and cosmology.
This book provides an introduction to discrete dynamical systems - a framework of analysis that is commonly used in the ?elds of biology, demography, ecology, economics, engineering, ?nance, and physics. The book characterizes the fundamental factors that govern the quantitative and qualitative trajectories of a variety of deterministic, discrete dynamical systems, providing solution methods for systems that can be solved analytically and methods of qualitative analysis for those systems that do not permit or necessitate an explicit solution. The analysis focuses initially on the characterization of the factors that govern the evolution of state variables in the elementary context of one-dimensional, ?rst-order, linear, autonomous systems. The f- damental insights about the forces that a?ect the evolution of these - ementary systems are subsequently generalized, and the determinants of the trajectories of multi-dimensional, nonlinear, higher-order, non- 1 autonomous dynamical systems are established. Chapter 1 focuses on the analysis of the evolution of state variables in one-dimensional, ?rst-order, autonomous systems. It introduces a method of solution for these systems, and it characterizes the traj- tory of a state variable, in relation to a steady-state equilibrium of the system, examining the local and global (asymptotic) stability of this steady-state equilibrium. The ?rst part of the chapter characterizes the factors that determine the existence, uniqueness and stability of a steady-state equilibrium in the elementary context of one-dimensional, ?rst-order, linear autonomous systems.
H. Brezis: Proprietes regularisantes de certains semigroupes et applications.- F. Browder: Normal solvability and existence theorems for nonlinear mappings in Banach spaces.- F. Browder: Normal solvability for nonlinear mappings and the geometry of Banach spaces.- J. Eells, K.D. Elworthy: Wiener integration on certain manifolds.- W.H. Fleming: Nonlinear partial differential equations - Probabilistic and game theoretic methods.- C. Foias: Solutions statistiques des equations d'evolution non lineaires.- J.L. Lions: Quelques problemes de la theorie des equations non lineaires d'evolution.- A. Pazy: Semi-groups of nonlinear contractions in Hilbert space.- R. Temam: Equations aux derivees partielles stochastiques.- M.M. Vainberg: Le probleme de la minimisation des fonctionnelles non lineaires.
The book addresses mathematicians and physicists, including graduate students, who are interested in quantum dynamical systems and applications of operator algebras and ergodic theory. It is the only monograph on this topic. Although the authors assume a basic knowledge of operator algebras, they give precise definitions of the notions and in most cases complete proofs of the results which are used.
This work is devoted to an intensive study in contact mechanics, treating the nonsmooth dynamics of contacting bodies. Mathematical modeling is illustrated and discussed in numerous examples of engineering objects working in different kinematic and dynamic environments. Topics covered in five self-contained chapters examine non-steady dynamic phenomena which are determined by key factors: i.e., heat conduction, thermal stresses, and the amount of wearing. New to this monograph is the importance of the inertia factor, which is considered on par with thermal stresses. Nonsmooth Dynamics of Contacting Thermoelastic Bodies is an engaging accessible practical reference for engineers (civil, mechanical, industrial) and researchers in theoretical and applied mechanics, applied mathematics, physicists, and graduate students.
The present volume contains expanded and substantially reworked records of invitedlecturesdeliveredduringthe38thKarpaczWinterSchoolofTheoretical Physics on "Dynamical Semigroups: Dissipation, Chaos, Quanta", which took placeinLadek , Zdr' oj,(Poland)intheperiod6-15February2002. Themainpurposeoftheschoolwastocreateaplatformfortheconfrontation ofviewpointsandresearchmethodologiesrepresentedbytwogroupsofexperts actually working in the very same area of theoretical physics. This situation is quite distinct in non-equilibrium statistical physics of open systems, where classicalandquantumaspectsareaddressedseparatelybymeansofverydi?erent andevenincompatibleformaltools. TheschooltopicsselectionbytheLecturersreads:dissipativedynamicsand chaoticbehaviour,modelsofenvironment-systemcouplingandmodelsofth- mostats;non-equilibriumstatisticalmechanicsandfarfromequilibriumphen- ena;quantumopensystems,decoherenceandlinkstoquantumchaos;quantum andclassicalapplicationsofMarkovsemigroupsandthevalidityofMarkovian approximations. Theorganizingprincipleforthewholeendeavourwastheissueofthedyn- ics of open systems and more speci?cally -15February2002. Themainpurposeoftheschoolwastocreateaplatformfortheconfrontation ofviewpointsandresearchmethodologiesrepresentedbytwogroupsofexperts actually working in the very same area of theoretical physics. This situation is quite distinct in non-equilibrium statistical physics of open systems, where classicalandquantumaspectsareaddressedseparatelybymeansofverydi?erent andevenincompatibleformaltools. TheschooltopicsselectionbytheLecturersreads:dissipativedynamicsand chaoticbehaviour,modelsofenvironment-systemcouplingandmodelsofth- mostats;non-equilibriumstatisticalmechanicsandfarfromequilibriumphen- ena;quantumopensystems,decoherenceandlinkstoquantumchaos;quantum andclassicalapplicationsofMarkovsemigroupsandthevalidityofMarkovian approximations. Theorganizingprincipleforthewholeendeavourwastheissueofthedyn- ics of open systems and more speci?cally - thedynamics of dissipation. Since this research area is extremely broad and varied, no single book can cover all importantdevelopments. Therefore,linkswithdynamicalchaoswerechosento representasupplementaryconstraint. Theprogrammeoftheschoolandits?naloutcomeintheformofthepresent volumehasbeenshapedwiththehelpofthescienti?ccommitteecomprising:R. Alicki,Ph. Blanchard,J. R. Dorfman,G. Gallavotti,P. Gaspard,I. Guarneri, ? F. Haake, M. Ku's, A. Lasota, B. Zegarlinski ' and K. Zyczkowski. Some of the committeememberstookchargeoflecturingtoo. Weconveyourthankstoall ofthem. Wewouldliketoexpresswordsofgratitudetomembersofthelocalorgan- ingcommittee,W. Ceg laandP. Lugiewicz, fortheirhelp. Specialthanksmust beextendedtoMrsAnnaJadczykforherhelpatvariousstagesoftheschool organizationandthecompetenteditorialassistance. Theschoolwas?nanciallysupportedbytheUniversityofWroc law,Univ- sityofZielonaG' ora,PolishMinistryofEducation,PolishAcademyofSciences, FoundationfortheKarpaczWinterSchoolofTheoreticalPhysicsandthe- nationfromtheDrWilhelmHeinrichHeraeusundElseHeraeusStiftung. Wrocla wandZielonaG' ora,Poland PiotrGarbaczewski June2002 RobertOlkiewicz TableofContents Introduction...1 ChapterI NonequilibriumDynamics SomeRecentAdvancesinClassicalStatisticalMechanics E. G. D. Cohen...7 DeterministicThermostatsandFluctuationRelations L. Rondoni...35 WhatIstheMicroscopicResponseofaSystem DrivenFarFromEquilibrium? C. Jarzynski...63 Non-equilibriumStatisticalMechanics ofClassicalandQuantumSystems D. Kusnezov,E. Lutz,K. Aoki...8 3 ChapterII DynamicsofRelaxationandChaoticBehaviour DynamicalTheoryofRelaxation inClassicalandQuantumSystems P. Gaspard...111 RelaxationandNoiseinChaoticSystems S. Fishman,S. Rahav...165 FractalStructuresinthePhaseSpace ofSimpleChaoticSystemswithTransport J. R. Dorfman...193 ChapterIII DynamicalSemigroups MarkovSemigroupsandTheirApplications R. Rudnicki,K. Pich'or,M. Tyran-Kaminska ' ...215 VIII TableofContents InvitationtoQuantumDynamicalSemigroups R. Alicki...239 FiniteDissipativeQuantumSystems M. Fannes...265 CompletePositivityinDissipativeQuantumDynamics F. Benatti,R. Floreanini,R. Romano...283 QuantumStochasticDynamicalSemigroup W. A. Majewski ...305 ChapterIV Driving,DissipationandControlinQuantumSystems DrivenChaoticMesoscopicSystems, DissipationandDecoherence D. Cohen...317 QuantumStateControlinCavityQED T. WellensandA. Buchleitner...351 SolvingSchrodinger'sEquationforanOpenSystem andItsEnvironment W. T. Strunz...377 ChapterV DynamicsofLargeSystems ThermodynamicBehaviorofLargeDynamicalSystems -Quantum1dConductorandClassicalMultibakerMap- S. Tasaki...395 CoherentandDissipativeTransport inAperiodicSolids:AnOverview J. Bellissard...
This book provides an introduction to the relatively new discipline of arithmetic dynamics. Whereas classical discrete dynamics is the study of iteration of self-maps of the complex plane or real line, arithmetic dynamics is the study of the number-theoretic properties of rational and algebraic points under repeated application of a polynomial or rational function. A principal theme of arithmetic dynamics is that many of the fundamental problems in the theory of Diophantine equations have dynamical analogs.This graduate-level text provides an entry for students into an active field of research and serves as a standard reference for researchers.
Perturbation theory and in particular normal form theory has shown strong growth in recent decades. This book is a drastic revision of the first edition of the averaging book. The updated chapters represent new insights in averaging, in particular its relation with dynamical systems and the theory of normal forms. Also new are survey appendices on invariant manifolds. One of the most striking features of the book is the collection of examples, which range from the very simple to some that are elaborate, realistic, and of considerable practical importance. Most of them are presented in careful detail and are illustrated with illuminating diagrams.
Based on a one-year course taught by the author to graduates at the University of Missouri, this book provides a student-friendly account of some of the standard topics encountered in an introductory course of ordinary differential equations. In a second semester, these ideas can be expanded by introducing more advanced concepts and applications. A central theme in the book is the use of Implicit Function Theorem, while the latter sections of the book introduce the basic ideas of perturbation theory as applications of this Theorem. The book also contains material differing from standard treatments, for example, the Fiber Contraction Principle is used to prove the smoothness of functions that are obtained as fixed points of contractions. The ideas introduced in this section can be extended to infinite dimensions.
The theme of the first Abel Symposium was operator algebras in a wide sense. In the last 40 years operator algebras have developed from a rather special discipline within functional analysis to become a central field in mathematics often described as "non-commutative geometry." It has branched out in several sub-disciplines and made contact with other subjects. The contributions to this volume give a state-of-the-art account of some of these sub-disciplines and the variety of topics reflect to some extent how the subject has developed. This is the first volume in a prestigious new book series linked to the Abel prize.
This book is devoted to applications of complex nonlinear dynamic phenomena to real systems and device applications. In recent decades there has been significant progress in the theory of nonlinear phenomena, but there are comparatively few devices that actually take this rich behavior into account. The text applies and exploits this knowledge to propose devices which operate more efficiently and cheaply, while affording the promise of much better performance.
This work systematically investigates a large number of oscillatory network configurations that are able to describe many real systems such as electric power grids, lasers or even the heart muscle, to name but a few. The book is conceived as an introduction to the field for graduate students in physics and applied mathematics as well as being a compendium for researchers from any field of application interested in quantitative models.
The study of hyperbolic systems is a core theme of modern dynamics. On surfaces the theory of the ?ne scale structure of hyperbolic invariant sets and their measures can be described in a very complete and elegant way, and is the subject of this book, largely self-contained, rigorously and clearly written. It covers the most important aspects of the subject and is based on several scienti?c works of the leading research workers in this ?eld. This book ?lls a gap in the literature of dynamics. We highly recommend it for any Ph.D student interested in this area. The authors are well-known experts in smooth dynamical systems and ergodic theory. Now we give a more detailed description of the contents: Chapter1.TheIntroductionisadescriptionofthemainconceptsinhyp- bolic dynamics that are used throughout the book. These are due to Bowen, Hirsch, Man' "e, Palis, Pugh, Ruelle, Shub, Sinai, Smale and others. Stable and r unstable manifolds are shown to beC foliated. This result is very useful in a number of contexts. The existence of smooth orthogonal charts is also proved. This chapter includes proofs of extensions to hyperbolic di?eomorphisms of some results of Man' "e for Anosov maps. Chapter 2. All the smooth conjugacy classes of a given topological model are classi?ed using Pinto's and Rand's HR structures. The a?ne structures of Ghys and Sullivan on stable and unstable leaves of Anosov di?eomorphisms are generalized.
In this book, the major ideas behind Organic Computing are delineated, together with a sparse sample of computational projects undertaken in this new field. Biological metaphors include evolution, neural networks, gene-regulatory networks, networks of brain modules, hormone system, insect swarms, and ant colonies. Applications are as diverse as system design, optimization, artificial growth, task allocation, clustering, routing, face recognition, and sign language understanding.
This monograph combines the knowledge of both the field of nonlinear dynamics and non-smooth mechanics, presenting a framework for a class of non-smooth mechanical systems using techniques from both fields. The book reviews recent developments, and opens the field to the nonlinear dynamics community. This book addresses researchers and graduate students in engineering and mathematics interested in the modelling, simulation and dynamics of non-smooth systems and nonlinear dynamics.
Complexity science has been a source of new insight in physical and social systems and has demonstrated that unpredictability and surprise are fundamental aspects of the world around us. This book is the outcome of a discussion meeting of leading scholars and critical thinkers with expertise in complex systems sciences and leaders from a variety of organizations, sponsored by the Prigogine Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the Plexus Institute, to explore strategies for understanding uncertainty and surprise. Besides contributions to the conference, it includes a key digest by the editors as well as a commentary by the late nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine, "Surprises in half of a century." The book is intended for researchers and scientists in complexity science, as well as for a broad interdisciplinary audience of both practitioners and scholars. It will well serve those interested in the research issues and in the application of complexity science to physical and social systems.
The ?eld of applied nonlinear dynamics has attracted scientists and engineers across many different disciplines to develop innovative ideas and methods to study c- plex behavior exhibited by relatively simple systems. Examples include: population dynamics, ?uidization processes, applied optics, stochastic resonance, ?ocking and ?ightformations, lasers, andmechanicalandelectricaloscillators. Acommontheme among these and many other examples is the underlying universal laws of nonl- ear science that govern the behavior, in space and time, of a given system. These laws are universal in the sense that they transcend the model-speci?c features of a system and so they can be readily applied to explain and predict the behavior of a wide ranging phenomena, natural and arti?cial ones. Thus the emphasis in the past decades has been in explaining nonlinear phenomena with signi?cantly less att- tion paid to exploiting the rich behavior of nonlinear systems to design and fabricate new devices that can operate more ef?ciently. Recently, there has been a series of meetings on topics such as Experimental Chaos, Neural Coding, and Stochastic Resonance, which have brought together many researchers in the ?eld of nonlinear dynamics to discuss, mainly, theoretical ideas that may have the potential for further implementation. In contrast, the goal of the 2007 ICAND (International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics) was focused more sharply on the implementation of theoretical ideas into actual - vices and system |
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