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Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Organic chemistry > Polymer chemistry
1 W. Hu, D. Frenkel: Polymer Crystallization Driven by Anisotropic Interactions.- 2 T. Yamamoto: Molecular Dynamics Modeling of the Crystal-Melt Interfaces and the Growth of Chain Folded Lamellae.- 3 G. Allegra, S.V. Meille: Pre-Crystalline, High-Entropy Aggregates: A Role in Polymer Crystallisation?- 4 M. Hikosakai, K. Watanabe, K. Okada, S. Yamazaki: Topological Mechanism of Polymer Nucleation and Growth - The Role of Chain Sliding Diffusion and Entanglement.- 5 K. Kaji, K. Nishida, T. Kanaya, G. Matsuba, T. Konishi, M. Imai: Spinodal Crystallzation of Polymers: Crystallization from the Unstable Melt.- 6 M. Muthukumar: Modeling Polymer Crystallization.-
1 H.H. Kausch, G.H. Michler: The Effect of Time on Crazing and Fracture.- 2 L. Monnerie, F. Laupretre, J.-L. Halary: Investigation of Solid-State Transitions in Linear and Crosslinked Amorphous Polymers.- 3 L. Monnerie, J.-L. Halary, H.H. Kausch: Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Amorphous Polymers: Relation to the Secondary Transitions.-
Many naturally occurring biopolymers have unique structures and unique physical or mechanical properties. The understan- ding of the moleclar basisof these biomolecules, their syn- thesis, assembly and processing is a prerequisit for any ap- plication to the design of novel biomolecular materials. Se- veral classes of biopolymers are sampled in depth in this volume, such as nanolaminated ceramics, adhesive proteins, eggshellproteins, protein fibres and silk which are synthe- sized by a variety of organisms (mulluscs, parasitic trema- todes, fish and insects). The reader will be introduced to the biological systems to understand Nature's use of each biopolymer and the highly differentiated cells responsible for their synthesis. Corresponding to the variety of organ- isms and possible applications of biopolymers, the combined expertise of interdisciplinary teams of scientists - such as the authors of this volume - have the greatestopportunity to decipher and exploit Nature's skill in biopolymer engi- neering.
Crystalline or, more properly, semi-crystalline polymers continue to present major challenges and opportunities to scientists and technologists alike. On the one hand, scientific understanding of their structure and properties still lags behind that of other economically important, but less complicated materials. On the other hand, there remains very considerable potential for improving properties in systems designed for specific pur poses. Ways are only just being found of transferring inherent molecular properties (such as high modulus) to the macromolecular solid. Beyond these are many possibilities of manipulating the organization of chemical and physical textures towards desired ends. The chapters in this volume are reports, by wen-known and active researchers, on some of the important recent developments ofthese themes. Grubb begins with the fundamental and central problem of determining polymeric microstructure. Polymers sutTer by comparison with other materials in that it has not generany been possible to exploit the high resolution of the electron microscope to determine their microstructure in adequate detail. However, recently, ways have been found of studying representative lamellar textures in melt-crystallized polymers. When fully exploited these must add greatly to our detailed knowledge and provide a firmer fundamental base for future developments. Radiation damage bears the primary responsibility for restricting electron microscopy. In his chapter, Kener recounts how appreciation of this fact led him into a fascinating study of ever deeper aspects of radiation damage in polyethylene over two decades, often controversiany but invariably clarifying the basic understanding of an area now of increasing commercial importance."
The importance of oil in the world economy cannot be overstated, and methods for recovering oil will be the subject of much scientific and engineering research for many years to come. Even after the application of primary depletion and secondary recovery processes (usually waterflooding), much oil usually remains in a reservoir, and indeed in some heterogeneous reservoir systems as much as 70% of the original oil may remain. Thus, there is an enormous incentive for the development of improved or enhanced methods of oil recovery, aimed at recovering some portion of this remainil)g oil. The techniques used range from 'improved' secondary flooding methods (including polymer and certain gas injection processes) through to 'enhanced' or 'tertiary' methods such as chemical (surfactant, caustic, foam), gas miscible (carbon dioxide, gas reinjection) and thermal (steam soak and drive, in-situ combustion). The distinction between the classification ofthe methods usually refers to the target oil that the process seeks to recover. That is, in 'improved' recovery we are usually aiming to increase the oil sweep efficiency, whereas in 'tertiary' recovery we aim to mobilise and recover residual or capillary trapped oil. There are a few books and collections of articles which give general overviews of improved and enhanced oil recovery methods. However, for each recovery method, there is such a wide range of interconnected issues concerning the chemistry, physics and fluid mechanics of flow in porous media, that rarely are these adequately reviewed."
The free-radical retrograde-precipitation polymerization (FRRPP) process was introduced by the author in the early 1990s as a chain polymerization method, whereby phase separation is occurring while reactive sites are above the lower cr- ical solution temperature (LCST). It was evident that certain regions of the product polymer attain temperatures above the average ?uid temperature, sometimes rea- ing carbonization temperatures. During the early stages of polymerization-induced phase separation, nanoscale polymer domains were also found to be persistent in the reacting system, in apparent contradiction with results of microstructural coarsening from constant-temperature modeling and experimental studies. This mass con?- ment behavior was used for micropatterning, for entrapment of reactive radical sites, and for the formation of block copolymers that can be used as intermediates, surf- tants, coatings, coupling agents, foams, and hydrogels. FRRPP-based materials and its mechanism have also been proposed to be relevant in energy and environmentally responsible applications. This technology lacks intellectual appeal compared to others that have been p- posed to produce polymers of exotic architectures. There are no special chemical mediators needed. Control of conditions and product distribution is done by p- cess means, based on a robust and ?exible free-radical-based chemistry. Thus, it can readily be implemented in the laboratory and in production scale.
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, by Karsten Haupt, Ana V. Linares, Marc Bompart und Bernadette Tse Sum Bui.- Physical Forms of MIPs, byAndrea Biffis, Gita Dvorakova und Aude Falcimaigne-Cordin.- Micro and Nanofabrication of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, by Marc Bompart, Karsten Haupt und Cedric Ayela.- Immuno-Like Assays and Biomimetic Microchips, by M. C. Moreno-Bondi, M. E. Benito-Pena, J. L. Urraca und G. Orellana.- Chemosensors Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, by Subramanian Suriyanarayanan, Piotr J. Cywinski, Artur J. Moro, Gerhard J. Mohr und Wlodzimierz Kutner.- Chromatography, Solid-Phase Extraction, and Capillary Electrochromatography with MIPs, by Blanka Toth und George Horvai.- Microgels and Nanogels with Catalytic Activity, by M. Resmini, K. Flavin und D. Carboni."
Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry: Bridge from Supramolecular Chemistry to Adaptive Chemistry, by Jean-Marie Lehn Multistate and Phase Change Selection in Constitutional Multivalent Systems, by Mihail Barboiu Dynamic Systemic Resolution, by Morakot Sakulsombat, Yan Zhang and Olof Ramstroem Dynamic Combinatorial Self-Replicating Systems, by Emilie Moulin and Nicolas Giuseppone DCC in the Development of Nucleic Acid Targeted and Nucleic Acid Inspired Structures, by Benjamin L. Miller Dynamic Nanoplatforms in Biosensor and Membrane Constitutional Systems, by Eugene Mahon, Teodor Aastrup und Mihail Barboiu Dynamic Assembly of Block-Copolymers, by D. Quemener, A. Deratani und S. Lecommandoux Dynamic Chemistry of Anion Recognition, by Radu Custelcean Supramolecular Naphthalenediimide Nanotubes, by Nandhini Ponnuswamy, Artur R. Stefankiewicz, Jeremy K. M. Sanders und G. Dan Pantos Synthetic Molecular Machines and Polymer/Monomer Size Switches that Operate Through Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Covalent Changes, by Adrian-Mihail Stadler und Juan Ramirez Reversible Covalent Chemistries Compatible with the Principles of Constitutional Dynamic Chemistry: New Reactions to Create More Diversity, by Kamel Meguellati und Sylvain Ladame.
Emphasis is on a broad description of the general methods and processes for the synthesis, modification and characterization of macromolecules. These more fundamental chapters will be supplemented by selected and detailed experiments. In addition to the preparative aspects the book also gives the reader an impression on the relation of chemical constitution and morphology of Polymers to their properties, as well as on their application areas. Thus, an additional textbook will not be needed in order to understand the experiments. The 5th edition contains numerous changes: In recent years, so-called functional polymers which have special electrical, electronic, optical and biological properties, have gained more and more in interest. This textbook was therefore supplemented by recipes which describe the synthesis of these materials in a new chapter "Functional polymers." Together with new experiments in chapter 3,4 and 5 the book now contains more than 120 recipes that describe a wide range of macromolecules. From the reviews of recent editions: "This is an excellent book for all polymer chemists engaged in synthesis research studies and education. It is educationally sound and has excellent laboratory synthetic examples. The fundamentals are well done for the teaching of students and references are resonably up-to-date. As in previous issues, there are sections dealing with an introduction; structure and nomenclature; methods and techniques for synthesis, characterization, processing and modification of polymers. ....The authors have noted the following changes from previous editions- a new section on correlations of structure, morphology and properties; revision and enlargement of other property and characterization procedures; additional new experiments such as controlled radical polymerization; enzymatic polymerizations; microelmulsions; and electrical conducting polymers. This is a high quality textbook at a reasonable price and should be considered as a suitable reference for all engaged in synthetic areas of polymer research." (Eli M. Pearce, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, USA)
Worldwide, extrusion lines successfully process more plastics into prod ucts than other processes by consuming at least 36 wt% of all plastics. They continue to find practical solutions for new products and/ or prob lems to meet new product performances. This book, with its practical industry reviews, is a unique handbook (the first of its kind) that covers over a thousand of the potential combina tions of basic variables or problems with solutions that can occur from up-stream to down-stream equipment. Guidelines are provided for maxi mizing processing efficiency and operating at the lowest possible cost. It has been prepared with an awareness that its usefulness will depend greatly upon its simplicity and provision of essential information. It should be useful to: 0) those already extruding and desiring to obtain additional information for their line and/ or prOVide a means of reviewing other lines that can provide their line with operating improvements; (2) those processing or extruding plastics for the first time; (3) those consider ing going into another extrusion process; (4) those desiring additional information about employing the design of various products more effi ciently, with respect to both performance and cost; (5) those contemplat ing entering the business of extrusion; (6) those in new venture groups, materials development, and/ or market development; (7) those in disci plines such as nonplastics manufacturers, engineers, designers, quality control, financial, and management; and (8) those requiring a textbook on extrusion in trade schools and high schools or colleges.
Today, young cosmetics researchers who have completed their graduate studies and have entered a cosmetics company are put through several years of training before they become qualified to design cosmetics formulations themselves. They are trained so that they can design formulas not by a process of logic but by heart, like craftsmen, chefs, or carpenters. This kind of training seems a terrible waste of labor and time. To address this issue and allow young scientists to design novel cosmetics formulations, effectively bringing greater diversity of innovation to the industry, this book provides a key set of skills and the knowledge necessary for such pursuits. The volume provides the comprehensive knowledge and instruction necessary for researchers to design and create cosmetics products. The book's chapters cover a comprehensive list of topics, which include, among others, the basics of cosmetics, such as the raw materials of cosmetics and their application; practical techniques and technologies for designing and manufacturing cosmetics, as well as theoretical knowledge; emulsification; sensory evaluations of cosmetic ingredients; and how to create products such as soap-based cleansers, shampoos, conditioners, creams, and others. The potential for innovation is great in Japan's cosmetics industry. This book expresses the hope that the high level of dedicated research continues and proliferates, especially among those who are innovators at heart.
Dynamics of Soft Matter: Neutron Applications provides an overview of neutron scattering techniques that measure temporal and spatial correlations simultaneously, at the microscopic and/or mesoscopic scale. These techniques offer answers to new questions arising at the interface of physics, chemistry, and biology. Knowledge of the dynamics at these levels is crucial to understanding the soft matter field, which includes colloids, polymers, membranes, biological macromolecules, foams, emulsions towards biological & biomimetic systems, and phenomena involving wetting, friction, adhesion, or microfluidics. Emphasizing the complementarities of scattering techniques with other spectroscopic ones, this volume also highlights the potential gain in combining techniques such as rheology, NMR, light scattering, dielectric spectroscopy, as well as synchrotron radiation experiments. Key areas covered include polymer science, biological materials, complex fluids and surface science.
This book brings together selected contributions both on the fundamental information on the physics and chemistry of these materials, new physical ideas and decisive experiments. It constitutes both an insightful treatise and a handy reference for specialists and graduate students working in solid state physics and chemistry, material science and related fields.
1. B. Keszler, J.P. Kennedy, Akron, OH, USA Synthesis of High Molecular Weight Poly (Beta-Pinene) 2. Y. Chujo, T. Saegusa, Kyoto, Japan OrganicPolymer Hybrids with Silica Gel by Means of the Sol-Gel Method 3. A. Halperin, Mainz, FRG, M. Tirrell, T.P. Lodge, Minnea- polis, MN, USA Tethered Chains in Polymer Microstructures 4. T.Q. Nguyen, H.-H. Kausch, Lausanne, CH Mechanochemical Degradation in Transient Elongational Flow 5. P. Corradini, G. Guerra, Naples, Italy Polymorphism in Polymers 6. K.A. Armitstead, G. Goldbeck-Wood, A. Keller, Bristol, UK Review of Polymer Crystallization Theories 7. M. Fischer, Fribourg, CH Properties and Failure of Polymers with Tailored Distances between Crosslinks 8. M. Stamm, Mainz, FRG Polymer Interfaces on a Molecular Scale: Comparison of Techniques and Some Examples
This second edition has been designed to monitor the progress in develop ment over the past few years and to build on the information given in the first edition. It has been extensively revised and updated. My thanks go to all who have contributed to this work. D.F.W. May 1996 Preface to the first edition This book is the result of a group of development scientists feeling that there was an urgent need for a reference work that would assist chemists in understanding the science involved in the development of new products. The approach is to inform in a way that allows and encourages the reader to develop his or her own creativity in working with marketing colleagues on the introduction of new products. Organised on a product category basis, emphasis is placed on formulation, selection of raw materials, and the technology of producing the products discussed. Performance considerations, safety, product liability and all aspects of quality are covered. Regulations governing the production and sale of cosmetic products internationally are described, and sources for updated information provided. Throughout the book, reference is made to consumer pressure and environmental issues-concerns which the development scientist and his or her marketing counterpart ignore at their own, and their employer's peril. In recent years, many cosmetic fragrances and toiletry products have been converted from aerosols to mechanically press uri sed products or sprays, and these are described along with foam products such as hair conditioning mousses."
This second edition of a well-received volume has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the most recent developments. Coverage now includes additional polymers such as polyindole and polyazines, composites of polymers with carbon nanotubes, metals, and metal oxides, as well as bending-beam techniques for characterization. Again, the author provides a systematic survey of the knowledge accumulated in this field in the last thirty years. This includes thermodynamic aspects, the theory of the mechanism of charge transport processes, the chemical and physical properties of these compounds, the techniques of characterization, the chemical and electrochemical methods of synthesis as well as the application of these systems. The book contains a compilation of the polymers prepared so far and covers the relevant literature with almost 2000 references. From reviews of the previous edition 'a comprehensive reference guide for those interested in this field' (Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry)
Diffusion Barrier Stack - 5 nm -3 nm -2 nm :. . . -. . . . : . . O. 21-lm Figure 2: Schematic representing a cross-sectional view of the topography that is encountered in the processing of integrated circuits. (Not to scale) these sub-micron sized features is depicted in Fig. 2. The role of the diffusion barrier is to prevent the diffusion of metallic ions into the interlayer dielectric (lLD). Depending on the technology, in particular the choice of the ILD and the metal interconnect, the diffusion barrier may be Ti, Ta, TiN, TaN, or a multi-layered structure of these materials. The adhesion of the barrier to the dielectric, the conformality of the barrier to the feature, the physical structure of the film, and the chemical composition of the film are key issues that are determined in part by the nature of the deposition process. Likewise, after the growth of the barrier, a conducting layer (the seed layer) is needed for subsequent filling of the trench by electrochemical deposition. Again, the growth process must be able to deposit a film that is continuous along the topography of the sub-micron sized features. Other factors of concern are the purity and the texture of the seed layer, as both of these factors influence the final resistivity of the metallic interconnect. Sputter-deposited coatings are also commonly employed for their electro-optical properties. For example, an electrochromic glazing is used to control the flux of light that is transmitted through a glazed material.
In his thesis, Matthias Junk takes an innovative approach to assess the local structure and dynamics of biological and synthetic amphiphilic macromolecules capable of transporting small molecules. Replacing the latter with stable radicals, he uses state-of-the-art electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to describe the highly relevant transport function from the viewpoint of the guest molecules. Such, he demonstrates that the functional structure of human serum albumin in solution significantly differs from its crystal structure - a consequence of the protein's adaptability to host various endogenous compounds and drug molecules. Further, he shows that the thermal collapse of thermoresponsive hydrogels and dendronized polymers leads to static and dynamic heterogeneities on the nanoscale. These heterogeneities bear consequences for the material's hosting properties and enable unforeseen complex catalytic functionalities.
After an introductory chapter, the processing, microstructure, and properties of various ceramic materials, reinforcements, and their composites are described. A separate chapter is devoted to processing of ceramic reinforcements, with a special emphasis on fibers. Processing of ceramic matrix composites is the next chapter, which includes novel techniques such as sol-gel processing and ceramics from polymeric precursors. The next four chapters cover the subjects of interface region in ceramic composites, mechanical and physical properties, and the role of thermal stresses and the important subject of toughness enhancement. Laminated composites made of ceramics are described in a separate chapter. Finally, a chapter is devoted to various applications of ceramic matrix composites. Throughout the text, the underlying relationships between the components of the triad: processing, microstructure, and properties are brought out. An exhaustive list of references and suggested reading is provided.
Salen Metal Complexes as Catalysts for the Synthesis of Polycarbonates from Cyclic Ethers and Carbon Dioxide, by Donald J. Darensbourg.- Material Properties of Poly(Propylene Carbonates), by Gerrit. A. Luinstra and Endres Borchardt.- Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) from Carbon Monoxide, by Robert Reichardt and Bernhard Rieger. - Ecoflex(r) and Ecovio(r): Biodegradable, Performance-Enabling Plastics, by K. O. Siegenthaler, A. Kunkel, G. Skupin and M. Yamamoto.- Biodegradability of Poly(Vinyl Acetate) and Related Polymers, by Manfred Amann and Oliver Minge.- Recent Developments in Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones, by P. Lecomte and C. Jerome.- Recent Developments in Metal-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactides and Glycolides: Preparation of Polylactides, Polyglycolide, and Poly(lactide-co-glycolide), by Saikat Dutta, Wen-Chou Hung, Bor-Hunn Huang and Chu-Chieh Lin.- Bionolle (Polybutylenesuccinate), by Yasushi Ichikawa, Tatsuya Mizukoshi.- Polyurethanes from Renewable Resources, by David A. Babb.-" |
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