Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Sales & marketing > Sales & marketing management
Neukundengewinnung ist eine der anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben im
Vertrieb - und deshalb ein rotes Tuch fur viele Verkaufer. Doch mit
Systematik, Disziplin, Mut zum Risiko und den richtigen Zielen, so
Wolf W. Lasko und Peter Busch, lasst sich diese Herausforderung
Schritt fur Schritt meistern. Neu in der 3., uberarbeiteten
Auflage: Wie man Entscheiderstrukturen und interne Verbindungen im
Kundenunternehmen identifiziert, die "Hidden Agenda" erkennt und
dieses Wissen zu seinem Vorteil nutzt.
Alexander Verweyen und Gregor Eckert, beide renommierte
Vertriebs-Consultants, zeigen in ihrem Buch, welche speziellen
Erwartungen anspruchsvolle und finanzstarke Kunden haben, welche
Werte fur sie am wichtigsten sind und welche besonderen
Herausforderungen sich daraus fur Sie als Verkaufer und Ihre
Produktpositionierung ergeben.
"Customer Care Management" liefert eine Ubersicht uber die
zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren modernen Kundenmanagements in Deutschland
und in den USA.
Nicht selten liefert nur ein kleiner Anteil von Kunden den grossten
Beitrag zum Cashflow eines Unternehmens. Hier verborgene
Wertpotenziale werden jedoch von den wenigsten Unternehmen
strategisch und operativ genutzt. Die Autoren beschreiben in ihrem
Buch Wege und Instrumente, wie Strategisches Account Management mit
der CRM-Methodologie verbunden werden kann.
B2B marketing is functioning in an increasingly fast-paced and
complex business landscape, with a wealth of new technologies,
tools and channels, and where customers are more in control of the
buying process than ever before. With the imperative to become
'digital', B2B marketers have become consumed by the marketing
activity itself - the tactics - instead of the outcomes marketers
want and need to achieve for customers and businesses. B2B
Marketing Strategy provides fresh insight into the challenges
marketers are facing in such an environment and offers a new
framework for developing B2B marketing strategy and plans. Written
by an internationally recognised and award winning senior marketing
strategist, B2B Marketing Strategy is a thought-provoking and
comprehensive exploration of the state of B2B marketing. Expertly
examined, this book will challenge the perspective of B2B marketers
by confronting and refuting the many fallacies that currently
dominate the industry. Filled with real-world case studies and
practical, actionable insights, B2B Marketing Strategy takes the
reader through three phases of thinking, doing and being different
in order to make B2B marketing memorable in the hearts and minds of
customers, creating lasting customer engagement.
Wer seine Wettbewerbsposition sichern will, muss Kundenbeziehungen
aktiv gestalten und Kaufprozesse grundlegend analysieren. Hierfur
bietet dieses Buch praxiserprobte Instrumente und Strategien.
Dieses Buch liefert die geeigneten Grundlagen und Werkzeuge, um
Kostenreduktionspotenziale innerhalb der CRM-Wertkette zu
identifizieren und gezielt umzusetzen.
Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis beschreiben die zielfuhrenden
Strategien und zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren fur den Aufbau und Betrieb
von Customer Care Centern. Ausgewahlte Beispiele aus Industrie- und
Dienstleistungsunternehmen illustrieren, wie die Strategien in der
Praxis funktionieren.
Attract the very best talent with a compelling employer brand!
Employer Branding For Dummies is the clear, no-nonsense guide to
attracting and retaining top talent. Written by two of the most
recognized leaders in employer brand, Richard Mosley and Lars
Schmidt, this book gives you actionable advice and expert insight
you need to build, scale, and measure a compelling brand. You'll
learn how to research what makes your company stand out, the best
ways to reach the people you need, and how to convince those people
that your company is the ideal place to exercise and develop their
skills. The book includes ways to identify the specific traits of
your company that aligns with specific talent, and how to translate
those traits into employer brand tactic that help you draw the
right talent, while repelling the wrong ones. You'll learn how to
build and maintain your own distinctive, credible employer brand;
and develop a set of relevant, informative success metrics to help
you measure ROI. This book shows you how to discover and develop
your employer brand to draw the quality talent you need. * Perfect
your recruitment marketing * Develop a compelling employer value
proposition (EVP) * Demonstrate your employer brand ROI Face it:
the very best employees are the ones with the most options. Why
should they choose your company? A strong employer brand makes the
decision a no-brainer. It's good for engagement, good for
retention, and good for the bottom line. Employer Branding For
Dummies helps you hone in on your unique, compelling brand, and get
the people you need today.
Festivals across the world represent the joy, recreation, and
traditions of their different societies and cultures. There is a
plethora of reasons to commemorate and organize such events. Every
festival has its own distinct personality, charms, appeal, and
experiences that are closely linked to culture, customs, issues,
core values, and more. All of these factors combine to create a
one-of-a-kind selling offer for specific destinations. Festival
attractions can serve to popularize and strengthen the tourist
economy, as well as to promote employment, entrepreneurship, and
tourism destination branding for the location. Managing Festivals
for Destination Marketing and Branding addresses the most current
and promising parts of tourism-centric festivals, which are held in
numerous tourist areas throughout the world. It links tourism
festivals around the world as a catalyst for destination marketing
and identity. Covering topics such as destination brand equity,
social media networks, and motivations and expectations of
tourists, this premier reference work is a dynamic resource for
business executives and leaders, brand managers, event managers,
festival managers, government officials, students and educators of
higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.
* The ideal introductory guide to Microsoft's much anticipated entry into the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software marketplace * Discusses the key features of Microsoft's CRM software, including tools to help businesses sell more effectively, manage all customer communications in one place, track and convert leads, make informed decisions faster, and provide consistent service * Provides expert tips and tricks to make the software work more effectively * Explains how to achieve increased customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and more profitable customer relationships * Author is considered one of a handful of global experts on CRM for small- and medium-sized businesses
Practical, easy-to-follow ABC guidelines for small and mid-sized businesses Incorporating activity-based costing (ABC) concepts into your business without relying on the usual complex ABC jargon can be a daunting task–even for the most experienced accountant. In Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies, professional accountant Douglas Hicks shows you how to sharpen your competitive edge while bringing you the "total package" of cost information–not just the computational elements. Using an approach developed while solving problems for small and mid-sized companies, Hicks has created a reader-friendly, comprehensive narrative covering every aspect of the ABC industry, including step-by-step instructions for building a cost accumulation and distribution model for any size business. With examples taken from Fortune 1000 companies, readers will find a wealth of information on ABC features, including: - The logic behind ABC and its cost flow-down steps
- How to get the maximum benefits from ABC for your small or mid-sized business
- Case studies on emerging cost flow-down structures
- The most appropriate ways to change to multiple costing rates and bases
- Using ABC to perform "what if" analyses
- The danger of measuring costs using generally accepted accounting principles
- Applying decision costing and long-term contracts to your business
If your company is looking to dramatically improve its current cost information systems, this book is a must-read. You can have that crucial competitive edge. Activity-Based Costing: Making It Work for Small and Mid-Sized Companies will show you how.
Quantitative marketing is not an easy subject to grasp. Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management introduces a kinder, gentler approach to the various quantitative concepts and techniques in marketing management. This exciting new book examines techniques drawn from other management disciplines (e.g. financial management and operations management) and shows how these techniques can be applied to marketing management. To aid comprehension, a number of problems and case studies are included at the end of each chapter. The text is divided into three parts: - statistics, demand analysis and forecasting;
- financial analysis, operations and control systems; and
- future trends
Quantitative Analysis in Marketing Management is suitable for undergraduate and MBA students enrolled in marketing management, market analysis and forecasting, strategic marketing, marketing research courses, together with MSc marketing courses.
This advanced dictionary of marketing focuses on leading-edge
terminology for use by individuals who are serious about the theory
and practice of marketing: researchers, directors, managers, and
anyone studying marketing for a professional and/or academic
qualification. Covering 1,098 terms, the dictionary includes over
500 major entries. All terms are extensively cross-referenced and
thematic indices allow the reader to locate terms by their
applications and by keywords. All major and emerging marketing
approaches, from ambient marketing and fusion marketing, to tribal
marketing and word-of-mouth marketing, are included, as are
hundreds of other advanced concepts such as brand community,
disintermediation, dynamic capabilities, and share of voice.
Further, entries spanning 132 theories and 45 marketing-related
laws and principles are presented, making this dictionary more
theoretically complete than any other marketing dictionary
available. Finally, an extensive collection of 107 marketing
effects, such as the loyalty ripple effect and mere exposure effect
are also included, where, in all cases, their marketing
implications and applications are presented fully. Each term
covered in this advanced dictionary includes six elements:
Description - how the term is defined Key insights - important
insights provided by an understanding of the term Keywords - words
to further understand the nature of the term Implications - what
knowledge of the term means to marketers Application areas and
further readings - areas where the term's knowledge is being put to
use Bibliography - articles and books referenced Example entries
include: Agency Theory, Audience Effect, Blog Marketing, Boomerang
Effect, Confirmation Bias, Country of Origin Effect, Customer
Equity, Disruptive Technology, Double Jeopardy Effect, Eclectic
Paradigm, E-marketing, First Law of Marketing, Foot-in-the Door
Technique, Free Rider Effect, Game Theory, Glocal Marketing, Green
Marketing, Halo Effect, Honeymoon Effect, Law of Comparative
Advantage, Leapfrogging, Market Entry Timing, Megamarketing,
Metcalfe's Law, Moore's Law, Network Effect, Not Invented Here
Syndrome, Odd Price Effect, Permission Marketing, Psychic Distance,
Recency Principle, Retro-Marketing, Rule of Ten Percent, Sagacity
Segmentation, Salutary Products, Snob Effect, Social Marketing,
Stealth Marketing, Substitute Awareness Effect, Sunk Cost Fallacy,
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Value-Based Marketing, Viral
Marketing, Winner's Curse.
This advanced dictionary of marketing focuses on leading-edge
terminology for use by individuals who are serious about the theory
and practice of marketing: researchers, directors, managers, and
anyone studying marketing for a professional and/or academic
qualification. Covering 1,098 terms, the dictionary includes over
500 major entries. All terms are extensively cross-referenced and
thematic indices allow the reader to locate terms by their
applications and by keywords. All major and emerging marketing
approaches, from ambient marketing and fusion marketing, to tribal
marketing and word-of-mouth marketing, are included, as are
hundreds of other advanced concepts such as brand community,
disintermediation, dynamic capabilities, and share of voice.
Further, entries spanning 132 theories and 45 marketing-related
laws and principles are presented, making this dictionary more
theoretically complete than any other marketing dictionary
available. Finally, an extensive collection of 107 marketing
effects, such as the loyalty ripple effect and mere exposure effect
are also included, where, in all cases, their marketing
implications and applications are presented fully. Each term
covered in this advanced dictionary includes six elements:
Description - how the term is defined Key insights - important
insights provided by an understanding of the term Keywords - words
to further understand the nature of the term Implications - what
knowledge of the term means to marketers Application areas and
further readings - areas where the term's knowledge is being put to
use Bibliography - articles and books referenced Example entries
include: Agency Theory, Audience Effect, Blog Marketing, Boomerang
Effect, Confirmation Bias, Country of Origin Effect, Customer
Equity, Disruptive Technology, Double Jeopardy Effect, Eclectic
Paradigm, E-marketing, First Law of Marketing, Foot-in-the Door
Technique, Free Rider Effect, Game Theory, Glocal Marketing, Green
Marketing, Halo Effect, Honeymoon Effect, Law of Comparative
Advantage, Leapfrogging, Market Entry Timing, Megamarketing,
Metcalfe's Law, Moore's Law, Network Effect, Not Invented Here
Syndrome, Odd Price Effect, Permission Marketing, Psychic Distance,
Recency Principle, Retro-Marketing, Rule of Ten Percent, Sagacity
Segmentation, Salutary Products, Snob Effect, Social Marketing,
Stealth Marketing, Substitute Awareness Effect, Sunk Cost Fallacy,
Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Value-Based Marketing, Viral
Marketing, Winner's Curse.
Drayton Bird's Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing needs no
introduction to marketers and direct marketers. It is not only seen
as the authority on direct marketing execution, but is also widely
appreciated for its engaging, no-nonsense style. The latest edition
takes the book into new territory - the field of digital marketing.
It gives the marketer the tools, techniques and structure needed to
produce effective and profitable marketing across the direct
marketing spectrum -from simple letter to focused web-based
campaigns. For anyone involved in direct marketing, from junior
marketer to senior manager, this book provides not just the
structure for success but also an energising insight into the
techniques behind some of the world's most successful direct
marketing campaigns.