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Books > Business & Economics > Finance & accounting > Finance > Public finance > Taxation
Das Verhaltnis zwischen dem Anlegerschutz und Kapitalschutz betrifft den aktienrechtlichen Kapitalerhaltungsgrundsatz und die kapitalmarktrechtliche Emittentenhaftung aufgrund einer Informationspflichtverletzung. Dem Anlegerschutz kommt sowohl im turkischen als auch im deutschen Rechtssystem ein besonderer Stellenwert zu, wobei die Entschadigung der getauschten Anleger durch die Gesellschaft zu einer moeglichen Kollision mit den Kapitalschutzschranken fuhren kann. Diese Arbeit versucht die Zweifelsfragen unter Betrachtung des turkischen und deutschen Rechts zu klaren, ob und inwieweit dem Anlegerschutz ein Vorrang vor dem Kapitalschutz eingeraumt werden soll, und ob die Problemloesung den europaischen Vorschriften entgegenstehen wurde.
This book provides insight into the generation of local money for public education in the United States.
Der Verfasser hinterfragt die verbreitete Annahme, Handelsstreitigkeiten wurden in der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) im gerichtlichen Verfahren beigelegt, und bietet eine Untersuchung aus Anwaltssicht. Am Beispiel des Handelsstreits Kodak-Fujifilm klart er Strukturelemente, Abschnitte und Funktionen der Verhandlung und ordnet Handlungs- und Ermessensspielraume der Parteien rechtlichen Verhaltens- und Bewertungsmassstaben der WTO zu. Hierbei verwirft er den Gegensatz von Macht und Rechtsnorm. Zudem gibt er Anregungen fur eine objektivierte Verhandlung und den Ausgleich von kooperativer und konfrontativer Streitbeilegung in der WTO. Das Modell bietet insbesondere Rechtsberatern wertvolle Einsichten in die streitbeilegende Verhandlung.
When thirteen machine shop workers from Ohio won a $295.7 million lotto jackpot, the largest ever, it made headlines. But the real story is that the lottery is a losing proposition for the vast majority who play it. Hitting the Lottery Jackpot provides the hard truth to the questions everybody asks: What are my chances of winning? Doesn't the money go to education? Isn't it harmless? This concise book explains who really profits from lotteries-advertising agencies, TV stations, and ticket vendors-and that shows only about half the money wagered is returned as prizes, the rest pocketed by state governments. Hitting the Lottery Jackpot also demonstrates who loses: lower-income groups and people of color, who spend a much higher percentage of their income on lotteries than others. David Nibert connects the rise of lotteries, illegal in every state before the 1960s, to the economic stagnation beginning in the 1970s, when budgetary crises prompted legislatures to seek new revenues. Difficult economic times produced uncertainty and anxiety for the working class, leading many poor and middle-income people, yearning for security, to throw away huge sums on lotteries they stand almost no chance of winning. Finally, Nibert explores the ideological dimensions of the lottery-the get-rich-quick individualism that they promote among the very groups who would be better served by political action and solidarity. Hitting the Lottery Jackpot is a powerful case for seeing lotteries as a pernicious government tax on the poor, seductively disguised as fun.
This book examines the role of tax policy in the incidence of socio-economic inequality. With a focus on Latin American, the author demonstrates that while inequality has decreased remarkably in the last decade - during the very period in which inequality was increasing almost everywhere else in the world - this reduction cannot be attributed to a better use of tax policy. Offering both quantitative and qualitative reviews of tax policies pursued by Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru over the last two decades, Reducing Inequality in Latin America contends that these countries continue to make insufficient use taxation measures in combating startlingly high levels of inequality. Drawing on legal texts, interviews with researchers and experts in the field, and official monetary statistics to obtain a complete picture of how discretionary tax policy has been pursued in the region, this volume engages with a range of recent economic theories to argue for the importance of using the tax system to reduce inequalities, whilst also offering new methods for measuring tax policy in subsequent research. As such, it will appeal both to scholars of social science and policy makers with interests in economics, social inequality, public policy and international political economy.
This book focuses on corporate sector development in the context of transition economies, such as China. In doing so, the book uses quantitative methods to test several hypotheses that are salient to the Chinese economic situation. Topics covered in the book include the relationship between tax management and firm performance, the extent to which a short-term focus on tax management can lead to long-term vulnerabilities, the impact of government ownership on tax management impact, and the link between the co-evolution of marketization and corruption, and institutional change and tax management. With that the book offers rich empirical evidence to examine tax management, firm performance and corruption in a broad context, while permitting comparison between the Chinese experience and the market economies.
This book analyses the reform of Greece's public revenue administration promoted by its international lenders under the successive bailout agreements put in place since 2010. In particular, it shows how an integral part of the finance ministry was converted into an independent agency operating largely outside the direct control of the finance minister. The authors focus on the implementation of this major reform and demonstrate the impact of domestic decisions on the increasing specificity of the international lenders' demands and the concomitant lack of confidence in the Greek political elite's commitment to the reform package. This book helps readers understand the response to the eurozone crisis (especially, the conditionality of funding), Greece's reform capacity with a focus on its tax administration, and the expansion of the scope of non-majoritarian institutions in Western democracies.
This book provides a concise and pragmatic introduction to transfer pricing. Approaching the subject from an economic and business perspective, it familiarizes the reader with the basic concepts without getting sidetracked by tax law. In turn, the book draws on case studies to demonstrate the identification and application of appropriate transfer pricing methods for the most common intercompany transactions. The intuitive step-by-step guidance, together with integrated Excel-based tools, will equip the reader to ensure compliance with the arm's length principle and thus to minimize tax risk. Based on the post-BEPS OECD Guidelines, the book's content is applicable to a global context.
This proceedings volume contains research trends, issues and developments in global economics and management with particular focus on the digital postindustrial economy-Economy 4.0. Featuring papers presented at the Economic and Management session of the 2018 Prospects of Fundamental Science Development International Conference (PFSD 2018) held in Tomsk, Russia, this book presents new models, methods, analyses, and approaches to different sectors of economics and management such as tax policy, labor economics, econometrics, municipal management systems, and international finance, among others. The papers are related to three main topics: Theoretical approaches to the development of Economy 4.0, the construction of a postindustrial society, and their impact on the labor market, finance, public and social values. Innovative methods and models are mentioned as well. The creation and implementation of cryptocurrencies and block chain technology. Comparative analysis of regional and institutional economics in different countries such as Russia, China, the United States and the EU, among others. Regulation, supervision, accounting and economic security measures are also explored. Featuring industry-specific case studies in sectors such as oil and gas, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, IT and ecology, this book is a useful reference for academics, students, practitioners, and scholars in economics.
Most African countries are in dire need of more tax revenue. In 28 out of 45 countries with a value-added tax (VAT), total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP is around 15% or less, falling short of what is necessary to finance basic human and economic development. Far from being revenue-raising instruments, current African VATs are riddled with exemptions, exclusions, and zero rates on domestic goods and services that depress revenue, are highly distortionary, and greatly complicate the administration of VAT. Modernizing VATs in Africa enables policymakers, professionals, and students to analyse African tax systems to ascertain how they can be modernized. It explains the case for VAT base-broadening over rate-increasing, arguing that exemptions and zero rates mainly accrue benefits for higher-income groups. Even more persuasively, it demonstrates that the net result of fiscal systems can be equalizing if the revenue of broad-based VATs is used to finance in-kind transfers, such as healthcare and education. VAT modernization should be used to enable governments to finance development; Modernizing VATs in Africa puts a compelling case forward for how and why this can be achieved.
Die Aktionarsstruktur deutscher boersennotierter Gesellschaften andert sich drastisch. Weltweit nimmt der Shareholder Activism zu. Die Europaische Union hat den Wert einer aktiven Eigentumerschaft erkannt. Die Aktionarsrechterichtlinie setzte der deutsche Staat mit dem ARUG II um. Die Publikation untersucht, ob Dialoge zwischen Investoren und dem Aufsichtsrat rechtlich zulassig sind. Es findet ein Rechtstransfer der angelsachsischen Regelungen vom UKCGC auf den DCGK statt. Der Autor schlagt erganzende Formulierungen fur die Anregung A.3 DCGK vor und entwirft eine Kommunikationsordnung. Wichtig ist nicht nur, ob Investorendialoge rechtlich erlaubt sind, sondern auch, wie sie real durchzufuhren sind. Dabei ist insbesondere die Frage relevant, wie die Arbeitnehmerseite einzubeziehen ist.
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. It is offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. This book undertakes a fundamental review of the existing international system of taxing business profit. It steps back from the current political debates on how to combat profit shifting and how taxing rights over the profits of the digitalized economy should be allocated. Instead, it starts from first principles to ask how we should evaluate a tax on business profit-and whether there is any good rationale for such a tax in the first place. It then goes on to evaluate the existing system and a number of alternatives that have been proposed. It argues that the existing system is fundamentally flawed, and that there is a need for radical reform. The key conclusion from the analysis is that there would be significant gains from a reform that moved the system towards taxing profit in the country in which a business made its sales to third parties. That conclusion informs two proposals that are put forward in detail and evaluated: the Residual Profit Allocation by Income (RPAI) and the Destination-based Cash Flow Tax (DBCFT). The book is authored by group of economists and lawyers-the Oxford International Tax Group, chaired by Michael P. Devereux. It draws insights from both economics and law-including economic theory, empirical evidence on the impact of taxes, and an examination of practical issues of implementation-to assess the existing system and to consider fundamental reforms. This book will be useful to tax policy makers, tax professionals, academics, and anyone interested in tax policy.
Die Publikation zeigt, welchen Einfluss der technische Fortschritt auf die Verteilung der Loehne unter Berucksichtigung der Tarifbindung hat. Es findet eine Analyse der Lohnungleichheit in Deutschland statt. Methodisch wird auf Fixed-Effects-Modelle zuruckgegriffen. Generell zeigt die empirische Analyse, dass sowohl der technische Fortschritt als auch die Tarifbindung die Verteilung der Loehne beeinflussen. Da der technische Fortschritt die Loehne von Hochqualifizierten erhoeht, aber nur einen kleinen Einfluss auf die Lohnhoehe von Mittel- und Geringqualifizierten hat, erhoeht dieser die Lohnungleichheit. Im Gegensatz dazu fuhrt der starke positive Effekt der Tarifbindung auf die Lohnhoehe von Mittelqualifizierten dazu, dass sich die Lohnungleichheit reduziert.
An important feature of this book is its analysis of various contemporary issues in applied economics, distinguished by advanced theoretical research and empirical analysis focusing on Japan and Korea. The book consists of four parts, the first of which investigates economic growth and welfare, using tools of applied analysis. In Part II, it examines inequality, redistribution, and intergenerational transfers, mainly on an empirical basis. In turn, Part III explores public policy and political economics, while Part IV addresses resource and environmental economics on the basis of data from Japan and Korea. In addition to offering valuable insights, this collection of papers commemorates the 10th anniversary of academic exchange between the Japan Association for Applied Economics (JAAE) and the Korean Association for Applied Economics (KAAE).
Dieses Werk befasst sich mit 87 Abs. 2 AktG, einer Vorschrift, die in ihrer jetzigen Form im Zuge der Finanzkrise durch das so genannte VorstAG eingefuhrt wurde und in der Literatur zum Teil auf erhebliche Ablehnung gestossen ist. Sie steht im Kontext des Prozesses zunehmender Verrechtlichung des Bereichs der aktienrechtlichen Vorstandsvergutung. Der Autor zeigt auf, inwieweit die Vorschrift in einem Spannungsverhaltnis zur allgemeinen Zivilrechtsdogmatik steht und entwickelt daraus ein eigenes, restriktives Normverstandnis. Er bettet seine Ausfuhrungen und Ansatze dabei in eine ausfuhrliche Darstellung aktienrechtlicher Grundlagen ein.
In der Insolvenz u ber das Vermoegen einer KG gehoert die haftungsrechtliche Inanspruchnahme der Kommanditisten fu r den verwaltungs- und verfu gungsbefugten Insolvenzverwalter zu dessen Pflichtprogramm. Eine Analyse der diesbezu glichen Rechtsprechung und Literaturpublikationen der jungeren Vergangenheit offenbaren indes, dass dieses Pflichtprogramm eine Vielzahl von rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten in sich birgt. Der Autor eruiert dabei die wesentlichen Streitfragen und setzt sich mit Ihnen im Wege einer wissenschaftlichen Diskussion auseinander. Immer wieder treten dabei die zu erwartenden Folgen fur die Praxis in den Vordergrund der Diskussion. Berucksichtigt wird darin nicht nur die idealtypische KG, sondern auch die als KG ausgestalteten Publikumsgesellschaften sowie die GmbH & Co. KG.
Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass Familienunternehmen fur die Gesellschaft oekonomisch vorteilhaft sind. Ob dieser Unternehmenstyp auch einen sozialen Nutzen bringt, konnte bisher nicht hinreichend beantwortet werden. Aus diesem Grund beschaftigt sich die Publikation mit dem Wirkungsgrad zwischen Familienunternehmen und dem Sozialkapital in deutschen Landkreisen und kreisfreien Stadten. Hierzu werden die Daten zu Familienunternehmen mit unterschiedlichen Sozialkapital-Indikatoren analysiert. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Familienunternehmensdichte und dem Sozialkapital in einer Region hin.
For women and other marginalized groups, the reality is that the laws regulating estates and trusts may not be treating them fairly. By using popular feminist legal theories as well as their own definitions of feminism, the authors of this volume present rewritten opinions from well-known estates and trust cases. Covering eleven important cases, this collection reflects the diversity in society and explores the need for greater diversity in the law. By re-examining these cases, the contributors are able to demonstrate how women's property rights, as well as the rights of other marginalized groups, have been limited by the law.
For women and other marginalized groups, the reality is that the laws regulating estates and trusts may not be treating them fairly. By using popular feminist legal theories as well as their own definitions of feminism, the authors of this volume present rewritten opinions from well-known estates and trust cases. Covering eleven important cases, this collection reflects the diversity in society and explores the need for greater diversity in the law. By re-examining these cases, the contributors are able to demonstrate how women's property rights, as well as the rights of other marginalized groups, have been limited by the law.
Prufzeiten gemass Anhang 3 des EBM sind mangels wissenschaftlicher Evaluation fur Plausibilitatsverfahren nicht verwertbar und im Rahmen von Honorarruckforderungen der Kassenarztlichen Vereinigungen rechtlich nicht nutzbar. AErzte, die mit entsprechenden Ruckforderungsbescheiden konfrontiert werden, haben gegen diese Bescheide unmittelbare Abwehranspruche aus Art. 12 Abs. 1, 14 Abs. 1 und 2 Abs. 1 GG. Dabei ist es rechtlich unerheblich, ob und in welchem Umfang einzelne AErzte gegen Prufzeiten aus Anhang 3 des EBM verstossen haben.
This book addresses the optimization of taxation systems, a topic currently being explored by scholars all over the world. It puts forward a critical opinion on the problem and offers an original approach to solving it - through informatization. The target audience of the book includes not only scholars and experts who professionally deal with taxation optimization issues, but also representatives of public authorities, and the general public. The book offers sound and practical solutions for the informatization-based optimization of taxation systems, and its conclusions and recommendations could be used in the management of tax systems for modern economic systems and in taxation optimization for specific economic subjects - individuals and organizations alike - , ensuring a broad range of practical applications.
Reorganisieren Sie Ihre Kanzlei! UEberraschende Impulse aus dem Luftfahrtmanagement helfen Steuerberatern an und uber der Leistungsgrenze, ihre Kanzlei so umzubauen, dass sie in ihrer Berufung wieder aufleben. Auf Basis eigener Erfahrungen erlautern die Autoren am Vorbild der Luftfahrt praxiserprobte Loesungen fur Fehlervermeidung und die Bewaltigung von Personalmangel, UEberlastung, Arbeitsstau, Datenflut, Digitalisierung und der standig wachsenden Komplexitat der Beratungsfalle. Sie geben konkrete Hilfen fur die optimale Personalauswahl und -fuhrung, Prozessorganisation und Mandantenakquise. Inhaber und Team koennen so die Leistungsstarke der Kanzlei deutlich steigern, zugleich zeitliche und mentale Ressourcen heben: Die Kanzlei bietet wieder Freiheit und Erfullung. Machen Sie Ihre Beratung nachhaltig fit fur die Zukunft!
Mit zwei Urteilen vom 04. Juli 2017 erklarte der Bundesgerichtshof eine zwischen Kreditinstituten und Unternehmen vereinbarte Vertragsklausel uber ein "Bearbeitungsentgelt fur Vertragsschluss" fur unwirksam. Aufgrund der verbreiteten Verwendung solcher Klauseln in der Unternehmensfinanzierung und deren langjahriger Billigung durch die Rechtsprechung hat diese Entscheidung weitreichende Konsequenzen. Vor diesem Hintergrund zeigt der Autor, dass weiterhin ein praktisches Bedurfnis fur die rechtssichere Vereinbarung von Bankentgelten besteht. Am Beispiel von Entgeltklauseln stellt er dar, dass die AGB-Kontrolle im unternehmerischen Geschaftsverkehr auf flexible Gestaltungen und einen differenzierten Auslegungsmassstab angewiesen ist.
The Telegraph Tax Guide is the UK's bestselling tax handbook, containing everything you need to know about completing a self-assessment tax return for the 2021/22 financial year. With advice on how to complete self-assessment tax returns and a number of tax saving tips, this indispensable book includes: - Key changes from the Budget and Treasury Statements - Dealing effectively with HR Revenue and Customs - Worked illustrations showing you how to complete your tax submission - How living or working abroad affects the tax that you pay - Tax saving tips which help you save money Whether you are self-employed, work part time of full time, are unemployed or retired, if you pay tax The Telegraph Tax Guide is invaluable. It helps ensure that you are as tax efficient as possible, offering practical advice, timetables and examples that make the complex and challenging world of tax returns easier to understand.
The unsustainable, and still rapidly growing, U.S. federal government debt is a classic case of ''in denial." Despite numerous congressional committees, bipartisan commissions, and votes, we are no closer to a solution to the debt crisis than we were more than a decade ago. In fact, in 2018, a congressional committee was appointed to recommend budget process reforms, but that committee could not agree on any recommendations to submit to Congress.In this timely volume, scholars and policymakers assess the United States' fiscal constraints and provide new perspectives that are desperately needed in order to solve the nation's debt crisis. Previous recommendations focused on the outcomes of fiscal policy but perhaps we should take a step back and ask whether the fiscal and budget process rules themselves should be reformed. The essays in A Fiscal Cliff suggest that "unless we reform our fiscal rules and institutions, we are not likely to solve the debt crisis and restore sustainable fiscal policies." While the dominant sentiment is that maybe if we ignore it, it will just go away, the debt crisis will not just vanish. A Fiscal Cliff is a timely addition to a critical policy discussion. |
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