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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Atomic & molecular physics
In the present edition, a number of new features have been added. First of all, a number of typographical errors that had crept into the text have been corrected. More importantly, a number of new examples, figures and smaller sections have been added. In evaluating the two-body matrix elements which characterize the residual interaction, attention has been paid to the multipole expansion and insight into the importance of various multipoles is presented. The 18 example of 0 is now worked out for all the different angular momentum states in the section on configuration mixing. Some additional comments on how to determine one- and two-body matrix elements in jn configurations, on isospin and the application of isospin to the study of light odd-odd nuclei are included. In Chap. 3, a small section on the present use of large-scale shell model calculations and a section on experimental tests of how a nucleon actually moves inside the nucleus (using electromagnetic probing of nucleonic motion) has been added. In Chap. 4, some recent applications of the study of quadrupole motion in jn particle systems (with reference to the Po, Rn, Ra nuclei) are presented. In the discussion of magnetic dipole moments, the effects and importance of collective admixtures are pointed out and discussed. In Chap. 5, some small additions relating to the particle-hole conjugation and to the basic Hartree-Fock theory have been made. In Chap.
In this book, a number of the world's leading researchers in quantum, classical and atomic physics cooperate to present an up-to-date account of the recent progress in the field. The first part highlights the latest advances in semiclassical theory, whilst the second one is devoted to applications to atomic systems. The authors present the material in pedagogical form to make it easy reading for non-specialists, too. Among the topics treated, the reader will find a new quasiclassical quantization scheme for Hamiltonian dynamics, an application of the semiclassical formalism to photodissociation of small molecules and to the Lorentz gas and discussions of tunneling corrections. Furthermore, one finds papers on chaotic ionization, on the behaviour of hydrogen atoms in external fields, e.g. magnetic or microwave fields.
A Nobel Foundation Symposium on the subject: "Nonlinear Effects 1n Plasmas," was held at Aspenasgarden, Lerum, in the G6teborg area of Sweden from June 11-17, 1976. The Symposium was the 36th in the series of Nobel Foundation Symposia, which have been held mainly within the areas of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace prizes. Some 30 leading experts from the United States, Soviet Union, Japan and Western Europe attended the Symposium. The purpose of the Symposium was to discuss various topics in the field of modern plasma physics. We had to select from this vast area of active research a suitable common theme with a great number of new and interesting contributions. We decided to devote our Sym posium in particular to nonlinear effects in plasmas and to emphasize some areas where important developments seemed to be taking place. In recent years basic theory and experiments in nonlinear plasma physics have been stimulated largely by the need for an energy source based on fusion of light nuclei. In many laboratories all over the world attempts are being made to come closer to the final goal by studying magnetically confined plasmas and systems of inertial con finement. Heating of plasmas to fusion temperatures remains a key problem. There are good reasons to believe that the nonlinear effects in plasmas will play an important role for fusion, a long-range program which is still largely in its basic research phase."
Atomic physics has played a central role in the development of modern physics. Progress was based on newly invented scientific methods and experimental tools and today these techniques are successfully employed in a wide variety of highly active areas in modern research, extending from investigations of most fundamental interactions in physics to experiments related to topics in applied sciences and technical aspects. With steadily increasing importance they are found in areas well outside of classical atomic physics in fields such as nuclear and particle physics, metrology, physics of condensed matter and surfaces, physical chemistry, chemistry, medicine and environmental research. This book gives a thorough survey of the methods and techniques in key experiments of interdisciplinary research.
Nuclei and nuclear reactions offer a unique setting for investigating three (and in some cases even all four) of the fundamental forces in nature. Nuclei have been shown mainly by performing scattering experiments with electrons, muons and neutrinos to be extended objects with complex internal structures: constituent quarks; gluons, whose exchange binds the quarks together; sea-quarks, the ubiquitous virtual quark-antiquark pairs and last but not least, clouds of virtual mesons, surrounding an inner nuclear region, their exchange being the source of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The interplay between the (mostly attractive) hadronic nucleon-nucleon interaction and the repulsive Coulomb force is responsible for the existence of nuclei; their degree of stability, expressed in the details and limits of the chart of nuclides; their rich structure and the variety of their interactions. Despite the impressive successes of the classical nuclear models and of ab-initio approaches, there is clearly no end in sight for either theoretical or experimental developments as shown e.g. by the recent need to introduce more sophisticated three-body interactions to account for an improved picture of nuclear structure and reactions. Yet, it turns out that the internal structure of the nucleons has comparatively little influence on the behavior of the nucleons in nuclei and nuclear physics especially nuclear structure and reactions is thus a field of science in its own right, without much recourse to subnuclear degrees of freedom. This book collects essential material that was presented in the form of lectures notes in nuclear physics courses for graduate students at the University of Cologne. It follows the course's approach, conveying the subject matter by combining experimental facts and experimental methods and tools with basic theoretical knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the importance of spin and orbital angular momentum (leading e.g. to applications in energy research, such as fusion with polarized nuclei) and on the operational definition of observables in nuclear physics. The end-of-chapter problems serve above all to elucidate and detail physical ideas that could not be presented in full detail in the main text. Readers are assumed to have a working knowledge of quantum mechanics and a basic grasp of both non-relativistic and relativistic kinematics; the latter in particular is a prerequisite for interpreting nuclear reactions and the connections to particle and high-energy physics."
My aim in this book has been to give an account of the theoretical methods of analysis of multiphoton processes in atomic physics. In this account I have emphasized systematic methods as opposed to ad hoc approaches. Both perturbative and nonperturbative methods are presented with il- lustrative results of concrete applications. The perturbation theory is the primary tool of analysis of nonresonant multiphoton processes. It is developed here in conjunction with a diagrammatic language and is also renormalized to free it from the unwanted divergences which accompany the ordinary treatment when higher-order corrections are considered. The nonperturbative methods (i.e., methods other than that of power series ex- pansion in the field strength) become particularly important for consistent treatments of problems involving, for example, intermediate resonances, high field strengths, and finite pulse duration. The specifically nonpertur- bative methods for multiphoton transitions are presented in Chapters 6-11. The methods of resolvent equations and of effective Hamiltonians are developed for both the stationary and the time-dependent fields. The densi- ty matrix method is presented in conjunction with the problems of relaxa- tion and of fluctuating fields. The Floquet theory is presented both in the energy domain and in the time domain. Also treated are the methods of continued fractions, recursive iterative equations, and chain Hamiltonians.
Recent years have seen the proliferation of new computer designs that employ parallel processing in one form or another in order to achieve maximum performance. Although the idea of improving the performance of computing machines by carrying out parts of the computation concurrently is not new (indeed, the concept was known to Babbage ), such machines have, until fairly recently, been confined to a few specialist research laboratories. Nowadays, parallel computers are commercially available and they are finding a wide range of applications in chemical calculations. The purpose of this volume is to review the impact that the advent of concurrent computation is already having, and is likely to have in the future, on chemical calculations. Although the potential of concurrent computation is still far from its full realization, it is already clear that it may turn out to be second in importance only to the introduction of the electronic digital computer itself.
This book provides an overview of the basic concepts and new methods in the emerging scientific area known as quantum plasmas. In the near future, quantum effects in plasmas will be unavoidable, particularly in high density scenarios such as those in the next-generation intense laser-solid density plasma experiment or in compact astrophysics objects. Currently, plasmas are in the forefront of many intriguing questions around the transition from microscopic to macroscopic modeling of charged particle systems. Quantum Plasmas: an Hydrodynamic Approach is devoted to the quantum hydrodynamic model paradigm, which, unlike straight quantum kinetic theory, is much more amenable to investigate the nonlinear realm of quantum plasmas. The reader will have a step-by-step construction of the quantum hydrodynamic method applied to plasmas. The book is intended for specialists in classical plasma physics interested in methods of quantum plasma theory, as well as scientists interested in common aspects of two major areas of knowledge: plasma and quantum theory. In these chapters, the quantum hydrodynamic model for plasmas, which has continuously evolved over the past decade, will be summarized to include both the development and applications of the method.
With the appearance of Volume 3 of our series the review articles them selves can speak for the nature of the series. Our initial aim of charting the field of nuclear physics with some regularity and completeness is, hopefully, beginning to be established. We are greatly indebted to the willing coopera tion of many authors which has kept the series on schedule. By means of the "stream" technique on which our series is based - in which articles emerge from a flow of future articles at the convenience of the authors-the articles appear in this volume without any special coordination of topics. The topics range from the interaction of pions with nuclei to direct reactions in deformed nuclei. There is a great number of additional topics which the series hopes to include. Some of these are indicated by our list of future articles. Some have so far not appeared on our list because the topics have been reviewed re cently in other channels. Much of our series has originated from the sug gestions of our colleagues. We continue to welcome such aid and we continue to need, particularly, more suggestions about experimentalists who might write articles on experimental topics."
The series Advances in the Physics of Particles and Nuclei
(APPN) is devoted to the archiving, in printed high-quality book
format, of the comprehensive, long shelf-life reviews published in
The European Physical Journal A and C. APPN will be of benefit in
particular to those librarians and research groups, who have chosen
to have only electronic access to these journals. Occasionally,
original material in review format and refereed by the series'
editorial board will also be This volume contains the following two reviews:
Quantum Electronics for Atomic Physics provides a course in quantum electronics for researchers in atomic physics and other related areas such as telecommunications. The book covers the usual topics, such as Gaussian beams, lasers, nonlinear optics and modulation techniques, but also includes a number of areas not usually found in a textbook on quantum electronics. Among the latter are such practical matters as the enhancement of nonlinear processes in a build-up cavity or periodically polled waveguide, impedance matching into a cavity, laser frequency stabilization (including servomechanism theory), astigmatism in ring cavities, and frequency locking a laser to an atomic or molecular line. The second edition includes a new complete chapter on optical waveguide theory, fiber optic components and fiber lasers. Other updates include new coverage of mode locked fiber lasers, comb generation in a micro-resonator, and periodically poled optical waveguides.
The Hidden Hypotheses Behind the Big Bang It is quite unavoidable that many philosophical a priori assumptions lurk behind the debate between supporters of the Big Bang and the anti-BB camp. The same battle has been waged in physics between the determinists and the opposing viewpoint. Therefore, by way of introduction to this symposium, I would like to discuss, albeit briefly, the many "hypotheses", essentially of a metaphysical nature, which are often used without being clearly stated. The first hypothesis is the idea that the Universe has some origin, or origins. Opposing this is the idea that the Universe is eternal, essentially without beginning, no matter how it might change-the old Platonic system, opposed by an Aristote lian view! Or Pope Pius XII or Abbe Lemaitre or Friedmann versus Einstein or Hoyle or Segal, etc. The second hypothesis is the need for a "minimum of hypotheses" -the sim plicity argument. One is expected to account for all the observations with a mini mum number of hypotheses or assumptions. In other words, the idea is to "save the phenomena", and this has been an imperative since the time of Plato and Aristotle. But numerous contradictions have arisen between the hypotheses and the facts. This has led some scientists to introduce additional entities, such as the cosmologi cal constant, dark matter, galaxy mergers, complicated geometries, and even a rest mass for the photon. Some of the proponents of the latter idea were Einstein, de Broglie, Findlay-Freundlich, and later Vigier and myself.
It is perhaps surprising that a process which was one of the first to be studied on an atomic scale, and a process which first received attention over seven decades ago, continues to be the object of diverse and intense research efforts. Such is the case with the (seemingly) conceptually simple and familiar mechanism of electron impact ionization of atoms, molecules, and ions. Not only has the multi-body nature of the collision given ground to theoretical effort only grudgingly, but also the variety and subtlety of processes contributing to ionization have helped insure that progress has come only with commensurate work: no pain - no gain. Modern experimental methods have made it possible to effectively measure and explore threshold laws, differential cross sections, partial cross sections, inner-shell ionization, and the ionization of unstable species such as radicals and ions. In most instances the availability of experimental data has provided impetus and guidance for further theoretical progress."
The book aims to give an overview of the previous Sitges Conferences, which have been held during the last 25 years, with special emphasis on topics related to non-equilibrium phenomena. It includes review articles and articles dealing with new trends in the subject, written by scientists who have played an important role in the development of this area. The book is intended as a commemorative edition of the Sitges Conferences. Graduate students of physics and researchers will find this a stimulating account of the development of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics in the last years, covering a wide scope of topics: kinetic theory, hydrodynamics, fluctuation phenomena and stochastic processes, relaxation phenomena, kinetics of phase transitions, growth kinetics, and so on.
The volume consists of up-to-date reviews and a selection of contributed papers on subjects including the structure and physical properties of molecular clouds, their role in the star formation process, their dust and chemical properties, molecular cloud surveys of the Milky Way, cloud evolution, problems in cloud mass determinations (a panel discussion and review), the CO properties of external galaxies, nuclei of galaxies as revealed by molecular observations, and galactic spiral structure as reflected by molecular cloud distributions. The abstracts of poster papers on these topics presented at the conference are also included. This book is both a valuable reference and a compendium of current knowledge in this field. It should be of special interest to all students and researchers who work on the physics of star formation, the interstellar medium, molecular clouds and galactic structure.
This book begins with a very readable survey "The Sun Today" by J.-C. Pecker. It is followed by thorough reviews from leading experts covering theory and observations. The focus shifts from the solar core, studied via neutrino emissions and helioseismology, through the interface regions where it is believed the large-scale magnetic fields are generated, to the corona, where most of the high temperature phenomena characteristic of this region may be studied directly. As energetic particles play such a vigorous role in this part of the sun, a separate session was devoted to their transport and storage in the corona.
Quantum many-body theories have become an essential tool for all physicists. The field is interdisciplinary, predicting the properties of macroscopic matter based on the fundamental interactions between the elementary constituents. This book presents a systematic and pedagogical approach to the coupled cluster method, correlated basis function theory and Monte Carlo methods. These topics are widely recognized and provide the most powerful and widely applicable theories of all available formulations of QMBT. As the future evolution of QMBT depends to a large measure on establishing links between these different methods, the authors discuss hyprid procedures that can build even further upon the huge strengths and great advantages of each theory.
Edgard Gunzig and Pasquale Nardone RGGR Universite Libre de Bruxelles CP231 1050 Bruxelles Belgium The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "The Origin of Structure in the Universe" was organized to bring together workers in various aspects of relativistic cosmology with the aim of assessing the present status of our knowledge on the formation and evolution of structure. As it happened, the meeting was particularly timely. Only two days before the 30 or so physicists from many countries gathered for a week at the Chateau du Pont d'Oye, in the forests of the southern Belgian province of Luxembourg, newspaper headlines all over the world announced the results of the analysis of the first full year of data from the Cosmic Background Observer Satellite (COBE). This long-awaited confirmation of the theoretically predicted anisotropy in the microwave background radiation opened a new era in observational cos mology. The realization of the new relevance of the subject of the workshop and the questions raised by the observational results, in addition to bring ing TV crews and newspaper journalists, naturally influenced and stimulated many discussions among the participants. The success of the meeting as usual is due to a combination of factors. Besides the high quality of the talks, discussions were encouraged by the warm atmosphere of the Chateau, for which we are grateful to Mme. Camille Orts, and its beautiful surroundings, not to mention the marvelous cuisine.
The Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) is a NASA Explorer mission that is the first space mission dedicated to imaging of the Earth's magnetosphere. IMAGE was launched from Vandenberg AFB into an elliptical polar orbit by a Delta II launch vehicle on March 25, 2000. The two-year prime sci entific mission of IMAGE began on May 25, 2000 after instrument commissioning was successfully completed. IMAGE has now been approved for operation until October 1,2005, and an additional two-year extension is now being considered by NASA. The papers in this volume represent many of the scientific results obtained dur ing the IMAGE prime mission and include some of the early correlative research with ground-based measurements, measurements from other spacecraft such as Cluster II, and relevant theory and modeling programs. All of the reported work is related to the overall IMAGE science objective: How does the magnetosphere respond globally to the changing conditions in the solar wind? IMAGE addresses this question with multi-spectral imaging of most of the important plasma pop ulations of the inner magnetosphere, combined with radio sounding of gradients of total plasma content. The new experimental techniques fall into the following areas: neutral atom imaging (NAI) over an energy range from 10 eV to 500 keY for detection of ionospheric outflow, the plasma sheet, and the ring current; far ultraviolet (FUV) imaging at 121-190 nm for detection of precipitating protons and the global aurora; extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging at 30. |
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