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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Atomic & molecular physics
This monograph forms an interdisciplinary study in atomic, molecular, and quantum information (QI) science. Here a reader will find that applications of the tools developed in QI provide new physical insights into electron optics as well as properties of atoms & molecules which, in turn, are useful in studying QI both at fundamental and applied levels. In particular, this book investigates entanglement properties of flying electronic qubits generated in some of the well known processes capable of taking place in an atom or a molecule following the absorption of a photon. Here, one can generate Coulombic or fine-structure entanglement of electronic qubits. The properties of these entanglements differ not only from each other, but also from those when spin of an inner-shell photoelectron is entangled with the polarization of the subsequent fluorescence. Spins of an outer-shell electron and of a residual photoion can have free or bound entanglement in a laboratory.
This book gives a representative survey of the state of the art of research on gas-surface interactions. It provides an overview of the current understanding of gas surface dynamics and, in particular, of the reactive and non-reactive processes of atoms and small molecules at surfaces. Leading scientists in the field, both from the theoretical and the experimental sides, write in this book about their most recent advances. Surface science grew as an interdisciplinary research area over the last decades, mostly because of new experimental technologies (ultra-high vacuum, for instance), as well as because of a novel paradigm, the 'surface science' approach. The book describes the second transformation which is now taking place pushed by the availability of powerful quantum-mechanical theoretical methods implemented numerically. In the book, experiment and theory progress hand in hand with an unprecedented degree of accuracy and control. The book presents how modern surface science targets the atomic-level understanding of physical and chemical processes at surfaces, with particular emphasis on dynamical aspects. This book is a reference in the field.
Andre Roehm investigates the dynamic properties of two-state lasing quantum dot lasers, with a focus on ground state quenching. With a novel semi-analytical approach, different quenching mechanisms are discussed in an unified framework and verified with numerical simulations. The known results and experimental findings are reproduced and parameter dependencies are systematically studied. Additionally, the turn-on dynamics and modulation response curves of two-state lasing devices are presented.
Marco Schroeter investigates the influence of the local environment on the exciton dynamics within molecular aggregates, which build, e.g., the light-harvesting complexes of plants, bacteria or algae by means of the hierarchy equations of motion (HEOM) method. He addresses the following questions in detail: How can coherent oscillations within a system of coupled molecules be interpreted? What are the changes in the quantum dynamics of the system for increasing coupling strength between electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom? To what extent does decoherence govern the energy transfer properties of molecular aggregates?.
In this book, a modern unified theory of dispersion forces on atoms and bodies is presented which covers a broad range of different aspects and scenarios. Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics is applied within the context of dispersion forces. In contrast to the normal-mode quantum electrodynamics traditionally used to study dispersion forces, the new approach allows to consider realistic material properties including absorption and is flexible enough to be applied to a broad range of geometries. Thus general properties of dispersion forces like their non-additivity and the relation between microscopic and macroscopic dispersion forces are discussed. It is demonstrated how the general results can be used to obtain dispersion forces on atoms in the presence of bodies of various shapes and materials. In particular, nontrivial magnetic properties of the bodies, bodies of irregular shapes, the role of material absorption, and dynamical forces for excited atoms are discussed. This volume 2 deals especially with quantum electrodynamics, dispersion forces, Casimir forces, asymptotic power laws, quantum friction and universal scaling laws. The book gives both the specialist and those new to the field a thorough overview over recent results in the context of dispersion forces. It provides a toolbox for studying dispersion forces in various contexts.
This book describes applications of the AdS/CFT duality to the "real world." The AdS/CFT duality is an idea that originated from string theory and is a powerful tool for analyzing strongly-coupled gauge theories using classical gravitational theories. In recent years, it has been shown that one prediction of AdS/CFT is indeed close to the experimental result of the real quark-gluon plasma. Since then, the AdS/CFT duality has been applied to various fields of physics; examples are QCD, nuclear physics, condensed-matter physics, and nonequilibrium physics. The aim of this book is to provide background materials such as string theory, black holes, nuclear physics, condensed-matter physics, and nonequilibrium physics as well as key applications of the AdS/CFT duality in a single volume. The emphasis throughout the book is on a pedagogical and intuitive approach focusing on the underlying physical concepts. It also includes step-by-step computations for important results, which are useful for beginners. This book will be a valuable reference work for graduate students and researchers in particle physics, general relativity, nuclear physics, nonequilibrium physics, and condensed-matter physics.
In 2010, the ALPHA collaboration achieved a first for mankind: the stable, long-term storage of atomic antimatter, a project carried out a the Antiproton Decelerator facility at CERN. A crucial element of this observation was a dedicated silicon vertexing detector used to identify and analyze antihydrogen annihilations. This thesis reports the methods used to reconstruct the annihilation location. Specifically, the methods used to identify and extrapolate charged particle tracks and estimate the originating annihilation location are outlined. Finally, the experimental results demonstrating the first-ever magnetic confinement of antihydrogen atoms are presented. These results rely heavily on the silicon detector, and as such, the role of the annihilation vertex reconstruction is emphasized.
This thesis explores ultracold quantum gases of bosonic and fermionic atoms in optical lattices. The highly controllable experimental setting discussed in this work, has opened the door to new insights into static and dynamical properties of ultracold quantum matter. One of the highlights reported here is the development and application of a novel time-resolved spectroscopy technique for quantum many-body systems. By following the dynamical evolution of a many-body system after a quantum quench, the author shows how the important energy scales of the underlying Hamiltonian can be measured with high precision. This achievement, its application, and many other exciting results make this thesis of interest to a broad audience ranging from quantum optics to condensed matter physics. A lucid style of writing accompanied by a series of excellent figures make the work accessible to readers outside the rapidly growing research field of ultracold atoms.
Dispersion forces acting on both atoms and bodies play a key role in modern nanotechnology. As demonstrated in this book, macroscopic quantum electrodynamics provides a powerful method for understanding and quantifying dispersion forces in a vast range of realistic scenarios. The basic physical concepts and theoretical steps allow for the derivation of outlined general expressions for dispersion forces. As illustrated by a number of examples, these expressions can easily be used to study forces between objects of various shapes and materials, including effects like material absorption, nontrivial magnetic properties and dynamical forces asssociated with excited systems.
The advent of laser cooling of atoms led to the discovery of ultra-cold matter, with temperatures below liquid Helium, which displays a variety of new physical phenomena. Physics of Ultra-Cold Matter gives an overview of this recent area of science, with a discussion of its main results and a description of its theoretical concepts and methods. Ultra-cold matter can be considered in three distinct phases: ultra-cold gas, Bose Einstein condensate, and Rydberg plasmas. This book gives an integrated view of this new area of science at the frontier between atomic physics, condensed matter, and plasma physics. It describes these three distinct phases while exploring the differences, as well as the sometimes unexpected similarities, of their respective theoretical methods. This book is an informative guide for researchers, and the benefits are a result from an integrated view of a very broad area of research, which is limited in previous books about this subject. The main unifying tool explored in this book is the wave kinetic theory based on Wigner functions. Other theoretical approaches, eventually more familiar to the reader, are also given for extension and comparison. The book considers laser cooling techniques, atom-atom interactions, and focuses on the elementary excitations and collective oscillations in atomic clouds, Bose-Einstein condensates, and Rydberg plasmas. Linear and nonlinear processes are considered, including Landau damping, soliton excitation and vortices. Atomic interferometers and quantum coherence are also included.
In Single Molecule Studies of Proteins, expert researchers discuss the successful application of single-molecule techniques to a wide range of biological events, such as the imaging and mapping of cell surface receptors, the analysis of the unfolding and folding pathways of single proteins, the analysis interaction forces between biomolecules, the study of enzyme catalysis or the visualization of molecular motors in action. The chapters are aimed at established investigators and post-doctoral researchers in the life sciences wanting to pursue research in the various areas in which single-molecule approaches are important; this volume also remains accessible to advanced graduate students seeking similar research goals.
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the Moessbauer effect in physics, chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis, biology, medicine, geology, mineralogy, archaeology and materials science. Coverage details the most recent developments of the technique especially in the fields of nanoparticles, thin films, surfaces, interfaces, magnetism, experimentation, theory, medical and industrial applications and Mars exploration.
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at the 10th European Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, held in Tunisia, from September 1st to 7th, 2005. The workshop's aim was to bring together chemists and physicists with a common interest in the quantum-mechanical many-body problem. The volume offers unique insights into the fields of quantum chemical methods, molecular structure and spectroscopy, complexes and clusters.
One of the ?rst Computer Science sites in Italy, in recent years, the Friuli region has become a very active hub in Computational Physics and other applications of Informatics to Human and Natural Sciences. In particular the University of Udine has developed a tradition in innovative cross-disciplinary research areas involving Computer Science and Physics, providing digital tools for laboratories such as NASA and CERN. The sixth International Symposium "Frontiers of Fundamental and Compu- tional Physics" (FFP6) aimed at providing a platform for a wide range of phy- cists to meet and share thoughts on the latest trends in various research areas including High Energy Physics, Theoretical Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Fluid Mechanics. Such frontier lines were uni?ed by the use of computers as an, often primary, research instrument, or dealing with issues related to information theory. The present Sixth International Symposium in the series wasorganizedatthe UniversityofUdine,Italyfrom26thto29th ofSeptember2004. TheUniversity of in the Udine and the B. M. Birla Science Centre in Hyderabad have collaborated organization of this Symposium and the edition of these Proceedings, under the auspices of their joint initiative the International Institute of ApplicableMat- maticsand InformationSciences. ThecontributionsintheProceedingsaregrouped as follows: * Field Theory, Relativity and Cosmology * Foundations of Physics and of Information Sciences * Nuclear and High-Energy Particle Physics and Astrophysics; Astroparticle Physics * Complex Systems; Fluid Mechanics * New Approaches to Physics Teaching ThisSymposiumhadanattendanceofover100participants. Therewere63- pers/presentations, including 4 introductory invited lectures delivered by the - belLaureatesL. CooperandG. 'tHooft,andbytheeminentphysicistsY.
THE EURATOM WORKING GROUP ON REACTOR DOSIMETRY AND THE ASTM-EURATOM SYMPOSIA The Euratom Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry (EWGRD) started around 1960 with members having been nominated by the governments, from each European la boratory working in reactor physics and technology. The goal was to exchange di rectly experience and know-how in reactor dosimetry and related programmes. A need for normalisation was felt in order to guarantee that: the same nuclear data is used; measurements in different laboratories give the same results (need for in tercalibration experiments and standards); results are expressed such that a com parison with results from other laboratories is possible. In sub-groups, specific arguments were discussed resulting in final recommenda tions. These final recommendations were then discussed in a plenary meeting and accepted as a recommendation for European usage. Several of these recommenda tions were published, e.g. radiation damage dosimetry guidebooks, and a nuclear data guidebook. Also a programme, executed by the BCMN GEEL, for the produc tion and selling of Reference Materials for Neutron Dosimetry is sponsored by the EWGRD. Workshops in the field of radiation damage and on the pressure vessel steels programme in Europe were successfully organised. The group works in close contact with ASTM (American Society for Testing of Mate rials). Altogether seven symposia were jointly organized, and held, alternatively in Europe and USA. The next symposium, the eighth, will be organized by ASTM in 1993 in the USA.
Advances in Light Water Reactor Technologies focuses on the design and analysis of advanced nuclear power reactors. This volume provides readers with thorough descriptions of the general characteristics of various advanced light water reactors currently being developed worldwide. Safety, design, development and maintenance of these reactors is the main focus, with key technologies like full MOX core design, next-generation digital I&C systems and seismic design and evaluation described at length. This book is ideal for researchers and engineers working in nuclear power that are interested in learning the fundamentals of advanced light water plants.
This book gathers the proceedings of The Hadron Collider Physics Symposia (HCP) 2005, and reviews the state-of-the-art in the key physics directions of experimental hadron collider research. Topics include QCD physics, precision electroweak physics, c-, b-, and t-quark physics, physics beyond the Standard Model, and heavy ion physics. The present volume serves as a reference for everyone working in the field of accelerator-based high-energy physics.
This book contains the proceedings of the third international workshop on From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and More. The many applications of parity violation are way beyond the scope of what Lee and Yang could have imagined fifty years after their proposal. For the physics topics discussed during this workshop, the application of parity violation has become a standard work horse allowing for the extraction of many physics topics in different experiments.
Super Light Water Reactors and Super Fast Reactors provides an overview of the design and analysis of nuclear power reactors. Readers will gain the understanding of the conceptual design elements and specific analysis methods of supercritical-pressure light water cooled reactors. Nuclear fuel, reactor core, plant control, plant stand-up and stability are among the topics discussed, in addition to safety system and safety analysis parameters. Providing the fundamentals of reactor design criteria and analysis, this volume is a useful reference to engineers, industry professionals, and graduate students involved with nuclear engineering and energy technology.
With ever increasing computational resources and improvements in algorithms, new opportunities are emerging for lattice gauge theory to address key questions in strongly interacting systems, such as nuclear matter. Calculations today use dynamical gauge-field ensembles with degenerate light up/down quarks and the strange quark and it is possible now to consider including charm-quark degrees of freedom in the QCD vacuum. Pion masses and other sources of systematic error, such as finite-volume and discretization effects, are beginning to be quantified systematically. Altogether, an era of precision calculation has begun and many new observables will be calculated at the new computational facilities. The aim of this set of lectures is to provide graduate students with a grounding in the application of lattice gauge theory methods to strongly interacting systems and in particular to nuclear physics.A wide variety of topics are covered, including continuum field theory, lattice discretizations, hadron spectroscopy and structure, many-body systems, together with more topical lectures in nuclear physics aimed a providing a broad phenomenological background. Exercises to encourage hands-on experience with parallel computing and data analysis are included."
The focus of the present work is nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics with standard applications to the hydrogen atom. The author has aimed at presenting quantum mechanics in a comprehensive yet accessible for mathematicians and other non-physicists. The genesis of quantum mechanics, its applications to basic quantum phenomena, and detailed explanations of the corresponding mathematical methods are presented. The exposition is formalized (whenever possible) on the basis of the coupled Schroedinger, Dirac and Maxwell equations. Aimed at upper graduate and graduate students in mathematical and physical science studies.
Experimental methods employing spin resonance effects (nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance) are broadly used in molecular science due to their unique potential to reveal mechanisms of molecular motion, structure, and interactions. The developed techniques bring together biologists investigating dynamics of proteins, material science researchers looking for better electrolytes, or nanotechnology scientists inquiring into dynamics of nano-objects. Nevertheless, one can profit from the rich source of information provided by spin resonance methods only when appropriate theoretical models are available. The obtained experimental results reflect intertwined quantum-mechanical and dynamical properties of molecular systems, and to interpret them one has to first understand the quantum-mechanical principles of the underlying processes. This book concentrates on the theory of spin resonance phenomena and the relaxation theory, which have been discussed from first principles to introduce the reader to the language of quantum mechanics used to describe the behaviour of atomic nuclei and electrons. There is a long way from knowing complex formulae to apply them correctly to describe the studied system. The book shows through examples how symbols can be "replaced" in equations by using properties of real systems to formulate descriptions that link the quantities observed in spin resonance experiments with dynamics and structure of molecules.
It is the stars, The stars above us, govern our conditions. William Shakespeare, King Lear A Few Words about What, Why and How The structure of the stars in general, and the Sun in particular, has been the subject of extensivescienti?cresearchanddebateforoveracentury.Thediscoveryofquantum theoryduringthe?rsthalfofthenineteenthcenturyprovidedmuchofthetheoretical background needed to understand the making of the stars and how they live off their energysource. Progress in the theoryof stellar structurewasmade through extensive discussions and controversies between the giants of the ?elds, as well as brilliant discoveries by astronomers. In this book, we shall carefully expose the building of the theory of stellar structure and evolution, and explain how our understanding of the stars has emerged from this background of incessant debate. About hundred years were required for astrophysics to answer the crucial ques tions: What is the energy source of the stars? How are the stars made? How do they evolve and eventually die? The answers to these questions have profound im plications for astrophysics, physics, and biology, and the question of how we our selves come to be here. While we already possess many of the answers, the theory of stellar structure is far from being complete, and there are many open questions, for example, concerning the mechanisms which trigger giant supernova explosions. Many internal hydrodynamic processes remain a mystery. Yet some global pictures can indeed be outlined, and this is what we shall attempt to do here.
EPR of Free Radicals in Solids: Trends in Methods and Applications, 2nd ed. presents a critical two volume review of the methods and applications of EPR (ESR) for the study of free radical processes in solids. Emphasis is on the progress made in the developments in EPR technology, in the application of sophisticated matrix isolation techniques and in the advancement in quantitative EPR that have occurred since the 1st edition was published. Improvements have been made also at theoretical level, with the development of methods based on first principles and their application to the calculation of magnetic properties as well as in spectral simulations. EPR of Free Radicals in Solids I focuses on the trends in experimental and theoretical methods to extract structural and dynamical properties of radicals and spin probes in solid matrices by continuous wave (CW) and pulsed techniques. It presents simulation techniques and software for CW and pulsed EPR as well as studies of quantum effects at low temperature. The chapters dealing with quantum chemistry methods for the theoretical interpretation of hyperfine coupling tensors and g-tensors have been much extended in this edition and a new chapter on the calculation of zero-field splitting tensors has been added. This new edition is a valuable resource to experimentalists and theoreticians in research involving free radicals, as well as for students of advanced courses in physical chemistry, chemical physics, materials science, biophysics, biochemistry and related fields. This new edition is a valuable resource to experimentalists and theoreticians in research involving free radicals, as well as for students of advanced courses in physical chemistry, chemical physics, materials science, biophysics, biochemistry and related fields.
This volume is the outcome of a community-wide review of the field of dynamics and thermodynamics with nuclear degrees of freedom. It presents the achievements and the outstanding open questions in 26 articles collected in six topical sections and written by more than 60 authors. All authors are internationally recognized experts in their fields. |
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