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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Classical mechanics
This book surveys significant modern contributions to the mathematical theories of generalized heat wave equations. The first three chapters form a comprehensive survey of most modern contributions also describing in detail the mathematical properties of each model. Acceleration waves and shock waves are the focus in the next two chapters. Numerical techniques, continuous data dependence, and spatial stability of the solution in a cylinder, feature prominently among other topics treated in the following two chapters. The final two chapters are devoted to a description of selected applications and the corresponding formation of mathematical models. Illustrations are taken from a broad range that includes nanofluids, porous media, thin films, nuclear reactors, traffic flow, biology, and medicine, all of contemporary active technological importance and interest. This book will be of value to applied mathematicians, theoretical engineers and other practitioners who wish to know both the theory and its relevance to diverse applications.
This book grew out of the need to provide students with a solid introduction to modern fluid dynamics. It offers a broad grounding in the underlying principles and techniques used, with some emphasis on applications in astrophysics and planetary science. The book comprehensively covers recent developments, methods and techniques, including, for example, new ideas on transitions to turbulence (via transiently growing stable linear modes), new approaches to turbulence (which remains the enigma of fluid dynamics), and the use of asymptotic approximation methods, which can give analytical or semi-analytical results and complement fully numerical treatments. The authors also briefly discuss some important considerations to be taken into account when developing a numerical code for computer simulation of fluid flows. Although the text is populated throughout with examples and problems from the field of astrophysics and planetary science, the text is eminently suitable as a general introduction to fluid dynamics. It is assumed that the readers are mathematically equipped with a reasonable knowledge in analysis, including basics of ordinary and partial differential equations and a good command of vector calculus and linear algebra. Each chapter concludes with bibliographical notes in which the authors briefly discuss the chapter's essential literature and give recommendations for further, deeper reading. Included in each chapter are a number of problems, some of them relevant to astrophysics and planetary science. The book is written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, but will also prove a valuable source of reference for established researchers.
The fascinating rainbow colors we see in soap film not only delight us; they also help us understand the physical essence of nature. In this dissertation, the author presents his studies on the interactions between flexible bodies and ambient fluids, a topic reflected in nature, in everyday life and in various industrial applications. By investigating this topic, he reveals the mechanism of flow-induced vibration of flexible bodies, the process of energy exchange between flexible bodies and fluids and the way flexible bodies interact with each other in flowing fluids. These studies not only allow us to understand nature better, but can also help us invent new machines and improve existing devices to glean more energy from nature.
The University of Manchester hosted the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves between 17 and 22 July 2011. The International Symposium on Shock Waves first took place in 1957 in Boston and has since become an internationally acclaimed series of meetings for the wider Shock Wave Community. The ISSW28 focused on the following areas: Blast Waves, Chemically Reacting Flows, Dense Gases and Rarefied Flows, Detonation and Combustion, Diagnostics, Facilities, Flow Visualisation, Hypersonic Flow, Ignition, Impact and Compaction, Multiphase Flow, Nozzle Flow, Numerical Methods, Propulsion, Richtmyer-Meshkov, Shockwave Boundary Layer Interaction, Shock Propagation and Reflection, Shock Vortex Interaction, Shockwave Phenomena and Applications, as well as Medical and Biological Applications. The two Volumes contain the papers presented at the symposium and serve as a reference for the participants of the ISSW 28 and individuals interested in these fields.
This book presents state-of-the-art solution methods and applications of stochastic optimal control. It is a collection of extended papers discussed at the traditional Liverpool workshop on controlled stochastic processes with participants from both the east and the west. New problems are formulated, and progresses of ongoing research are reported. Topics covered in this book include theoretical results and numerical methods for Markov and semi-Markov decision processes, optimal stopping of Markov processes, stochastic games, problems with partial information, optimal filtering, robust control, Q-learning, and self-organizing algorithms. Real-life case studies and applications, e.g., queueing systems, forest management, control of water resources, marketing science, and healthcare, are presented. Scientific researchers and postgraduate students interested in stochastic optimal control,- as well as practitioners will find this book appealing and a valuable reference.
This book describes research in two different areas of state-of-the-art hadron collider physics, both of which are of central importance in the field of particle physics. The first part of the book focuses on the search for supersymmetric particles called gluinos. The book subsequently presents a set of precision measurements of "multi-jet" collision events, which involve large numbers of newly created particles, and are among the dominant processes at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Now that a Higgs boson has been discovered at the LHC, the existence (or non-existence) of supersymmetric particles is of the utmost interest and significance, both theoretically and experimentally. In addition, multi-jet collision events are an important background process for a wide range of analyses, including searches for supersymmetry.
This monograph is devoted to problems of propagation and stability of linear and nonlinear waves in continuous media with complex structure. It considers the different media, such as solid with cavities, preliminary deformed disperse medium, solid with porosity filled by the electrically conductive and non-conductive liquid, magnetoelastic, piezo-semiconductors, crystals with dislocations, composites with inclusions, an electrically conductive asymmetrical liquid, a mixture of gas with a drop liquid. The book also considers the propagation of a laser beam through a two-level medium. The presented results are based on methods of evolution and modulation equations that were developed by the authors. The book is intended for scientific and technical researchers, students and post-graduate students specializing in mechanics of continuous media, physical acoustics, and physics of the solid state.
Non-Newtonian flows and their numerical simulations have generated an abundant literature, as well as many publications and references to which can be found in this volume s articles. This abundance of publications can be explained by the fact that non-Newtonian fluids occur in many real life situations: the food industry, oil & gas industry, chemical, civil and mechanical engineering, the bio-Sciences, to name just a few. Mathematical and numerical analysis of non-Newtonian fluid flow models provide challenging problems to partial differential equations specialists and applied computational mathematicians alike. This volume offers investigations. Results and conclusions that
will no doubt be useful to engineers and computational and applied
mathematicians who are focused on various aspects of non-Newtonian
Fluid Mechanics. New review of well-known computational methods for the simulation viscoelastic and viscoplastic types.; Discusses new numerical methods that have proven to be more efficient and more accurate than traditional methods.; Articles that discuss the numerical simulation of particulate flow for viscoelastic fluids.; "
This thesis provides an innovative strategy for rail crack monitoring using the acoustic emission (AE) technique. The field study presented is a significant improvement on laboratory studies in the literature in terms of complex rail profile and crack conditions as well as high operational noise. AE waves induced by crack propagation, crack closure, wheel-rail impact and operational noise were obtained through a series of laboratory and field tests, and analyzed by wavelet transform (WT) and synchrosqueezed wavelet transform (SWT). A wavelet power-based index and the enhanced SWT scalogram were sequentially proposed to classify AE waves induced by different mechanisms according to their energy distributions in the time-frequency domain. A novel crack sizing method taking advantage of crack closure-induced AE waves was developed based on fatigue tests in the laboratory. The propagation characteristics of AE waves in the rail were investigated, and Tsallis synchrosqueezed wavelet entropy (TSWE) with time was finally brought forward to detect and locate rail cracks in the field. The proposed strategy for detection, location and sizing of rail cracks helps to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the railway system. This thesis is of interest to graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the area of structural health monitoring.
This extensively revised and updated second edition of a widely read classic presents the use of ultrasound in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) inspections. Retaining the first edition's use of wave propagation /scattering theory and linear system theory, this volume also adds significant new material including: the introduction of MATLAB (R) functions and scripts that evaluate key results involving beam propagation and scattering, flaw sizing, and the modeling of ultrasonic systems. elements of Gaussian beam theory and a multi-Gaussian ultrasonic beam model for bulk wave transducers. a new chapter on the connection between ultrasonic modeling and probability of detection (POD) and reliability models. new and improved derivations of ultrasonic measurement models. updated coverage of ultrasonic simulators that have been developed around the world. Students, engineers, and researchers working in the ultrasonic NDE field will find a wealth of information on the modeling of ultrasonic inspections and the fundamental ultrasonic experiments that support those models in this new edition.
This book introduces the fundamental theory of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves, together with its applications. It includes the dispersion characteristics and matching theory of guided waves; the mechanism of production and theoretical model of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves; the effect mechanism between guided waves and defects; the simulation method for the entire process of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave propagation; electromagnetic ultrasonic thickness measurement; pipeline axial guided wave defect detection; and electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave detection of gas pipeline cracks. This theory and findings on applications draw on the author's intensive research over the past eight years. The book can be used for nondestructive testing technology and as an engineering reference work. The specific implementation of the electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave system presented here will also be of value for other nondestructive test developers.
This book examines material composites used in connection with brake friction, their design and safety. To aid in understanding, the essentials of friction are explained. This second edition was extended to include friction material composites without copper, as they offer an environmentally friendlier option. The second edition is intended to support beginners by offering insights into the essentials of friction material composites, helping them to develop a broader understanding of brake friction materials. Friction materials find wide-ranging applications in household and industrial appliances, brake pads for automotive applications, rail brake friction pads and composition brake blocks. This second edition is an introductory volume to a set of related books, and is based on the author's experience and expertise with various material manufacturers, brake manufacturers, vehicle manufacturers, researchers and testing labs around the world with which the author has been associated for the past 28 years.
"Stochastic Tools in Mathematics and Science" covers basic stochastic tools used in physics, chemistry, engineering and the life sciences. The topics covered include conditional expectations, stochastic processes, Brownian motion and its relation to partial differential equations, Langevin equations, the Liouville and Fokker-Planck equations, as well as Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, renormalization, basic statistical mechanics, and generalized Langevin equations and the Mori-Zwanzig formalism. The applications include sampling algorithms, data assimilation, prediction from partial data, spectral analysis, and turbulence. The book is based on lecture notes from a class that has attracted graduate and advanced undergraduate students from mathematics and from many other science departments at the University of California, Berkeley. Each chapter is followed by exercises. The book will be useful for scientists and engineers working in a wide range of fields and applications. For this new edition the material has been thoroughly reorganized and updated, and new sections on scaling, sampling, filtering and data assimilation, based on recent research, have been added. There are additional figures and exercises. Review of earlier edition: "This is an excellent concise textbook which can be used for self-study by graduate and advanced undergraduate students and as a recommended textbook for an introductory course on probabilistic tools in science." Mathematical Reviews, 2006
This monograph is intended as a concise and self-contained guide to practitioners and graduate students for applying approaches in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to real-world problems that require a quantification of viscous incompressible flows. In various projects related to NASA missions, the authors have gained CFD expertise over many years by developing and utilizing tools especially related to viscous incompressible flows. They are looking at CFD from an engineering perspective, which is especially useful when working on real-world applications. From that point of view, CFD requires two major elements, namely methods/algorithm and engineering/physical modeling. As for the methods, CFD research has been performed with great successes. In terms of modeling/simulation, mission applications require a deeper understanding of CFD and flow physics, which has only been debated in technical conferences and to a limited scope. This monograph fills the gap by offering in-depth examples for students and engineers to get useful information on CFD for their activities. The procedural details are given with respect to particular tasks from the authors' field of research, for example simulations of liquid propellant rocket engine subsystems, turbo-pumps and the blood circulations in the human brain as well as the design of artificial heart devices. However, those examples serve as illustrations of computational and physical challenges relevant to many other fields. Unlike other books on incompressible flow simulations, no abstract mathematics are used in this book. Assuming some basic CFD knowledge, readers can easily transfer the insights gained from specific CFD applications in engineering to their area of interest.
Conceived as a series of more or less autonomous essays, the present book critically exposes the initial developments of continuum thermo-mechanics in a post Newtonian period extending from the creative works of the Bernoullis to the First World war, i.e., roughly during first the "Age of reason" and next the "Birth of the modern world". The emphasis is rightly placed on the original contributions from the "Continental" scientists (the Bernoulli family, Euler, d'Alembert, Lagrange, Cauchy, Piola, Duhamel, Neumann, Clebsch, Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, Saint-Venant, Boussinesq, the Cosserat brothers, Caratheodory) in competition with their British peers (Green, Kelvin, Stokes, Maxwell, Rayleigh, Love,..). It underlines the main breakthroughs as well as the secondary ones. It highlights the role of scientists who left essential prints in this history of scientific ideas. The book shows how the formidable developments that blossomed in the twentieth century (and perused in a previous book of the author in the same Springer Series: "Continuum Mechanics through the Twentieth Century", Springer 2013) found rich compost in the constructive foundational achievements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The pre-WWI situation is well summarized by a thorough analysis of treatises (Appell, Hellinger) published at that time. English translations by the author of most critical texts in French or German are given to the benefit of the readers.
This book describes in detail the physical and mathematical foundations of ultrasonic phased array measurements.The book uses linear systems theory to develop a comprehensive model of the signals and images that can be formed with phased arrays. Engineers working in the field of ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) will find in this approach a wealth of information on how to design, optimize and interpret ultrasonic inspections with phased arrays. The fundamentals and models described in the book will also be of significant interest to other fields, including the medical ultrasound and seismology communities. A unique feature of this book is that it presents a unified theory of imaging with phased arrays that shows how common imaging methods such as the synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT), the total focusing method (TFM), and the physical optics far field inverse scattering (POFFIS) imaging method are all simplified versions of more fundamental and quantitative imaging approaches, called imaging measurement models. To enhance learning, this book first describes the fundamentals of phased array systems using 2-D models, so that the complex 3-D cases normally found in practice can be more easily understood.In addition to giving a detailed discussion of phased array systems, Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays also provides MATLAB(r) functions and scripts, allowing the reader to conduct simulations of ultrasonic phased array transducers and phased array systems with the latest modeling technology."
This book focuses on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques and the recent developments and research works in energy applications. It is devoted to the publication of basic and applied studies broadly related to this area. The chapters present the development of numerical methods, computational techniques, and case studies in the energy applications. Also, they offer the fundamental knowledge for using CFD in energy applications through new technical approaches. Besides, they describe the CFD process steps and provide benefits and issues for using CFD analysis in understanding the flow complicated phenomena and its use in the design process. The best practices for reducing errors and uncertainties in the CFD analysis are further described. The book reveals not only the recent advances and future research trends of CFD Techniques but also provides the reader with valuable information about energy applications. It aims to provide the readers, such as engineers and PhD students, with the fundamentals of CFD prior to embarking on any real simulation project. Additionally, engineers supporting or being supported by CFD analysts can take advantage from the information of the book's different chapters.
This is the seventh volume in a series on the general topics of supersymmetry, supergravity, black objects (including black holes) and the attractor mechanism. The present volume is based on lectures held in March 2013 at the INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati during the Breaking of supersymmetry and Ultraviolet Divergences in extended Supergravity Workshop (BUDS 2013), organized by Stefano Bellucci, with the participation of prestigious speakers including P. Aschieri, E. Bergshoeff, M. Cederwall, T. Dennen, P. Di Vecchia, S. Ferrara, R. Kallosh, A. Karlsson, M. Koehn, B. Ovrut, A. Van Proeyen, G. Ruppeiner. Special attention is devoted to discussing topics related to the cancellation of ultraviolet divergences in extended supergravity and Born-Infeld-like actions. All talks were followed by extensive discussions and subsequent reworking of the various contributions a feature which is reflected in the unique "flavor" of this volume.
The book provides readers with an understanding of the mutual conditioning of spacetime and interactions and matter. The spacetime manifold will be looked at to be a reservoir for the parametrization of operation Lie groups or subgroup classes of Lie groups. With basic operation groups or Lie algebras, all physical structures can be interpreted in terms of corresponding realizations or representations. Physical properties are related eigenvalues or invariants. As an explicit example of operational spacetime is proposed, called electroweak spacetime, parametrizing the classes of the internal hypercharge - isospin group in the general linear group in two complex dimensions, i.e., the Lorentz cover group, extended by the casual (dilation) and phase group. Its representations and invariants will be investigated with the aim to connect them, qualitatively and numerically, with the properties of interactions and particles as arising in the representations of its tangent Minkowski spaces.
Phononic crystals are artificial periodic structures that can alter efficiently the flow of sound, acoustic waves, or elastic waves. They were introduced about twenty years ago and have gained increasing interest since then, both because of their amazing physical properties and because of their potential applications. The topic of phononic crystals stands as the cross-road of physics (condensed matter physics, wave propagation in inhomogeneous and periodic media) and engineering (acoustics, ultrasonics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering). Phononic crystals cover a wide range of scales, from meter-size periodic structures for sound in air to nanometer-size structures for information processing or thermal phonon control in integrated circuits. Phononic crystals have a definite relation with the topic of photonic crystals in optics. The marriage of phononic and photonic crystals also provides a promising structural basis for enhanced sound and light interaction. As the topic is getting popular, it is nowadays presented and discussed at various international conferences. After the first ten years during which the topic has remained mainly theoretical with a few proof-of-concept demonstrations in the literature, the evolution has been towards applications, instrumentation, and novel designs. The physical explanations for various effects are now well understood and efficient numerical methods and analysis tools have been developed. The book contains a comprehensive set of finite element model (FEM) scripts for solving basic phononic crystal problems. The scripts are short, easy to read, and efficient, allowing the reader to generate for him(her)self band structures for 2D and 3D phononic crystals, to compute Bloch waves, waveguide and cavity modes, and more.
The University of Manchester hosted the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves between 17 and 22 July 2011. The International Symposium on Shock Waves first took place in 1957 in Boston and has since become an internationally acclaimed series of meetings for the wider Shock Wave Community. The ISSW28 focused on the following areas: Blast Waves, Chemically Reacting Flows, Dense Gases and Rarefied Flows, Detonation and Combustion, Diagnostics, Facilities, Flow Visualisation, Hypersonic Flow, Ignition, Impact and Compaction, Multiphase Flow, Nozzle Flow, Numerical Methods, Propulsion, Richtmyer-Meshkov, Shockwave Boundary Layer Interaction, Shock Propagation and Reflection, Shock Vortex Interaction, Shockwave Phenomena and Applications, as well as Medical and Biological Applications. The two Volumes contain the papers presented at the symposium and serve as a reference for the participants of the ISSW 28 and individuals interested in these fields. |
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