Books > Medicine > Complementary medicine
When approaching the multiplicity of the spiritual experiences of
healing, ethnographers are often presented with ideas of the
existence of "other" worlds that may intersect with the so-called
"material" or "physical" worlds. This book proposes a sensory
ethnography of healing with a focus on ethnographic knowing as
embedded in an embodied epistemology of healing. Epistemological
embodiment signals that personal scholarly experience of the
"unknown"-be it in the form of trance, or as the embodiment of an
"other"-shapes the concepts of healing, body, trance, self, and
matter by which ethnographers craft out analysis.
OCCUPATIONAL GROUP THERAPY Occupational Group Therapy helps group
leaders achieve a higher and more dynamic level of therapeutic
intervention, gain a better understanding of foundational concepts
and research, and utilise active techniques that have meaningful
and lasting effects on their clients. This practical guide
encourages readers to use and develop their skills creatively in a
range of interventions, including hospital-based work with acutely
ill clients, physical acute care, and rehabilitation. The text
presents both the theoretical background and practical applications
of occupational group therapy: core skills and concepts, styles of
group leadership, clinical and ethical reasoning, and different
models of therapy such as the functional group model, the model of
human occupation (MOHO), and the occupational therapy interactive
group model (OTIGM), alongside warm-up and ice-breaker techniques,
role-play exercises, assertiveness and social skills training
strategies, guidance on using psychodrama and the therapeutic
spiral model (TSM) in group settings, and more. Develops the skills
and self-confidence occupational therapists need to be effective
group leaders Covers the functional and performance aspects
necessary for occupational therapy intervention, including client
handling, and structuring and communication skills. Discusses new
ways of addressing common concerns and issues in various
intervention settings Offers ideas and techniques for using
higher-level interventions, such as psychodrama and the Therapeutic
Spiral model Helps readers to design effective group experiences
that allow their clients to "work on themselves" both inside and
outside of the group Written by an esteemed expert with decades of
practical experience in the field, with a chapter from Louise
Fouche, an accomplished occupational group therapist and developer
of OTIGM, and foreword by Professor Emerita Sharon Brintnell,
former President of World Federation of Occupational Therapy
(WFOT): Occupational Group Therapy is a must-have teaching manual
and guide for undergraduate and post-graduate occupational therapy
students, and for practitioners looking to increase their use of
group work as a therapeutic intervention.
Cancer is one of the leading killers in the world and the incidence
is increasing, but most cancer patients and cancer survivors suffer
much from the disease and its conventional treatments' side
effects. In the past, clinical data showed that some complementary
and alternative medicine (CAM) possessed anticancer abilities, but
some clinicians and scientists have queried about the scientific
validity of CAM due to the lack of scientific evidence. There is
great demand in the knowledge gap to explore the scientific and
evidence-based knowledge of CAM in the anticancer field. With this
aim, a book series is needed to structurally deliver the knowledge
to readers. Recently there have been encouraging results from both
laboratory experiments and clinical trials demonstrating the
anticancer effects of herbal medicine. There is considerable
interest among oncologists and cancer researchers to find
anticancer agents in herbal medicine. This volume is a specialised
book presenting the up-to-date scientific evidence for anticancer
herbal medicine. This unique book provides an overview of the
anticancer herbal medicines and remedies, as well as a detailed
evidence-based evaluation of 18 common anticancer herbal medicines
covering their biological and pharmacological properties,
efficacies, herb-drug interactions, adverse effects, pre-clinical
studies, and clinical applications. Gathering international opinion
leaders' views, this volume will contribute great to the cancer,
academic, and clinical community by providing evidence-based
information on the anticancer efficacy of herbal medicine.
Readership Oncologists, cancer researchers, pharmacologists,
pharmaceutical specialists, Chinese medicine practitioners, medical
educators, postgraduates and advanced undergraduates in biomedical
disciplines, cancer caregivers, cancer patients.
Esta es una valiosa obra que le puede ayudar a recuperar la salud
por muy deficil que parezca su problema. Aqui descubrira el secreto
para curarse usted mismo de cualquier enfermedad. Con su
experiencia la Profesora Dolores Chipres nos da una guia para el
traramiento de todas las enfermedades agudas y degenerativas
cronicas. La autora habla de temas como: La nutricion del organism
(recetario de comida naturista). Uroterapia (curacion con la orina)
ayunos, consejos practices sobre control del estres. Experiencias
de personas, con la rapidez con que recuperaron la salud.
For the psychonaut to those curious about psychedelics, this
definitive guide to seven psychedelic substances and how they are
changing our world is the perfect holiday stocking stuffer. "Shows
us how psychedelics can transform mental health and enhance the way
we live."-Sara Gottfried MD, New York Times bestselling author of
The Hormone Cure This practical guide to psychedelics will appeal
to anyone interested in their own health and wellbeing: "A
captivating read that shares how society can use psychedelics to
transform the way we exist in the world."—Robin Divine,
psychedelic advocate and creator of Black People Trip Once feared
and misunderstood, psychedelics have emerged as one of the most
promising therapies of the 21st century. Through cutting-edge
research, substances such as MDMA and LSD are being recognized as
powerful keys to healing and human improvement, offering solutions
for mental health issues including PTSD and depression. Similarly,
plant medicines like ayahuasca, peyote, and iboga, used since time
immemorial by Indigenous cultures for spiritual purposes, have been
shown to promote feelings of empathy, connection, and love for the
self, others, and the world around us. But how can everyday people
benefit from psychedelics? And will they really transform
healthcare as we know it? In Psyched, health journalist Amanda
Siebert explores the history, culture, and potential of seven
psychedelic substances. She interweaves real-life stories, clinical
research, and interviews with the world's leading psychedelics
experts and cultural allies to offer a definitive guide to these
cutting-edge treatments.
Originally published in 1986, this volume deals with the
historical, philosophical and psychological concepts found in
Islamic medical practices, and covers Islamic ideas on
physiological, pathological, curative and preventative medicine.
This was the first systematic study of Islamic medicine to be
published in the English language and continues to have much
relevance at a time when interest both in Islamic thought and in
alternatives to conventional medicine is strong.
Wieso verwenden wir Pflanzen zum Heilen?.- Ursprung und Wurzeln des
Heilens mit Pflanzen.- Arzneimittel aus Pflanzen? 1st das
Homoeopathie?.- Charakteristika, Vorteile und Grenzen der
Phytotherapie.- Die Phytotherapie arbeitet mit
naturwissenschaftlichen Methoden.- Wodurch unterscheidet sich die
Phytotherapie von anderen Therapieformen?.- Phytotherapie - von der
Pflanze zum Arzneimittel.- In welcher Form werden Arzneipflanzen
angewendet?.- Welche chemischen Substanzen aus der Pflanze
wirken?.- Die pflanzliche Notfallapotheke.- Noch Fragen?.-
Nervensystem, Gehirn.- Ein- und Durchschlafstoerungen, Nervositat
und UEbererreqbarkeit.- Depression.- Hirnleistungsstoerungen,
Gedachtnisstoerunqen, Demenz.- Magen-Darm-Trakt.- Erkrankungen im
Mund- und Rachenraum, Zahnungsschmerzen.- Zu viel Maqensaure,
Maqensaure am falschen Ort, qeschadiqte Magenschleimhaut,
Sodbrennen, saures Aufstossen.- Gastritis, Ulkus (Magengeschwur,
Zwoelffingerdarmgeschwur).- Magenbeschwerden ohne ein Zuviel an
Saure.- Blahunqen.- ubelkeit, Erbrechen, Reisekrankheit.-
Durchfallerkrankungen.- Stuhlverstopfung (Opstipation).-
Hamorrhoiden.- Erkrankungen der Leber, Galle und
Bauchspeicheldruse.- Erkrankungen im Bereich der Gallenblase.- Die
Bauchspeicheldruse.- Erkrankungen der ableitenden Harnwege.-
Nieren- und Blasensteine, Durchspulungstherapie.- Harnwegsinfekte.-
Reizblase.- Harninkontinenz, Blasenschwache.- Die Prostata -
Vorsteherdruse.- Die Prostatitis.- Immunsystem und Infekte.-
Starkunq des Immunsystems.- Der grippale Infekt.- Schnupfen,
Nebenhoehlenentzundung.- Entzundungen im Rachenraum.- Herpes, Fieb
erblase.- Husten.- Trockener Reizhusten.- Husten mit festsitzen dem
Schleim.- Krampfartiger Husten, Keuchhusten, Asthma.- Erkrankungen
des Bewegungsapparates.- Muskelschmerzen.- Stumpfe Verletzun gen,
Prellun gen, Blutergusse, Zerrungen.- Die rheumatischen
Erkrankungen.- Herz, Kreislauf, Blutqetasse.- Herz.-
Arteriosklerose, Gefassverkalkung.- Blutdruck.- Venen.-
Frauenkrankheiten und Geburtshilfe.- Der Monatszyklus.-
Pramenstruelles Syndrom.- Blutungsanomalien, Schmerzen.-
Wechselbeschwerden.- Schwangerschaftserbrechen.-
Geburtsvorberetlung.- Stillp eriode.- Infektionen der Scheide und
der aufieren Geschlechtsorgane.- Erkrankungen der Haut.- Trockene
Haut.- Fette Haut, Akne.- UEbermassiqe Schweissproduktion.-
Insektenstiche.- Sonnenbrand.- Juckreiz.- Ekzeme.- Neurodermitis -
atopische Dermatitis.- Windeldermatitis.- Furunkel und andere
bakterielle Infektionen der Haut.- Behandlung oberflachlicher
Wunden.- Narbenbehandlung.- Chronische Mudigkeit und
psychosomatische Erkrankungen.- Krebsbehandlung mit Pflanzen?.-
Zuckerkrankheit, Diabetes.- Virusinfektionen.- Bakterielle
Infektionen.- Pilzerkrankungen.- Para siten, Wurmerkrankungen.-
Bluthochdruck.- Pflanzliche Neuheiten am Mark?.- Pu-Erh-Tee.-
Macawurzel.- Noni.- Nopal-Kaktus.- Momordica.- Reishi-Pilz.- Aloe
vera.- Pflanzliche Arzneimittel in der Schwangerschait und
Stillzeit.- Vital durch Kneipp.- Wer war Sebastian Kneipp?.- Die
funf Saulen der Kneipptherapie.- Beschreibung der Anwendungen, die
im Buch erwahnt wurden.- Allergien, Asthma.- Register.
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) have become big
business both in Australia and other western countries. Alongside
the growing consumption and provision of CAM has emerged a small
but significant body of research literature exploring these
Nevertheless, CAM research is in its infancy and there is a real
and urgent need for further capacity building in this area of
study. CAM remains heavily under-researched and the growing number
of private and University CAM courses and qualifications
acknowledge and address this need for further research capacity
building. With this context in mind, this book constitutes a
valuable and timely resource for those looking to understand,
initiate and expand CAM research.
The collection brings together leading international CAM
researchers (UK, Germany, Canada, New Zealand and Australia) with
backgrounds and expertise in health social science, statistics,
qualitative methodology, general practice, clinical trials
methodology, clinical pharmacology, health services research and
public health. Contributors draw upon their own CAM research work
and experience to explain and review core methods and research
issues pertinent to the contemporary field of CAM and its future
development. The book addresses such questions as: what is the use
and limitation of evidence in CAM research? What are the issues
facing practitioners (GPs, therapists, nurses, etc) who wish to
conduct research? How and why should qualitative methods be
combined alongside quantitative methods to help explore CAM? How
does the randomized control trial (RCT) method relate to CAM? What
types of research questions relating to CAM can be addressed by
variousmethods? What should be the future direction of CAM research
in terms of public health and policy-related agendas?
A single-source reference on the most important and
best-investigated Ayurvedic herbs This book examines the clinical
information available on more than 60 Ayurvedic herbs to determine
how their use in traditional Indian medicine is supported by modern
scientific study. Plants are grouped according to body systems and
each entry includes a description, information on the source plant,
distribution and traditional use, active chemical constituents,
relevant pharmacology, and details of clinical studies and safety
findings. This unique book also includes a brief history of
Ayurveda, examines the history of drug development and evaluation
in ancient India, and identifies current trends resulting from
scientific investigation. Worldwide interest in Ayurveda is growing
quickly, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. But
until now, information on Western-style clinical trials on Ayurveda
herbs has been scattered and no single source for descriptions,
comments, and references has existed. Ayurvedic Herbs presents the
first critical validation of Ayurvedic medicine, extensively
referenced for physicians and clinicians interested in alternative
and adjunctive therapies. This unique book is essential for making
informed choices on herb use, offering clinical trial data, results
of pharmacological studies, and safety information. Ayurvedic Herbs
examines: gastrointestinal agents hepatoprotective agents
respiratory tract agents cardiovascular drugs urinary tract drugs
antirheumatic agents skin and trauma care agents gynecological
agents antidiabetic agents CNS agents rasayana drugs dental and
ophthamological agents and much more Ayurvedic Herbs includes
cross-references to chapters when a particular plant has more than
one indication and watercolor illustrations of twelve major herbs.
This expansive text offers a comprehensive mind/body/spirit
framework for relieving individual patients of the debilitating
effects of long-term disease while reducing the public burden of
chronic illness. It introduces the patient-centered Pathways Model,
featuring a robust scientific base for psychotherapy, complementary
and alternative modalities, and a religious/spiritual element, in
progressive levels of treatment from self-help to professional
help. Chapters spotlight component skills of the model, including
treatment planning, patient rapport, and choosing therapies for
optimal well-being. The authors advocate for interventions ranging
from lifestyle change to mindfulness, and biofeedback to pastoral
counseling. In addition, in-depth case studies detail memorable
patient journeys from diagnosis and referral to assessment,
engagement in treatment and outcome. Among the topics covered: *
Mind, body, and spirit in chronic illness. * The need for an
integrative model to support comprehensive health-supportive
change. * Chronic disease from a functional medicine perspective. *
Mechanisms by which religious engagement and religion-based
variables affect health. * Complementary and integrative medicine
for the Pathways Model. * PLUS: Pathways approaches to chronic
pain, caregiver stress, diabetes, mood disorders, PTSD, brain
injury, heart disease, cancer, and more. Emphasizing patient
individuality and clinician creativity, Integrative Pathways models
a compassionate approach to lessening persistent suffering for use
by health psychologists, physicians, counselors, health coaches,
and other practitioners involved in complementary and integrative
medicine, pain medicine, and rehabilitation. "The Pathway Model
addresses what clinical researchers in the field have been calling
for, a research-based approach to health and wellness that clearly
explains important concepts and provides an optimal foundation from
which to approach health interventions." Patrick R. Steffen, PhD,
BCB, Brigham Young University
The first book to deal with the history and source of complete
superstitions which exist, or have existed among British people
throughout the world. They are presented in encyclopaedic form, so
that any individual superstition, or collective superstitions
related to one particular subject, can be found under a specified
heading. Some 2300 superstitions are listed in a work of over
230,000 words. Many of the earliest books, particularly those
dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and
increasingly expensive. Home Farm Books are republishing these
classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using
the original text and artwork.
Western Medicine as seen today has a strong scientific basis in its
development. The pathogenesis of most diseases and their
symptomatology and physical signs are well studied and understood.
The management of patients is based on firm understanding of these
disease processes. In contrast, Traditional Chinese Medicine came
about through the experience of many generations of practitioners
over thousands of years. Undoubtedly, many of these treatments have
proved to be effective in their own way, however, firm scientific
basis is still lacking.
While most Western Medicine advocates control of disease by
eradication of pathogens and surgical removal of diseased organs as
in the case of cancer, Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to
improve resistance against disease. There is probably a great
wealth of therapeutic value in Traditional Chinese Medicine, which
has not been discovered or explored fully. By combining the
knowledge of both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine, one
might be able to improve the results of efficacy of treatments and
the survival of patients. The integration of Medicine from East and
West will take time to evolve and will need interested physicians
from different parts of the world to work closely together to
realize such a possibility.
This book is an attempt to bridge the medical world of two great
and ancient civilizations in their approach to the treatment of
disease. It is informative with a detailed account of the history
of medical development. It is highly recommended for those medical
practitioners from both East and West who are interested to explore
alternative medicine and research new areas of the medical