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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Complex analysis
This work covers two bases, both performance optimization strategies and a complete introduction to mathematical procedures required for a successful circuit design. It starts from the basics of mathematical procedures and circuit analysis before moving on to the more advanced topics of system optimization and synthesis, along with the complete mathematical apparatus required. The authors have been at pains to make the material accessible by limiting the mathematics to the necessary minimum.
This volume is dedicated to Bill Helton on the occasion of his sixty fifth birthday. It contains biographical material, a list of Bill's publications, a detailed survey of Bill's contributions to operator theory, optimization and control and 19 technical articles. Most of the technical articles are expository and should serve as useful introductions to many of the areas which Bill's highly original contributions have helped to shape over the last forty odd years. These include interpolation, Szegoe limit theorems, Nehari problems, trace formulas, systems and control theory, convexity, matrix completion problems, linear matrix inequalities and optimization. The book should be useful to graduate students in mathematics and engineering, as well as to faculty and individuals seeking entry level introductions and references to the indicated topics. It can also serve as a supplementary text to numerous courses in pure and applied mathematics and engineering, as well as a source book for seminars.
From the German preface of R. Remmert: "When kings build their kingdom, there is work for the draymen. Kiyoshi Oka was a king. His kingdom was the function theory of several complex variables. He solved problems which were believed to be unsolvable; he developed methods whose audacity brought the admiration of the mathematical world. Oka gave new life to complex analysis." This book comprises Okas ten Memoires with comments by Henri Cartan."
The origins of Schur analysis lie in a 1917 article by Issai Schur in which he constructed a numerical sequence to correspond to a holomorphic contractive function on the unit disk. These sequences are now known as Schur parameter sequences. Schur analysis has grown significantly since its beginnings in the early twentieth century and now encompasses a wide variety of problems related to several classes of holomorphic functions and their matricial generalizations. These problems include interpolation and moment problems as well as Schur parametrization of particular classes of contractive or nonnegative Hermitian block matrices. This book is primarily devoted to topics related to matrix versions of classical interpolation and moment problems. The major themes include Schur analysis of nonnegative Hermitian block Hankel matrices and the construction of Schur-type algorithms. This book also covers a number of recent developments in orthogonal rational matrix functions, matrix-valued Caratheodory functions and maximal weight solutions for particular matricial moment problems on the unit circle.
Leon Ehrenpreis has been one of the leading mathematicians in the twentieth century. His contributions to the theory of partial differential equations were part of the golden era of PDEs, and led him to what is maybe his most important contribution, the Fundamental Principle, which he announced in 1960, and fully demonstrated in 1970. His most recent work, on the other hand, focused on a novel and far reaching understanding of the Radon transform, and offered new insights in integral geometry. Leon Ehrenpreis died in 2010, and this volume collects writings in his honor by a cadre of distinguished mathematicians, many of which were his collaborators.
This book is devoted to the Beltrami equations that play a significant role in Geometry, Analysis and Physics and, in particular, in the study of quasiconformal mappings and their generalizations, Riemann surfaces, Kleinian groups, Teichmuller spaces, Clifford analysis, meromorphic functions, low dimensional topology, holomorphic motions, complex dynamics, potential theory, electrostatics, magnetostatics, hydrodynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics. The purpose of this book is to present the recent developments in the theory of Beltrami equations; especiallythose concerning degenerate and alternating Beltrami equations. The authors study a wide circle of problems like convergence, existence, uniqueness, representation, removal of singularities, local distortion estimates and boundary behaviorof solutions to the Beltrami equations. The monographcontains a number of new types of criteria in the given problems, particularly new integral conditions for the existence of regular solutions to the Beltrami equations that turned out to be not only sufficient but also necessary. The most important feature of this bookconcerns the unified geometric approach based on the modulus method that is effectively applied to solving the mentioned problems. Moreover, it is characteristic for the book application of many new concepts as strong ring solutions, tangent dilatations, weakly flat and strongly accessible boundaries, functions of finite mean oscillations and new integral conditions that make possible to realize a more deep and refined analysis of problems related to the Beltrami equations. Mastering and using these new tools alsogives essential advantages for the reader in the research of modern problems in many other domains. Every mathematics graduate library should have a copy of this book. "
The problems of conditional optimization of the uniform (or C-) norm for polynomials and rational functions arise in various branches of science and technology. Their numerical solution is notoriously difficult in case of high degree functions. The book develops the classical Chebyshev's approach which gives analytical representation for the solution in terms of Riemann surfaces. The techniques born in the remote (at the first glance) branches of mathematics such as complex analysis, Riemann surfaces and Teichmuller theory, foliations, braids, topology are applied to approximation problems. The key feature of this book is the usage of beautiful ideas of contemporary mathematics for the solution of applied problems and their effective numerical realization. This is one of the few books where the computational aspects of the higher genus Riemann surfaces are illuminated. Effective work with the moduli spaces of algebraic curves provides wide opportunities for numerical experiments in mathematics and theoretical physics.
This volume contains twenty-one solicited articles by speakers at the IWOTA 2009 workshop, ranging from expository surveys to original research papers, each carefully refereed.The contributions reflect recent developments in operator theory and its applications. Consistent with the topics of recent IWOTA meetings, IWOTA 2009 was designed as a comprehensive, inclusive conference covering all aspects of theoretical and applied operator theory, ranging from classical analysis, differential and integral equations, complex and harmonic analysis to mathematical physics, mathematical systems and control theory, signal processing and numerical analysis. The conference brought together international experts for a week-long stay at Hotel Real de Minas, in an atmosphere conducive to fruitful professional interactions. These Proceedings reflect the high quality of the papers presented at the conference. "
Blaschke Products and Their Applications presents a collection of survey articles that examine Blaschke products and several of its applications to fields such as approximation theory, differential equations, dynamical systems, harmonic analysis, to name a few. Additionally, this volume illustrates the historical roots of Blaschke products and highlights key research on this topic. For nearly a century, Blaschke products have been researched. Their boundary behaviour, the asymptomatic growth of various integral means and their derivatives, their applications within several branches of mathematics, and their membership in different function spaces and their dynamics, are a few examples of where Blaschke products have shown to be important. The contributions written by experts from various fields of mathematical research will engage graduate students and researches alike, bringing the reader to the forefront of research in the topic. The readers will also discover the various open problems, enabling them to better pursue their own research.
This book provides the foundations for a rigorous theory of functional analysis with bicomplex scalars. It begins with a detailed study of bicomplex and hyperbolic numbers and then defines the notion of bicomplex modules. After introducing a number of norms and inner products on such modules (some of which appear in this volume for the first time), the authors develop the theory of linear functionals and linear operators on bicomplex modules. All of this may serve for many different developments, just like the usual functional analysis with complex scalars and in this book it serves as the foundational material for the construction and study of a bicomplex version of the well known Schur analysis.
Nonlinear complex open systems show great diversity in the process of self-organization, and that diversity increases as complexity increases. The measurement of complexity and the origins of the diversity of such complex systems are the focus of interdisciplinary studies extending across a wide range of scientific disciplines that include applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, ecology, sociology, and economics. Previous investigations have concentrated either on complexity or on diversity, but not both. This volume makes clear the relation between complexity and diversity with examples drawn from various disciplines. Compiles here are presentations from the Complexity and Diversity workshop held in Fugue, Japan, in August 1996. The contributions are the results of research in mathematical systems, physical systems, living systems, and social systems, and are contained in the four corresponding sections of the book. Mathematical expressions for the theory of complexity as a fundamental method along with realistic examples for application of systematic methods provide the reader with ready access to the latest topics in complex systems.
This book is dedicated to the memory of Israel Gohberg (1928-2009) - one of the great mathematicians of our time - who inspired innumerable fellow mathematicians and directed many students. The volume reflects the wide spectrum of Gohberg's mathematical interests. It consists of more than 25 invited and peer-reviewed original research papers written by his former students, co-authors and friends. Included are contributions to single and multivariable operator theory, commutative and non-commutative Banach algebra theory, the theory of matrix polynomials and analytic vector-valued functions, several variable complex function theory, and the theory of structured matrices and operators. Also treated are canonical differential systems, interpolation, completion and extension problems, numerical linear algebra and mathematical systems theory.
Laplace transforms continue to be a very important tool for the engineer, physicist and applied mathematician. They are also now useful to financial, economic and biological modellers as these disciplines become more quantitative. Any problem that has underlying linearity and with solution based on initial values can be expressed as an appropriate differential equation and hence be solved using Laplace transforms. In this book, there is a strong emphasis on application with the necessary mathematical grounding. There are plenty of worked examples with all solutions provided. This enlarged new edition includes generalised Fourier series and a completely new chapter on wavelets. Only knowledge of elementary trigonometry and calculus are required as prerequisites. "An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series" will be useful for second and third year undergraduate students in engineering, physics or mathematics, as well as for graduates in any discipline such as financial mathematics, econometrics and biological modelling requiring techniques for solving initial value problems.
In this book we introduce the class of mappings of finite distortion as a generalization of the class of mappings of bounded distortion. Connections with models of nonlinear elasticity are also discussed. We study continuity properties, behavior of our mappings on null sets, topological properties like openness and discreteness, regularity of the potential inverse mappings and many other aspects.
Jean Leray (1906-1998) was one of the great French mathematicians of his century. His life's workcan be dividedinto 3 major areas, reflected in these 3 volumes. Volume I, to which an Introduction has been contributed by A. Borel, covers Leray's seminal work in algebraic topology, where he created sheaf theory and discovered the spectral sequences. Volume II, with an introduction by P. Lax, covers fluid mechanics and partial differential equations. Leray demonstrated the existence of the infinite-time extension of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations; 60 years later this profound work has retained all its impact. Volume III, on the theory of several complex variables, has a long introduction by G. Henkin. Leray's work on the ramified Cauchy problem will stand for centuries alongside the Cauchy-Kovalevska theorem for the unramified case. He was awarded the Malaxa Prize (1938), the Grand Prix in Mathematical Sciences (1940), the Feltrinelli Prize (1971), the Wolf Prize in Mathematics (1979), and the Lomonosov Gold Medal (1988)."
The main purpose of this book is to provide a simple and accessible introduction to the mixed finite element method as a fundamental tool to numerically solve a wide class of boundary value problems arising in physics and engineering sciences. The book is based on material that was taught in corresponding undergraduate and graduate courses at the Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, during the last 7 years. As compared with several other classical books in the subject, the main features of the present one have to do, on one hand, with an attempt of presenting and explaining most of the details in the proofs and in the different applications. In particular several results and aspects of the corresponding analysis that are usually available only in papers or proceedings are included here.
One of the most elementary questions in mathematics is whether an area minimizing surface spanning a contour in three space is immersed or not; i.e. does its derivative have maximal rank everywhere. The purpose of this monograph is to present an elementary proof of this very fundamental and beautiful mathematical result. The exposition follows the original line of attack initiated by Jesse Douglas in his Fields medal work in 1931, namely use Dirichlet's energy as opposed to area. Remarkably, the author shows how to calculate arbitrarily high orders of derivatives of Dirichlet's energy defined on the infinite dimensional manifold of all surfaces spanning a contour, breaking new ground in the Calculus of Variations, where normally only the second derivative or variation is calculated. The monograph begins with easy examples leading to a proof in a large number of cases that can be presented in a graduate course in either manifolds or complex analysis. Thus this monograph requires only the most basic knowledge of analysis, complex analysis and topology and can therefore be read by almost anyone with a basic graduate education.
The study of complex variables is beautiful from a purely mathematical point of view, and very useful for solving a wide array of problems arising in applications. This introduction to complex variables, suitable as a text for a one-semester course, has been written for undergraduate students in applied mathematics, science, and engineering. Based on the authors' extensive teaching experience, it covers topics of keen interest to these students, including ordinary differential equations, as well as Fourier and Laplace transform methods for solving partial differential equations arising in physical applications. Many worked examples, applications, and exercises are included. With this foundation, students can progress beyond the standard course and explore a range of additional topics, including generalized Cauchy theorem, Painleve equations, computational methods, and conformal mapping with circular arcs. Advanced topics are labeled with an asterisk and can be included in the syllabus or form the basis for challenging student projects.
The conjugate operator method is a powerful recently developed technique for studying spectral properties of self-adjoint operators. One of the purposes of this volume is to present a refinement of the original method due to Mourre leading to essentially optimal results in situations as varied as ordinary differential operators, pseudo-differential operators and N-body Schroedinger hamiltonians. Another topic is a new algebraic framework for the N-body problem allowing a simple and systematic treatment of large classes of many-channel hamiltonians. The monograph will be of interest to research mathematicians and mathematical physicists. The authors have made efforts to produce an essentially self-contained text, which makes it accessible to advanced students. Thus about one third of the book is devoted to the development of tools from functional analysis, in particular real interpolation theory for Banach spaces and functional calculus and Besov spaces associated with multi-parameter C0-groups. Certainly this monograph (containing a bibliography of 170 items) is a well-written contribution to this field which is suitable to stimulate further evolution of the theory. (Mathematical Reviews)
This book provides a complete and exhaustive study of the Green s functions. Professor Cabada first proves the basic properties of Green's functions and discusses the study of nonlinear boundary value problems. Classic methods of lower and upper solutions are explored, with a particular focus on monotone iterative techniques that flow from them. In addition, Cabada proves the existence of positive solutions by constructing operators defined in cones. The book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers interested in the theoretical underpinnings of boundary value problem solutions."
In these notes, we provide a summary of recent results on the cohomological properties of compact complex manifolds not endowed with a Kahler structure. On the one hand, the large number of developed analytic techniques makes it possible to prove strong cohomological properties for compact Kahler manifolds. On the other, in order to further investigate any of these properties, it is natural to look for manifolds that do not have any Kahler structure. We focus in particular on studying Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies of compact complex manifolds. Several results concerning the computations of Dolbeault and Bott-Chern cohomologies on nilmanifolds are summarized, allowing readers to study explicit examples. Manifolds endowed with almost-complex structures, or with other special structures (such as, for example, symplectic, generalized-complex, etc.), are also considered."
A renowned mathematician who considers himself both applied and theoretical in his approach, Peter Lax has spent most of his professional career at NYU, making significant contributions to both mathematics and computing. He has written several important published works and has received numerous honors including the National Medal of Science, the Lester R. Ford Award, the Chauvenet Prize, the Semmelweis Medal, the Wiener Prize, and the Wolf Prize. Several students he has mentored have become leaders in their fields. Two volumes span the years from 1952 up until 1999, and cover many varying topics, from functional analysis, partial differential equations, and numerical methods to conservation laws, integrable systems andscattering theory.After each paper, or collection of papers, is a commentary placing the paper in context and where relevant discussing more recent developments.Many of the papers in these volumes have become classics and should be read by any serious student of these topics.In terms of insight, depth, and breadth, Lax has few equals.The reader of this selecta will quickly appreciate his brilliance as well as his masterful touch.Having this collection of papers in one place allows one to follow the evolution of his ideas and mathematical interests and to appreciate how many of these papers initiated topics that developed lives of their own."
This book is a compilation of the entire research work on the topic
of Complex Binary Number System (CBNS) carried out by the author as
the principal investigator and members of his research groups at
various universities during the years 2000-2012. Pursuant to these
efforts spanning several years, the realization of CBNS as a viable
alternative to represent complex numbers in an "all-in-one" binary
number format has become possible and efforts are underway to build
computer hardware based on this unique number system. |
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