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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Complex analysis
This book is the second of a two volume series. Covering a range of subjects from operator theory and classical harmonic analysis to Banach space theory, this book features fully-refereed, high-quality papers exploring new results and trends in weighted norm inequalities, Schur-Agler class functions, complex analysis, dynamical systems, and dyadic harmonic analysis. Graduate students and researchers in analysis will find inspiration in the articles collected in this volume, which emphasize the remarkable connections between harmonic analysis and operator theory. A survey of the two weight problem for the Hilbert transform and an expository article on the Clark model to the case of non-singular measures and applications to the study of rank-one perturbations are included. The material for this volume is based on the 13th New Mexico Analysis Seminar held at the University of New Mexico, April 3-4, 2014 and on several special sections of the Western Spring Sectional Meeting at the University of New Mexico, April 4-6,2014. During the event, participants honored the memory of Cora Sadosky-a great mathematician who recently passed away and who made significant contributions to the field of harmonic analysis. Cora was an exceptional scientist and human being. She was a world expert in harmonic analysis and operator theory, publishing over fifty-five research papers and authoring a major textbook in the field. Participants of the conference include new and senior researchers, recent doctorates as well as leading experts in the area.
The first of a two volume set on novel methods in harmonic analysis, this book draws on a number of original research and survey papers from well-known specialists detailing the latest innovations and recently discovered links between various fields. Along with many deep theoretical results, these volumes contain numerous applications to problems in signal processing, medical imaging, geodesy, statistics, and data science. The chapters within cover an impressive range of ideas from both traditional and modern harmonic analysis, such as: the Fourier transform, Shannon sampling, frames, wavelets, functions on Euclidean spaces, analysis on function spaces of Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds, Fourier analysis on manifolds and Lie groups, analysis on combinatorial graphs, sheaves, co-sheaves, and persistent homologies on topological spaces. Volume I is organized around the theme of frames and other bases in abstract and function spaces, covering topics such as: The advanced development of frames, including Sigma-Delta quantization for fusion frames, localization of frames, and frame conditioning, as well as applications to distributed sensor networks, Galerkin-like representation of operators, scaling on graphs, and dynamical sampling. A systematic approach to shearlets with applications to wavefront sets and function spaces. Prolate and generalized prolate functions, spherical Gauss-Laguerre basis functions, and radial basis functions. Kernel methods, wavelets, and frames on compact and non-compact manifolds.
The contributions in this volume aim to deepen understanding of some of the current research problems and theories in modern topics such as calculus of variations, optimization theory, complex analysis, real analysis, differential equations, and geometry. Applications to these areas of mathematics are presented within the broad spectrum of research in Engineering Science with particular emphasis on equilibrium problems, complexity in numerical optimization, dynamical systems, non-smooth optimization, complex network analysis, statistical models and data mining, and energy systems. Additional emphasis is given to interdisciplinary research, although subjects are treated in a unified and self-contained manner. The presentation of methods, theory and applications makes this tribute an invaluable reference for teachers, researchers, and other professionals interested in pure and applied research, philosophy of mathematics, and mathematics education. Some review papers published in this volume will be particularly useful for a broader audience of readers as well as for graduate students who search for the latest information. Constantin Caratheodory's wide-ranging influence in the international mathematical community was seen during the first Fields Medals awards at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Oslo, 1936. Two medals were awarded, one to Lars V. Ahlfors and one to Jesse Douglass. It was Caratheodory who presented both their works during the opening of the International Congress. This volume contains significant papers in Science and Engineering dedicated to the memory of Constantin Caratheodory and the spirit of his mathematical influence.
This book proposes a semi-discrete version of the theory of Petitot and Citti-Sarti, leading to a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2,N), restricted to a finite number of rotations. This apparently very simple group is in fact quite atypical: it is maximally almost periodic, which leads to much simpler harmonic analysis compared to SE(2). Based upon this semi-discrete model, the authors improve on previous image-reconstruction algorithms and develop a pattern-recognition theory that also leads to very efficient algorithms in practice.
Featuring the work of twenty-three internationally-recognized experts, this volume explores the trace formula, spectra of locally symmetric spaces, p-adic families, and other recent techniques from harmonic analysis and representation theory. Each peer-reviewed submission in this volume, based on the Simons Foundation symposium on families of automorphic forms and the trace formula held in Puerto Rico in January-February 2014, is the product of intensive research collaboration by the participants over the course of the seven-day workshop. The goal of each session in the symposium was to bring together researchers with diverse specialties in order to identify key difficulties as well as fruitful approaches being explored in the field. The respective themes were counting cohomological forms, p-adic trace formulas, Hecke fields, slopes of modular forms, and orbital integrals.
Current and historical research methods in approximation theory are presented in this book beginning with the 1800s and following the evolution of approximation theory via the refinement and extension of classical methods and ending with recent techniques and methodologies. Graduate students, postdocs, and researchers in mathematics, specifically those working in the theory of functions, approximation theory, geometric function theory, and optimization will find new insights as well as a guide to advanced topics. The chapters in this book are grouped into four themes; the first, polynomials (Chapters 1 -8), includes inequalities for polynomials and rational functions, orthogonal polynomials, and location of zeros. The second, inequalities and extremal problems are discussed in Chapters 9 -13. The third, approximation of functions, involves the approximants being polynomials, rational functions, and other types of functions and are covered in Chapters 14 -19. The last theme, quadrature, cubature and applications, comprises the final three chapters and includes an article coauthored by Rahman. This volume serves as a memorial volume to commemorate the distinguished career of Qazi Ibadur Rahman (1934-2013) of the Universite de Montreal. Rahman was considered by his peers as one of the prominent experts in analytic theory of polynomials and entire functions. The novelty of his work lies in his profound abilities and skills in applying techniques from other areas of mathematics, such as optimization theory and variational principles, to obtain final answers to countless open problems.
This revised and expanded monograph presents the general theory for frames and Riesz bases in Hilbert spaces as well as its concrete realizations within Gabor analysis, wavelet analysis, and generalized shift-invariant systems. Compared with the first edition, more emphasis is put on explicit constructions with attractive properties. Based on the exiting development of frame theory over the last decade, this second edition now includes new sections on the rapidly growing fields of LCA groups, generalized shift-invariant systems, duality theory for as well Gabor frames as wavelet frames, and open problems in the field. Key features include: *Elementary introduction to frame theory in finite-dimensional spaces * Basic results presented in an accessible way for both pure and applied mathematicians * Extensive exercises make the work suitable as a textbook for use in graduate courses * Full proofs includ ed in introductory chapters; only basic knowledge of functional analysis required * Explicit constructions of frames and dual pairs of frames, with applications and connections to time-frequency analysis, wavelets, and generalized shift-invariant systems * Discussion of frames on LCA groups and the concrete realizations in terms of Gabor systems on the elementary groups; connections to sampling theory * Selected research topics presented with recommendations for more advanced topics and further readin g * Open problems to stimulate further research An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases will be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and engineering. Professionals working in digital signal processing who wish to understand the theory behind many modern signal processing tools may also find this book a useful self-study reference. Review of the first edition: "Ole Christensen's An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases is a first-rate introduction to the field ... . The book provides an excellent exposition of these topics. The material is broad enough to pique the interest of many readers, the included exercises supply some interesting challenges, and the coverage provides enough background for those new to the subject to begin conducting original research." - Eric S. Weber, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 112, February, 2005
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the session "Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis" at the 10th ISAAC Congress held in Macau in August 2015. The covered topics represent the state-of-the-art as well as new trends in hypercomplex analysis and its applications.
Covering a range of subjects from operator theory and classical harmonic analysis to Banach space theory, this book contains survey and expository articles by leading experts in their corresponding fields, and features fully-refereed, high-quality papers exploring new results and trends in spectral theory, mathematical physics, geometric function theory, and partial differential equations. Graduate students and researchers in analysis will find inspiration in the articles collected in this volume, which emphasize the remarkable connections between harmonic analysis and operator theory. Another shared research interest of the contributors of this volume lies in the area of applied harmonic analysis, where a new notion called chromatic derivatives has recently been introduced in communication engineering. The material for this volume is based on the 13th New Mexico Analysis Seminar held at the University of New Mexico, April 3-4, 2014 and on several special sections of the Western Spring Sectional Meeting at the University of New Mexico, April 4-6, 2014. During the event, participants honored the memory of Cora Sadosky-a great mathematician who recently passed away and who made significant contributions to the field of harmonic analysis. Cora was an exceptional mathematician and human being. She was a world expert in harmonic analysis and operator theory, publishing over fifty-five research papers and authoring a major textbook in the field. Participants of the conference include new and senior researchers, recent doctorates as well as leading experts in the area.
This volume consists of contributions spanning a wide spectrum of harmonic analysis and its applications written by speakers at the February Fourier Talks from 2002 - 2016. Containing cutting-edge results by an impressive array of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry and government, it will be an excellent reference for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in pure and applied mathematics, physics, and engineering. Topics covered include: Theoretical harmonic analysis Image and signal processing Quantization Algorithms and representations The February Fourier Talks are held annually at the Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications. Located at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Norbert Wiener Center provides a state-of- the-art research venue for the broad emerging area of mathematical engineering.
The aim of this book is to describe Calabi's original work on Kahler immersions of Kahler manifolds into complex space forms, to provide a detailed account of what is known today on the subject and to point out some open problems. Calabi's pioneering work, making use of the powerful tool of the diastasis function, allowed him to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a neighbourhood of a point to be locally Kahler immersed into a finite or infinite-dimensional complex space form. This led to a classification of (finite-dimensional) complex space forms admitting a Kahler immersion into another, and to decades of further research on the subject. Each chapter begins with a brief summary of the topics to be discussed and ends with a list of exercises designed to test the reader's understanding. Apart from the section on Kahler immersions of homogeneous bounded domains into the infinite complex projective space, which could be skipped without compromising the understanding of the rest of the book, the prerequisites to read this book are a basic knowledge of complex and Kahler geometry.
This book is a short, but complete, introduction to the Loewner equation and the SLEs, which are a family of random fractal curves, as well as the relevant background in probability and complex analysis. The connection to statistical physics is also developed in the text in an example case. The book is based on a course (with the same title) lectured by the author. First three chapters are devoted to the background material, but at the same time, give the reader a good understanding on the overview on the subject and on some aspects of conformal invariance. The chapter on the Loewner equation develops in detail the connection of growing hulls and the differential equation satisfied by families of conformal maps. The Schramm-Loewner evolutions are defined and their basic properties are studied in the following chapter, and the regularity properties of random curves as well as scaling limits of discrete random curves are investigated in the final chapter. The book is aimed at graduate students or researchers who want to learn the subject fairly quickly.
This book is devoted to the study of certain integral representations for Neumann, Kapteyn, Schloemilch, Dini and Fourier series of Bessel and other special functions, such as Struve and von Lommel functions. The aim is also to find the coefficients of the Neumann and Kapteyn series, as well as closed-form expressions and summation formulas for the series of Bessel functions considered. Some integral representations are deduced using techniques from the theory of differential equations. The text is aimed at a mathematical audience, including graduate students and those in the scientific community who are interested in a new perspective on Fourier-Bessel series, and their manifold and polyvalent applications, mainly in general classical analysis, applied mathematics and mathematical physics.
This new edition provides an updated and enhanced survey on employing wavelets analysis in an array of applications of speech processing. The author presents updated developments in topics such as; speech enhancement, noise suppression, spectral analysis of speech signal, speech quality assessment, speech recognition, forensics by Speech, and emotion recognition from speech. The new edition also features a new chapter on scalogram analysis of speech. Moreover, in this edition, each chapter is restructured as such; that it becomes self contained, and can be read separately. Each chapter surveys the literature in a topic such that the use of wavelets in the work is explained and experimental results of proposed method are then discussed. Illustrative figures are also added to explain the methodology of each work.
This book exploits the classification of a class of linear bounded operators with rank-one self-commutators in terms of their spectral parameter, known as the principal function. The resulting dictionary between two dimensional planar shapes with a degree of shade and Hilbert space operators turns out to be illuminating and beneficial for both sides. An exponential transform, essentially a Riesz potential at critical exponent, is at the heart of this novel framework; its best rational approximants unveil a new class of complex orthogonal polynomials whose asymptotic distribution of zeros is thoroughly studied in the text. Connections with areas of potential theory, approximation theory in the complex domain and fluid mechanics are established. The text is addressed, with specific aims, at experts and beginners in a wide range of areas of current interest: potential theory, numerical linear algebra, operator theory, inverse problems, image and signal processing, approximation theory, mathematical physics.
The purpose of this monograph is two-fold: it introduces a conceptual language for the geometrical objects underlying Painleve equations, and it offers new results on a particular Painleve III equation of type PIII (D6), called PIII (0, 0, 4, 4), describing its relation to isomonodromic families of vector bundles on P1 with meromorphic connections. This equation is equivalent to the radial sine (or sinh) Gordon equation and, as such, it appears widely in geometry and physics. It is used here as a very concrete and classical illustration of the modern theory of vector bundles with meromorphic connections. Complex multi-valued solutions on C* are the natural context for most of the monograph, but in the last four chapters real solutions on R>0 (with or without singularities) are addressed. These provide examples of variations of TERP structures, which are related to tt geometry and harmonic bundles. As an application, a new global picture o0 is given.
Presents easy to understand proofs of some of the most difficult results about polynomials demonstrated by means of applications.
A number of important topics in complex analysis and geometry are covered in this excellent introductory text. Written by experts in the subject, each chapter unfolds from the basics to the more complex. The exposition is rapid-paced and efficient, without compromising proofs and examples that enable the reader to grasp the essentials. The most basic type of domain examined is the bounded symmetric domain, originally described and classified by Cartan and Harish- Chandra. Two of the five parts of the text deal with these domains: one introduces the subject through the theory of semisimple Lie algebras (Koranyi), and the other through Jordan algebras and triple systems (Roos). Larger classes of domains and spaces are furnished by the pseudo-Hermitian symmetric spaces and related R-spaces. These classes are covered via a study of their geometry and a presentation and classification of their Lie algebraic theory (Kaneyuki). In the fourth part of the book, the heat kernels of the symmetric spaces belonging to the classical Lie groups are determined (Lu). Explicit computations are made for each case, giving precise results and complementing the more abstract and general methods presented. Also explored are recent developments in the field, in particular, the study of complex semigroups which generalize complex tube domains and function spaces on them (Faraut). This volume will be useful as a graduate text for students of Lie group theory with connections to complex analysis, or as a self-study resource for newcomers to the field. Readers will reach the frontiers of the subject in a considerably shorter time than with existing texts.
This book presents a method for evaluating Selberg zeta functions via transfer operators for the full modular group and its congruence subgroups with characters. Studying zeros of Selberg zeta functions for character deformations allows us to access the discrete spectra and resonances of hyperbolic Laplacians under both singular and non-singular perturbations. Areas in which the theory has not yet been sufficiently developed, such as the spectral theory of transfer operators or the singular perturbation theory of hyperbolic Laplacians, will profit from the numerical experiments discussed in this book. Detailed descriptions of numerical approaches to the spectra and eigenfunctions of transfer operators and to computations of Selberg zeta functions will be of value to researchers active in analysis, while those researchers focusing more on numerical aspects will benefit from discussions of the analytic theory, in particular those concerning the transfer operator method and the spectral theory of hyperbolic spaces.
In this textbook, a concise approach to complex analysis of one and several variables is presented. After an introduction of Cauchy's integral theorem general versions of Runge's approximation theorem and Mittag-Leffler's theorem are discussed. The fi rst part ends with an analytic characterization of simply connected domains. The second part is concerned with functional analytic methods: Frechet and Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions, the Bergman kernel, and unbounded operators on Hilbert spaces to tackle the theory of several variables, in particular the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equations and the d-bar Neumann operator. Contents Complex numbers and functions Cauchy's Theorem and Cauchy's formula Analytic continuation Construction and approximation of holomorphic functions Harmonic functions Several complex variables Bergman spaces The canonical solution operator to Nuclear Frechet spaces of holomorphic functions The -complex The twisted -complex and Schroedinger operators
The monograph is devoted to integral representations for holomorphic functions in several complex variables, such as Bochner-Martinelli, Cauchy-Fantappie, Koppelman, multidimensional logarithmic residue etc., and their boundary properties. The applications considered are problems of analytic continuation of functions from the boundary of a bounded domain in C^n. In contrast to the well-known Hartogs-Bochner theorem, this book investigates functions with the one-dimensional property of holomorphic extension along complex lines, and includes the problems of receiving multidimensional boundary analogs of the Morera theorem. This book is a valuable resource for specialists in complex analysis, theoretical physics, as well as graduate and postgraduate students with an understanding of standard university courses in complex, real and functional analysis, as well as algebra and geometry.
This volume includes 28 chapters by authors who are leading researchers of the world describing many of the up-to-date aspects in the field of several complex variables (SCV). These contributions are based upon their presentations at the 10th Korean Conference on Several Complex Variables (KSCV10), held as a satellite conference to the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2014 in Seoul, Korea. SCV has been the term for multidimensional complex analysis, one of the central research areas in mathematics. Studies over time have revealed a variety of rich, intriguing, new knowledge in complex analysis and geometry of analytic spaces and holomorphic functions which were "hidden" in the case of complex dimension one. These new theories have significant intersections with algebraic geometry, differential geometry, partial differential equations, dynamics, functional analysis and operator theory, and sheaves and cohomology, as well as the traditional analysis of holomorphic functions in all dimensions. This book is suitable for a broad audience of mathematicians at and above the beginning graduate-student level. Many chapters pose open-ended problems for further research, and one in particular is devoted to problems for future investigations.
The purpose of the corona workshop was to consider the corona problem in both one and several complex variables, both in the context of function theory and harmonic analysis as well as the context of operator theory and functional analysis. It was held in June 2012 at the Fields Institute in Toronto, and attended by about fifty mathematicians. This volume validates and commemorates the workshop, and records some of the ideas that were developed within. The corona problem dates back to 1941. It has exerted a powerful influence over mathematical analysis for nearly 75 years. There is material to help bring people up to speed in the latest ideas of the subject, as well as historical material to provide background. Particularly noteworthy is a history of the corona problem, authored by the five organizers, that provides a unique glimpse at how the problem and its many different solutions have developed. There has never been a meeting of this kind, and there has never been a volume of this kind. Mathematicians-both veterans and newcomers-will benefit from reading this book. This volume makes a unique contribution to the analysis literature and will be a valuable part of the canon for many years to come.
The international workshop on which this proceedings volume is based on brought together leading researchers in the field of elliptic and parabolic equations. Particular emphasis was put on the interaction between well-established scientists and emerging young mathematicians, as well as on exploring new connections between pure and applied mathematics. The volume contains material derived after the workshop taking up the impetus to continue collaboration and to incorporate additional new results and insights.
This volume consists of contributions spanning a wide spectrum of harmonic analysis and its applications written by speakers at the February Fourier Talks from 2002 - 2013. Containing cutting-edge results by an impressive array of mathematicians, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and government, it will be an excellent reference for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in pure and applied mathematics, physics, and engineering. Topics covered include * spectral analysis and correlation; * radar and communications: design, theory, and applications; * sparsity * special topics in harmonic analysis. The February Fourier Talks are held annually at the Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications. Located at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Norbert Wiener Center provides a state-of- the-art research venue for the broad emerging area of mathematical engineering. |
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