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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > States of matter > Condensed matter physics (liquids & solids)
Condensed-matter physics plays an ever increasing role in photonics, electronic and atomic collisions research. Dispersion (Dynamics and Relaxation) includes scattering/collisions in the gaseous phase. It also includes thermal agitation, tunneling and relaxation in the liquid and solid phases. Classical mechanics, classical statistical mechanics, classical relativity and quantum mechanics are all implicated. 'Semiclassical' essentially means that there is a large or asymptotic real parameter. 'Semiclassical' can also mean 'classical with first-order quantal correction', based on an exponentiated Liouville series commencing with a simple pole in the -plane, being Planck's reduced constant and coming with all the attendant connection problems associated with the singularity at the turning or transition point and with the Stokes phenomenon. Equally,' semiclassical' can mean 'electrons described quantally and the heavy particles classically'. This latter gives rise to the so-called impact parameter method based on a pre-assigned classical trajectory. With evermore sophisticated experiments, it has become equally more important to test theory over a wider range of parameters. For instance, at low impact energies in heavy-particle collisions, the inverse velocity is a large parameter; in single-domain ferromagnetism, thermal agitation (including Brownian motion and continuous-time random walks) is faced with a barrier of height 'sigma', a possibly large parameter. Methods of solution include phase-integral analysis, integral transforms and change-of-dependent variable. We shall consider the Schroedinger time-independent and time-dependent equations, the Dirac equation, the Fokker Planck equation, the Langevin equation and the equations of Einstein's classical general relativity equations. There is an increasing tendency among physicists to decry applied mathematics and theoretical physics in favour of computational blackboxes. One may say applied mathematics concerns hard sums and products (and their inverses) but unless one can simplify and sum infinite series of products of infinite series, can one believe the results of a computer program? The era of the polymath has passed; this book proposal aims to show the relevance to, and impact of theory on, laboratory scientists.
Relationship between structures of materials and their properties are outlined. It includes numerous problems, and solved examples. Applied Solid State Physics is a text/reference book for students studying a course in engineering and Masters in Solid State Physics. The text has been written with the aim of presenting the physical principles which explain different physical properties of materials. The exposition of the structure-property relationships in materials is the underlying theme of the book. Both the pure and applied aspects of physics of materials are presented. Solved examples, questions and problems are provided at the end of each chapter.
This book examines the physical principles behind the operation of high-speed transistors operating at frequencies above 10 GHz and having switching times less than 100 psec. If the 1970s cannot be remembered for the opportunities for creating and extensively using transistors operating at such high speeds, then, the situation has changed radically because of rapid progress in sub micrometer technology for manufacturing transistors and integrated circuits from GaAs and other semiconductor materials and the powerful influx of new physical concepts. Not only have transistors having switching speeds of 50-100 psec operating in the 10-20 GHz region been created in recent years, but the possibilities for manufacturing transistors operating one to two orders of magnitude faster have been revealed. As superhigh-speed transistors have been created, many of the most important areas of technology such as communications, computing technology, television, radar, and the manufacture of scientific, industrial, and medical equipment have qualitatively changed. Microwave transistors operating at millimeter wavelengths make it possible to produce compact and highly efficient equipment for communications and radar technology. Transistors with switching speeds better than 10-100 psec make it possible to increase the speed of microprocessors and other computer components to tens of billions of operations per second and thereby solve one of the most pressing problems of modern electronics - increasing the speed of digital information processing.
This book takes an interface science approach to describe and understand the behavior of the dispersions we call emulsions, microemulsions and foams. The one thing all these dispersions have in common is the presence of surface-active species (surfactants) adsorbed at the interfaces between the two fluid phases that make up the emulsions, microemulsions or foams. The interfacial layers formed by the surfactants control most of the properties of the dispersions. The book describes the properties of interfacial layers, thin films and bulk fluids used in the elaboration of the various dispersions and it explains how such properties relate to the dispersion properties of these soft matter systems: structure, rheology and stability. These dispersion properties are far from being fully understood, in particular foam and emulsion stability. In discussing the state of the art of the current knowledge, the author draws interesting parallels between emulsions, microemulsions and foams that enlighten the interpretation of previous observations and point to a deeper understanding of the behavior of these materials in the future.
This is the first book in a four-part series designed to give a comprehensive and coherent description of Fluid Dynamics, starting with chapters on classical theory suitable for an introductory undergraduate lecture course, and then progressing through more advanced material up to the level of modern research in the field. The present Part 1 consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 begins with a discussion of Continuum Hypothesis, which is followed by an introduction to macroscopic functions, the velocity vector, pressure, density, and enthalpy. We then analyse the forces acting inside a fluid, and deduce the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible and compressible fluids in Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. In Chapter 2 we study the properties of a number of flows that are presented by the so-called exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, including the Couette flow between two parallel plates, Hagen-Poiseuille flow through a pipe, and Karman flow above an infinite rotating disk. Chapter 3 is devoted to the inviscid incompressible flow theory, with particular focus on two-dimensional potential flows. These can be described in terms of the "complex potential", allowing the full power of the theory of functions of complex variables to be used. We discuss in detail the method of conformal mapping, which is then used to study various flows of interest, including the flows past Joukovskii aerofoils. The final Chapter 4 is concerned with compressible flows of perfect gas, including supersonic flows. Particular attention is given to the theory of characteristics, which is used, for example, to analyse the Prandtl-Meyer flow over a body surface bend and a corner. Significant attention is also devoted to the shock waves. The chapter concludes with analysis of unsteady flows, including the theory of blast waves.
Recent years have seen a growing interest in the field of thermodynamic properties of solids due to the development of advanced experimental and modeling tools. Predicting structural phase transitions and thermodynamic properties find important applications in condensed matter and materials science research, as well as in interdisciplinary research involving geophysics and Earth Sciences. The present edited book, with contributions from leading researchers around the world, is aimed to meet the need of academic and industrial researchers, graduate students and non-specialists working in these fields. The book covers various experimental and theoretical techniques relevant to the subject.
This book gathers the lecture notes of courses given at the 2011 summer school in theoretical physics in Les Houches, France, Session XCVI. What is a quantum machine? Can we say that lasers and transistors are quantum machines? After all, physicists advertise these devices as the two main spin-offs of the understanding of quantum mechanical phenomena. However, while quantum mechanics must be used to predict the wavelength of a laser and the operation voltage of a transistor, it does not intervene at the level of the signals processed by these systems. Signals involve macroscopic collective variables like voltages and currents in a circuit or the amplitude of the oscillating electric field in an electromagnetic cavity resonator. In a true quantum machine, the signal collective variables, which both inform the outside on the state of the machine and receive controlling instructions, must themselves be treated as quantum operators, just as the position of the electron in a hydrogen atom. Quantum superconducting circuits, quantum dots, and quantum nanomechanical resonators satisfy the definition of quantum machines. These mesoscopic systems exhibit a few collective dynamical variables, whose fluctuations are well in the quantum regime and whose measurement is essentially limited in precision by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Other engineered quantum systems based on natural, rather than artificial degrees of freedom can also qualify as quantum machines: trapped ions, single Rydberg atoms in superconducting cavities, and lattices of ultracold atoms. This book provides the basic knowledge needed to understand and investigate the physics of these novel systems.
The quantum Hall effects remains one of the most important subjects to have emerged in condensed matter physics over the past 20 years. The fractional quantum Hall effect, in particular, has opened up a new paradigm in the study of strongly correlated electrons, and it has been shown that new concepts, such as fractional statistics, anyon, chiral Luttinger liquid and composite particles, are realized in two-dimensional electron systems. This book explains the quantum Hall effects together with these new concepts starting from elementary quantum mechanics. Thus, graduate students can use this book to gain an overall understanding of these phenomena.
Complex oxide materials, especially the ABO3-type perovskite materials, have been attracting growing scientific interest due to their unique electro-optical properties, leading to photorefractive effects that form the basis for such devices as holographic storage, optical data processing and phase conjugation. The optical and mechanical properties of non-metals are strongly affected by the defects and impurities that are unavoidable in any real material. Nanoscopically sized surface effects play an important role, especially in multi-layered ABO3 structures, which are good candidates for high capacity memory cells. The 51 papers presented here report the latest developments and new results and will greatly stimulate progress in high-tech technologies using perovskite materials.
An informal and highly accessible writing style, a simple treatment of mathematics, and clear guide to applications have made this book a classic text in electrical and electronic engineering. Students will find it both readable and comprehensive. The fundamental ideas relevant to the understanding of the electrical properties of materials are emphasized; in addition, topics are selected in order to explain the operation of devices having applications (or possible future applications) in engineering. The mathematics, kept deliberately to a minimum, is well within the grasp of a second-year student. This is achieved by choosing the simplest model that can display the essential properties of a phenomenom, and then examining the difference between the ideal and the actual behaviour. The whole text is designed as an undergraduate course. However most individual sections are self contained and can be used as background reading in graduate courses, and for interested persons who want to explore advances in microelectronics, lasers, nanotechnology, and several other topics that impinge on modern life.
Unraveling the mystery of the negative thermal expansion of liquid water has been a challenge for scientists for centuries. Various theories have been proposed so far, but none has been able to solve this mystery. Since the thermodynamic properties of matter are determined by the interaction between particles, the mystery can be solved fundamentally if the thermodynamic physical quantities using the laws of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics are determined, the experimental results are reproduced, and the phenomena in relation to the shape of the interaction between particles are elucidated. In this sense, this book has fundamentally unraveled this mystery. In addition, it discusses the mysteries of isothermal compressibility, structural diversity, as well as liquefaction and boiling points of water in relation to the shape of the interaction between particles. It carefully explains the analysis and calculation methods so that they can be easily understood by the readers.
A Primer to the Theory of Critical Phenomena provides scientists in academia and industry, as well as graduate students in physics, chemistry, and geochemistry with the scientific fundamentals of critical phenomena and phase transitions. The book helps readers broaden their understanding of a field that has developed tremendously over the last forty years. The book also makes a great resource for graduate level instructors at universities.
Macromolecular Engineering: Design, Synthesis and Application of Polymers explores the role of macromolecular engineering in the development of polymer systems with engineered structures that offer the desired combination of properties for advanced applications. This book is organized into sections covering theory and principles, science and technology, architectures and technologies, and applications, with an emphasis on the latest advances in techniques, materials, properties, and end uses - and including recently commercialized, or soon to be commercialized, designed polymer systems. The chapters are contributed by a group of leading figures who are actively researching in the field. This is an invaluable resource for researchers and scientists interested in polymer synthesis and design, across the fields of polymer chemistry, polymer science, plastics engineering, and materials science and engineering. In industry, this book supports engineers, R&D, and scientists working on polymer design for application areas such as biomedical and healthcare, automotive and aerospace, construction and consumer goods.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised, expanded and contain some updates function of the novel results and shift of scientific interest in the topics. The book has a Foreword by Jerry L. Bona and Hongqiu Chen. The book is an introduction to nonlinear waves and soliton theory in the special environment of compact spaces such a closed curves and surfaces and other domain contours. It assumes familiarity with basic soliton theory and nonlinear dynamical systems. The first part of the book introduces the mathematical concept required for treating the manifolds considered, providing relevant notions from topology and differential geometry. An introduction to the theory of motion of curves and surfaces - as part of the emerging field of contour dynamics - is given. The second and third parts discuss the modeling of various physical solitons on compact systems, such as filaments, loops and drops made of almost incompressible materials thereby intersecting with a large number of physical disciplines from hydrodynamics to compact object astrophysics. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in mathematics, physics and engineering.
This volume contains the papers presented at the International Workshop on the Cur rent Problems in Condensed Matter: Theory and Experiment, held at Cocoyoc, More los, Mexico, during January 5-9, 1997. The participants had come from Argentina, Austria, Chile, England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland, and the USA. The presentations at the Workshop provided state-of-art reviews of many of the most important problems, currently under study, in condensed matter. Equally important to all the participants in the workshop was the fact that we had come to honor a friend, Karl Heinz Bennemann, on his sixty-fifth birthday. This Festschrift is just a small measure of recognition of the intellectualleadership of Professor Bennemann in the field and equally important, as a sincere tribute to his qualities as an exceptional friend, college and mentor. Those who have had the privilege to work closely with Karl have been deeply touched by Karl's inquisitive scientific mind as well as by bis kindness and generosity."
Polymer electronics is the science behind many important new developments in technology, such as the flexible electronic display (e-ink) and many new developments in transistor technology. Solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and transistors are all areas where plastic electronics is likely to, or is already having, a serious impact on our daily lives. With polymer transistors and light-emitting diodes now being commercialised, there is a clear need for a pedagogic text that discusses the subject in a clear and concise fashion suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students. The content builds on what has been learnt in an elementary (core) course in solid state physics and electronic behaviour, but care has been taken to ensure that important aspects such as the synthesis of these polymers are not overlooked. The chemistry is treated in a manner appropriate to students of physics. Polymer Electronics presents a thorough discussion of the physics and chemistry behind this new and important area of science, appealing to all physical scientists with an interest in the field.
Conjugated polymers have important technological applications, including solar cells and light emitting devices. They are also active components in many important biological processes. In recent years there have been significant advances in our understanding of these systems, owing to both improved experimental measurements and the development of advanced computational techniques. The aim of this book is to describe and explain the electronic and optical properties of conjugated polymers. It focuses on the three key roles of electron-electron interactions, electron-nuclear coupling, and disorder in determining the character of the electronic states, and it relates these properties to experimental observations in real systems. A number of important optical and electronic processes in conjugated polymers are also described. The second edition has a more extended discussion of excitons in conjugated polymers. There is also a new chapter on the static and dynamical localization of excitons.
This monograph discusses the essential principles of the evaporationprocess by looking at it at the molecular and atomic level. In the first part methods of statistical physics, physical kinetics andnumerical modeling are outlined including the Maxwell's distributionfunction, the Boltzmann kinetic equation, the Vlasov approach, and theCUDA technique. The distribution functions of evaporating particles are then defined.Experimental results on the evaporation coefficient and the temperaturejump on the evaporation surface are critically reviewed and compared tothe theory and numerical results presented in previous chapters. The book ends with a chapter devoted to evaporation in differentprocesses, such as boiling and cavitation.This monograph addressesgraduate students and researchers working on phase transitions andrelated fields.
In this thesis chemical and epitaxial degrees of freedom are used to manipulate charge and spin ordering phenomena in two families of transition metal oxides, while taking advantage of state-of-the-art resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) methods to characterize their microscopic origin in a comprehensive manner. First, the relationship of charge density wave order to both magnetism and the "pseudogap" phenomenon is systematically examined as a function of charge-carrier doping and isovalent chemical substitution in single crystals of a copper oxide high-temperature superconductor. Then, in copper oxide thin films, an unusual three-dimensionally long-range-ordered charge density wave state is discovered, which persists to much higher temperatures than charge-ordered states in other high-temperature superconductors. By combining crystallographic and spectroscopic measurements, the origin of this phenomenon is traced to the epitaxial relationship with the underlying substrate. This discovery opens new perspectives for the investigation of charge order and its influence on the electronic properties of the cuprates. In a separate set of RXS experiments on superlattices with alternating nickel and dysprosium oxides, several temperature- and magnetic-field-induced magnetic phase transitions are discovered. These observations are explained in a model based on transfer of magnetic order and magneto-crystalline anisotropy between the Ni and Dy subsystems, thus establishing a novel model system for the interplay between transition-metal and rare-earth magnetism.
The Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on Condensed Matter Re search Using Neutrons, Today and Tomorrow was held in Abingdon, Oxfordshire for four days beginning 26 March 1984. The Workshop was sponsored by NATO and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. A total of 32 lecturers and participants attended. An objective of the Workshop was to review some dynamic proper ties of condensed matter that can be studied using neutron spectros copy. A second objective, no less important, was to identify new topics that might be investigated with advanced spallation neutron sources. The twelve lectures reproduced in this volume bear wit ness, largely by themselves, to the success of the Workshop in meet ing these objectives. The many discussions generated by lecturers and participants meant that, in the event, the objectives were in deed amply satisfied. I should like to thank all those who attended the Horkshop for their part in making it so beneficial and rewarding. I am most grateful to Reinhard Scherm, who acted as my advisor in the organisation of the Workshop. The efforts of Mrs. M. Sherwen and Miss J. Harren made light my burden of administrative duties. The preparation of the manuscript for publication was simplified by the assistance of Miss C. Monypenny."
This book reflects the outcome of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion held in 2009 in Corsica (France). The focus is on reporting the progress of experimental and numerical techniques in two-phase flows, with emphasis on spray combustion. The motivation for studies in this area is that knowledge of the dominant phenomena and their interactions in such flow systems is essential for the development of predictive models and their use in combustor and gas turbine design. This necessitates the development of accurate experimental methods and numerical modelling techniques. The workshop aimed at providing an opportunity for experts and young researchers to present the state-of-the-art, discuss new developments or techniques and exchange ideas in the areas of experimentations, modelling and simulation of reactive multiphase flows. The first two papers reflect the contents of the invited lectures, given by experts in the field of turbulent spray combustion. The first concerns computational issues, while the second deals with experiments. These lectures initiated very interesting and interactive discussions among the researchers, further pursued in contributed poster presentations. Contributions 3 and 4 focus on some aspects of the impact of the interaction between fuel evaporation and combustion on spray combustion in the context of gas turbines, while the final article deals with the interaction between evaporation and turbulence.
Excellent bridge between general solid-state physics textbook and research articles packed with providing detailed explanations of the electronic, vibrational, transport, and optical properties of semiconductors "The most striking feature of the book is its modern outlook ... provides a wonderful foundation. The most wonderful feature is its efficient style of exposition ... an excellent book." Physics Today "Presents the theoretical derivations carefully and in detail and gives thorough discussions of the experimental results it presents. This makes it an excellent textbook both for learners and for more experienced researchers wishing to check facts. I have enjoyed reading it and strongly recommend it as a text for anyone working with semiconductors I know of no better text I am sure most semiconductor physicists will find this book useful and I recommend it to them." Contemporary Physics Offers much new material: an extensive appendix about the important and by now well-established, deep center known as the DX center, additional problems and the solutions to over fifty of the problems at the end of the various chapters."
This book presents mechanics miniaturization trends explored step by step, starting with the example of the miniaturization of a mechanical calculator. The ultra-miniaturization of mechanical machinery is now approaching the atomic scale. In this book, molecule-gears, trains of molecule-gears, and molecule motors are studied -one molecule at a time- on a solid surface, using scanning probe manipulation protocols and in solution as demonstrated in the European project "MEMO". All scales of mechanical machinery are presented using the various lithography techniques currently available, from the submillimeter to the nanoscale. Researchers and nanomechanical engineers will find new inspirations for the construction of minute mechanical devices which can be used in diverse hostile environments, for example under radiation constraints, on the surface membrane of a living cell or immersed in liquid. The book is presented in a format accessible for university students, in particular for those at the Master and PhD levels.
The book provides a unifying insight into fluctuation phenomena in a broad variety of vibrational systems of current interest. It consists of individual chapters written by leading experts in the field. The chapters are self-contained and complement each other. The ongoing rapid development of well-characterized mesoscopic vibrational systems has made it possible to address fundamental physics problems and to explore new approaches to quantum and classical measurements, with applications to quantum information, condensed matter physics, and engineering. The book gives an account of major results in this direction. The topics include dynamics and quantum control of microcavity modes coupled to qubits, measurements with bifurcation-based amplifiers and new types of such amplifiers; switching rate scaling and new quantum mechanisms of metastable decay; wave mixing and parametric excitation in the quantum regime; collective phenomena and the interaction-induced discrete time symmetry breaking; and back-action and shot noise in electron-vibrational systems.
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