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Engineering Acoustics - An Introduction to Noise Control (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2009): Michael Moeser Engineering Acoustics - An Introduction to Noise Control (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2009)
Michael Moeser; Translated by Stefan Zimmermann, Rebecca Ellis
R2,499 Discovery Miles 24 990 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Suitable for both individual and group learning, Engineering Acoustics focuses on basic concepts and methods to make our environments quieter, both in buildings and in the open air. The author's tutorial style derives from the conviction that understanding is enhanced when the necessity behind the particular teaching approach is made clear. He also combines mathematical derivations and formulas with extensive explanations and examples to deepen comprehension. Fundamental chapters on the physics and perception of sound precede those on noise reduction (elastic isolation) methods. The last chapter deals with microphones and loudspeakers. Moeser includes major discoveries by Lothar Cremer, including the optimum impedance for mufflers and the coincidence effect behind structural acoustic transmission. The appendix gives a short introduction on the use of complex amplitudes in acoustics.

Multibody Dynamics - Computational Methods and Applications (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Jean-Claude Samin, Paul Fisette Multibody Dynamics - Computational Methods and Applications (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Jean-Claude Samin, Paul Fisette
R2,906 Discovery Miles 29 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This volume provides the international multibody dynamics community with an up-to-date view on the state of the art in this rapidly growing field of research which now plays a central role in the modeling, analysis, simulation and optimization of mechanical systems in a variety of fields and for a wide range of industrial applications. This book contains selected contributions delivered at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, which was held in Brussels, Belgium and organized by the Universite catholique de Louvain, from 4th to 7th July 2011. Each paper reflects the State-of-Art in the application of Multibody Dynamics to different areas of engineering. They are enlarged and revised versions of the communications, which were enhanced in terms of self-containment and tutorial quality by the authors. The result is a comprehensive text that constitutes a valuable reference for researchers and design engineers which helps to appraise the potential for the application of multibody dynamics methodologies to a wide range of areas of scientific and engineering relevance.

Professor I. I. Glass: A Tribute and Memorial (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Kazuyoshi Takayama, Ozer Igra Professor I. I. Glass: A Tribute and Memorial (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Kazuyoshi Takayama, Ozer Igra
R3,486 Discovery Miles 34 860 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book provides personal memories along with description of scientific works written by ex-graduate students and research associates of the late Professor Glass. The described research work covers a wide range of shock wave phenomena, resulting from seeds planted by Professor Glass. Professor Glass was born in Poland in 1918. He immigrated together with his parents to Canada at the age of 12 and received all his professional education at the University of Toronto, Canada. He became a world recognized expert in shock wave phenomena, and during his 45 years of active research he supervised more than 125 master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting research associates. In this book seven of his past students/research-associates describe their personal memories of Professor Glass and present some of their investigations in shock wave phenomena which sprung from their past work with Professor Glass. Specifically, these investigations include underwater shock waves, shock/bubble interaction, medical applications of shock wave, various types of shock tubes and shock tube techniques, shock wave attenuation and different types of shock wave reflections.

The Nonlinear World - Conceptual Analysis and Phenomenology (Paperback): Yoshitsugu Oono The Nonlinear World - Conceptual Analysis and Phenomenology (Paperback)
Yoshitsugu Oono
R3,793 Discovery Miles 37 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The most important characteristic of the "world filled with nonlinearity" is the existence of scale interference: disparate space-time scales interfere with each other. Thus, the effects of unknowable scales invade the world that we can observe directly. This leads to various peculiar phenomena such as chaos, critical phenomena, and complex biological phenomena, among others. Conceptual analysis and phenomenology are the keys to describe and understand phenomena that are subject to scale interference, because precise description of unfamiliar phenomena requires precise concepts and their phenomenological description. The book starts with an illustration of conceptual analysis in terms of chaos and randomness, and goes on to explain renormalization group philosophy as an approach to phenomenology. Then, abduction is outlined as a way to express what we have understood about the world. The book concludes with discussions on how we can approach genuinely complex phenomena, including biological phenomena. The main target of this volume is young people who have just started to appreciate the world seriously. The author also wishes the book to be helpful to those who have been observing the world, but who wish to appreciate it afresh from a different angle.

New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Arnaud Deraemaeker, Keith Worden New Trends in Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Arnaud Deraemaeker, Keith Worden
R4,446 Discovery Miles 44 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book is a collection of articles covering the six lecture courses given at the CISM School on this topic in 2008. It features contributions by established international experts and offers a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state-of-the art research in the field, thus addressing both postgraduate students and researchers in aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering.

MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis - Solids and Structures (Paperback, 2009 ed.): Antonio J. M. Ferreira MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis - Solids and Structures (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
Antonio J. M. Ferreira
R2,170 Discovery Miles 21 700 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book intend to supply readers with some MATLAB codes for ?nite element analysis of solids and structures. After a short introduction to MATLAB, the book illustrates the ?nite element implementation of some problems by simple scripts and functions. The following problems are discussed: * Discrete systems, such as springs and bars * Beams and frames in bending in 2D and 3D * Plane stress problems * Plates in bending * Free vibration of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates, including laminated composites * Buckling of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates The book does not intends to give a deep insight into the ?nite element details, just the basic equations so that the user can modify the codes. The book was prepared for undergraduate science and engineering students, although it may be useful for graduate students. TheMATLABcodesofthisbookareincludedinthedisk.Readersarewelcomed to use them freely. The author does not guarantee that the codes are error-free, although a major e?ort was taken to verify all of them. Users should use MATLAB 7.0 or greater when running these codes. Any suggestions or corrections are welcomed by an email to [email protected].

Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems - Tutorial and Modern Developments (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2007): Vadim S.... Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems - Tutorial and Modern Developments (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2007)
Vadim S. Anishchenko, Vladimir Astakhov, Alexander Neiman, Tatjana Vadivasova, Lutz Schimansky-Geier
R1,590 Discovery Miles 15 900 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

We present an improved and enlarged version of our book Nonlinear - namics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems published by Springer in 2002. Basically, the new edition of the book corresponds to its ?rst version. While preparingthiseditionwemadesomeclari?cationsinseveralsectionsandalso corrected the misprints noticed in some formulas. Besides, three new sections have been added to Chapter 2. They are "Statistical Properties of Dynamical Chaos," "E?ects of Synchronization in Extended Self-Sustained Oscillatory Systems," and "Synchronization in Living Systems." The sections indicated re?ect the most interesting results obtained by the authors after publication of the ?rst edition. We hope that the new edition of the book will be of great interest for a widesectionofreaderswhoarealreadyspecialistsorthosewhoarebeginning research in the ?elds of nonlinear oscillation and wave theory, dynamical chaos, synchronization, and stochastic process theory. Saratov, Berlin, and St. Louis V.S. Anishchenko November 2006 A.B. Neiman T.E. Vadiavasova V.V. Astakhov L. Schimansky-Geier Preface to the First Edition Thisbookisdevotedtotheclassicalbackgroundandtocontemporaryresults on nonlinear dynamics of deterministic and stochastic systems. Considerable attentionisgiventothee?ectsofnoiseonvariousregimesofdynamicsystems with noise-induced order. On the one hand, there exists a rich literature of excellent books on n- linear dynamics and chaos; on the other hand, there are many marvelous monographs and textbooks on the statistical physics of far-from-equilibrium andstochasticprocesses.Thisbookisanattempttocombinetheapproachof nonlinear dynamics based on the deterministic evolution equations with the approach of statistical physics based on stochastic or kinetic equations. One of our main aims is to show the important role of noise in the organization and properties of dynamic regimes of nonlinear dissipative systems.

IUTAM Symposium on Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms and Structures - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in... IUTAM Symposium on Vibration Control of Nonlinear Mechanisms and Structures - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Munich, Germany, 18-22 July 2005 (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
H. Ulbrich, W. Gunthner
R4,482 Discovery Miles 44 820 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

During the last decades, the growth of micro-electronics has reduced the cost of computing power to a level acceptable to industry and has made possible sophisticated control strategies suitable for many applications. Vibration c- trol is applied to all kinds of engineering systems to obtain the desired dynamic behavior, improved accuracy and increased reliability during operation. In this context, one can think of applications related to the control of structures' vib- tion isolation, control of vehicle dynamics, noise control, control of machines and mechanisms and control of ?uid-structure-interaction. One could continue with this list for a long time. Research in the ?eld of vibration control is extremely comprehensive. Pr- lems that are typical for vibration control of nonlinear mechanisms and str- tures arise in the ?elds of modeling systems in such a way that the model is suitable for control design, to choose appropriate actuator and sensor locations and to select the actuators and sensors. Theobjective of the Symposium was to present anddiscuss methodsthat contribute to thesolution of such problems and to demonstrate the state of the art inthe ?eld shown by typical examples. The intention was to evaluate the limits of performance that can beachievedby controlling the dynamics, and to point out gaps in present research and give links for areas offuture research.Mainly, it brought together leading experts from quite different areas presenting theirpoints of view.

Advances in Robot Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Jadran Lenarcic, Michael M Stanisic Advances in Robot Kinematics: Motion in Man and Machine (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Jadran Lenarcic, Michael M Stanisic
R3,008 Discovery Miles 30 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The ?rst International Meeting of Advances in Robot Kinematics, ARK, occurred in September 1988, by invitation to Ljubljana, Slovenia, of a group of 20 int- nationally recognized researchers, representing six different countries from three continents. There were 22 lectures and approximately 150 attendees. This success of bringing together excellent research and the international community, led to the formation of a Scienti?c Committee and the decision to repeat the event biannually. The meeting was made open to all individuals with a critical peer review process of submitted papers. The meetings have since been continuously supported by the Jozef ? Stefan Institute and since 1992 have come under patronage of the Inter- tionalFederationforthePromotionofMechanismandMachineScience(IFToMM). Springer published the ?rst book of the series in 1991 and since 1994 Kluwer and Springer have published a book of the presented papers every two years. The papers in this book present the latest topics and methods in the kinem- ics, control and design of robotic manipulators. They consider the full range of - botic systems, including serial, parallel and cable driven manipulators, both planar and spatial. The systems range from being less than fully mobile to kinematically redundant to overconstrained. The meeting included recent advances in emerging areas such as the design and control of humanoids and humanoid subsystems, the analysis, modeling and simulation of human body motion, the mobility analysis of protein molecules and the development of systems which integrate man and - chine.

Advances in Turbulence XI - Proceedings of the 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, June 25-28, 2007, Porto, Portugal... Advances in Turbulence XI - Proceedings of the 11th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, June 25-28, 2007, Porto, Portugal (Paperback, 2007 ed.)
J.M.L.M. Palma, A. Silva Lopes
R8,637 Discovery Miles 86 370 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This volume comprises the communications presented at the ETC 11, the EUROMECH European Turbulence conference held in 2007 in Porto.

The scientific committee has chosen the contributions out of the following topics: Acoustics of turbulent flows; Atmospheric turbulence; Control of turbulent flows; Geophysical and astrophysical turbulence; Instability and transition; Intermittency and scaling; Large eddy simulation and related techniques; MHD turbulence; Reacting and compressible turbulence; Transport and mixing; Turbulence in multiphase and non-Newtonian flows; Vortex dynamics and structure formation; Wall bounded flows.

Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics - In Honor of Isaac M. Daniel (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed.... Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics - In Honor of Isaac M. Daniel (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
E.E. Gdoutos
R3,093 Discovery Miles 30 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book contains 71 papers presented at the symposium on "Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics" which was organized in honor of Professor Isaac M. Daniel. The symposium took place at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on th June 23-28, 2002, in conjunction with the 14 US National Congress of Applied Mechanics. The book is a tribute to Isaac Daniel, a pioneer of experimental mechanics and composite materials, in recognition of his continuous, original, diversified and outstanding contributions for half a century. The book consists of invited papers written by leading experts in the field. It contains original contributions concerning the latest developments in experimental mechanics. It covers a wide range of subjects, including optical methods of stress analysis (photoelasticity, moire, etc.), composite materials, sandwich construction, fracture mechanics, fatigue and damage, nondestructive evaluation, dynamic problems, fiber optic sensors, speckle metrology, digital image processing, nanotechnology, neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation methods. The papers are arranged in the following nine sections: Mechanical characterization of material behavior, composite materials, fracture and fatigue, optical methods, n- destructive evaluation, neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation methods, hybrid methods, composite structures, and structural testing and analysis.

Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis - Current Research and Related Technologies (Paperback, 2011 ed.): C. M. A.... Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis - Current Research and Related Technologies (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
C. M. A. Vasques, J. Dias Rodrigues
R4,460 Discovery Miles 44 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Vibration and structural acoustics analysis has become an essential requirement for high-quality structural and mechanical design in order to assure acoustic comfort and the integrity, reliability and fail-safe behavior of structures and machines. The underlying technologies of this field of multidisciplinary research are evolving very fast and their dissemination is usually scattered over different and complementary scientific and technical publication means. In order to make it easy for developers and technology end-users to follow the latest developments and news in the field, this book collects into a single volume selected, extended, updated and revised versions of papers presented at the Symposium on Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis, coordinated by J. Dias Rodrigues and C. M. A. Vasques, which was organised as part of the 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure (IRF'2009), co-chaired by J. F. Silva Gomes and Shaker A. Meguid, held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal, 20-24 July 2009. These papers where chosen from the more than 60 papers presented at the conference symposium. Written by experienced practitioners and researchers in the field, this book brings together recent developments in the field, spanning across a broad range of themes: vibration analysis, analytical and computational structural acoustics and vibration, material systems and technologies for noise and vibration control, vibration-based structural health monitoring/evaluation, machinery noise/vibration and diagnostics, experimental testing in vibration and structural acoustics, applications and case studies in structural acoustics and vibration. Each chapter presents and describes the state of the art, presents current research results and discusses the need for future developments in a particular aspect of vibration and structural acoustics analysis. The book is envisaged to be an appealing text for newcomers to the subject and a useful research study tool for advanced students and faculty members. Practitioners and researchers may also find this book a one-stop reference that addresses current and future challenges in this field. The variety of case studies is expected to stimulate a holistic view of sound and vibration and related fields and to appeal to a broad spectrum of engineers such as the ones in the mechanical, aeronautical, aerospace, civil and electrical communities.

Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics - Volume 2 (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou, Vissarion... Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics - Volume 2 (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Manolis Papadrakakis, George Stefanou, Vissarion Papadopoulos
R5,483 Discovery Miles 54 830 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The considerable influence of inherent uncertainties on structural behavior has led the engineering community to recognize the importance of a stochastic approach to structural problems. Issues related to uncertainty quantification and its influence on the reliability of the computational models are continuously gaining in significance. In particular, the problems of dynamic response analysis and reliability assessment of structures with uncertain system and excitation parameters have been the subject of continuous research over the last two decades as a result of the increasing availability of powerful computing resources and technology. This book is a follow up of a previous book with the same subject (ISBN 978-90-481-9986-0) and focuses on advanced computational methods and software tools which can highly assist in tackling complex problems in stochastic dynamic/seismic analysis and design of structures. The selected chapters are authored by some of the most active scholars in their respective areas and represent some of the most recent developments in this field. The book consists of 21 chapters which can be grouped into several thematic topics including dynamic analysis of stochastic systems, reliability-based design, structural control and health monitoring, model updating, system identification, wave propagation in random media, seismic fragility analysis and damage assessment. This edited book is primarily intended for researchers and post-graduate students who are familiar with the fundamentals and wish to study or to advance the state of the art on a particular topic in the field of computational stochastic structural dynamics. Nevertheless, practicing engineers could benefit as well from it as most code provisions tend to incorporate probabilistic concepts in the analysis and design of structures.

Development and Application of the Finite Element Method based on MatLab (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Herbert Baaser Development and Application of the Finite Element Method based on MatLab (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Herbert Baaser
R2,862 Discovery Miles 28 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The intention of this booklet is a brief but general introduction into the treatment of the Finite Element Method (FEM). The FEM has become the leading method in computer-oriented mechanics, so that many scienti?c brancheshavegrownup besides overthelastdecades. Nevertheless,theFEM today is a question of economy. On the one hand its industrial application is forced to reduce product development costs and time, on the other hand a large number of commercial FEM codes and a still growing number of software for e?ective pre- and postprocessors are available in the meantime. Due to that, today it is a quite challenging task to operate with all these di?erent tools at the same time and to understand all handling and so- tion techniques developed over the last years. So, we want to help in getting a deeper insight into the main "interfaces" between the "customers of the FEM" and the codes itself by providing a totally open structured FE-code based on Matlab, which is a very powerful tool in operating with matrix based formulations. That idea and conditions forced us some years ago to initiateDAEdalon as a tool for general FE developments in research appli- tions. In spite of still existing high sophisticated - mostly commercial - FE codes, the success and the acceptance of such a structured tool justify that decision afterwards more and more.

IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Hangzhou, China, May... IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics and Control - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Hangzhou, China, May 10-14, 2010 (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
W. Q. Zhu, Y.K. Lin, G.Q. Cai
R2,942 Discovery Miles 29 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Non-linear stochastic systems are at the center of many engineering disciplines and progress in theoretical research had led to a better understanding of non-linear phenomena. This book provides information on new fundamental results and their applications which are beginning to appear across the entire spectrum of mechanics. The outstanding points of these proceedings are Coherent compendium of the current state of modelling and analysis of non-linear stochastic systems from engineering, applied mathematics and physics point of view. Subject areas include: Multiscale phenomena, stability and bifurcations, control and estimation, computational methods and modelling. For the Engineering and Physics communities, this book will provide first-hand information on recent mathematical developments. The applied mathematics community will benefit from the modelling and information on various possible applications.

Active Control of Flexible Structures - From Modeling to Implementation (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Alberto Cavallo, Giuseppe De... Active Control of Flexible Structures - From Modeling to Implementation (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Alberto Cavallo, Giuseppe De Maria, Ciro Natale, Salvatore Pirozzi
R2,904 Discovery Miles 29 040 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A complete solution for problems of vibration control in structures that may be subject to a broadband primary vibration field, this book addresses the following steps: experimental identification of the dynamic model of the structure; optimal placement of sensors and actuators; formulation of control constraints in terms of controller frequency response shape; controller design and simulation; and controller implementation and rapid prototyping. The identification procedure is a gray-box approach tailored to the estimation of modal parameters of large-scale flexible structures. The actuator/sensor placement algorithm maximizes a modal controllability index improving the effectiveness of the control. Considering limitations of sensors and actuators, the controller is chosen as a stable, band-pass MIMO system resulting from the closed-form solution of a robust control problem. Experimental results on an aeronautical stiffened skin panel are presented using rapid-prototyping hardware.

Structurally Constrained Controllers - Analysis and Synthesis (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Somayeh Sojoudi, Javad Lavaei, Amir G.... Structurally Constrained Controllers - Analysis and Synthesis (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Somayeh Sojoudi, Javad Lavaei, Amir G. Aghdam
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Structurally Constrained Controllers: Analysis and Synthesis studies the control of interconnected systems with a particular application in network, power systems, flight formations, etc. It introduces four important problems regarding the control of such systems and then proposes proper techniques for solving them.

Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics - Applications in Physical, Biological, and Financial Systems (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Jose... Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics - Applications in Physical, Biological, and Financial Systems (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Jose Antonio Tenreiro Machado, Dumitru Baleanu, Albert C.J. Luo
R4,455 Discovery Miles 44 550 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Systems describes chaos, fractal and stochasticities within celestial mechanics, financial systems and biochemical systems. Part I discusses methods and applications in celestial systems and new results in such areas as low energy impact dynamics, low-thrust planar trajectories to the moon and earth-to-halo transfers in the sun, earth and moon. Part II presents the dynamics of complex systems including bio-systems, neural systems, chemical systems and hydro-dynamical systems. Finally, Part III covers economic and financial systems including market uncertainty, inflation, economic activity and foreign competition and the role of nonlinear dynamics in each.

Active Braking Control Systems Design for Vehicles (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Sergio M. Savaresi, Mara Tanelli Active Braking Control Systems Design for Vehicles (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Sergio M. Savaresi, Mara Tanelli
R2,923 Discovery Miles 29 230 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Active Braking Control Design for Road Vehicles focuses on two main brake system technologies: hydraulically-activated brakes with on-off dynamics and electromechanical brakes, tailored to brake-by-wire control. The physical differences of such actuators enjoin the use of different control schemes so as to be able fully to exploit their characteristics. The authors show how these different control approaches are complementary, each having specific peculiarities in terms of either performance or of the structural properties of the closed-loop system. They also consider other problems related to the design of braking control systems, namely: * longitudinal vehicle speed estimation and its relationship with braking control system design; * tire-road friction estimation; * direct estimation of tire-road contact forces via in-tire sensors, providing a treatment of active vehicle braking control from a wider perspective linked to both advanced academic research and industrial reality.

Adaptive, tolerant and efficient composite structures (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Martin Wiedemann, Michael Sinapius Adaptive, tolerant and efficient composite structures (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Martin Wiedemann, Michael Sinapius
R4,288 Discovery Miles 42 880 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Composite structures are most efficient in performance and production cost when combined with smart materials making them adaptable to changing operational conditions. The specific production processes of composites offer the possibility to integrate more functions thus making the structure more valuable. Active functions can be realized by smart materials, e.g. morphing, active vibration control, active structure acoustic control or structure health monitoring. The foundation is a sound understanding of materials, design methods, design principles, production technologies and adaptronics. Along the complete process chain this disciplines together deliver advanced lightweight solutions for applications ranging from mechanical engineering to vehicles, airframe and finally space structures. This book provides the scientific foundations as well as inspiring new ideas for engineers working in the field of composite lightweight structures.

Vortex Rings (Paperback, 2009 ed.): D.G. Akhmetov Vortex Rings (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
D.G. Akhmetov
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Vortex flow is one of the fundamental types of fluid and gas motion. These flows are the most spectacular in the form of concentrated vortices, characterized by the localization of vorticity (curl of velocity) in bounded regions of a space, beyond which the vorticity is either absent or rapidly falls down to zero. Concentrated vortices are often observed in nature, exemplified by atmospheric cyclones, whirlwinds and tornados, oceanic vortices, whirlpools on a water s- face, and ring vortices caused by explosive outburst of volcanoes. In technical - vices concentrated vortices form when flow separates from sharp edges of flying vehicles and ships. Among these are vortices flowing off the ends of airplane wings, and intentionally generated vortices for intensification of burning in c- bustion chambers, vortices in cyclonic devices used for mixing or separation of impurities in fluids and gases. One such remarkable and frequent type of conc- trated vortices is a vortex ring which constitutes a vortex tube closed into a t- oidal ring moving in a surrounding fluid like an isolated body out of contact with solid boundaries of the flow region if such boundaries exist. Formation and motion of vortex rings are important part of the dynamics of a continuum medium and have been studied for more than a century.

Chaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity - The Dynamical Paradigm of Nature (Paperback, 2006 ed.): Ashok Sengupta Chaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity - The Dynamical Paradigm of Nature (Paperback, 2006 ed.)
Ashok Sengupta
R4,464 Discovery Miles 44 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book explores non-extensive statistical mechanics in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and presents an overview of the strong nonlinearity of chaos and complexity in natural systems, drawing on relevant mathematics from topology, measure-theory, inverse and ill-posed problems, set-valued analysis, and nonlinear functional analysis. It offers a self-contained theory of complexity and complex systems as the steady state of non-equilibrium systems, denoting a homeostatic dynamic equilibrium between stabilizing order and destabilizing disorder.

Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Javad Mohammadpour, Karolos M Grigoriadis Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Javad Mohammadpour, Karolos M Grigoriadis
R4,459 Discovery Miles 44 590 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Complexity and dynamic order of controlled engineering systems is constantly increasing. Complex large scale systems (where "large" reflects the system's order and not necessarily its physical size) appear in many engineering fields, such as micro-electromechanics, manufacturing, aerospace, civil engineering and power engineering. Modeling of these systems often result in very high-order models imposing great challenges to the analysis, design and control problems. "Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems" compiles state-of-the-art contributions on recent analytical and computational methods for addressing model reduction, performance analysis and feedback control design for such systems. Also addressed at length are new theoretical developments, novel computational approaches and illustrative applications to various fields, along with: - An interdisciplinary focus emphasizing methods and approaches that can be commonly applied in various engineering fields -Examinations of applications in various fields including micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), manufacturing processes, power networks, traffic control "Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems" is an ideal volume for engineers and researchers working in the fields of control and dynamic systems.

Handbook of Brain Connectivity (Paperback, 2007 ed.): Viktor K. Jirsa, A. R. McIntosh Handbook of Brain Connectivity (Paperback, 2007 ed.)
Viktor K. Jirsa, A. R. McIntosh
R5,776 Discovery Miles 57 760 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Our contemporary understanding of brain function is deeply rooted in the ideas of the nonlinear dynamics of distributed networks. Cognition and motor coordination seem to arise from the interactions of local neuronal networks, which themselves are connected in large scales across the entire brain. The spatial architectures between various scales inevitably influence the dynamics of the brain and thereby its function. But how can we integrate brain connectivity amongst these structural and functional domains? Our Handbook provides an account of the current knowledge on the measurement, analysis and theory of the anatomical and functional connectivity of the brain. All contributors are leading experts in various fields concerning structural and functional brain connectivity. In the first part of the Handbook, the chapters focus on an introduction and discussion of the principles underlying connected neural systems. The second part introduces the currently available non-invasive technologies for measuring structural and functional connectivity in the brain. Part three provides an overview of the analysis techniques currently available and highlights new developments. Part four introduces the application and translation of the concepts of brain connectivity to behavior, cognition and the clinical domain.

Proceedings of EUCOMES 08 - The Second European Conference on Mechanism Science (Paperback, 2009 ed.): Marco Ceccarelli Proceedings of EUCOMES 08 - The Second European Conference on Mechanism Science (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
Marco Ceccarelli
R5,809 Discovery Miles 58 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The EUCOMES08, Second European Conference on Mechanism Science is the second event of a series that has been started in 2006 as a conference activity for an European community working in Mechanism Science. The ?rst event was held in Obergurgl, Austria in 2006. This year EUCOMES08 Conference has come to Cassino in Italy taking place from 17 to 20 September 2008. TheaimoftheEUCOMESConference istobringtogetherEuropean researchers, industry professionals and students from the broad ranges of disciplines referring to Mechanism Science, in an intimate, collegial and stimulating environment. In this second event we have received an increased attention to the initiative, as canbeseenbythefactthattheEUCOMES08Proceedingswillcontaincontributions by authors even from all around the world. This means also that there is a really interest to have not only a conference frame but even a need of aggregation for an European Community well identi?ed in Mechanism Science with the aim to strengthen common views and collaboration activities among European researchers and institutions. I believe that a reader will take advantage of the papers in these Proceedings with further satisfaction and motivation for her or his work. These papers cover the wide ?eld of the Mechanism Science. The program of EUCOMES08 Conference has included technical sessions with oral presentations, which, together with informal conversations during the social program, have enabled to offer wide opportunities to share experiences and discuss scienti?c achievements and current trends in the areas encompassed by the EUCOMES08 conference.

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