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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
Our world is composed of systems within systems-the machines we build, the information we share, the organizations we form, and elements of nature that surround us. Therefore, nearly every field of study and practice embodies behaviors stemming from system dynamics. Yet the study of systems has remained somewhat fragmented based on philosophies, methodologies, and intentions. Many methodologies for analyzing complex systems extend far beyond the traditional framework of deduction evaluation and may, thus, appear mysterious to the uninitiated. This book seeks to dispel the mysteries of systems analysis by holistically explaining the philosophies, methodologies, and intentions in the context of understanding how all types of systems in our world form and how these systems break. This presentation is made at the level of conceptual understanding, with plenty of figures but no mathematical formulas, for the beginning student and interested readers new to studying systems. Through the conceptual understanding provided, students are given a powerful capability to see the hidden behaviors and unexplained consequences in the world around us.
The present volume on Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics arose mainly from lectures given at the First International Course on Nonlinear Dynamics, which took place in Medellin, Colombia, on 1-5 September 1986. The aims of the Course were to discuss some of the fundamental theoretical ideas of modem nonlinear dynamics and their application to selected areas of physics, and also to help the participants to bridge the gap between textbook presentations and the contemporary research literature. The lectures were intended for and delivered to a PhD-level audience composed of physicists and mathematicians. They were not primarily intended for experts, but rather for scientists interested in performing experimental or theoretical research on nonlinear dynamical phenomena occurring in real physical systems.
Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Second Edition Volume 2: Kinetic Theory R. Byron Bird, Charles F. Curtiss, Robert C. Armstrong and Ole Hassager Volume Two deals with the molecular aspects of polymer rheology and fluid dynamics. It is the only book currently available dealing with kinetic theory and its relation to nonlinear rheological properties. Considerable emphasis is given to the connection between kinetic theory results and experimental data. The second edition contains new material on the basis for molecular modeling, the application of phase--space theory to dilute solutions, kinetic theory of melts and melt mixtures, and network theories. 1987 (0 471--80244--1) 450 pp.
Applied Dynamics is an important branch of engineering mechanics widely applied to mechanical and automotive engineering, aerospace and biomechanics as well as control engineering and mechatronics. The computational methods presented are based on common fundamentals. For this purpose analytical mechanics turns out to be very useful where D Alembert s principle in the Lagrangian formulation proves to be most efficient. The method of multibody systems, finite element systems and continuous systems are treated consistently. Thus, students get a much better understanding of dynamical phenomena, and engineers in design and development departments using computer codes may check the results more easily by choosing models of different complexity for vibration and stress analysis."
Adaptive Structural Systems with Piezoelectric Transducer Circuitry provides a comprehensive discussion on the integration of piezoelectric transducers with electrical circuitry for the development and enhancement of adaptive structural systems. Covering a wide range of interdisciplinary research, this monograph presents a paradigm of taking full advantage of the two-way electro-mechanical coupling characteristics of piezoelectric transducers for structural control and identification in adaptive structural systems. Presenting descriptions of algorithm development, theoretical analysis and experimental investigation, engineers and researchers alike will find this a valuable reference.
This book focuses on the methods of dynamic analysis and synthesis of machines, comprising of cyclic action mechanisms, such as linkages, cams, steppers, etc. It presents the modern methods of oscillation analysis in machines, including cyclic action mechanisms (linkage, cam, stepper, etc.). Thus, it builds a bridge between the classic theory of oscillations and its practical application in the dynamic problems for cyclic machines. The author take into account that, in the process of training engineers for jobs in engineering industries, producing cyclic machines, insufficient attention is paid, until now, to the problems of dynamic and especially to oscillations.
This textbook presents the motion of pure nonlinear oscillatory systems and various solution procedures which give the approximate solutions of the strong nonlinear oscillator equations. It presents the author's original method for the analytical solution procedure of the pure nonlinear oscillator system. After an introduction, the physical explanation of the pure nonlinearity and of the pure nonlinear oscillator is given. The analytical solution for free and forced vibrations of the one-degree-of-freedom strong nonlinear system with constant and time variable parameters is considered. In this second edition of the book, the number of approximate solving procedures for strong nonlinear oscillators is enlarged and a variety of procedures for solving free strong nonlinear oscillators is suggested. A method for error estimation is also given which is suitable to compare the exact and approximate solutions. Besides the oscillators with one degree-of-freedom, the one and two mass oscillatory systems with two-degrees-of-freedom and continuous oscillators are considered. The chaos and chaos suppression in ideal and non-ideal mechanical systems is explained. In this second edition more attention is given to the application of the suggested methodologies and obtained results to some practical problems in physics, mechanics, electronics and biomechanics. Thus, for the oscillator with two degrees-of-freedom, a generalization of the solving procedure is performed. Based on the obtained results, vibrations of the vocal cord are analyzed. In the book the vibration of the axially purely nonlinear rod as a continuous system is investigated. The developed solving procedure and the solutions are applied to discuss the muscle vibration. Vibrations of an optomechanical system are analyzed using the oscillations of an oscillator with odd or even quadratic nonlinearities. The extension of the forced vibrations of the system is realized by introducing the Ateb periodic excitation force which is the series of a trigonometric function. The book is self-consistent and suitable for researchers and as a textbook for students and also professionals and engineers who apply these techniques to the field of nonlinear oscillations.
The book analyzes the basic problems of oscillation processes and theoretical aspects of noise and vibration in friction systems. It presents generalized information available in literature data and results of the authors in vibroacoustics of friction joints, including car brakes and transmissions. The authors consider the main approaches to abatement of noise and vibration in non-stationary friction processes. Special attention is paid to materials science aspects, in particular to advanced composite materials used to improve the vibroacoustic characteristics of tribopairs The book is intended for researchers and technicians, students and post-graduates specializing in mechanical engineering, maintenance of machines and transport means, production certification, problems of friction and vibroacoustics.
The coupling of models from different physical domains and the efficient and reliable simulation of multidisciplinary problems in engineering applications are important topics for various fields of engineering, in simulation technology and in the development and analysis of numerical solvers. The volume presents advanced modelling and simulation techniques for the dynamical analysis of coupled engineering systems consisting of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and biological components as well as control devices often based on computer hardware and software. The book starts with some basics in multibody dynamics and in port-based modelling and focuses on the modelling and simulation of heterogeneous systems with special emphasis on robust and efficient numerical solution techniques and on a variety of applied problems including case studies of co-simulation in industrial applications, methods and problems of model based controller design and real-time application.
This book compiles recent developments on sliding mode control theory and its applications. Each chapter presented in the book proposes new dimension in the sliding mode control theory such as higher order sliding mode control, event triggered sliding mode control, networked control, higher order discrete-time sliding mode control and sliding mode control for multi-agent systems. Special emphasis has been given to practical solutions to design involving new types of sliding mode control. This book is a reference guide for graduate students and researchers working in the domain for designing sliding mode controllers. The book is also useful to professional engineers working in the field to design robust controllers for various applications.
The book presents a synopsis of the main results achieved during the 3 year EU-project "Advanced Inflight Measurement Techniques (AIM)" which applied advanced image based measurement techniques to industrial flight testing. The book is intended to be not only an overview on the AIM activities but also a guide on the application of advanced optical measurement techniques for future flight testing. Furthermore it is a useful guide for engineers in the field of experimental methods and flight testing who face the challenge of a future requirement for the development of highly accurate non-intrusive in-flight measurement techniques.
Computational kinematics is an enthralling area of science with a rich spectrum of problems at the junction of mechanics, robotics, computer science, mathematics, and computer graphics. The present book collects up-to-date methods as presented during the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2009) held at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. The covered topics include design and optimization of cable-driven robots, analysis of parallel manipulators, motion planning, numerical methods for mechanism calibration and optimization, geometric approaches to mechanism analysis and design, synthesis of mechanisms, kinematical issues in biomechanics, balancing and construction of novel mechanical devices, detection and treatment of singularities, as well as computational methods for gear design. The results should be of interest for practicing and research engineers as well as Ph.D. students from the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science, and computer graphics.
Dynamic Failure of Materials and Structures discusses the topic of dynamic loadings and their effect on material and structural failure. Since dynamic loading problems are very difficult as compared to their static counterpart, very little information is currently available about dynamic behavior of materials and structures. Topics covered include the response of both metallic as well as polymeric composite materials to blast loading and shock loadings, impact loadings and failure of novel materials under more controlled dynamic loads. These include response of soft materials that are important in practical use but have very limited information available on their dynamic response. Dynamic fragmentation, which has re-emerged in recent years has also been included. Both experimental as well as numerical aspects of material and structural response to dynamic loads are discussed. Written by several key experts in the field, Dynamic Failure of Materials and Structures will appeal to graduate students and researchers studying dynamic loadings within mechanical and civil engineering, as well as in physics and materials science.
This volume collects contributions related to selected presentations from the 12th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Ann Arbor, June 28-30, 2015. The included papers present novel techniques and new results of delayed dynamical systems. The topical spectrum covers control theory, numerical analysis, engineering and biological applications as well as experiments and case studies. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of time delay systems, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.
The contributions in this book were presented at the sixth international symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics organised in June/July 1998 in Strobl/Salzburg in Austria. The preceding symposia of the series took place in Ljubljana (1988), Linz (1990), Ferrara (1992), Ljubljana (1994), and Piran (1996). Ever since its first event, ARK has attracted the most outstanding authors in the area and managed to create a perfect combination of professionalism and friendly athmosphere. We are glad to observe that, in spite of a strong competition of many international conferences and meetings, ARK is continuing to grow in terms of the number of participants and in terms of its scientific impact. In its ten years, ARK has contributed to develop a remarkable scientific community in the area of robot kinematics. The last four symposia were organised under the patronage of the International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms -IFToMM. interest to researchers, doctoral students and teachers, The book is of engineers and mathematicians specialising in kinematics of robots and mechanisms, mathematical modelling, simulation, design, and control of robots. It is divided into sections that were found as the prevalent areas of the contemporary kinematics research. As it can easily be noticed, an important part of the book is dedicated to various aspects of the kinematics of parallel mechanisms that persist to be one of the most attractive areas of research in robot kinematics.
This monograph offers a coherent, self-contained account of the theory of Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen measures and decay of correlations for nonuniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems. A central topic in the statistical theory of dynamical systems, the book in particular provides a detailed exposition of the theory developed by L.-S. Young for systems admitting induced maps with certain analytic and geometric properties. After a brief introduction and preliminary results, Chapters 3, 4, 6 and 7 provide essentially the same pattern of results in increasingly interesting and complicated settings. Each chapter builds on the previous one, apart from Chapter 5 which presents a general abstract framework to bridge the more classical expanding and hyperbolic systems explored in Chapters 3 and 4 with the nonuniformly expanding and partially hyperbolic systems described in Chapters 6 and 7. Throughout the book, the theory is illustrated with applications. A clear and detailed account of topics of current research interest, this monograph will be of interest to researchers in dynamical systems and ergodic theory. In particular, beginning researchers and graduate students will appreciate the accessible, self-contained presentation.
The book reports on the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, held on 9 - 13 September, 2013, in Uddevalla, Sweden. The event, which was jointly organized by the Competence Centre Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC) and the Departments of Applied Mechanics and Applied Acoustics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, covered a broad range of topics in the field of railway noise and vibration, including: prospects, legal regulations and perceptions; wheel and rail noise; prediction, measurements and monitoring; ground-borne vibration; squeal noise and structure-borne noise; and aerodynamic noise generated by high-speed trains. Further topics included: resilient track forms; grinding, corrugation and roughness; and interior noise and sound barriers. This book, which consists of a collection of peer-reviewed papers originally submitted to the workshop, not only provides readers with an overview of the latest developments in the field, but also offers scientists and engineers essential support in their daily efforts to identify, understand and solve a number of problems related to railway noise and vibration, and to achieve their ultimate goal of reducing the environmental impact of railway systems.
Many problems in mathematical physics rely heavily on the use of elliptical partial differential equations, and boundary integral methods play a significant role in solving these equations."Stationary Oscillations of Elastic Plates"" "studies the latter in the context ofstationaryvibrations of thin elastic plates. The techniquespresented herereduce the complexity of classical elasticity to a system of two independent variables, modeling problemsof flexural-vibrational elastic body deformation with the aid of eigenfrequencies and simplifying them to manageable, uniquely solvable integral equations. The book isintended foran audiencewith a knowledge of advanced calculus and some familiarity with functional analysis. It is a valuable resource for professionals in pure and applied mathematics, and for theoretical physicists and mechanical engineerswhose work involveselastic plates. Graduate students in these fieldscan also benefit from the monograph as a supplementary text for courses relating to theories of elasticity or flexural vibrations."
This book is aimed at researchers, industry professionals and students interested in the broad ranges of disciplines related to condition monitoring of machinery working in non-stationary conditions. Each chapter, accepted after a rigorous peer-review process, reports on a selected, original piece of work presented and discussed at the International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-stationary Operations, CMMNO'2018, held on June 20 - 22, 2018, in Santander, Spain. The book describes both theoretical developments and a number of industrial case studies, which cover different topics, such as: noise and vibrations in machinery, conditioning monitoring in non-stationary operations, vibro-acoustic diagnosis of machinery, signal processing, application of pattern recognition and data mining, monitoring and diagnostic systems, faults detection, dynamics of structures and machinery, and mechatronic machinery diagnostics.
In-operation vibration monitoring for complex mechanical structures and rotating machines is of key importance in many industrial areas such as aeronautics (wings and other structures subject to strength), automobile (gearbox mounting with a sports car body), rail transportation, power engineering (rotating machines, core and pipes of nuclear power plants), and civil engineering (large buildings subject to hurricanes or earthquakes, bridges, dams, offshore structures). Tools for the detection and the diagnosis of small changes in vibratory characteristics are particularly useful to set up a preventive maintenance policy based on the actual evolution of the state of the monitored machine or structure, as opposed to systematic a priori planning. Ambient Vibration Monitoring is the backbone of such structural assessment monitoring and control. It provides the possibility to gain useful data under ambient conditions for the assessment of structures and components. Written by a widely respected authority in this area, "Ambient Vibration Monitoring" describes the current practice of ambient vibration methodologies illustrated by a number of practical examples. Designed to aid the practical engineer with their understanding of the topic, it is the culmination of many years of practical research and includes numerous 'real world' examples. It also provides information on applicable solutions. This book will enable not only practitioners (in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering), but also researchers and students, to learn more about the theory and practical applications of this subject.
This book reports on the state of the art in the field of multiphysics systems. It consists of accurately reviewed contributions to the MMSSD'2014 conference, which was held from December 17 to 19, 2004 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The different chapters, covering new theories, methods and a number of case studies, provide readers with an up-to-date picture of multiphysics modeling and simulation. They highlight the role played by high-performance computing and newly available software in promoting the study of multiphysics coupling effects, and show how these technologies can be practically implemented to bring about significant improvements in the field of design, control and monitoring of machines. In addition to providing a detailed description of the methods and their applications, the book also identifies new research issues, challenges and opportunities, thus providing researchers and practitioners with both technical information to support their daily work and a new source of inspiration for their future research.
This book covers the major areas of active research and uses and although advanced it presents the basic theory of how to apply BEM in acoustics as well as specific formulations for more complicated problems.
This book reports on the latest advances in the analysis of non-stationary signals, with special emphasis on cyclostationary systems. It includes cutting-edge contributions presented at the 7th Workshop on "Cyclostationary Systems and Their Applications," which was held in Grodek nad Dunajcem, Poland, in February 2014. The book covers both the theoretical properties of cyclostationary models and processes, including estimation problems for systems exhibiting cyclostationary properties, and several applications of cyclostationary systems, including case studies on gears and bearings, and methods for implementing cyclostationary processes for damage assessment in condition-based maintenance operations. It addresses the needs of students, researchers and professionals in the broad fields of engineering, mathematics and physics, with a special focus on those studying or working with nonstationary and/or cyclostationary processes.
This book is a collection of papers presented at Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures 2017 - AVMS 2017 - highlighting the current trends and state-of-the-art developments in the field. It covers a broad range of topics, such as noise and vibration control, noise and vibration generation and propagation, the effects of noise and vibration, condition monitoring and vibration testing, modeling, prediction and simulation of noise and vibration, environmental and occupational noise and vibration, noise and vibration attenuators, as well as biomechanics and bioacoustics. The book also presents analytical, numerical and experimental techniques for evaluating linear and non-linear noise and vibration problems (including strong nonlinearity). It is primarily intended for academics, researchers and professionals, as well as PhD students in various fields of the acoustics and vibration of mechanical structures.
This thesis analyzes aerodynamic forces in viscous and compressible external flows. It is unique, as the force theories discussed apply to fully viscous and compressible Navier-Stokes external flows, allowing them to be readily combined with computational fluid dynamics to form a profound basis of modern aerodynamics. This thesis makes three fundamental contributions to theoretical aerodynamics, presenting: (1) a universal far-field zonal structure that determines how disturbance flow quantities decay dynamically to the state of rest at infinity; (2) a universal and exact total-force formula for steady flow and its far-field asymptotics; and (3) a general near-field theory for the detailed diagnosis of all physical constituents of aerodynamic force and moment. |
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