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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration

Electric Systems, Dynamics, and Stability with Artificial Intelligence Applications (Hardcover): James A. Momoh, Mohamed E.... Electric Systems, Dynamics, and Stability with Artificial Intelligence Applications (Hardcover)
James A. Momoh, Mohamed E. Elhawary
R4,392 Discovery Miles 43 920 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This work seeks to provide a solid foundation to the principles and practices of dynamics and stability assessment of large-scale power systems, focusing on the use of interconnected systems - and aiming to meet the requirements of today's competitive and deregulated environments. It contains easy-to-follow examples of fundamental concepts and algorithmic procedures.

Multistability in Physical and Living Systems - Characterization and Applications (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022): Alexander N.... Multistability in Physical and Living Systems - Characterization and Applications (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Alexander N. Pisarchik, Alexander E. Hramov
R4,156 Discovery Miles 41 560 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book starts with an introduction to the basic concepts of multistability, then illustrates how multistability arises in different systems and explains the main mechanisms of multistability emergence. A special attention is given to noise which can convert a multistable deterministic system to a monostable stochastic one. Furthermore, the most important applications of multistability in different areas of science, engineering and technology are given attention throughout the book, including electronic circuits, lasers, secure communication, and human perception. The book aims to provide a first approach to multistability for readers, who are interested in understanding its fundamental concepts and applications in several fields. This book will be useful not only to researchers and engineers focusing on interdisciplinary studies, but also to graduate students and technicians. Both theoreticians and experimentalists will rely on it, in fields ranging from mathematics and laser physics to neuroscience and astronomy. The book is intended to fill a gap in the literature, to stimulate new discussions and bring some fundamental issues to a deeper level of understanding of the mechanisms underlying self-organization of matter and world complexity.

Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems - Robust Bifurcation, Dynamic Attractors, and Network Complexity (Hardcover,... Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems - Robust Bifurcation, Dynamic Attractors, and Network Complexity (Hardcover, 2015 ed.)
Kazuyuki Aihara, Jun-ichi Imura, Tetsushi Ueta
R4,819 Discovery Miles 48 190 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book is the first to report on theoretical breakthroughs on control of complex dynamical systems developed by collaborative researchers in the two fields of dynamical systems theory and control theory. As well, its basic point of view is of three kinds of complexity: bifurcation phenomena subject to model uncertainty, complex behavior including periodic/quasi-periodic orbits as well as chaotic orbits, and network complexity emerging from dynamical interactions between subsystems. Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems offers a valuable resource for mathematicians, physicists, and biophysicists, as well as for researchers in nonlinear science and control engineering, allowing them to develop a better fundamental understanding of the analysis and control synthesis of such complex systems.

Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Mark Edelman, Elbert E. N.... Chaotic, Fractional, and Complex Dynamics: New Insights and Perspectives (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Mark Edelman, Elbert E. N. Macau, Miguel A.F. Sanjuan
R3,488 Discovery Miles 34 880 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The book presents nonlinear, chaotic and fractional dynamics, complex systems and networks, together with cutting-edge research on related topics. The fifteen chapters - written by leading scientists working in the areas of nonlinear, chaotic, and fractional dynamics, as well as complex systems and networks - offer an extensive overview of cutting-edge research on a range of topics, including fundamental and applied research. These include but are not limited to, aspects of synchronization in complex dynamical systems, universality features in systems with specific fractional dynamics, and chaotic scattering. As such, the book provides an excellent and timely snapshot of the current state of research, blending the insights and experiences of many prominent researchers.

Finite Element Model Updating in Structural Dynamics (Hardcover, 1995 ed.): Michael Friswell, J.E. Mottershead Finite Element Model Updating in Structural Dynamics (Hardcover, 1995 ed.)
Michael Friswell, J.E. Mottershead
R3,108 Discovery Miles 31 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Finite element model updating has emerged in the 1990s as a subject of immense importance to the design, construction and maintenance of mechanical systems and civil engineering structures. This book, the first on the subject, sets out to explain the principles of model updating, not only as a research text, but also as a guide for the practising engineer who wants to get acquainted with, or use, updating techniques. It covers all aspects of model preparation and data acquisition that are necessary for updating. The various methods for parameter selection, error localisation, sensitivity and parameter estimation are described in detail and illustrated with examples. The examples can be easily replicated and expanded in order to reinforce understanding. The book is aimed at researchers, postgraduate students and practising engineers.

IUTAM Symposium on Interaction between Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical Systems - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium... IUTAM Symposium on Interaction between Dynamics and Control in Advanced Mechanical Systems - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 21-26 April 1996 (Hardcover, 1997 ed.)
Dick H.Van Campen
R1,641 Discovery Miles 16 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

During the last decades, applications of dynamical analysis in advanced, often nonlinear, engineering systems have been evolved in a revolutionary way. In this context one can think of applications in aerospace engineering like satellites, in naval engineering like ship motion, in mechanical engineering like rotating machinery, vehicle systems, robots and biomechanics, and in civil engineering like earthquake dynamics and offshore technology. One could continue with this list for a long time. The application of advanced dynamics in the above fields has been possible due to the use of sophisticated computational techniques employing powerful concepts of nonlinear dynamics. These concepts have been and are being developed in mathematics, mechanics and physics. It should be remarked that careful experimental studies are vitally needed to establish the real existence and observability of the predicted dynamical phenomena. The interaction between nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear control in advanced engineering systems is becoming of increasing importance because of several reasons. Firstly, control strategies in nonlinear systems are used to obtain desired dynamic behaviour and improved reliability during operation, Applications include power plant rotating machinery, vehicle systems, robotics, etc. Terms like motion control, optimal control and adaptive control are used in this field of interest. Since mechanical and electronic components are often necessary to realize the desired action in practice, the engineers use the term mechatronics to indicate this field. If the desired dynamic behaviour is achieved by changing design variables (mostly called system parameters), one can think of fields like control of chaos.

Discrete Dynamics - Basic Theory and Examples (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022): Andrea Bacciotti Discrete Dynamics - Basic Theory and Examples (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Andrea Bacciotti
R2,613 Discovery Miles 26 130 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book offers a complete and detailed introduction to the theory of discrete dynamical systems, with special attention to stability of fixed points and periodic orbits. It provides a solid mathematical background and the essential basic knowledge for further developments such as, for instance, deterministic chaos theory, for which many other references are available (but sometimes, without an exhaustive presentation of preliminary notions). Readers will find a discussion of topics sometimes neglected in the research literature, such as a comparison between different predictions achievable by the discrete time model and the continuous time model of the same application. Another novel aspect of this book is an accurate analysis of the way a fixed point may lose stability, introducing and comparing several notions of instability: simple instability, repulsivity, and complete instability. To help the reader and to show the flexibility and potentiality of the discrete approach to dynamics, many examples, numerical simulations, and figures have been included. The book is used as a reference material for courses at a doctoral or upper undergraduate level in mathematics and theoretical engineering.

Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol II - Select Proceedings of ICRACEM 2020 (Hardcover, 1st ed.... Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol II - Select Proceedings of ICRACEM 2020 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
D. K. Maiti, P. Jana, C. S. Mistry, R. Ghoshal, M.S. Afzal, …
R8,559 Discovery Miles 85 590 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book (Vol. II) presents select proceedings of the first Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020) and focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of solid and fluid mechanics. Various topics covered are computational modelling of extreme events; mechanical modelling of robots; mechanics and design of cellular materials; mechanics of soft materials; mechanics of thin-film and multi-layer structures; meshfree and particle based formulations in continuum mechanics; multi-scale computations in solid mechanics, and materials; multiscale mechanics of brittle and ductile materials; topology and shape optimization techniques; acoustics including aero-acoustics and wave propagation; aerodynamics; dynamics and control in micro/nano engineering; dynamic instability and buckling; flow-induced noise and vibration; inverse problems in mechanics and system identification; measurement and analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamic systems; multibody dynamical systems and applications; nonlinear dynamics and control; stochastic mechanics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring and damage assessment; turbomachinery noise; vibrations of continuous systems, characterization of advanced materials; damage identification and non-destructive evaluation; experimental fire mechanics and damage; experimental fluid mechanics; experimental solid mechanics; measurement in extreme environments; modal testing and dynamics; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; vibration measurement and control; bio-inspired materials; constitutive modelling of materials; fracture mechanics; mechanics of adhesion, tribology and wear; mechanics of composite materials; mechanics of multifunctional materials; multiscale modelling of materials; phase transformations in materials; plasticity and creep in materials; fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics; fluid-structure interaction; free surface, moving boundary and pipe flow; hydrodynamics; multiphase flows; propulsion; internal flow physics; turbulence modelling; wave mechanics; flow through porous media; shock-boundary layer interactions; sediment transport; wave-structure interaction; reduced-order models; turbo-machinery; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in mechanics; transport phenomena and soft computing tools in fluid mechanics. The contents of these two volumes (Volumes I and II) discusses various attributes of modern-age mechanics in various disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, mechanical, ocean engineering and naval architecture. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in solid and fluid mechanics and allied fields.

Advances in Robot Kinematics (Hardcover, 2000 ed.): Jadran Lenarcic, M.M. Stanisic Advances in Robot Kinematics (Hardcover, 2000 ed.)
Jadran Lenarcic, M.M. Stanisic
R4,494 Discovery Miles 44 940 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book presents the most recent research advances in the theory, design, control and application of robotic systems, which are intended for a variety of purposes such as manipulation, manufacturing, automation, surgery, locomotion and biomechanics. The issues addressed are fundamentally kinematic in nature, including synthesis, calibration, redundancy, force control, dexterity, inverse and forward kinematics, kinematic singularities, as well as over-constrained systems. Methods used include line geometry, quaternion algebra, screw algebra, and linear algebra. These methods are applied to both parallel and serial multi-degree-of-freedom systems. The results should interest researchers, teachers and students, in fields of engineering and mathematics related to robot theory, design, control and application. All articles in the book were reported at the seventh international symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics that was organised in June 2000 in the beautiful ancient Mediterranean town of Piran in Slovenia. The preceding symposia of the series took place in Ljubljana (1988), Linz (1990), Ferrara (1992), Ljubljana (1994), and Piran (1996), and Salzburg (1998).

Vibration and Wear in High Speed Rotating Machinery (Hardcover, 1990 ed.): Julio M. Montalvao E. Silva, F. Pina Da Silva Vibration and Wear in High Speed Rotating Machinery (Hardcover, 1990 ed.)
Julio M. Montalvao E. Silva, F. Pina Da Silva
R8,603 Discovery Miles 86 030 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

T~~botogy and Vynam~c~ a~e u6uatty con6~de~ed a~ 6epa~ate 6ubject6. Acco~d~ngty, ~e6ea~che~6 ~n th06e two 6~etd6 6etdom meet, de6p~te, the 6act that the~e ~6 a con~~de~a- bie ove~tap 06 ~nte~e~t~ namety when deat~ng w~th ~otat~ng mach~ne~y cond~t~on mon~to~~ng. Rotat~ng mach~ne~ a~e u~ed ~n atmo~t eve~y ~ndu~t~~at appt~cat~on namety m~t~ta~y, powe~ gene~at~on, chem~cat , 600d p~oce6~~ng, etc. Any powe~ u~e~ o~ gene~at~ng ~y~tem ~6 ba6ed on ~otat~ng mach~ne~ 6uch a~ tu~b~ne~, 6an~, pump6, comp~e~~o~~, etc. mak~ng the ~c~ent~6ic e660~t~ in the 6~etd 06 ~otat~ng mach~ne~y in ~ecent yea~~ wett ju~t~6~ed. Fa~tu~e 06 ~otat~ng component~, due to wea~ andlo~ v~b~a- t~on p~obtem~, ~~ 6t~tt d~66~cutt to p~ed~ct and ~e~utt~ 6~eQuentty 6~om ~nadeQuaxe de~~gn. Thi~ i~ o~iginaxed by ~mpe~6ecx knowtedge 06 the acxuat behav~ou~ 06 xhe ~y~tem~ Ve~pixe xhe p~og~e~~ achieved in xhe 6ietd~ 06 x~ibotogy and dynamic~, a tack 06 communicaxion ctea~ty ~xitl exi~x~ between xh06e ~nvolved in de~ign and developmenx ~n ind- x~y and ~e~ea~ch team~ in un~ve~~ixie6 and othe~ li~hmenx~. B~inging togethe~ x~ibotog~6t~ and dynam~c~6t~ ~n o~de~ xo cont~ibute xo inc~ea6e p~og~e~6 ~n both 6ietd~ wa~ the main object~6 06 the NATO AVVANCEV STUVY INSTITUTE (ASI) on "VIBRATION ANV WEAR VAMAGE IN HIGH SPEW ROTATING MACHINERY" hetd ~n T~oia, Po~xugat, 10xh to 22nd Ap~il 1989, and o~ga- n~zed by CEMUL-Cente~ 06 Mechan~c~ and Maxe~ial~ 06 the Technicat Un~ve~~~ty 06 Li~bon.

Dynamics and Control of Structures - A Modal Approach (Hardcover, 1998 ed.): Wodek K Gawronski Dynamics and Control of Structures - A Modal Approach (Hardcover, 1998 ed.)
Wodek K Gawronski
R2,461 R1,664 Discovery Miles 16 640 Save R797 (32%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book addresses problems in structural dynamics and control encountered in such applications as: aerospace structures, robotics, earthquake-damage prevention, and active noise suppression. The rapid developments of new technologies and computer power have made it possible to formulate and solve engineering problems that seemed unapproachable only a few years ago. The treatment combines concepts from control engineering (such as system norms and controllability) and structural engineering (such as modal properties and modal models), thereby both revealing new structural properties as well as giving new insights into well-known laws. The techniques discussed will make it easier for structural engineers to design control systems and for control engineers to deal with structural dynamics. The discussion begins by defining flexible structures and structural models, using such examples as the international space station and the antennas of NASA's deep-space network. The book then turns to controllability and observability; properties of system norms (Häsubinfinityü, Häsub2ü, and Hankel); and model reduction in terms of these norms. A discussion of sensor and actuator location follows: selecting these is rarely an easy task. The concluding chapters discuss the design of dissipative LQG and Häsubinfinityü controllers. Matlab codes for many of the procedures and methods discussed in the book are included.

Numerical Simulation of Distributed Parameter Processes (Hardcover, 2013 ed.): Tiberiu Colosi, Mihail-Ioan Abrudean,... Numerical Simulation of Distributed Parameter Processes (Hardcover, 2013 ed.)
Tiberiu Colosi, Mihail-Ioan Abrudean, Mihaela-Ligia Unguresan, Vlad Muresan
R3,595 Discovery Miles 35 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The present monograph defines, interprets and uses the matrix of partial derivatives of the state vector with applications for the study of some common categories of engineering. The book covers broad categories of processes that are formed by systems of partial derivative equations (PDEs), including systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The work includes numerous applications specific to Systems Theory based on Mpdx, such as parallel, serial as well as feed-back connections for the processes defined by PDEs. For similar, more complex processes based on Mpdx with PDEs and ODEs as components, we have developed control schemes with PID effects for the propagation phenomena, in continuous media (spaces) or discontinuous ones (chemistry, power system, thermo-energetic) or in electro-mechanics (railway - traction) and so on. The monograph has a purely engineering focus and is intended for a target audience working in extremely diverse fields of application (propagation phenomena, diffusion, hydrodynamics, electromechanics) in which the use of PDEs and ODEs is justified.

Ocean Reverberation (Hardcover): Dale D. Ellis, Etc, John R. Preston, Heinz G. Urban Ocean Reverberation (Hardcover)
Dale D. Ellis, Etc, John R. Preston, Heinz G. Urban
R2,551 Discovery Miles 25 510 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This volume comprises over 50 contributions resulting from the Ocean Reverberation Symposium, held 25-29 May 1992 in La Spezia, Italy. The contributions are presented in eight sections: Scattering Mechanisms, High Frequency Measurements and Mechanisms, Reverberation Modelling, ARSRP Mid-Atlantic Ridge Experiment, Low Frequency Measurements, Volume Scattering, Signal Processing Issues and Applications. The work addresses the emerging trends in ocean reverberation research. The availability of high-power, low-frequency sources and highly directional arrays has brought with it the tools, and the need, to study long-range reverberation. The use of projector sources and various waveforms, rather than explosives, allows the use of signal processing techniques to enhance the extraction of information about the reverberation and scattering processes.

Advanced Vibrations - Theory and Application (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2022): Reza N. Jazar Advanced Vibrations - Theory and Application (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2022)
Reza N. Jazar
R3,501 Discovery Miles 35 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Now in an updated new edition, this textbook explains mechanical vibrations concepts in detail, concentrating on their practical use. This second edition includes the new chapter Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) Time Response, as well as new sections covering superposition, music and vibrations, generalized coordinates and degrees-of-freedom, and first-order systems. Related theorems and formal proofs are provided, as are real-life applications. Students, researchers, and practicing engineers alike will appreciate the user-friendly presentation of a wealth of topics, including practical optimization for designing vibration isolators and transient and harmonic excitations. Advanced Vibrations: Theory and Application is an ideal text for students of engineering, designers, and practicing engineers.

Flow-induced Vibrations: an Engineering Guide - IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 7 (Hardcover): Eduard Naudascher Flow-induced Vibrations: an Engineering Guide - IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 7 (Hardcover)
Eduard Naudascher
R5,395 Discovery Miles 53 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Designed for engineers, this work considers flow-induced vibrations. It covers topics such as body oscillators; fluid loading and response of body oscillators; fluid oscillators; vibrations due to extraneously-induced excitation; and vibrations due to instability-induced excitation.

Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering - Select Proceedings of ITME 2019 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021): Mohammad Muzammil,... Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering - Select Proceedings of ITME 2019 (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2021)
Mohammad Muzammil, Arunesh Chandra, Pavan Kumar Kankar, Harish Kumar
R5,870 Discovery Miles 58 700 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book presents selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering (ITME) 2019. The book discusses a wide range of topics in mechanical engineering such as mechanical systems, materials engineering, micro-machining, renewable energy, systems engineering, thermal engineering, additive manufacturing, automotive technologies, rapid prototyping, computer aided design and manufacturing. This book, in addition to assisting students and researchers working in various areas of mechanical engineering, can also be useful to researchers and professionals working in various allied and interdisciplinary fields.

Modelling of Vibrations of Overhead Line Conductors - Assessment of the Technology (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Giorgio Diana Modelling of Vibrations of Overhead Line Conductors - Assessment of the Technology (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Giorgio Diana
R2,311 R1,785 Discovery Miles 17 850 Save R526 (23%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This brochure offers numerical models of wind-induced aeolian vibrations and sub-span oscillations of the conductors. It highlights what can be expected from numerical models regarding conductor vibrations. Assessment of the aeolian vibration condition of particular lines, with conductors whose mechanical properties are poorly defined, or with special terrain conditions, may require field measurements; Analytical methods based on the EBP and shaker-based technology can provide a useful tool to design damping systems for the protection of single conductors against aeolian vibrations This work reports the state of the art for professionals regarding aeolian vibrations and subspan oscillations modelling.

Machining Dynamics - Frequency Response to Improved Productivity (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2019): Tony L. Schmitz, K. Scott Smith Machining Dynamics - Frequency Response to Improved Productivity (Hardcover, 2nd ed. 2019)
Tony L. Schmitz, K. Scott Smith
R4,825 Discovery Miles 48 250 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book trains engineers and students in the practical application of machining dynamics, with a particular focus on milling. The book walks readers through the steps required to improve machining productivity through chatter avoidance and reduced surface location error, and covers in detail topics such as modal analysis (including experimental methods) to obtain the tool point frequency response function, descriptions of turning and milling, force modeling, time domain simulation, stability lobe diagram algorithms, surface location error calculation for milling, beam theory, and more. This new edition includes updates throughout the entire text, new exercises and examples, and a new chapter on machining tribology. It is a valuable resource for practicing manufacturing engineers and graduate students interested in learning how to improve machining productivity through consideration of the process dynamics.

Parallel Robotic Machine Tools (Hardcover, 2010 ed.): Dan Zhang Parallel Robotic Machine Tools (Hardcover, 2010 ed.)
Dan Zhang
R4,516 Discovery Miles 45 160 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Research and development of various parallel mechanism applications in engineering are now being performed more and more actively in every industrial field. Parallel robot based machine tools development is considered a key technology of robot applications in manufacturing industries. The material covered here describes the basic theory, approaches, and algorithms in the field of parallel robot based machine tools. In addition families of new alternative mechanical architectures which can be used for machine tools with parallel architecture are introduced. Given equal importance is the design of mechanism systems such as kinematic analysis, stiffness analysis, kinetostatic modeling, and optimization.

Vibrations and Audible Noise in Alternating Current Machines (Hardcover, 1988 ed.): R. Belmans, K.J. Binns, W. Geysen, A.... Vibrations and Audible Noise in Alternating Current Machines (Hardcover, 1988 ed.)
R. Belmans, K.J. Binns, W. Geysen, A. Vandenput
R6,048 Discovery Miles 60 480 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mechanical Vibrations and Audible Noise in Alternating Current Machines, Leuven, Belgium, August 4-8, 1986

Introduction to Linear, Parametric and Non-Linear Vibrations (Hardcover, 1990 ed.): M.C. Cartmell Introduction to Linear, Parametric and Non-Linear Vibrations (Hardcover, 1990 ed.)
M.C. Cartmell
R5,348 Discovery Miles 53 480 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Review(s) ...recommend this book to the applied community as a valuable source of practical examples of parametric excitations, treated in a modern fashion. - "Mathematical Reviews"; [Cartmell] has successfully presented the usually complicated and difficult subjects of parametric and nonlinear vibrations in a concise, clear and easy-to-understand manner - "Choice".

Vortex Rings (Hardcover, 2010 ed.): D.G. Akhmetov Vortex Rings (Hardcover, 2010 ed.)
D.G. Akhmetov
R3,021 Discovery Miles 30 210 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Vortex flow is one of the fundamental types of fluid and gas motion. These flows are the most spectacular in the form of concentrated vortices, characterized by the localization of vorticity (curl of velocity) in bounded regions of a space, beyond which the vorticity is either absent or rapidly falls down to zero. Concentrated vortices are often observed in nature, exemplified by atmospheric cyclones, whirlwinds and tornados, oceanic vortices, whirlpools on a water s- face, and ring vortices caused by explosive outburst of volcanoes. In technical - vices concentrated vortices form when flow separates from sharp edges of flying vehicles and ships. Among these are vortices flowing off the ends of airplane wings, and intentionally generated vortices for intensification of burning in c- bustion chambers, vortices in cyclonic devices used for mixing or separation of impurities in fluids and gases. One such remarkable and frequent type of conc- trated vortices is a vortex ring which constitutes a vortex tube closed into a t- oidal ring moving in a surrounding fluid like an isolated body out of contact with solid boundaries of the flow region if such boundaries exist. Formation and motion of vortex rings are important part of the dynamics of a continuum medium and have been studied for more than a century.

Multi-dimensional Control Problems - Robust Approach (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022): Anurag Jayswal, Preeti, Savin Treant Multi-dimensional Control Problems - Robust Approach (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Anurag Jayswal, Preeti, Savin Treant
R3,795 Discovery Miles 37 950 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book deals with several types of multi-dimensional control problems in the face of data uncertainty for vector cases-multi-dimensional multi-objective control problem with uncertain objective functionals, uncertain constraint functionals, and uncertain objective as well as constraint functionals, uncertain multi-dimensional multi-objective control problem with semi-infinite constraints, uncertain dual multi-dimensional multi-objective variational control problem, and second-order PDE&PDI constrained robust optimization problem. The book provides the solution approaches-an exact l1 penalty function approach, modified objective approach, robust approach-in the simplest way to solve the recent developing optimization problems in the sense of uncertainty.

Vibrations of Elasto-Plastic Bodies (Hardcover, 1998 ed.): A. Belyaev Vibrations of Elasto-Plastic Bodies (Hardcover, 1998 ed.)
A. Belyaev; Vladimir Palmov
R4,537 Discovery Miles 45 370 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Undeservedly little attention is paid in the vast literature on the theories of vibration and plasticity to the problem of steady-state vibrations in elastoplastic bodies. This problem, however, is of considerable interest and has many important applications. The problem of low-cyclic fatigue of metals, which is now in a well de veloped state is one such application. The investigations within this area are actually directed to collecting experimental facts about repeated cyclic loadings, cf. 47J. Theoretical investigations within this area usually con sider the hysteretic loops and the construction of models of plasticity theory which are applicable to the analysis of repeated loadings and the study of the simplest dynamic problems. Another area of application of the theory of the vibration of elastoplas tic bodies is the applied theory of amplitude-dependent internal damping. Another name for this theory is the theory of energy dissipation in vibrat ing bodies. In accordance with the point of view of Davidenkov "internal damping" in many metals, alloys and structural materials under consider able stress presents exactly the effect of micro plastic deformations. There fore, it may be described by the methods of plasticity theory. This point of view is no doubt fruitful for the theory of energy dissipation in vibrating bodies, as it allows one to write down the constitutive equations appropri ate both for vibrational analysis of three-dimensional stress states and an investigation of nonharmonic deformation. These problems are known to be important for the theory of internal damping."

Non-Gaussian Random Vibration Fatigue Analysis and Accelerated Test (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022): Yu Jiang, Junyong Tao, Xun Chen Non-Gaussian Random Vibration Fatigue Analysis and Accelerated Test (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2022)
Yu Jiang, Junyong Tao, Xun Chen; Translated by Yu Jiang, Zhengwei Fan, …
R4,801 Discovery Miles 48 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book discusses the theory, method and application of non-Gaussian random vibration fatigue analysis and test. The main contents include statistical analysis method of non-Gaussian random vibration, modeling and simulation of non-Gaussian/non-stationary random vibration, response analysis under non-Gaussian base excitation, non-Gaussian random vibration fatigue life analysis, fatigue reliability evaluation of structural components under Gaussian/non-Gaussian random loadings, non-Gaussian random vibration accelerated test method and application cases. From this book, the readers can not only learn how to reproduce the non-Gaussian vibration environment actually experienced by the product, but also know how to evaluate the fatigue life and reliability of the structure under non-Gaussian random excitation.

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