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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
This book describes system dynamics with discontinuity caused by system interactions and presents the theory of flow singularity and switchability at the boundary in discontinuous dynamical systems. Based on such a theory, the authors address dynamics and motion mechanism of engineering discontinuous systems due to interaction. Stability and bifurcations of fixed points in nonlinear discrete dynamical systems are presented, and mapping dynamics are developed for analytical predictions of periodic motions in engineering discontinuous dynamical systems. Ultimately, the book provides an alternative way to discuss the periodic and chaotic behaviors in discontinuous dynamical systems.
This book is a collection of research papers selected for presentation at the International Conference on Smart Computational Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2021, organized by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Institute for Computer Aided Design of Russian Academy of Sciences. The work is presented in two volumes. The primary objective of the book is to report the state-of-the-art on smart computational paradigms in continuum mechanics and explore the use of artificial intelligence paradigms such as neural nets, and machine learning for improving the performance of the designed engineering systems. The book includes up-to-date smart computational methods which are used to solve problems in continuum mechanics, engineering, seismic prospecting, non-destructive testing, and so on. The main features of the book are the research papers on the application of novel smart methods including neural nets and machine learning, computational algorithms, smart software systems, and high-performance computer systems for solving complex engineering problems. The case studies pertaining to the real-world applications in the above fields are included. The book presents a collection of best research papers in English language from some of the world leaders in the field of smart system modelling and design of engineering systems.
An impulse for writing this book has originated from the effort to sum marize and publicise the acquired results of a research team at the De partment of Automation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and In formatics, Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. The research team has been involved for a long time with control problems for machine production mechanisms and, in recent (approximately 15) years, its effort was aimed mostly at the control of electrical servosystems of robots. Within this scope, the members of the authors' staff solved the State Re search Task Ultrasonic sensing of the position of a robot hand, which was coordinated by the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. The problem was solved in a complex way, i.e. from a conceptual de sign of the measurement, through the measurement and evaluation sys tem, up to connection to the control system of a robot. Compensation of the atmospheric influence on the precision of measurement, as well as on the electroacoustical transducers, were important parts of the solution. The solution was aimed at using the ultrasonic pulse method which en ables the measurement of absolute 3D position coordinates, contrary to the relative position measurements by the incremental pick-ups which are standard robotic equipment."
This volume contains the proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled System, held in Stuttgart, Germany, May 22-25, 2018. For the understanding and development of complex technical systems, such as the human body or mechatronic systems, an integrated, multiphysics and multidisciplinary view is essential. Many problems can be solved within one physical domain. For the simulation and optimization of the combined system, the different domains are connected with each other. Very often, the combination is only possible by using reduced order models such that the large-scale dynamical system is approximated with a system of much smaller dimension where the most dominant features of the large-scale system are retained as much as possible. The field of model order reduction (MOR) is interdisciplinary. Researchers from Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science identify, explore and compare the potentials, challenges and limitations of recent and new advances.
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of "Linear Systems Analysis" applied to dynamic systems as an approach to interdisciplinary system design beyond the related area of Electrical Engineering. The text gives an interpretation of mechanical vibrations based on the Theory of Dynamic Systems. The central aim is to bridge the gap between existing theoretical methods in different engineering disciplines and to enable advanced students or professionals to model dynamic and vibrating systems with reference to communication and control processes. Emphasizing the theory it presents a balanced coverage of analytical principles and applications to vibrations with regard to mechatronic problems.
This concise textbook for students preferably of a postgraduate level, but also for engineers in practice, contains the basic kinematical and kinetic structures of dynamics together with carefully selected applications. The book is a condensed introduction to the fundamental laws of kinematics and kinetics, on the most important principles of mechanics and presents the equations of motion in the form of Lagrange and Newton-Euler. Selected problems of linear and nonlinear dynamics are treated, as well as problems of vibration formation. The presented selection of topics gives a useful basis for stepping into more advanced problems of dynamics. The contents of this book represent the result of a regularly revised course, which has been and still is given for masters students at the Technische Universitat Munchen.
The ?eld of applied nonlinear dynamics has attracted scientists and engineers across many different disciplines to develop innovative ideas and methods to study c- plex behavior exhibited by relatively simple systems. Examples include: population dynamics, ?uidization processes, applied optics, stochastic resonance, ?ocking and ?ightformations, lasers, andmechanicalandelectricaloscillators. Acommontheme among these and many other examples is the underlying universal laws of nonl- ear science that govern the behavior, in space and time, of a given system. These laws are universal in the sense that they transcend the model-speci?c features of a system and so they can be readily applied to explain and predict the behavior of a wide ranging phenomena, natural and arti?cial ones. Thus the emphasis in the past decades has been in explaining nonlinear phenomena with signi?cantly less att- tion paid to exploiting the rich behavior of nonlinear systems to design and fabricate new devices that can operate more ef?ciently. Recently, there has been a series of meetings on topics such as Experimental Chaos, Neural Coding, and Stochastic Resonance, which have brought together many researchers in the ?eld of nonlinear dynamics to discuss, mainly, theoretical ideas that may have the potential for further implementation. In contrast, the goal of the 2007 ICAND (International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics) was focused more sharply on the implementation of theoretical ideas into actual - vices and system
Because of its versatility in analyzing a broad range of applications, multibody dynamics has grown in the past two decades to be an important tool for designing, prototyping, and simulating complex articulated mechanical systems. This textbooka "a result of the authora (TM)s many years of research and teachinga "brings together diverse concepts of dynamics, combining the efforts of many researchers in the field of mechanics. Bridging the gap between dynamics and engineering applications such as microrobotics, virtual reality simulation of interactive mechanical systems, nanomechanics, flexible biosystems, crash simulation, and biomechanics, the book puts into perspective the importance of modeling in the dynamic simulation and solution of problems in these fields. To help engineering students and practicing engineers understand the rigid-body dynamics concepts needed for the book, the author presents a compiled overview of particle dynamics and Newtona (TM)s second law of motion in the first chapter. A particular strength of the work is its use of matrices to generate kinematic coefficients associated with the formulation of the governing equations of motion. Additional features of the book include: * numerous worked examples at the end of each section * introduction of boundary-element methods (BEM) in the description of flexible systems * up-to-date solution techniques for rigid and flexible multibody dynamics using finite- element methods (FEM) * inclusion of MATLAB-based simulations and graphical solutions * in-depth presentation of constrained systems * presentation of the general form of equations of motion ready for computerimplementation * two unique chapters on stability and linearization of the equations of motion Junior/senior undergraduates and first-year graduate engineering students taking a course in dynamics, physics, control, robotics, or biomechanics will find this a useful book with a strong computer orientation towards the subject. The work may also be used as a self-study resource or research reference for practitioners in the above-mentioned fields.
This book contains an edited versIOn of lectures presented at the NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE on VIRTUAL NONLINEAR MUL TIBODY SYSTEMS which was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 23 June to 3 July 2002. It was organized by the Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, in cooperation with the Institute B of Mechanics, University of Stuttgart, Germany. The ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE addressed the state of the art in multibody dynamics placing special emphasis on nonlinear systems, virtual reality, and control design as required in mechatronics and its corresponding applications. Eighty-six participants from twenty-two countries representing academia, industry, government and research institutions attended the meeting. The high qualification of the participants contributed greatly to the success of the ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE in that it promoted the exchange of experience between leading scientists and young scholars, and encouraged discussions to generate new ideas and to define directions of research and future developments. The full program of the ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE included also contributed presentations made by participants where different topics were explored, among them: Such topics include: nonholonomic systems; flexible multibody systems; contact, impact and collision; numerical methods of differential-algebraical equations; simulation approaches; virtual modelling; mechatronic design; control; biomechanics; space structures and vehicle dynamics. These presentations have been reviewed and a selection will be published in this volume, and in special issues of the journals Multibody System Dynamics and Mechanics of Structures and Machines.
This text is an advancement of the theory of vibration protection of mechanical systems with lumped and distributed parameters. The book offers various concepts and methods of solving vibration protection problems, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and the fields of their effective applications. Fundamental approaches of vibration protection, which are considered in this book, are the passive, parametric and optimal active vibration protection. The passive vibration protection is based on vibration isolation, vibration damping and dynamic absorbers. Parametric vibration protection theory is based on the Shchipanov-Luzin invariance principle. Optimal active vibration protection theory is based on the Pontryagin principle and the Krein moment method. The book also contains special topics such as suppression of vibrations at the source of their occurrence and the harmful influence of vibrations on humans.< Numerous examples, which illustrate the theoretical ideas of each chapter, are included. This book is intended for graduate students and engineers. It is assumed that a reader has working knowledge of theory of vibrations, differential equations, andcomplex analysis. About the Authors. Igor A Karnovsky, Ph.D., Dr. Sci., is a specialist in structural analysis, theory of vibration and optimal control of vibration. He has 40 years of experience in research, teaching and consulting in this field, and is the author of more than 70 published scientific papers, including two books in Structural Analysis (published with Springer in 2010-2012) and three handbooks in Structural Dynamics (published with McGraw Hill in 2001-2004). He also holds a number of vibration-control-related patents. Evgeniy Lebed, Ph.D., is a specialist in applied mathematics and engineering. He has 10 years of experience in research, teaching and consulting in this field. The main sphere of his research interests are qualitative theory of differential equations, integral transforms and frequency-domain analysis with application to image and signal processing. He is the author of 15 published scientific papers and a US patent (2015).
This volume contains the contributions to the 10th International Workshop on Railway Noise, held October 18-22, 2010, in Nagahama, Japan, organized by the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), Japan. With 11 sessions and 3 poster sessions, the workshop featured presentations by international leaders in the field of railway noise and vibration. All subjects relating to 1. prospects, legal regulation, and perception; 2. wheel and rail noise; 3. structure-borne noise and squeal noise; 4. ground-borne vibration; 5. aerodynamic noise and micro-pressure waves from tunnel portals; 6. interior noise and sound barriers; and 7. prediction, measurements, and monitoring are addressed here. This book is a useful "state-of-the-art" reference for scientists and engineers involved in solving environmental problems of railways.
The NATO Advanced Study Institute "Paleorift Systems with Emphasis on the Permian Oslo Rift" was held at Sundvollen near Oslo, Norway, 26. July - 5. August, 1977. The meeting included 6 field trips to various parts of the Oslo Region. 70 official participants and 16 observers from 14 countries attended the meeting. The majority of the invited lectures, short research papers and progress reports presented at the meeting are published in two volumes, of which this is volume No. II. A table of con tents for both volumes is include8 herein. The field trip guide is being published in the Nor gian Geological Survey Series, Vol. 327 (1978). We are especially pleased to acknowledge the efforts of the many authors of contributed papers, and the able assistance of secretaries, proof-readers and other staffmembers without whose help these volumes would not have been possible. Oslo, 20. February 1978. Ivar B. Ramberg Else-Ragnhild Neumann xi Organizing Committee members: O. Eldholm Department of Geology, University G. Grcentsnlie of Oslo J. Naterstad I.B. Ramberg (chairman) J.A. Dons Mineralogical-Geological Museum, B.T. Larsen (secretary) University of Oslo E.-R. Neumann (secretary) K.S. Heier (chairman) Norwegian Geological Survey S. Huseby B. Sundvoll M.A. Sellevoll Seismological Observatory, University of Bergen K. Storetvedt Geophysics Institute, University of Bergen P.M. Ihlen Geological Institute, University of Chr. Oftedahl Trondheim F.M. Vokes E.S. Husebye NTNF/NORSAR, 2007 Kjeller This volume is Scientific Report No. 40 of the Geodynamics Project
Authors: Hugo Bachmann, Walter J. Ammann, Florian Deischl, Josef Eisenmann, Ingomar Floegl, Gerhard H. Hirsch, Gunter K. Klein, Goran J. Lande, Oskar Mahrenholtz, Hans G. Natke, Hans Nussbaumer, Anthony J. Pretlove, Johann H. Rainer, Ernst-Ulrich Saemann, Lorenz Steinbeisser. Large structures such as factories, gymnasia, concert halls, bridges, towers, masts and chimneys can be detrimentally affected by vibrations. These vibrations can cause either serviceability problems, severely hampering the user's comfort, or safety problems. The aim of this book is to provide structural and civil engineers working in construction and environmental engineering with practical guidelines for counteracting vibration problems. Dynamic actions are considered from the following sources of vibration: - human body motions, - rotating, oscillating and impacting machines, - wind flow, - road traffic, railway traffic and construction work. The main section of the book presents tools that aid in decision-making and in deriving simple solutions to cases of frequently occurring "normal" vibration problems. Complexer problems and more advanced solutions are also considered. In all cases these guidelines should enable the engineer to decide on appropriate solutions expeditiously. The appendices of the book contain fundamentals essential to the main chapters.
The concept of dynamics and control implies the combination of dynamic analysis and control synthesis. It is essential to gain insight into the dynamics of a nonlinear system with uncertainty if any new control strategy is designed to utilize nonlinearity. However, the new control strategy to be proposed must be robust enough so that any unexpected small disturbances will not alter the desired target of control. Such a concept is calling more attention to the modelling and simplification of dynamic systems subject to uncertain environment, the fine analysis and robust design of controlled dynamic systems resulting in new control strategies due to understanding of nonlinear phenomena and artificial intelligence, the combination of passive control, active control and semi-active control, as well as the interaction among sensors, controllers and actuators.
"There are three words that characterize this work: thoroughness, completeness and clarity. The authors are congratulated for taking the time to write an excellent linear systems textbook! a ]The authors have used their mastery of the subject to produce a textbook that very effectively presents the theory of linear systems as it has evolved over the last thirty years. The result is a comprehensive, complete and clear exposition that serves as an excellent foundation for more advanced topics in system theory and control." a "IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control "In assessing the present book as a potential textbook for our first graduate linear systems course, I find...[that] Antsaklis and Michel have contributed an expertly written and high quality textbook to the field and are to be congratulateda ]. Because of its mathematical sophistication and completeness the present book is highly recommended for use, both as a textbook as well as a reference." a "Automatica Linear systems theory plays a broad and fundamental role in electrical, mechanical, chemical and aerospace engineering, communications, and signal processing. A thorough introduction to systems theory with emphasis on control is presented in this self-contained textbook. The book examines the fundamental properties that govern the behavior of systems by developing their mathematical descriptions. Linear time-invariant, time-varying, continuous-time, and discrete-time systems are covered. Rigorous development of classic and contemporary topics in linear systems, as well as extensive coverage of stability and polynomial matrix/fractional representation, provide the necessary foundation for further study of systemsand control. Linear Systems is written as a textbook for a challenging one-semester graduate course; a solutions manual is available to instructors upon adoption of the text. The booka (TM)s flexible coverage and self-contained presentation also make it an excellent reference guide or self-study manual. ******* For a treatment of linear systems that focuses primarily on the time-invariant case using streamlined presentation of the material with less formal and more intuitive proofs, see the authorsa (TM) companion book entitled A Linear Systems Primer.
This book presents a class of novel optimal control methods and games schemes based on adaptive dynamic programming techniques. For systems with one control input, the ADP-based optimal control is designed for different objectives, while for systems with multi-players, the optimal control inputs are proposed based on games. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods, the book analyzes the properties of the adaptive dynamic programming methods, including convergence of the iterative value functions and the stability of the system under the iterative control laws. Further, to substantiate the mathematical analysis, it presents various application examples, which provide reference to real-world practices.
Mechanical engineering, an engineering discipline borne of the needs of the industrial revolution, is once again asked to do its substantial share in the call for industrial renewal. The general call is urgent as we face profound issues of productivity and competitiveness that require engineering solutions, among others. The Mechanical Engineering Series features graduate texts and research monographs intended to address the need for information in con temporary areas of mechanical engineering. The series is conceived as a comprehensive one that covers a broad range of concentrations important to mechanical engineering graduate education and research. We are fortunate to have a distinguished roster of consulting editors on the advisory board, each an expert in one of the areas of concen tration. The names of the consulting editors are listed on the next page of this volume. The areas of concentration are: applied mechanics; bio mechanics; computational mechanics; dynamic systems and control; energetics; mechanics of materials; processing; thermal science; and tribology. Professor Marshek, the consulting editor for dynamic systems and control, and I are pleased to present the second edition of Vibration of Discrete and Continuous Systems by Professor Shabana. We note that this is the second of two volumes. The first deals with the theory of vibration."
Vibration of Hydraulic Machinery deals with the vibration problem which has significant influence on the safety and reliable operation of hydraulic machinery. It provides new achievements and the latest developments in these areas, even in the basic areas of this subject. The present book covers the fundamentals of mechanical vibration and rotordynamics as well as their main numerical models and analysis methods for the vibration prediction. The mechanical and hydraulic excitations to the vibration are analyzed, and the pressure fluctuations induced by the unsteady turbulent flow is predicted in order to obtain the unsteady loads. This book also discusses the loads, constraint conditions and the elastic and damping characters of the mechanical system, the structure dynamic analysis, the rotor dynamic analysis and the system instability of hydraulic machines, including the illustration of monitoring system for the instability and the vibration in hydraulic units. All the problems are necessary for vibration prediction of hydraulic machinery.
This book highlights relevant studies and applications in the area of robotics, which reflect the latest research, from interdisciplinary theoretical studies and computational algorithm development, to representative applications. It presents chapters on advanced control, such as fuzzy, neural, backstepping, sliding mode, adaptive, predictive, diagnosis and fault tolerant control etc. and addresses topics including cloud robotics, cable-driven robots, two-wheeled robots, mobile robots, swarm robots, hybrid vehicle, and drones. Each chapter employs a uniform structure: background, motivation, quantitative development (equations), case studies/illustration/tutorial (simulations, experiences, curves, tables, etc.), allowing readers to easily tailor the techniques to their own applications.
Multibody Dynamics is an area of Computational Mechanics which blends together various disciplines such as structural dynamics, multi-physics - chanics, computational mathematics, control theory and computer science, in order to deliver methods and tools for the virtual prototyping of complex mechanical systems. Multibody dynamics plays today a central role in the modeling, analysis, simulation and optimization of mechanical systems in a variety of ?elds and for a wide range of industrial applications. The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics was ini- ated in Lisbon in 2003, and then continued in Madrid in 2005 with the goal of providing researchers in Multibody Dynamics with appropriate venues for exchanging ideas and results. The third edition of the Conference was held at the Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, from June 25 to June 28, 2007. The Conference saw the participation of over 250 researchers from 32 di?- ent countries, presenting 209 technical papers, and proved to be an excellent forum for discussion and technical exchange on the most recent advances in this rapidly growing ?eld.
In this book, regular structures are de ned as periodic structures consisting of repeated elements (translational symmetry) as well as structures with a geom- ric symmetry. Regular structures have for a long time been attracting the attention of scientists by the extraordinary beauty of their forms. They have been studied in many areas of science: chemistry, physics, biology, etc. Systems with geometric symmetry are used widely in many areas of engineering. The various kinds of bases under machines, cyclically repeated forms of stators, reduction gears, rotors with blades mounted on them, etc. represent regular structures. The study of real-life engineering structures faces considerable dif culties because they comprise a great number of working mechanisms that, in turn, consist of many different elastic subsystems and elements. The computational models of such systems represent a hierarchical structure and contain hundreds and thousands of parameters. The main problems in the analysis of such systems are the dim- sion reduction of model and revealing the dominant parameters that determine its dynamics and form its energy nucleus. The two most widely used approaches to the simulation of such systems are as follows: 1. Methods using lumped parameters models, i.e., a discretization of the original system and its representation as a system with lumped parameters [including nite-element method (FEM)]. 2. The use of idealized elements with distributed parameters and known analytical solutions for both the local elements and the subsystems.
This is the first book focusing on bifurcation dynamics in 1-dimensional polynomial nonlinear discrete systems. It comprehensively discusses the general mathematical conditions of bifurcations in polynomial nonlinear discrete systems, as well as appearing and switching bifurcations for simple and higher-order singularity period-1 fixed-points in the 1-dimensional polynomial discrete systems. Further, it analyzes the bifurcation trees of period-1 to chaos generated by period-doubling, and monotonic saddle-node bifurcations. Lastly, the book presents methods for period-2 and period-doubling renormalization for polynomial discrete systems, and describes the appearing mechanism and period-doublization of period-n fixed-points on bifurcation trees for the first time, offering readers fascinating insights into recent research results in nonlinear discrete systems.
Reducing and controlling the level of vibration in a mechanical system leads to an improved work environment and product quality, reduced noise, more economical operation, and longer equipment life. Adequate design is essential for reducing vibrations, while damping and control methods help further reduce and manipulate vibrations when design strategies reach their limits. There are also useful types of vibration, which may require enhancement or control. Vibration Damping, Control, and Design balances theoretical and application-oriented coverage to enable optimal vibration and noise suppression and control in nearly any system. Drawn from the immensely popular Vibration and Shock Handbook, each expertly crafted chapter of this book includes convenient summary windows, tables, graphs, and lists to provide ready access to the important concepts and results. Working systematically from general principles to specific applications, coverage spans from theory and experimental techniques in vibration damping to isolation, passive control, active control, and structural dynamic modification. The book also discusses specific issues in designing for and controlling vibrations and noise such as regenerative chatter in machine tools, fluid-induced vibration, hearing and psychological effects, instrumentation for monitoring, and statistical energy analysis. This carefully edited work strikes a balance between practical considerations, design issues, and experimental techniques. Complemented by design examples and case studies, Vibration Damping, Control, and Design builds a deep understanding of the concepts and demonstrates how to apply these principles to real systems.
This volume gathers the latest advances and innovations in the field of flow-induced vibration and noise, as presented by leading international researchers at the 3rd International Symposium on Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects (FLINOVIA), which was held in Lyon, France, in September 2019. It explores topics such as turbulent boundary layer-induced vibration and noise, tonal noise, noise due to ingested turbulence, fluid-structure interaction problems, and noise control techniques. The authors' backgrounds represent a mix of academia, government, and industry, and several papers include applications to important problems for underwater vehicles, aerospace structures and commercial transportation. The book offers a valuable reference guide for all those interested in measurement, modelling, simulation and reproduction of the flow excitation and flow induced structural response.
In the present volume numerous descriptions of Ram accelerators are presented. These descriptions provide good overview on the progress made and the present state of the Ram accelerator technology worldwide. In addition, articles describing light gas gun, ballistic range including a chapter dealing with shock waves in solids are given. Along with the technical description of considered facilities, samples of obtained results are also included. Each chapter is written by an expert in the described topic providing a comprehensive description of the discussed phenomena. |
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