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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
The trends and progress attained in computational kinematics over a broad class of problems are grouped into six parts describing the main themes: kinematics algorithms, discussing kinematics problems in light of their solution algorithms; kinematics of mechanisms, studying problems related to specific mechanisms; singularities; workspace, discussing the determination of the workspace of given mechanisms; parallel manipulators; and motion and grasp planning, touching on computational geometry. The volume contains a representative sample of the most modern techniques available for kinetics problems, including techniques based on advances in algebraic geometry. Researchers, graduate students and practising engineers in work relating to kinematics, robotics, machine design and computer science should find this work useful.
Control of Noise and Structural Vibration presents a MATLAB (R)-based approach to solving the problems of undesirable noise generation and transmission by structures and of undesirable vibration within structures in response to environmental or operational forces. The fundamentals of acoustics, vibration and coupling between vibrating structures and the sound fields they generate are introduced including a discussion of the finite element method for vibration analysis. Following this, the treatment of sound and vibration control begins, illustrated by example systems such as beams, plates and double walls. Sensor and actuator placement is explained as is the idea of modal sensor-actuators. The design of appropriate feedback systems includes consideration of basic stability criteria and robust active structural acoustic control. Positive position feedback (PPF) and multimode control are also described in the context of loudspeaker-duct and loudspeaker-microphone models. The design of various components is detailed including the analog circuit for PPF, adaptive (semi-active) Helmholtz resonators and shunt piezoelectric circuits for noise and vibration suppression. The text makes extensive use of MATLAB (R) examples and these can be simulated using files available for download from the book's webpage at springer.com. End-of-chapter exercises will help readers to assimilate the material as they progress through the book. Control of Noise and Structural Vibration will be of considerable interest to the student of vibration and noise control and also to academic researchers working in the field. It's tutorial features will help practitioners who wish to update their knowledge with self-study.
This book contains selected and expanded contributions presented at the 15th Conference on Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures held in Timisoara, Romania, May 30-31, 2019. The conference focused on a broad range of topics related to acoustics and vibration, such as analytical approaches to nonlinear noise and vibration problems, environmental and occupational noise, structural vibration, biomechanics and bioacoustics, as well as experimental approaches to vibration problems in industrial processes. The different contributions also address the analytical, numerical and experimental techniques applicable to analyze linear and non-linear noise and vibration problems (including strong nonlinearity) and they are primarily intended to emphasize the actual trends and state-of-the-art developments in the above mentioned topics. The book is meant for academics, researchers and professionals, as well as PhD students concerned with various fields of acoustics and vibration of mechanical structures.
This book covers a variety of topics in mechanics, with a special emphasis on material mechanics. It reports on fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, stress-strain behaviours, as well as transferability problems and constraint effects in fracture mechanics. It covers different kind of materials, from metallic materials such as ferritic and austenitic steels, to composites, concrete, polymers and nanomaterials. Additional topics include heat transfer, quality control and reliability of structures and components. Furthermore, the book gives particular attention to new welding technologies such as STIR welding and spray metal coating, and to novel methods for quality control, such as Taguchi design, fault diagnosis and wavelet analysis. Based on the 2015 edition of the Algerian Congress of Mechanics (Congres Algerien de Mecanique, CAM), the book also covers energetics, in terms of simulation of turbulent reactive flow, behaviour of supersonic jet, turbulent combustion, fire induced smoke layer, and heat and mass transfer, as well as important concepts related to human reliability and safety of components and structures. All in all, the book represents a complete, practice-oriented reference guide for both academic and professionals in the field of mechanics.
This monograph presents the most recent progress in bifurcation theory of impulsive dynamical systems with time delays and other functional dependence. It covers not only smooth local bifurcations, but also some non-smooth bifurcation phenomena that are unique to impulsive dynamical systems. The monograph is split into four distinct parts, independently addressing both finite and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems before discussing their applications. The primary contributions are a rigorous nonautonomous dynamical systems framework and analysis of nonlinear systems, stability, and invariant manifold theory. Special attention is paid to the centre manifold and associated reduction principle, as these are essential to the local bifurcation theory. Specifying to periodic systems, the Floquet theory is extended to impulsive functional differential equations, and this permits an exploration of the impulsive analogues of saddle-node, transcritical, pitchfork and Hopf bifurcations. Readers will learn how techniques of classical bifurcation theory extend to impulsive functional differential equations and, as a special case, impulsive differential equations without delays. They will learn about stability for fixed points, periodic orbits and complete bounded trajectories, and how the linearization of the dynamical system allows for a suitable definition of hyperbolicity. They will see how to complete a centre manifold reduction and analyze a bifurcation at a nonhyperbolic steady state.
This innovative volume provides a systematic treatment of the basic concepts and computational procedures for structural motion design and engineering for civil installations. The authors illustrate the application of motion control to a wide spectrum of buildings through many examples. Topics covered include optimal stiffness distributions for building-type structures, the role of damping in controlling motion, tuned mass dampers, base isolation systems, linear control, and nonlinear control. The book's primary objective the satisfaction of motion-related design requirements such as restrictions on displacement and acceleration and seeks the optimal deployment of material stiffness and motion control devices to achieve these design targets as well as satisfy constraints on strength. The book is ideal for practicing engineers and graduate students.
This book presents the proceedings of the "5th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems (CCS)." All Symposia in the series bring together scientists, engineers, economists and social scientists, creating a vivid forum for discussions on the latest insights and findings obtained in the areas of complexity, nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, as well as their interdisciplinary applications. The scope of the latest Symposium was enriched with a variety of contemporary, interdisciplinary topics, including but not limited to: fundamental theory of nonlinear dynamics, networks, circuits, systems, biology, evolution and ecology, fractals and pattern formation, nonlinear time series analysis, neural networks, sociophysics and econophysics, complexity management and global systems.
This book demonstrates how mathematical methods and techniques can be used in synergy and create a new way of looking at complex systems. It becomes clear nowadays that the standard (graph-based) network approach, in which observable events and transportation hubs are represented by nodes and relations between them are represented by edges, fails to describe the important properties of complex systems, capture the dependence between their scales, and anticipate their future developments. Therefore, authors in this book discuss the new generalized theories capable to describe a complex nexus of dependences in multi-level complex systems and to effectively engineer their important functions. The collection of works devoted to the memory of Professor Valentin Afraimovich introduces new concepts, methods, and applications in nonlinear dynamical systems covering physical problems and mathematical modelling relevant to molecular biology, genetics, neurosciences, artificial intelligence as well as classic problems in physics, machine learning, brain and urban dynamics. The book can be read by mathematicians, physicists, complex systems scientists, IT specialists, civil engineers, data scientists, urban planners, and even musicians (with some mathematical background).
This book covers the topics of theoretical principles, dynamics model and algorithm, mission analysis, system design and experimental studies of space nets system, aiming to provide an initial framework in this field and serve as a ready reference for those interested. Space nets system represents a forefront field in future development of aerospace technologies. However, it involves new challenges and problems such as nonlinear and distorted nets structure, complex rigid flexible coupling dynamics, orbital transfer of space flexible composite and dynamics control. Currently, no comprehensive books on space nets dynamics and design are available, so potential readers can get to know the working mechanism, dynamics elements, and mission design of the space nets system from a Chinese perspective.
The volume contains 19 contributions by international experts in the field of multibody system dynamics, robotics and control. The book aims to bridge the gap between the modeling of mechanical systems by means of multibody dynamics formulations and robotics. In the classical approach, a multibody dynamics model contains a very high level of detail, however, the application of such models to robotics or control is usually limited. The papers aim to connect the different scientific communities in multibody dynamics, robotics and control. Main topics are flexible multibody systems, humanoid robots, elastic robots, nonlinear control, optimal path planning, and identification.
This book addresses two fundamental issues of motor control for both humans and robots: kinematic redundancy and the posture/movement problem. It blends traditional robotic constrained-optimal approaches with neuroscientific and evidence-based principles, proposing a "Task-space Separation Principle," a novel scheme for planning both posture and movement in redundant manipulators. The proposed framework is first tested in simulation and then compared with experimental motor strategies displayed by humans during redundant pointing tasks. The book also shows how this model builds on and expands traditional formulations such as the Passive Motion Paradigm and the Equilibrium Point Theory. Lastly, breaking with the neuroscientific tradition of planar movements and linear(ized) kinematics, the theoretical formulation and experimental scenarios are set in the nonlinear space of 3D rotations which are essential for wrist motions, a somewhat neglected area despite its importance in daily tasks.
The book provides personal memories along with description of scientific works written by ex-graduate students and research associates of the late Professor Glass. The described research work covers a wide range of shock wave phenomena, resulting from seeds planted by Professor Glass. Professor Glass was born in Poland in 1918. He immigrated together with his parents to Canada at the age of 12 and received all his professional education at the University of Toronto, Canada. He became a world recognized expert in shock wave phenomena, and during his 45 years of active research he supervised more than 125 master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and visiting research associates. In this book seven of his past students/research-associates describe their personal memories of Professor Glass and present some of their investigations in shock wave phenomena which sprung from their past work with Professor Glass. Specifically, these investigations include underwater shock waves, shock/bubble interaction, medical applications of shock wave, various types of shock tubes and shock tube techniques, shock wave attenuation and different types of shock wave reflections.
This book focuses on the justification and refinement of highly diverse approximate dynamic models for engineering structures arising in modern technology, including high-tech domains involving nano- and meta-materials. It proposes a classification for vibration spectra over a broad frequency domain and evaluates the range of validity of various existing 2D theories for thin-walled shells by comparing them with 3D benchmark solutions. The dynamic equations in 3D elasticity are applied to the analysis of harmonic vibrations in hollow bodies with canonical shapes. New exact homogeneous and inhomogeneous solutions are derived for cylinders, spheres and cones (including spherical and conical layers), as well as for plates of variable thickness. The book includes a wealth of numerical examples, as well as refined versions of 2D dynamic formulations. Boundary value problems for hollow bodies are also addressed.
This book presents extensive information on structural health monitoring for suspension bridges. During the past two decades, there have been significant advances in the sensing technologies employed in long-span bridge health monitoring. However, interpretation of the massive monitoring data is still lagging behind. This book establishes a series of measurement interpretation frameworks that focus on bridge site environmental conditions, and global and local responses of suspension bridges. Using the proposed frameworks, it subsequently offers new insights into the structural behaviors of long-span suspension bridges. As a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of bridge structural health monitoring, it provides essential information, methods, and practical algorithms that can facilitate in-service bridge performance assessments.
Small satellite technology is opening up a new era in space exploration offering reduced cost of launch and maintenance, operational flexibility with on-orbit reconfiguration, redundancy etc. The true power of such missions can be harnessed only from close and precise formation flying of satellites. Formation flying missions support diverse application areas such as reconnaissance, remote sensing, solar observatory, deep space observatories, etc. A key component involved in formation flying is the guidance algorithm that should account for system nonlinearities and unknown disturbances. The main focus of this book is to present various nonlinear optimal control and adaptive guidance ideas to ensure precise close formation flying in presence of such difficulties. In addition to in-depth discussion of the relevant topics, MATLAB program files for the results included are also provided for the benefit of the readers. Since this book has concise information about the various guidance techniques, it will be useful reference for researchers and practising engineers in the space field.
The papers in this volume present an overview of the general aspects and practical applications of dynamic inverse methods, through the interaction of several topics, ranging from classical and advanced inverse problems in vibration, isospectral systems, dynamic methods for structural identification, active vibration control and damage detection, imaging shear stiffness in biological tissues, wave propagation, to computational and experimental aspects relevant for engineering problems.
This successful book gives an introduction to the basics of aerothermodynamics, as applied in particular to winged re-entry vehicles and airbreathing hypersonic cruise and acceleration vehicles. The book gives a review of the issues of transport of momentum, energy and mass, real-gas effects as well as inviscid and viscous flow phenomena. In this second, revised edition the chapters with the classical topics of aerothermodynamics more or less were left untouched. The access to some single topics of practical interest was improved. Auxiliary chapters were put into an appendix. The recent successful flights of the X-43A and the X-51A indicate that the dawn of sustained airbreathing hypersonic flight now has arrived. This proves that the original approach of the book to put emphasis on viscous effects and the aerothermodynamics of radiation-cooled vehicle surfaces was timely. This second, revised edition even more accentuates these topics. A new, additional chapter treats examples of viscous thermal surface effects. Partly only very recently obtained experimental and numerical results show the complexity of such phenomena (dependence of boundary-layer stability, skin friction, boundary-layer thicknesses, and separation on the thermal state of the surface) and their importance for airbreathing hypersonic flight vehicles, but also for any other kind of hypersonic vehicle.
Exploiting the properties of piezoelectric materials to minimize vibration in rotor-blade actuators, this book demonstrates the potential of smart helicopter rotors to achieve the smoothness of ride associated with jet-engined, fixed-wing aircraft. Vibration control is effected using the concepts of trailing-edge flaps and active-twist. The authors' optimization-based approach shows the advantage of multiple trailing-edge flaps and algorithms for full-authority control of dual trailing-edge-flap actuators are presented. Hysteresis nonlinearity in piezoelectric stack actuators is highlighted and compensated by use of another algorithm. The idea of response surfaces provides for optimal placement of trailing-edge flaps. The concept of active twist involves the employment of piezoelectrically induced shear actuation in rotating beams. Shear is then demonstrated for a thin-walled aerofoil-section rotor blade under feedback-control vibration minimization. Active twist is shown to be significant in reducing vibration caused by dynamic stall. The exposition of ideas, materials and algorithms in this monograph is supported by extensive reporting of results from numerical simulations of smart helicopter rotors. This monograph will be a valuable source of reference for researchers and engineers with backgrounds in aerospace, mechanical and electrical engineering interested in smart materials and vibration control. Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
These proceedings primarily focus on advances in the theory, experiments, and numerical simulations of turbulence in the contexts of flow-induced vibration and noise, as well as their control. Fluid-related structural vibration and noise problems are often encountered in many engineering fields, increasingly making them a cause for concern. The FSSIC conference, held on 5-9 July 2015 in Perth, featured prominent keynote speakers such as John Kim, Nigel Peake, Song Fu and Colin Hansen, as well as talks on a broad range of topics: turbulence, fluid-structure interaction, fluid-related noise and the control/management aspects of these research areas, many of which are clearly interdisciplinary in nature. It provided a forum for academics, scientists and engineers working in all branches of Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (FSSIC) to exchange and share the latest developments, ideas and advances, bringing them together researchers from East and West to push forward the frontiers of FSSIC, ensuring that the proceedings will be of interest to a broad engineering community.
The book examines advanced, non-standardized techniques that have been developed for determining different properties of cement paste, mortar and concrete, and provides state-of-the-art information on methods for monitoring hydration-induced changes in cement-based materials (CBMs). These methods are often nondestructive and allow quasi-continuous monitoring covering the time span from placement of the material to formation of a fully hardened cement composite. The book also presents various applications of acoustic emission for characterizing fresh concrete, recent developments in ultrasonic methods for characterizing CBMs since placement, application of ambient response methods for measuring elastic modulus, methods for determining deformational characteristics of CBMs since setting and methods for in situ measurements of stresses in concrete elements during hardening.
Unifying two decades of research, this book is the first to establish a comprehensive foundation for a systematic analysis and design of linear systems with general state and input constraints. For such systems, which can be used as models for most nonlinear systems, the issues of stability, controller design, additonal constraints, and satisfactory performance are addressed. The book is an excellent reference for practicing engineers, graduate students, and researchers in control systems theory and design. It may also serve as an advanced graduate text for a course or a seminar in nonlinear control systems theory and design in applied mathematics or engineering departments. Minimal prerequisites include a first graduate course in state-space methods as well as a first course in control systems design.
Descriptor linear systems theory is an important part in the general field of control systems theory, and has attracted much attention in the last two decades. In spite of the fact that descriptor linear systems theory has been a topic very rich in content, there have been only a few books on this topic. This book provides a systematic introduction to the theory of continuous-time descriptor linear systems and aims to provide a relatively systematic introduction to the basic results in descriptor linear systems theory. The clear representation of materials and a large number of examples make this book easy to understand by a large audience. General readers will find in this book a comprehensive introduction to the theory of descriptive linear systems. Researchers will find a comprehensive description of the most recent results in this theory and students will find a good introduction to some important problems in linear systems theory.
This book opens with an explanation of the vibrations of a single degree-of-freedom (dof) system for all beginners. Subsequently, vibration analysis of multi-dof systems is explained by modal analysis. Mode synthesis modeling is then introduced for system reduction, which aids understanding in a simplified manner of how complicated rotors behave. Rotor balancing techniques are offered for rigid and flexible rotors through several examples. Consideration of gyroscopic influences on the rotordynamics is then provided and vibration evaluation of a rotor-bearing system is emphasized in terms of forward and backward whirl rotor motions through eigenvalue (natural frequency and damping ratio) analysis. In addition to these rotordynamics concerning rotating shaft vibration measured in a stationary reference frame, blade vibrations are analyzed with Coriolis forces expressed in a rotating reference frame. Other phenomena that may be assessed in stationary and rotating reference frames include stability characteristics due to rotor internal damping and instabilities due to asymmetric shaft stiffness and thermal unbalance behavior.
This authored monograph presents a study on fundamental limits and robustness of stability and stabilization of time-delay systems, with an emphasis on time-varying delay, robust stabilization, and newly emerged areas such as networked control and multi-agent systems. The authors systematically develop an operator-theoretic approach that departs from both the traditional algebraic approach and the currently pervasive LMI solution methods. This approach is built on the classical small-gain theorem, which enables the author to draw upon powerful tools and techniques from robust control theory. The book contains motivating examples and presents mathematical key facts that are required in the subsequent sections. The target audience primarily comprises researchers and professionals in the field of control theory, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.
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