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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
This book offers up novel research which uses analytical approaches to explore nonlinear features exhibited by various dynamic processes. Relevant to disciplines across engineering and physics, the asymptotic method combined with the multiple scale method is shown to be an efficient and intuitive way to approach mechanics. Beginning with new material on the development of cutting-edge asymptotic methods and multiple scale methods, the book introduces this method in time domain and provides examples of vibrations of systems. Clearly written throughout, it uses innovative graphics to exemplify complex concepts such as nonlinear stationary and nonstationary processes, various resonances and jump pull-in phenomena. It also demonstrates the simplification of problems through using mathematical modelling, by employing the use of limiting phase trajectories to quantify nonlinear phenomena. Particularly relevant to structural mechanics, in rods, cables, beams, plates and shells, as well as mechanical objects commonly found in everyday devices such as mobile phones and cameras, the book shows how each system is modelled, and how it behaves under various conditions. It will be of interest to engineers and professionals in mechanical engineering and structural engineering, alongside those interested in vibrations and dynamics. It will also be useful to those studying engineering maths and physics.
The unique design problems which helicopters produce are many and
complex. Through practical examples and illustrated case studies,
supported by all the relevant theory, this primer text provides an
accessible introduction which guides the reader through the theory,
design, construction and operation of helicopters. Fundamental
performance and control equations are developed, from which the
book explores the rotor aerodynamic and dynamic characteristics of
helicopters. Example calculations and performance predictions,
reflecting current practice, show how to assess the feasibility of
a design.
This book represents the HELS (Helmholtz equation least squares) theory and its applications for visualizing acoustic radiation from an arbitrarily shaped vibrating structure in free or confined space. It culminates the most updated research work of the author and his graduate students since 1997. The book contains six chapters. The first serves as a review of the fundamentals in acoustics and the rest cover five specific topics on the HELS theory.
The intention of this booklet is a brief but general introduction into the treatment of the Finite Element Method (FEM). The FEM has become the leading method in computer-oriented mechanics, so that many scienti?c brancheshavegrownup besides overthelastdecades. Nevertheless,theFEM today is a question of economy. On the one hand its industrial application is forced to reduce product development costs and time, on the other hand a large number of commercial FEM codes and a still growing number of software for e?ective pre- and postprocessors are available in the meantime. Due to that, today it is a quite challenging task to operate with all these di?erent tools at the same time and to understand all handling and so- tion techniques developed over the last years. So, we want to help in getting a deeper insight into the main "interfaces" between the "customers of the FEM" and the codes itself by providing a totally open structured FE-code based on Matlab, which is a very powerful tool in operating with matrix based formulations. That idea and conditions forced us some years ago to initiateDAEdalon as a tool for general FE developments in research appli- tions. In spite of still existing high sophisticated - mostly commercial - FE codes, the success and the acceptance of such a structured tool justify that decision afterwards more and more.
Chaos and nonlinear dynamics initially developed as a new emergent field with its foundation in physics and applied mathematics. The highly generic, interdisciplinary quality of the insights gained in the last few decades has spawned myriad applications in almost all branches of science and technology-and even well beyond. Wherever quantitative modeling and analysis of complex, nonlinear phenomena is required, chaos theory and its methods can play a key role. his fourth volume concentrates on reviewing further relevant contemporary applications of chaotic and nonlinear dynamics as they apply to the various cuttingedge branches of science and engineering. This encompasses, but is not limited to, topics such as synchronization in complex networks and chaotic circuits, time series analysis, ecological and biological patterns, stochastic control theory and vibrations in mechanical systems. Featuring contributions from active and leading research groups, this collection is ideal both as a reference and as a 'recipe book' full of tried and tested, successful engineering applications.
Initially a subfield of solid state physics, the study of mesoscopic systems has evolved over the years into a vast field of research in its own right. Keeping track its rapid progress, this book provides a broad survey of the latest developments in the field. The focus is on statistics and dynamics of mesoscopic systems with special emphasis on topics like quantum chaos, localization, noise and fluctuations, mesoscopic optics and quantum transport in nanostructures. Written with nonspecialists in mind, this book will also be useful to graduate students wishing to familiarize themselves with this field of research.
This book provides an in-depth background to better understanding
of finite element results and techniques for improving accuracy of
finite element methods. Thus, the reader is able to identify and
eliminate errors contained in finite element models. Three
different error analysis techniques are systematically developed
from a common theoretical foundation: 1) modeling erros in
individual elements; 2) discretization errors in the overall model;
3) point-wise errors in the final stress or strain results. * New, simpler element formulation techniques, model-independent
results, and error measures
The 5th International Congress on Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM) was held in Djerba, Tunisia on March 25-27, 2013 and followed four previous successful editions, which brought together international experts in the fields of design and modeling of mechanical systems, thus contributing to the exchange of information and skills and leading to a considerable progress in research among the participating teams. The fifth edition of the congress (CMSM2013), organized by the Unit of Mechanics, Modeling and Manufacturing (U2MP) of the National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia, the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (MBL) of the National School of Engineers of Monastir, Tunisia and the Mechanics Laboratory of Sousse (LMS) of the National School of Engineers of Sousse, Tunisia, saw a significant increase of the international participation. This edition brought together nearly 300 attendees who exposed their work on the following topics: mechatronics and robotics, dynamics of mechanical systems, fluid structure interaction and vibroacoustics, modeling and analysis of materials and structures, design and manufacturing of mechanical systems. This book is the proceedings of CMSM2013 and contains a careful selection of high quality contributions, which were exposed during various sessions of the congress. The original articles presented here provide an overview of recent research advancements accomplished in the field mechanical engineering.
Structurally Constrained Controllers: Analysis and Synthesis studies the control of interconnected systems with a particular application in network, power systems, flight formations, etc. It introduces four important problems regarding the control of such systems and then proposes proper techniques for solving them.
In this book, the major ideas behind Organic Computing are delineated, together with a sparse sample of computational projects undertaken in this new field. Biological metaphors include evolution, neural networks, gene-regulatory networks, networks of brain modules, hormone system, insect swarms, and ant colonies. Applications are as diverse as system design, optimization, artificial growth, task allocation, clustering, routing, face recognition, and sign language understanding.
This book offers a compact introduction to modern linear control design. The simplified overview presented of linear time-domain methodology paves the road for the study of more advanced non-linear techniques. Only rudimentary knowledge of linear systems theory is assumed - no use of Laplace transforms or frequency design tools is required. Emphasis is placed on assumptions and logical implications, rather than abstract completeness; on interpretation and physical meaning, rather than theoretical formalism; on results and solutions, rather than derivation or solvability. The topics covered include transient performance and stabilization via state or output feedback; disturbance attenuation and robust control; regional eigenvalue assignment and constraints on input or output variables; asymptotic regulation and disturbance rejection. Lyapunov theory and Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) are discussed as key design methods. All methods are demonstrated with MATLAB to promote practical use and comprehension.
A discussion of models for the behaviour of gas bearings, particularly of the aspects affecting the stability of the system. The text begins with a discussion of the mathematical models, identifying the stiffness and damping coefficients, and describing the behaviour of the models in unstable regions. It then turns to apply these results to bearings: static characteristics and stability of various rotor systems and an extensive discussion of air rings.
Active Braking Control Design for Road Vehicles focuses on two main brake system technologies: hydraulically-activated brakes with on-off dynamics and electromechanical brakes, tailored to brake-by-wire control. The physical differences of such actuators enjoin the use of different control schemes so as to be able fully to exploit their characteristics. The authors show how these different control approaches are complementary, each having specific peculiarities in terms of either performance or of the structural properties of the closed-loop system. They also consider other problems related to the design of braking control systems, namely: * longitudinal vehicle speed estimation and its relationship with braking control system design; * tire-road friction estimation; * direct estimation of tire-road contact forces via in-tire sensors, providing a treatment of active vehicle braking control from a wider perspective linked to both advanced academic research and industrial reality.
This book presents solutions to control problems in a number of robotic systems and provides a wealth of worked-out examples with full analytical and numerical details, graphically illustrated to aid in reader comprehension. It also presents relevant studies on and applications of robotic system control approaches, as well as the latest findings from interdisciplinary theoretical studies. Featuring chapters on advanced control (fuzzy, neural, backstepping, sliding mode, adaptive, predictive, diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control), the book will equip readers to easily tailor the techniques to their own applications. Accordingly, it offers a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and students in the field of robotic systems.
Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress are selected from nearly 2,000 papers submitted to the 34th FISITA World Automotive Congress, which is held by Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China ) and the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA). This proceedings focus on solutions for sustainable mobility in all areas of passenger car, truck and bus transportation. Volume 5: Advanced Transmission System and Driveline focuses on: *Clutch System and Controls *Gear Systems and Driveline *Advanced Transmission System *Transmission Control System Above all researchers, professional engineers and graduates in fields of automotive engineering, mechanical engineering and electronic engineering will benefit from this book. SAE-China is a national academic organization composed of enterprises and professionals who focus on research, design and education in the fields of automotive and related industries. FISITA is the umbrella organization for the national automotive societies in 37 countries around the world. It was founded in Paris in 1948 with the purpose of bringing engineers from around the world together in a spirit of cooperation to share ideas and advance the technological development of the automobile.
In this book, a new phenomenological approach to brittle medium fractu re initiation under shock pulses is developed. It provides an opportun ity to estimate fracture of media with and without macrodefects. A qua litative explanation is thus obtained for a number of principally impo rtant effects of high-speed dynamic fracture that cannot be clarified within the framework of previous approaches. It is possible to apply t his new strategy to resolve applied problems of disintegration, erosio n, and dynamic strength determination of structural materials. Special ists can use the methods described to determine critical characteristi cs of dynamic strength and optimal effective fracture conditions for r igid bodies. This book can also be used as a special educational cours e on deformation of materials and constructions, and fracture mechanic s.
This book provides an up-to-date introduction to the theory of sound propagation in the ocean. The text treats both ray and wave propagation and pays considerable attention to stochastic problems such as the scattering of sound at rough surfaces and random inhomogeneities. An introductory chapter that discusses the basic experimental data complements the following theoretical chapters. New material has been added throughout for this third edition. New topics covered include: - inter-thermocline lenses and their effect on sound fields- weakly divergent bundles of rays - ocean acoustic tomography - coupled modes - sound scattering by anisotropic volume inhomogeneities with fractal spectra - Voronovich's approach to sound scattering from the rough sea surface. In addition, the list of references has been brought up to date and the latest experimental data have been included.
Nonlinear dynamics has been enjoying a vast development for nearly four decades resulting in a range of well established theory, with the potential to significantly enhance performance, effectiveness, reliability and safety of physical systems as well as offering novel technologies and designs. By critically appraising the state of the art, it is now time to develop design criteria and technology for new generation products/processes operating on principles of nonlinear interaction and in the nonlinear regime, leading to more effective, sensitive, accurate, and durable methods than what is currently available. This new approach is expected to radically influence the design, control and exploitation paradigms, in a magnitude of contexts. With a strong emphasis on experimentally calibrated and validated models, contributions by top-level international experts will foster future directions for the development of engineering technologies and design using robust nonlinear dynamics modelling and analysis.
This book presents the latest research results in the area of applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory. Papers by three academic generations address new applications of nonlinear dynamics to mechanics, including fluid-structure interaction, machining and mechanics of solids, and many other applications.
Hydropneumatic suspensions systems combine the excellent properties of gas springs with the favourable damping properties of hydraulic fluids. The advantages of these systems are particularly appropriate for automotive applications, such as passenger cars, trucks and agricultural equipment. In this book, Dr. Bauer provides an extensive overview of hydropneumatic suspension systems. Starting with a comparison of different types of suspension systems, the author subsequently describes the theoretical background associated with spring and damping characteristics of hydropneumatic systems and furthermore explains the design of the most important system components. Additionally he gives an overview of level control systems and various special functions. Finally the technology is illustrated by design examples and the outlook for future hydropneumatic suspensions is discussed.
This book is a continuous learning tool for experienced technical staff facing laser vibrometry technology for the first time. The book covers both theoretical aspects and practical applications of laser Doppler vibrometry, and is accompanied by a multimedia presentation that allows the audience to browse the content and come as close as possible to performing real experiments. After a brief introduction, Chapter 2 presents supporting theory, providing general information on light sources, light scattering and interference for a better understanding of the rest of the book. Chapter 3 examines the theory of laser vibrometers, explaining interferometers from an optical perspective and in terms of the related electronics. It also addresses options like tracking filters and different signal demodulation strategies, since these have a significant impact on the practical use of vibrometers. Chapter 4 explores the configurations that are encountered in today's instrumentation, with a focus on providing practical suggestions on the use of laser vibrometers. Lastly, Chapter 5 investigates metrology for vibration and shock measurements using laser interferometry, and analyses the uncertainty of laser vibrometers in depth.
This volume contains selected papers presented at the Symposium on "Recent Developments in Non-linear Oscillations of Mechanical Systems," held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 2 - 5 March 1999. This Symposium was initiated and sponsored by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (lUI AM) and organised in conjunction with Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Ihe purpose of the Symposium was to bring together scientists active in different fields of oscillations with the aim to review the recent progress in theory of oscillations and engineering applications and to outline the prospects in its further achievements to then co-ordinate and direct research in this field to further co-operation between scientists and various scientific institutions. An International Scientific Committee was appointed by the Bureau of IUI AM with the following members: Nguyen Van Dao (Vietnam, Co-Chairman) E.J. Kreuzer (Germany, Co-Chairman) D.H. van Campen (The Netherlands) F.L. Chernousko (Russia) A.H. Nayfeh (U.S.A) Nguyen Xuan Hung (Vietnam) W.O. Schiehlen (Germany) J.M.T. Thompson (U.K) Y. Veda (Japan). This Committee selected the participants to be invited and the papers to be presented at the Symposium. As a result of this procedure, 52 active scientists from 16 countries responded to the invitation, and 42 papers were presented in lecture and poster discussion sessions.
Recently, research in robot kinematics has attracted researchers with different theoretical profiles and backgrounds, such as mechanical and electrica! engineering, computer science, and mathematics. It includes topics and problems that are typical for this area and cannot easily be met elsewhere. As a result, a specialised scientific community has developed concentrating its interest in a broad class of problems in this area and representing a conglomeration of disciplines including mechanics, theory of systems, algebra, and others. Usually, kinematics is referred to as the branch of mechanics which treats motion of a body without regard to the forces and moments that cause it. In robotics, kinematics studies the motion of robots for programming, control and design purposes. It deals with the spatial positions, orientations, velocities and accelerations of the robotic mechanisms and objects to be manipulated in a robot workspace. The objective is to find the most effective mathematical forms for mapping between various types of coordinate systems, methods to minimise the numerical complexity of algorithms for real-time control schemes, and to discover and visualise analytical tools for understanding and evaluation of motion properties ofvarious mechanisms used in a robotic system.
Focussing on occurrences of unstable vibrations, or Chatter, in machine tools, this book gives important insights into how to eliminate chatter with associated improvements in product quality, surface finish and tool wear. Covering a wide range of machining processes, including turning, drilling, milling and grinding, the author uses his research expertise and practical knowledge of vibration problems to provide solutions supported by experimental evidence of their effectiveness. In addition, this book contains links to supplementary animation programs that help readers to visualise the ideas detailed in the text. Advancing knowledge in chatter avoidance and suggesting areas for new innovations, Chatter and Machine Tools serves as a handbook for those desiring to achieve significant reductions in noise, longer tool and grinding wheel life and improved product finish.
Computational methods within structural acoustics, vibration and fluid-structure interaction are powerful tools for investigating acoustic and structural-acoustic problems in many sectors of industry; in the building industry regarding room acoustics, in the car industry and aeronautical industry for optimizing structural components with regard to vibrations characteristics etc. It is on the verge of becoming a common tool for noise characterization and design for optimizing structural properties and geometries in order to accomplish a desired acoustic environment. The book covers the field of computational mechanics, and then moved into the field of formulations of multiphysics and multiscale. The book is addressed to graduate level, PhD students and young researchers interested in structural dynamics, vibrations and acoustics. It is also suitable for industrial researchers in mechanical, aeronautical and civil engineering with a professional interest in structural dynamics, vibrations and acoustics or involved in questions regarding noise characterization and reduction in building, car, plane, space, train, industries by means of computer simulations. |
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