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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
In this work, outstanding, recent developments in various disciplines, such as structural dynamics, multiphysic mechanics, computational mathematics, control theory, biomechanics, and computer science, are merged together in order to provide academicians and professionals with methods and tools for the virtual prototyping of complex mechanical systems. Each chapter of the work represents an important contribution to multibody dynamics, a discipline that plays a central role in the modelling, analysis, simulation and optimization of mechanical systems in a variety of fields and for a wide range of applications.
Written by the world 's leading researchers on various topics of linear, nonlinear, and stochastic mechanical vibrations, this work gives an authoritative overview of the classic yet still very modern subject of mechanical vibrations. It examines the most important contributions to the field made in the past decade, offering a critical and comprehensive portrait of the subject from various complementary perspectives.
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 5th iTi Conference in Bertinoro covering fundamental aspects in turbulent flows. In the spirit of the iTi initiative, the volume is produced after the conference so that the authors had the possibility to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the meeting. Turbulence presents a large number of aspects and problems, which are still unsolved and which challenge research communities in engineering and physical sciences both in basic and applied research. The book presents recent advances in theory related to new statistical approaches, effect of non-linearities and presence of symmetries. This edition presents new contributions related to the physics and control of laminar-turbulent transition in wall-bounded flows, which may have a significant impact on drag reduction applications. Turbulent boundary layers, at increasing Reynolds number, are the main subject of both computational and experimental long research programs aimed at improving our knowledge on scaling, energy distribution at different scales, structure eduction, roughness effects to name only a few. Like previous editions several numerical and experimental analysis of complex flows, mostly related to applications, are presented. The structure of the present book is as such that contributions have been bundled according to covering topics i.e. I Theory, II Stability, III Wall bounded flows, IV, Complex flows, V Acoustic, VI Numerical methods. The volume is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Rudolf Friedrich who prematurely died in Munster/Germany on the 16th of August 2012. In his honor the conference has started with a special session dedicated to his work. "
The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference "Multibody Dynamics 2009" was held in Warsaw, representing the fourth edition of a series which began in Lisbon (2003), and was then continued in Madrid (2005) and Milan (2007), held under the auspices of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS). The conference provided a forum for exchanging ideas and results of several topics related to computational methods and applications in multibody dynamics, through the participation of 219 scientists from 27 countries, mostly from Europe but also from America and Asia. This book contains the revised and extended versions of invited conference papers, reporting on the state-of-the-art in the advances of computational multibody models, from the theoretical developments to practical engineering applications. By providing a helpful overview of the most active areas and the recent efforts of many prominent research groups in the field of multibody dynamics, this book can be highly valuable for both experienced researches who want to keep updated with the latest developments in this field and researches approaching the field for the first time.
Viscoelastic damping is becoming widely applied for vibration and noise control in various industries, the most notable examples being aerospace, automotive, computer peripherals and propulsion. A recent review of the literature shows that many engineers are still applying the technology without having a good understanding of the basic underlying principles or the means of describing and measuring the damping parameters. The comprehensive book introduces simple and effective approaches for describing the damping related properties of viscoelastic materials, with emphasis on the effects of frequency and temperature, and proceeds to illustrate simple techniques for measuring the desired properties and for selecting and applying the materials. In all cases, the need for simplicity in practical applications is emphasized. Particular topics addressed in some detail include:
This volume contains the invited papers presented at the 9th International C- ference "Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications" held in ?od ' z, ' Poland, December 17-20, 2007 dealing with nonlinear dynamical systems. The conf- encegatheredanumerousgroupofscientistsandengineers,whodealwithwidely understoodproblemsofdynamicsmetalsoinengineeringanddailylife. Organizationof the conferencewould nothavebeen possiblewithouta great effortofthestaffoftheDepartmentofAutomaticsandBiomechanicsoftheTech- calUniversityof?od ' z. ' Thepatronageovertheconferencehasbeentakenbythef- lowingscienti?cinstitutions:MechanicsandMachineDynamicsCommitteesofthe PolishAcademyofSciences,PolishSocietyofTheoreticalandAppliedMech- ics,PolishAssociationforComputationalMechanics,andTechnicalCommitteeof NonlinearOscillationsofIFToMM. The ?nancial support has been given by the Department of Education at the ?'odz' City Hall, Ministry of National Education and the Polish Association for ComputationalMechanics. We welcomednearly100personsfrom13countriesallovertheworld.They decidedto share the results of their researchandmanyyears of experiencein a disciplineofdynamicalsystemsbysubmittingmanyinterestingpapers. TheScienti?cCommitteeincludesthefollowingmembers:IgorV.Andrianov- Aachen;JanAwrejcewicz -?od ' z; ' Jose M. Balthazar- Rio Claro;Denis Bla- more- Newark; Iliya Blekhman - Sankt Petersburg;Roman Bogacz - Warsaw; TadeuszBurczyns ' ki-Gliwice;DickvanCampen-Eindhoven;Czes?awCempel- Poznan';LotharGaul- Stuttgart;Jozef ' Giergiel-Cracow;Katica Hedrih-Nis; ? Janusz Kowal - Cracow; Vadim A. Krysko - Saratov; W?odzimierz Kurnik - Warsaw; Claude-Henri Lamarque - Lyon; Nuno M. Maia - Lisbon; Leonid I.
Vibro-impact dynamics has occupied a wide spectrum of studies by dyn- icists, physicists, and mathematicians. These studies may be classi?ed into three main categories: modeling, mapping and applications. The main te- niques used in modeling of vibro-impact systems include phenomenological modelings, Hertzian models, and non-smooth coordinate transformations- velopedbyZhuravlevandIvanov. Oneofthemostcriticalsituationsimpeded invibro-impactsystemsisthegrazingbifurcation. Grazingbifurcationisu- ally studied through discontinuity mapping techniques, which are very useful to uncover the rich dynamics in the process of impact interaction. Note the availablemappings arevalidonly intheabsenceofnon-impactnonlinearities. Complex dynamic phenomena of vibro-impact systems include subharmonic oscillations, chaotic motion, and coexistence of di?erent attractors for the sameexcitationand systemparametersbut under di?erent initial conditions. Selectedapplicationsofvibro-impactdynamics. Theseincludelumpedand continuous systems. Lumped systems cover a bouncing ball on an oscillating barrier, mass-spring-dashpot systems, normal and inverted pendulums, the spherical pendulum, the ship roll motion against icebergs, joints with fr- play, rotor-stator rubbing in rotating machinery, vocal folds, microactuators, strings, beams, pipes conveying ?uids with end-restraints, nuclear reactors and heat exchangers, and plates. These applications are discussed within the framework of the deterministic theory. Under random excitation the tre- ment requires special tools. The techniques of equivalent linearization and stochastic averaging have been applied to limited number of problems. One of the most bene?cial outcomesof vibro-impact dynamics is the development of impact dampers, which have witnessed signi?cant activities over the last four decades and have been used in several applications. On the other hand, vibro-impacthas detrimental e?ects on the operationsof mechanicalsystems and damage of pipes and rods in nuclear reactors.
This books contains the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Power Transmissions, that was held in Sinaia, Romania from June 20 -23, 2012. Power Transmissions is a very complex and multi-disciplinary scientific field of Mechanical Engineering that covers the different types of transmissions (mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic) as well as all the machine elements involved, such as gears, bearings, shafts, couplings and a lot more. It concerns not only their basic theory but also their design, analysis, testing, application and maintenance. The requirements set to modern power transmissions are really tough to meet: They need to be more efficient, stronger, smaller, noiseless, easier to produce and to cost less. There is a strong demand to become easier in operation and maintenance, or even automatic and in maintenance-free. Last but not least, they should be easily recycled and respect the environment. Joint efforts of specialists from both academia and industry can significantly contribute to fulfill these needs. The main goal of this conference was to bring together experts from all over the world and present the latest developments in the field of Power Transmissions.
This book provides an in-depth understanding of precise and approximate MMC modeling and calculation techniques of engineering systems. The in-depth analysis demonstrates that it is only possible to precisely model and calculate the dependability of systems including s-dependent components with the knowledge of their (total) universe spaces, represented here by Markov spaces. They provide the basis for developing and verifying approximate MMC models. With the mathematical steps described and applied to several examples throughout this text, interested system developers and users can perform dependability analyses themselves. All examples are structured in precisely the same way.
This book presents the synthesis and analysis of fuzzy controllers and its application to a class of mechanical systems. It mainly focuses on the use of type-2 fuzzy controllers to account for disturbances known as hard or nonsmooth nonlinearities. The book, which summarizes the authors' research on type-2 fuzzy logic and control of mechanical systems, presents models, simulation and experiments towards the control of servomotors with dead-zone and Coulomb friction, and the control of both wheeled mobile robots and a biped robot. Closed-loop systems are analyzed in the framework of smooth and nonsmooth Lyapunov functions.
This book presents the most recent research advances in the theory, design, control, and application of robotic systems, which are intended for a variety of purposes such as manipulation, manufacturing, automation, surgery, locomotion, and biomechanics.
Non destructive testing aimed at monitoring, structural identification and di- nostics is of strategic importance in many branches of civil and mechanical - gineering. This type of tests is widely practiced and directly affects topical issues regarding the design of new buildings and the repair and monitoring of existing ones. The load bearing capacity of a structure can now be evaluated using well established mechanical modelling methods aided by computing facilities of great capability. However, to ensure reliable results, models must be calibrated with - curate information on the characteristics of materials and structural components. To this end, non destructive techniques are a useful tool from several points of view. Particularly, by measuring structural response, they provide guidance on the validation of structural descriptions or of the mathematical models of material behaviour. Diagnostic engineering is a crucial area for the application of non destructive testing methods. Repeated tests over time can indicate the emergence of p- sible damage occurring during the structure's lifetime and provide quantitative estimates of the level of residual safety.
Robot and Multibody Dynamics: Analysis and Algorithms provides a comprehensive and detailed exposition of a new mathematical approach, referred to as the Spatial Operator Algebra (SOA), for studying the dynamics of articulated multibody systems. The approach is useful in a wide range of applications including robotics, aerospace systems, articulated mechanisms, bio-mechanics and molecular dynamics simulation. The book also: treats algorithms for simulation, including an analysis of complexity of the algorithms, describes one universal, robust, and analytically sound approach to formulating the equations that govern the motion of complex multi-body systems, covers a range of more advanced topics including under-actuated systems, flexible systems, linearization, diagonalized dynamics and space manipulators. Robot and Multibody Dynamics: Analysis and Algorithms will be a valuable resource for researchers and engineers looking for new mathematical approaches to finding engineering solutions in robotics and dynamics.
This monograph is devoted to construction of novel theoretical approaches of m- eling non-homogeneous structural members as well as to development of new and economically ef?cient (simultaneously keeping the required high engineering ac- racy)computationalalgorithmsofnonlineardynamics(statics)ofstronglynonlinear behavior of either purely continuous mechanical objects (beams, plates, shells) or hybrid continuous/lumped interacting mechanical systems. In general, the results presented in this monograph cannot be found in the - isting literature even with the published papers of the authors and their coauthors. We take a challenging and originally developed approach based on the integrated mathematical-numerical treatment of various continuous and lumped/continuous mechanical structural members, putting emphasis on mathematical and physical modeling as well as on the carefully prepared and applied novel numerical - gorithms used to solve the derived nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) mainly via Bubnov-Galerkin type approaches. The presented material draws on the ?elds of bifurcation, chaos, control, and s- bility of the objects governed by strongly nonlinear PDEs and ordinary differential equations (ODEs),and may have a positive impact on interdisciplinary ? elds of n- linear mechanics, physics, and applied mathematics. We show, for the ?rst time in a book, the complexity and fascinating nonlinear behavior of continual mechanical objects, which cannot be found in widely reported bifurcational and chaotic dyn- ics of lumped mechanical systems, i. e. , those governed by nonlinear ODEs.
The articles in this volume present the state-of-the-art in noise prediction, modeling and measurement. The articles are partially based on class notes provided during the course Noise sources in turbulent shear flows', given at CISM on April 2011. The first part contains general concepts of aero acoustics, including vortex sound theory and acoustic analogies, in the second part particular emphasis is put into arguments of interest for engineers and relevant for aircraft design: jet noise, airfoil broadband noise, boundary layer noise (including interior noise and its control) and the concept of noise sources, their theoretical modeling and identification in turbulent lows. All these arguments are treated extensively with the inclusion of many practical examples and references to engineering applications.
"Modeling, Control and Coordination of Helicopter Systems" provides a comprehensive treatment of helicopter systems, ranging from related nonlinear flight dynamic modeling and stability analysis to advanced control design for single helicopter systems, and also covers issues related to the coordination and formation control of multiple helicopter systems to achieve high performance tasks. Ensuring stability in helicopter flight is a challenging problem for nonlinear control design and development. This book is a valuable reference on modeling, control and coordination of helicopter systems, providing readers with practical solutions for the problems that still plague helicopter system design and implementation. Readers will gain a complete picture of helicopters at the systems level, as well as a better understanding of the technical intricacies involved.
This book presents novel algorithms for designing Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Controllers (DSMCs) for Networked Control Systems (NCSs) with both types of fractional delays namely deterministic delay and random delay along with different packet loss conditions such as single packet loss and multiple packet loss that occur within the sampling period. Firstly, the switching type and non-switching type algorithms developed for the deterministic type fractional delay where the delay is compensated using Thiran's approximation technique. A modified discrete-time sliding surface is proposed to derive the discrete-time sliding mode control algorithms. The algorithm is further extended for the random fractional delay with single packet loss and multiple packet loss situations. The random fractional delay is modelled using Poisson's distribution function and packet loss is modelled by means of Bernoulli's function. The condition for closed loop stability in all above situations are derived using the Lyapunov function. Lastly, the efficacy of the proposed DSMC algorithms are demonstrated by extensive simulations and also experimentally validated on a servo system.
This book covers the basics of the hydrodynamics and vibration of structures subjected to environmental loads. It describes the interaction of hydrodynamics with the associated vibration of structures, giving simple explanations. Emphasis is placed on the applications of the theory to practical problems. Several case studies are provided to show how the theory outlined in the book is applied in the design of structures. Background material needed for understanding fluid-induced vibrations of structures is given to make the book reasonably self-sufficient. Examples are taken mainly from the novel structures that are of interest today, including ocean and offshore structures and components.Besides being a text for undergraduates, this book can serve as a handy reference for design engineers and consultants involved in the design of structures subjected to dynamics and vibration.
This monograph presents the mechanics of vibration, buckling and bending of elastic structures with inclined members such as x-braced high rise frames and conical shells. More than giving detailed derivations of basic equations, Mechanics of Elastic Structures with Inclined Members is mainly oriented towards practical problem-solving. The book can be used as a textbook for graduate students concentrating on structural mechanics, or as a reference book for engineers and researchers in the fields of engineering mechanics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering.
Dry Clutch Control for Automated Manual Transmission Vehiclesanalyses the control of a part of the powertrain which has a key role in ride comfort during standing-start and gear-shifting manoeuvres. The mechanical conception of the various elements in the driveline has long since been optimised so this book takes a more holistic system-oriented view of the problem featuring: a comprehensive description of the driveline elements and their operation paying particular attention to the clutch, a nonlinear model of the driveline for simulation and a simplified model for control design, with a standing-start driver automaton for closed loop simulation, a detailed analysis of the engagement operation and the related comfort criteria, different control schemes aiming at meeting these criteria, friction coefficient and unknown input clutch torque observers, practical implementation issues and solutions based on experience of implementing optimal engagement strategies on two Renault prototypes.
This book presents contributions on the most active lines of recent advanced research in the field of nonlinear mechanics and physics selected from the 4th International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis. It includes fifteen chapters by outstanding scientists, covering various aspects of applications, including road tanker dynamics and stability, simulation of abrasive wear, energy harvesting, modeling and analysis of flexoelectric nanoactuator, periodic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problems, nonlinear stability in Hamiltonian systems, nonlinear dynamics of rotating composites, nonlinear vibrations of a shallow arch, extreme pulse dynamics in mode-locked lasers, localized structures in a photonic crystal fiber resonator, nonlinear stochastic dynamics, linearization of nonlinear resonances, treatment of a linear delay differential equation, and fractional nonlinear damping. It appeals to a wide range of experts in the field of structural nonlinear dynamics and offers researchers and engineers an introduction to the challenges posed by nonlinearities in the development of these topics
This book gathers contributions presented at the 10th Workshop on Cyclostationary Systems and Their Applications, held in Grodek nad Dunajcem, Poland in February 2017. It includes twelve interesting papers covering current topics related to both cyclostationary and general non stationary processes. Moreover, this book, which covers both theoretical and practical issues, offers a practice-oriented guide to the analysis of data sets with non-stationary behavior and a bridge between basic and applied research on nonstationary processes. It provides students, researchers and professionals with a timely guide on cyclostationary systems, nonstationary processes and relevant engineering applications.
During its 2004 meeting in Warsaw the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) decided to support a proposal of the Georgian National Committee to hold in Tbilisi (Georgia), on April 23-27, 2007, the IUTAM Symposium on the Relation of Shell, Plate, Beam, and 3D Models, dedicated to the Centenary of Ilia Vekua. The sci- ti?c organization was entrusted to an international committee consisting of Philipppe G. Ciarlet (Hong Kong), the late Anatoly Gerasimovich Gorshkov (Russia),JornHansen(Canada),GeorgeV.Jaiani(Georgia,Chairman),Re- hold Kienzler (Germany), Herbert A. Mang (Austria), Paolo Podio-Guidugli (Italy), and Gangan Prathap (India). The main topics to be included in the scienti?c programme were c- sen to be: hierarchical, re?ned mathematical and technical models of shells, plates, and beams; relation of 2D and 1D models to 3D linear, non-linear and physical models; junction problems. The main aim of the symposium was to thoroughly discuss the relations of shell, plate, and beam models to the 3D physicalmodels.Inparticular,peculiaritiesofcuspedshells,plates,andbeams were to be emphasized and special attention paid to junction, multibody and ? uid-elastic shell (plate, beam) interaction problems, and their applications. The expected contributions of the invited participants were anticipated to be theoretical, practical, and numerical in character.
This comprehensive and carefully edited volume presents a variety of experimental methods used in Shock Waves research. In 14 self contained chapters this 9th volume of the "Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library" presents the experimental methods used in Shock Tubes, Shock Tunnels and Expansion Tubes facilities. Also described is their set-up and operation. The uses of an arc heated wind tunnel and a gun tunnel are also contained in this volume. Whenever possible, in addition to the technical description some typical scientific results obtained using such facilities are described. Additionally, this authoritative book includes techniques for measuring physical properties of blast waves and laser generated shock waves. Information about active shock wave laboratories at different locations around the world that are not described in the chapters herein is given in the Appendix, making this book useful for every researcher involved in shock/blast wave phenomena.
The book provides highly specialized researchers and practitioners with a major contribution to mathematical models' developments for energy systems. First, dynamic process simulation models based on mixture flow and two-fluid models are developed for combined-cycle power plants, pulverised coal-fired power plants, concentrated solar power plant and municipal waste incineration. Operation data, obtained from different power stations, are used to investigate the capability of dynamic models to predict the behaviour of real processes and to analyse the influence of modeling assumptions on simulation results. Then, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation programme, so-called DEMEST, is developed. Here, the fluid-solid, particle-particle and particle-wall interactions are modeled by tracking all individual particles. To this purpose, the deterministic Euler-Lagrange/Discrete Element Method (DEM) is applied and further improved. An emphasis is given to the determination of inter-phase values, such as volumetric void fraction, momentum and heat transfers, using a new procedure known as the offset-method and to the particle-grid method allowing the refinement of the grid resolution independently from particle size. Model validation is described in detail. Moreover, thermochemical reaction models for solid fuel combustion are developed based on quasi-single-phase, two-fluid and Euler-Lagrange/MP-PIC models. Measurements obtained from actual power plants are used for validation and comparison of the developed numerical models. |
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