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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
Thank heavens for Jens Wittenburg, of the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. Anyone who 's been laboring for years over equation after equation will want to give him a great big hug. It is common practice to develop equations for each system separately and to consider the labor necessary for deriving all of these as inevitable. Not so, says the author. Here, he takes it upon himself to describe in detail a formalism which substantially simplifies these tasks.
Most of the existing strong motion instrumentation on civil engineering structures is installed and operated as federal, state, university, industry or private applications, in many cases operated as a closed system. This hampers co-operation and data exchange, hampering the acquisition of strong motion and structural data, sometimes even within a single country. There is a powerful need to inform engineers of existing strong motion data and to improve the accessibility of data worldwide. This book will play a role in fulfilling such a need by disseminating state-of-the art information, technology and developments in the strong motion instrumentation of civil engineering structures. The subject has direct implications for the earthquake response of structures, improvements in design for earthquake resistance, and hazard mitigation. Readership: Researchers in earthquake engineering, engineers designing earthquake resistant structures, and producers of strong motion recording equipment.
This book is a novel tutorial for research-oriented study of vibration mechanics. The book begins with twelve open problems from six case studies of vibration mechanics in order to guide readers in studying the entire book. Then, the book surveys both theories and methods of linear vibrations in an elementary course from a new perspective of aesthetics of science so as to assist readers to upgrade their way of learning. The successive chapters offer a theoretical frame of linear vibrations and waves, covering the models of vibration systems, the vibration analysis of discrete systems, the natural vibrations of one-dimensional structures, the natural vibrations of symmetric structures, and the waves and vibrations of one-dimensional structures. The chapters help readers solve the twelve open problems step by step during the research-oriented study. The book tries to arouse the interest of graduate students and professionals, who have learnt an elementary course of vibration mechanics of two credits, to conduct the research-oriented study and achieve a helical upgrade understanding to vibration mechanics.
Unlike the conventional research for the general theory of stability, this mono graph deals with problems on stability and stabilization of dynamic systems with respect not to all but just to a given part of the variables characterizing these systems. Such problems are often referred to as the problems of partial stability (stabilization). They naturally arise in applications either from the requirement of proper performance of a system or in assessing system capa bility. In addition, a lot of actual (or desired) phenomena can be formulated in terms of these problems and be analyzed with these problems taken as the basis. The following multiaspect phenomena and problems can be indicated: * "Lotka-Volterra ecological principle of extinction;" * focusing and acceleration of particles in electromagnetic fields; * "drift" of the gyroscope axis; * stabilization of a spacecraft by specially arranged relative motion of rotors connected to it. Also very effective is the approach to the problem of stability (stabilization) with respect to all the variables based on preliminary analysis of partial sta bility (stabilization). A. M. Lyapunov, the founder of the modern theory of stability, was the first to formulate the problem of partial stability. Later, works by V. V. Rumyan tsev drew the attention of many mathematicians and mechanicians around the world to this problem, which resulted in its being intensively worked out. The method of Lyapunov functions became the key investigative method which turned out to be very effective in analyzing both theoretic and applied problems.
This book is aimed to provide comprehensive and systematic knowledge of kinematic synthesis as developed up to date. Modern mechanical systems require advance kinematics knowledge to support mechanism design with sound theories and methods. The book includes not only the classical foundations of kinematic synthesis, but also the latest advances developed by the authors. Moreover, many examples are included to illustrate both methods and their supporting theory. The focus is on systems of rigid bodies forming closed loops. The four-bar linkage, representing the foundations of mechanical systems, is given due attention, in its three domains: planar, spherical, and spatial. The book contains six chapters, the first two covering fundamentals for kinematic synthesis, including qualitative synthesis. Chapters 3-5 describe, in full detail, the function, motion, and path syntheses of single-dof linkages. In the last chapter, the synthesis of single-dof complex linkages, including six-bar and ten-bar linkages, is introduced. The book is suitable for graduate students of mechanical engineering, researchers of mechanism and robot design, and machine design engineers.
Waves and defect modes in structures media.- Piezoelectric superlattices and shunted periodic arrays as tunable periodic structures and metamaterials.- Topology optimization.- Map-based approaches for periodic structures.- Methodologies for nonlinear periodic media. The contributions in this volume present both the theoretical background and an overview of the state-of-the art in wave propagation in linear and nonlinear periodic media in a consistent format. They combine the material issued from a variety of engineering applications, spanning a wide range of length scale, characterized by structures and materials, both man-made and naturally occurring, featuring geometry, micro-structural and/or materials properties that vary periodically in space, including periodically stiffened plates, shells and beam-like as well as bladed disc assemblies, phononic metamaterials, photonic crystals and ordered granular media. Along with linear models and applications, analytical methodologies for analyzing and exploiting complex dynamical phenomena arising in nonlinear periodic systems are also presented. "
Provides a comprehensive introduction to aircraft performance and flight dynamics. Covers both jet and propellor-driven aircraft. Includes new content on vertical takeoff and landing, UAV launch, UAV recovery, use of rocket engine as the main engine, range for electric aircraft, electric engine, endurance for electric aircraft, gliding flight, pull-up, and climb-turn. Includes end-of-chapter problems, MATLAB® code and examples, and case studies. Features a Solutions Manual and Figure Slides for instructor use.
This book focuses on the vibration behavior of ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs), including (1) vibration natural frequency of intact and damaged CMCs; (2) vibration damping of CMCs considering fibers debonding and fracture; (3) temperature-dependent vibration damping of CMCs; (4) time-dependent vibration damping of CMCs; and (5) cyclic-dependent vibration damping of CMCs. Ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) possess low material density (i.e., only 1/4 or 1/3 of high-temperature alloy) and high-temperature resistance, which can reduce cooling air and improve structure efficiency. Understanding the failure mechanisms and internal damage evolution represents an important step to ensure reliability and safety of CMCs. Relationships between microstructure, damage mechanisms, vibration natural frequency, and vibration damping of CMCs are established. This book helps the material scientists and engineering designers to understand and master the vibration behavior of CMCs at room and elevated temperatures.
Mathematical analyses and computational predictions of the behavior of complex systems are needed to effectively deal with weather and climate predictions, for example, and the optimal design of technical processes. Given the random nature of such systems and the recognized relevance of randomness, the equations used to describe such systems usually need to involve stochastics. The basic goal of this book is to introduce the mathematics and application of stochastic equations used for the modeling of complex systems. A first focus is on the introduction to different topics in mathematical analysis. A second focus is on the application of mathematical tools to the analysis of stochastic equations. A third focus is on the development and application of stochastic methods to simulate turbulent flows as seen in reality. This book is primarily oriented towards mathematics and engineering PhD students, young and experienced researchers, and professionals working in the area of stochastic differential equations and their applications. It contributes to a growing understanding of concepts and terminology used by mathematicians, engineers, and physicists in this relatively young and quickly expanding field.
Perturbation Methods in Science and Engineering provides the fundamental and advanced topics in perturbation methods in science and engineering, from an application viewpoint. This book bridges the gap between theory and applications, in new as well as classical problems. The engineers and graduate students who read this book will be able to apply their knowledge to a wide range of applications in different engineering disciplines. The book begins with a clear description on limits of mathematics in providing exact solutions and goes on to show how pioneers attempted to search for approximate solutions of unsolvable problems. Through examination of special applications and highlighting many different aspects of science, this text provides an excellent insight into perturbation methods without restricting itself to a particular method. This book is ideal for graduate students in engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences, as well as researchers in dynamic systems.
This book deals with the dynamical modeling of thin elastic structures, such as beams, plates and shells - particularly, the linear and nonlinear vibrations in these structures. The approach makes systematic use of variational equations of motion.
This book presents select papers presented during the 6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics, held at CSIR-NAL, Bangalore, and focuses on the latest trends in rotor dynamics and various challenges encountered in the design of rotating machinery. The book is of interest to researchers from mechanical, aerospace, tribology and power industries, engineering service providers and academics.
Explores the history and significance of interplanetary space missions. Features detailed explanations and mathematical methods for trajectory optimization. Includes detailed explanations and mathematical methods for mission analysis for interplanetary missions. Covers the introduction, mathematical methods, and applications of the N-body problem (N>2). Discusses navigation and targeting for interplanetary mission.
The rapid evolution of computer science, communication, and information technology has enabled the application of control techniques to systems beyond the possibilities of control theory just a decade ago. Critical infrastructures such as electricity, water, trafficand intermodal transport networks are now in the scope of control engineers. The sheer size of such large-scale systems requires the adoption of advanced distributed control approaches. Distributed model predictive control (MPC) is one of the promising control methodologies for control of such systems. This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of distributed MPC approaches, while at the same time making clear directions of research that deserve more attention. The core and rationale of 35 approaches are carefully explained. Moreover, detailed step-by-step algorithmic descriptions of each approach are provided. These features make the book a comprehensive guide both for those seeking an introduction to distributed MPC as well as for those who want to gain a deeper insight in the wide range of distributed MPC techniques available. "
Provides background material needed to understand digital twin technology Presents computational facet of digital twin Includes physics based and surrogate model representations Addresses the problem of uncertainty in measurements and modeling Discusses practical case studies of implementation of digital twins addressing additive manufacturing, server farms, predictive maintenance, and smart cities
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of multibody and mechatronic systems. Topics addressed include the analysis and synthesis of mechanisms; modelling and simulation of multibody systems; railway and vehicle dynamics; mechatronic systems for energy harvesting; robot design and optimization; and mechatronic design. It gathers the second volume of the proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics (MuSMe), virtually held in Cordoba, Argentina, on October 12-15, 2021, within the framework of the FEIbIM Commission for Robotics and Mechanisms and IFToMM Technical Committees for Multibody Dynamics and for Robotics and Mechatronics.
This book provides a systematic approach to the design of predictor based controllers for (time-varying) linear systems with either (time-varying) input or state delays. Differently from those traditional predictor based controllers, which are infinite-dimensional static feedback laws and may cause difficulties in their practical implementation, this book develops a truncated predictor feedback (TPF) which involves only finite dimensional static state feedback. Features and topics: A novel approach referred to as truncated predictor feedback for the stabilization of (time-varying) time-delay systems in both the continuous-time setting and the discrete-time setting is built systematically Semi-global and global stabilization problems of linear time-delay systems subject to either magnitude saturation or energy constraints are solved in a systematic manner Both stabilization of a single system and consensus of a group of systems (multi-agent systems) are treated in a unified manner by applying the truncated predictor feedback and predictor feedback The properties of the solutions to a class of parametric (differential and difference) Lyapunov matrix equations are presented in detail Detailed numerical examples and applications to the spacecraft rendezvous and formation flying problems are provided to demonstrate the usefulness of the presented theoretical results This book can be a useful resource for the researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of control, applied mathematics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering.
This book focuses on most recent theoretical findings on control issues for active suspension systems. The authors first introduce the theoretical background of active suspension control, then present constrained H control approaches of active suspension systems in the entire frequency domain, focusing on the state feedback and dynamic output feedback controller in the finite frequency domain which people are most sensitive to. The book also contains nonlinear constrained tracking control via terminal sliding-mode control and adaptive robust theory, presenting controller design of active suspensions as well as the reliability control of active suspension systems. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in control theory, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students alike.
This monograph provides a complete and up-to-date examination of rigid body dynamics using a Lagrangian approach. All known integrable cases, which were previously scattered throughout the literature, are collected here for convenient reference. Also contained are particular solutions to diverse problems treated within rigid body dynamics. The first seven chapters introduce the elementary dynamics of the rigid body and its main problems. A full historical account of the discovery and development of each of the integrable cases is included as well. Instructors will find this portion of the book well-suited for an undergraduate course, having been formulated by the author in the classroom over many years. The second part includes more advanced topics and some of the author's original research, highlighting several unique methods he developed that have led to significant results. Some of the specific topics covered include the twelve known solutions of the equations of motion in the classical problem, which has not previously appeared in English before; a collection of completely new integrable cases; and the motion of a rigid body around a fixed point under the action of an asymmetric combination of potential and gyroscopic forces. Rigid Body Dynamics will appeal to researchers in the area as well as those studying dynamical and integrable systems theory.
This book presents up-to-date concepts and design methods relating to space dynamics and control, including spacecraft attitude control, orbit control, and guidance, navigation, and control (GNC), summarizing the research advances in control theory and methods and engineering practice from Beijing Institute of Control Engineering over the years. The control schemes and systems based on these achievements have been successfully applied to remote sensing satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, new technology test satellites, Shenzhou manned spacecraft, Tianzhou freight spacecraft, Tiangong 1/2 space laboratories, Chang'e lunar explorers, and many other missions. Further, the research serves as a guide for follow-up engineering developments in manned lunar engineering, deep space exploration, and on-orbit service missions.
This book describes the teleoperated android Geminoid, which has a very humanlike appearance, movements, and perceptions, requiring unique developmental techniques. The book facilitates understanding of the framework of android science and how to use it in real human societies. Creating body parts of soft material by molding an existing person using a shape-memory form provides not only the humanlike texture of the body surface but also safe physical interaction, that is, humanlike interpersonal interaction between people and the android. The teleoperation also highlights novel effects in telecommunication. Operators of the Geminoid feel the robot's body as their own, and people encountering the teleoperated Geminoid perceive the robot's body as being possessed by the operator as well.Where does the feeling of human presence come from? Can we transfer or reproduce human presence by technology? Geminoid may help to answer these questions.
This thesis develops next-generation multi-degree-of-freedom gyroscopes and inertial measurement units (IMU) using micro-electromechanical-systems (MEMS) technology. It covers both a comprehensive study of the physics of resonator gyroscopes and novel micro/nano-fabrication solutions to key performance limits in MEMS resonator gyroscopes. Firstly, theoretical and experimental studies of physical phenomena including mode localization, nonlinear behavior, and energy dissipation provide new insights into challenges like quadrature errors and flicker noise in resonator gyroscope systems. Secondly, advanced designs and micro/nano-fabrication methods developed in this work demonstrate valuable applications to a wide range of MEMS/NEMS devices. In particular, the HARPSS+ process platform established in this thesis features a novel slanted nano-gap transducer, which enabled the first wafer-level-packaged single-chip IMU prototype with co-fabricated high-frequency resonant triaxial gyroscopes and high-bandwidth triaxial micro-gravity accelerometers. This prototype demonstrates performance amongst the highest to date, with unmatched robustness and potential for flexible substrate integration and ultra-low-power operation. This thesis shows a path toward future low-power IMU-based applications including wearable inertial sensors, health informatics, and personal inertial navigation.
The design and construction of rotating machinery operating at supercritical speeds was, in the 1920s, an event of revolutionary importance for the then new branch of dynamics known as rotor dynamics. In the 1960s, another revolution occurred: In less than a decade, imposed by operational and economic needs, an increase in the power of turbomachinery by one order of magnitude took place. Dynamic analysis of complex rotor forms became a necessity, while the importance of approximate methods for dynamic analysis was stressed. Finally, the emergence of fracture mechanics, as a new branch of applied mechanics, provided analytical tools to investigate crack influence on the dynamic behavior of rotors. The scope of this book is based on all these developments.No topics related to the well-known classical problemsare included, rather the book deals exclusively with modern high-power turbomachinery.
Theory of Elasticity provides a modern and integrated treatment of the foundations of solid mechanics as applied to the mathematical description of material behavior primarily to serve the needs of undergraduate, postgraduate and research students of Civil, Mechanical and Aeronautical engineering. Basic concepts, definitions, theory as well as related practical applications are discussed in a logical and concise manner. The book includes a pedagogical features such as worked examples and problems to consolidate the readers' understanding of fundamental principles and illustrates their applications in many practical situations. An important feature of this book lies in the use of linear theory of elasticity to obtain solutions to some of the specialized problems related to soil mechanics and foundation engineering in particular. |
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