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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
This book reports the results of exhaustive research work on modeling and control of vertical oil well drilling systems. It is focused on the analysis of the system-dynamic response and the elimination of the most damaging drill string vibration modes affecting overall perforation performance: stick-slip (torsional vibration) and bit-bounce (axial vibration). The text is organized in three parts. The first part, Modeling, presents lumped- and distributed-parameter models that allow the dynamic behavior of the drill string to be characterized; a comprehensive mathematical model taking into account mechanical and electric components of the overall drilling system is also provided. The distributed nature of the system is accommodated by considering a system of wave equations subject to nonlinear boundary conditions; this model is transformed into a pair of neutral-type time-delay equations which can overcome the complexity involved in the analysis and simulation of the partial differential equation model. The second part, Analysis, is devoted to the study of the response of the system described by the time-delay model; important properties useful for analyzing system stability are investigated and frequency- and time-domain techniques are reviewed. Part III, Control, concerns the design of stabilizing control laws aimed at eliminating undesirable drilling vibrations; diverse control techniques based on infinite--dimensional system representations are designed and evaluated. The control proposals are shown to be effective in suppressing stick-slip and bit-bounce so that a considerable improvement of the overall drilling performance can be achieved. This self-contained book provides operational guidelines to avoid drilling vibrations. Furthermore, since the modeling and control techniques presented here can be generalized to treat diverse engineering problems, it constitutes a useful resource to researchers working on control and its engineering application in oil well drilling.
This book gathers selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Power, Control and Communication Infrastructure 2019 (ICPCCI 2019), organized by the Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, on July 4-5, 2019. It presents the latest advances, trends and challenges in control system technologies and infrastructures. The book addresses a range of solutions to the problems faced by engineers and researchers to design and develop controllers for emerging areas like smart grid, integration of renewable energy, automated highway systems, haptics, unmanned aerial vehicles, sensor networks, robotics, formation control and many more. The solutions discussed in this book encourage and inspire researchers, industry professionals and policymakers to put these methods into practice.
This book presents the foundation of the theory of almost automorphic functions in abstract spaces and the theory of almost periodic functions in locally and non-locally convex spaces and their applications in differential equations. Since the publication of Almost automorphic and almost periodic functions in abstract spaces (Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2001), there has been a surge of interest in the theory of almost automorphic functions and applications to evolution equations. Several generalizations have since been introduced in the literature, including the study of almost automorphic sequences, and the interplay between almost periodicity and almost automorphic has been exposed for the first time in light of operator theory, complex variable functions and harmonic analysis methods. As such, the time has come for a second edition to this work, which was one of the most cited books of the year 2001. This new edition clarifies and improves upon earlier materials, includes many relevant contributions and references in new and generalized concepts and methods, and answers the longtime open problem, "What is the number of almost automorphic functions that are not almost periodic in the sense of Bohr?" Open problems in non-locally convex valued almost periodic and almost automorphic functions are also indicated. As in the first edition, materials are presented in a simplified and rigorous way. Each chapter is concluded with bibliographical notes showing the original sources of the results and further reading.
This book is devoted to applications of complex nonlinear dynamic phenomena to real systems and device applications. In recent decades there has been significant progress in the theory of nonlinear phenomena, but there are comparatively few devices that actually take this rich behavior into account. The text applies and exploits this knowledge to propose devices which operate more efficiently and cheaply, while affording the promise of much better performance.
Mechanical Vibrations: Modeling and Measurement describes essential concepts in vibration analysis of mechanical systems. It incorporates the required mathematics, experimental techniques, fundamentals of model analysis, and beam theory into a unified framework that is written to be accessible to undergraduate students, researchers, and practicing engineers. To unify the various concepts, a single experimental platform is used throughout the text. Engineering drawings for the platform are included in an appendix. Additionally, MATLAB programming solutions are integrated into the content throughout the text.
Constantly increasing attention is paid in the course 'Vibration 'Theory' to vibration of mechanical systems with distributed parameters, since the real elements of machines, devices, and constructions are made of materials that are not perfectly rigid. 'Therefore, vibrations of the objects including, for ex ample, rod elastic elements excite the vibrations of these elements, which can produce a substantial effect on dynamic characteristics of moving objects and on readings of instruments. For a mechanical engineer working in the field of design of new technolo gies the principal thing is his know-how in developing the sophisticated math ematical models in which all specific features of operation of the objects under design in real conditions are meticulously taken into account. So, the main emphasis in this book is made on the methods of derivation of equations and on the algorithms of solving them (exactly or approximately) taking into con sideration all features of actual behavior of the forces acting upon elastic rod elements. 'The eigen value and eigen vector problems are considered at vibrations of curvilinear rods (including the rods with concentrated masses). Also consid ered are the problems with forced vibrations. When investigating into these problems an approximate method of numerical solution of the systems of lin ear differential equations in partial derivatives is described, which uses the principle of virtual displacements. Some problems are more complicated than others and can be used for practical works of students and their graduation theses."
The ?rst International Meeting of Advances in Robot Kinematics, ARK, occurred in September 1988, by invitation to Ljubljana, Slovenia, of a group of 20 int- nationally recognized researchers, representing six different countries from three continents. There were 22 lectures and approximately 150 attendees. This success of bringing together excellent research and the international community, led to the formation of a Scienti?c Committee and the decision to repeat the event biannually. The meeting was made open to all individuals with a critical peer review process of submitted papers. The meetings have since been continuously supported by the Jozef ? Stefan Institute and since 1992 have come under patronage of the Inter- tionalFederationforthePromotionofMechanismandMachineScience(IFToMM). Springer published the ?rst book of the series in 1991 and since 1994 Kluwer and Springer have published a book of the presented papers every two years. The papers in this book present the latest topics and methods in the kinem- ics, control and design of robotic manipulators. They consider the full range of - botic systems, including serial, parallel and cable driven manipulators, both planar and spatial. The systems range from being less than fully mobile to kinematically redundant to overconstrained. The meeting included recent advances in emerging areas such as the design and control of humanoids and humanoid subsystems, the analysis, modeling and simulation of human body motion, the mobility analysis of protein molecules and the development of systems which integrate man and - chine.
Rotordynamics of automotive turbochargers is dealt with in this book encompassing the widely working field of small turbomachines under real operating conditions at the very high rotor speeds up to 300000 rpm. The broadly interdisciplinary field of turbocharger rotordynamics involves 1) Thermodynamics and Turbo-Matching of Turbochargers 2) Dynamics of Turbomachinery 3) Stability Analysis of Linear Rotordynamics with the Eigenvalue Theory 4) Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Rotordynamics with the Bifurcation Theory 5) Bearing Dynamics of the Oil Film using the Two-Phase Reynolds Equation 6) Computation of Nonlinear Responses of a Turbocharger Rotor 7) Aero and Vibroacoustics of Turbochargers 8) Shop and Trim Balancing at Two Planes of the Rotor 9) Tribology of the Bearing Surface Roughness 10) Design of Turbocharger Platforms using the Similarity Laws The rotor response of an automotive turbocharger at high rotor speeds is studied analytically, computationally, and experimentally. Due to the nonlinear characteristics of the oil-film bearings, some nonlinear responses of the rotor besides the harmonic response 1X, such as oil whirl, oil whip, and modulated frequencies occur in Waterfall diagram. Additionally, the influences of the surface roughness and oil characteristics on the rotor behavior, friction, and wear are discussed. This book is written by an industrial R&D expert with many years of experience in the automotive and turbocharger industries. The all-in-one book of turbochargers is intended for scientific and engineering researchers, practitioners working in the rotordynamics field of automotive turbochargers, and graduate students in applied physics and mechanical engineering.
This book integrates concepts from physical acoustics with those from linear viscoelasticity and fractional linear viscoelasticity. Compressional waves and shear waves in applications such as medical ultrasound, elastography, and sediment acoustics often follow power law attenuation and dispersion laws that cannot be described with classical viscous and relaxation models. This is accompanied by temporal power laws rather than the temporal exponential responses of classical models. The book starts by reformulating the classical models of acoustics in terms of standard models from linear elasticity. Then, non-classical loss models that follow power laws and which are expressed via convolution models and fractional derivatives are covered in depth. In addition, parallels are drawn to electromagnetic waves in complex dielectric media. The book also contains historical vignettes and important side notes about the validity of central questions. While addressed primarily to physicists and engineers working in the field of acoustics, this expert monograph will also be of interest to mathematicians, mathematical physicists, and geophysicists.
With many areas of science reaching across their boundaries and becoming more and more interdisciplinary, students and researchers in these fields are confronted with techniques and tools not covered by their particular education. Especially in the life- and neurosciences quantitative models based on nonlinear dynamics and complex systems are becoming as frequently implemented as traditional statistical analysis. Unfamiliarity with the terminology and rigorous mathematics may discourage many scientists to adopt these methods for their own work, even though such reluctance in most cases is not justified. This book bridges this gap by introducing the procedures and methods used for analyzing nonlinear dynamical systems. In Part I, the concepts of fixed points, phase space, stability and transitions, among others, are discussed in great detail and implemented on the basis of example elementary systems. Part II is devoted to specific, non-trivial applications: coordination of human limb movement (Haken-Kelso-Bunz model), self-organization and pattern formation in complex systems (Synergetics), and models of dynamical properties of neurons (Hodgkin-Huxley, Fitzhugh-Nagumo and Hindmarsh-Rose). Part III may serve as a refresher and companion of some mathematical basics that have been forgotten or were not covered in basic math courses. Finally, the appendix contains an explicit derivation and basic numerical methods together with some programming examples as well as solutions to the exercises provided at the end of certain chapters. Throughout this book all derivations are as detailed and explicit as possible, and everybody with some knowledge of calculus should be able to extract meaningful guidance follow and apply the methods of nonlinear dynamics to their own work. "This book is a masterful treatment, one might even say a gift, to the interdisciplinary scientist of the future." "With the authoritative voice of a genuine practitioner, Fuchs is a master teacher of how to handle complex dynamical systems." "What I find beautiful in this book is its clarity, the clear definition of terms, every step explained simply and systematically." (J.A.Scott Kelso, excerpts from the foreword)
This volume collects the edited and reviewed contribution presented in the 7th iTi Conference in Bertinoro, covering fundamental and applied aspects in turbulence. In the spirit of the iTi conference, the volume is produced after the conference so that the authors had the opportunity to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the meeting. In the present book, the contributions have been structured according to the topics: I Theory II Wall bounded flows III Pipe flow IV Modelling V Experiments VII Miscellaneous topics
The book reports on the latest advances in and applications of chaos theory and intelligent control. Written by eminent scientists and active researchers and using a clear, matter-of-fact style, it covers advanced theories, methods, and applications in a variety of research areas, and explains key concepts in modeling, analysis, and control of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Topics include fractional chaotic systems, chaos control, chaos synchronization, memristors, jerk circuits, chaotic systems with hidden attractors, mechanical and biological chaos, and circuit realization of chaotic systems. The book further covers fuzzy logic controllers, evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, and petri nets among other topics. Not only does it provide the readers with chaos fundamentals and intelligent control-based algorithms; it also discusses key applications of chaos as well as multidisciplinary solutions developed via intelligent control. The book is a timely and comprehensive reference guide for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners in the areas of chaos theory and intelligent control.
This book provides readers with the necessary background information and advanced concepts in the field of circuits, at the crossroads between physics, mathematics and system theory. It covers various engineering subfields, such as electrical devices and circuits, and their electronic counterparts. Based on the idea that a modern university course should provide students with conceptual tools to understand the behavior of both linear and nonlinear circuits, to approach current problems posed by new, cutting-edge devices and to address future developments and challenges, the book places equal emphasis on linear and nonlinear, two-terminal and multi-terminal, as well as active and passive circuit components. The theory is developed systematically, starting with the simplest circuits (linear, time-invariant and resistive) and providing food for thought on nonlinear circuits, potential functions, linear algebra and geometrical interpretations of selected results. Contents are organized into a set of first-level and a set of advanced-level topics. The book is rich in examples and includes numerous solved problems. Further topics, such as signal processing and modeling of non-electric physical phenomena (e.g., hysteresis or biological oscillators) will be discussed in volume 2.
The high reliability required in industrial processes has created the necessity of detecting abnormal conditions, called faults, while processes are operating. The term fault generically refers to any type of process degradation, or degradation in equipment performance because of changes in the process's physical characteristics, process inputs or environmental conditions. This book is about the fundamentals of fault detection and diagnosis in a variety of nonlinear systems which are represented by ordinary differential equations. The fault detection problem is approached from a differential algebraic viewpoint, using residual generators based upon high-gain nonlinear auxiliary systems ('observers'). A prominent role is played by the type of mathematical tools that will be used, requiring knowledge of differential algebra and differential equations. Specific theorems tailored to the needs of the problem-solving procedures are developed and proved. Applications to real-world problems, both with constant and time-varying faults, are made throughout the book and include electromechanical positioning systems, the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR), bioreactor models and belt drive systems, to name but a few.
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of nonlinear multi-modal structural vibration problems, and shows how vibration suppression can be applied to such systems by considering a sample set of relevant control techniques. It covers the basic principles of nonlinear vibrations that occur in flexible and/or adaptive structures, with an emphasis on engineering analysis and relevant control techniques. Understanding nonlinear vibrations is becoming increasingly important in a range of engineering applications, particularly in the design of flexible structures such as aircraft, satellites, bridges, and sports stadia. There is an increasing trend towards lighter structures, with increased slenderness, often made of new composite materials and requiring some form of deployment and/or active vibration control. There are also applications in the areas of robotics, mechatronics, micro electrical mechanical systems, non-destructive testing and related disciplines such as structural health monitoring. Two broader themes cut across these application areas: (i) vibration suppression - or active damping - and, (ii) adaptive structures and machines. In this expanded 2nd edition, revisions include: An additional section on passive vibration control, including nonlinear vibration mounts. A more in-depth description of semi-active control, including switching and continuous schemes for dampers and other semi-active systems. A complet e reworking of normal form analysis, which now includes new material on internal resonance, bifurcation of backbone curves and stability analysis of forced responses.Further analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of cables including internal resonance leading to whirling. Additional material on the vibration of systems with impact friction. The book is accessible to practitioners in the areas of application, as well as students and researchers working on related topics. In particular, the aim is to introduce the key concepts of nonlinear vibration to readers who have an understanding of linear vibration and/or linear control, but no specialist knowledge in nonlinear dynamics or nonlinear control.
Our everyday life is in?uenced by many unexpected (dif?cult to predict) events usually referred as a chance. Probably, we all are as we are due to the accumulation point of a multitude of chance events. Gambling games that have been known to human beings nearly from the beginning of our civilization are based on chance events. These chance events have created the dream that everybody can easily become rich. This pursuit made gambling so popular. This book is devoted to the dynamics of the mechanical randomizers and we try to solve the problem why mechanical device (roulette) or a rigid body (a coin or a die) operating in the way described by the laws of classical mechanics can behave in such a way and produce a pseudorandom outcome. During mathematical lessons in primary school we are taught that the outcome of the coin tossing experiment is random and that the probability that the tossed coin lands heads (tails) up is equal to 1/2. Approximately, at the same time during physics lessons we are told that the motion of the rigid body (coin is an example of suchabody)isfullydeterministic. Typically,studentsarenotgiventheanswertothe question Why this duality in the interpretation of the simple mechanical experiment is possible? Trying to answer this question we describe the dynamics of the gambling games based on the coin toss, the throw of the die, and the roulette run.
Complexity science has been a source of new insight in physical and social systems and has demonstrated that unpredictability and surprise are fundamental aspects of the world around us. This book is the outcome of a discussion meeting of leading scholars and critical thinkers with expertise in complex systems sciences and leaders from a variety of organizations, sponsored by the Prigogine Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the Plexus Institute, to explore strategies for understanding uncertainty and surprise. Besides contributions to the conference, it includes a key digest by the editors as well as a commentary by the late nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine, "Surprises in half of a century." The book is intended for researchers and scientists in complexity science, as well as for a broad interdisciplinary audience of both practitioners and scholars. It will well serve those interested in the research issues and in the application of complexity science to physical and social systems.
Multibody systems are used extensively in the investigation of mechanical systems including structural and non-structural applications. It can be argued that among all the areas in solid mechanics the methodologies and applications associated to multibody dynamics are those that provide an ideal framework to aggregate d- ferent disciplines. This idea is clearly reflected, e. g. , in the multidisciplinary applications in biomechanics that use multibody dynamics to describe the motion of the biological entities, in finite elements where multibody dynamics provides - werful tools to describe large motion and kinematic restrictions between system components, in system control where the methodologies used in multibody dynamics are the prime form of describing the systems under analysis, or even in many - plications that involve fluid-structure interaction or aero elasticity. The development of industrial products or the development of analysis tools, using multibody dynamics methodologies, requires that the final result of the devel- ments are the best possible within some limitations, i. e. , they must be optimal. Furthermore, the performance of the developed systems must either be relatively insensitive to some of their design parameters or be sensitive in a controlled manner to other variables. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis of such systems is fundamental to support the decision making process. This book presents a broad range of tools for designing mechanical systems ranging from the kinematic and dynamic analysis of rigid and flexible multibody systems to their advanced optimization.
Complexity and dynamic order of controlled engineering systems is constantly increasing. Complex large scale systems (where "large" reflects the system's order and not necessarily its physical size) appear in many engineering fields, such as micro-electromechanics, manufacturing, aerospace, civil engineering and power engineering. Modeling of these systems often result in very high-order models imposing great challenges to the analysis, design and control problems. "Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems" compiles state-of-the-art contributions on recent analytical and computational methods for addressing model reduction, performance analysis and feedback control design for such systems. Also addressed at length are new theoretical developments, novel computational approaches and illustrative applications to various fields, along with: - An interdisciplinary focus emphasizing methods and approaches that can be commonly applied in various engineering fields -Examinations of applications in various fields including micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), manufacturing processes, power networks, traffic control "Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems" is an ideal volume for engineers and researchers working in the fields of control and dynamic systems.
The need for a general collection of electroacoustical reference and design data in graphical form has been felt by acousticians and engineers for some time. This type of data can otherwise only be found in a collection of handbooks. Therefore, it is the author's intention that this book serve as a single source for many electroacoustical reference and system design requirements. In form, the volume closely resembles Frank Massa's Acoustic Design Charts, a handy book dating from 1942 that has long been out of print. The basic format of Massa's book has been followed here: For each entry, graphical data are presented on the right page, while text, examples, and refer ences appear on the left page. In this manner, the user can solve a given problem without thumbing from one page to the next. All graphs and charts have been scaled for ease in data entry and reading. The book is divided into the following sections: A. General Acoustical Relationships. This section covers the behavior of sound transmis sion in reverberant and free fields, sound absorption and diffraction, and directional characteris tics of basic sound radiators. B. Loudspeakers. Loudspeakers are discussed in terms of basic relationships regarding cone excursion, sensitivity, efficiency, and directivity index, power ratings, and architectural layout. c. Microphones. The topics in this section include microphone sensitivity and noise rating, analysis of directional properties, stereo microphone array characteristics, proximity effects, and boundary conditions. D. Signal Transmission."
The general topic of the symposium follows mechanisms development through all stages of conception, modeling, analysis, synthesis and control to advanced product design. This volume brings together the latest results in the field and celebrates a series of conferences that has been running for 40 years. The contributors and the editor are world leaders in their field.
Our contemporary understanding of brain function is deeply rooted in the ideas of the nonlinear dynamics of distributed networks. Cognition and motor coordination seem to arise from the interactions of local neuronal networks, which themselves are connected in large scales across the entire brain. The spatial architectures between various scales inevitably influence the dynamics of the brain and thereby its function. But how can we integrate brain connectivity amongst these structural and functional domains? Our Handbook provides an account of the current knowledge on the measurement, analysis and theory of the anatomical and functional connectivity of the brain. All contributors are leading experts in various fields concerning structural and functional brain connectivity. In the first part of the Handbook, the chapters focus on an introduction and discussion of the principles underlying connected neural systems. The second part introduces the currently available non-invasive technologies for measuring structural and functional connectivity in the brain. Part three provides an overview of the analysis techniques currently available and highlights new developments. Part four introduces the application and translation of the concepts of brain connectivity to behavior, cognition and the clinical domain. Written for: Researchers, engineers, graduate students in complexity, applied nonlinear dynamics, neuroscience
In the first, 1986, edition of this book, inverse problems in vibration were interpreted strictly: problems concerning the reconstruction of a unique, undamped vibrating system, of a specified type, from specified vibratory behaviour, particularly specified natural frequencies and/or natural mode shapes. In this new edition the scope of the book has been widened to include topics such as isospectral systems- families of systems which all exhibit some specified behaviour; applications of the concept of Toda flow; new, non-classical approaches to inverse Sturm-Liouville problems; qualitative properties of the modes of some finite element models; damage identification. With its emphasis on analysis, on qualitative results, rather than on computation, the book will appeal to researchers in vibration theory, matrix analysis, differential and integral equations, matrix analysis, non-destructive testing, modal analysis, vibration isolation, etc.
Real-time simulations of the behaviour of a rail vehicle require realistic solutions of the wheel-rail contact problem which can work in a real-time mode. Examples of such solutions for the online mode have been well known and are implemented within standard and commercial tools for the simulation codes for rail vehicle dynamics. This book is the result of the research activities carried out by the Railway Technology Lab of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. This book presents work on the project for the development of a real-time wheel-rail contact model and provides the simulation results obtained with dSpace real-time hardware. Besides this, the implementation of the contact model for the development of a real-time model for the complex mechatronic system of a scaled test rig is presented in this book and may be useful for the further validation of the real-time contact model with experiments on a full scale test rig.
The book addresses the problem of calculation of d-dimensional integrals (conditional expectations) in filter problems. It develops new methods of deterministic numerical integration, which can be used to speed up and stabilize filter algorithms. With the help of these methods, better estimates and predictions of latent variables are made possible in the fields of economics, engineering and physics. The resulting procedures are tested within four detailed simulation studies. |
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