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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > Dynamics & vibration
This book describes in detail the physical and mathematical foundations of ultrasonic phased array measurements.The book uses linear systems theory to develop a comprehensive model of the signals and images that can be formed with phased arrays. Engineers working in the field of ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) will find in this approach a wealth of information on how to design, optimize and interpret ultrasonic inspections with phased arrays. The fundamentals and models described in the book will also be of significant interest to other fields, including the medical ultrasound and seismology communities. A unique feature of this book is that it presents a unified theory of imaging with phased arrays that shows how common imaging methods such as the synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT), the total focusing method (TFM), and the physical optics far field inverse scattering (POFFIS) imaging method are all simplified versions of more fundamental and quantitative imaging approaches, called imaging measurement models. To enhance learning, this book first describes the fundamentals of phased array systems using 2-D models, so that the complex 3-D cases normally found in practice can be more easily understood.In addition to giving a detailed discussion of phased array systems, Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays also provides MATLAB(r) functions and scripts, allowing the reader to conduct simulations of ultrasonic phased array transducers and phased array systems with the latest modeling technology."
The paradigm of complexity is pervading both science and engineering, le- ing to the emergence of novel approaches oriented at the development of a systemic view of the phenomena under study; the de?nition of powerful tools for modelling, estimation, and control; and the cross-fertilization of di?erent disciplines and approaches. One of the most promising paradigms to cope with complexity is that of networked systems. Complex, dynamical networks are powerful tools to model, estimate, and control many interesting phenomena, like agent coordination, synch- nization, social and economics events, networks of critical infrastructures, resourcesallocation, informationprocessing, controlovercommunicationn- works, etc. Advances in this ?eld are highlighting approaches that are more and more oftenbasedondynamicalandtime-varyingnetworks, i.e.networksconsisting of dynamical nodes with links that can change over time. Moreover, recent technological advances in wireless communication and decreasing cost and size of electronic devices are promoting the appearance of large inexpensive interconnected systems, each with computational, sensing and mobile ca- bilities. This is fostering the development of many engineering applications, which exploit the availability of these systems of systems to monitor and control very large-scale phenomena with ?ne resoluti
This essential textbook concerns analysis and control of engineering mechanisms, which includes almost any apparatus with moving parts used in daily life, from musical instruments to robots. A particular characteristic of this book is that it presents with considerable breadth and rigor both vibrations and controls. Many contemporary texts combine both of these topics in a single, one term course. This text supports the more favorable circumstance where the material is covered in a one year sequence contains enough material for a two semester sequence, but it can also be used in a single semester course combining two topics. "Mechanical Systems: A Unified Approach to Vibrations and Controls" presents a common notation and approach to these closely related areas. Examples from the both vibrations and controls components are integrated throughout this text.
The book provides readers with a snapshot of recent research and industrial trends in field of industrial acoustics and vibration. Each chapter, accepted after a rigorous peer-review process, reports on a selected, original piece of work presented and discussed at International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ICAV2016), which was organized by the Tunisian Association of Industrial Acoustics and Vibration (ATAVI) and held March 21-23, in Hammamet, Tunisia. The contributions, mainly written by north African authors, covers advances in both theory and practice in a variety of subfields, such as: smart materials and structures; fluid-structure interaction; structural acoustics as well as computational vibro-acoustics and numerical methods. Further topics include: engines control, noise identification, robust design, flow-induced vibration and many others.This book provides a valuable resource for both academics and professionals dealing with diverse issues in applied mechanics. By combining advanced theories with industrial issues, it is expected to facilitate communication and collaboration between different groups of researchers and technology users.
Decentralized Control and Filtering provides a rigorous framework for examining the analysis, stability and control of large-scale systems, addressing the difficulties that arise because dimensionality, information structure constraints, parametric uncertainty and time-delays.This monograph serves three purposes: it reviews past methods and results from a contemporary perspective; it examines presents trends and approaches and to provide future possibilities; and it investigates robust, reliable and/or resilient decentralized design methods based on a framework of linear matrix inequalities. As well as providing an overview of large-scale systems theories from the past several decades, the author presents key modern concepts and efficient computational methods. Representative numerical examples, end-of-chapter problems, and typical system applications are included, and theoretical developments and practical applications of large-scale dynamical systems are discussed in depth.
This text is a short yet complete course on nonlinear dynamics of deterministic systems. Conceived as a modular set of 15 concise lectures it reflects the many years of teaching experience by the authors. The lectures treat in turn the fundamental aspects of the theory of dynamical systems, aspects of stability and bifurcations, the theory of deterministic chaos and attractor dimensions, as well as the elements of the theory of Poincare recurrences.Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the generation of periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic self-sustained oscillations and to the issue of synchronization in such systems. This book is aimed at graduate students and non-specialist researchers with a background in physics, applied mathematics and engineering wishing to enter this exciting field of research.
This book reports on solved problems concerning vibrations and stability of complex beam systems. The complexity of a system is considered from two points of view: the complexity originating from the nature of the structure, in the case of two or more elastically connected beams; and the complexity derived from the dynamic behavior of the system, in the case of a damaged single beam, resulting from the harm done to its simple structure. Furthermore, the book describes the analytical derivation of equations of two or more elastically connected beams, using four different theories (Euler, Rayleigh, Timoshenko and Reddy-Bickford). It also reports on a new, improved p-version of the finite element method for geometrically nonlinear vibrations. The new method provides more accurate approximations of solutions, while also allowing us to analyze geometrically nonlinear vibrations. The book describes the appearance of longitudinal vibrations of damaged clamped-clamped beams as a result of discontinuity (damage). It describes the cases of stability in detail, employing all four theories, and provides the readers with practical examples of stochastic stability. Overall, the book succeeds in collecting in one place theoretical analyses, mathematical modeling and validation approaches based on various methods, thus providing the readers with a comprehensive toolkit for performing vibration analysis on complex beam systems.
Dynamical and vibratory systems are basically an application of
mathematics and applied sciences to the solution of real world
problems. Before being able to solve real world problems, it is
necessary to carefully study dynamical and vibratory systems and
solve all available problems in case of linear and nonlinear
equations using analytical and numerical methods. It is of great
importance to study nonlinearity in dynamics and vibration; because
almost all applied processes act nonlinearly, and on the other
hand, nonlinear analysis of complex systems is one of the most
important and complicated tasks, especially in engineering and
applied sciences problems.
This book presents recent advances in dynamics and control of different types of energy systems. It covers research on dynamics and control in energy systems from different aspects, namely, combustion, multiphase flow, nuclear, chemical and thermal. The chapters start from the basic concepts so that this book can be useful even for researchers with very little background in the area. A dedicated chapter provides an overview on the fundamental aspects of the dynamical systems approach. The book will be of use to researchers and professionals alike.
The Symposium was aimed at the theoretical and numerical problems involved in modelling the dynamic response of structures which have uncertain properties due to variability in the manufacturing and assembly process, with automotive and aerospace structures forming prime examples. It is well known that the difficulty in predicting the response statistics of such structures is immense, due to the complexity of the structure, the large number of variables which might be uncertain, and the inevitable lack of data regarding the statistical distribution of these variables. The Symposium participants presented the latest thinking in this very active research area, and novel techniques were presented covering the full frequency spectrum of low, mid, and high frequency vibration problems. It was demonstrated that for high frequency vibrations the response statistics can saturate and become independent of the detailed distribution of the uncertain system parameters. A number of presentations exploited this physical behaviour by using and extending methods originally developed in both phenomenological thermodynamics and in the fields of quantum mechanics and random matrix theory. For low frequency vibrations a number of presentations focussed on parametric uncertainty modelling (for example, probabilistic models, interval analysis, and fuzzy descriptions) and on methods of propagating this uncertainty through a large dynamic model in an effi cient way. At mid frequencies the problem is mixed, and various hybrid schemes were proposed. It is clear that a comprehensive solution to the problem of predicting the vibration response of uncertain structures across the whole frequency range requires expertise across a wide range of areas (including probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods, interval and info-gap analysis, statistical energy analysis, statistical thermodynamics, random wave approaches, and large scale computations) and this IUTAM symposium presented a unique opportunity to bring together outstanding international experts in these fields."
Compiling the expertise of nine pioneers of the field, Magnetic Bearings - Theory, Design, and Application to Rotating Machinery offers an encyclopedic study of this rapidly emerging field with a balanced blend of commercial and academic perspectives. Every element of the technology is examined in detail, beginning at the component level and proceeding through a thorough exposition of the design and performance of these systems. The book is organized in a logical fashion, starting with an overview of the technology and a survey of the range of applications. A background chapter then explains the central concepts of active magnetic bearings while avoiding a morass of technical details. From here, the reader continues to a meticulous, state-of-the-art exposition of the component technologies and the manner in which they are assembled to form the AMB/rotor system. These system models and performance objectives are then tied together through extensive discussions of control methods for both rigid and flexible rotors, including consideration of the problem of system dynamics identification. Supporting this, the issues of system reliability and fault management are discussed from several useful and complementary perspectives. At the end of the book, numerous special concepts and systems, including micro-scale bearings, self-bearing motors, and self-sensing bearings, are put forth as promising directions for new research and development. Newcomers to the field will find the material highly accessible while veteran practitioners will be impressed by the level of technical detail that emerges from a combination of sophisticated analysis and insights gleaned from many collective years of practical experience. An exhaustive, self-contained text on active magnetic bearing technology, this book should be a core reference for anyone seeking to understand or develop systems using magnetic bearings.
Model-Based Control will be a collection of state-of-the-art contributions in the field of modelling, identification, robust control and optimization of dynamical systems, with particular attention to the application domains of motion control systems (high-accuracy positioning systems) and large scale industrial process control systems.The book will be directed to academic and industrial people involved in research in systems and control, industrial process control and mechatronics.
The increased level of activity on structural health monitoring (SHM) in various universities and research labs has resulted in the development of new methodologies for both identifying the existing damage in structures and predicting the onset of damage that may occur during service. Designers often have to consult a variety of textbooks, journal papers and reports, because many of these methodologies require advanced knowledge of mechanics, dynamics, wave propagation, and material science. Computational Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring gives a one-volume, in-depth introduction to the different computational methodologies available for rapid detection of flaws in structures. Techniques, algorithms and results are presented in a way that allows their direct application. A number of case studies are included to highlight further the practical aspects of the selected topics. Computational Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring also provides the reader with numerical simulation tools that are essential to the development of novel algorithms for the interpretation of experimental measurements, and for the identification of damage and its characterization. Upon reading Computational Techniques for Structural Health Monitoring, graduate students will be able to begin research-level work in the area of structural health monitoring. The level of detail in the description of formulation and implementation also allows engineers to apply the concepts directly in their research.
After two succesful conferences held in Innsbruck (Prof. Manfred Husty) in 2006 and Cassino in 2008 (Prof Marco Ceccarelli) with the participation of the most important well-known scientists from the European Mechanism Science Community, a further conference was held in Cluj Napoca, Romania, in 2010 (Prof. Doina Pisla) to discuss new developments in the field. This book presents the most recent research advances in Mechanism Science with different applications. Amongst the topics treated are papers on Theoretical kinematics, Computational kinematics, Mechanism design, Mechanical transmissions, Linkages and manipulators, Mechanisms for biomechanics, Micro-mechanisms, Experimental mechanics, Mechanics of robots, Dynamics of multi-body systems, Dynamics of machinery, Control issues of mechanical systems, Novel designs, History of mechanism science etc.
This textbook draws on the authors' experience gained by teaching courses for engineering students on e.g. vehicle mechanics, vehicle system design, and chassis design; and on their practical experience as engineering designers for vehicle and chassis components at a major automotive company. The book is primarily intended for students of automotive engineering, but also for all technicians and designers working in this field. Other enthusiastic engineers will also find it to be a useful technical guide. The present volume (The Automotive Chassis - Volume 1: Component Design) focuses on automotive chassis components, such as:* the structure, which is usually a ladder framework and supports all the remaining components of the vehicle;* the suspension for the mechanical linkage of the wheels;* the wheels and tires;* the steering system;* the brake system; and* the transmission system, used to apply engine torque to the driving wheels. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition presents recent developments, particularly in brake, steering, suspension and transmission subsystems. Special emphasis is given to modern control systems and control strategies.
Hereditary systems (or systems with either delay or after-effects)
are widely used to model processes in physics, mechanics, control,
economics and biology. An important element in their study is their
stability. Stability conditions for difference equations with delay
can be obtained using a Lyapunov functional.
At the dawn of the 21st century, computational stochastic dynamics is an emerging research frontier. This book focuses on advanced computational methods and software tools which can highly assist in tackling complex problems in stochastic dynamic/seismic analysis and design of structures. The book is primarily intended for researchers and post-graduate students in the fields of computational mechanics and stochastic structural dynamics. Nevertheless, practice engineers as well could benefit from it as most code provisions tend to incorporate probabilistic concepts in the analysis and design of structures. The book addresses mathematical and numerical issues in stochastic structural dynamics and connects them to real-world applications. It consists of 16 chapters dealing with recent advances in a wide range of related topics (dynamic response variability and reliability of stochastic systems, risk assessment, stochastic simulation of earthquake ground motions, efficient solvers for the analysis of stochastic systems, dynamic stability, stochastic modelling of heterogeneous materials). Numerical examples demonstrating the significance of the proposed methods are presented in each chapter.
This book develops a uniform accurate method which is capable of dealing with vibrations of laminated beams, plates and shells with arbitrary boundary conditions including classical boundaries, elastic supports and their combinations. It also provides numerous solutions for various configurations including various boundary conditions, laminated schemes, geometry and material parameters, which fill certain gaps in this area of reach and may serve as benchmark solutions for the readers. For each case, corresponding fundamental equations in the framework of classical and shear deformation theory are developed. Following the fundamental equations, numerous free vibration results are presented for various configurations including different boundary conditions, laminated sequences and geometry and material properties. The proposed method and corresponding formulations can be readily extended to static analysis.
This book presents a novel, generalized approach to the design of nonlinear state feedback control laws for a large class of underactuated mechanical systems based on application of the block backstepping method. The control law proposed here is robust against the effects of model uncertainty in dynamic and steady-state performance and addresses the issue of asymptotic stabilization for the class of underactuated mechanical systems. An underactuated system is defined as one for which the dimension of space spanned by the configuration vector is greater than that of the space spanned by the control variables. Control problems concerning underactuated systems currently represent an active field of research due to their broad range of applications in robotics, aerospace, and marine contexts. The book derives a generalized theory of block backstepping control design for underactuated mechanical systems, and examines several case studies that cover interesting examples of underactuated mechanical systems. The mathematical derivations are described using well-known notations and simple algebra, without the need for any special previous background in higher mathematics. The chapters are lucidly described in a systematic manner, starting with control system preliminaries and moving on to a generalized description of the block backstepping method, before turning to several case studies. Simulation and experimental results are also provided to aid in reader comprehension.
With rapid economic and industrial development in China, India and elsewhere, fluid-related structural vibration and noise problems are widely encountered in many fields, just as they are in the more developed parts of the world, causing increasingly grievous concerns. Turbulence clearly has a significant impact on many such problems. On the other hand, new opportunities are emerging with the advent of various new technologies, such as signal processing, flow visualization and diagnostics, new functional materials, sensors and actuators, etc. These have revitalized interdisciplinary research activities, and it is in this context that the 2nd symposium on fluid-structure-sound interactions and control (FSSIC) was organized. Held in Hong Kong (May 20-21, 2013) and Macau (May 22-23, 2013), the meeting brought together scientists and engineers working in all related branches from both East and West and provided them with a forum to exchange and share the latest progress, ideas and advances and to chart the frontiers of FSSIC. "The Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control" largely focuses on advances in the theory, experimental research and numerical simulations of turbulence in the contexts of flow-induced vibration, noise and their control. This includes several practical areas for interaction, such as the aerodynamics of road and space vehicles, marine and civil engineering, nuclear reactors and biomedical science etc. One of the particular features of these proceedings is that it integrates acoustics with the study of flow-induced vibration, which is not a common practice but is scientifically very helpful in understanding, simulating and controlling vibration. This offers a broader view of the discipline from which readers will benefit greatly. These proceedings are intended for academics, research scientists, design engineers and graduate students in engineering fluid dynamics, acoustics, fluid and aerodynamics, vibration, dynamical systems and control etc. Yu Zhou is a professor in Institute for Turbulence-Noise-Vibration Interaction and Control at Harbin Institute of Technology. Yang Liu is an associate professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Lixi Huang, associate professor, works at the University of Hong Kong. Professor Dewey H. Hodges works at the School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology.
This book presents the signal processing and data mining challenges encountered in drilling engineering, and describes the methods used to overcome them. In drilling engineering, many signal processing technologies are required to solve practical problems, such as downhole information transmission, spatial attitude of drillstring, drillstring dynamics, seismic activity while drilling, among others. This title attempts to bridge the gap between the signal processing and data mining and oil and gas drilling engineering communities. There is an urgent need to summarize signal processing and data mining issues in drilling engineering so that practitioners in these fields can understand each other in order to enhance oil and gas drilling functions. In summary, this book shows the importance of signal processing and data mining to researchers and professional drilling engineers and open up a new area of application for signal processing and data mining scientists.
Modern technical advancements in areas such as robotics, multi-body systems, spacecraft, control, and design of complex mechanical devices and mechanisms in industry require the knowledge to solve advanced concepts in dynamics. "Mechanisms and Robots Analysis with MATLAB" provides a thorough, rigorous presentation of kinematics and dynamics. The book uses MATLAB as a tool to solve problems from the field of mechanisms and robots. The book discusses the tools for formulating the mathematical equations, and also the methods of solving them using a modern computing tool like MATLAB. An emphasis is placed on basic concepts, derivations, and interpretations of the general principles. The book is of great benefit to senior undergraduate and graduate students interested in the classical principles of mechanisms and robotics systems. Each chapter introduction is followed by a careful step-by-step presentation, and sample problems are provided at the end of every chapter.
This book reports on the latest numerical and experimental findings in the field of high-lift technologies. It covers interdisciplinary research subjects relating to scientific computing, aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, material sciences, aircraft structures, and flight mechanics. The respective chapters are based on papers presented at the Final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 880, which was held on December 17-18, 2019 in Braunschweig, Germany. The conference and the research presented here were partly supported by the CRC 880 on "Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft," funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation). The papers offer timely insights into high-lift technologies for short take-off and landing aircraft, with a special focus on aeroacoustics, efficient high-lift, flight dynamics, and aircraft design.
Vibration problems dealing with advanced Mathematical and Numerical Techniques have extensive application in a wide class of problems in ae- nautics, aerodynamics, space science and technology, off-shore engineering and in the design of different structural components of high speed space crafts and nuclear reactors. Different classes of vibration problems dealing with complex geometries and non-linear behaviour require careful attention of scientists and engineers in pursuit of their research activities. Almost all fields of Engineering, Science and Technology, ranging from small domestic building subjected to earthquake and cyclone to the space craft venturing towards different planets, from giant ship to human skeleton, encounter problems of vibration and dynamic loading. This being truly an interdisciplinary field, where the mathematicians, phy- cists and engineers could interface their innovative ideas and creative thoughts to arrive at an appropriate solution, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, India, a premier institution for education and research in engineering, science and technology felt it appropriate to organize 8th International C- ference on "Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2007)" as a part of its sesquicentenary celebration. The conference created a platform and all aspects of vibration phenomenon with the focus on the state-of-the art in theoretical, experimental and applied research areas were addressed and the scientific interaction, p- ticipated by a large gathering including eminent personalities and young research workers, generated many research areas and innovative ideas.
"Advanced Dynamics: Analytical and Numerical Calculations with MATLAB" provides a thorough, rigorous presentation of kinematics and dynamics while using MATLAB as an integrated tool to solve problems. Topics presented are explained thoroughly and directly, allowing fundamental principles to emerge through applications from areas such as multibody systems, robotics, spacecraft and design of complex mechanical devices. This book differs from others in that it uses symbolic MATLAB for both theory and applications. Special attention is given to solutions that are solved analytically and numerically using MATLAB. The illustrations and figures generated with MATLAB reinforce visual learning while an abundance of examples offer additional support. |
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