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This book is about electric energy: its generation, its transmission from the point of generation to where it is required, and its transformation into required forms. To achieve this end, a number of devices are essential-such as generators, trans mission lines, transformers, and electric motors. We discuss the design, construc tion, and operating characteristics of the electric devices used in the transformation to and from electric energy. This text is designed to be used in a one-semester course in electric energy con version at the second-year level of the Bachelor of Engineering course. It is assumed that the student is familiar with the laws of thermodynamics and has taken a course in basic circuit analysis, including the application of phasors. We begin with a discussion of how humankind has successfully harnessed the energy of wind, water, the sun, biomass, animals, geothermal sources, fossils, and nuclear fission to make its life comfortable. Some of the consequences of this activity on the environment are examined. In Chapter 2, we review the basic physics of energy and its conversion. This may be, to some extent, a repetition of knowledge gained in high-school and first year university courses. However, we believe that such review is necessary to establish a suitable base from which to launch the subject of electric energy con version."
Two complete new chapters have been introduced. The first one, Chapter 16, amplifies the many rich interactions between Geographie Information Systems (GIS) and the Navstar CPS. The words and pietures in this new chapter foeus on the powerful eleetronie mapmaking techniques that rely on Navstar navigation together with the many benefits stemming from the full-eolored "layered" maps now being produeed. Chapter 17, which is also new, deals with Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (lVHS). Navstar navigation techniques form the hidden backbone of most of the new electronic teehnologies that are helping to make America's traffic f10w more smoothly. Chapter 17 c10ses with narrative descriptions of three interesting IVHS projects: emergency tow-truck dispatching, optimum ambulance-routing, and the in-car traffie reports now being beamed into family cars cruising along Ameriea's major traffic arteries. Many helpful individuals contributed toward the successful completion of Under- standing the Navstar. My lovely wife, Cyndy, was unquestionably the most beneficial contributor. Her affectionate comments and her broad-ranging support were greatly appreciated. So was her diligent and uncomplaining work in word-process- ing the many drafts of the final manuseript. The artists, Lloyd and lInka Wing and Anthony and Dianne Vega, were also enormously helpful in providing quality figures and tables on schedule. They have become true masters of the Macintosh computer with its many beils and whistles. Preparing a book for publication is a time-consuming, invigorating task. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed putting it together for your use.
1. Analyses the connection between sustainable energy development and transition towards carbon neutral society. 2. Compares and discusses advanced multi-criteria decision making tools to support sustainable energy options. 3. Develops new frameworks of indicators for the assessment of sustainable energy technologies in various energy sectors. 4. Provides policy implications when promoting sustainable energy development. 5. Presents case studies on the applications of multi-criteria tools to support sustainable energy options in transport and households.
This text provides a systematic guide describing practical approaches to planning, developing, and implementing successful ITS architectures in regional settings. Based on the principles and methods used to create developed US national ITS architecture, the authors provide readers with a solid understanding of each critical step involved in the regional ITS deployment process. The text also explores key ingredients that make up an effective ITS mission statement, how to choose the best ITS technologies for a specific application, the components involved in developing and appropriate logical and physical architecture.
Global Automobile Demand is a two-volume work analysing the impact of the Great Recession and the structural factors which shape automobile demand in developed and emerging countries. The second volume examines the automobile demand in the BRICS and other emerging countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand and Malaysia.
This book introduces a holistic approach to ship design and its optimisation for life-cycle operation. It deals with the scientific background of the adopted approach and the associated synthesis model, which follows modern computer aided engineering (CAE) procedures. It integrates techno-economic databases, calculation and multi-objective optimisation modules and s/w tools with a well-established Computer-Aided Design (CAD) platform, along with a Virtual Vessel Framework (VVF), which will allow virtual testing before the building phase of a new vessel. The resulting graphic user interface (GUI) and information exchange systems enable the exploration of the huge design space to a much larger extent and in less time than is currently possible, thus leading to new insights and promising new design alternatives. The book not only covers the various stages of the design of the main ship system, but also addresses relevant major onboard systems/components in terms of life-cycle performance to offer readers a better understanding of suitable outfitting details, which is a key aspect when it comes the outfitting-intensive products of international shipyards. The book disseminates results of the EU funded Horizon 2020 project HOLISHIP.
* The books is very timely: Many expect a return to business as usual after Covid19, but the bigger problem of life-threatening climate change makes it clear that the way humans live and work must change. * The book is informative and stimulating: As technological progress made, it is important that those who need to know are informed. This includes both interested members of the public as well as key policy makers and other climate change stakeholders. * The book is controversial: The degree of change is large, with winners and losers coming from ideas and approaches that in some cases appear to contradict current thinking (e.g. electric cars). * The book is written by an expert: The author has had a distinguished career, in designing safe systems using technology pushed to the limit of optimum performance while making sure that everything is safe throughout the whole life. He has served on many advisory boards reporting at high level to the prime minister, and ministerial level both in UK, and in Indonesia.
Global Automobile Demand is a two-volume work analysing the impact of the Great Recession and the structural factors which shape automobile demand in developed and emerging countries. The first volume of Global Automobile Demand examines the automobile demand in mature economies: the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Japan and Korea.
Cette version revisee est basee sur les evolutions applicables a compter du 1er janvier 2021. Elle contient des dispositions nouvelles ou revisees concernant notamment le transport des systemes de stockage electrique (y compris les batteries au lithium installees dans les unites de transport de marchandises et les batteries defectueuses), les dechets medicaux et les matieres radioactives. La pandemie COVID-19 a entraine une augmentation de la demande de gaz medicaux (en particulier d'oxygene medical), qui, avec les substances infectieuses, dangereuses ou radioactives, sont transportees avec un soin particulier et sont couvertes dans cette edition. L'Accord concernant le transport international des marchandises dangereuses par route (ADR) est un outil important de facilitation des echanges et contribue ainsi a reduire le risque de protectionnisme. Sauf pour les marchandises dangereuses dont le transport est totalement interdit, et sauf lorsque le transport est reglemente ou interdit pour des raisons autres que la securite, le transport international de marchandises dangereuses par route est autorise par l'ADR sur les territoires des Parties contractantes, a condition que les dispositions de l'accord sont respectes. En tant que partie contractante, pendant la periode de transition et post-Brexit, le Royaume-Uni continuera d'appliquer les exigences ADR. This revised version is based on changes applicable from 1 January 2021. It contains new or revised provisions concerning in particular the transport of electrical storage systems (including lithium batteries installed in goods transport units and defective batteries), medical waste and radioactive materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in demand for medical gases (particularly medical oxygen), which, along with infectious, hazardous or radioactive substances are being transported with special care and are covered in this edition. The Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is an important trade facilitation tool and thus helps reduce the risk of protectionism. Except for dangerous goods which are totally prohibited for transport, and except when transport is regulated or prohibited for reasons other than safety, the international transport of dangerous goods by road is authorized by ADR in the territories of the Contracting Parties, provided that the provisions of the agreement are respected. As a Contracting Party, during the transitional and post-Brexit period, the United Kingdom will continue to apply ADR requirements.
Bicycle Engineering and Technology is a primer and technical introduction for anyone interested in bicycles, bicycling and the bicycle industry. With insight into how bicycles are made and operated, the book covers the engineering materials used for their manufacture and the technicalities of riding. It also discusses ways in which the enthusiast may wish to get involved in the business of working with these fantastic machines, which are now being aided with electrical power. The bicycle is a significant factor in transportation around the world and is playing an increasingly crucial role in transport policy as we collectively become more environmentally conscious. To celebrate the importance of the bicycle on the world stage, a brief history is included along with a detailed timeline showing the development of the bicycle with major world events. Previous knowledge of engineering or technology is not required to enjoy this text, as all technical terms are explained and a full glossary and lists of abbreviations are included. Whether you are a bicycling enthusiast, racer, student or bicycle professional, you will surely want to read it and keep it on your shelf as a handy reference.
This book presents a comprehensive analysis and modelling of demand, capacity, quality of services, economics, and sustainability of the air transport system and its main components - - airports, airlines, and ATC/ATM (Air Traffic Control/Management). Airports consist of the airside and landside area characterized by their capacities for handling demand such as aircraft, air passengers, and air freight/cargo shipments. Regarding spatial configuration, airlines generally operate hub-and-spoke (conventional or legacy airlines) and point-to-point (LCCs - Low Cost Carriers) air route networks. Their fleets consisting of different aircraft types provide transport capacity for serving demand including air passengers and freight/cargo shipments. The ATC/ATM includes the controlled airspace, traffic management and control facilities and equipment on the ground, space, and on board aircraft, and the ATC Controllers). They all provide capacity to handle demand consisting of the flights between origin and destination airports carried out by airline aircraft. The outcome from the interrelationships between demand and capacity at these components materializes as the quality of services. At airports and airlines this is generally expressed by congestion and delays of aircraft, air passengers, and freight/cargo shipments. At ATC/ATM, this is expressed by delays, horizontal and vertical in-efficiency, and safety of flights. Economics of each component relate to its revenues, costs, and profits from handling demand, i.e., providing services of given quality. The sustainability of air transport system has become increasingly important issue for many internal and external actors/stakeholders involved to deal with. This has implied increasing the system's overall social-economic effects/benefits while reducing or maintaining constant impacts/costs on the environment and society at both global and regional/local scale under conditions of continuous medium- to long term growth.
How do people behave in different traffic situations? Are there
general laws for mathematical modelling of decision dynamics? The
answers, given at the first international workshop on "Human
Behaviour in Traffic Networks," are presented in this volume. In 13
articles, well-known experts report about their current work on
experiments and modelling in this area. The topics range from
psychological behaviour in traffic situations, traffic simulations
of various aspects and market analysis to experiments with human
participants used in experimental economics. The articles filled
with many illustrations are aimed at interested students as well as
experts in this field.
A unified view of the use of computer vision technology for different types of vehicles Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology focuses on computer vision as on-board technology, bringing together fields of research where computer vision is progressively penetrating: the automotive sector, unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles. It also serves as a reference for researchers of current developments and challenges in areas of the application of computer vision, involving vehicles such as advanced driver assistance (pedestrian detection, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition), autonomous driving and robot navigation (with visual simultaneous localization and mapping) or unmanned aerial vehicles (obstacle avoidance, landscape classification and mapping, fire risk assessment). The overall role of computer vision for the navigation of different vehicles, as well as technology to address on-board applications, is analysed. Key features: * Presents the latest advances in the field of computer vision and vehicle technologies in a highly informative and understandable way, including the basic mathematics for each problem. * Provides a comprehensive summary of the state of the art computer vision techniques in vehicles from the navigation and the addressable applications points of view. * Offers a detailed description of the open challenges and business opportunities for the immediate future in the field of vision based vehicle technologies. This is essential reading for computer vision researchers, as well as engineers working in vehicle technologies, and students of computer vision.
Due to the explosive global growth in the number of mobile subscribers, as well as the growth predicted in the mobile data segment, the need for improved spectrum efficiency on the radio interface becomes more and more important. Frequency hopping (FH) is an effective method for improving the spectrum efficiency. One of the advantages of FH is that it can be combined with other spectral efficiency improving features like power control, handover and reuse partitioning. Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network covers FH and some of the additional features in detail. It begins with an in-depth description of the basic concept of FH on link level as well as on system level. Different methods have been used for analysis, such as link level simulations, network level simulations and classic tele-traffic theory. Special features of Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network Combines the practical experiences of operator and vendor with more theoretical research methods. An in-depth treatment of prevailing problems in GSM networks; Presentation of a new method, computer-aided network design (CAND), which has been developed to analyse the complex network structures of a GSM network. CAND provides the possibility for more realistic performance evaluations than conventional methods; Provides GSM-specific analysis of functionality improvements in power control, discontinuous transmission, and several handover algorithms; Explanation of the quality and capacity gains of features like the combination of FH and reuse partitioning, referred to as intelligent frequency hopping; A frequency planning method for FH GSM networks is presented. This method exploits the benefits from FH directly in the allocation process, increasing the overall frequency plan.
This book is an outcome of the seventh IAVSD Symposium on the Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks was held at Cambridge, England. The theme of the Symposium was the mathematical modelling of vehicle dynamics with an emphasis on the problems due to interaction between vehicle and road or track.
Highlights the utilization of nanofillers. Investigates the moisture absorption and ageing on the physio-chemical, mechanical, thermal properties of the vinyl ester-based composites. Considers the influence of hybridization, fibre architecture, and fibre-ply orientation on the mechanical and thermal properties of vinyl ester-based biocomposites. Discusses the effects of the alkali treatment. Chapters are written by global experts to cover a diverse scope of industry applications for fibre-reinforced polymer composites.
Your definitive guide to commercial aviation safety-fully updated to cover the latest regulations and practices This thoroughly revised guide covers all aspects of commercial aviation safety-from human factors and safety management to regulatory compliance and accident investigation. The latest standards from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are fully explained in easy-to-understand language. Re-organized and expanded to reflect modern approaches, Commercial Aviation Safety, Seventh Edition delivers comprehensive information on security concerns on the ground and in the air. You will learn about changes in systems and regulations, new maintenance and flight technologies, and recent accident statistics. Each part of the book begins with a real-life event before diving into analyses and explanations of core issues. Includes interviews with air traffic controllers, engineers, and pilots Each chapter has been updated and revised to reflect current standards Written by a team of aviation safety experts and dedicated educators
This book deals with the computational analysis of thin-walled structures such as aircraft, ships, and containment vessels. Building on the author's earlier book Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures, it shows how to use computational methods to tackle some of the fundamental problems of structural mechanics, with particular emphasis on nonlinear phenomena. Where the earlier book dealt with linear systems, the central theme running through this volume is the notion that unstable equilibria are associated with motions and large displacements and therefore require a full nonlinear analysis. The discussion begins with an overview of the basic mechanics of deformable bodies, including variational formulations, and then considers the large deflection behavior of shell and frame structures using a finite-element analysis. The second part of the book begins with a summary of linear vibrations of structures, including an introduction to modal analysis; it continues with computational formulations of nonlinear dynamic analyses of structures and refines the concept of dynamic equilibrium in the context of large deflections. The book concludes with a discussion of stability, including the difficult problem of stability of motions in the large. By describing the methods on which commercial software pakckages are based, this book allows an engineer to evaluate the results these computations produce. It therefore should be useful to practicing engineers and graduate students.
Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses des Nations Unies, et pour classer les produits chimiques qui presentent des dangers physiques conformement au Systeme general harmonise de classification et d'etiquetage des produits chimiques (SGH). En consequence, il complete egalement les reglements nationaux et internationaux qui ont ete etablis sur la base des Recommandations relatives au transport des marchandises dangereuses ou du SGH.
These Recommendations have been developed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council's Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods in the light of technical progress, the advent of new substances and materials, the exigencies of modern transport systems and, above all, the requirement to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. They are addressed to governments and international organizations concerned with the regulation of the transport of dangerous goods. They do not apply to the bulk transport of dangerous goods in sea-going or inland navigation bulk carriers or tank-vessels, which is subject to special international or national regulations.
Unique selling point: • Complete coverage of intelligent vehicle networks with deep learning tools. Core audience: • Researchers and postgraduates studying UAV communication systems, as well as industry engineers and technicians Place in the market: • Many advanced UAV communication protocols and modeling details will be provided. Thus, it is more like an engineering/science design reference instead of a common introduction book.
Review of pneumatic conveying; vacuum versus positive pressure; solving throughout and blockage problems; understanding and controlling attrition and wear; particle attention and deposition; conveying fragile materials; pneumatic conveying systems associated with high pressure systems. |
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