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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Materials science > Mechanics of solids > General

Cracked Rotors - A Survey on Static and Dynamic Behaviour Including Modelling and Diagnosis (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Nicolo... Cracked Rotors - A Survey on Static and Dynamic Behaviour Including Modelling and Diagnosis (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Nicolo Bachschmid, Paolo Pennacchi, Ezio Tanzi
R4,477 Discovery Miles 44 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Cracks can develop in rotating shafts and can propagate to relevant depths without affecting consistently the normal operating conditions of the shaft. In order to avoid catastrophic failures, accurate vibration analyses have to be performed for crack detection. The identification of the crack location and depth is possible by means of a model based diagnostic approach, provided that the model of the crack and the model of the cracked shaft dynamical behavior are accurate and reliable. This monograph shows the typical dynamical behavior of cracked shafts and presents tests for detecting cracks. The book describes how to model cracks, how to simulate the dynamical behavior of cracked shaft, and compares the corresponding numerical with experimental results. All effects of cracks on the vibrations of rotating shafts are analyzed, and some results of a numerical sensitivity analysis of the vibrations to the presence and severity of the crack are shown. Finally the book describes some crack identification procedures and shows some results in model based crack identification in position and depth. The book is useful for higher university courses in mechanical and energetic engineering, but also for skilled technical people employed in power generation industries.

Mastering Calculations in Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics (Paperback, 2005 ed.): Pierre Ladeveze, Jean Pierre Pelle Mastering Calculations in Linear and Nonlinear Mechanics (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
Pierre Ladeveze, Jean Pierre Pelle
R3,219 Discovery Miles 32 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book deals with the management of calculations in linear and nonlinear mechanics. Particular attention is given to error estimators and indicators for structural analysis. The accent is on the concept of error in constitutive relation. An important part of the work is also devoted to the utilization of the error estimators involved in a calculation, beginning with the parameters related to the mesh. Many of the topics are taken from the most recent research by the authors: local error estimators, extention of the concept of error in constitutive relation to nonlinear evolution problems and dynamic problems, adaptive improvement of calculations in nonlinear mechanics. This work is intended for all those interested in mechanics: students, researchers and engineers concerned with the construction of models as well as their simulation for industrial purposes.

The Theory of Laser Materials Processing - Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern Technology (Paperback, 2009 ed.): John Dowden The Theory of Laser Materials Processing - Heat and Mass Transfer in Modern Technology (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
John Dowden
R5,230 Discovery Miles 52 300 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Theuseoflasersinmaterialsprocessinghasbecomewidespreadinrecent years,sothatanunderstandingofthenatureofheatandmasstransferin thisbranchofmoderntechnologyisofincreasingimportance. Theaimofthe authorsofthisbookistoconcentrateonthephysicalprocesses;thesecanbe developedfromamathematicalpointofview,orfromdirectexperimental- derivedobservation. Thetwoapproachesarecomplementary;eachcanprovide insightsandthesynthesisofthetwocanleadtoaverypowerfulunderstanding oftheprocessesinvolved. Mathematicalmodellingofphysicalprocesseshas hadanimportantroletoplayinthedevelopmentoftechnologyoverthe centuriesandparticularlysointhelastonehundredand?ftyyearsorso. Itcanbearguedthatitismoreimportanttodaythaneverbeforesincethe availabilityofhigh-speedcomputersallowsaccuratenumericalsimulationof industrialprocessesatafractionofthecostofthecorrespondingexperiments. Thisisoneaspectofmathematicalmodelling,highpro?leandmuchvalued, butitisnottheonlyone. Inthepastmathematicalmodellinghadtorelyonqualitativeinves- gation,veryspecialanalyticalsolutions,orinaccurateandtime-consuming calculationsperformedwithlittleinthewayoftabulatedormechanical assistance. Logtablesandsliderulesarestillrememberedbypeopleworking today,thoughtherearesurelyfewwhoregrettheirdisappearance. Thevalueanddistinctivefunctionofmethodsbasedontheanalytical approachisnowbecomingmuchclearer,nowthattheyarenolongerexpected toproducedetailedimitationsofwhathappensinrealexperimentsofind- trialprocesses,afunctionnowful?lledmostlybynumericalmethods,c- sideredbelow. Theemphasistodayisontheirabilitytocon?rmandextend ourunderstandingofthebasicphysicalmechanismsinvolvedintheprocesses of interest. These are essential for any intelligent use of numerical simulation. Theargumentaboutthevalueofteachingpeoplehowtodoarithmetic themselveswithouttheaidofacalculatorseemstobepassingintohistory, vi Preface butitisanimportantoneandprovidesasimpleanalogy. Ifsomeonedoes nothaveafeelingfornumbersandthewayarithmeticworks,theywillalltoo easilyfailtospotanerrorproducedbyamachine. Computersarenotinfallible -andneitherarethosewhobuildorprogramthem. Computersarenow takingonlessmundanemathematicaltasksandthesamecontroversiesare appearinginconnectionwithalgebraicmanipulation. Equally,andwitheven greaterpenaltiesintermsofcostintheeventoferrors,thesameconsiderations applytonumericalsimulationofmajorindustrialprocesses. Awarenessofthe analyticalsolutionscanbeinvaluableindistinguishingtherightfromthe wrong,i. e. forthepractitionertounderstandthebasisofthework,andto haveanideaofthekindsofoutcomesthatareplausible-andtorecognise thosewhicharenot. Thephrase"mathematicalmodelling"is,however,ambiguous,perhaps morenowthanithaseverbeen. Thereisanenormousamountofworkdone todayonsimulationbasedontheuseofverypowerfulcomputerprograms, anditisquitecorrectlyreferredtoasmathematicalmodelling. Theprograms aresometimesconstructedin-housebutareusuallycommercialpackages. This isanentirelyvalidapproachwithspeci?c(generallycommercial)objectives. Ingeneraltherearetwouses. Thedominantobjectiveisnumericalagreement withaparticularexperimentinthe?rstinstance,leadingtopredictivec- mercialuseinthesecondinstance. Thesecondobjectiveistheclari?cation ofphysicalmechanisms,aimedatthegenerationofunderstandingofcomplex interconnectedprocesses,ratherthantheexactreproductionofaparticular experiment. Itissometimesoverlookedthat,withsu?cientcare,anum- icalapproachisequallyvalidintheinvestigationofphysicalfundamentals. Numericalsimulationisnotacentraltopicofthisbook,butbecauseofits crucialimportancetoeachofthetwousestowhichnumericalmodellingcan beput,itisvitalthatthecomputationalbasisoftheworkshouldbec- pletelysound. Inaddition,thelevelofprocessdetailwhichcanbeconsidered bythenumericalapproachusuallyexceedswhatispossiblewiththeanaly- calapproachsigni?cantly,leavinglittlechoicebuttoreverttothenumerical treatmentwheninvestigatingtheinterconnectionsbetweenprocesses. Itis forthesereasonsthatthebookconcludeswithachapteroncomprehensive numericalsimulation. Inmanyways,theapproachadoptedhereiscomplementarytothemore phenomenologicalapproach. Itisalwaysimportantina?eldwhichhasvery directindustrialapplicationstobearinmindhowtechniquessuchasthose describedherewillbeused,butitisessentialnottolosesightofthef- damentals. Thereareserioussafetyimplications;therearecostimplications; therearemoralimplications;thereareconsiderationsoftheappropriateness ofthetechnologytotheapplicationunderconsideration. Aproperrespectfor alltheserequiresanunderstandingofthefundamentals. Wearealltoowellawarethatthisbookdoeslittlemorethanscratch thesurfaceoftheproblemsinvolvedinafundamentalunderstandingofthese phenomena. Ifwehaveprovidedideasandinformationthatcauseothersto Preface vii testthemexperimentallyorintellectually,agreewiththemordisputethem vigorously,anddevelopthemfurther,wewillconsiderthatwehaveachieved ouraim. Colchester April,2008 JohnDowden Contents 1MathematicsinLaserProcessing JohnDowden...1 1. 1 MathematicsanditsApplication...1 1. 2 FormulationinTermsofPartialDi?erentialEquations...3 1. 2. 1 LengthScales...3 1. 2. 2 ConservationEquationsandtheirGeneralisations...4 1. 2. 3 GoverningEquationsofGeneralised ConservationType...7 1. 2. 4 Gauss'is,however,ambiguous,perhaps morenowthanithaseverbeen. Thereisanenormousamountofworkdone todayonsimulationbasedontheuseofverypowerfulcomputerprograms, anditisquitecorrectlyreferredtoasmathematicalmodelling. Theprograms aresometimesconstructedin-housebutareusuallycommercialpackages. This isanentirelyvalidapproachwithspeci?c(generallycommercial)objectives. Ingeneraltherearetwouses. Thedominantobjectiveisnumericalagreement withaparticularexperimentinthe?rstinstance,leadingtopredictivec- mercialuseinthesecondinstance. Thesecondobjectiveistheclari?cation ofphysicalmechanisms,aimedatthegenerationofunderstandingofcomplex interconnectedprocesses,ratherthantheexactreproductionofaparticular experiment. Itissometimesoverlookedthat,withsu?cientcare,anum- icalapproachisequallyvalidintheinvestigationofphysicalfundamentals. Numericalsimulationisnotacentraltopicofthisbook,butbecauseofits crucialimportancetoeachofthetwousestowhichnumericalmodellingcan beput,itisvitalthatthecomputationalbasisoftheworkshouldbec- pletelysound. Inaddition,thelevelofprocessdetailwhichcanbeconsidered bythenumericalapproachusuallyexceedswhatispossiblewiththeanaly- calapproachsigni?cantly,leavinglittlechoicebuttoreverttothenumerical treatmentwheninvestigatingtheinterconnectionsbetweenprocesses. Itis forthesereasonsthatthebookconcludeswithachapteroncomprehensive numericalsimulation. Inmanyways,theapproachadoptedhereiscomplementarytothemore phenomenologicalapproach. Itisalwaysimportantina?eldwhichhasvery directindustrialapplicationstobearinmindhowtechniquessuchasthose describedherewillbeused,butitisessentialnottolosesightofthef- damentals. Thereareserioussafetyimplications;therearecostimplications; therearemoralimplications;thereareconsiderationsoftheappropriateness ofthetechnologytotheapplicationunderconsideration. Aproperrespectfor alltheserequiresanunderstandingofthefundamentals. Wearealltoowellawarethatthisbookdoeslittlemorethanscratch thesurfaceoftheproblemsinvolvedinafundamentalunderstandingofthese phenomena. Ifwehaveprovidedideasandinformationthatcauseothersto Preface vii testthemexperimentallyorintellectually,agreewiththemordisputethem vigorously,anddevelopthemfurther,wewillconsiderthatwehaveachieved ouraim. Colchester April,2008 JohnDowden Contents 1MathematicsinLaserProcessing JohnDowden...1 1. 1 MathematicsanditsApplication...1 1. 2 FormulationinTermsofPartialDi?erentialEquations...3 1. 2. 1 LengthScales...3 1. 2. 2 ConservationEquationsandtheirGeneralisations...4 1. 2. 3 GoverningEquationsofGeneralised ConservationType...7 1. 2. 4 Gauss'Theuseoflasersinmaterialsprocessinghasbecomewidespreadinrecent years,sothatanunderstandingofthenatureofheatandmasstransferin thisbranchofmoderntechnologyisofincreasingimportance. Theaimofthe authorsofthisbookistoconcentrateonthephysicalprocesses;thesecanbe developedfromamathematicalpointofview,orfromdirectexperimental- derivedobservation. Thetwoapproachesarecomplementary;eachcanprovide insightsandthesynthesisofthetwocanleadtoaverypowerfulunderstanding oftheprocessesinvolved. Mathematicalmodellingofphysicalprocesseshas hadanimportantroletoplayinthedevelopmentoftechnologyoverthe centuriesandparticularlysointhelastonehundredand?ftyyearsorso. Itcanbearguedthatitismoreimportanttodaythaneverbeforesincethe availabilityofhigh-speedcomputersallowsaccuratenumericalsimulationof industrialprocessesatafractionofthecostofthecorrespondingexperiments. Thisisoneaspectofmathematicalmodelling,highpro?leandmuchvalued, butitisnottheonlyone. Inthepastmathematicalmodellinghadtorelyonqualitativeinves- gation,veryspecialanalyticalsolutions,orinaccurateandtime-consuming calculationsperformedwithlittleinthewayoftabulatedormechanical assistance. Logtablesandsliderulesarestillrememberedbypeopleworking today,thoughtherearesurelyfewwhoregrettheirdisappearance. Thevalueanddistinctivefunctionofmethodsbasedontheanalytical approachisnowbecomingmuchclearer,nowthattheyarenolongerexpected toproducedetailedimitationsofwhathappensinrealexperimentsofind- trialprocesses,afunctionnowful?lledmostlybynumericalmethods,c- sideredbelow. Theemphasistodayisontheirabilitytocon?rmandextend ourunderstandingofthebasicphysicalmechanismsinvolvedintheprocesses of interest. These are essential for any intelligent use of numerical simulation. Theargumentaboutthevalueofteachingpeoplehowtodoarithmetic themselveswithouttheaidofacalculatorseemstobepassingintohistory, vi Preface butitisanimportantoneandprovidesasimpleanalogy. Ifsomeonedoes nothaveafeelingfornumbersandthewayarithmeticworks,theywillalltoo easilyfailtospotanerrorproducedbyamachine. Computersarenotinfallible -andneitherarethosewhobuildorprogramthem. Computersarenow takingonlessmundanemathematicaltasksandthesamecontroversiesare appearinginconnectionwithalgebraicmanipulation. Equally,andwitheven greaterpenaltiesintermsofcostintheeventoferrors,thesameconsiderations applytonumericalsimulationofmajorindustrialprocesses. Awarenessofthe analyticalsolutionscanbeinvaluableindistinguishingtherightfromthe wrong,i. e. forthepractitionertounderstandthebasisofthework,andto haveanideaofthekindsofoutcomesthatareplausible-andtorecognise thosewhicharenot. Thephrase"mathematicalmodelling"is,however,ambiguous,perhaps morenowthanithaseverbeen. Thereisanenormousamountofworkdone todayonsimulationbasedontheuseofverypowerfulcomputerprograms, anditisquitecorrectlyreferredtoasmathematicalmodelling. Theprograms aresometimesconstructedin-housebutareusuallycommercialpackages. This isanentirelyvalidapproachwithspeci?c(generallycommercial)objectives. Ingeneraltherearetwouses. Thedominantobjectiveisnumericalagreement withaparticularexperimentinthe?rstinstance,leadingtopredictivec- mercialuseinthesecondinstance. Thesecondobjectiveistheclari?cation ofphysicalmechanisms,aimedatthegenerationofunderstandingofcomplex interconnectedprocesses,ratherthantheexactreproductionofaparticular experiment. Itissometimesoverlookedthat,withsu?cientcare,anum- icalapproachisequallyvalidintheinvestigationofphysicalfundamentals. Numericalsimulationisnotacentraltopicofthisbook,butbecauseofits crucialimportancetoeachofthetwousestowhichnumericalmodellingcan beput,itisvitalthatthecomputationalbasisoftheworkshouldbec- pletelysound. Inaddition,thelevelofprocessdetailwhichcanbeconsidered bythenumericalapproachusuallyexceedswhatispossiblewiththeanaly- calapproachsigni?cantly,leavinglittlechoicebuttoreverttothenumerical treatmentwheninvestigatingtheinterconnectionsbetweenprocesses. Itis forthesereasonsthatthebookconcludeswithachapteroncomprehensive numericalsimulation. Inmanyways,theapproachadoptedhereiscomplementarytothemore phenomenologicalapproach. Itisalwaysimportantina?eldwhichhasvery directindustrialapplicationstobearinmindhowtechniquessuchasthose describedherewillbeused,butitisessentialnottolosesightofthef- damentals. Thereareserioussafetyimplications;therearecostimplications; therearemoralimplications;thereareconsiderationsoftheappropriateness ofthetechnologytotheapplicationunderconsideration. Aproperrespectfor alltheserequiresanunderstandingofthefundamentals. Wearealltoowellawarethatthisbookdoeslittlemorethanscratch thesurfaceoftheproblemsinvolvedinafundamentalunderstandingofthese phenomena. Ifwehaveprovidedideasandinformationthatcauseothersto Preface vii testthemexperimentallyorintellectually,agreewiththemordisputethem vigorously,anddevelopthemfurther,wewillconsiderthatwehaveachieved ouraim. Colchester April,2008 JohnDowden Contents 1MathematicsinLaserProcessing JohnDowden...1 1. 1 MathematicsanditsApplication...1 1. 2 FormulationinTermsofPartialDi?erentialEquations...3 1. 2. 1 LengthScales...3 1. 2. 2 ConservationEquationsandtheirGeneralisations...4 1. 2. 3 GoverningEquationsofGeneralised ConservationType...7 1. 2. 4 Gauss'sLaw...10 1. 3 BoundaryandInterfaceConditions...11 1. 3. 1 GeneralisedConservationConditions...11 1. 3. 2 TheKinematicConditioninFluidDynamics...13 1. 4 Fick'sLaws...15 1. 5 Electromagnetism...15 1. 5. 1 Maxwell'sEquations...15 1. 5. 2 Ohm'sLaw...18 References...19 2SimulationofLaserCutting WolfgangSchulz,MarkusNiessen,UrsEppelt,KerstinKowalick...21 2. 1 Introduction...22 2. 1. 1 PhysicalPhenomenaandExperimentalObservation...23 2. 2 MathematicalFormulationandAnalysis...26 2. 2. 1 TheOne-PhaseProblem...29 2. 2. 2 TheTwo-PhaseProblem...42 2. 2. 3 Three-PhaseProblem...51 2. 3 Outlook...64 2. 4 Acknowledgements...65 References...65 x Contents 3KeyholeWelding:TheSolidandLiquidPhases AlexanderKaplan...71 3. 1 HeatGenerationandHeatTransfer...71 3. 1. 1 Absorption...

Mechanics of the 21st Century - Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw,... Mechanics of the 21st Century - Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, 15-21 August 2004 (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
Witold Gutkowski, Tomasz A. Kowalewski
R5,762 Discovery Miles 57 620 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

st The21 InternationalCongressofTheoreticalandAppliedMechanics (ICTAM04) took place August 15 - 21, 2004, in Warsaw, Poland. It was organized by Polish National Committee of IUTAM, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPTPAN)andWarsawUniversityofTechnology. TheCongressvenue was the main building of Warsaw University of Technology. The idea of congresses devoted to mechanics, can be traced back to a conference on problems of?uid mechanics in Innsbruck, 1922. It was organized by four individuals, whose names, are and will, remain very wellknowntonextgenerationsofscientists,C.W.Oseen,T.Levi-Civite, T.vonKarm ' ' ' an,andL.Prandtl. Thisconferencewassofruitful,thatthe organizers decided to arrange similar meetings in the future, every four years, and to extend the scope of the future meetings to include solid mechanics. Hence a series of meetings started eighty years agowiththe st 1 ICTAM held in Delft, Netherlands. From the meetingsoftheCongress Committee sprang the idea of a more permanent organization to look out for the world interests in the mechanical sciences. Thus, IUTAM, theInternational Unionof Theor- ical and Applied Mechanics, was formed on September 26, 1946. In 1947 IUTAM became a member of ICSU, the International Council of Sci- ti?c Unions, itself founded in 1931. The highest authority of IUTAMis the General Assembly, with delegates from the Adhering Organizations, each of which is a?liated with a national learned society in a given country. Scienti?cProgram Contemporary mechanics poses both, the fundamental problems from the area of pure science, and its strong links with modern technology.

Sheet Metal Forming Processes - Constitutive Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Dorel Banabic Sheet Metal Forming Processes - Constitutive Modelling and Numerical Simulation (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Dorel Banabic
R7,223 Discovery Miles 72 230 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The concept of virtual manufacturing has been developed in order to increase the industrial performances, being one of the most ef cient ways of reducing the m- ufacturing times and improving the quality of the products. Numerical simulation of metal forming processes, as a component of the virtual manufacturing process, has a very important contribution to the reduction of the lead time. The nite element method is currently the most widely used numerical procedure for s- ulating sheet metal forming processes. The accuracy of the simulation programs used in industry is in uenced by the constitutive models and the forming limit curves models incorporated in their structure. From the above discussion, we can distinguish a very strong connection between virtual manufacturing as a general concept, ?nite element method as a numerical analysis instrument and constitutive laws,aswellas forming limit curves as a speci city of the sheet metal forming processes. Consequently, the material modeling is strategic when models of reality have to be built. The book gives a synthetic presentation of the research performed in the eld of sheet metal forming simulation during more than 20 years by the members of three international teams: the Research Centre on Sheet Metal Forming-CERTETA (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania); AutoForm Company from Zurich, Switzerland and VOLVO automotive company from Sweden. The rst chapter presents an overview of different Finite Element (FE) formu- tions used for sheet metal forming simulation, now and in the past.

Damage and Fracture Mechanics - Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures (Paperback, 2009 ed.): Taoufik... Damage and Fracture Mechanics - Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures (Paperback, 2009 ed.)
Taoufik Boukharouba, Mimoun Elboujdaini, Guy Pluvinage
R5,806 Discovery Miles 58 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The First African InterQuadrennial ICF Conference "AIQ-ICF2008" on Damage and Fracture Mechanics - Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures", Algiers, Algeria, June 1-5, 2008 is the first in the series of InterQuadrennial Conferences on Fracture to be held in the continent of Africa. During the conference, African researchers have shown that they merit a strong reputation in international circles and continue to make substantial contributions to the field of fracture mechanics. As in most countries, the research effort in Africa is und- taken at the industrial, academic, private sector and governmental levels, and covers the whole spectrum of fracture and fatigue. The AIQ-ICF2008 has brought together researchers and engineers to review and discuss advances in the development of methods and approaches on Damage and Fracture Mechanics. By bringing together the leading international experts in the field, AIQ-ICF promotes technology transfer and provides a forum for industry and researchers of the host nation to present their accomplishments and to develop new ideas at the highest level. International Conferences have an important role to play in the technology transfer process, especially in terms of the relationships to be established between the participants and the informal exchange of ideas that this ICF offers.

Progress in Corrosion Science and Engineering I (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Su-Il Pyun, Jong-Won Lee Progress in Corrosion Science and Engineering I (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Su-Il Pyun, Jong-Won Lee
R3,179 Discovery Miles 31 790 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The present volume of Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry is composed of four chapters covering topics having relevance both in corrosion science and materials engineering. All of the chapters provide comprehensive coverage of recent advances in corrosion science. The first chapter, by Maurice and Marcus, provides a comprehensive review on the structural aspects and anti-corrosion properties of passive films on metals and alloys. These authors look at recent experimental data collected by in-situ microscopic techniques coupled with electrochemical methods. A detailed description is given of the nucleation and growth of 2-dimensional passive films at earlier stages, their effect on the corrosion properties of metal surfaces, and the nanostructures of- dimensional passive films. On the basis of the experimental data reviewed, the authors present a model for passivity breakdown and pit initiation, which takes into account the preferential role of grain boundaries. In Chapter 2, Takahashi and his co-workers give a specialized account on the electrochemical and structural properties of anodic oxide films formed on aluminum. In addition to the electrochemical corrosion-related problems of anodic oxide films, the chapter reviews state-of-the-art research of nano-/mic- fabrications based on anodizing treatments combined with chemical/mechanical processes such as laser irradiation, atomic force micro-probe processing and thin film deposition techniques.

Complex Inorganic Solids - Structural, Stability, and Magnetic Properties of Alloys (Paperback, 2005 ed.): Patrice E. A Turchi,... Complex Inorganic Solids - Structural, Stability, and Magnetic Properties of Alloys (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
Patrice E. A Turchi, Antonios Gonis, Krishna Rajan, Annemarie Meike
R4,487 Discovery Miles 44 870 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

One of the key aspects of this volume is to cut across the traditional taxonomy of disciplines in the study of alloys. Hence there has been a deliberate attempt to integrate the different approaches taken towards alloys as a class of materials in different fields, ranging from geology to metallurgical engineering. The emphasis of this book is to highlight commonalities between different fields with respect to how alloys are studied. The topics in this book fall into several themes, which suggest a number of different classification schemes. We have chosen a scheme that classifies the papers in the volume into the categories Microstructural Considerations, Ordering, Kinetics and Diffusion, Magnetic Considerations and Elastic Considerations. The book has juxtaposed apparently disparate approaches to similar physical processes, in the hope of revealing a more dynamic character of the processes under consideration. This monograph will invigorate new kinds of discussion and reveal challenges and new avenues to the description and prediction of properties of materials in the solid state and the conditions that produce them.

Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Moritz Diehl, Francois Glineur,... Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Moritz Diehl, Francois Glineur, Elias Jarlebring, Wim Michiels
R8,553 Discovery Miles 85 530 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Mathematical optimization encompasses both a rich and rapidly evolving body of fundamental theory, and a variety of exciting applications in science and engineering. The present book contains a careful selection of articles on recent advances in optimization theory, numerical methods, and their applications in engineering. It features in particular new methods and applications in the fields of optimal control, PDE-constrained optimization, nonlinear optimization, and convex optimization. The authors of this volume took part in the 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization (BFG09) organized in Leuven, Belgium, on September 14-18, 2009. The volume contains a selection of reviewed articles contributed by the conference speakers as well as three survey articles by plenary speakers and two papers authored by the winners of the best talk and best poster prizes awarded at BFG09. Researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics, computer science, and many branches of engineering will find in this book an interesting and useful collection of recent ideas on the methods and applications of optimization.

Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and Processes (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Holm Altenbach, Andreas Oechsner Cellular and Porous Materials in Structures and Processes (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Holm Altenbach, Andreas Oechsner
R5,718 Discovery Miles 57 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book covers the state-of-the-art treatment in modelling and experimental investigation of the mechanical behaviour of cellular and porous materials. Starting from the continuum mechanical modelling, to the numerical simulation, several important questions related to applications such as the fracture and impact behaviour are covered.

Analysis of Low-Speed Unsteady Airfoil Flows (Paperback, 2005 ed.): Tuncer Cebeci, Max Platzer, Hsun Chen, Kuo-Cheng Chang,... Analysis of Low-Speed Unsteady Airfoil Flows (Paperback, 2005 ed.)
Tuncer Cebeci, Max Platzer, Hsun Chen, Kuo-Cheng Chang, Jian P Shao
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The standard textbooks on aerodynamics usually omit any discussion of un steady aerodynamics or, at most, consider it only in a single chapter, based on two justifications. The first is that unsteady aerodynamics should be regarded as a specialized subject required "only" in connection with understanding and an alyzing aeroelastic phenomena such as flutter and gust response, and therefore should be dealt with in related specialist books. The second reason appears to be reluctance to discuss aerodynamics with the inclusion of the time-dependent terms in the conservation equations and the boundary conditions for fear that added complications may discourage the reader. We take the opposite view in this book and argue that a full understanding of the physics of lift generation is possible only by considering the unsteady aerody namics of the starting vortex generation process. Furthermore, certain "steady" flows are inherently unsteady in the presence of flow separation, as for example the unsteady flow caused by the Karman vortex shedding downstream of a cylin der and "static" airfoil stall which is an inherently unsteady flow phenomenon. Therefore, it stands to reason that a unified treatment of aerodynamics that yields steady-state aerodynamics as a special case offers advantages. This rea soning is strengthened by the developments in computational fluid dynamics over the past forty years, which showed that accurate steady-state solutions can be obtained efficiently by solving the unsteady flow equations.

Computational Modeling in Biomechanics (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Suvranu De, Farshid Guilak, Mohammad Mofrad Computational Modeling in Biomechanics (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Suvranu De, Farshid Guilak, Mohammad Mofrad
R4,530 Discovery Miles 45 300 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Availability of advanced computational technology has fundamentally altered the investigative paradigm in the field of biomechanics. Armed with sophisticated computational tools, researchers are seeking answers to fundamental questions by exploring complex biomechanical phenomena at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels. The computational armamentarium includes such diverse tools as the ab initio quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics methods at the atomistic scales and the finite element, boundary element, meshfree as well as immersed boundary and lattice-Boltzmann methods at the continuum scales. Multiscale methods that link various scales are also being developed. While most applications require forward analysis, e.g., finding deformations and stresses as a result of loading, others involve determination of constitutive parameters based on tissue imaging and inverse analysis. This book provides a glimpse of the diverse and important roles that modern computational technology is playing in various areas of biomechanics including biofluids and mass transfer, cardiovascular mechanics, musculoskeletal mechanics, soft tissue mechanics, and biomolecular mechanics.

Limit State of Materials and Structures - Direct Methods 2 (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Gery De Saxce, Abdelbacet Oueslati, Eric... Limit State of Materials and Structures - Direct Methods 2 (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Gery De Saxce, Abdelbacet Oueslati, Eric Charkaluk, Jean-Bernard Tritsch
R5,059 Discovery Miles 50 590 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

To determine the carrying capacity of a structure or a structural element susceptible to operate beyond the elastic limit is an important task in many situations of both mechanical and civil engineering. The so-called "direct methods" play an increasing role due to the fact that they allow rapid access to the request information in mathematically constructive manners. They embrace Limit Analysis, the most developed approach now widely used, and Shakedown Analysis, a powerful extension to the variable repeated loads potentially more economical than step-by-step inelastic analysis. This book is the outcome of a workshop held at the University of Sciences and Technology of Lille. The individual contributions stem from the areas of new numerical developments rendering this methods more attractive for industrial design, extension of the general methodology to new horizons, probabilistic approaches and concrete technological applications.

Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Steel-Fibrous Concrete (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Jacek Tejchman, Jan Kozicki Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Steel-Fibrous Concrete (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Jacek Tejchman, Jan Kozicki
R4,442 Discovery Miles 44 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Concrete is still the most widely used construction material since it has the lowest ratio between cost and strength as compared to other available materials. However, it has two undesirable properties, namely: low tensile strength and large brittleness that cause the collapse to occur shortly after the formation of the first crack. To improve these two negative properties and to achieve a partial substitute of conventional reinforcement, an addition of short discontinuous randomly oriented steel fibres can be practiced among others. In spite of positive properties, fibrous concrete did not find such acknowledgment and application as usual concrete. There do not still exist consistent dimensioning rules due to the lack sufficient large-scale static and dynamic experiments taking into account the effect of the fibre orientation. The intention of the book is twofold: first to summarize the most important mechanical and physical properties of steel-fibre-added concrete and reinforced concrete on the basis of numerous experiments described in the scientific literature, and second to describe a quasi-static fracture process at meso-scale both in plain concrete and fibrous concrete using a novel discrete lattice model. In 2D and 3D simulations of fibrous concrete specimens under uniaxial tension, the effect of the fibre volume, fibre distribution, fibre orientation, fibre length, fibrous bond strength and specimen size on both the stress-strain curve and fracture process was carefully analyzed.

Computer Models in Biomechanics - From Nano to Macro (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Ellen Kuhl Computer Models in Biomechanics - From Nano to Macro (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Gerhard A. Holzapfel, Ellen Kuhl
R5,648 Discovery Miles 56 480 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book contains a collection of papers that were presented at the IUTAM Symposium on "Computer Models in Biomechanics: From Nano to Macro" held at Stanford University, California, USA, from August 29 to September 2, 2011. It contains state-of-the-art papers on: - Protein and Cell Mechanics: coarse-grained model for unfolded proteins, collagen-proteoglycan structural interactions in the cornea, simulations of cell behavior on substrates - Muscle Mechanics: modeling approaches for Ca2+-regulated smooth muscle contraction, smooth muscle modeling using continuum thermodynamical frameworks, cross-bridge model describing the mechanoenergetics of actomyosin interaction, multiscale skeletal muscle modeling - Cardiovascular Mechanics: multiscale modeling of arterial adaptations by incorporating molecular mechanisms, cardiovascular tissue damage, dissection properties of aortic aneurysms, intracranial aneurysms, electromechanics of the heart, hemodynamic alterations associated with arterial remodeling following aortic coarctation, patient-specific surgery planning for the Fontan procedure - Multiphasic Models: solutes in hydrated biological tissues, reformulation of mixture theory-based poroelasticity for interstitial tissue growth, tumor therapies of brain tissue, remodeling of microcirculation in liver lobes, reactions, mass transport and mechanics of tumor growth, water transport modeling in the brain, crack modeling of swelling porous media - Morphogenesis, Biological Tissues and Organs: mechanisms of brain morphogenesis, micromechanical modeling of anterior cruciate ligaments, mechanical characterization of the human liver, in vivo validation of predictive models for bone remodeling and mechanobiology, bridging scales in respiratory mechanics

Engineering Physiology - Bases of Human Factors Engineering/ Ergonomics (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Karl H.E. Kroemer, Hiltrud J... Engineering Physiology - Bases of Human Factors Engineering/ Ergonomics (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Karl H.E. Kroemer, Hiltrud J Kroemer, Katrin E Kroemer-Elbert
R4,461 Discovery Miles 44 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book discusses the architecture, functioning, and biomechanics of the human body, its bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The book explains energy extraction from food and drink, what efforts the body is capable of, and how our efforts depend on the coordination among the respiratory, circulatory, and metabolic systems. This text shows how the body monitors itself, how it reacts to work loads and the environment such as heat or cold, humidity and wind. The book also explains how to measure a person's ability to work at high efficiency: by observation of breathing rate, heart beat frequency, oxygen consumption, and by careful evaluation of subjective judgements.The text discusses, in practical terms, effects of environmental conditions and how shift work arrangements during day, evening, and night affect task performance.

Plasticity and Creep of Metals (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Andrew Rusinko, Konstantin Rusinko Plasticity and Creep of Metals (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Andrew Rusinko, Konstantin Rusinko
R4,485 Discovery Miles 44 850 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book serves both as a textbook and a scientific work. As a textbook, the work gives a clear, thorough and systematic presentation of the fundamental postulates, theorems and principles and their applications of the classical mathematical theories of plasticity and creep. In addition to the mathematical theories, the physical theory of plasticity, the book presents the Budiansky concept of slip and its modification by M. Leonov. Special attention is given to the analysis of the advantages and shortcomings of the classical theories. In its main part, the book presents the synthetic theory of irreversible deformations, which is based on the mathematical Sanders flow plasticity theory and the physical theory, the Budiansky concept of slip. The main peculiarity of the synthetic theory is that the formulae for both plastic and creep deformation, as well their interrelations, can be derived from the single constitutive equation. Furthermore, the synthetic theory, as physical one, can take into account the real processes that take place in solids at irreversible deformation. This widens considerably the potential of the synthetic theory. In the framework of the synthetic theory such problems as creep delay, the Hazen-Kelly effect, the deformation at the break of the load trajectory, the influence of the rate of loading on the stress-strain diagram, creep at the changes of load, creep at unloading and reversed creep, have been analytically described. In the last chapter, the book shows the solution of some contemporary problems of plasticity and creep: Creep deformation at cyclic abrupt changes of temperature, The influence of irradiation on the plastic and creep deformation, Peculiarities of deformation at the phase transformation of some metals.

Design and Analysis of Materials and Engineering Structures (Paperback, 2013 ed.): Andreas Oechsner, Lucas F. M. da Silva, Holm... Design and Analysis of Materials and Engineering Structures (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Andreas Oechsner, Lucas F. M. da Silva, Holm Altenbach
R3,427 Discovery Miles 34 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to design and analysis of materials and engineering structures. The contributions cover the field of mechanical and civil engineering, ranging from automotive to dam design, transmission towers and up to machine design and exmaples taken from oil industry. Well known experts present their research on damage and fracture of material and structures, materials modelling and evaluation up to image processing and visualization for advanced analyses and evaluation

Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Modeling, and the Notion of Stress - An Invited Collection (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Roger... Statistical Mechanics, Molecular Modeling, and the Notion of Stress - An Invited Collection (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Roger Fosdick, E. Fried
R2,887 Discovery Miles 28 870 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The paper of Admal & Tadmor, "A Uni ed Interpretation of Stress in Molecular S- tems," takes up the various existing microscopic de nitions of the Cauchy stress tensor. Here the ambition is to establish a unifying framework in which all of these molecular surfacial interactions can be derived and the connections between them made evident. Developments in this paper draw upon the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of Irving & Kirkwood and Noll, together with spatial averaging techniques. Extensions of the early work of Irving & Kirkwood to include multibody potentials and a generalization of the lemmas of Noll to include non-straight bonds are incorporated. Connections to the direct spatial averaging - proach of Murdoch and Hardy are exposed and the troublesome sources of non-uniqueness of the stress tensor are identi ed. Finally, numerical experiments based on molecular - namics and lattice statics are reported. These contrast the various de nitions of stress, - cluding convergence questions related to the size of the domain over which spatial averaging is performed. It is natural to wonder about the connection between works focused on the microscopic foundation of stress and more kinematically-focused works, such as those of Ericksen, P- teri, and Zanzotto, which emphasize the utility of and explore the validity of the Cauchy- Born rule. Podio-Guidugli's paper, "On (Andersen-)Parrinello-Rahman Molecular Dyn- ics, the Related Metadynamics, and the Use of the Cauchy-Born Rule," discusses scale bridging between molecular dynamics and continuum mechanics for Parrinello-Rahman molecular dynamics.

Recent Advances in Contact Mechanics - Papers Collected at the 5th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS2009), April... Recent Advances in Contact Mechanics - Papers Collected at the 5th Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS2009), April 28-30, 2009, Chania, Greece (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Georgios E. Stavroulakis
R5,660 Discovery Miles 56 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Contact mechanics is an active research area with deep theoretical and numerical roots. The links between nonsmooth analysis and optimization with mechanics have been investigated intensively during the last decades, especially in Europe. The study of complementarity problems, variational -, quasivariational- and hemivariational inequalities arising in contact mechanics and beyond is a hot topic for interdisciplinary research and cooperation. The needs of industry for robust solution algorithms suitable for large scale applications and the regular updates of the respective elements in major commercial computational mechanics codes, demonstrate that this interaction is not restricted to the academic environment. The contributions of this book have been selected from the participants of the CMIS 2009 international conference which took place in Crete and continued a successful series of specialized contact mechanics conferences.

Functional Analysis in Mechanics (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2013): Leonid P. Lebedev, Iosif I. Vorovich, Michael J. Cloud Functional Analysis in Mechanics (Paperback, 2nd ed. 2013)
Leonid P. Lebedev, Iosif I. Vorovich, Michael J. Cloud
R3,816 Discovery Miles 38 160 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book offers a brief, practically complete, and relatively simple introduction to functional analysis. It also illustrates the application of functional analytic methods to the science of continuum mechanics. Abstract but powerful mathematical notions are tightly interwoven with physical ideas in the treatment of nontrivial boundary value problems for mechanical objects. This second edition includes more extended coverage of the classical and abstract portions of functional analysis. Taken together, the first three chapters now constitute a regular text on applied functional analysis. This potential use of the book is supported by a significantly extended set of exercises with hints and solutions. A new appendix, providing a convenient listing of essential inequalities and imbedding results, has been added. The book should appeal to graduate students and researchers in physics, engineering, and applied mathematics. Reviews of first edition: "This book covers functional analysis and its applications to continuum mechanics. The presentation is concise but complete, and is intended for readers in continuum mechanics who wish to understand the mathematical underpinnings of the discipline. ... Detailed solutions of the exercises are provided in an appendix." (L'Enseignment Mathematique, Vol. 49 (1-2), 2003) "The reader comes away with a profound appreciation both of the physics and its importance, and of the beauty of the functional analytic method, which, in skillful hands, has the power to dissolve and clarify these difficult problems as peroxide does clotted blood. Numerous exercises ... test the reader's comprehension at every stage. Summing Up: Recommended." (F. E. J. Linton, Choice, September, 2003)

Finite Element Model Updating Using Computational Intelligence Techniques - Applications to Structural Dynamics (Paperback,... Finite Element Model Updating Using Computational Intelligence Techniques - Applications to Structural Dynamics (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Tshilidzi Marwala
R4,433 Discovery Miles 44 330 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

FEM updating allows FEMs to be tuned better to reflect measured data. It can be conducted using two different statistical frameworks: the maximum likelihood approach and Bayesian approaches. This book applies both strategies to the field of structural mechanics, using vibration data. Computational intelligence techniques including: multi-layer perceptron neural networks; particle swarm and GA-based optimization methods; simulated annealing; response surface methods; and expectation maximization algorithms, are proposed to facilitate the updating process. Based on these methods, the most appropriate updated FEM is selected, a problem that traditional FEM updating has not addressed. This is found to incorporate engineering judgment into finite elements through the formulations of prior distributions. Case studies, demonstrating the principles test the viability of the approaches, and. by critically analysing the state of the art in FEM updating, this book identifies new research directions.

Bounding Uncertainty in Civil Engineering - Theoretical Background (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Alberto Bernardini, Fulvio Tonon Bounding Uncertainty in Civil Engineering - Theoretical Background (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Alberto Bernardini, Fulvio Tonon
R4,453 Discovery Miles 44 530 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Taking an engineering, rather than a mathematical, approach, Bounding uncertainty in Civil Engineering - Theoretical Background deals with the mathematical theories that use convex sets of probability distributions to describe the input data and/or the final response of systems. The particular point of view of the authors is centered on the applications to civil engineering problems, and the theory of random sets has been adopted as a basic and relatively simple model. However, the authors have tried to elucidate its connections to the more general theory of imprecise probabilities, Choquet capacities, fuzzy sets, p-boxes, convex sets of parametric probability distributions, and approximate reasoning both in one dimension and in several dimensions with associated joint spaces. If choosing the theory of random sets may lead to some loss of generality, it has, on the other hand, allowed for a self-contained selection of the topics and a more unified presentation of the theoretical contents and algorithms. With over 80 examples worked out step by step, the book should assist newcomers to the subject (who may otherwise find it difficult to navigate a vast and dispersed literature) in applying the techniques described to their own specific problems.

Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4 - Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics... Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4 - Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Paperback, 2013 ed.)
Carlos E. Ventura, Wendy C. Crone, Cosme Furlong
R5,837 Discovery Miles 58 370 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fourth volume of seven from the Conference, brings together 54 contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental and Applied Mechanics, including papers on: Fracture & Fatigue Microscale & Microstructural Effects in Fatigue & Fracture Material Applications Composite Characterization Using Digital Image Correlation Techniques Multi-Scale Simulation and Testing of Composites Residual Stress Inverse Problems/Hybrid Methods Nano-Composites Microstructure Material Characterization Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification Impact Behavior of Composites

IUTAM Symposium on One Hundred Years of Boundary Layer Research - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at DLR-Goettingen,... IUTAM Symposium on One Hundred Years of Boundary Layer Research - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at DLR-Goettingen, Germany, August 12-14, 2004 (Paperback, 2006 ed.)
Hans-Joachim Heinemann; Edited by G.E.A. Meier, K.R. Sreenivasan
R4,505 Discovery Miles 45 050 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book collects peer-reviewed lectures of the IUTAM Symposium on the 100th anniversary of Boundary Layer research. No other reference of this calibre, on this topic, is likely to be published for the next decade. Covers classification, definition and mathematics of boundary layers; instability of boundary layers and transition; boundary layers control; turbulent boundary layers; numerical treatment and boundary layer modelling; special effects in boundary layers.

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