Books > Medicine > General
"Voices are a soul's signature," says psychologist Dan Shapiro, who
in his daily practice hears plenty of them. For all his expertise,
he admits he's still terrified that "someone will keep something
from me, and when they tell me the truth, I'll be useless."
Treating other physicians has become one of Shapiro's specialties.
When the obstetrician Amelia Sorvino seeks his help--distraught
that her own medical error could have injured a patient's baby--
Shapiro finds his talents as counselor and healer pushed to their
limits. Session by session, he works to discover the sources of
Amelia's anguish--for his own sake as much as hers: he's familiar
with the burden of a doctor's guilt, and he has seen how loss and
trauma, if unchecked, can echo from generation to generation in a
family. In this probing, intensely personal memoir, the words
"Physician, heal thyself" assume a fresh and moving urgency.
An active pastor, husband, father, and triathlete, Bob Molsberry
was nearly killed in 1997 in a hit and run accident on a rural
highway. After a long period of recovery and rehabilitation, he is
a paraplegic who has remained active in family, ministry, and
athletics. The book reflects on his experience of disability not as
a medical condition in search of a cure, nor as a tragedy to be
pitied, but as a cross-cultural adventure similar to learning to
live in a foreign country. Molsberry also offers biblical and
theological reflection that confronts the Bible's perspectives on
disability that it is a matter of heroic suffering or miraculous
cure, and often interpreted as a consequence of sin.
Este manual es didactico, practico y una referencia imprescindible
en el area de la medicina deportiva y en el tratamiento de las
Es el primer libro que logra integrar con exito la goniometria, las
pruebas musculares y otras tecnicas de evaluacion
musculoesqueletica dentro de un texto sencillo.
Finally, a female version of the popular Peter Bachin Muscular
System chart The Female Muscular System Anatomical Chart shows
anterior and posterior views of the muscular system. It also
illustrates the right half of the diaphragm, the muscles of the
posterior abdominal wall, the muscles of the right hand (palmar
view) and the muscles of the left foot (plantar view).
Masajes integrales para todas y cada una de las partes del bebe.
Juegos y masajes para los ninos que empiezan a andar, afianzan las
posturas y el equilibrio, y potencian la flexibilidad y la
It is a situation we all fear and none of us can imagine: a life-threatening diagnosis. But what if the person receiving the diagnosis--young, physically fit, poised for a bright future--is himself a doctor?
At thirty-one David biro has just completed his residency and joined his father's successful dermatology practice. Struck with a rare blood disease that eventually necessitates a bone marrow transplant, Biro relates with honesty and courage the story of his most transforming journey. He is forthright about the advantages that his status as a physician may have afforded him; and yet no such advantage can protect him from the anxiety and doubt brought on by his debilitating therapies. The pressures that Biro's wild "one hundred days" brings to bear on his heretofore well-established identity as a caregiver are enormous--as is the power of this riveting story of survival.
Healthcare ethics is not just about decisions made at the
bedside. It is also about decisions made in executive offices and
in boardrooms. Business Ethics in Healthcare offers perspectives
that can assist healthcare managers achieve the highest ethical
standards as they face their roles as healthcare providers,
employers, and community service organizations. Weber suggests
guidelines and criteria based on the understanding that the
healthcare organization is committed to patients rights, to careful
stewardship of resources, to just working conditions for employees,
and to service to the community.
As Weber shows, addressing business ethics issues in a
healthcare organization starts with complying with relevant laws
and regulations. As a provider of high quality patient care with
limited resources, it needs to be able to distinguish between the
right way and the wrong way of taking cost into consideration when
making decisions about patient care practices. As employer, the
organization needs to use good criteria for determining wages and
salaries, to know how to make fair decisions about downsizing, and
to respond most appropriately to union organizing efforts and
employee strikes. As a community service organization, it has
particular responsibilities to the community in the way it
advertises, how it disposes of medical waste, and the types of
mergers it enters into.
Leonard J. Weber is on the faculty of the University of Detroit,
Mercy. He has published over 70 articles and is the principal
author of the "Case Studies in Ethics" column in Clinical
Leadership & Management Review. He serves as an ethics
consultant to several healthcare organizations and is a past
president of the Medical Ethics Resource Network of Michigan.
Medical Ethics Series David H. Smith and Robert M. Veatch,
The Nutrition and Health Dictionary is an invaluable reference for
nutritionist, nurses, food scientists, allied health professionals,
and other health care providers.
Found in two-thirds of the world, rabies is a devastating
infectious disease with a 99.9 percent case-fatality rate and no
cure once clinical signs appear. Rabies in the Streets tells the
compelling story of the relationship between people, street
animals, and rabies in India, where one-third of human rabies
deaths occur. Deborah Nadal argues that only a One Health approach
of “interspecies camaraderie†can save people and animals from
the horrors of rabies and almost certain death. Grounded in
multispecies ethnography, this book leads the reader through the
streets and slums of Delhi and Jaipur, where people and animals,
such as dogs, cows, and macaques, interact intimately and sometimes
violently. Nadal explores the intricate web of factors that bring
humans and animals into contact with one another within
these urban spaces and create favorable pathways for
the transmission of the rabies virus across species. This book
shows how rabies is endemic in India for reasons that are as much
social, cultural, and political as they are biological, ranging
from inadequate sanitation to religious customs,
from vaccine shortages to reliance on traditional
medicine. The continuous emergence (and reemergence) of infectious
diseases despite technical medical progress is a growing concern of
our times and clearly questions the way we think of animal and
environmental health. This original account of rabies challenges
conventional approaches of separation and extermination, arguing
instead that a One Health approach is our best chance at fostering
mutual survival in a world increasingly overpopulated by humans,
animals, and deadly pathogens.
Parte A. Generalidades sobre la presente tabla de alimentos y
nutricion. Parte B. Tablas del valor nutritivo y de la composicion
de los alimentos. Leche y derivados. Queso. Huevo de gallina.
Grasas, aceites y margarinas. Carne y productos carnicos. Caza y
aves. Pescados y derivados. Crustaceos y moluscos. Cereales (trigo
sarraceno) y derivados. Hortalizas y derivados. Fruta. Frutos
secos. Miel, azucar y dulces. Bebidas. Tablas comparativas Varios.
We have learned a great deal in recent years about keeping death at
bay through medical technology. We are less well informed, however,
about how to face death and how to understand or articulate the
emotional and spiritual needs of the dying. This profound and
eloquent book brings together medical experts and distinguished
authorities in the humanities to reflect on medical, cultural, and
religious responses to death. The book helps both medical personnel
and patients to view death less as an adversary and more as a
defining part of life. In the first half of the book, physicians
and the founder of Connecticut Hospice discuss the current clinical
setting for dying, with attempts to find the balance between
alleviating suffering and providing life support, the problem of
finding a peaceful death, and the differences the AIDS epidemic has
made in our attitudes toward dying. In the second half of the book,
theologians, historians of religion, anthropologists, literary
scholars, and pastors describe Christian, Judaic, Islamic, Hindu,
and Chinese perceptions of death and rituals of mourning. An
epilogue considers the resonances between medicine and the
humanities, as well as the essential differences in their
approaches to death. Prepared under the auspices of The Program for
Humanities in Medicine, Yale University School of Med
Una verdadera mina de cualidades curativas que actuan al nivel de
los tejidos. En este libro se describen exhaustivamente sus
propiedades con un lenguaje sencillo, accesible a todos los