Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Physical chemistry > Nuclear chemistry, photochemistry & radiation
Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . .
" Provides] a wealth of information on frontier photochemistry . .
. could easily serve as a definitive source of background
information for future researchers."
--Journal of the American Chemical Society
"The overall quality of the series and the timeliness of selections
and authors warrants continuation of the series by any library
wishing to maintain a first-rate reference series to the
--Physics Today
More than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in
Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by
internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists
offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their
articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to
stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new
developments in the field.
In this volume
Hypericin and its Perylene Quinone Analogs: Probing Structure,
Dynamics, and Interactions with the Environment
Thiophosgene, a Tailor-Made Molecule for Photochemical and
Photophysical Studies
1,2-Cycloaddition Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds and Pentaatomic
Heterocyclic Compounds
The Invention of Dylux(r) Instant Access Imaging Materials and the
Development of Habi Chemistry-A Personal History
A Flash of Light is an intriguing book that starts at the beginning
of time itself and then winds its way through a host of fascinating
light related topics including the hues of aliens sunsets, the
psychology of colour, and the chemistry of LCD screens. Written as
part of a novel experiment, editors Mark Lorch and Andy Miah
hatched a plan to collect a critical mass of academics in a room
and charged them with writing a popular science book, under the
watchful eye of the general public at the Manchester Science
Festival. The result is an enlightening look into the science
behind colour and light, encompassing biology, chemistry and
physics and including simple and fun "try this at home" ideas to
illustrate the concepts covered. Drawing on the experience of some
of the UK's best science communicators, this book will appeal to
anyone with an interest in science. Its pacey, witty and engaging
tone provides illuminating insight into how and why we see the
universe the way we do.
This book, the third in the series Behavior of Radionuclides in the
Environment, is dedicated to Fukushima. Major findings from
research since 2011 are reviewed concerning the behavior of
radionuclides released into the environment due to the Fukushima
Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, including atmospheric
transport and fallout of radionuclides, their fate, and transport
in the soil-water environment, behavior in freshwater, coastal and
marine environment, transfer in the terrestrial and agricultural
environment. Volume III discusses not only radionuclides dynamics
in the environment in the short- and mid-term, but also modeling
and prediction of long-term time changes. Along with reviews, the
book contains original data and results not published previously.
It was spearheaded by the authors from the Institute of
Environmental Radioactivity at Fukushima University, established
two years after the Fukushima accident, with their collaborators
from Japan, Russia, and Ukraine. The knowledge emerging from the
studies of the environmental behavior of Fukushima-derived
radionuclides enables us to move forward in understanding
mechanisms of environmental contamination and leads to better
modeling and prediction of long-term pollution effects in general.
Hermann Sicius bringt dem Leser in knapper Form alle wichtigen
Informationen rund um eine wichtige Klasse metallischer Rohstoffe
nahe. Von den achtzehn Metallen der Actinoide und der dritten
Nebengruppe sind bis auf Thorium, Uran und vielleicht Plutonium
alle weitgehend unbekannt, aber trotz ihrer teils extrem
aufwendigen Herstellung gibt es hochinteressante Einsatzgebiete
dieser oft stark radioaktiven Elemente, und dies auch in
nicht-militarischen, d.h. friedlichen Anwendungen. Wussten Sie
schon vom Einsatz Americiums in Radionuklidbatterien? Dem Beschuss
von Atomen des Einsteiniums mit kleineren Atomkernen zur Erzeugung
von Elementen noch hoeherer Ordnungszahl? Nein? Dann lassen Sie
sich die faszinierende Welt dieser schweren Atomkerne vorstellen!
Keine Angst vor Radioaktivitat! Der Autor beschreibt die
gegenwartige Lage und gibt einen Ausblick in die Zukunft.
The 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
led to serious radioactive contamination of the environment. Due to
transportation by seasonal wind and ocean currents, these
radioactive materials have now been observed in many places in the
Northern Hemisphere. This book provides a unique summary of the
environmental impact of the unprecedented accident. It covers how
radioactive materials were transported through the atmosphere,
oceans and land. The techniques used to investigate the deposition
and migration processes are also discussed including atmospheric
observation, soil mapping, forest and ecosystem investigations, and
numerical simulations. With chapters written by international
experts, this is a crucial resource for researchers working on the
dispersion and impact of radionuclides in the environment. It also
provides essential knowledge for nuclear engineers, social
scientists and policymakers to help develop suitable mitigation
measures to prepare for similar large-scale natural hazards in the
Photochemistry is the study of the interaction of light with
matter. This Primer describes the chemistry that follows the
absorption of light, and explains the extraordinary influence of
visible or ultraviolet light on chemical behaviour. After the
absorption of light, a molecule may acquire completely different
properties from those of its parent. The authors explain the role
of light initiating this metamorphosis, the dependence of natural
processes such as photosynthesis on photochemistry, the emission of
radiation as fluorescence and phosphoresence, and current
applications of photochemistry, which include photography,
photopolymerization, photodegradable polymers, and the synthesis of
organic chemicals. This book is an essential introduction to the
intriguing field of photochemistry.
Vorliegendes Buch gibt den Inhalt unserer zweisemestrigen Vor-
lesung in Kernchemie und Radiochemie an der hiesigen Technischen
Hochschule wieder. Der entsprechende Unterricht galt ursprunglich
Horern der Fachabteilungen Chemie, Elektrizitatslehre und Mechanik
sowie Medizinern der hiesigen Universitat, hat sich aber in den
letzten Jahren hauptsachlich auf Chemiker und Technische Physiker
be- schrankt. Der Mangel an zusammenfassenden Darstellungen des
umfangreichen Gebietes in einer Schrift fuhrte zunachst zu einem
Manuskript in schwe- discher Sprache, dann zur Dbersetzung ins
Deutsche. Seit der Fertig- stellung des ursprunglichen Manuskriptes
hat sich der Mangel an deutsch- sprachiger Literatur auf unserem
Arbeitsgebiet verringert [so sind u. a. inzwischen Bucher uber die
kernchemischen Grundlagen, uber die Ana- lyse des zu
radiochemischen Trennungen so oft verwendeten Ionenaus-
tauschverfahrens, uber Einzelheiten der Kernbrennstoffaufbereitung
und uber die Berucksichtigung des Strahlenschutzes bei Arbeiten mit
hochradioaktiven Stoffen erschienen, vgl. Literaturhinweise Kap.
1-3: 4, Kap. 7: 20 und Kap. 9: 9 und 14]. Dennoch haben wir von dem
ursprunglichen Plan einer zusammen- fassenden Darstellung nicht
Abstand genommen, da wir es fur wesent- lich halten, den
Studierenden eine im Umfang noch einigermaBen leicht zu
bewaltigende Einfiihrung in das gesamte Fachgebiet in die Hande zu
geben. Die Form einer Einfuhrung fuhrt mit sich, daB wir von dem
ublichen System der Literaturhinweise in Form von Zitaten Abstand
nehmen. Jedoch erwies es sich als zweckmaBig, zumindest die Namen
einiger Verfasser an den entsprechenden Textstellen zu erwahnen.
(Bei der gedrangten Auswahl sind moglicherweise fiihrende Forscher
un- genugend oder uberhaupt nicht erwahnt worden.
This 1958 book sets out the elementary precautions to be taken by
anyone handling radioactive isotopes in laboratories. The
introductory sections explain the types of radiation encountered,
and enumerate the possible dangers from external sources,
accidental ingestion and contamination of the body. The safety
techniques for various laboratory experiments and the proper
methods of disposal of radioactive waste are described in some
detail. A final section on laboratory administration is followed by
a convenient summary of 'dos' and do nots' for safe working. The
appendices include a classified table of isotopes and their
toxicity, diagrams of protective equipment, and details of the
shielding necessary for emissions of given energy. Dr Boursnell
confines his discussion to the common essentials of all laboratory
techniques; his book will be of value to anyone with an interest in
the active materials.
More than ever before, radiation is a part of our modern daily
lives. We own radiation-emitting phones, regularly get diagnostic
x-rays, such as mammograms, and submit to full-body security scans
at airports. We worry and debate about the proliferation of nuclear
weapons and the safety of nuclear power plants. But how much do we
really know about radiation? And what are its actual dangers? An
accessible blend of narrative history and science, Strange Glow
describes mankind's extraordinary, thorny relationship with
radiation, including the hard-won lessons of how radiation helps
and harms our health. Timothy Jorgensen explores how our knowledge
of and experiences with radiation in the last century can lead us
to smarter personal decisions about radiation exposures today.
Jorgensen introduces key figures in the story of radiation--from
Wilhelm Roentgen, the discoverer of x-rays, and pioneering
radioactivity researchers Marie and Pierre Curie, to Thomas Edison
and the victims of the recent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
accident. Tracing the most important events in the evolution of
radiation, Jorgensen explains exactly what radiation is, how it
produces certain health consequences, and how we can protect
ourselves from harm. He also considers a range of practical
scenarios such as the risks of radon in our basements, radiation
levels in the fish we eat, questions about cell-phone use, and
radiation's link to cancer. Jorgensen empowers us to make informed
choices while offering a clearer understanding of broader societal
issues. Investigating radiation's benefits and risks, Strange Glow
takes a remarkable look at how, for better or worse, radiation has
transformed our society.
This monograph describes the theory and practice of electron
spectrometry using synchrotron radiation. The book is in three
parts. After a short review of background theory, neon is used to
elucidate the principles of the photoelectron and Auger spectra.
The second part of the book looks at experimental aspects,
including characteristic features of electrostatic analysers,
detectors, lenses, disturbances, and optimisation, and then
illustrates theory and experiment with details of recent
experiments. The third part provides useful reference data,
including wavefunctions, special theory, polarisation and special
aspects of instrumentation. A detailed reference list completes the
volume. The study of electron spectrometry using synchrotron
radiation is a growing field of research driven by the increasing
availability of advanced synchrotron radiation light sources and
improved theoretical methods for solving the many-electron problem
in atoms. This balanced account will be of value to both theorists
and experimentalists working in this area.
The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals (GHS) addresses classification and labelling of chemicals
by types of hazards. It provides the basis for worldwide
harmonization of rules and regulations on chemicals and aims at
enhancing the protection of human health and the environment during
their handling, transport and use by ensuring that the information
about their physical, health and environmental hazards is
available. The sixth revised edition includes, inter alia, a new
hazard class for desensitized explosives and a new hazard category
for pyrophoric gases; miscellaneous amendments intended to further
clarify the criteria for some hazard classes (explosives, specific
target organ toxicity following single exposure, aspiration hazard,
and hazardous to the aquatic environment) and to complement the
information to be included in section 9 of the Safety Data Sheet;
revised and further rationalized precautionary statements; and an
example of labelling of a small packaging in Annex 7.
Artificial photosynthesis is the process of converting solar energy
into useful fuels and represents a significant achievement in the
production of clean energy for the planet. In the process, energy
is generated from water and CO2 reduction using solar-powered
photocatalysis. This book provides a comprehensive overview of
recently developed, multifunctional materials as visible
light-driven catalysts, their mechanisms and applications in solar
energy utilisation and conversion. Chapters highlight the use of
different approaches such as molecular catalysis, nanomaterials
systems, as well as thin-films for solar-driven evolution of
renewable fuels, such as hydrogen. This is the first book to give
an overview of this area, with chapters specifically interesting
for those looking towards industrial applications. With in-depth
discussions ranging from understanding, to engineering of materials
and applied devices, it will be suitable for industry
professionals, researchers and students interested in understanding
of the current state of photocatalysis research and its possible
applications in the energy domain.
The world made new is a biography of one of the most original and
widely significant, yet largely forgotten, British scientists.
Frederick Soddy was born in 1877 and was one of the first
generation of English atomic scientists, who stood out from his
colleagues from the start. He worked with Rutherford on the initial
discoveries about atomic disintegration, for which Rutherford
received the Nobel Prize. Soddy himself received the Nobel Prize in
1921 for his research on isotopes. Soddy's worry about the
responsibility of science and scientists to society began with his
fear that the atomic energy he and Rutherford had discovered could
be disastrous if suitable political controls were not enforced, and
led to him abandoning scientific research. He lived to see his
worst fears realized with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Soddy was also concerned with economics and ecology and was a
pioneer in the field of energy conservation and environmental
ethics. Throughout his life, Soddy was also committed to social
reform. Frederick Soddy was a remarkable and talented man who was
not recognized as such in his own life-time, largely because his
ideas and attitudes did not fit in with the times in which he
lived. However he has become more appreciated since his death, not
only because his scientific work has gained its rightful
recognition, but also because of the increased awareness today of
the environment and the role of science in it.
To assure the safe, technically optimal and cost effective
management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, appropriate
policies and strategies are required. This publication clarifies
the differences between a policy and a strategy, and provides
principal advice to Member States on the typical composition,
mutual links and the process of compilation of such documents. It
also offers options for and indicates approaches to the management
of spent fuel and radioactive waste, thus enabling an effective
spent fuel and radioactive waste management infrastructure to be
Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . .
More than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in
Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by
internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists
offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their
articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to
stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new
developments in the field.
In this volume
Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Polyatomic Alkaline
Earth-Containing Molecules
Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Photophysics of Gaseous Aromatic Molecules: Excess Vibrational
Energy Dependence of Radiationless Processes
Lanthanide Complexes of Encapsulating Ligands as Luminescent
Advances in the Measurement of Correlation in Photoproduct Motion
Induction of DNA damage by sunlight is a major deleterious event in
living organisms. Recent developments have dramatically improved
our understanding of the photochemical processes involved at the
sub-picosecond time scale and along with next generation sequencing
and data processing has generated a need for a complete up-to-date
coverage of the field. Written in an accessible and comprehensive
manner, DNA Photodamage will appeal to all scientists working in
the area whether specialists in the discipline or not and provides
a complete coverage of the field, from ultrafast spectroscopy to
biomedical research. Bridging the gap between photophysical and
photochemical research on model systems, and in vivo and in vitro
biological studies, this book aims to identify the most important
research trends in the field and review their major findings.
Das Aachener Steinkohlengebiet zeichnet sich im Vergleich zu den
Steinkohlen lagerstiitten des niederrheinisch-westfiilischen
Gebietes durch eine groBe tek tonische und stratigraphische
Mannigfaltigkeit aus. Trotz jahrelanger Forschungen auf dies em
Gebiet ist es auch heute noch in der Praxis nicht moglich, eine
sichere Identifizierung der FlOze an Hand einfacher
Untersuchungsmethoden vorzuneh men. Eine gleichmiiBige Ausbildung
der Gesteinsschichten ist nur flir regional eng begrenzte Riiume zu
erwarten, und die Aufstellung eines fiir das gesamte Gebiet
giiltigen Normalprofils ist nicht moglich. Selbst die fiir einzelne
Gruben angefertig ten Schichtenprofile lassen nur anniiherungsweise
Schliisse auf die Ablagerungsfol ge in diesem beschriinkten Gebiet
zu. In der Hoffnung, weitere, bisher nicht beriicksichtigte,
charakteristische Merk male der Gesteine aufzuspiiren, die
moglicherweise zur Identifizierung der FlOze herangezogen werden
konnten, wurden die Untersuchungen der Radioaktivitiit der
Sedimente im Aachener Raum begonnen. In den letzten Jahren wurden
eine Reihe von Arbeiten, die sich mit Radioaktivitiits messungen
befassen, veroffentlicht. So beschrieb KOHL in seiner Monographie
iiber das Vorkommen von Uran ( 17], 1954) und anderen Aufsiitzen (
19], 1951) die Bemiihungen franzosicher Wissenschaftler urn die
Auffindung mariner Hori zonte mittels Radioaktivitiitsmessungen.
Marine Schichten weisen im Gebiet von Valenciennes eine bis zu
zehnfach hoheren Radiumgehalt als nichtmarine Sedi mente auf. Als
Grund fiir diese Erscheinungen werden sekundiire Absorptions
effekte von Uran an Tonmineralien bzw. die Ausfiillung von Radium
aus dem Meerwasser wiihrend der Sedimentation ( 18], 1951)
This publication presents a review of technical solutions providing
both corrective actions and preventive measures to reduce the
ingress of radon indoors. A description of methods, design and
implementation of measures to reduce ingress of radon into
buildings, and of the materials and equipment used in these
solutions are included. The publication also presents methods for
measuring gamma radiation from radionuclides in building and
construction materials and for methods of reducing exposure due to
this gamma radiation. Aimed primarily at building and construction
professionals designing and installing radon preventive and
mitigation measures, this publication will also be a useful
resource for national authorities responsible for the development
of national building codes and implementation of national radon
action plans.
Photochemistry is an important facet in the study of the origin of
life and prebiotic chemistry. Solar photons are the unique source
of the large amounts of energy likely required to initiate the
organisation of matter to produce biological life. The Miller-Urey
experiment simulated the conditions thought to be present on the
early earth and supported the hypothesis that under such conditions
complex organic compounds could be synthesised from simpler
inorganic precursors. The experiment inspired many others,
including the production of various alcohols, aldehydes and organic
acids through UV-photolysis of water vapour with carbon monoxide.
This book covers the photochemical aspects of the study of
prebiotic and origin of life chemistry an ideal companion for
postgraduates and researchers in prebiotic chemistry,
photochemistry, photobiology, chemical biology and astrochemistry.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
3 der Spannung durchdringender, harter werden, ist also ebenfalls
eine Folge der Quantengleichung (vgI. ds. Handb., 2. Auf I., Bd.
XXIII/2, Kap. 2). Der lichtelektrische Effekt im Rontgengebiet, d.
h. die Auslosung sekundarer Elektronen durch monochromatische
Rontgenstrahlen, ist bisher noch nicht zur genauen Bestimmung von h
verwertet worden. Zwar ist die beim lichtelektrischen Effekt im
optischen Gebiet wesentliche "Austrittsarbeit" P von wenigen Volt
gegeniiber der nach vielen tausend Volt zahlenden Geschwindigkeit
der Elek tronen, die die Rontgenstrahlen erzeugen, nur eine
unbedeutende Korrektions groBe; dafiir tritt aber die Ablosearbeit
der fest ans Atom gebundenen, inneren Atomelektronen in
Wirksamkeit, die von ahnlicher GroBe wie die Quanten energie h. y
der aus16senden Rontgenstrahlen ist. Die groBte Intensitat der
sekundaren Elektronen besitzen gerade die festgebundenen
Elektronen, fiir deren Abtrennung die wirksame Quantenenergie eben
hinreicht; zugleich treten aber auch Elektronen aus dem bestrahlten
Korper aus, die aus anderen Energie stufen des Atoms stammen, und
es ist bisher noch nicht gelungen, die Geschwindig keit der
entstehenden, verschieden schnellen Elektronen so genau zu messen,
daB die hieraus abgeleitete h-Bestimmung an die Genauigkeit der
anderen Me 1 thoden heranreichte Auch die ElektronenstoBmethode ist
im Rontgengebiet prinzipiell anwendbar. Es ist niimlich, ahnlich
wie im optischen Gebiet, eine durch die Quantengleichung scharf
bestimmte Geschwindigkeit der Elektronen erforderlich, urn die
Rontgen spektrallinien zu erzeugen, allerdings entstehen alle
Linien einer "Serie" (z. B. der K-Serie) auf einmal, wenn die
kiirzestwellige Linie dieser Serie erregt wird."
Das vorliegende Buch ist als Fortsetzung der "Probleme der
Zellteilung" gedacht, deren Inhalt daher als bekannt vorausgesetzt
wird. Ich habe jede Wiederholung des im ersten Bande Ent haltenen
vermieden und fuhre den Leser sofort in medias res ein. Es wird
sicher auffallen, dass im Gegensatz zum ersten Bande das Problem
der Zellteilung als solches ganz in den Hintergrund tritt und gar
nicht diskutiert wird. Es zeigte sich namlich in den letzten Jahren
immer mehr, dass hier ein weiteres Vordringen auf dem von uns
eingeschlagenen Wege eine gewaltige Vorarbeit auf anderen Gebieten
der mitogenetischen Strahlungsforschung voraussetzte, die uns in
den verflossenen Jahren vollstandig in Anspruch nahm, aber jetzt zu
einem gewissen, partiellen Ab schlusse gelangte, da die
wesentlichen Vorbedingungen des Zu standekommens des
mitogenetischen Effektes gegenwartig als einigermassen geklart
gelten durften. Das Buch ist im ubrigen in viel geringerem Masse
eine Zu sammenfassung des bisher Veroffentlichten, als eine
abgerundete Darstellung und theoretische Verwertung einer sehr
grossen Anzahl neuerer Ergebnisse, sowohl aus unserem Laboratorium,
wie auch von fremden Forschern, die mir ihre Ergebnisse in
freundlicher Weise zur Verfugung stellten. Die ganze Lehre von der
mito genetischen Strahlung erhalt nunmehr ein in manchen Zugen
vollig neues Gewand, welches hoffentlich zur Klarung der noch
bestehenden Missverstandnisse fuhren wird. Denn anders als mit
diesem Namen kann ich die vereinzelten skeptischen Ausserungen der
allerletzten Zeit nicht bezeichnen."
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