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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Optics (light)
This book discusses the development of Fano-based techniques and reveals the characteristic properties of various wave processes by studying interference phenomena. It explains that the interaction of discrete (localized) states with a continuum of propagation modes leads to Fano interference effects in transmission, and explores novel coherent effects such as bound states in the continuum accompanied by collapse of Fano resonance. Originating in atomic physics, Fano resonances have become one of the most appealing phenomena of wave scattering in optics, microwaves, and terahertz techniques. The generation of extremely strong and confined fields at a deep subwavelength scale, far beyond the diffraction limit, plays a central role in modern plasmonics, magnonics, and in photonic and metamaterial structures. Fano resonance effects take advantage of the coupling of these bound states with a continuum of radiative electromagnetic waves. With their unique physical properties and unusual combination of classical and quantum structures, Fano resonances have an application potential in a wide range of fields, from telecommunication to ultrasensitive biosensing, medical instrumentation and data storage. Including contributions by international experts and covering the essential aspects of Fano-resonance effects, including theory, modeling and design, proven and potential applications in practical devices, fabrication, characterization and measurement, this book enables readers to acquire the multifaceted understanding required for these multidisciplinary challenges.
Optical frequency measurement is an extremely challenging field of experimental physics which is presently undergoing a renaissance driven by the needs of modern high density optical communication systems as well as by requirements of high-resolution laser spectroscopy. This text is the first to discuss the development of traditional and second generation frequency chains together with their enabling technology. Reviews written by some of the most experienced researchers in their respective fields address the technology of frequency metrology such as: low noise microwave oscillators and microwave frequency standards, low noise and high stability optical frequency sources, optical frequency standards, traditional and second-generation optical frequency measurement and synthesis techniques as well as optical frequency comb generators. It should prove useful to researchers just entering the field of frequency metrology or equally well to the experienced practitioner.
Quantum effects in macroscopic systems have long been a fascination for researchers. Over the past decade mechanical oscillators have emerged as a leading system of choice for many such experiments. The work reported in this thesis investigates the effects of the radiation-pressure force of light on macroscopic mechanical structures. The basic system studied is a mechanical oscillator that is highly reflective and part of an optical resonator. It interacts with the optical cavity mode via the radiation-pressure force. Both the dynamics of the mechanical oscillation and the properties of the light field are modified through this interaction. The experiments use quantum optical tools (such as homodyning and down-conversion) with the goal of ultimately showing quantum behavior of the mechanical center of mass motion. Of particular value are the detailed descriptions of several novel experiments that pave the way towards this goal and are already shaping the field of quantum optomechanics, in particular optomechanical laser cooling and strong optomechanical coupling.
This thesis unites the fields of optical atomic clocks and ultracold molecular science, laying the foundation for optical molecular measurements of unprecedented precision. Building upon optical manipulation techniques developed by the atomic clock community, this work delves into attaining surgical control of molecular quantum states. The thesis develops two experimental observables that one can measure with optical-lattice-trapped ultracold molecules: extremely narrow optical spectra, and angular distributions of photofragments that are ejected when the diatomic molecules are dissociated by laser light pulses. The former allows molecular spectroscopy approaching the level of atomic clocks, leading into molecular metrology and tests of fundamental physics. The latter opens the field of ultracold chemistry through observation of quantum effects such as matter-wave interference of photofragments and tunneling through reaction barriers. The thesis also describes a discovery of a new method of thermometry that can be used near absolute zero temperatures for particles lacking cycling transitions, solving a long-standing experimental problem in atomic and molecular physics.
This much needed volume uniquely brings together all previous volumes of this well-known serial. It allows the readers the ability to navigate through the information in all the preceding volumes by using both author and subject indices.
This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent
developments in the general area of atomic, molecular, and optical
physics. The field is in a state of rapid growth, as new
experimental and theoretical techniques are used on many old and
new problems. Topics covered also include related applied areas,
such as
As the deep-ultraviolet (DUV) laser technology continues to mature, an increasing number of industrial and manufacturing applications are emerging. For example, the new generation of semiconductor inspection systems is being pushed to image at increasingly shorter DUV wavelengths to facilitate inspection of deep sub-micron features in integrated circuits. DUV-sensitive charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras are in demand for these applications. Although CCD cameras that are responsive at DUV wavelengths are now available, their long-term stability is still a major concern. This book describes the degradation mechanisms and long-term performance of CCDs in the DUV, along with new results of device performance at these wavelengths.
This book present the lecture notes used in two courses that the late Professor Kasra Barkeshli had offered at Sharif University of Technology, namely, Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering Theory. The prerequisite for the sequence is vector calculus and electromagnetic fields and waves. Some familiarity with Green's functions and integral equations is desirable but not necessary. The book provides a brief but concise introduction to classical topics in the field. It is divided into three parts including annexes. Part I covers principle of electromagnetic theory. The discussion starts with a review of the Maxwell's equations in differential and integral forms and basic boundary conditions. The solution of inhomogeneous wave equation and various field representations including Lorentz's potential functions and the Green's function method are discussed next. The solution of Helmholtz equation and wave harmonics follow. Next, the book presents plane wave propagation in dielectric and lossy media and various wave velocities. This part concludes with a general discussion of planar and circular waveguides. Part II presents basic concepts of electromagnetic scattering theory. After a brief discussion of radar equation and scattering cross section, the author reviews the canonical problems in scattering. These include the cylinder, the wedge and the sphere. The edge condition for the electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of geometric discontinuities are discussed. The author also presents the low frequency Rayleigh and Born approximations. The integral equation method for the formulation of scattering problems is presented next, followed by an introduction to scattering from periodic structures. Part III is devoted to numerical methods. It begins with finite-difference methods to solve elliptic equations, and introduces the finite-difference time-domain method for the solution of hyperbolic and parabolic equations. Next, the part turns to the method of moments for the solution of integral equations. This part ends with a short introduction to the finite-element method.
Optical Filters play an important role in the areas of imaging, sensing, MEMS and photonics. Omnidirectional Optical Filters gives an integrated presentation of this new type of filter design that is rapidly becoming an integral part of these areas. Not only does the book give the reader a fresh look at the development of optical filter material; it is the first text dedicated to the explanation of omnidirectional optical filters. Beginning with the description of the basic optical phenomena behind these filters, the book moves on to classical filter design, and then newer designs. For the first time, omnidirectional short-pass, band pass, band-blocking and narrow band-pass filter designs are explained in detail. For graduate and undergraduate students interested in optics, photonics and MEMS, this book will give a thorough understanding of the design, fabrication and theory behind omnidirectional optical filters. Engineers in imaging, sensing and MEMS looking to learn more about these filters will also find it a valuable reference and tool.
This book covers the main ideas, methods, recent developments and applications of quantum-limit optical spectroscopy to quantum information, resolution spectroscopy, measurements beyond quantum limits, measurement of decoherence and entanglement. Quantum-limit spectroscopy lies at the frontier of current experimental and theoretical techniques, and is one of the areas of atomic spectroscopy where the quantization of the field is essential to predict and interpret the existing experimental results. Currently, there is an increasing interest in quantum and precision spectroscopy both theoretically and experimentally, due to a significant progress in trapping and cooling of single atoms and ions. This progress allows to explore in the most intimate detail the ways in which light interacts with atoms and to measure spectral properties and quantum effects with a large precision. Moreover, it allows to perform subtle tests of quantum mechanics on the single atom and single photon scale which were hardly even imaginable as ``thought experiments'' a few years ago.
This book pays tribute to an extraordinary researcher and personality, Manuel Cardona. He had significant influence in the development of science and inside the scientific community. The book consists of contributions by former collaborators and students of Prof. Manuel Cardona. The short contributions deal with personal encounters with Manuel Cardona describing his extraordinary personality. This includes descriptions of scientific discussions, Manuel Cardona's involvement in social justice and his enormous knowledge about human culture, languages and history.
This book presents the latest developments in Femtosecond Chemistry and Physics for the study of ultrafast photo-induced molecular processes. Molecular systems, from the simplest H2 molecule to polymers or biological macromolecules, constitute central objects of interest for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and despite the broad range of phenomena that they exhibit, they share some common behaviors. One of the most significant of those is that many of the processes involving chemical transformation (nuclear reorganization, bond breaking, bond making) take place in an extraordinarily short time, in or around the femtosecond temporal scale (1 fs = 10-15 s). A number of experimental approaches - very particularly the developments in the generation and manipulation of ultrashort laser pulses - coupled with theoretical progress, provide the ultrafast scientist with powerful tools to understand matter and its interaction with light, at this spatial and temporal scale. This book is an attempt to reunite some of the state-of-the-art research that is being carried out in the field of ultrafast molecular science, from theoretical developments, through new phenomena induced by intense laser fields, to the latest techniques applied to the study of molecular dynamics.
The 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Me- cine took place in Munster, ] Germany, from October 19 to October 24, 2003. The series of International Workshops on Adaptive Optics for Industry and Medicine beganwiththe?rstworkshopinShatura/Russiain1997, thesecond workshop took place in Durham/England in 1999, and the third workshop was held in Albuquerque/USA in 2001. The workshop series started out as a true grassroots movement and kept an informal spirit throughout all four workshops. Many personal friendships and scienti?c collaborations have been formed at these meetings. This fourth workshop was supposed to be held in Beijing, China. H- ever, the program committee decided in May 2003 to move the workshop to Munster ] due the general perception that the SARS (Severe Acute R- piratory Syndrome) cases reported in China could lead to a large epidemic. Despite this rather short notice the workshop in Munster ] was attended by about 70 people. Incidentally, the workshop coincided with the 50th anniv- sary of adaptive optics, because it was October 1953 when Horace Babcock published his famous paper "The possibilities of compensating astronomical seeing" in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Paci?c."
This book is the first to provide a comprehensive introduction to the synthesis, optical properties, and photonics applications of tellurite glasses. The book begins with an overview of tellurite glasses, followed by expert chapters on synthesis, properties, and state-of-the-art applications ranging from laser glass, optical fibers, and optical communications through color tuning, plasmonics, supercontinuum generation, and other photonic devices. The book provides in-depth information on the the structural, linear, and non-linear optical properties of tellurite glasses and their implications for device development. Real-world examples give the reader valuable insight into the applications of tellurite glass. A detailed discussion of glass production methods, including raw materials and melting and refining oxide- and fluoro-tellurite glasses, is also included. The book features an extensive reference list for further reading. This highly readable and didactic text draws on chemical composition, glass science, quantum mechanics, and electrodynamics. It is suitable for both advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing researchers.
This book presents how metasurfaces are exploited to develop new low-cost single sensor based multispectral cameras. Multispectral cameras extend the concept of conventional colour cameras to capture images with multiple color bands and with narrow spectral passbands. Images from a multispectral camera can extract significant amount of additional information that the human eye or a normal camera fails to capture and thus have important applications in precision agriculture, forestry, medicine, object identifications, and classifications. Conventional multispectral cameras are made up of multiple image sensors each externally fitted with a narrow passband wavelength filters, optics and multiple electronics. The need for multiple sensors for each band results in a number of problems such as being bulky, power hungry and suffering from image co-registration problems which in turn limits their wide usage. The above problems can be eliminated if a multispectral camera is developed using one single image sensor.
Using the thin film of light, the optical near field, that is localized on the surface of a nanometric material has removed the diffraction limit as a barrier to imaging on the nano- and atomic scales. But a paradigm shift in the concepts of optics and optical technology is required to understand the instrinsic nature of the near fields and how best to exploit them. Professors Ohstu and Kobayashi crafted Optical Near Fields on the basis of their hypothesis that the full potential for utilizing optical near fields can be realized only with novel nanometric processing, functions, and manipulation, i.e., by controlling the intrinsic interaction between nanometer-sized optical near fields and material systems, and further, atoms. The book presents physically intuitive concepts and theories for students, engineers, and scientists engaged in research in nanophotonics and atom photonics.
This volume brings together contributions from world renowned researchers on molecular nonlinear optics. It takes as its impetus work done over the last five years in which newly developed optoelectronic devices havedeepened our understanding of the fundamental physics and chemistry underlying these materials. Organic materials involving thin films, polymers, and resulting devices will be emphasized.
The connection between the electric and magnetic fields is fundamental to our understanding of light as electromagnetic waves. The magnetic vector potential lies at the heart of this relation. The idea emerged in the early days of research in electromagnetism but was dismissed for more than half a century until the formulation of quantum electrodynamics. The magnetic vector potential is a pivotal concept with ties to many aspects of physics and mathematics. This book unravels the nature of the magnetic vector potential, highlights its connection to quantum mechanics and superconductivity, and explores the analogy with hydrodynamics.
The book reviews the most recent achievements in optical technologies for XUV and X-ray coherent sources. Particular attention is given to free-electron-laser facilities, but also to other sources available at present, such as synchrotrons, high-order laser harmonics and X-ray lasers. The optical technologies relevant to each type of source are discussed. In addition, the main technologies used for photon handling and conditioning, namely multilayer mirrors, adaptive optics, crystals and gratings are explained. Experiments using coherent light received during the last decades a lot of attention for the X-ray regime. Strong efforts were taken for the realization of almost fully coherent sources, e.g. the free-electron lasers, both as independent sources in the femtosecond and attosecond regimes and as seeding sources for free-electron-lasers and X-ray gas lasers. In parallel to the development of sources, optical technologies for photon handling and conditioning of such coherent and intense X-ray beams advanced. New problems were faced for the realization of optical components of beamlines demanding to manage coherent X-ray photons, e.g. the preservation of coherence and time structure of ultra short pulses.
The PUILS series delivers up-to-date reviews of progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, a newly emerging interdisciplinary research field spanning atomic and molecular physics, molecular science, and optical science, which has been stimulated by the recent developments in ultrafast laser technologies. Each volume compiles peer-reviewed articles authored by researchers at the forefront of each their own subfields of UILS. Every chapter opens with an overview of the topics to be discussed, so that researchers unfamiliar to the subfield, as well as graduate students, can grasp the importance and attractions of the research topic at hand; these are followed by reports of cutting-edge discoveries. This ninth volume covers a broad range of topics from this interdisciplinary research field, focusing on ultrafast molecular responses to an intense laser field, advanced techniques for attosecond pulse generation, atomic and molecular responses to attosecond pulses, photoelectron spectroscopy of atoms and molecules interacting with intense light fields, and attosecond pulse interaction with solid materials.
Since the invention of the first laser 30 years ago, the frequency conversion of laser radiation in nonlinear optical crystals has become an important technique widely used in quantum electronics and laser physics for solving various scientific and engineering problems. The fundamental physics of three-wave light interactions in nonlinear optical crystals is now well understood. This has enabled the production of various harmonic generators, sum-and difference frequency generators, and optical parametric oscillators based on nonlinear optical crystals that are now commercially available. At the same time, scientists continue an active search for novel, highly efficient nonlinear optical materials. Therefore, in our opinion, there is a great need for a handbook of nonlinear optical crystals, intended for specialists and practitioners with an engineering background. This book contains a complete description of the properties and applications of all nonliner optical crystals of practical importance reported in the literature up to the beginning of 1990. In addition, it contains the most important equations for calculating the main parameters (such as phase-matching direction, effective nonlinearity, and conversion efficiency) of nonlinear frequency converters. Dolgoprudnyi, Yerevan, Troitzk v. G. Dmitriev USSR G. G. Gurzadyan October 1990 D. N. Nikogosyan Contents 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Optics of Nonlinear Crystals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . ."
This book provides an in-depth treatment of both linear fiber-optic systems and their key enabling devices. It presents a concise but rigorous treatment of the theory and practice of analog (linear) fiber-optics links and systems that constitute the foundation of Hybrid Fiber Coax infrastructure in present-day CATV distribution and cable modem Internet access. Emerging applications in remote fiber-optic feed for free-space millimeter wave enterprise campus networks are also described. Issues such as dispersion and interferometric noise are treated quantitatively, and means for mitigating them are explained. This broad but concise text will thus be invaluable not only to students of fiber-optics communication but also to practicing engineers. To the second edition of this book important new aspects of linear fiber-optic transmission technologies are added, such as high level system architectural issues, algorithms for deriving the optimal frequency assignment, directly modulated or externally modulated laser transmitters and the use of Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) in linear fiber optic systems. Significant examples of field deployed military systems enabled by linear fiber optic links are described in an appendix.
The Seventh International Conference series on Vision in Vehicles
was held in Marseilles in September 1997. This event was run in
conjunction with the Applied Vision Association, the Ergonomics
Society and with the participation of INRETS (Institut National de
Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securite).
Since the early days of modem physics spectroscopic techniques have been employed as a powerful tool to assess existing theoretical models and to uncover novel phenomena that promote the development of new concepts. Conventionally, the system to be probed is prepared in a well-defined state. Upon a controlled perturbation one measures then the spectrum of a single particle (electron, photon, etc.) emitted from the probe. The analysis of this single particle spectrum yields a wealth of important information on the properties of the system, such as optical and magnetic behaviour. Therefore, such analysis is nowadays a standard tool to investigate and characterize a variety of materials. However, it was clear at a very early stage that real physical compounds consist of many coupled particles that may be excited simultaneously in response to an external perturbation. Yet, the simultaneous (coincident) detection of two or more excited species proved to be a serious technical obstacle, in particular for extended electronic systems such as surfaces. In recent years, however, coincidence techniques have progressed so far as to image the multi-particle excitation spectrum in an impressive detail. Correspondingly, many-body theoretical concepts have been put forward to interpret the experimental findings and to direct future experimental research. This book gives a snapshot of the present status of multi-particle coincidence studies both from a theoretical and an experimental point of view. It also includes selected topical review articles that highlight the achievements and the power of coincident techniques. |
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