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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Optics (light)
Cathodoluminescence microscopy/spectroscopy is a powerful technique providing detailed information on the shock metamorphism of target rocks, biosignatures of meteorites and mineralogy of the pre-solar grains. Moreover, it can be used as an in-situ method to classify the solid-atmospheric-liquid interactions on the surface of Mars.
Monte Carlo methods have been a tool of theoretical and computational scientists for many years. In particular, the invention and percolation of the algorithm of Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller, and Teller sparked a rapid growth of applications to classical statistical mechanics. Although proposals for treatment of quantum systems had been made even earlier, only a few serious calculations had heen carried out. Ruch calculations are generally more consuming of computer resources than for classical systems and no universal algorithm had--or indeed has yet-- emerged. However, with advances in techniques and in sheer computing power, Monte Carlo methods have been used with considerable success in treating quantum fluids and crystals, simple models of nuclear matter, and few-body nuclei. Research at several institutions suggest that they may offer a new approach to quantum chemistry, one that is independent of basis ann yet capable of chemical accuracy. That. Monte Carlo methods can attain the very great precision needed is itself a remarkable achievement. More recently, new interest in such methods has arisen in two new a~as. Particle theorists, in particular K. Wilson, have drawn attention to the rich analogy between quantum field theoty and statistical mechanics and to the merits of Monte Carlo calculations for lattice gauge theories. This has become a rapidly growing sub-field. A related development is associated with lattice problems in quantum physics, particularly with models of solid state systems. The~ is much ferment in the calculation of various one-dimensional problems such as the'Hubbard model.
In this, the only up-to-date book on this key technology, the number-one expert in the field perfectly blends academic knowledge and industrial applications. Adopting a didactical approach, Professor Ronda discusses all the underlying principles, such that both researchers as well as beginners in the field will profit from this book. The focus is on the inorganic side and the phenomena of luminescence behind the manifold applications illustrated here, including displays, LEDs, lamps, and medical applications. Valuable reading for chemists and electrochemists, as well as materials scientists, those working in the optical and chemical industry, plus lamp and lighting manufacturers.
This book is mostly concerned on the experimental research of the
nonlinear optical characteristics of various media, low- and
high-order harmonic generation in different materials, and
formation, and nonlinear optical characterization of clusters. We
also demonstrate the inter-connection between these areas of
nonlinear optics.
The International Conference on Laser Physics and Quantum Optics was held in Shanghai from August 25 to August 28, 1999, to discuss many exciting new developments in laser physics and quantum optics. The international character of the conference was manifested by the fact that scientists from over 13 countries participated and lectured at the conference. There were four keynote lectures delivered by Nobel laureate Willis Lamb, Jr., Profs. H. Walther, A.E. Siegman and M.O. Scully. In addition, there were 34 invited lectures, 27 contributed oral presentations, and 59 poster papers. This volume contains many of the papers presented at the conference.
Polarization involves the vectorial nature of light fields. In current applications of optical science, the electromagnetic description of light with its vector features has been shown to be essential: In practice, optical radiation also exhibits randomness and spatial non-uniformity of the polarization state. Moreover, propagation through photonic devices can alter the correlation properties of the light field, resulting in changes in polarization. All these vectorial properties have been gaining importance in recent years, and they are attracting increasing attention in the literature. This is the framework and the scope of the present book, which includes the authors' own contributions to these issues.
This book, the first dedicated to the topic, provides a comprehensive treatment of forward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in standard optical fibers. SBS interactions between guided light and sound waves have drawn much attention for over fifty years, and optical fibers provide an excellent playground for the study of Brillouin scattering as they support guided modes of both wave types and provide long interaction lengths. This book is dedicated to forward SBS processes that are driven by co-propagating optical fields. The physics of forward SBS is explained in detail, starting from the fundamentals of interactions between guided optical and acoustic waves, with emphasis given to the acoustic modes that are stimulated in the processes. The realization of forward SBS in standard single-mode, polarization-maintaining and multi-core fibers is then discussed in depth. Innovative potential applications in sensors, monitoring of coating layers, lasers, and radio-frequency oscillators are presented. This book introduces the subject to graduate students in optics and applied physics, and it will be of interest to scientists working in fiber-optics, nonlinear optics and opto-mechanics. Provides the first treatment of forward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in book form; Reflects the dramatic recent increase in interest in forward SBS processes , driven in part by the promise of new fiber sensing concepts; Delivers a solid and comprehensive grounding in the physics of forward SBS along with detailed experimental set-ups, measurement protocols, and applications.
This volume contains essays that examine the optical works of Giambattista Della Porta, an Italian natural philosopher during the Scientific Revolution. Coverage also explores the science and technology of early modern optics. Della Porta's groundbreaking book, Magia Naturalis (Natural Magic), includes a prototype of the camera. Yet, because of his obsession with magic, Della Porta's scientific achievements are often forgotten. As the contributors argue, his work inspired such great minds as Johanes Kepler and Francis Bacon. After reading this book, researchers, historians, and students will have a better appreciation of this influential scientist. They will also gain a greater understanding of an important period in the history of optics. Readers will learn about Della Porta's experimental method, a process governed by the protocols, aims, and theoretical assumptions of natural magic. Coverage also discusses the material properties and limitations of optical technology in the early 17th century, based on a recently discovered Dutch spyglass. It also demonstrates how diagrams were instrumental in the discovery of the sine law of refraction. In addition, the book includes an in-depth analysis of previously untranslated Latin sources. This makes the material useful to historians of optics unfamiliar with the language. More than 70 illustrations complement the text.
The optical trapping of colloidal matter is an unequalled field of technology for enabling precise handling of particles on microscopic scales, solely by the force of light. Although the basic concept of optical tweezers, which are based on a single laser beam, has matured and found a vast number of exciting applications, in particular in the life sciences, there are strong demands for more sophisticated approaches. This thesis gives an introductory overview of existing optical micromanipulation techniques and reviews the state-of-the-art of the emerging field of structured light fields and their applications in optical trapping, micromanipulation, and organisation. The author presents established, and introduces novel concepts for the holographic and non-holographic shaping of a light field. A special emphasis of the work is the demonstration of advanced applications of the thus created structured light fields in optical micromanipulation, utilising various geometries and unconventional light propagation properties. While most of the concepts developed are demonstrated with artificial microscopic reference particles, the work concludes with a comprehensive demonstration of optical control and alignment of bacterial cells, and hierarchical supramolecular organisation utilising dedicated nanocontainer particles.
This book is devoted to the formation and dynamics of localized structures (vortices, solitons) and of extended patterns (stripes, hexagons, tilted waves) in nonlinear optical resonators such as lasers, optical parametric oscillators, and the like. Theoretical analysis is performed by deriving order parameter equations, and also through numerical integration of microscopic models of the systems under investigation. Experimental observations, and possible technological implementations of transverse optical patterns are also discussed. A comparison with patterns found in other nonlinear systems, both optical systems and extended systems in general, is given.
Optics has become one of the most dynamic fields of science since the first volume of Progress in Optics was published forty years ago. At the time of inception of this series, the first lasers were only just becoming operational, holography was in its infancy, subjects such as fiber optics, integrated optics and optoelectronics did not exist and quantum optics was the domain of only a few physicists. The term photonics had not yet been coined. Today these fields are flourishing and have become areas of specialization for many science and engineering students as well as numerous research workers and engineers throughout the world. The awarding of Nobel prizes to seven physicists over the last twenty years has recognized advances in these fields. The volumes in this series now contain 240 review articles by distinguished research workers, which have become permanent records for many important developments. They have helped optical scientists and optical engineers to stay abreast of their fields. There is no sign that developments in optics are slowing down or becoming less interesting. We confidently expect that, just like their predecessors, future volumes of Progress in Optics will faithfully record the most important advances that are being made in optics and related fields. The articles in this volume 43 cover a broad range of subjects, of interest to scientists concerned with optical theory or with optical devices.
Features • Provides a cutting edge review of the latest emerging science, technology and applications in the field. • Tackles a topic with fast growing interest in USA, Europe and China. • Explores the simple and cheap design and tests of lasers, and outline the feasible applications.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the operating principles and technology of electron lenses in supercolliders. Electron lenses are a novel instrument for high energy particle accelerators, particularly for the energy-frontier superconducting hadron colliders, including the Tevatron, RHIC, LHC and future very large hadron colliders. After reviewing the issues surrounding beam dynamics in supercolliders, the book offers an introduction to the electron lens method and its application. Further chapters describe the technology behind the electron lenses which have recently been proposed, built and employed for compensation of beam-beam effects and for collimation of high-energy high-intensity beams, for compensation of space-charge effects and several other applications in accelerators. The book will be an invaluable resource for those involved in the design, construction and operation of the next generation of hadron colliders.
Novel coherent light sources such as x-ray free-electron lasers open exciting prospects for the interaction of light with nuclei. The thesis "Coherent Control of Nuclei and X-rays" covers this still-developing field and proposes, in a daring attempt to revolutionize nuclear physics, three innovative schemes for taming nuclei using coherent effects. The theoretical explorations, which address control of nuclear quantum states, a nuclear memory for single photons in future photonic circuits, and optimized concepts for a nuclear clock, make use of new approaches at the borderline between nuclear physics and quantum dynamics. The result is a well written work, impressive in its stimulating style and promising ideas.
Advances in Nonlinear Photonics combines fundamental principles with an overview of the latest developments. The book is suitable for the multidisciplinary audience of photonics researchers and practitioners in academia and R&D, including materials scientists and engineers, applied physicists, chemists, etc. As nonlinear phenomena are at the core of photonic devices and may enable future applications such as all-optical switching, all-optical signal processing and quantum photonics, this book provides an overview of key concepts. In addition, the book reviews the most important advances in the field and how nonlinear processes may be exploited in different photonic applications.
In the never-ending quest for miniaturization, optically controlled particle trapping has opened up new possibilities for handling microscopic matter non-invasively. This thesis presents the application of photorefractive crystals as active substrate materials for optoelectronic tweezers. In these tweezers, flexible optical patterns are transformed into electrical forces by a photoconductive material, making it possible to handle matter with very high forces and high throughput. Potential substrate materials' properties are investigated and ways to tune their figures-of-merit are demonstrated. A large part of the thesis is devoted to potential applications in the field of optofluidics, where photorefractive optoelectronic tweezers are used to trap, sort and guide droplets or particles in microfluidic channels, or to shape liquid polymers into optical elements prior to their solidification. Furthermore, a new surface discharge model is employed to discuss the experimental conditions needed for photorefractive optoelectronic tweezers.
This updated and enlarged new edition presents a comprehensive and dedicated overview of the fundamentals and modern applications of coherent optics. Starting with the basic principles of coherence, the authors give detailed insights into the theory and applications of interferometry, holography, Fourier optics, and nonlinear optical phenomena. Especially, the chapters on current topics in nonlinear optics provide an understanding of modern implementations. To name just a few, sections on the generation and measurement of ultrashort laser pulses, optical gating, coherence tomography, digital holography, and advances in fibre optics have been added. Numerous examples and exercises with complete solutions help the readers to deepen their knowledge. This completely revised edition is intended for advanced students and active scientists working in this field.
Metal-semiconductor nanostructures represent an important new class of materials employed in designing advanced optoelectronic and nanophotonic devices, such as plasmonic nanolasers, plasmon-enhanced light-emitting diodes and solar cells, plasmonic emitters of single photons, and quantum devices operating in infrared and terahertz domains. The combination of surface plasmon resonances in conducting structures, providing strong concentration of an electromagnetic optical field nearby, with sharp optical resonances in semiconductors, which are highly sensitive to external electromagnetic fields, creates a platform to control light on the nanoscale. The design of the composite metal-semiconductor system imposes the consideration of both the plasmonic resonances in metal and the optical transitions in semiconductors - a key issue being their resonant interaction providing a coupling regime. In this book the reader will find descriptions of electrodynamics of conducting structures, quantum physics of semiconductor nanostructures, and guidelines for advanced engineering of metal-semiconductor composites. These constituents form together the physical basics of the metal-semiconductor plasmonics, underlying many effective practical applications. The list of covered topics also includes the review of recent results, such as the achievement of a strong coupling regime, and the preservation of non-classical statistics of photons in plasmonic cavities combined with semiconductor nanostructures.
This book is aimed at description of recent progress in studies of multiple and single light scattering in turbid media. Light scattering and radiative transfer research community will greatly benefit from the publication of this book.
This book, the first of its kind, bridges the gap between the increasingly interlinked fields of nanophotonics and artificial intelligence (AI). While artificial intelligence techniques, machine learning in particular, have revolutionized many different areas of scientific research, nanophotonics holds a special position as it simultaneously benefits from AI-assisted device design whilst providing novel computing platforms for AI. This book is aimed at both researchers in nanophotonics who want to utilize AI techniques and researchers in the computing community in search of new photonics-based hardware. The book guides the reader through the general concepts and specific topics of relevance from both nanophotonics and AI, including optical antennas, metamaterials, metasurfaces, and other photonic devices on the one hand, and different machine learning paradigms and deep learning algorithms on the other. It goes on to comprehensively survey inverse techniques for device design, AI-enabled applications in nanophotonics, and nanophotonic platforms for AI. This book will be essential reading for graduate students, academic researchers, and industry professionals from either side of this fast-developing, interdisciplinary field. Â
This book provides a wide scope of contributions related to optoelectronic device application in a variety of robotic systems for diverse purposes. The contributions are focused on optoelectronic sensors and analyzing systems, 3D and 2D machine vision technologies, robot navigation, pose estimations, robot operation in cyclic procedures, control schemes, motion controllers, and intelligent algorithms and vision systems. Applications of these technologies are outlined for unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous and mobile robots, industrial inspection applications, cultural heritage documentation, and structural health monitoring. Also discussed are recent advanced research in measurement and others areas where 3D and 2D machine vision and machine control play an important role. Surveys and reviews about optoelectronic and vision-based applications are also included. These topics are of interest to readers from a diverse group including those working in optoelectronics, and electrical, electronic and computer engineering.
Particularly intense lightning discharges can produce transient luminous events above thunderclouds, termed sprites, elves and jets. These short lived optical emissions in the mesosphere can reach from the tops of thunderclouds up to the ionosphere; they provide direct evidence of coupling from the lower atmosphere to the upper atmosphere. Sprites are arguably the most dramatic recent discovery in solar-terrestrial physics. Shortly after the first ground based video recordings of sprites, observations on board the Space Shuttle detected sprites and elves occurring all around the world. These reports led to detailed sprite observations in North America, South America, Australia, Japan, and Europe. Subsequently, sprites were detected from other space platforms such as the International Space Station and the ROCSAT satellite. During the past 15 years, more than 200 contributions on sprites have been published in the scientific literature to document this rapidly evolving new research area. The need for international information exchange was quickly recognized, and sprite sessions became a permanent feature with a constantly growing number of contributions in the scientific communities of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and the European Geosciences Union EGU).
On June 1St 2004 the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Technische Universitat Miinchen bestowed the degree of the doctor honoris causa to Leopold B. Felsen, for extraordinary achievements in the theory of electromag netic fields. On this occasion on June 1St and 2nd 2004 at the Technische Universitat Miinchen a symposium on "Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems: A Modern View of Engineering Electrodynamics" in honor of Leopold B. Felsen was organized. The symposium topic focused on an important area of Leopold Felsen research interests and, as the title emphasizes, on a modern view of applied Electro dynamics. While the fundamental physical laws of electrodynamics are well known, research in this field is experiencing a steady continuous growth. The problem -solving approaches of, say, twenty years ago may seem now fairly obsolete since considerable progress has been made in the meantime. In this monograph we collect samples of present day state of the art in dealing with electromagnetic fields, their network theory representation, their computation and, finally, on system applications. The network formulation of field problems can improve the problem formulation and also contribute to the solution methodology. Network theory systematic approaches for circuit analysis are based on the separation of the circuit into the connection circuit and the circuit elements. Many applications in science and technology rely on computations of the electromagnetic field in either man-made or natural complex structures."
This book is an original study aimed at understanding how vacuum magnetic fields change with time. Specifically, it describes the waves that radiate from a sphere when the electric current on its surface is turned on or off, either suddenly, gradually, or periodically. Numerical simulations are an invaluable source of information about this and related subjects, but they are often more difficult to interpret than exact, closed-form solutions that can easily be applied to a variety of situations. Thus, the objective here is to obtain an exact solution of Maxwell's equations in closed form-something simple, yet rigorous, which can be used as a model for understanding transient magnetic fields in more complicated situations. The work therefore stands as a self-contained solution of Maxwell's equations for an electric current wrapped around the surface of a sphere. This study assumes a strong background in electromagnetism or a related research area. Online animations are available for each figure to better illustrate the motions of magnetic field lines. |
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