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Systeme f r graphisch-interaktive betriebliche Anwendungen - Gegenstand dieses Buches - reichen von datenbankbasierten Informationssystemen im PPS-Bereich bis hin zu Programmier-, Diagnose- und Planungswerkzeugen im Werkstattbereich. Sie bilden das R ckgrat der heutigen Informationsverarbeitung in Betrieben. In einem ersten Teil werden - f r alle Phasen der Anwendungsentwicklung - Methoden der Analyse und Gestaltung beschrieben. Der zweite Teil befa t sich mit den modernen Realisierungswerkzeugen, die sich im industriellen Einsatz schon bew hrt haben. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der Entwicklung von Benutzerschnittstellen unter softwareergonomischen Gesichtspunkten. Daf r wird ein durchg ngiges Verfahren pr sentiert und in den allgemeinen Kontext der Methodik des Softwareengineering gestellt.
Complex systems that bridge the traditional disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science can be studied at an unprecedented level of detail using increasingly sophisticated theoretical methodology and high-speed computers. The aim of this book is to prepare burgeoning users and developers to become active participants in this exciting and rapidly advancing research area by uniting for the first time, in one monograph, the basic concepts of equilibrium and time-dependent statistical mechanics with the modern techniques used to solve the complex problems that arise in real-world applications. The book contains a detailed review of classical and quantum mechanics, in-depth discussions of the most commonly used ensembles simultaneously with modern computational techniques such as molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo, and important topics including free-energy calculations, linear-response theory, harmonic baths and the generalized Langevin equation, critical phenomena, and advanced conformational sampling methods. Burgeoning users and developers are thus provided firm grounding to become active participants in this exciting and rapidly advancing research area, while experienced practitioners will find the book to be a useful reference tool for the field.
You've decided to tackle machine learning - because you're job hunting, embarking on a new project, or just think self-driving cars are cool. But where to start? It's easy to be intimidated, even as a software developer. The good news is that it doesn't have to be that hard. Master machine learning by writing code one line at a time, from simple learning programs all the way to a true deep learning system. Tackle the hard topics by breaking them down so they're easier to understand, and build your confidence by getting your hands dirty. Peel away the obscurities of machine learning, starting from scratch and going all the way to deep learning. Machine learning can be intimidating, with its reliance on math and algorithms that most programmers don't encounter in their regular work. Take a hands-on approach, writing the Python code yourself, without any libraries to obscure what's really going on. Iterate on your design, and add layers of complexity as you go. Build an image recognition application from scratch with supervised learning. Predict the future with linear regression. Dive into gradient descent, a fundamental algorithm that drives most of machine learning. Create perceptrons to classify data. Build neural networks to tackle more complex and sophisticated data sets. Train and refine those networks with backpropagation and batching. Layer the neural networks, eliminate overfitting, and add convolution to transform your neural network into a true deep learning system. Start from the beginning and code your way to machine learning mastery. What You Need: The examples in this book are written in Python, but don't worry if you don't know this language: you'll pick up all the Python you need very quickly. Apart from that, you'll only need your computer, and your code-adept brain.
Statistics with JMP: Hypothesis Tests, ANOVA and Regression Peter Goos, University of Leuven and University of Antwerp, Belgium David Meintrup, University of Applied Sciences Ingolstadt, Germany A first course on basic statistical methodology using JMP This book provides a first course on parameter estimation (point estimates and confidence interval estimates), hypothesis testing, ANOVA and simple linear regression. The authors approach combines mathematical depth with numerous examples and demonstrations using the JMP software. Key features: * Provides a comprehensive and rigorous presentation of introductory statistics that has been extensively classroom tested. * Pays attention to the usual parametric hypothesis tests as well as to non-parametric tests (including the calculation of exact p-values). * Discusses the power of various statistical tests, along with examples in JMP to enable in-sight into this difficult topic. * Promotes the use of graphs and confidence intervals in addition to p-values. * Course materials and tutorials for teaching are available on the book's companion website. Masters and advanced students in applied statistics, industrial engineering, business engineering, civil engineering and bio-science engineering will find this book beneficial. It also provides a useful resource for teachers of statistics particularly in the area of engineering.
Pour Ie cinquieme congres de la serie, COMPSTAT 82 reunit environ 500 participants d'origines scientifiques et geographiques tres variees, prouvant a l'evidence l'interet persis tant de la communaute scientifique pour tous les problemes de calculs statistiques. Le Comite de Programme charge de l'organisation scientifique du Congres etait com pose de: o S. Apelt (Republique democratique d'Allemagne) - A. Bj6rck (Suede) - H. Caussinus (France), President - Y. Escoufier (France) - A. de Falguerolles (France), Secretaire - J. W. Frane (U. S. A. ) - J. Gordesch (Republique Federale d'Allemagne) - Th. Havranek (Tchechoslovaquie) - N. Lauro (Italie) - C. Millier (France) - R. J. Mokken (pays-Bas)- R. Tomassone (France) - D. Wishart (Royaume Uni) Ce Comite a decide d'augmenter Ie nombre des conferenciers invites, cherchant de la sorte une representation des diverses ecoles ainsi que l'introduction de nouveaux themes. La tache la plus difficile a ensuite ete de selectionner une soixantaine de contributions parmi 250 soumissions. La encore Ie Comite de Programme s'est efforce de favoriser des voies qui semblaient les plus nouvelles et a essaye de maintenir une bonne repartition scientifique et geographique. Cependant, comme dans les precedents congres COMPSTAT, il a donne la preference aux propositions clairement marquees simultanement du double aspect Statistique et Calcul. Dans bien des cas, ces deux aspects sont tres lies rendant en particulier difficile et peu pertinente toute classification fine des contributions."
In order to make strategy happen there is a need for powerful management information systems. SAP focuses on the application of modern business administration concepts, e.g. Value Based Management, the Balanced Scorecard, the Management Cockpit or flexible planning methods. The book describes the methodology and implementation of a powerful tool for enterprise management. Practical examples show how SAP Strategic Enterprise Management/Business Analytics (SAP SEM/BA) can help to improve cross functional planning, reporting and analyzing. SAP SEM/BA is a leading edge IT-solution for top management and related departments in large enterprises and groups. It demonstrates the state of the art of modern management information and decision support systems.
Kundennahe und Kundenorientierung gelten als Schlusselfaktoren zum Geschaftserfolg. Dies impliziert eine konsequente Ausrichtung von unternehmensinternen und -ubergreifenden Geschaftsprozessen auf den "Koenig Kunde". Mit diesem Themenkreis setzt sich der Schwerpunkt Geschaftsprozessmanagement auseinander. Im Abschnitt Kosten- und Deckungsbeitragsmanagement muss sich das Controlling einer kritischen Betrachtung des kundenorientierten Arbeitens unterziehen. Neuere Entwicklungen wie Data Warehousing und die Nutzung des Internet als Moeglichkeit zur Annaherung an den Kunden werden u.a. im Abschnitt Informationsmanagement diskutiert. Loesungsansatze fur den Einsatz betriebswirtschaftlicher Methoden und moderner Kommunikationstechnologie in der oeffentlichen Verwaltung bietet der Abschnitt Verwaltungsmanagement.
IT-Projekte haben in vielen Unternehmen eine zentrale Bedeutung. Sie binden Ressourcen und generieren entsprechende Kosten. Im Durchschnitt werden in Unternehmen 33 Projekte pro 1000 Mitarbeitern durchgefuhrt und pro Mitarbeiter und Jahr EUR 8.000 in IT-Projekte investiert. Von diesen Projekten werden weniger als die Halfte erfolgreich abgeschlossen. An theoretischem Wissen respektive an der Ausbildung kann es nicht liegen. Aus Sicht der Autoren fehlt es den Projektmanagern oft an der notwendigen Reflexion, dies besonders wenn die Projekte in kritische Phasen treten. Ein Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen den Projektleitern findet vielfach aus zeitlichen Grunden nur unvollkommen statt. Hier setzen die Autoren an. Sie legen das Schwergewicht auf die kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren eines IT-Projekts. Gegliedert nach Erfolgsfaktoren fuhrt das Buch zum Thema und veranschaulicht Losungswege anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis.
Real-Time Enterprise (RTE) ist eine Unternehmensstruktur, die durch kontinuierliche Beschleunigung der Managementprozesse die eigene Aktions- und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit nachhaltig verbessert und verzogerungsfrei auf externe sowie interne Anderungen reagieren und damit Zeit und Kosten einsparen kann. Voraussetzungen und Rahmenbedingungen hierfur sind durchgangig integrierte Geschaftsprozesse und Informationsflusse entlang der kompletten Wertschopfungskette. Im Idealfall sind dabei alle Arbeitsprozesse in einem Unternehmen optimal aufeinander abgestimmt, so dass Data Warehouse, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management und Enterprise Resource Planning wirkungsvoll ineinander greifen. Dabei endet die Betrachtung von Prozessen und Informationen nicht an den Unternehmensgrenzen. Statt dessen sind Kunden und beteiligte Partnerfirmen beziehungsweise deren Prozesse transparent eingebunden und tauschen Informationen uber alle relevanten Ereignisse zeitnah aus. "
Learn how to automate tasks and create rules in Jira with the help of different use cases Key Features Automate daily repetitive and tedious tasks without coding experience Discover how to automate processes in the Jira family including Jira software, Jira Service Desk, and Jira Core Explore different use cases to understand automation features in Jira Book DescriptionAtlassian Jira makes it easier to track the progress of your projects, but it can lead to repetitive and time-consuming tasks for teams. No-code automation will enable you to increase productivity by automating these tasks. Automate Everyday Tasks in Jira provides a hands-on approach to implementation and associated methodologies that will have you up and running and productive in no time. You will start by learning how automation in Jira works, along with discovering best practices for writing automation rules. Then you'll be introduced to the building blocks of automation, including triggers, conditions, and actions, before moving on to advanced rule-related techniques. After you've become familiar with the techniques, you'll find out how to integrate with external tools, such as GitHub, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, all without writing a single line of code. Toward the end, you'll also be able to employ advanced rules to create custom notifications and integrate with external systems. By the end of this Jira book, you'll have gained a thorough understanding of automation rules and learned how to use them to automate everyday tasks in Jira without using any code. What you will learn Understand the basic concepts of automation such as triggers, conditions, and actions Find out how to use if-then scenarios and conditions to automate your processes with practical examples Use smart values to achieve complex and more powerful automation Implement use cases in a practical way, including automation with Slack, Microsoft Teams, GitHub, and Bitbucket Discover best practices for writing and maintaining automation rules Explore techniques for debugging rules and solving common issues Who this book is forThis book is for Jira administrators and project managers who want to learn about automation capabilities provided in Jira. Familiarity with Jira and working knowledge of workflows and project configurations is required.
Erst die elektronische Signatur wird dem E-Commerce zum Durchbruch verhelfen. Dieses Werk setzt sich mit den Akzeptanzproblemen auseinander, die beim Einsatz moderner Technologien fur die vertrauenswurdige elektronische Kommunikation entstehen. Rechtliche Fragen spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle, aber auch Moral und Kultur. Die Situation in diesen Bereichen wird im Buch diskutiert und daraus Handlungsempfehlungen fur den Verbraucher- und Datenschutz, die technische Ausgestaltung sowie den Umgang mit Risiken gegeben. Dies fuhrt zu einem visionaren Modell der Informationsgesellschaft.
Self-driving cars, natural language recognition, and online recommendation engines are all possible thanks to Machine Learning. Now you can create your own genetic algorithms, nature-inspired swarms, Monte Carlo simulations, cellular automata, and clusters. Learn how to test your ML code and dive into even more advanced topics. If you are a beginner-to-intermediate programmer keen to understand machine learning, this book is for you. Discover machine learning algorithms using a handful of self-contained recipes. Build a repertoire of algorithms, discovering terms and approaches that apply generally. Bake intelligence into your algorithms, guiding them to discover good solutions to problems. In this book, you will: Use heuristics and design fitness functions. Build genetic algorithms. Make nature-inspired swarms with ants, bees and particles. Create Monte Carlo simulations. Investigate cellular automata. Find minima and maxima, using hill climbing and simulated annealing. Try selection methods, including tournament and roulette wheels. Learn about heuristics, fitness functions, metrics, and clusters. Test your code and get inspired to try new problems. Work through scenarios to code your way out of a paper bag; an important skill for any competent programmer. See how the algorithms explore and learn by creating visualizations of each problem. Get inspired to design your own machine learning projects and become familiar with the jargon. What You Need: Code in C++ (>= C++11), Python (2.x or 3.x) and JavaScript (using the HTML5 canvas). Also uses matplotlib and some open source libraries, including SFML, Catch and Cosmic-Ray. These plotting and testing libraries are not required but their use will give you a fuller experience. Armed with just a text editor and compiler/interpreter for your language of choice you can still code along from the general algorithm descriptions.
Learn from Pro SharePoint Migration on how to migrate your existing farm - infrastructure, upgrade approaches, code, branding, and impact of new features of SharePoint 2010 - in a strategic way that results in smooth transition. Noted author Sahil Malik, with Srini Sistla, work together to provide detailed strategies and tools to assess, plan and execute a SharePoint 2010 migration that is efficient and cost-effective--and that doesn't use expensive third-party software. The clean slate approach embraced by this book, coupled with flexible tools designed by Microsoft and the author, will provide you with the statistics, charts, and diagrams necessary to perform a meaningful assessment of your current SharePoint 2007 environment. You'll then be able to plan the lowest-cost, least-hassle way to migrate your current environment, and its applications and data, to SharePoint 2010, and how to map your existing use of SharePoint 2007 to the new features and enhancements in SharePoint 2010. Pro SharePoint Migration will help you: * Gain a better understanding of high level comparison and changes you need to learn between the two versions * To migrate or not?Learn about new functionality that might replace your existing custom built code or non-code based solutions.* Build a strong toolset to create, update, administer, and migrate 90% of the most commonly used SharePoint objects * Grasp the intricacies of the SharePoint 2010 application programming interface (API) * Become a better SharePoint 2010 administrator in your newly-migrated environment What you'll learn * A high level comparison of MOSS 2007 and SharePoint 2010, asking what's new * Available supported and unsupported upgrade choices * Migration strategies to minimize disruption * Strategies for migrating old settings to new * Changes to security model, lists, libraries, and more * Visual changes, the impact on branding, and how to address overall branding artifacts * Statistics, monitoring and usage analysis of existing and new farms * Learn about ribbon changes and customizations * A discussion of being a savvy business user developer, using SharePoint designer 2010 and InfoPath 2010 * Overview of new changes and enhancements to enterprise content management features * Changes to SharePoint APIs Who this book is for Pro SharePoint Migration is for intermediate to advanced SharePoint administrators, and developers who are interested in migrating from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 without third-party software.
"This book is remarkable in its accessible treatment of interaction effects. Although this concept can be challenging for students (even those with some background in statistics), this book presents the material in a very accessible manner, with plenty of examples to help the reader understand how to interpret their results." -Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, Bowling Green State University Offering a clear set of workable examples with data and explanations, Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models is a comprehensive and accessible text that provides a unified approach to interpreting interaction effects. The book develops the statistical basis for the general principles of interpretive tools and applies them to a variety of examples, introduces the ICALC Toolkit for Stata, and offers a series of start-to-finish application examples to show students how to interpret interaction effects for a variety of different techniques of analysis, beginning with OLS regression. The author's website provides a downloadable toolkit of Stata (R) routines to produce the calculations, tables, and graphics for each interpretive tool discussed. Also available are the Stata (R) dataset files to run the examples in the book.
Fully updated for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3! Dig into the architecture and internals of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 - with firsthand insights from the team that designed and developed it. Deepen your knowledge of the underlying frameworks, components, and tools - and deliver custom ERP applications with the extensibility and performance your business needs. Useful for Microsoft Dynamics AX solution developers at all levels, this guide will provide max benefit to those who understand OOP, relational database, and Transact-SQL concepts. Gain best practices, patterns, and techniques to: Exploit interoperability with Microsoft Visual Studio tools Work with MorphX and avoid common pitfalls with X++ code Use Enterprise Portal with ASP.NET and SharePoint for rich web-based apps Simplify process automation with built-in workflow infrastructure See how the runtime implements security and configuration Design and customize the user experience Gain greater control over complex batch jobs Customize the prebuilt BI solution and reporting Test applications, publish services, and optimize performance
Keep projects on track Microsoft Project 2019 is a powerhouse project management, portfolio management, and resource management tool. Whether you're a full-time project manager or manage projects as part of a larger set of duties, Microsoft Project 2019 For Dummies will get you thinking and operating at the level of a project management guru. Written by a noted project management pro, this book covers the ins and outs of Microsoft Project. Throughout the book, you'll find project management best practices and tips for keeping any project on schedule and under budget. Reference the full set of Microsoft Project 2019 features Learn to think like a project management professional Get into the nuts and bolts of Project for better productivity Create a task schedule that keeps a project moving Identify the golden rules that keep projects on track With Microsoft Project 2019 For Dummies, you'll soon get a grip on all the powerful features of this popular project management software. No matter your level of training or experience, this book will show you how improve your project management with Microsoft Project 2019.
Gesch ftsprozesse in Unternehmen sind h ufig ereignisgesteuert. Denn im Gesch ftsumfeld treten Ereignisse auf, auf die angemessen und m glichst in Echtzeit reagiert werden muss, etwa in Sensornetzwerken oder im automatischen Wertpapierhandel. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) ist ein neues Paradigma der Softwarearchitektur, das auf der Verarbeitung von Ereignissen beruht. Das Buch diskutiert die Grundprinzipien von EDA, f hrt in die wichtigsten Konzepte der Ereignisverarbeitung ein und veranschaulicht deren Umsetzung anhand einer Fallstudie.
Dienstleistung per Internet, moderne Logistik, steigender Zeit- und Kostendruck, erhohte Qualitatsanforderungen: Dienstleister benotigen Werkzeuge zur integrierten Entwicklung von Software und Services. Das Ergebnis des Forschungsprojektes ServCASE bietet endlich das erforderliche Referenzmodell: exemplarische Vorgehensweisen, Methoden, die exakte Beschreibung einer werkzeugunterstutzten Entwicklungsplattform. Konkret - in Theorie und Praxis."
Commissioned by the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook helps both general readers and users of statistics better appreciate the scope and importance of statistics. It presents the ways in which statistics is used while highlighting key contributions that Canadian statisticians are making to science, technology, business, government, and other areas. The book emphasizes the role and impact of computing in statistical modeling and analysis, including the issues involved with the huge amounts of data being generated by automated processes. The first two chapters review the development of statistics as a discipline in Canada and describe some major contributions to survey methodology made by Statistics Canada, one of the world's premier official statistics agencies. The book next discusses how statistical methodologies, such as functional data analysis and the Metropolis algorithm, are applied in a wide variety of fields, including risk management and genetics. It then focuses on the application of statistical methods in medicine and public health as well as finance and e-commerce. The remainder of the book addresses how statistics is used to study critical scientific areas, including difficult-to-access populations, endangered species, climate change, and agricultural forecasts. About the SSCFounded in Montreal in 1972, the SSC is the main professional organization for statisticians and related professionals in Canada. Its mission is to promote the use and development of statistics and probability. The SSC publishes the bilingual quarterly newsletter SSC Liaison and the peer-reviewed scientific journal The Canadian Journal of Statistics. More information can be found at www.ssc.ca.
Enterprise 2.0 (E 2.0) has caught the collective imagination of executives who are innovating to radically change the face of business. E 2.0 takes full benefit of social networking, including blogs, discussion boards, mashups, and all that is sharable and combinable. Examining organizations and their social activities, Enterprise 2.0: Social Networking Tools to Transform Your Organization considers the complete spectrum of social media and social activities available to your business. It not only offers a hands-on, practical assessment of "what to do," but also "how to do it." Demonstrating how to utilize social networking within diverse functional areas, the book: Describes the functions of social networking in the context of today's enterprise Details how to make the best use of blogs, discussion boards, and workspaces in an organizational setting Supplies a complete discussion on how to prepare staff for social enterprising Explains how to measure and manage social networking This book includes discussions of social networking in enterprise activities such as human resources, risk management, operations, and project management. It describes the utility and role of social networking on a department by department basis, explains how to integrate social enterprising with knowledge management, and supplies helpful insights into legal, performance, and measurement issues. Touching on key security and privacy issues, the book clearly illustrates how social networking and E 2.0 can help improve risk management in your organization.
SPSS is the international standard software package for data analysis in the social sciences. This book is the only SPSS guide designed specifically for students in the fields of sport, exercise and kinesiology. It Includes sport specific cases and data throughout.
Bootstrapping is a conceptually simple statistical technique to increase the quality of estimates, conduct robustness checks and compute standard errors for virtually any statistic. This book provides an intelligible and compact introduction for students, scientists and practitioners. It not only gives a clear explanation of the underlying concepts but also demonstrates the application of bootstrapping using Python and Stata.
Complex Analysis with Mathematica offers a new way of learning and teaching a subject that lies at the heart of many areas of pure and applied mathematics, physics, engineering and even art. This book offers teachers and students an opportunity to learn about complex numbers in a state-of-the-art computational environment. The innovative approach also offers insights into many areas too often neglected in a student treatment, including complex chaos and mathematical art. Thus readers can also use the book for self-study and for enrichment. The use of Mathematica enables the author to cover several topics that are often absent from a traditional treatment. Students are also led, optionally, into cubic or quartic equations, investigations of symmetric chaos and advanced conformal mapping. A CD is included which contains a live version of the book: in particular all the Mathematica code enables the user to run computer experiments.
Die Veranderung ist die einzige Konstante, insbesondere in der Nutzung der Informationstechnik. Sie ist auch das zentrale Anliegen der zweiten Auflage dieses Werkes zum Business Engineering, das auf die wichtige Frage eingeht, wie sich ein Unternehmen des Industriezeitalters erfolgreich in ein Echtzeitunternehmen der vernetzten Wirtschaft transformiert: Welche Geschaftsstrategien sind zukunftig erfolgreich? Wie konnen diese Strategien in Prozessen umgesetzt werden? Welche Anforderung sind an die technische Realisierung in Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen zu stellen? Wie fordern wir eine Kultur des Wandels? Der erste Teil des Buches ist den Grundlagen des St. Galler Ansatzes des Business Engineering gewidmet. Der zweite Teil fasst verschiedene Ansatze aus der angewandten Forschung zum Business Engineering zusammen, analysiert Geschaftsmodelle des Informationszeitalters, identifiziert Treiber des Wandels und liefert Instrumente fur Veranderungsprozesse. Das Buch zeigt "Veranderern" Gestaltungsmoglichkeiten und Handlungsoptionen fur Unternehmenserfolg in der vernetzten Wirtschaft auf und mochte anregen, diesen Wandel aktiv mitzugestalten. "
This book is intended for someone learning functions of a complex variable and who enjoys using MATLAB. It will enhance the exprience of learning complex variable theory and will strengthen the knowledge of someone already trained in ths branch of advanced calculus. ABET, the accrediting board for engineering programs, makes it clear that engineering graduates must be skilled in the art of programming in a language such as MATLAB (R). Supplying students with a bridge between the functions of complex variable theory and MATLAB, this supplemental text enables instructors to easily add a MATLAB component to their complex variables courses. A MATLAB (R) Companion to Complex Variables provides readers with a clear understanding of the utility of MATLAB in complex variable calculus. An ideal adjunct to standard texts on the functions of complex variables, the book allows professors to quickly find and assign MATLAB programming problems that will strengthen students' knowledge of the language and concepts of complex variable theory. The book shows students how MATLAB can be a powerful learning aid in such staples of complex variable theory as conformal mapping, infinite series, contour integration, and Laplace and Fourier transforms. In addition to MATLAB programming problems, the text includes many examples in each chapter along with MATLAB code. Fractals, the most recent interesting topic involving complex variables, demands to be treated with a language such as MATLAB. This book concludes with a Coda, which is devoted entirely to this visually intriguing subject. MATLAB is not without constraints, limitations, irritations, and quirks, and there are subtleties involved in performing the calculus of complex variable theory with this language. Without knowledge of these subtleties, engineers or scientists attempting to use MATLAB for solutions of practical problems in complex variable theory suffer the risk of making major mistakes. This book serves as an early warning system about these pitfalls. |
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