Books > Humanities > Philosophy > Topics in philosophy > Philosophy of mind
A generic statement is a type of generalization that is made by
asserting that a "kind" has a certain property. For example we
might hear that marshmallows are sweet. Here, we are talking about
the "kind" marshmallow and assert that individual instances of this
kind have the property of being sweet. Almost all of our common
sense knowledge about the everyday world is put in terms of generic
statements. What can make these generic sentences be true even when
there are exceptions? A mass term is one that does not "divide its
reference;" the word water is a mass term; the word dog is a count
term. In a certain vicinity, one can count and identity how many
dogs there are, but it doesn't make sense to do that for
water--there just is water present. The philosophical literature is
rife with examples concerning how a thing can be composed of a
mass, such as a statue being composed of clay. Both generic
statements and mass terms have led philosophers, linguists,
semanticists, and logicians to search for theories to accommodate
these phenomena and relationships.
The contributors to this interdisciplinary volume study the nature
and use of generics and mass terms. Noted researchers in the
psychology of language use material from the investigation of human
performance and child-language learning to broaden the range of
options open for formal semanticists in the construction of their
theories, and to give credence to some of their earlier
postulations--for instance, concerning different types of
predications that are available for true generics and for the role
of object recognitions in the development of count vs. mass terms.
Relevant data also is described by investigating the ways children
learn these sorts of linguistic items: children can learn how to
sue generic statements correctly at an early age, and children are
adept at individuating objects and distinguishing them from the
stuff of which they are made also at an early age.
Recent Western thought has consistently emphasized the
individualistic strand in our understanding of persons at the
expense of the social strand. Thus, it is generally thought that
persons are self-determining and autonomous, where these are
understood to be capacities we exercise most fully on our own,
apart from others, whose influence on us tends to undermine that
autonomy. Love, Friendship, and the Self argues that we must reject
a strongly individualistic conception of persons if we are to make
sense of significant interpersonal relationships and the importance
they can have in our lives. It presents a new account of love as
intimate identification and of friendship as a kind of plural
agency, in each case grounding and analyzing these notions in terms
of interpersonal emotions. At the center of this account is an
analysis of how our emotional connectedness with others is
essential to our very capacities for autonomy and
self-determination: we are rational and autonomous only because of
and through our inherently social nature. By focusing on the role
that relationships of love and friendship have both in the initial
formation of our selves and in the on-going development and
maturation of adult persons, Helm significantly alters our
understanding of persons and the kind of psychology we persons have
as moral and social beings.
This book is an attempt to make sense of the tension in Nietzsche's
work between the unashamedly egocentric and the apparently
mystical. While scholars have tended to downplay one or other of
these aspects, it is the author's contention that the two are not
only compatible but mutually illuminating. This book demonstrates
Nietzsche's sustained interest in mysticism from the time of The
Birth of Tragedy right through to the end of his productive life.
This book argues against situating Nietzsche's religious thought in
the context of Buddhist or Christian mystical traditions,
demonstrating the inadequacy of attempts to mediate between
Nietzsche and Meister Eckhart and the Bodhisattva ideal of Mahayana
Buddhism. Rather, it is argued that Nietzsche's egoism and
mysticism are best understood in the intellectual context which he
himself avowed, according to which his "ancestors" were Heraclitus,
Empedocles, Spinoza, and Goethe.
This edited book focuses on concepts and their applications using
the theory of conceptual spaces, one of today's most central tracks
of cognitive science discourse. It features 15 papers based on
topics presented at the Conceptual Spaces @ Work 2016 conference.
The contributors interweave both theory and applications in their
papers. Among the first mentioned are studies on metatheories,
logical and systemic implications of the theory, as well as
relations between concepts and language. Examples of the latter
include explanatory models of paradigm shifts and evolution in
science as well as dilemmas and issues of health, ethics, and
education. The theory of conceptual spaces overcomes many
translational issues between academic theoretization and practical
applications. The paradigm is mainly associated with structural
explanations, such as categorization and meronomy. However, the
community has also been relating it to relations, functions, and
systems. The book presents work that provides a geometric model for
the representation of human conceptual knowledge that bridges the
symbolic and the sub-conceptual levels of representation. The model
has already proven to have a broad range of applicability beyond
cognitive science and even across a number of disciplines related
to concepts and representation.
Could robots be genuinely intelligent? Could they be conscious?
Could there be zombies? Prompted by these questions Robert Kirk
introduces the main problems of consciousness and sets out a new
approach to solving them. He starts by discussing behaviourism,
Turing's test of intelligence and Searle's famous Chinese Room
argument, and goes on to examine dualism - the idea that
consciousness requires something beyond the physical - together
with its opposite, physicalism. Probing the idea of zombies, he
concludes they are logically impossible. Having presented the
central problems, he sketches his solution: a version of
functionalism, according to which consciousness consists in the
performance of functions. While there is wide agreement among
philosophers about what the main problems of consciousness are,
there is little agreement on how to go about solving them. With
this powerful case for his version of functionalism, Kirk offers an
engaging introduction to both the problems and a possible solution.
Talbot Brewer presents an invigorating new approach to ethical
theory, in the context of human selfhood and agency. The first main
theme of the book is that contemporary ethical theorists have
focused too narrowly on actions and the discrete episodes of
deliberation through which we choose them, and that the subject
matter of the field looks quite different if one looks instead at
unfolding activities and the continuous forms of evaluative
awareness that carry them forward and that constitute an essential
element of those activities. The second is that ethical reflection
is itself a centrally important life activity, and that
philosophical ethics is an extension of this practical activity
rather than a merely theoretical reflection upon it.
Brewer's approach is founded on a far-reaching reconsideration of
the notions of the nature and sources of human agency, and
particularly of the way in which practical thinking gives shape to
activities, relationships and lives. He contests the usual
understanding of the relationship between philosophical psychology
and ethics. The Retrieval of Ethics shows the need for a new
contemplative vision of the point or value of human action --
without which we will remain unable to make optimal sense of our
efforts to unify our lives around a tenable conception of how best
to live them, or of the yearnings that draw us to our ideals and to
each other.
This book, taking its point of departure from Stanley Cavell's
claim that philosophy and autobiography are dimensions of each
other, aims to explore some of the relations between these forms of
reflection, first by seeking to develop an outline of a philosophy
of autobiography, and then by exploring the issue from the side of
five autobiographical works. Christopher Hamilton argues in the
volume that there are good reasons for thinking that philosophical
texts can be considered autobiographical, and then turns to discuss
the autobiographies of Walter Benjamin, Peter Weiss, Jean-Paul
Sartre, George Orwell, Edmund Gosse and Albert Camus. In discussing
these works, Hamilton explores how they put into question certain
received understandings of what philosophical texts suppose
themselves to be doing, and also how they themselves constitute
philosophical explorations of certain key issues, e.g. the self,
death, religious and ethical consciousness, sensuality, the body.
Throughout, there is an exploration of the ways in which
autobiographies help us in thinking about self-knowledge and
knowledge of others. A final chapter raises some issues concerning
the fact that the five autobiographies discussed here are all texts
dealing with childhood.
Vision dominates philosophical thinking about perception, and
theorizing about experience in cognitive science has traditionally
focused on a visual model. In a radical departure from established
practice, Casey O'Callaghan provides a systematic treatment of
sound and sound experience, and shows how thinking about audition
and appreciating the relationships between multiple sense
modalities can enrich our understanding of perception and the
Sounds proposes a novel theory of sounds and auditory perception.
Against the widely accepted philosophical view that sounds are
among the secondary or sensible qualities, O'Callaghan argues that,
on any perceptually plausible account, sounds are events. But this
does not imply that sounds are waves that propagate through a
medium, such as air or water. Rather, sounds are events that take
place in one's environment at or near the objects and happenings
that bring them about. This account captures the way in which
sounds essentially are creatures of time, and situates sounds in a
world populated by items and events that have significance for us.
Sounds are not ethereal, mysterious entities.
O'Callaghan's account of sounds and their perception discloses far
greater variety among the kinds of things we perceive than
traditional views acknowledge. But more importantly, investigating
sounds and audition demonstrates that considering other sense
modalities teaches what we could not otherwise learn from thinking
exclusively about the visual. Sounds articulates a powerful account
of echoes, reverberation, Doppler effects, and perceptual
constancies that surpasses the explanatory richness of alternative
theories, and also reveals a number ofsurprising cross-modal
perceptual illusions. O'Callaghan argues that such illusions
demonstrate that the perceptual modalities cannot be completely
understood in isolation, and that the visuocentric model for
theorizing about perception --according to which perceptual
modalities are discrete modes of experience and autonomous domains
of philosophical and scientific inquiry--ought to be abandoned.
Over recent years, the psychology of concepts has been rejuvenated
by new work on prototypes, inventive ideas on causal cognition, the
development of neo-empiricist theories of concepts, and the inputs
of the budding neuropsychology of concepts. But our empirical
knowledge about concepts has yet to be organized in a coherent
In Doing without Concepts, Edouard Machery argues that the dominant
psychological theories of concepts fail to provide such a framework
and that drastic conceptual changes are required to make sense of
the research on concepts in psychology and neuropsychology. Machery
shows that the class of concepts divides into several distinct
kinds that have little in common with one another and that for this
very reason, it is a mistake to attempt to encompass all known
phenomena within a single theory of concepts. In brief, concepts
are not a natural kind. Machery concludes that the theoretical
notion of concept should be eliminated from the theoretical
apparatus of contemporary psychology and should be replaced with
theoretical notions that are more appropriate for fulfilling
psychologists' goals. The notion of concept has encouraged
psychologists to believe that a single theory of concepts could be
developed, leading to useless theoretical controversies between the
dominant paradigms of concepts. Keeping this notion would slow
down, and maybe prevent, the development of a more adequate
classification and would overshadow the theoretical and empirical
issues that are raised by this more adequate classification. Anyone
interested in cognitive science's emerging view of the mind will
find Machery's provocative ideas of interest.
The Chomskian revolution in linguistics gave rise to a new
orthodoxy about mind and language. Michael Devitt throws down a
provocative challenge to that orthodoxy. What is linguistics about?
What role should linguistic intuitions play in constructing
grammars? What is innate about language? Is there a 'language
faculty'? These questions are crucial to our developing
understanding of ourselves; Michael Devitt offers refreshingly
original answers. He argues that linguistics is about linguistic
reality and is not part of psychology; that linguistic rules are
not represented in the mind; that speakers are largely ignorant of
their language; that speakers' intuitions do not reflect
information supplied by the language faculty and are not the main
evidence for grammars; that the rules of 'Universal Grammar' are
largely, if not entirely, innate structure rules of thought;
indeed, that there is little or nothing to the language faculty.
Devitt's controversial theses will prove highly stimulating to
anyone working on language and the mind.
This book examines what seems to be the basic challenge in
neuroscience today: understanding how experience generated by the
human brain is related to the physical world we live in. The 25
short chapters present the argument and evidence that brains
address this problem on a wholly trial and error basis. The goal is
to encourage neuroscientists, computer scientists, philosophers,
and other interested readers to consider this concept of neural
function and its implications, not least of which is the conclusion
that brains don't "compute."
The nature and reality of self is a subject of increasing
prominence among Western philosophers of mind and cognitive
scientists. It has also been central to Indian and Tibetan
philosophical traditions for over two thousand years. It is time to
bring the rich resources of these traditions into the contemporary
debate about the nature of self. This volume is the first of its
kind. Leading philosophical scholars of the Indian and Tibetan
traditions join with leading Western philosophers of mind and
phenomenologists to explore issues about consciousness and selfhood
from these multiple perspectives. Self, No Self? is not a
collection of historical or comparative essays. It takes
problem-solving and conceptual and phenomenological analysis as
central to philosophy. The essays mobilize the argumentative
resources of diverse philosophical traditions to address issues
about the self in the context of contemporary philosophy and
cognitive science. Self, No Self? will be essential reading for
philosophers and cognitive scientists interested in the nature of
the self and consciousness, and will offer a valuable way into the
subject for students.
An easy-to-digest introduction the science of the experience of
consciousness as the German Idealist philosopher GEORG WILHELM
FRIEDRICH HEGEL (17701831) understood it, this condensed version of
Hegels The Phenomenology of Spiritwhich the author created himself
for his Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciencesexplores Hegels
take on: [ what mind is [ the sensibility of the physical soul [
the immediacy of the feeling soul [ consciousness and the intellect
[ the theoretical mind [ memory, intuition, and imagination [ the
morality of conscience [ moral life, or social ethics [ revealed
religion in the absolute mind [ and much more. This 1894
translation of the 18271830 German original, by Scottish
philosopher and Oxford University professor WILLIAM WALLACE
(18431897), remains a favorite of Hegel students, and is celebrated
for its style and eloquence.
This edited volume focuses on the hypothesis that performativity is
not a property confined to certain specific human skills, or to
certain specific acts of language, nor an accidental enrichment due
to creative intelligence. Instead, the executive and motor
component of cognitive behavior should be considered an intrinsic
part of the physiological functioning of the mind, and as endowed
with self-generative power. Performativity, in this theoretical
context, can be defined as a constituent component of cognitive
processes. The material action allowing us to interact with reality
is both the means by which the subject knows the surrounding world
and one through which he experiments with the possibilities of his
body. This proposal is rooted in models now widely accepted in the
philosophy of mind and language; in fact, it focuses on a space of
awareness that is not in the individual, or outside it, but is
determined by the species-specific ways in which the body acts on
the world. This theoretical hypothesis will be pursued through the
latest interdisciplinary methodology typical of cognitive science,
that coincide with the five sections in which the book is
organized: Embodied, enactivist, philosophical approaches;
Aesthetics approaches; Naturalistic and evolutionary approaches;
Neuroscientific approaches; Linguistics approaches. This book is
intended for: linguists, philosophers, psychologists, cognitive
scientists, scholars of art and aesthetics, performing artists,
researchers in embodied cognition, especially enactivists and
students of the extended mind.
This book shows how persecution is a condition that binds each in
an ethical obligation to the other. Persecution is functionally
defined here as an impinging, affective relation that is not
mediated by reason. It focuses on the works and personal lives of
Emmanuel Levinas-a phenomenological ethicist who understood
persecution as an ontological condition for human existence-and
Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis who proposed that a
demanding superego is a persecuting psychological mechanism that
enables one to sadistically enjoy moral injunctions. Scholarship on
the work of Freud and Levinas remains critical about their
objectivity, but this book uses the phenomenological method to
bracket this concern with objective truth and instead reconstruct
their historical biographies to evaluate their hyperbolically
opposing claims. By doing so, it is suggested that moral actions
and relations of persecution in their personal lives illuminate the
epistemic limits that they argued contribute to the psychological
and ontological necessity of persecuting behaviors. Object
relations and intersubjective approaches in psychoanalysis
successfully incorporate meaningful elements from both of their
theoretical works, which is used to develop an intentionality of
search that is sensitive to an unknowable, relational, and
existentially vulnerable ethical subjectivity. Details from Freud's
and Levinas' works and lives, on the proclivity to use persecution
to achieve moral ends, provide significant ethical warnings, and
the author uses them as a strategy for developing the reader's
intentionality of search, to reflect on when they may use
persecuting means for moral ends. The interdisciplinary nature of
this research monograph is intended for academics, scholars, and
researchers who are interested in psychoanalysis, moral philosophy,
and phenomenology. Comparisons between various psychoanalytic
frameworks and Levinas' ethic will also interest scholars who work
on the relation between psychoanalysis and The Other. Levinas
scholars will value the convergences between his ethics and Freud's
moral skepticism; likewise, readers will be interested in the
extension of Levinas' intentionality of search. The book is useful
for undergraduate or graduate courses on literary criticism and
critical theories worldwide.
The thesis that the mind cannot directly apprehend features of the
physical world - what Reid calls the Way of Ideas - is a staple of
Early Modern philosophical tradition. This commitment to the direct
awareness of, and only of, mental representations unifies the
otherwise divergent philosophical systems of Rationalists and
Empiricists. Thomas Reid battles against this thesis on many
fronts, in particular over the nature of perception. Ryan Nichols
lays the groundwork for Reid's theory of perception by developing
Reid's unheralded argument against a representational theory of
thought, which Nichols applies to his discussion of the
intentionality of perceptual states and Reid's appeal to 'signs'.
Reid's efforts to preserve common sense epistemic commitments also
lead him to adopt unique theories about our concepts of primary and
secondary qualities, and about original and acquired perceptions.
About the latter pair, Nichols argues that most perceptual beliefs
depend for their justification upon inferences. The Way of Ideas
holds that sensations are objects of awareness and that our senses
are not robustly unified. Nichols develops Reid's counter-proposals
by examining his discussion of the evolutionary purpose of
sensations, and the nature of our awareness of sensations, as well
as his intriguing affirmative answer to Molyneux's questions.
Nichols brings to the writing of this book a consummate knowledge
of Reid's texts, published and unpublished, and a keen appreciation
for Reid's responses to his predecessors. He frequently
reconstructs arguments in premise/conclusion form, thereby
clarifying disputes that have frustrated previous Reid scholarship.
This clarification, his lively examples, and his plainspoken style
make this book especially readable. Reid's theory of perception is
by far the most important feature of Reid's philosophical system,
and Nichols offers what will be, for a long time to come, the
definitive analysis of this theory.
We know a lot about the world and our place in it. We have come to
this knowledge in a variety of ways. And one central way that we,
both as individuals and as a society, have come to know what we do
is through communication with others. Much of what we know, we know
on the basis of testimony. In Knowing on Trust, Paul Faulkner
presents an epistemological theory of testimony, or a theory that
explains how it is that we acquire knowledge and warranted belief
from testimony.
The key questions addressed in this book are: what makes it
reasonable to accept a piece of testimony? And what warrants belief
formed on this testimonial basis? Faulkner argues that existing
theories of testimony largely fail because they do not recognise
how issues of practical rationality motivate the first question,
and this is what makes testimony distinctive as a source of
knowledge. At the heart of the theory this book presents is the
idea that trust is central to answering these two questions. An
attitude of trust can make it reasonable to depend on another's
testimony, but what warrants testimonial belief is not trust but
the body of evidence the testimony originates from. Testimonial
knowledge and testimonially warranted belief are formed on trust.
Faulkner goes on to argue that our having a way of life wherein
testimony can provide such a source of knowledge and warrant is
dependent upon a society in which a certain kind of trust is
Between Saying and Doing aims to reconcile pragmatism (in both its
classical American and its Wittgensteinian forms) with analytic
philosophy. It investigates the relations between the meaning of
linguistic expressions and their use. Giving due weight both to
what one has to do in order to count as saying various things and
to what one needs to say in order to specify those doings, makes it
possible to shed new light on the relations between semantics (the
theory of the meanings of utterances and the contents of thoughts)
and pragmatics (the theory of the functional relations among
meaningful or contentful items). Among the vocabularies whose
interrelated use and meaning are considered are: logical,
indexical, modal, normative, and intentional vocabulary. As the
argument proceeds, new ways of thinking about the classic analytic
core programs of empiricism, naturalism, and functionalism are
offered, as well as novel insights about the ideas of artificial
intelligence, the nature of logic, and intentional relations
between subjects and objects.
'I never can catch myself at any time without a perception, and
never can observe any thing but the perception.' These famous words
of David Hume, on his inability to perceive the self, set the stage
for JeeLoo Liu and John Perry's collection of essays on
self-awareness and self-knowledge. This volume connects recent
scientific studies on consciousness with the traditional issues
about the self explored by Descartes, Locke and Hume. Experts in
the field offer contrasting perspectives on matters such as the
relation between consciousness and self-awareness, the notion of
personhood and the epistemic access to one's own thoughts, desires
or attitudes. The volume will be of interest to philosophers,
psychologists, neuroscientists, cognitive scientists and others
working on the central topics of consciousness and the self.