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Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Physical chemistry

Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds II (Hardcover, 2007 ed.): Vincenzo Balzani, Sebastiano Campagna Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds II (Hardcover, 2007 ed.)
Vincenzo Balzani, Sebastiano Campagna
R8,536 Discovery Miles 85 360 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Photochemistry (a term that broadly speaking includes photophysics) is abranchofmodernsciencethatdealswiththeinteractionoflightwithmatter and lies at the crossroadsof chemistry, physics, and biology. However, before being a branch of modern science, photochemistry was (and still is today), an extremely important natural phenomenon. When God said: "Let there be light", photochemistry began to operate, helping God to create the world as wenowknowit.Itislikelythatphotochemistrywasthesparkfortheoriginof life on Earth and played a fundamental role in the evolution of life. Through the photosynthetic process that takes place in green plants, photochemistry is responsible for the maintenance of all living organisms. In the geological past photochemistry caused the accumulation of the deposits of coal, oil, and naturalgasthat wenowuseasfuels.Photochemistryisinvolved inthecontrol ofozoneinthestratosphereandinagreatnumber ofenvironmentalprocesses thatoccurintheatmosphere,inthesea,andonthesoil.Photochemistryisthe essenceoftheprocessofvisionandcausesavarietyofbehavioralresponsesin living organisms. Photochemistry as a science is quite young; we only need to go back less than one century to ?nd its early pioneer [1]. The concept of coordination compound is also relatively young; it was established in 1892, when Alfred Werner conceived his theory of metal complexes [2]. Since then, the terms coordination compound and metal complex have been used as synonyms, even if in the last 30 years, coordination chemistry has extended its scope to the binding ofall kinds of substrates [3, 4].

Synthesis of Bioactive Scaffolds (Hardcover): Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Bubun Banerjee Synthesis of Bioactive Scaffolds (Hardcover)
Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Bubun Banerjee
R6,512 Discovery Miles 65 120 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond-forming reactions are the backbone of synthetic organic chemistry. Scientists are constantly developing and improving these techniques in order to maximize the diversity of synthetically available molecules. These techniques must be developed in a sustainable manner in order to limit their environmental impact. This book highlights green bond forming reactions for bioactive scaffolds.

Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry (Hardcover, 1999 ed.): Brian E. Conway, John O'M. Bockris, Ralph E. White Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry (Hardcover, 1999 ed.)
Brian E. Conway, John O'M. Bockris, Ralph E. White
R4,501 Discovery Miles 45 010 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Recognized experts present incisive analysis of both fundamental and applied problems in this continuation of a highly acclaimed series. Topics discussed include: A thorough and mathematical treatment of periodic phenomena, with consideration of new theories about the transition between `order' and `chaos'; Impedance spectroscopy as applied to the study of kinetics and mechanisms of electrode processes; The use of stoichiometric numbers in mechanism analysis; The electro-osmotic dewatering of clays with important implications for the processing of industrial waste and geotechnical; stabilization; Magnetic effects in electrolytic processes and the electrolytic Hall effect; and The computer analysis and modeling of mass transfer and fluid flow. These authoritative studies will be invaluable for researchers in engineering, electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, materials science, physical chemistry, and corrosion science.

Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen 1 - Grundlagen Fur Ingenieure, Physiker Und Angewandte Mathematiker (7. Aufl. 2011) (English,... Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen 1 - Grundlagen Fur Ingenieure, Physiker Und Angewandte Mathematiker (7. Aufl. 2011) (English, German, Hardcover, 7th 7. Aufl. 2011 ed.)
Sigurd Falk, Rudolf Zurmuhl, Rudolf Zurmhl
R1,577 Discovery Miles 15 770 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Das Buch behandelt Matrizengleichungen und -funktionen sowie die computergerechte Darstellung und Losung der Bewegungsgleichungen von Schwingungssystemen mit endlich vielen Freiheitsgraden und fuhrt in die Grundlagen der Naherungsmethoden von Rayleigh und Ritz ein. Das Eigenwertproblem wird, anders als sonst ublich, von einem allgemeinen Standpunkt aus betrachtet. Dadurch gewinnt die Darstellung an Verstandlichkeit und an Anwendungsbreite. Das Buch ist sowohl fur Studierende als auch fur Physiker und Ingenieure in der Praxis geschrieben.

Radicals, Ion Radicals and Triplets - The Spin-Bearing Intermediates of Organic Chemistry (Hardcover, New): N.L. Bauld Radicals, Ion Radicals and Triplets - The Spin-Bearing Intermediates of Organic Chemistry (Hardcover, New)
N.L. Bauld
R6,400 Discovery Miles 64 000 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

An authoritative, up-to-date volume covering all of the major spin-bearing intermediates of radical chemistry ... This essential sourcebook provides unified coverage of the main types of spin-bearing intermediates-free radicals, anion radicals, cation radicals, ion radical pairs, diradicals, and triplets. Integrating simple molecular orbital theory and electron spin resonance concepts throughout, the book develops basic material with minimal emphasis on mathematics. This straightforward presentation of up-to-date information enables readers to apply radical chemistry and electron transfer chemistry effectively to their own research. In addition to helpful references, an extensive bibliography, and nearly 300 illustrations, this book:
* Emphasizes electron transfer reactions, radical and ion radical clocks, and biological processes that involve spin-bearing intermediates
* Provides a clear view of close interrelationships between spin-bearing intermediates
* Integrates MO theory and ESR spectroscopy into chapters on each class of reactive intermediate
* Offers examples of many common organic reactions that have been found to proceed through the intermediates
* Features challenging chapter-end problem sets
Suitable for students and professionals in chemistry, biology, polymer science, and environmental science, this book is an indispensable guide to the rapid growth area of radical chemistry.

Quantum Chemistry - Fundamentals to Applications (Hardcover, 1999 ed.): Tamas Veszpremi, Miklos Feher Quantum Chemistry - Fundamentals to Applications (Hardcover, 1999 ed.)
Tamas Veszpremi, Miklos Feher
R4,599 Discovery Miles 45 990 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Quantum Chemistry [the branch of Computational Chemistry that applies the laws of Quantum Mechanics to chemical systems] is one of the most dynamic fields of contemporary chemistry, providing a solid foundation for all of chemistry, and serving as the basis for practical, computational methodologies with applications in virtually all branches of chemistry ... The increased sophistication, accuracy and scope of the theory of chemistry are due to a large extent to the spectacular development of quantum chemistry, and in this book the authors have made a remarkable effort to provide a modern account of the field.' From the Foreword by Paul Mezey, University of Saskatchewan. Quantum Chemistry: Fundamentals to Applications develops quantum chemistry all the way from the fundamentals, found in Part I, through the applications that make up Part II. The applications include: molecular structure; spectroscopy; thermodynamics; chemical reactions; solvent effects; and excited state chemistry. The importance of this field is underscored by the fact that the 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the development of Quantum Chemistry.

Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems (Hardcover, 2014 ed.): Lionel Mercury, Niels Tas, Michael... Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems (Hardcover, 2014 ed.)
Lionel Mercury, Niels Tas, Michael Zilberbrand
R4,855 Discovery Miles 48 550 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The present work reflects a multi-disciplinary effort to address the topic of confined hydrosystems developed with a cross-fertilization panel of physics, chemists, biologists, soil and earth scientists. Confined hydrosystems include all situations in natural settings wherein the extent of the liquid phase is limited so that the solid-liquid and/or liquid-air interfaces may be critical to the properties of the whole system. Primarily, this so-called "residual" solution is occluded in pores/channels in such a way that decreases its tendency to evaporation, and makes it long-lasting in arid (Earth deserts) and hyper-arid (Mars soils) areas. The associated physics is available from domains like capillarity, adsorption and wetting, and surface forces. However, many processes are still to understand due to the close relationship between local structure and matter properties, the subtle interplay between the host and the guest, the complex intermingling among static reactivity and migration pathway. Expert contributors from Israel, Russia, Europe and US discuss the behaviour of water and aqueous solutes at different scale, from the nanometric range of carbon nanotubes and nanofluidics to the regional scale of aquifers reactive flow in sedimentary basins. This scientific scope allowed the group of participants with very different background to tackle the confinement topic at different scales. The book is organized according to four sections that include: i) flow, from nano- to mega-scale; ii) ions, hydration and transport; iii) in-pores/channels cavitation; iv) crystallization under confinement. Most of contributions relates to experimental works at different resolution, interpreted through classic thermodynamics and intermolecular forces. Simulation techniques are used to explore the atomic scale of interfaces and the migration in the thinnest angstrom-wide channels.

Bismuth-Mediated Organic Reactions (Hardcover, 2012 ed.): Thierry Ollevier Bismuth-Mediated Organic Reactions (Hardcover, 2012 ed.)
Thierry Ollevier
R8,508 Discovery Miles 85 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Bismuth Catalysts in Aqueous Media, by Shu Kobayashi, Masaharu Ueno and Taku Kitanosono.- Pentavalent Organobismuth Reagents in Organic Synthesis: Alkylation, Alcohol Oxidation and Cationic Photopolymerization , by Yoshihiro Matano.- Environmentally Friendly Organic Synthesis Using Bismuth(III) Compounds, by Scott W. Krabbe and Ram S. Mohan.- Bismuth-Catalyzed Addition of Silyl Nucleophiles to Carbonyl Compounds and Imines, by Thierry Ollevier.- Bismuth Salts in Catalytic Alkylation Reactions, by Magnus Rueping and Boris J. Nachtsheim.- New Applications for Bismuth(III) Salts in Organic Synthesis: From Bulk Chemicals to Steroid and Terpene Chemistry, by J. A. R. Salvador, S. M. Silvestre, R. M. A. Pinto, R. C. Santos and C. Le Roux.- Cationic Bismuth-Catalyzed Hydroamination and Direct Substitution of the Hydroxy Group in Alcohols with Amides, by Shigeki Matsunaga and Masakatsu Shibasaki.- Transition-Metal Catalyzed C-C Bond Formation Using Organobismuth Compounds, by Shigeru Shimada and Maddali L. N. Rao.- Bismuth(III) Salts as Synthetic Tools in Organic Transformations, by J. S. Yadav, Aneesh Antony and Basi V. Subba Reddy.

Optical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes - Special Volume II, dedicated to Professor Jorgensen... Optical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes - Special Volume II, dedicated to Professor Jorgensen (Hardcover, 2004 ed.)
Thomas Schoenherr
R8,521 Discovery Miles 85 210 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Axel Christian Klixbull Jorgensen was a "Polyhistor",one of the very few in the highly specialized science of our time.His interests and contributions in ch- istry covered the whole Periodic Table.This statement demonstrates the breadth of his interests,however,it also sheds light on the constraints of chemistry which deals with a large, yet limited number of elements. It is not surprising that Jorgensen went beyond these limits,exploring the probable or plausible ch- istry of yet unknown elements and elementary particles such as quarks. Even chemistry itself did not place rigid limits on his mind,he was able to transfer his chemical concepts to scientific problems far beyond the normal such as in astrophysics. "Structure and Bonding" is intimately associated with the name C.K. J- gensen both as initiator and author over several decades.The appearance of a special edition in memory of this great scientist is a self-evident prolongation of his many contributions to the success of this series.

Electronic Properties of Inorganic Quasi-One-Dimensional Compounds - Part I - Theoretical (Hardcover, 1985 ed.): P. Monceau Electronic Properties of Inorganic Quasi-One-Dimensional Compounds - Part I - Theoretical (Hardcover, 1985 ed.)
P. Monceau
R4,524 Discovery Miles 45 240 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The close relationship between experimentalists and theorists whether solid state chemists or physicists has, in the last few years, inspired much research in the field of materials with quasi one-dimensional structures.

This volume, Part I of a two-volume set, reviews the basic theories describing the physical properties of one-dimensional materials including their superconducting characteristics. This description is mainly based on the properties of transition metal trichalcogenides. The novel collective transport mechanism for electronic conduction, exhibited by some of the latter compounds NbSe3 being considered as the prototype is surveyed according to a classical theory and a theory including macroscopic quantum effects. In addition, the book contains a description of the properties of non-linear excitations, or solitons, in one-dimensional systems. "

Membrane Biophysics - New Insights and Methods (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018): Hongda Wang, Guohui Li Membrane Biophysics - New Insights and Methods (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2018)
Hongda Wang, Guohui Li
R5,021 Discovery Miles 50 210 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This book highlights recent advances in and diverse techniques for exploring the plasma membrane's structure and function. It starts with two chapters reviewing the history of membrane research and listing recent advances regarding membrane structure, such as the semi-mosaic model for red blood cell membranes and the protein layer-lipid-protein island model for nucleated tissue cell membranes. It subsequently focuses on the localization and interactions of membrane components, dynamic processes of membrane transport and transmembrane signal transduction. Classic and cutting-edge techniques (e.g. high-resolution atomic force microscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy) used in biophysics and chemistry are presented in a very comprehensive manner, making them useful and accessible to both researchers in the field and novices studying cell membranes. This book provides readers a deeper understanding of the plasma membrane's organization at the single molecule level and opens a new way to reveal the relationship between the membrane's structure and functions, making it essential reading for researchers in various fields.

Polyelectrolyte Complexes in the Dispersed and Solid State I - Principles and Theory (Hardcover, 2014 ed.): Martin Mu>ller Polyelectrolyte Complexes in the Dispersed and Solid State I - Principles and Theory (Hardcover, 2014 ed.)
Martin Mu>ller
R7,742 R6,482 Discovery Miles 64 820 Save R1,260 (16%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Advances in Polymer Science enjoys a longstanding tradition and good reputation in its community. Each volume is dedicated to a current topic, and each review critically surveys one aspect of that topic, to place it within the context of the volume. The volumes typically summarize the significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years and discuss them critically, presenting selected examples, explaining and illustrating the important principles, and bringing together many important references of primary literature. On that basis, future research directions in the area can be discussed. Advances in Polymer Science volumes thus are important references for every polymer scientist, as well as for other scientists interested in polymer science - as an introduction to a neighboring field, or as a compilation of detailed information for the specialist.

Photochemistry - Volume 12 (Hardcover): D. Bryce-Smith Photochemistry - Volume 12 (Hardcover)
D. Bryce-Smith
R10,720 Discovery Miles 107 200 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The breadth of scientific and technological interests in the general topic of photochemistry is truly enormous and includes, for example, such diverse areas as microelectronics, atmospheric chemistry, organic synthesis, non-conventional photoimaging, photosynthesis, solar energy conversion, polymer technologies, and spectroscopy. This Specialist Periodical Report on Photochemistry aims to provide an annual review of photo-induced processes that have relevance to the above wide-ranging academic and commercial disciplines, and interests in chemistry, physics, biology and technology. In order to provide easy access to this vast and varied literature, each volume of Photochemistry comprises sections concerned with photophysical processes in condensed phases, organic aspects which are sub-divided by chromophore type, polymer photochemistry, and photochemical aspects of solar energy conversion. Volume 34 covers literature published from July 2001 to June 2002. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject areas, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, with regular, in-depth accounts of progress in particular fields of chemistry. Subject coverage within different volumes of a given title is similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.

Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Inorganic Compounds - Volume 7 (Hardcover, Edition.): P. Day Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Inorganic Compounds - Volume 7 (Hardcover, Edition.)
P. Day
R10,683 Discovery Miles 106 830 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage of progress in the major areas of chemical research. Written by experts in their specialist fields the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, supplying regular critical in-depth accounts of progress in particular areas of chemistry. For over 80 years the Royal Society of Chemistry and its predecessor, the Chemical Society, have been publishing reports charting developments in chemistry, which originally took the form of Annual Reports. However, by 1967 the whole spectrum of chemistry could no longer be contained within one volume and the series Specialist Periodical Reports was born. The Annual Reports themselves still existed but were divided into two, and subsequently three, volumes covering Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry. For more general coverage of the highlights in chemistry they remain a 'must'. Since that time the SPR series has altered according to the fluctuating degree of activity in various fields of chemistry. Some titles have remained unchanged, while others have altered their emphasis along with their titles; some have been combined under a new name whereas others have had to be discontinued. The current list of Specialist Periodical Reports can be seen on the inside flap of this volume.

Catalysis - Volume 5 (Hardcover, Edition.): G.C. Bond, G. Webb Catalysis - Volume 5 (Hardcover, Edition.)
G.C. Bond, G. Webb
R10,702 Discovery Miles 107 020 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

There is an increasing challenge for chemical industry and research institutions to find cost-efficient and environmentally sound methods of converting natural resources into fuels chemicals and energy. Catalysts are essential to these processes and the Catalysis Specialist Periodical Report series serves to highlight major developments in this area. This series provides systematic and detailed reviews of topics of interest to scientists and engineers in the catalysis field. The coverage includes all major areas of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis and also specific applications of catalysis such as NOx control kinetics and experimental techniques such as microcalorimetry. Each chapter is compiled by recognised experts within their specialist fields and provides a summary of the current literature. This series will be of interest to all those in academia and industry who need an up-to-date critical analysis and summary of catalysis research and applications. Catalysis will be of interest to anyone working in academia and industry that needs an up-to-date critical analysis and summary of catalysis research and applications. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading experts in their specialist fields, this series is designed to help the chemistry community keep current with the latest developments in their field. Each volume in the series is published either annually or biennially and is a superb reference point for researchers. www.rsc.org/spr

The Psychological Basis of Perfumery (Hardcover, 4th ed. 1997): J.Stephan Jellinek The Psychological Basis of Perfumery (Hardcover, 4th ed. 1997)
J.Stephan Jellinek
R8,563 Discovery Miles 85 630 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

During the many years of its publication and subsequent revisions, Paul Jellinek's book has been the standard work on its subject. This new edition, translated into English for the first time, was conceived in response to the increased interest in recent years in perfumes and the sense of smell. This interest has come not only from within the highly competitive perfumery industry, but also from psychologists and market researchers. The original text has impressively withstood the test of time and the approach of this new book has been to supplement it with chapters that are now of critical importance, but which were only touched upon in the original book. A market researcher looks at why people use perfumes; a psychologist examines the motivation of perfume choice; another psychologist discusses odours and a perfumer looks at the effects of odours on human experience and behaviour. In the final chapter the editor compares the original author's views with those of today's experts and suggests which aspects are still valid and in what areas divergent views now prevail. This book is written principally to provide a scientific basis to the craft of perfumery and to enable formulators and marketeers to understand why the smells they create and sell have the effect they do. It allows a systematic approach to the development of these products. Others outside the industry, including psychologists in academia, will find the book an essential reference source.

Intramolecular Dynamics - Proceedings of the Fifteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in... Intramolecular Dynamics - Proceedings of the Fifteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, March 29-April 1, 1982 (Hardcover, 1982 ed.)
Joshua Jortner, A. Pullman
R6,046 Discovery Miles 60 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The Fifteenth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of the former international scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. The topic at this year's Jerusalem Symposium was intramo lecular dynamics, a subject of central interest for theoreticians, che mists and biologists. During the last two decades, there has been remarkable pro gress in our understanding of time dependent phenomena. The development and application of the modern techniques of quantum mechanics and sta tistical mechanics to excited-state dynamics and to chemical and biophy sical systems constitutes a fast developing current research area. The main theme of the Symposium was built around a conceptual framework for the elucidation of photophysical and photochemical phenomena in atoms, molecules, van der Waals complexes and clusters, condensed phases, poly mers and biological supermolecules. The interdisciplinary nature of this research field was deliberated by intensive and extensive interactions between scientists from different disciplines and between theory and experiment. This volume provides a record of the invited lectures at the Symposium."

Frontiers of High Pressure Research II: Application of High Pressure to Low-Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials (Hardcover,... Frontiers of High Pressure Research II: Application of High Pressure to Low-Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials (Hardcover, 2001 ed.)
Hans D. Hochheimer, Bogdan Kuchta, Peter K. Dorhout, Jeffery L. Yarger
R4,598 Discovery Miles 45 980 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

In recent interactions with industrial companies it became quite obvious, that the search for new materials with strong anisotropic properties are of paramount importance for the development of new advanced electronic and magnetic devices. The questions concerning the tailoring of materials with large anisotropic electrical and thermal conductivity were asked over and over again. It became also quite clear that the chance to answer these questions and to find new materials which have these desired properties would demand close collaborations between scientists from different fields. Modem techniques ofcontrolled materials synthesis and advances in measurement and modeling have made clear that multiscale complexity is intrinsic to complex electronic materials, both organic and inorganic. A unified approach to classes of these materials is urgently needed, requiring interdisciplinary input from chemistry, materials science, and solid state physics. Only in this way can they be controlled and exploited for increasingly stringent demands oftechnology. The spatial and temporal complexity is driven by strong, often competing couplings between spin, charge and lattice degrees offreedom, which determine structure-function relationships. The nature of these couplings is a sensitive function of electron-electron, electron-lattice, and spin-lattice interactions; noise and disorder, external fields (magnetic, optical, pressure, etc. ), and dimensionality. In particular, these physical influences control broken-symmetry ground states (charge and spin ordered, ferroelectric, superconducting), metal-insulator transitions, and excitations with respect to broken-symmetries created by chemical- or photo-doping, especially in the form of polaronic or excitonic self-trapping.

Chemical Analysis of Antioxidant Capacity - Mechanisms and Techniques (Hardcover): Li Niu, Dongxue Han Chemical Analysis of Antioxidant Capacity - Mechanisms and Techniques (Hardcover)
Li Niu, Dongxue Han
R4,096 Discovery Miles 40 960 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The book discusses the present strategies towards antioxidant capacity evaluation including optical, chromatography, electrochemical methods as well as photoelectrochemical technique, where the advantages, limitations and different applications are analyzed and compared. Subsequently, the corresponding analysis instruments are introduced and interpreted combining with their technical characteristics, scope and performance indicators.

Metal Clusters at Surfaces - Structure, Quantum Properties, Physical Chemistry (Hardcover, 2000 ed.): Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer Metal Clusters at Surfaces - Structure, Quantum Properties, Physical Chemistry (Hardcover, 2000 ed.)
Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer
R4,746 Discovery Miles 47 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Numerous experiments and calculations have shown that isolated metal clusters possess many interesting features, quite different from those known from surface and solid- state physics or from atomic and molecular physics. The technological exploitation of these new properties, e.g. in miniature electronic or mechanical components, requires the cluster to be brought into an environment such as an encapsulating matrix or a surface. Due to the interaction with the contact medium, the properties of the clusters may change or even disappear. Thus the physics of cluster-on-surface systems -- the main subject of this book -- is of fundamental importance. The book addresses a wide audience, from the newcomer to the expert. Starting from fundamental concepts of adsorbate-surface interactions, the modification of electronic properties through electron confinement, and concepts of cluster production, it elucidates the distinct properties of the new metallic nanostructures.

Organic Inhibitors of Corrosion of Metals (Hardcover, 1996 ed.): Y. I. Kuznetsov Organic Inhibitors of Corrosion of Metals (Hardcover, 1996 ed.)
Y. I. Kuznetsov
R4,534 Discovery Miles 45 340 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Organic Inhibitors of Corrosion of Metals provides a detailed review of the various theories advanced to explain the mechanisms of organic inhibitors. Author Yu.I. Kuznetsov explores the role of potential and charge of the metal, the nature of the organic species used as the inhibitor, and the function of the solvent. The author draws connections between these key elements and the processes of passivation, pitting, synergism, and complex formation. This unique volume brings together the mechanistic and practical aspects of corrosion control by organic inhibitors.

Guanidines as Reagents and Catalysts I (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2017): Philipp Selig Guanidines as Reagents and Catalysts I (Hardcover, 1st ed. 2017)
Philipp Selig
R6,428 Discovery Miles 64 280 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The series Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry presents critical reviews on present and future trends in the research of heterocyclic compounds. Overall the scope is to cover topics dealing with all areas within heterocyclic chemistry, both experimental and theoretical, of interest to the general heterocyclic chemistry community. The series consists of topic related volumes edited by renowned editors with contributions of experts in the field. All chapters from Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry are published Online First with an individual DOI. In references, Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry is abbreviated as Top Heterocycl Chem and cited as a journal

Principles of Soft-Matter Dynamics - Basic Theories, Non-invasive Methods, Mesoscopic Aspects (Hardcover, 2012 ed.): Rainer... Principles of Soft-Matter Dynamics - Basic Theories, Non-invasive Methods, Mesoscopic Aspects (Hardcover, 2012 ed.)
Rainer Kimmich
R2,633 R1,670 Discovery Miles 16 700 Save R963 (37%) Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Practical applications of soft-matter dynamics are of vital importance in material science, chemical engineering, biophysics and biotechnology, food processing, plastic industry, micro- and nano-system technology, and other technologies based on non-crystalline and non-glassy materials.
"Principles of Soft-Matter Dynamics. Basic Theories, Non-invasive Methods, Mesoscopic Aspects" covers fundamental dynamic phenomena such as diffusion, relaxation, fluid dynamics, normal modes, order fluctuations, adsorption and wetting processes. It also elucidates the applications of the principles and of the methods referring to polymers, liquid crystals and other mesophases, membranes, amphiphilic systems, networks, and porous media including multiphase and multi-component materials, colloids, fine-particles, and emulsions. The book presents all formalisms, examines the basic concepts needed for applications of soft-matter science, and reviews non-invasive experimental techniques such as the multi-faceted realm of NMR methods, neutron and light quasi-elastic scattering, mechanical relaxation and dielectric broadband spectroscopy which are treated and compared on a common and consistent foundation. The standard concepts of dynamics in fluids, polymers, liquid crystals, colloids and adsorbates are comprehensively derived in a step-by-step manner. Principles and analogies common to diverse application fields are elucidated and theoretical and experimental aspects are supplemented by computational-physics considerations.
"Principles of Soft-Matter Dynamics. Basic Theories, Non-invasive Methods, Mesoscopic Aspects" appeals to graduate and PhD students, post-docs, researchers, and industrial scientists alike.

Analytical Voltammetry, Volume 27 (Hardcover): M.R. Smyth, J.G. Vos Analytical Voltammetry, Volume 27 (Hardcover)
M.R. Smyth, J.G. Vos
R9,599 Discovery Miles 95 990 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

The aim of this volume is to review the state-of-the-art in analytical voltammetry with regard to theory and instrumentation, and show how these relate to the analysis of inorganic, organometallic, organic and biological molecules. Modern voltammetric techniques have practical applications in biological, pharmaceutical and environmental chemistry. The growing importance of voltammetry in the development of modified electrodes and biological electrodes and chemical and biological sensors is also highlighted.

Simple Brownian Diffusion - An Introduction to the Standard Theoretical Models (Hardcover): Daniel Thomas Gillespie, Effrosyni... Simple Brownian Diffusion - An Introduction to the Standard Theoretical Models (Hardcover)
Daniel Thomas Gillespie, Effrosyni Seitaridou
R2,878 Discovery Miles 28 780 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Brownian diffusion is the motion of one or more solute molecules in a sea of very many, much smaller solvent molecules. Its importance today owes mainly to cellular chemistry, since Brownian diffusion is one of the ways in which key reactant molecules move about inside a living cell. This book focuses on the four simplest models of Brownian diffusion: the classical Fickian model, the Einstein model, the discrete-stochastic (cell-jumping) model, and the Langevin model. The authors carefully develop the theories underlying these models, assess their relative advantages, and clarify their conditions of applicability. Special attention is given to the stochastic simulation of diffusion, and to showing how simulation can complement theory and experiment. Two self-contained tutorial chapters, one on the mathematics of random variables and the other on the mathematics of continuous Markov processes (stochastic differential equations), make the book accessible to researchers from a broad spectrum of technical backgrounds.

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