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Books > Science & Mathematics > Chemistry > Physical chemistry
The book highlights recent prominent results in the domain of the synthesis of new polyoxometalates with a specific attention to polyoxothioanions, and provides some novelties and perspectives in selected domains such as magnetism, luminescence and nanochemistry, and macroions self-assembly in solutions. The case of "one-pot" syntheses often used and reported in POMs synthesis is studied in terms of more complex solution speciation processes related to highly dynamical situation connected to factors such as pH, ionic strength, reaction time, temperature, counterion nature, concentration of starting materials, presence of electron donors and redox potentials. The behavior of macroions (2nm-6nm size range) in solution is shown to be quite different from the simple ionic solution or colloidal systems (Debye-Huckel model). Their self-assembling into a single-layered, spherical, hollow vesicle structure, namely the "blackberry" structure, is clearly described. Examples of spin clusters with tunable interactions are given and single molecule magnets based on POMs are specifically tackled. Besides paramagnetic transition metal centres and lanthanoid ions encapsulated in archetypal lacunary polyoxoanions, magnetically functionalized Kleperates are described, their discovery tracing back nearly 15 years.
This monograph covers the concept of cartesian tensors with the needs and interests of physicists, chemists and other physical scientists in mind. After introducing elementary tensor operations and rotations, spherical tensors, combinations of tensors are introduced, also covering Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. After this, readers from the physical sciences will find generalizations of the results to spinors and applications to quantum mechanics.
Reviewing photo-induced processes that have relevance to a wide-ranging number of academic and commericial disciplines and interests covering chemistry, physics, biology and technology, this series is essential reading for anyone wishing to keep abreast of the current literature. Now in its 41st volume, and with contributions from across the globe, this series continues to present an accessible digest of current opinion and research in all aspects of photochemistry. More than 100 years have passed since Ciamician first talked of solar energy conversion and photoresponsive materials and these topics are among those reviewed in this Specialist Periodical Report. Other chapters examine the potential for photo-click chemistry, the photophysics of transition-metal complexes and excited state dynamics in conjugated polymers. This specialist periodical report presents critical and comprehensive reviews of the last 12 months of the literature and is an essential resource for anyone working at the cutting edge of photochemistry.
In this thesis, Andrew Logsdail demonstrates that computational chemistry is a powerful tool in contemporary nanoscience, complementing experimental observations and helping guide future experiments. The aim of this particular PhD is to further our understanding of structural and compositional preferences in gold nanoparticles, as well as the compositional and chemical ordering preferences in bimetallic nanoalloys formed with other noble metals, such as palladium and platinum. Highlights include: calculations of the structural preferences and optical-response of gold nanoparticles and gold-containing nanoalloys; the design and implementation of novel numerical algorithms for the structural characterisation of gold nanoparticles from electron microscopy images; and electronic structure calculations investigating the interaction of gold nanoparticles with graphene and graphite substrates.The results presented here have significant implications for future research on the chemical and physical properties of gold-based nanoparticles and are of interest to many researchers working on experimental and theoretical aspects of nanoscience.
This book introduces recent progress in biological energetics from ATP hydrolysis to molecular machineries. The role of water is now recognized to be essential in biological molecular energetics. Although energetics is a rather distant field to many biologists, any working models for protein machineries such as protein motors, transporters, and other enzymes must be consistent with their energetics. Therefore, the book is intended to help scientists build systematic models of biomolecular functions based on three categories: (1) ATP hydrolysis reactions including ionic hydration and protonation-deprotonation of biomolecules, (2) protein-ligand/protein-protein interactions including hydration-dehydration processes, and (3) functioning mechanisms of protein machineries based on water functions.
Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic Molecules Martin Klessinger Josef Michl This book provides a non-mathematical introduction to electronic excitation in organic molecules, and offers an integrated view of the principles of electronic spectroscopy, photophysics, and photochemistry. This is the first book to incorporate recent advances in understanding the role of conical intersections in photochemical and photophysical processes. Throughout the book, the concepts of potential energy surfaces, bonding theory, and molecular electronic structure in the understanding of photochemistry are emphasized. Simple and intuitive qualitative models for the nature of electronic states are used to explain how electronic structure can be probed by spectroscopy with ordinary and polarized light, including natural and magnetic circular dichroism. Every chapter includes worked examples that illustrate practical applications of theory, as well as extensive references to the original literature. Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic Molecules is suitable for use as a text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in physical organic chemistry and photochemistry. Also available from VCH Circular Dichroism Principles and Applications K. Nakanishi, N. Berova, and R.W. Woody, eds. Hardcover. ISBN 1-56081-618-X Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Methods and Applications B. Schrader, ed. Hardcover. ISBN 3-527-26446-9 Spectroscopy with Polarized Light Solute Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid Crystals, Polymers, and Membranes J. Michl and E.W. Thulstrup Paperback. ISBN 1-56081-910-3
This book presents two main sets of paper-based analytical systems. The first set is a platform for the analysis of glucose, cholesterol and uric acid in biological samples, and the second set is a cutting-edge electronic tongue system for the analysis of beverages (mineral water, beer, wine). This thesis also provides an extensive review of 33 methods of enzyme immobilization on paper which have been evaluated to enhance the storage stability of the proposed system for biomarker detection. From a practical perspective, this thesis covers a diverse set of topics related to paper-based sensing, including colorimetric and electrochemical detection methods, different sets of architecture (spot-tests, lateral and tangential flow assays), methods of fabrication (wax printing, cutting, impregnation with polymers), measurements in stationary and flow conditions as well computer modeling of proposed systems and sophisticated data analysis using chemometric techniques. This book is useful for PhD students working in this or a related field who require detailed information about methodology and background to this research.
This multi-author contributed volume contains chapters featuring the development of the DV-X method and its application to a variety of problems in Materials Science and Spectroscopy written by leaders of the respective fields. The volume contains a Foreword written by the Chairs of Japanese and Korea DV-X alpha Societies. This book is aimed at individuals working in Quantum Chemistry.
This book reviews various aspects of molecular spectroscopy and its application in materials science, chemistry, physics, medicine, the arts and the earth sciences. Written by an international group of recognized experts, it examines how complementary applications of diverse spectroscopic methods can be used to study the structure and properties of different materials. The chapters cover the whole spectrum of topics related to theoretical and computational methods, as well as the practical application of spectroscopic techniques to study the structure and dynamics of molecular systems, solid-state crystalline and amorphous materials, surfaces and interfaces, and biological systems. As such, the book offers an invaluable resource for all researchers and postgraduate students interested in the latest developments in the theory, experimentation, measurement and application of various advanced spectroscopic methods for the study of materials.
"Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience" explores the theory and
concepts of colloid chemistry and its applications to nanoscience
and nanotechnology. It provides the essential conceptual and
methodological tools to approach nano-research issues. The authors
expertise in colloid science will contribute to the understanding
of basic issues involved in research. Each chapter covers a
classical subject of colloid science, in simple and straightforward
terms, and addresses its relevance to nanoscience before
introducing case studies.
This thesis reports the discovery of metal nanoparticles having new structures that do not exist in bulk state and that exhibit hydrogen storage ability or CO oxidation activity. Research into the reaction of hydrogen with metals has attracted much attention because of potential applications as effective hydrogen storage materials, as permeable films, or as catalysts for hydrogenation. Also, CO oxidation catalysts have been extensively developed because of their importance to CO removal from car exhaust or fuel-cell systems. At the same time, atomic-level (solid solution) alloying has the advantage of being able to continuously control chemical and physical properties of elements by changing compositions and/or combinations of constituent elements. This thesis provides a novel strategy for the basis of inter-elemental fusion to create highly efficient functional materials for energy and material conversions.
For many processes and applications in science and technology a
basic knowledge of liquids and solutions is a must. Gaining a
better understanding of the behavior and properties of pure liquids
and solutions will help to improve many processes and to advance
research in many different areas. This book provides a
comprehensive, self-contained and integrated survey of this topic
and is a must-have for many chemists, chemical engineers and
material scientists, ranging from newcomers in the field to more
experienced researchers. The author
This book review series presents current trends in modern biotechnology. The aim is to cover all aspects of this interdisciplinary technology where knowledge, methods and expertise are required from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, chemical engineering and computer science. Volumes are organized topically and provide a comprehensive discussion of developments in the respective field over the past 3-5 years. The series also discusses new discoveries and applications. Special volumes are dedicated to selected topics which focus on new biotechnological products and new processes for their synthesis and purification. In general, special volumes are edited by well-known guest editors. The series editor and publisher will however always be pleased to receive suggestions and supplementary information. Manuscripts are accepted in English.
The work presented in Thomas M. Gogsig's thesis deals with the
discovery of new metal-catalyzed transformations ranging from
Kumada-, Heck- and Suzuki-type reactions. The thesis starts with a
formidable introduction to Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.
New results have been obtained on:
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a relatively new separation technique suitable for handling small amounts of sample very important in bioanalytical research and in various clinical, diagnostic, genetic, and forensic applications. In Capillary Electrophoresis of Biomolecules: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field provide key techniques to investigate CE focusing on simple and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), aminoacids, peptides and proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. Along with practical procedures, reviews discussing CE applications related to bio(macro)molecules are also included. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology (TM) series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Capillary Electrophoresis of Biomolecules: Methods and Protocols provides the reader with the latest break throughs and improvements in CE and CE techniques applied to several classes of bio(macro)molecules.
The series Structure and Bonding publishes critical reviews on
topics of research concerned with chemical structure and bonding.
The scope of the series spans the entire Periodic Table and
addresses structure and bonding issues associated with all of the
elements. It also focuses attention on new and developing areas of
modern structural and theoretical chemistry such as nanostructures,
molecular electronics, designed molecular solids, surfaces, metal
clusters and supramolecular structures. Physical and spectroscopic
techniques used to determine, examine and model structures fall
within the purview of Structure and Bonding to the extent that the
focus is on the scientific results obtained and not on specialist
information concerning the techniques themselves. Issues associated
with the development of bonding models and generalizations that
illuminate the reactivity pathways and rates of chemical processes
are also relevant. The individual volumes in the series are
thematic. The goal of each volume is to give the reader, whether at
a university or in industry, a comprehensive overview of an area
where new insights are emerging that are of interest to a larger
scientific audience. Thus each review within the volume critically
surveys one aspect of that topic and places it within the context
of the volume as a whole. The most significant developments of the
last 5 to 10 years should be presented using selected examples to
illustrate the principles discussed. A description of the physical
basis of the experimental techniques that have been used to provide
the primary data may also be appropriate, if it has not been
covered in detail elsewhere. The coverage need not be exhaustive in
data, but should rather be conceptual, concentrating on the new
principles being developed that will allow the reader, who is not a
specialist in the area covered, to understand the data presented.
Discussion of possible future research directions in the area is
welcomed. Review articles for the individual volumes are invited by
the volume editors.
A Zahigkeitscharakterisierung mit Hilfe bruchmechanischer Konzepte.- A 1 Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen.- Neue Entwicklungen bei der bruchmechanischen Zahigkeitsbewertung von Kunststoffen und Verbunden.- JTJ-Konzept und dissipative Energien am Riss.- A 2 Experimentelle Methoden.- Bruchmechanische Messmethoden fur Polymere.- Einfluss von Prufkoerpergeometrie und Beanspruchungsbedingungen auf das Risswiderstandsverhalten von PVC und PP.- Prozedur zur Ermittlung des Risswiderstandsverhaltens mit dem instrumentierten Kerbschlagbiegeversuch.- Experimentelle Methoden zur Charakterisierung des Bruchverhaltens von HDPE-Rohren.- Die mechanische Charakterisierung von Polymeren und verstarkten Polymeren - Experimentelle Probleme und theoretische Hintergrunde.- A 3 Alternative Methoden.- Approximative Methoden zur Beschreibung des Risswiderstandsverhaltens im instrumentierten Kerbschlagbiegeversuch.- Anwendung der Normalisierungsmethode zur Ermittlung von Risswiderstandskurven an amorphen PVC-Werkstoffen.- Berechnung von J-R-Kurven aus Kraft-Durchbiegungs-Diagrammen auf Basis des Gelenkprutkoerpers.- J-TJ- und ?-T?-Stabilitatsdiagramme als Grundlage einer alternativen Methode zur Ermittlung von Instabilitatswerten aus Risswiderstandskurven.- B Morphologie-Eigenschafts-Korrelationen.- B 1 Homopolymerisate.- UEbermolekulare Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften von isotaktischem Polypropylen.- Bruchverhalten und Morphologie von HDPE-Werkstoffen.- Zahigkeits- und Relaxationsverhalten von PMMA, PS und PC.- Crazing in amorphen Polymeren - Entstehung und Wachstum fibrillarer Crazes in der Nahe der Glasubergangstemperatur.- Einfluss der Temperatur und der Feuchtigkeit auf das Zahigkeitsverhalten von Polyamid.- B 2 Blends.- Zusammenhang zwischen Bruchverhalten und Morphologie von PE/PP-Blends.- Einfluss von Modifikatorkonzentration und Pruftemperatur auf das Zahigkeitsverhalten von modifizierten Polyamiden.- Morphologie und Zahigkeit von PP/EPR-Blends.- B 3 Copolymerisate.- Anwendung bruchmechanischer Werkstoffkenngroessen zur Optimierung des Zahigkeitsverhaltens von polymeren Mehrphasensystemen mit PP-Matrix.- Bruchmechanische Zahigkeitsbewertung des Rissinitiierungs-und Rissausbreitungsverhaltens von Ethylen-Propylen-Random-Copolymerisaten.- Risszahigkeitsverhalten von ABS-Werkstoffen.- ABS - Sproedbruch-Untersuchungen der Morphologie-Versagens-Beziehung.- C Hybride Methoden der Kunststoffprufung und Kunststoffdiagnostik.- Neue Moeglichkeiten der zerstoerungsfreien Charakterisierung von Polymeren.- Ermittlung des lokalen Deformationsverhaltens von Kunststoffen mittels Laserextensometrie.- D Technologische Prufverfahren.- Einsatzgrenzen von Kunststoffen und deren Verbunden unter Reibungs- und Verschleissbedingungen.- Modifizierung von Polymerwerkstoffen mit amorphem Kohlenstoff zur Optimierung des Reibungsverhaltens.- Mechanisches Schwingungsverhalten einer CFK-Verdichterschaufel.- E Biokompatible Werkstoffe und medizinische Implantate.- Polymere Werkstoffe in der orthopadischen Gelenkchirurgie.- Werkstoffparameter von funktionellen Prothesen im HNO-Bereich bei fortschreitender Degradation.- Mikrobielle Korrosion von pharyngo-trachealen Shuntventilen.- Werkstoff-und Deformationsverhalten von Stimmprothesen - Sensibilitat mechanischer Prufverfahren.- F Spezielle Werkstoffe.- Rissinitiierung, Verschleiss und molekulare Struktur von gefullten Vulkanisaten.- Charakterisierung des Deformationsverhaltens von modifiziertem Polymerbeton.- G Einsatz-und Anwendungsgrenzen.- Der Einfluss des biaxialen Spannungszustandes auf die Werkstoffkennwertfunktionen nichtlinear-viskoelastischer Werkstoffe.- Mediale Bestandigkeit von PP/GF-Verbunden.- Einfluss der medialen Auslagerung auf das Impactverhalten glasfaserverstarkter Kunststoffe.- Physikalische Alterung von Polypropylen.- Autorenindex.
This thesis addresses the evolving field of measurement science, specifically that of mass spectrometry (MS) and ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) based techniques. It focuses on the design, construction and implementation of low-cost, easy-to-manufacture measurement tools that are used in modern settings such as airport security screening. Advances in these technologies often involve minimal performance enhancement at ever-increasing cost, which in turn limits accessibility to versatile measurement tools. This problem is addressed using desktop 3D printers along with widely available materials for the production of novel ion lenses and an IMS instrument with a performance comparable to that of many commercial systems. Bairds findings are a source of inspiration for scientists exploring this emerging field.
The series Topics in Current Chemistry Collections presents critical reviews from the journal Topics in Current Chemistry organized in topical volumes. The scope of coverage is all areas of chemical science including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine and materials science. The goal of each thematic volume is to give the non-specialist reader, whether in academia or industry, a comprehensive insight into an area where new research is emerging which is of interest to a larger scientific audience. Each review within the volume critically surveys one aspect of that topic and places it within the context of the volume as a whole. The most significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years are presented using selected examples to illustrate the principles discussed. The coverage is not intended to be an exhaustive summary of the field or include large quantities of data, but should rather be conceptual, concentrating on the methodological thinking that will allow the non-specialist reader to understand the information presented. Contributions also offer an outlook on potential future developments in the field.
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Progress in Methods and Applications is a collection of 33 selected papers from the scientific contributions presented at the 16th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (QSCP-XVI), held at Ishikawa Prefecture Museum of Art in Kanazawa, Japan, from September 11th to 17th, 2011. The volume discusses the state of the art, new trends, and the future of methods in mol- ecular quantum mechanics and their applications to a wide range of problems in physics, chemistry, and biology. The breadth and depth of the scientific topics discussed during QSCP-XVI appears in the classification of the contributions in six parts: I. Fundamental Theory II. Molecular Processes III. Molecular Structure IV. Molecular Properties V. Condensed Matter VI. Biosystems. Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Progress in Methods and Applications is written for advanced graduate students as well as for professionals in theoretical chemi- cal physics and physical chemistry. The book covers current scientific topics in mole- cular, nano, material, and bio sciences and provides insights into methodological deve- lopments and applications of quantum theory in physics, chemistry, and biology that have become feasible at the end of 2011.
The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanisms increases, new ways are opened for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as organic synthesis, medical research, biology and materials science. Thus the scope of coverage includes a broad range of topics of pure and applied organometallic chemistry, where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance to a larger scientific audience. The individual volumes of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry are thematic. Review articles are generally invited by the volume editors. All chapters from Topics in Organometallic Chemistry are published OnlineFirst with an individual DOI. In references, Topics in Organometallic Chemistry is abbreviated as Top Organomet Chem and cited as a journal
Praise for the First Edition: "Very useful for researchers in solid-state chemistry and as a textbook of advanced inorganic chemistry for PhD students." —Advanced Materials. This book provides unified coverage of the structure, properties, and synthesis of transition metal oxides. Written by two world-class scientists, it offers both an excellent window on modern solid-state chemistry and a gateway to understanding the behavior of inorganic solids. Scientists and advanced students in inorganic and solid-state chemistry, materials science, ceramics, and condensed matter science will welcome this updated Second Edition, which features new or expanded material on:
This book provides a concise overview of the photophysics and spectroscopy of bio chromophore ions. The book "Photophysics of Ionic Biochromophores" summarizes important recent advances in the spectroscopy of isolated biomolecular ions in vacuo, which has within the last decade become a highly active research field. Advanced instrumental apparatus and the steady increase in more and more powerful computers have made this development possible, both for experimentalists and theoreticians. Applied techniques described here include absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, which are excellent indicators of environmental effects and can thus shed light on the intrinsic electronic structures of ions without perturbations from e.g. water molecules, counter ions, nearby charges, and polar amino acid residues. When compared with spectra of the chromophores in their natural environment, such spectra allow to identify possible perturbations. At the same time gas-phase spectra provide important benchmarks for quantum chemistry calculations of electronically excited states. This volume focuses on biological systems from protein biochromophores, e.g. the protonated Schiff-base retinal responsible for vision, and individual aromatic amino acids to peptides and whole proteins, studied using visible, ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet light. Work on DNA nucleotides and strands that are amenable to mass spectrometric studies because of the negatively charged sugarphosphate backbone are also presented. DNA strands represent an example of the interplay between multiple chromophores, which is even harder to model correctly than just single chromophores due to spatially extended excited states and weak coupling terms. The experimental techniques used to measure spectra and commonly used theoretical methods are described with a discussion on limitations and advantages. The volume includes an updated status of the field and interesting future directions such as cold ion spectroscopy.
This book presents a new system of solar cells. Colloidal nanocrystals possess many physical and chemical properties which can be manipulated by advanced control over structural features like the particle size. One application field is photovoltaics where colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals are explored as components of photo-active layers which can be produced from liquid media, often in combination with conductive polymers. The further development of this interdisciplinary field of research requires a deep understanding of the physics and chemistry of colloidal nanocrystals, conducting polymers and photovoltaic devices. This book aims at bridging gaps between the involved scientific disciplines and presents important fundamentals and the current state of research of relevant materials and different types of nanoparticle-based solar cells. The book will be of interest to researchers and PhD students. Moreover, it may also serve to accompany specialized lectures in related areas.
This comprehensive presentation of the integral equation method as applied to electro-analytical experiments is suitable for electrochemists, mathematicians and industrial chemists. The discussion focuses on how integral equations can be derived for various kinds of electroanalytical models. The book begins with models independent of spatial coordinates, goes on to address models in one dimensional space geometry and ends with models dependent on two spatial coordinates. Bieniasz considers both semi-infinite and finite spatial domains as well as ways to deal with diffusion, convection, homogeneous reactions, adsorbed reactants and ohmic drops. Bieniasz also discusses mathematical characteristics of the integral equations in the wider context of integral equations known in mathematics. Part of the book is devoted to the solution methodology for the integral equations. As analytical solutions are rarely possible, attention is paid mostly to numerical methods and relevant software. This book includes examples taken from the literature and a thorough literature overview with emphasis on crucial aspects of the integral equation methodology. |
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