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Books > Language & Literature > Language & linguistics > Semantics (meaning) > Pragmatics
This book builds on the idea that pragmatics and philosophy are strictly interconnected and that advances in one area will generate consequential advantages in the other area. The first part of the book, entitled 'Theoretical Approaches to Philosophy of Language', contains contributions by philosophers of language on connectives, intensional contexts, demonstratives, subsententials, and implicit indirect reports. The second part, 'Pragmatics in Discourse', presents contributions that are more empirically based or of a more applicative nature and that deal with the pragmatics of discourse, argumentation, pragmatics and law, and context. The book presents perspectives which, generally, make most of the Gricean idea of the centrality of a speaker's intention in attribution of meaning to utterances, whether one is interested in the level of sentence-like units or larger chunks of discourse.
This book is about the representations - both visual and linguistic - which people give of their own places of origin. It examines the drawings of interviewees who were asked to draw their own place of origin on a white A3 sheet, using pencil or colour, according to their choice. If they were born in a place they did not remember because they moved in when they were very small, they could draw the place they did remember as the scenario of their early childhood. The drawings are examined from three different perspectives: semiotics, cognitive psychology and geography. The semiotic instruments are used to describe how each person reconstructs a complex image of his/her childhood place, and how they translate their own memories from one language to another, e.g. from drawing to verbal story, trying to approach what they want to express in the best possible way. The cognitive-psychological point of view helps clarify the emotional world of the interviewees and their motivations during the process of reconstruction and expression of their childhood experiences. The geographical conceptualizations concern a cultural level and provide insight into the cartographic models that inspire the maps people drew. One of the main findings was the influence from cultural codes as demonstrated in the fact that most of the US students interviewed drew their maps showing considerable cartographic expertise in comparison to their European counterparts.
This book considers the syntax and semantics of non-verbal predicates (i.e., nominal, adjectival and prepositional predicates) in copular sentences. Isabelle Roy explores how a single structure for predication can account for the different interpretations of non-verbal predicates. The book departs from earlier studies by arguing in favor of a ternary distinction between defining / characterizing / situation-descriptive predicates rather than the more common stage-level/individual distinction. The distinction is based on two semantic criteria, namely maximality (i.e., whether the predicate describes an eventuality that has spatio-temporal properties or not) and density (i.e. whether the spatio-temporal properties are perceived as atomic or not). The author argues in favor of a strong correlation between the semantics properties of predicates and their internal syntactic structure. Her analysis accounts for seemingly unrelated cross-linguistic data: the indefinite article in French, the distribution of the two copulas 'ser'/'estar' in Spanish, and case marking on Russian predicates.
Language is more than words: it includes the prosodic features and patterns that we use, subconsciously, to frame meanings and achieve our goals in our interaction with others. Here, Nigel G. Ward explains how we do this, going beyond intonation to show how pitch, timing, intensity and voicing properties combine to form meaningful temporal configurations: prosodic constructions. Bringing together new findings and hitherto-scattered observations from phonetic and pragmatic studies, this book describes over twenty common prosodic patterns in English conversation. Using examples from real conversations, it illustrates how prosodic constructions serve essential functions such as inviting, showing approval, taking turns, organizing ideas, reaching agreement, and evoking action. Prosody helps us establish rapport and nurture relationships, but subtle differences in prosody across languages and subcultures can be damagingly misunderstood. The findings presented here will enable both native speakers of English and learners to listen more sensitively and communicate more effectively.
This book addresses different linguistic and philosophical aspects of referring to the self in a wide range of languages from different language families, including Amharic, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Newari (Sino-Tibetan), Polish, Tariana (Arawak), and Thai. In the domain of speaking about oneself, languages use a myriad of expressions that cut across grammatical and semantic categories, as well as a wide variety of constructions. Languages of Southeast and East Asia famously employ a great number of terms for first person reference to signal honorification. The number and mixed properties of these terms make them debatable candidates for pronounhood, with many grammar-driven classifications opting to classify them with nouns. Some languages make use of egophors or logophors, and many exhibit an interaction between expressing the self and expressing evidentiality qua the epistemic status of information held from the ego perspective. The volume's focus on expressing the self, however, is not directly motivated by an interest in the grammar or lexicon, but instead stems from philosophical discussions on the special status of thoughts about oneself, known as de se thoughts. It is this interdisciplinary understanding of expressing the self that underlies this volume, comprising philosophy of mind at one end of the spectrum and cross-cultural pragmatics of self-expression at the other. This unprecedented juxtaposition results in a novel method of approaching de se and de se expressions, in which research methods from linguistics and philosophy inform each other. The importance of this interdisciplinary perspective on expressing the self cannot be overemphasized. Crucially, the volume also demonstrates that linguistic research on first-person reference makes a valuable contribution to research on the self tout court, by exploring the ways in which the self is expressed, and thereby adding to the insights gained through philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science.
This volume explores the nature of ellipsis, the core phenomenon that results in various types of omission in sentences. The chapters adopt the popular 'silent structure' accounts of ellipsis, and investigate the question of when linguistic material becomes silenced during the derivation and realization of syntactic structure. The book begins with a detailed introduction from the editors that outlines the current generative syntactic approaches to the derivational timing of ellipsis. In the chapters that follow, internationally-recognized experts in the field address key topics including structure building, the architecture of grammar, the interaction of distinct modules with syntax, the order of operations in the post-syntactic component, and constraints on binding relations. The authors also present novel arguments for and against the derivational approaches to ellipsis, the licensing of ellipsis, and phonological constraints on elliptical sentences. The findings, based on data from English and other languages such as Armenian, Italo-Romance, Ossetic, Spanish, Taiwanese, and Turkish, facilitate a deeper understanding of the interaction between syntax and the neighbouring modules in the formation of elliptical utterances.
Im alltaglichen Sprachgebrauch werden Somatismen, d.h. Phraseologismen, die ein Koerperteil als Komponente beinhalten, besonders in der gesprochenen Sprache verwendet. Die UEbersetzbarkeit dieser formelhaften Konstituenten ist aufgrund ihrer komplexen lexikalischen und semantischen Zusammensetzung sowie der soziokulturellen Unterschiede bisweilen problematisch. UEbersetzer und Sprachlehrer sehen sich immer wieder vor die Herausforderung gestellt, in der Zielsprache nach einer moeglichen AEquivalenz suchen zu mussen. Das vorliegende Woerterbuch, in dem die deutschen somatischen Redewendungen mit ihren synonymen turkischen Entsprechungen in Gruppen gegliedert sind, kann als Hilfsmittel bei der ubersetzerischen Tatigkeit verwendet werden und eignet sich fur den Fremdsprachenunterricht.
This volume explores the linguistic expression of modality in natural language from a cross-linguistic perspective. Modal expressions provide the basic tools that allow us to dissociate what we say from what is actually going on, allowing us to talk about what might happen or might have happened, as well as what is required, desirable, or permitted. Chapters in the book demonstrate that modality involves many more syntactic categories and levels of syntactic structure than traditionally assumed. The volume distinguishes between three types of modality: 'low modality', which concerns modal interpretations associated with the verbal and nominal cartographies in syntax; 'middle modality', or modal interpretation associated with the syntactic cartography internal to the clause; and 'high modality', relating to the left periphery. It combines cross-linguistic discussions of the more widely studied sources of modality with analyses of novel or unexpected sources, and shows how the meanings associated with the three types of modality are realized across a wide range of languages.
Das Buch vereinigt 15 Beitrage zur historischen Valenzforschung. Die Autoren dokumentieren den gegenwartigen Stand der Forschung und unterstutzen zugleich Bestrebungen fur ein Woerterbuch, das die Entwicklung der Valenz deutscher Verben im UEberblick beschreibt. Dazu wird die grundlegende Korpusfrage diskutiert. Ferner eroertern die Autoren an ausgewahlten Beispielen, wie die Verbumgebung im Satz auf den historischen deutschen Sprachstufen festzustellen ist. Neu sind Beitrage, die sich mit dem Verhaltnis von historischer Valenz und Konstruktionsgrammatik auseinandersetzen.
Das Buch untersucht die Semantik der Substantivkomposita des Mittelhochdeutschen. Grundlage ist das Korpus des Projekts "Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik" von Th. Klein, K.-P. Wegera und H.-J. Solms. Der Autor bestimmt die aktuellen Bedeutungen der Belege in ihrem jeweiligen UEberlieferungskontext, der moeglichst vollstandig mitgeteilt wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die Wortbildungsbedeutungen der einzelnen Woerter angesetzt, die wiederum Grundlage der anschliessenden semantischen Klassifizierung der Komposita sind. Das Bindungsverhaltnis zwischen Grundwort und Bestimmungswort wird nach einem bereits fur die Gegenwartssprache erprobten Raster ermittelt.
Die Studien greifen den Widerspruch zwischen der bestandigen Prasenz von Schrifttexten im Alltag und deren mangelnder empirischer textlinguistisch-stilistischer Bearbeitung auf. Der Kommunikationsbereich Alltag ist uber seine soziokulturelle und historische Wesenheit charakterisiert, deshalb fokussieren die Beitrage innerhalb eines kommunikationsorientierten Ansatzes synchronische, diachronische, interkulturelle und produktiv-rezeptive Aspekte ausgewahlter Schrifttexte. Aufgrund der Unabgeschlossenheit dieses Kommunikationsbereichs, seiner UEberschneidungen und Vernetzungen mit anderen Kommunikationsbereichen sind keine prototypischen Schrifttextsorten des Alltags inferierbar. Es wird gezeigt, dass es bezuglich einzelner Textsorten Zuordnungen von Formulierungsweisen gibt, dass jedoch das Ausloten von Polaritaten, wie Privatheit - Offizialitat, Usualitat - Kreativitat, Normbefolgung - Saloppheit, eine gangige kommunikative Praxis darstellt. Die Besonderheit des Bandes besteht darin, dass ein Ausschnitt schriftlicher Alltagskommunikation sowie deren sozio-kulturell-historische Determination starker in den Fokus empirisch-linguistischen Interesses geruckt werden.
Das Buch eroertert die Verbalisierungsschwierigkeiten von olfaktorischen Wahrnehmungen. Hierfur betrachtet der Autor zunachst die Olfaktorik aus kulturell-philosophischer, neurophysiologischer und anthropolinguistischer Perspektive. Des Weiteren legt er dar, wie man uber Geruche im Deutschen und Polnischen spricht. Er geht auf zweierlei Art und Weise vor. Zunachst erfolgen anhand von Woerterbuchern Analyse und Vergleich des deutschen und polnischen Geruchswortschatzes auf der synchronen und diachronen Ebene. Anschliessend zeigt der Autor mithilfe von sprachlichen Korpora und unter Anwendung der kognitiv-linguistischen Methodologie (Frame-Semantik, konzeptuelle Metapher) auf, wie heute Geruche im Deutschen und Polnischen verbalisiert und konzeptualisiert werden.
Die in diesem Band vereinigten Beitrage nehmen Bezug auf Forschungsgegenstande der Germanistik und angewandten Sprachwissenschaft, insbesondere der Morphologie, Syntax, Phraseologie, der Text- und Diskurslinguistik sowie der Translations- und Literaturwissenschaft. Die Autorinnen und Autoren wurdigen mit ihren Beitragen die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen der polnischen Germanistin und ehemaligen Prasidentin des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten Zofia Berdychowska, Professorin an der Jagiellonen-Universitat Krakow. Die Publikation erscheint anlasslich ihres 65. Geburtstages im Jahr 2016.
The quintessential A to Z guide to British English--perfect for
every egghead and bluestocking looking to conquer the language
This stimulating volume provides fresh perspectives on choice, a key notion in systemic functional linguistics. Bringing together a global team of well-established and up-and-coming systemic functional linguists, it shows how the different senses of choice as process and as product are interdependent, and how they operate at all levels of language. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, it covers a range of linguistic viewpoints, informed by evolutionary theory, psychology, sociology and neuroscience, to produce a complex but unifying account of the issues. This book offers a critical examination of choice and is ideal for students and researchers working in all areas of functional linguistics as well as cognitive linguistics, second-language acquisition, neurolinguistics and sociolinguistics.
This book presents research in business discourse and offers pedagogical approaches to teaching business discourse in both classroom and consultancy contexts that address the key issues of dealing with different types of learners, developing teaching materials and evaluation. Drawing on the authors' extensive experience of researching business discourse from a variety of different perspectives including pragmatics, discourse analysis, rhetoric, and language for specific purposes, it demonstrates how these approaches may be applied to teaching. Each chapter includes a list of additional readings, together with a number of practical tasks designed to help readers apply the materials presented. Case studies are used throughout the book to illustrate the concepts, thus equipping readers with a set of research tools to extend their own understanding of how language and communication operate in business contexts, as well introducing them to a variety of research-based ideas that can be translated easily into a classroom setting. The book is cross-cultural in scope as it includes perspectives from a range of different contexts. It represents a significant advance in current literature and will provide a valuable resource for students and scholars of applied linguistics, business communication, and business discourse, in addition to teachers of Business English.
Ziel der Autorin ist die Entwicklung einer morphologisch-semantischen Modellierungsmethode zur Klarung semantischer Probleme in einer mehrsprachigen Terminologie (in der sicherheitsrelevanten Ortungsterminologie der Landverkehrsfachsprache in Deutsch, Englisch, Turkisch). Intralinguale Probleme (Synonymie, Polysemie, Homonymie) klart sie durch einen morphologischen Ansatz und interlinguale Probleme (AEquivalenzprobleme) durch einen semantischen Ansatz (durch Klarung intralingualer Probleme). Folglich entsteht eine konsistente mehrsprachige Terminologie. Aus der Untersuchung resultiert, dass intralinguale Probleme interlinguale Probleme verursachen. Insofern fuhrt ihre Behebung zur Behebung interlingualer Probleme. Ausgenommen von diesem Zusammenhang sind terminologische Lucken.
When theorizing about language, we tend to assume that speakers are cooperative, honest, helpful, and so on. This, of course, isn't remotely true of a lot of real-world language use. Bad Language is the first textbook to explore non-idealized language use, the linguistic behaviour of those who exploit language for malign purposes. Two eminent philosophers of language present a lively and accessible introduction to a wide range of topics including lies and bullshit, slurs and insults, coercion and silencing: Cappelen and Dever offer theoretical frameworks for thinking about these all too common linguistic behaviours. As the text does not assume prior training in philosophy or linguistics, it is ideal for use as part of a philosophy of language course for philosophy students or for linguistics students. Bad Language belongs to the series Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy of Language, in which each book introduces an important area of the philosophy of language, suitable for students at any level.
Pragmatics is the study of human communication: the choices speakers make to express their intended meaning and the kinds of inferences that hearers draw from an utterance in the context of its use. This Handbook surveys pragmatics from different perspectives, presenting the main theories in pragmatic research, incorporating seminal research as well as cutting-edge solutions. It addresses questions of rational and empirical research methods, what counts as an adequate and successful pragmatic theory, and how to go about answering problems raised in pragmatic theory. In the fast-developing field of pragmatics, this Handbook fills the gap in the market for a one-stop resource to the wide scope of today's research and the intricacy of the many theoretical debates. It is an authoritative guide for graduate students and researchers with its focus on the areas and theories that will mark progress in pragmatic research in the future.
Multimodalitat ist ein typisches Merkmal der Kommunikation im Social Web. Der Fokus dieses Bandes liegt auf der Kommunikation in Foto-Communitys, insbesondere auf den beiden kommunikativen Praktiken des Social Taggings und des Verfassens von Notizen innerhalb von Bildern. Bei den Tags stehen semantische Text-Bild-Relationen im Vordergrund: Tags dienen der Wissensreprasentation, eine adaquate Versprachlichung der Bilder ist folglich unabdingbar. Notizen-Bild-Relationen sind aus pragmatischer Perspektive von Interesse: Die Informationen eines Kommunikats werden komplementar auf Text und Bild verteilt, was sich in verschiedenen sprachlichen Phanomenen niederschlagt. Ein diachroner Vergleich mit der Postkartenkommunikation sowie ein Exkurs zur Kommunikation mit Emojis runden das Buch ab.
This volume presents a crosslinguistic survey of the current theoretical debates around copular constructions from a generative perspective. Following an introduction to the main questions surrounding the analysis and categorization of copulas, the chapters address a range of key topics including the existence of more than one copular form in certain languages, the factors determining the presence or absence of a copula, and the morphology of copular forms. The team of expert contributors present new theoretical proposals regarding the formal mechanisms behind the behaviour and patterns observed in copulas in a wide range of typologically diverse languages, including Czech, French, Korean, and languages from the Dene and Bantu families. Their findings have implications beyond the study of copulas and shed more light on issues such as agreement relations, the nature of grammatical categories, and nominal predicates in syntax and semantics. |
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