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Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Rehabilitation
This is the only current book out there made for those aspiring to enter the field of physical therapy or occupational therapy. It shows you the steps and unknown tips needed to put you in the best position to ultimately get into the very competitive U.S. physical therapy and occupational therapy schools. The author has been asked by innumerable potential applicants regarding the steps to gain acceptance into P.T. school and finally decided to write a book about it. He has 18 years of experience, and has participated as a P.T. applicant interviewer for many years. He has interviewed the Chairs of P.T. and O.T. departments for their insight on the subject, and outlined what steps are needed get into P.T. or O.T. school. He has studied the traits of those who are successful and those who do not make the cut. This book is for those of you who would like to learn the steps needed to be a competitive applicant in an ultra competitive field. Chapters include: Personality Traits, Preparation, Schools, Academics, Volunteering/Employment, Civic duties, Recommendation letters, and The interview.
Manuelle Therapie. Sichere und effektive Manipulationstechniken BewAhrte und sichere Manipulationstechniken fA1/4r ExtremitAtengelenke und WirbelsAule in einem Lehrbuch und Bildatlas zusammengefasst Das Buch orientiert sich ganz an den Erfordernissen der tAglichen Praxis und ist konsequent problembezogen gegliedert. Systematisch und A1/4bersichtlich A- zeigen farbige Fotosequenzen und anatomische Grafiken die genaue Vorgehensweise fA1/4r jeden Griff; A- prAzisieren knappe Texte die im Bild gegebenen Anleitungen; A- machen optisch betonte Tipps und Warnhinweise auf die Besonderheiten jeder Technik aufmerksam. Weil die Manipulationsbehandlungen am Patienten A1/4beraus sensibel ausgefA1/4hrt werden mA1/4ssen, ist eine differenzierte EinfA1/4hrung in die Techniken fA1/4r Sie als TherapeutIn essentiell. Dieses Buch fA1/4hrt Sie zuverlAssig zu den bestmAglichen Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsergebnissen hin.
Unique learning resource teaches anatomy through movement Yoga and Anatomy: An Experiential Atlas of Movement by Barbie Klein and Mackenzie Loyet describes the muscular actions responsible for the movements of the body during the practice of yoga. In the first part, asanas (postures) are grouped by distinct categories: standing poses, forward folds, backbends, spinal twists, and more. The second part provides an atlas reference that connects the underlying anatomy with the muscles used to produce these movements. Key Features A series of three to four transitions along with contraindications and modifications safely guide readers through each pose Connections are delineated through the labeling of muscles used during each transition, as well as illustrated overlaid anatomy included in the final image of each asana High-quality figures and tables reinforce each muscle's origin, insertion, action, innervation, and relationship to other anatomical structures This is an essential anatomical self-study resource for students of physical therapy, osteopathic, and allopathic medicine. It also provides a thorough learning and teaching tool for yoga anatomy and mindful movement workshops in medical and allied health profession programs. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.
Written by traumatic brain injury survivor, chiropractor and nutritionist, Dr. Susan Plank, shares the nutritional protocols and associated research she relied upon to boost her memory and cognitive function. Dr. Plank suffered her traumatic brain injury (TBI) while volunteering in Slidell, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. She intimately understands the frustration of struggling with forgetfulness, balance issues, insomnia, depression and anger outbursts that are all hallmarks of brain injury. She is keenly aware of the changes traumatic brain injury makes in a survivor's personality and how survivors and family members are looking for more improvement to return to the person they once were. Reversing Brain Injury Naturally is a must read for those who have suffered traumatic or acquired brain injury or even those that might be losing their "cognitive edge" due to aging or environmental factors. Easy to read and implement it's a fantastic self-help book for those individuals or families that are suffering the effects of brain injury and the hope of further improvement for their physical, mental and emotional health. Dr. Plank says her cognitive rehab therapy was invaluable for her recovery but feels the eight steps outlined in this book improved her overall health dramatically when her cognitive therapy ended. She hopes it will help empower other brain injury survivors as well
Amazon Top 10 Best Seller in: Acupuncture & Acupressure and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Learn how to: Enhance Your Energy Anytime of The Day (without energy drinks or drugs) Sync Your Daily Activity To The Chinese Energy Clock Open Your Meridians With 6 Simple Stretches (beautifully photographed) Just 5 Minutes Everyday To Perfect Health (Relieve Pain, Sleep Deeply, Lose Weight) GET YOUR COPY INSTANTLY NOW Body Energy - Unlock The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock will guide you through the day and night showing you how to enhance your body energy system (chi meridians) through acupressure, chi kung (qi gong), yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises, sleep, play, rest and Japanese meridian stretching (makko-ho). Makko-ho is a complete system of 6 stretches for each brother and sister meridian pair. The stretches originate from Buddhist prayer positions, are said to be performed innately by children all over the world, and very effective at rehabilitating the physical body. Body Energy - Unlock The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock will show you many "tweaks" to your lifestyle you can make throughout the day and night to make sure your body energy stays fully charged and you have the energy healing and clarity to be at your best all day long. Body Energy - Unlock The Secrets Of The Chinese Body Energy Clock will be your owner's manual for easy reference on how to enhance your body energy anytime of day
Sie halten dieses Buch in den Handen, weil fur Sie persoenlich Fitness, oder das Altern an sich ein Thema sind. Vielleicht haben Sie sich schon mit Hilfe von Buchern, Kursen, oder auch persoenlicher Beratung Unterstutzung gesucht, wenn es darum ging, Ihr persoenliches Wohlbefinden, Ihre Belastbarkeit, oder einfach die Lebensqualitat in der kommenden Zeit zu verbessern. Das bedeutet, dass Ihr Interesse an den modernen und wissenschaftlich begrundeten Methoden, gesund und fit ins Alter zu wachsen, gross genug ist, um dieses Buch zu lesen. Ganz gleich, wie alt Sie sind, wenn Sie koerperlich inaktiv, vielleicht etwas ub- gewichtig sind, einen oder mehrere Risikofaktoren fur Zivilisationserkrankungen aufweisen, hier finden Sie Loesungen fur einen Weg zur Besserung Ihres Zustandes. Sind Sie vielleicht schon chronisch von einer dieser Erkrankungen betroffen dann wird dieses Buch eine Unterstutzung sein. Je untrainierter Sie sind, desto mehr werden Sie von diesem Buch profitieren, da es Ihnen Stra- gien zur Wiedererlangung bzw. Festigung der Gesundheit im Rahmen eines gesunden und erlebnisreichen Alterns aufzeigt. Auch wenn Sie regelmassig koerperlich aktiv sind, joggen, schwimmen, be- steigen, Ski fahren und Tennis spielen, und sich nach Ihrer Pensionierung noch einmal ein grosses "Erlebnis" goennen wollen, wie z.B. den Kailash zu umrunden, einige 4000er zu bezwingen, einen Marathon zu laufen oder Helikopter Ski fahren zu gehen - auch dann sollten Sie in diesem Buch blattern, da auch die wichtigsten Grundlagen fur eine gezielte Leistungssteigerung vermittelt werden.
IPeripheral Neurology was the first book to make innovative use of case presentations as a vehicle for teaching peripheral neurology. In fact, it was the first to categorize the field of peripheral neurology, as most other neurology texts concentrated on diseases of the central nervous system. This case approach has since been emulated in many other texts and on various web sites. Emphasizing the clinical conditoin rather than the electrodiagnostic technique, each topic is thoroughly addressed, first in the Fundamental Concepts of Part I, and then in multiple Case Studies presented in Part II. The reader is able to simulate a true clinical environment where a diagnosis has to be arrived at with no organizational clues from the text. Formulating conclusions by analysing the history, physical, and laboratory data, and linking from case to related case, this is the only text which allows this type of "interactive" reading. The book addresses many rare entities that the author is able to present based on his 30-years of experience.
This is the lead title and overview volume of a unique 16 volume biography of L. Ron Hubbard. This all-encompassing compendium for The L. Ron Hubbard Series highlights all he achieved as a humanitarian, educator, administrator, philosopher and artist. It further presents the only complete chronological overview of his life and achievements.
The reader will find in this book a new approach to improving health. The author has called this approach “sanomechanics,” combining the Latin sanus (healthy, sound) and mechanicus (science of the motion of bodies subjected to forces). The focus of sanomechanics is on exercising with an understanding of the biomechanical consequences of the actions. This understanding is based on the author’s theory of the floating skeleton, which postulates a hydraulic connection of synovial joints. The theory explains the greater or lesser success of any exercise utilizing the ability of the human skeleton to absorb and transform forces and moments from the body segments and the environment. This ability vanishes with age and illnesses, and the deeper our understanding of the nature of skeletal functioning is, the better we shall be able to improve, protect, and prolong the skeleton’s health.
A footballer dies of dementia, younger than he should A 14-year old-rugby player is told to play on through multiple blows. He never wakes up from the last one A scientist reveals endemic brain disease in NFL players and is discredited A survivor of domestic abuse can't remember details when standing up in court This is the story of the degenerative brain disease, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). This is a story of power, of science and sport, and of the bodies that society deems worth sacrificing.
There is a newer version of this book. You are viewing the first edition of this title. Check out the second edition for more up to date information. On August 8, 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the final ruling and commentary for the new implementation of the MDS changes set to take effect on Oct. 1, 2011. The Reimbursable Therapy Minutes will be the deciding factor in determining whether a Change of Therapy (COT) OMRA (Other Medicare Required Assessment) will be required, if at all. Most of our skilled nursing facilities are using some type of tracking tool for managing the prospective payment system minutes. Some are computerized, while others are still using paper forms. The Change of Therapy (COT) observation week must be scheduled exactly seven days following the previous MDS or observation week. If there has been a change in RUG category, then a Change of Therapy (COT) OMRA must be done and the reimbursement will drop or increase to the new RUG until another change occurs. CMS decided to assume all SNFs should offer seven-day rehab options, so facilities that traditionally offered Monday through Friday services will face immense challenges with the new Change of Therapy (COT) OMRAs. This book has been updated to discuss the new MDS assessment schedule, the allocation of group therapy minutes, the revised student supervision provisions, the End of Therapy (EOT) Other Medicare Required Assessment (OMRA) and new resumption items, and the new PPS assessment- Change of Therapy (COT) OMRA (Other Medicare Required Assessment). The long term care industry has anticipated the new MDS 3.0. RUG IV coding requires the therapist to specifically account for the time captured during the look back period. This book could help occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech therapists understand Medicare standards for subacute care programs to be compliant with Medicare MDS 3.0 standards and state regulations. Documenting and billing strategies are also discussed in this book to attain maximum reimbursement. A list of commonly used ICD-9 codes is also provided. Appropriate billing and documentation should be present in the medical record. Medicare is increasingly reviewing therapy claims to ensure that the therapy provided required the skills of a therapist. The Mandated program, Recovery Audit Contractions, recovered 1 billion dollars during their 3 year demonstration project. This book covers establishing medical necessity, refusing to care for a resident, restraints, safety, creating incident reports, supervising assistive personnel and resident privacy. Coding and billing for subacute and long term care settings are also encompassed in this book, along with denial and appeal management, regulatory guidelines for insurers and improving cash flow with denial management strategies. Proper coding and documentation ensures that facilities will keep their money upon a post payment medical record audit.
What does "Starting Again" mean to the many different people this book reaches out to? This positive title may draw the reader to enquire why an immensely experienced physiotherapist is considering starting again. Perhaps it challenges patients to rethink their own limitations, or therapists to reconsider their own management strategies. Does it refer to a change in life for head-injured patients and their carers, or does it hint at a fresh approach to old problems? Since "Steps to Follow" and "Right in the Middle," Pat Davies has not been idle. She has remained aware of what may be new and worthwile in therapy around the world, incorporated it into her own vast experience and taken ideas, concepts and techniques back to her patients to test their clinical validity. This is, therefore, not a pedestrian text but one brimming with new ideas for immediate use. That in itself should be a message of hope for all involved in the consequences of head injury. The future will always hold new and better management strategies, the understanding of the nature and consequences of head injury will improve, and thus there should never be limits placed on what patients can achieve. Reduced to its simplicity and presented in modem day thinking, the nervous system is a neural network. It requires input for output, yet it possesses a delicate, powerful, inherent feedback system so it can drive itself optimally, test itself out, learn and adapt.
This book compiles research evidence and clinical perspectives on the benefits and pitfalls of exercise in rehabilitation and recovery from illness or injury. The content focuses on the growing and important concept of increasing physical activity in people with long-term health conditions, maintaining active lifestyles for physical health and well-being, prevention of secondary illness and recovery from injury. Furthermore, whilst it is known that exercise can help aid recovery from many illnesses and injuries, maintaining a physically active lifestyle is vital in the prevention of a wide range of life-threatening diseases. Therefore, encouragement of exercise participation and the integration of physical activity within the daily routine seems an appropriate strategy for everyone. That is, the importance of physical activity in rehabilitation, recovery and secondary prevention, cannot be divorced from the necessity for a population-based strategy of preventative medicine, thus focusing on increasing energy expenditure in the whole population, promoting activity from an early age, and making a resolute difference to population health in future generations.
The expansion of cities results in the forced displacement of large numbers of people, which in turn, creates social tensions within families and communities. Those who are affected live under conditions of deprivation and hardship. It impacts their behavior and social structure. This book identifies, from an Indian perspective, the effects of urban displacement on existing communities. The networks of local social groups have been analyzed using the context of social conflicts between urban organizations and people of different castes and classes. The study also focuses on the process of land acquisition, payment of compensation, and its utilization. The areas of resettlement cover procurement of alternative land, social obligations, occupational change, movement, relocation, and rehabilitation. India's governmental resettlement and rehabilitation policies have been reviewed along with their implications. This sociological perspective on urban displacement will inspire future dialogue on approaches to urban development.
What is it that characterises Pat Davies' second book about hemi plegia and makes it so special? It is a book which committed ther apists can really use in their practical work with patients. We ther apists need such books. The engagement and enthusiasm must come from us. It is similar to a good cookbook. Admittedly one has to know something about cooking but when learning the secrets of haute cuisine - not just the expensive frills but the real refinement- then theoretical dissertations are not very helpful. In practice com ments like "you just have to have the right touch" are useless. Many books are disappointing because the reader cannot learn how to put theory into practice, as the author does not disclose the true secrets of his success, perhaps not really wanting the eager stu dents to "bake a good cake" for example. Such is not the case with this book. In the first theoretical chap ter "The Normal Trunk - Evolutionary and Anatomical Consider ations" the reader is given information about the significance of the normal anatomical relationships in the development of the body segments: the pelvis, thorax and head. The second chapter, "Aspects of Trunk Control," deals with the muscular control of movement within each of these inherently mobile segments. In the terminology of "Functional Kinetics" the different types of muscle activities are described, defining the importance of the selective use of the musculature in reaction to the pull of gravity."
Respiratory disease is one of the leading causes of both mortality and morbidity, causing a significant burden on healthcare resources, the economy, and on individual patients and their carers. Respiratory conditions are managed in many different settings, from home and residential care through the full range of primary to tertiary care. The multifaceted nature of both diseases affecting respiration and the care options is comprehensively covered in this second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing. Offering a systematic description of the main respiratory diseases found in adults, the Handbook covers the assessment, diagnosis, and nursing management of each condition. With a special focus on the role of the multidisciplinary team in meeting the multiple care needs of respiratory patients, including physical and psychosocial concerns, and both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing is a unique and invaluable companion for all healthcare professionals working within the specialty. Fully updated to reflect changes in new national and international guidance, with additional topics on biologics, antifibrotic therapy, inspiratory flow, and new NICE and UKIG standards and algorithms, the material has been fully overhauled to reflect current best practice and therapeutic options. Concise, didactic, and augmented with further reading and useful online resources, the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing gives nurses working in the field all the information they need at their fingertips.
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the very important clinical issue of recovery of function after head injury. It emphasizes recent advances in research on the outcome of head injury and provides a critical commentary on methodological problems. The use of clinical neuropsychological procedures, laboratory-based cognitive tasks, psychiatric interviewing and radiological techniques to assess the outcome of head injury is fully discussed. The list of contributors to this book is distinguished, multidisciplinary and international. The volume will be of particular value to neurologists, neurosurgeons and clinical psychologists. With improvements in trauma care, the number of young people surviving head injury with varying degrees of brain damage has increased, so the question of their neurobehavioural recovery is timely.
Brain on Fire is the stunning debut from journalist and author Susannah Cahalan, recounting the real-life horror story of how a sudden and mysterious illness put her on descent into a madness for which there seemed to be no cure 'My first serious blackout marked the line between sanity and insanity. Though I would have moments of lucidity over the coming days and weeks, I would never again be the same person ...' Susannah Cahalan was a happy, clever, healthy twenty-four-year old. Then one day she woke up in hospital, with no memory of what had happened or how she had got there. Within weeks, she would be transformed into someone unrecognizable, descending into a state of acute psychosis, undergoing rages and convulsions, hallucinating that her father had murdered his wife; that she could control time with her mind. Everything she had taken for granted about her life, and who she was, was wiped out. This is Susannah's story of her terrifying descent into madness and the desperate hunt for a diagnosis, as, after dozens of tests and scans, baffled doctors concluded she should be confined in a psychiatric ward. It is also the story of how one brilliant man, Syria-born Dr Najar, finally proved - using a simple pen and paper - that Susannah's psychotic behaviour was caused by a rare autoimmune disease attacking her brain. His diagnosis of this little-known condition, thought to have been the real cause of devil-possessions through history, saved her life, and possibly the lives of many others. Cahalan takes readers inside this newly-discovered disease through the progress of her own harrowing journey, piecing it together using memories, journals, hospital videos and records. Written with passionate honesty and intelligence, Brain on Fire is a searingly personal yet universal book, which asks what happens when your identity is suddenly destroyed, and how you get it back. 'With eagle-eye precision and brutal honesty, Susannah Cahalan turns her journalistic gaze on herself as she bravely looks back on one of the most harrowing and unimaginable experiences one could ever face: the loss of mind, body and self ... a mesmerizing story', Mira Bartok, New York Times bestselling author of The Memory Palace Susannah Cahalan is a reporter on the New York Post, and the recipient of the 2010 Silurian Award of Excellence in Journalism for Feature Writing. Her writing has also appeared in the New York Times, and is frequently picked up by the Daily Mail, Gawker, Gothamist, AOL and Yahoo among other news aggregrator sites.
This book describes in detail rehabilitation protocols specific for those disorders that most frequently induce vertigo and dizziness. In particular, it highlights exercise protocols that will enable the best result to be obtained within the shortest time and with the most enduring therapeutic effect. Drawing on their personal experience, the authors describe physical exercises that will prove effective in delivering vestibular rehabilitation all over the world, regardless of the rehabilitation tools available. The protocol standardization and the reduction in instrumental rehabilitation mean that even though some individual tailoring is required, it will be possible to plan cost-effective rehabilitation within both the institutional and the private practice setting. The presented protocols cover vertigo in a wide range of conditions, including acute and chronic vestibular loss, vestibular ataxia, benign positional paroxysmal vertigo, M ni re's disease, dizziness in the elderly, whiplash-associated balance disorders, phobic postural vertigo, and autonomic vertigo. Helpful information is provided on clinical approach to vertigo and dizziness and on vestibular rehabilitation from Cawthorne-Cooksey onward. The quantification of rehabilitation outcome and the role of life-style counseling are also discussed. By documenting effective functional and therapeutic approaches and presenting guidelines for each balance disorder, Vertigo Rehabilitation Protocols will be an invaluable resource for neurologists, ENT physicians, orthopedists, and rehabilitation specialists.
Respiratory rehabilitation can be defined as long term evaluation and therapy. This definition has evolved considerably from earlier and more restrictive attempts to delineate the discipline. Currently, respiratory rehabilitation involves evaluation techniques and treatment strategies which utilize the benefits gained from exercises, but without being limited to it. Respiratory muscle training, non-invasive mechanical ventilation, bronchodilator drugs, and metabolic balance and maintenance of nutrition are just a few of the topics covered in this book. The editors have organized the text to provide an updated review of the topic and indicate many areas in need of development and exploration in the years ahead. The information provided is easily accessible to a broad spectrum of readers, including clinicians, researchers, pharmacologists, technicians and therapists.
The Rehabilitation Psychology Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal review agencies.
Das Standardwerk fur Therapeuten behandelt Erkrankungen und Verletzungen der Hande. Fur die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte komplett uberarbeitet, aktualisiert und erweitert, so dass das Werk nun drei Bande umfasst. In Band 3 behandelt die Autorin die Themen manuelle Therapie, physikalische Massnahmen sowie Schienen. Sie hat u. a. Abschnitte zu physiotherapeutischen Therapieansatzen inklusive detaillierter Anleitungen (funktioneller Befund, manuelle Therapie, Arm-Schulterbehandlung, UEberlastungssyndrome) erganzt.
Dieses Buch zeigt zehn grundlegende Prinzipien einer erlebenszentrierten Psychotherapie, die Koerpererleben, Koerperwahrnehmung, Koerperausdruck und Koerperkommunikation integriert. Es stellt Therapie als eine verkoerperte Begegnung vor und vermittelt, wie man den Koerper einbezieht und welche Sprache man dazu verwendet - so wird das Konzept des Embodiment in der Praxis nutzbar. Auch geht es um die Bedeutung von Erleben und Erfahren, um die Indikation und Kontraindikation von Techniken, die therapeutische Beziehung und die Wirkprinzipien der Koerperpsychotherapie. Geschrieben fur Psychologische und AErztliche Psychotherapeuten, Koerper- und Bewegungstherapeuten, Studierende und Interessierte. Aus dem Inhalt: Wahrnehmen und Spuren - Gewahrsein und Gegenwart - Erkunden und Entdecken - Aktivieren und Ausdrucken - Regulieren und Modulieren - Zentrieren und Erden - Beruhren und Halten - Inszenieren und Interagieren - Verkoerpern und Handeln - Reorganisieren und Transformieren. Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Ulfried Geuter, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Lehrtherapeut, Lehranalytiker und Dozent in der psychotherapeutischen Weiterbildung, Ausbildungen in Psychoanalyse und Koerperpsychotherapie; niedergelassen in eigener Praxis in Berlin; unterrichtet im Studienschwerpunkt Koerperpsychotherapie des Masterstudiengangs Motologie der Universitat Marburg. 2015 erschien von ihm ein Grundriss einer Theorie der Koerperpsychotherapie, der von der Fachwelt sehr beachtet wurde.
This book takes a nonpathological approach to disability, viewing it as part of diversity rather than as deficit. The opening chapters introduce basic knowledge of teaching in disability communities, covering attitudes and behaviors that may be difficult for instructors to relate to. Next, the book delves into the three activities sections that increase in difficulty over the course of the book. The activities highlight barriers and psychosocial impediments that hamper progress in disability communities. Designed by an expert educator and clinician who is also an insider in the disability community, each of the 34 activities translate well in classroom environments or as homework, and each can be done individually or in group settings. All activities include a list of required materials, time expectation, goal setting criteria, possible outcomes, and talking and debriefing points for reflection, thereby facilitating effective planning and execution. The activities also recommend possible modifications to adjust the difficulty of the activities. This flexibility makes this a valuable resource for a wider audience of expertise and settings, ranging from introductory to sophisticated readers and users, students and non-students, in classrooms, in workshops, or in other surroundings. Lastly, the book concludes with a chapter on accessing outcomes, with six measures for evaluating knowledge and skill. Teaching Disability is a well-rounded, highly applicable tool for instructors and students in the disability community. |
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