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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
Appearance of singularities is pervasive in many problems in topology, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. This book concerns the study of singular spaces using techniques from a variety of areas of geometry and topology and the interactions among them. Expository chapters by well-known experts cover intersection homology, L2 cohomology and differential operators, topology of algebraic varieties, signatures and characteristic classes, mixed Hodge theory, and elliptic genera of singular complex and real algebraic varieties. The book concludes with a list of open problems.
This book is about new topological invariants of real- and angle-valued maps inspired by Morse-Novikov theory, a chapter of topology, which has recently raised interest outside of mathematics; for example, in data analysis, shape recognition, computer science and physics. They are the backbone of what the author proposes as a computational alternative to Morse-Novikov theory, referred to in this book as AMN-theory.These invariants are on one side analogues of rest points, instantons and closed trajectories of vector fields and on the other side, refine basic topological invariants like homology and monodromy. They are associated to tame maps, considerably more general than Morse maps, that are defined on spaces which are considerably more general than manifolds. They are computable by computer implementable algorithms and have strong robustness properties. They relate the dynamics of flows that admit the map as 'Lyapunov map' to the topology of the underlying space, in a similar manner as Morse-Novikov theory does.
Series of scalars, vectors, or functions are among the fundamental objects of mathematical analysis. When the arrangement of the terms is fixed, investigating a series amounts to investigating the sequence of its partial sums. In this case the theory of series is a part of the theory of sequences, which deals with their convergence, asymptotic behavior, etc. The specific character of the theory of series manifests itself when one considers rearrangements (permutations) of the terms of a series, which brings combinatorial considerations into the problems studied. The phenomenon that a numerical series can change its sum when the order of its terms is changed is one of the most impressive facts encountered in a university analysis course. The present book is devoted precisely to this aspect of the theory of series whose terms are elements of Banach (as well as other topological linear) spaces. The exposition focuses on two complementary problems. The first is to char acterize those series in a given space that remain convergent (and have the same sum) for any rearrangement of their terms; such series are usually called uncon ditionally convergent. The second problem is, when a series converges only for certain rearrangements of its terms (in other words, converges conditionally), to describe its sum range, i.e., the set of sums of all its convergent rearrangements."
This book is an account of the combinatorics of projective spaces over a finite field, with special emphasis on one and two dimensions. With its successor volumes, Finite projective spaces over three dimensions (1985), which is devoted to three dimensions, and General Galois geometries (1991), on a general dimension, it provides a comprehensive treatise of this area of mathematics. The area is interesting in itself, but is important for its applications to coding theory and statistics, and its use of group theory, algebraic geometry, and number theory. This edition is a complete reworking of the first edition. The chapters bear almost the same titles as the first edition, but every chapter has been changed. The most significant changes are to Chapters 2, 10, 12, 13, which respectively describe generalities, the geometry of arcs in ovals, the geometry of arcs of higher degree, and blocking sets. The book is divided into three parts. The first part comprises two chapters, the first of which is a survey of finite fields; the second outlines the fundamental properties of projective spaces and their automorphisms, as well as properties of algebraic varieties and curves, in particular, that are used in the rest of the book and the accompanying two volumes. Parts II and III are entirely self-contained; all proofs of results are given. The second part comprises Chapters 3 to 5. They cover, in an arbitrary dimension, the properties of subspaces such as their number and characterization, of partitions into both subspaces and subgeometries, and of quadrics and Hermitian varieties, as well as polarities. Part III is a detailed account of the line and the plane. In the plane, fundamental properties are first revisited without much resort to the generalities of Parts I and II. Then, the structure of arcs and their relation to curves is described; this includes arcs both of degree two and higher degrees. There are further chapters on blocking sets and on small planes, which means of orders up to thirteen. A comprehensive bibliography of more than 3000 items is provided. At the end of each chapter is a section, Notes and References, which attributes proofs, includes further comments, and lists every relevant reference from the bibliography.
Few books on the subject of Riemann surfaces cover the relatively modern theory of dessins d'enfants (children's drawings), which was launched by Grothendieck in the 1980s and is now an active field of research. In this 2011 book, the authors begin with an elementary account of the theory of compact Riemann surfaces viewed as algebraic curves and as quotients of the hyperbolic plane by the action of Fuchsian groups of finite type. They then use this knowledge to introduce the reader to the theory of dessins d'enfants and its connection with algebraic curves defined over number fields. A large number of worked examples are provided to aid understanding, so no experience beyond the undergraduate level is required. Readers without any previous knowledge of the field of dessins d'enfants are taken rapidly to the forefront of current research.
From the reviews: "This is a very interesting book containing material for a comprehensive study of the cyclid homological theory of algebras, cyclic sets and S1-spaces. Lie algebras and algebraic K-theory and an introduction to Connes'work and recent results on the Novikov conjecture. The book requires a knowledge of homological algebra and Lie algebra theory as well as basic technics coming from algebraic topology. The bibliographic comments at the end of each chapter offer good suggestions for further reading and research. The book can be strongly recommended to anybody interested in noncommutative geometry, contemporary algebraic topology and related topics." European Mathematical Society Newsletter In this second edition the authors have added a chapter 13 on MacLane (co)homology.
This book is an introduction to topological dynamics and ergodic theory. It is divided into a number of relatively short chapters with the intention that each may be used as a component of a lecture course tailored to the particular audience. The authors provide a number of applications, principally to number theory and arithmetic progressions (through Van der Waerden's theorem and Szemerdi's theorem). This text is suitable for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students.
This book provides a self-contained introduction to typical properties of volume preserving homeomorphisms, examples of which include transitivity, chaos and ergodicity. The authors make the first part of the book very concrete by focusing on volume preserving homeomorphisms of the unit n-dimensional cube. They also prove fixed point theorems (Conley-Zehnder-Franks). This is done in a number of short self-contained chapters that would be suitable for an undergraduate analysis seminar or a graduate lecture course. Parts Two and Three consider compact manifolds and sigma compact manifolds respectively, describing the work of the two authors in extending the celebrated result of Oxtoby and Ulam that for volume homeomorphisms of the unit cube, ergodicity is a typical property.
The Geometric Theory of Foliations is one of the fields in Mathematics that gathers several distinct domains: Topology, Dynamical Systems, Differential Topology and Geometry, among others. Its great development has allowed a better comprehension of several phenomena of mathematical and physical nature. Our book contains material dating from the origins of the theory of foliations, from the original works of C Ehresmann and G Reeb, up till modern developments.In a suitable choice of topics we are able to cover material in a coherent way bringing the reader to the heart of recent results in the field. A number of theorems, nowadays considered to be classical, like the Reeb Stability Theorem, Haefliger's Theorem, and Novikov Compact leaf Theorem, are proved in the text. The stability theorem of Thurston and the compact leaf theorem of Plante are also thoroughly proved. Nevertheless, these notes are introductory and cover only a minor part of the basic aspects of the rich theory of foliations.
There are many proposed aims for scientific inquiry - to explain or predict events, to confirm or falsify hypotheses, or to find hypotheses that cohere with our other beliefs in some logical or probabilistic sense. This book is devoted to a different proposal - that the logical structure of the scientist's method should guarantee eventual arrival at the truth, given the scientist's background assumptions. Interest in this methodological property, called "logical reliability", stems from formal learning theory, which draws its insights not from the theory of probability, but from the theory of computability. Kelly first offers an accessible explanation of formal learning theory, then goes on to develop and explore a systematic framework in which various standard learning-theoretic results can be seen as special cases of simpler and more general considerations. Finally, Kelly clarifies the relationship between the resulting framework and other standard issues in the philosophy of science, such as probability, causation, and relativism. Extensively illustrated with figures by the author, The Logic of Reliable Inquiry assumes only introductory knowledge of basic logic and computability theory. It is a major contribution to the literature and will be essential reading for scientists, statiticians, psychologists, linguists, logicians, and philosophers.
'The book is well written, and there is a welcome breadth in the choice of topics. I think this book is a valuable resource. Students who meticulously work through all the problems in the book in an intelligent way, will surely gain considerable insight into the subject; teachers who donaEURO (TM)t tell their students about it will find it a valuable source for exam questions.'The Mathematical GazetteThe book offers a good introduction to topology through solved exercises. It is mainly intended for undergraduate students. Most exercises are given with detailed solutions.In the second edition, some significant changes have been made, other than the additional exercises. There are also additional proofs (as exercises) of many results in the old section 'What You Need To Know', which has been improved and renamed in the new edition as 'Essential Background'. Indeed, it has been considerably beefed up as it now includes more remarks and results for readers' convenience. The interesting sections 'True or False' and 'Tests' have remained as they were, apart from a very few changes.
'The book is well written, and there is a welcome breadth in the choice of topics. I think this book is a valuable resource. Students who meticulously work through all the problems in the book in an intelligent way, will surely gain considerable insight into the subject; teachers who donaEURO (TM)t tell their students about it will find it a valuable source for exam questions.'The Mathematical GazetteThe book offers a good introduction to topology through solved exercises. It is mainly intended for undergraduate students. Most exercises are given with detailed solutions.In the second edition, some significant changes have been made, other than the additional exercises. There are also additional proofs (as exercises) of many results in the old section 'What You Need To Know', which has been improved and renamed in the new edition as 'Essential Background'. Indeed, it has been considerably beefed up as it now includes more remarks and results for readers' convenience. The interesting sections 'True or False' and 'Tests' have remained as they were, apart from a very few changes.
This book casts the theory of periods of algebraic varieties in the natural setting of Madhav Nori's abelian category of mixed motives. It develops Nori's approach to mixed motives from scratch, thereby filling an important gap in the literature, and then explains the connection of mixed motives to periods, including a detailed account of the theory of period numbers in the sense of Kontsevich-Zagier and their structural properties. Period numbers are central to number theory and algebraic geometry, and also play an important role in other fields such as mathematical physics. There are long-standing conjectures about their transcendence properties, best understood in the language of cohomology of algebraic varieties or, more generally, motives. Readers of this book will discover that Nori's unconditional construction of an abelian category of motives (over fields embeddable into the complex numbers) is particularly well suited for this purpose. Notably, Kontsevich's formal period algebra represents a torsor under the motivic Galois group in Nori's sense, and the period conjecture of Kontsevich and Zagier can be recast in this setting. Periods and Nori Motives is highly informative and will appeal to graduate students interested in algebraic geometry and number theory as well as researchers working in related fields. Containing relevant background material on topics such as singular cohomology, algebraic de Rham cohomology, diagram categories and rigid tensor categories, as well as many interesting examples, the overall presentation of this book is self-contained.
This textbook is an alternative to a classical introductory book in point-set topology. The approach, however, is radically different from the classical one. It is based on convergence rather than on open and closed sets. Convergence of filters is a natural generalization of the basic and well-known concept of convergence of sequences, so that convergence theory is more natural and intuitive to many, perhaps most, students than classical topology. On the other hand, the framework of convergence is easier, more powerful and far-reaching which highlights a need for a theory of convergence in various branches of analysis.Convergence theory for filters is gradually introduced and systematically developed. Topological spaces are presented as a special subclass of convergence spaces of particular interest, but a large part of the material usually developed in a topology textbook is treated in the larger realm of convergence spaces.
This textbook is an alternative to a classical introductory book in point-set topology. The approach, however, is radically different from the classical one. It is based on convergence rather than on open and closed sets. Convergence of filters is a natural generalization of the basic and well-known concept of convergence of sequences, so that convergence theory is more natural and intuitive to many, perhaps most, students than classical topology. On the other hand, the framework of convergence is easier, more powerful and far-reaching which highlights a need for a theory of convergence in various branches of analysis.Convergence theory for filters is gradually introduced and systematically developed. Topological spaces are presented as a special subclass of convergence spaces of particular interest, but a large part of the material usually developed in a topology textbook is treated in the larger realm of convergence spaces.
This book is part of the series of three books arise from lectures organized by Hitoshi Murakami at RIMS, Kyoto University in the summer of 2001. The lecture series was aimed at a broad audience that included many graduate students. Its purpose lay in familiarizing the audience with the basics of 3-manifold theory and introducing some topics of current research. The first portion of the lecture series was devoted to standard topics in the theory of 3-manifolds. The middle portion was devoted to a brief study of Heegaard splittings and generalized Heegaard splittings.In the standard schematic diagram for generalized Heegaard splittings, Heegaard splittings are stacked on top of each other in a linear fashion. This can cause confusion in those cases in which generalized Heegaard splittings possess interesting connectivity properties. Fork complexes were invented in an effort to illuminate some of the more subtle issues arising in the study of generalized Heegaard splittings.
The aim of this book is to serve both as an introduction to profinite groups and as a reference for specialists in some areas of the theory. The book is reasonably self-contained. Profinite groups are Galois groups. As such they are of interest in algebraic number theory. Much of recent research on abstract infinite groups is related to profinite groups because residually finite groups are naturally embedded in a profinite group. In addition to basic facts about general profinite groups, the book emphasizes free constructions (particularly free profinite groups and the structure of their subgroups). Homology and cohomology is described with a minimum of prerequisites. This second edition contains three new appendices dealing with a new characterization of free profinite groups, presentations of pro-p groups and a new conceptually simpler approach to the proof of some classical subgroup theorems. Throughout the text there are additions in the form of new results, improved proofs, typographical corrections, and an enlarged bibliography. The list of open questions has been updated; comments and references have been added about those previously open problems that have been solved after the first edition appeared.
This book provides an introduction to the beautiful and deep subject of filling Dehn surfaces in the study of topological 3-manifolds. This book presents, for the first time in English and with all the details, the results from the PhD thesis of the first author, together with some more recent results in the subject. It also presents some key ideas on how these techniques could be used on other subjects.Representing 3-Manifolds by Filling Dehn Surfaces is mostly self-contained requiring only basic knowledge on topology and homotopy theory. The complete and detailed proofs are illustrated with a set of more than 600 spectacular pictures, in the tradition of low-dimensional topology books. It is a basic reference for researchers in the area, but it can also be used as an advanced textbook for graduate students or even for adventurous undergraduates in mathematics. The book uses topological and combinatorial tools developed throughout the twentieth century making the volume a trip along the history of low-dimensional topology.
This book is intended as an introduction to classical Fourier analysis, Fourier series, and the Fourier transform. The topics are developed slowly for the reader who has never seen them before, with a preference for clarity of exposition in stating and proving results. More recent developments, such as the discrete and fast Fourier transforms and wavelets, are covered in the last two chapters. The first three, short, chapters present requisite background material, and these could be read as a short course in functional analysis. The text includes many historical notes to place the material in a cultural and mathematical context; from the fact that Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier was the nineteenth, but not the last, child in his family to the impact that Fourier series have had on the evolution of the concept of the integral.
The study of triangulations of topological spaces has always been at the root of geometric topology. Among the most studied triangulations are piecewise linear triangulations of high-dimensional topological manifolds. Their study culminated in the late 1960s-early 1970s in a complete classification in the work of Kirby and Siebenmann. It is this classification that we discuss in this book, including the celebrated Hauptvermutung and Triangulation Conjecture.The goal of this book is to provide a readable and well-organized exposition of the subject, which would be suitable for advanced graduate students in topology. An exposition like this is currently lacking.
Spaces of constant curvature, i.e. Euclidean space, the sphere, and Loba chevskij space, occupy a special place in geometry. They are most accessible to our geometric intuition, making it possible to develop elementary geometry in a way very similar to that used to create the geometry we learned at school. However, since its basic notions can be interpreted in different ways, this geometry can be applied to objects other than the conventional physical space, the original source of our geometric intuition. Euclidean geometry has for a long time been deeply rooted in the human mind. The same is true of spherical geometry, since a sphere can naturally be embedded into a Euclidean space. Lobachevskij geometry, which in the first fifty years after its discovery had been regarded only as a logically feasible by-product appearing in the investigation of the foundations of geometry, has even now, despite the fact that it has found its use in numerous applications, preserved a kind of exotic and even romantic element. This may probably be explained by the permanent cultural and historical impact which the proof of the independence of the Fifth Postulate had on human thought."
The techniques and concepts of modern algebra are introduced for their natural role in the study of projectile geometry; groups appear as automorphism groups of configurations, division rings appear in the study of Desargues' theorem and the study of the independence of the seven axioms given for projectile geometry.
Harmonic maps are generalisations of the concept of geodesics. They encompass many fundamental examples in differential geometry and have recently become of widespread use in many areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. This is an accessible introduction to some of the fundamental connections between differential geometry, Lie groups, and integrable Hamiltonian systems. The specific goal of the book is to show how the theory of loop groups can be used to study harmonic maps. By concentrating on the main ideas and examples, the author leads up to topics of current research. The book is suitable for students who are beginning to study manifolds and Lie groups, and should be of interest both to mathematicians and to theoretical physicists.
This is the first book to provide a systematic explanation of both the problems of symplectic topology, and analytical details and techniques in applying the machinery embedded in the Floer theory as a whole. It provides a self-contained exposition of all foundational materials of Floer theory and its applications to various problems arising in symplectic topology. The author gives complete analytic details assuming the reader's knowledge of basic elliptic theory of (first-order) partial differential equations, second-year graduate differential geometry and first-year algebraic topology. He motivates various constructions appearing in Floer theory from the historical context of Lagrange Hamilton's variational principle and Hamiltonian mechanics. He also provides 100 exercises so that readers can test their understanding. The book is a comprehensive resource suitable for experts and newcomers alike." |
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