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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Urology & urogenital medicine
Invasive bladder tumors affect the muscle wall, and have a propensity to metastasize and spread to other areas of the body, and are more likely to be fatal. This book presents state-of-the-art diagnoses and treatments available for bladder cancer that has metastasised into the body. A thorough review of current practice is presented in a full color volume with more than 40 tables and 50 illustrations. The book offers a comprehensive review of the subject, covering epidemiology, screening, diagnostic factors, surgery, chemotherapy and post-operative monitoring. Most chapters are jointly written by a basic researcher and a clinician.
Death on Hemodialysis: Preventable or Inevitable? presents the transactions of the Brooklyn meeting, held in April 1993, including an analysis by Scribner and Schreiner and an introduction by Edmund Bourke. Authors include the heads of dialysis registries for Japan, Europe, and the United States, as well as protagonists of dialyser reuse and short dialysis times. Enthusiasts championed the determination of adequacy of dialysis by formulae or by clinical assessment. All chapters are direct and forceful. The reader will be able to judge the data on what are key controversies in planning dialysis protocols and schedules.
This book will enable the reader to gain a sound understanding of contemporary and futuristic evidence-based interventions and assessment procedures for pelvic floor disorders. It gathers the experiences of some of the most important experts on electrical stimulation techniques, offering a multidisciplinary and problem-oriented approach organized according to therapeutic goals. Interventions are recommended that are consistent with theory and display clinical efficacy for specific disorders, including urinary incontinence or retention, fecal incontinence, constipation, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and neurological diseases involving the pelvic floor. All of the surgical or rehabilitative techniques requiring electrical stimulation for the treatment of these disorders are explored and essential background information is provided on functional anatomy, neurophysiology and concepts in electrotherapy. This volume will be a very useful tool for urologists, general or colorectal surgeons, gynecologists and anesthesiologists and also physiotherapists and alternative medicine practitioners (a specific chapter focuses on electroacupuncture). It will assist in their clinical practice as they seek to help the very many patients who suffer from any of the wide range of functional pelvic floor disorders.
Nocturia: Causes, Consequences and Clinical Approaches is the first volume exclusively on the topic of nocturia and is designed to be a comprehensive treatise on the subject. The volume is organized into 11 chapters first introducing and defining nocturia and its impact to patients and society, followed by chapters dealing with predictors and risk factors; relationship to sleep disorders; overactive bladder; and water homeostasis. Therapeutic areas addressing nocturia are covered in specific chapters and include pharmacotherapy affecting the bladder, prostate and kidneys as well as behavioral therapy and surgical intervention. Separate chapters are devoted to alternative therapies as well as the impact of nocturia in the elderly. The volume closes with a chapter presenting avenues for future investigation into the etiology and management of nocturia. Clinical case scenarios inclusive of figures and tables illuminate the evaluation and management of patients with nocturia. Nocturia: Causes, Consequences and Clinical Approaches will give physicians and related healthcare providers the background to understand the conditions causing nocturia, how nocturia affects society and the basis for its rational treatment. It will be used as a state of the art reference by urologists, urogynecologists, internists, nephrologists, pulmonologists, endocrinologists and sleep medicine specialists.
The aim of this book will be to contribute to the education of a new generation of experts in urology, molecular biology, pathology and oncology, offering them sufficient knowledge in basic and translational research to be fluency in the web of interacting networks playing a role in prostate cancer development, progression, metastasis and drug-resistance.The volume will cover the latest innovative researches in prostate cancer, with particular emphasis to the state-of-the-art analysis technologies that are essential for the accurate identification of molecular targets for disease diagnosis, molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis, markers for susceptibility, molecular-based prognostic prevision, characterization of biomarkers of drug efficacy and drug resistance, validation of new therapeutics and diagnostics. Current advancements on the intersecting data concerning transcriptomes, proteomes, the molecular techniques referred as "omes," will be reported and discussed.
Although urology is a surgical specialty, it has become apparent that changes in health care delivery and financing have led to an increasing volume of care being provided by urologists in their offices. A major part of the revenue of a urology practice depends on office production and efficient management. To have a successful practice, the produc tive, committed urologist must have a thorough understanding of the procedures and problems that need to be dealt with in the office. Moreover. the urologist must play an active role in the administration and business aspects of running the office. Surprisingly, very little has been written about the office practice of urology. Office Urology: The Clinician's Guide presents a fresh, practical, and concise text book covering the vital issues that the urologist must face on a daily basis in the office. The initial chapters of the textbook cover the critical aspects of managing the urologic office, such as principles of management, marketing the practice, proper billing and coding, advanced information systems, and important legal issues. The book is not intended to review in detail the academic aspects of the various pathologies pertaining to urology, which have been well covered in several other textbooks. Instead, the clinical chapters deal with practical issues, such as selecting appropriate treatment and counsel ing patients on the optimal therapy for the problems that the urologist frequently man ages. The individual authors have demonstrated expertise in their fields.
This volume builds on the success of the first edition of Imaging Pelvic Floor Disorders and is aimed at those practitioners with an interest in the imaging, diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction. Concise textual information from acknowledged experts is complemented by high-quality diagrams and images to provide a thorough update of this rapidly evolving field. Introductory chapters fully elucidate the anatomical basis underlying disorders of the pelvic floor. State of the art imaging techniques and their application in pelvic floor dysfunction are then discussed in detail. Additions since the first edition include consideration of the effect of aging and new chapters on perineal ultrasound, functional MRI and MRI of the levator muscles. The closing sections of the book describe the modern clinical management of pelvic floor dysfunction, including prolapse, urinary and faecal incontinence and constipation, with specific emphasis on the integration of diagnostic and treatment algorithms. Written for: Practitioners and clinicians in the fields radiology, urology, proctology/colorectal surgery, gynecology, gastroenterology
Since the late 1960s, there has been an acceleration of research focused on understanding how the efferent ducts, the epididymis, and the vas deferens function with respect to the maturation and storage of spermatozoa and as hormone dependent tissues. Another major interest in the epididymis is that it is an attractive target for the development of male contraceptives. There are well over 16,000 peer reviewed articles in the literature on these tissues, their structure, gene expression, protein synthesis and function. Regular international meetings have been initiated that are dedicated to this field. Thus, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive reference volume that spans every facet of epididymal biology, from historical background to the most current results, from basic cell and molecular biology to clinical issues. Well-established experts from every part of the world have contributed to this volume. By necessity, each author was given page limitations so that many topics are not dealt with exhaustively. Whenever possible, references to more comprehensive discussion of specific topics are included.
In this second volume, the Biennial Review of Infertility brings together the most up-to-date research and clinical information on male and female infertility, emerging assisted reproductive techniques, and controversial issues in reproductive medicine. This volume includes discussion of cutting-edge topics such as epigenetics, proteomics, and the role of the environment in fertility, as well as insightful evidence-based discussion of common clinical procedures. It is the cumulative effort of a preeminent panel of experts presenting each chapter in a clear and well-balanced manner. Created to provide an ongoing appraisal of current knowledge, the Biennial Review of Infertility stimulates communication amongst all those working to help couples resolve their infertility.
The only comprehensive work to cover all aspects of diuretic
agents, the book discusses the pharmacology and toxicology of
diuretic agents as well as the physiological effects. Experts in
the field present the principles and experimental approaches for
the study of interactions between pharmacologic compounds in
relation to specific target organs. Diuretic Agents contains
information on the mechanisms of action and application of
diuretics, and details FDA regulations and pharmaceutical industry
The prevalence of hypertension is almost three times as high as that of diabetes mellitus type 2, with both conditions being major risk factors for stroke, ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure. The exact prevalence of hypertension related to hormonal derangements (endocrine hypertension) is not known but estimated to affect less than 15% of hypertensive patients. Recent scientific discoveries have increased the understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypertension. In Endocrine Hypertension, a renowned panel of experts provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of this disorder, discussing when to assign an endocrine cause in one of many conditions that may present with hypertension. The first part of Endocrine Hypertension is dedicated to adrenal causes. The second part of the volume concerns potential nonadrenal causes of hypertension, such as growth hormone excess or deficiency, primary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, testosterone deficiency, insulin resistance, obesity-associated hypertension, and the role of central mineralocorticoid receptors and cardiovascular disease. An important contribution to the literature, Endocrine Hypertension is an indispensable reference not only for endocrinologists, diabetologists, and adrenal investigators, but also for translational scientists and clinicians from cardiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine, geriatrics, urology, and reproductive medicine / gynecology.
Ethical rational, facts, and center techniques for choosing kidney
donors all in one volume. This is the first book of its kind,
devoted solely to preoperative issues for living kidney donors and
those who counsel them. The eight chapters are devoted to vital
areas that are comprehensively addressed by experienced
professionals. The book presents a unified ethical and factual
approach that is essential for all transplant centers to
understand. It is a readable and understandable ethical foundation
for living kidney donation that is free of jargon. It includes
balanced, hard to find factual summaries that are essential for
acceptable kidney donor counseling. As transplant centers
increasingly turn to living kidney donors, this book is an
essential step forward in the field.
In this book, twenty-one researchers and clinicians review the study of the genetics of male infertility, the tools available in the laboratory and clinic, the current state of knowledge, and the future of research and translation into clinical diagnostics and treatments. New tools discussed are discussed. This book therefore serves as a guide to evidence-based clinical applications, and a preview of future possibilities.
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual complaint, with a self-reported prevalence of 20 30% in observational studies. Over the past 10 20 years, our understanding of PE has evolved from the initial premise that it is a psychological disorder to the current recognition of an underlying biological and probably genetic predisposition in many cases. This new understanding has been accompanied by novel approaches to the assessment and treatment of patients with PE. "Premature Ejaculation" is the first truly contemporary reference volume on the subject. It covers a broad range of aspects relevant to PE, including past and current definitions of the condition, the etiology of PE, its epidemiology, the impact of PE on both the patient and his partner, and the treatment of PE using pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy/cognitive behavioral therapy. The book is well illustrated and referenced, and the primary focus throughout is on evidence-based medicine. This timely and authoritative volume will be of great value to sexual health physicians, andrologists, endocrinologists, urologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, psychologists, and other interested healthcare professionals."
In examining the preface of our first book, it is increases needed. The Deming philosophy empha apparent that the editorial comments made in sizes that quality is never fully achieved: process 1994 are even more pertinent in today's cost- improvement is never ending. constrained healthcare environment than when But, what is quality? Without defining, David first written. We repeat them in part. Garvin makes the point that "in its original form, This is a time in history when the concept of quality activities were reactive and inspecti- quality is reaching new highs in terms of public oriented; today, quality related activities have awareness. Articles describing quality, CQI, qual broadened and are seen as essential for strategic ity tools, critical success factors, failures, and success" 1]. How can the broad context of quality lessons learned appear in local newspapers, trade be applied to the diverse aspects of ESRD? journals, scientific periodicals, and professional Furthermore, although far from a new concept, publications on a daily basis, yet implementation Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) has taken of a quality system in many hospital units is its place as a dominant theme in many industries. approached with caution and the basic tenants of CQI is more broadly applicable, both in concept quality systems and CQI continue to be misunder and execution, to service as well as manufacturi- stood. based operations."
This book approaches the classification, pathogenesis, diagnostic, therapy and surgery for kidney tuberculosis as well as male genital tuberculosis. The reader will find recent data on epidemiology, many interesting history cases with illustrations and new methods for the identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
This book analyzes the basic science and treatment of male factor infertility with Dr. Silber's characteristic honesty and clear thinking. It describes finally what works and what doesn't work. It will inspire everyone in reproductive medicine (Gynecologists, Urologists, Embryologists and Endocrinologists) who wish to better understand male infertility.
Cardiovascular complications are not only responsible for more than half of our patients' mortality, they also represent the bulk of everyday problems in a dialysis unit. Yet, the space allocated to them in the major textbooks covers only 2-8% of their total content. The origins of this book lie in many years of day-to-day care of dialysis patients. It gradually became clear to the author that systematic application of well-known pathophysiological principles could improve patients' conditions beyond expectations. More importantly, it appeared that world literature was mainly concerned with evaluating risk factors and that efforts to improve prognosis were concentrated on urea removal. It is important, therefore, to notice that Volume Control', the central issue of this book, is not incorporated into the Adequacy' concept. While primarily intended for dialysis doctors, the author sincerely hopes that dialysis nurses, who carry the lion's share of day-to-day responsibility for dialysis patients, will also find this book a useful and practical guide to dialysis treatment.
Written entirely by surgical urologists, Surgical Management of Urolithiasis: Percutaneous, Shockwave and Ureteroscopy presents a comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future of surgical techniques, with a focus on educating urologists on the full spectrum of stone procedures. In addition to the technical issues, detailed complications are described. Basic as well as advanced techniques are presented in both a didactic and visual mode with representative endoscopic images and radiographs. Recent advancements which are not routinely a core component of surgical training programs are also covered in detail. Compact and extensively illustrated, Surgical Management of Urolithiasis: Percutaneous, Shockwave and Ureteroscopy is a unique and valuable resource in the field of surgical urolithiasis, essential both for those currently in training and for those already in clinical practice.
Sildenafil, for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, is one of the first products that has made its way successfully from basic NO (nitrous oxide) research, to clinical routine therapy. Sidenafil, part of the Milestones in Drug Therapy series, presents the major breakthroughs in the field of NO physiology and pharmacology that led to the development of the drug, as well as clinical applications in one source guide. Written by leading experts in the field, each chapter covers aspects of clinical use and experience, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, biochemistry, and cultural science.
Seeing a patient die under his hands because there is no adequate treatment causes an emotion and a frustration in a doctor, which sometimes stimulates him to try to develop a new type of treatment. Seeing so many wounded young soldiers die due to renal failure in World War I incited the German doctor Georg Haas to try to develop an artificial kidney. He had to give up in despair in 1928. Ten years later doctor Willem Kolff saw a young man die in his ward in the University Hospital of Groningen due to renal failure. By that time two essential factors for an artificial kidney had become available: a drug to keep the blood from clotting outside of the body and an efficient dialysing membrane through which waste substances can pass from the blood into the dialysing fluid. Kolff succeeded in creating the rotating artificial kidney which he started using in the town hospital of Kampen in 1943. The rotation of this artificial kidney started a revolution that made it possible for thousands of kidney patients all over the world to keep on living - and sometimes to forget their disease for the time being. In addition it gave rise to the development of other artificial organs such as the heart-lung machine, the artificial heart and the artificial eye. Doctor Jacob van Noordwijk, the author of this book, was Kolff's first assistant in the treatment of the first 15 patients. How Kolff succeeded in spite of all the limitations imposed by the German occupation of the Netherlands and in spite of the absence of antibiotics and other medical tools which are common nowadays makes a story which may sound incredible. Yet it did happen and visitors to the town of Kampen can still see the hospital building where it all took place.
Kidney Transplants are the most frequently performed solid organ transplants. Pancreas transplantation offers unique survival and quality of life benefits to selected diabetics with or without concomitant renal failure. Usually, kidney and pancreas transplant recipients are managed by the same team of physicians and surgeons. Current textbooks dealing with kidney and pancreas transplantation are unfortunately usually in the form of introductory manuals or primers and lack crucial practical detail and scientific depth relevant to the practicing physician. The transplant physicians and surgeons at Cleveland Clinic have collaborated to produce a textbook devoted to kidney and pancreas transplantation that addresses the need for a work that is well grounded in scientific principles, quantitative clinical reasoning, clinical pharmacology, tested clinical practices and overall clinical applicability. Also addressed are key aspects in the initiation, maintenance and sustained growth of viable clinical programs in kidney and pancreas transplantation. |
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