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As the first international convention focused on stimulating trade through policy actions, the International Symposium on Trade Promotion and Assistance sought to present a comprehensive treatment of the role of the public sector in trade promotion. The papers presented at the conference have been collected in this book, and they review trade promotion activities at the international, state, and local levels. They also address the roles of private-sector institutions such as universities, trade centers, and trade associations in providing information and assistance to those companies interested in exporting. The book presents the invaluable experience and advice of experts who discuss obstacles firms face in exporting efforts and suggest how to achieve higher awareness levels, how to best assist firms in getting into the market, and how to make experienced exporters more successful. Divided into four parts, this collection features eighteen selections that address various aspects of trade promotion and assistance. The five chapters that make up Part I focus on state and federal programs in trade promotion. Part II, which contains seven chapters, looks at trade promotion programs in such countries as England, Norway, Australia, and China. Part III presents four readings on university and private initiatives in stimulating partnerships for export promotion, and Part IV features three chapters of empirical research findings on exporting with implications for public policy. A conclusion and index are also included, as well as a number of tables and figures. This book will be an important reference for companies involved in international business and sales, for business and marketing courses, and for public and academic libraries.
This volume is devoted to those areas that can advance our
understanding of international business. It contains contributions
from intellectual leaders of the field, using cutting edge research
to explore frontier topics in international business, and to look
at where international business is going.
Middlemen in international markets are one of the most critical
components of firms' international marketing strategy. They
constitute the main link between the exporter and the local market,
and are thereby the "extended arm" of the exporter organisation.
This volume of AIM analyses different aspects of relations between
exporters and their middlemen: selection and governance,
information exchange and learning, cultural aspects and finally the
dynamics of such relations. The volume should be seen as a
continuation of a stream of literature that has emerged over the
last five to ten years. This volume is more concerned with the phenomena under study
than with casting light on one particular theoretical perspective.
The contributions represented here are therefore drawing on a
number of different theoretical streams: agency theory, transaction
cost economics, network theory, economic sociology, resource base
theory and its applied "offspring," Internationalisation Process
school of thought. It features researchers from universities in
nine different countries, representing both well-established and
young academicians. This is a manifest indication of the importance
of this field of research. The book is an invaluable asset to students both at the graduate and doctoral levels, and should be a must for researchers in this particular field. Also practitioners will find this book stimulating in their quest for improvements to their relations with their foreign middlemen.
As the international behaviour of firms changes, so too must the theories used to describe, explain and predict that behaviour change. This volume is conceived as an exploration of the evolving nature of internationalization in the context of shifting environmental forces in an effort to: highlight the nature of firms' changing behaviours; explore the potential reasons for those changes; and propose new perspectives from which a more contemporary theory of internationalization can be developed. The papers in this volume examine the internationalization behaviour of a wide range of firms, from MNCs to SMEs, including firms from both developed and emerging economies. Consideration is given to the rapid internationalization of "born global" firms, to inward as well as outward internationalization and to the dynamic nature of internationalization at the beginning of the 21st century.
Business educators everywhere are looking for opportunities where students can gain experiences through study or work in an international context. Study abroad offers meaningful opportunities for exposing business students to cross-cultural learning. In this volume, experts share experiences and guidelines for initiating study abroad programs in business schools. A variety of key issues are discussed, including funding for study abroad fellowships, integrating foreign language training, administrative arrangements for study abroad, and best practices. Perspectives from both US and European business schools are addressed.
Hardbound. This volume provides a selection of the top papers that were presented at an international conference held in Cesme, Turkey in May 1998.
This is a collection of essays on international marketing. Both theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions are included, and cover various aspects of export and multinational marketing. While some contributors focus on managerial issues in international marketing, others take a public policy or comparative perspective. Similarly, while some authors may confine their analyses to well-established concepts or methodologies in international marketing, others have the opportunity to incorporate new and innovative perspectives.
This book addresses the need to move international advertising in new directions by summarizing existing knowledge in several areas, reporting findings of new studies, and providing future research directions. It is aimed both at scholars who have an interest in international advertising research as well as international advertising practitioners.
In contrast to the vibrant development in global market entry activities, extant research on the subject is running out of steam. For example, countertrade, a major form of entry mode, has grown to 15 percent of the world trade but studies on the topic have dwindled to naught. The practice of gray market has expanded to include everything from batteries and cars to computers and mobile phones. However, research on gray market has become scarce. Research stagnancy does not limit to micro-marketing issues. The role of government in market entry has received little attention in spite of the active roles many governments, such as the Chinese and Indian governments, have played in creating a favorable environment to attract foreign direct investment and promote export. Written by a group of internationally renowned scholars, this volume of the "Advances in International Marketing" is devoted to bridge a knowledge gap between the practice of international market entry and the availability of research-based insights and principles for guiding that practice. Among the articles, Samiee discusses countertrade from a marketing viewpoint and introduces a unique marketing process perspective. Zou, Taylor, and Fang examine government influences on MNC's control over its foreign market venture. Li and Li investigate channel control in new product export. Mullen, Sashi, and Doney's case study highlights the complex issues in gray market from the perspective of both manufacturers and parallel marketers. Kopp and Zeng review the changes in Chinese patent laws and discuss market entry issues related to intellectual property rights.
Hardbound. Developments in Australasian Marketing presents excellent examples of the exciting range of marketing research that is being carried out by marketing academics in the Australasian region. The volume contains eighteen chapters selected from presentations at the inaugural Australia/New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC'98) hosted by the Department of Marketing at the University of Otago in 1998. They are arranged into four themes: marketing orientation studies, cross-cultural studies, internationalization issues, and technology issues. The chapters illustrate how academic researchers in Australasia are addressing these themes, and identify implications for marketing practice in the region.
This work seeks to reflect both the greater scrutiny of quality of research in international marketing and the diversity of approach. Analytical techniques employed in the papers include: multiple regression; factor analysis; conjoint analysis; and t-tests. The papers come from diverse theoretical perspectives including game theory, industrial organization, and power and conflict management, as well as from cultural and ecological perspectives. The text is not limited to issues associated with the Asia Pacific region, although many of the papers focus on this growing region. It is divided into four sections. Papers in the first section examine corporate strategy in an international context, reflecting the continued dynamism of global markets. Part 2 includes papers that examine issues in global distribution and the marketing of services. International advertising is the focus of the third section. Part 4 consists of papers that make methodological contributions to the international marketing literature.
For the past two decades, the Advances in International Marketing series has made unique contributions to the field of international marketing through original and high-quality essays that address various international marketing topics. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are included. While some contributors focus on managerial issues in international marketing, others take a public policy or a comparative perspective. Similarly, while some authors may confine their analyses to well-established concepts or methodologies in international marketing, others have the opportunity to incorporate new and innovative perspectives.The contributions featured in Advances in International Marketing tend to be longer than the typical journal article and may incorporate ideas, analyses or techniques considered too radical by other refereed journals. Individual volumes in the series have often featured papers selected from the annual meetings of the CIMaR (Consortium for International Marketing Research). All manuscripts submitted for publication undergo a double-blind peer review process.
The theme of this issue is international buyer behavior. The papers
collected in this volume contribute to theory development and
contain important implications for managers and policy makers. With
chapters written by leading marketing scholars from around the
world, including current and/or former Presidents of the American
Academy of Advertising, the European Academy of Advertising, and
the Korea Advertising Society, this volume focuses on cutting edge
issues that affect buyer behavior in an international context.
Written by leading scholars, this new third edition provides readers with a comprehensive and authoritative examination of emerging markets across the globe. Fully updated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent macro drivers, the authors present analytical frameworks, tools and best practice insights to help readers develop a critical understanding of the growth economies presented within the book, alongside their common characteristics, evolution, and significance in the global economy. Making use of original cases encompassing countries including Brazil, China, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan, the authors explore the unique challenges and opportunities for emerging markets throughout the world today, including the rising middle class, partnering, and negotiation techniques. This text is essential reading for international business students, researchers and practitioners focused on business in emerging markets.
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a flagship program of China's 'One Belt One Road' initiative, created to boost economic cooperation between China and Pakistan with significant political and economic implications in the region. This book looks at critical issues when developing capabilities of cross-cultural management, adaptation and adjustment through cross-cultural understanding and network building from the CPEC case study. The book highlights the importance of acculturation experience, cross-cultural networking, networking behaviour (guanxi vs. hawala), and factors influencing cross-cultural adjustment, which would enhance the overall performance of 'One Belt One Road' projects in general. It looks at how the Chinese and Pakistani employees' national cultures affect their behaviour while working on the CPEC projects. The book offers insights into what cross-cultural adjustments are effective in creating improved individual and organizational performance. In an increasingly globalized world in which the practice of working with people from multiple cultural background is more of a norm, this book will be a useful reference for those who are interested to achieve success in multi-cultural settings.
China and India have in recent years seen a change in leadership, with each wanting to make an impact on their respective societies by bringing about significant changes in governance. This book looks at the impact of major institutional disruptions on large-, medium- and small-sized enterprises in China and India. The book endeavours to systematically assess the impact of major institutional policy changes that seek to transform and overhaul the status quo at institutional, social and business levels. It also provides a holistic understanding of the impact of a major and turbulent policy shift on Asia's two giant economies. This book is a must-read for those interested in gaining insights into the two dominant powers in Asia.
China and India have in recent years seen a change in leadership, with each wanting to make an impact on their respective societies by bringing about significant changes in governance. This book looks at the impact of major institutional disruptions on large-, medium- and small-sized enterprises in China and India. The book endeavours to systematically assess the impact of major institutional policy changes that seek to transform and overhaul the status quo at institutional, social and business levels. It also provides a holistic understanding of the impact of a major and turbulent policy shift on Asia's two giant economies. This book is a must-read for those interested in gaining insights into the two dominant powers in Asia.
Volume 20 of "Advances in International Marketing" guest-edited by Professors Sinkovics and Ghauri, addresses the impact on international marketing of major trends in the external and internal environment of the firm: technology-enabled international marketing research, global account management, procurement and international supplier networks, internationalization of small and entrepreneurial firms, outsourcing and offshoring, and reliability and validity issues for construct measurement. The volume is organized in four part. Part one presents a selection of papers that focus on the internationalization process of the firm. Part two combines studies with a small firm perspective and a focus on entrepreneurship. In the Part 3 on collaborative relationships, three studies examine value creation in strategic alliances, investigate reasons for international joint venture dissolution and offer a conceptual contribution on diversification - whether diversification results in a firm's value premium or a firm's value discount. Part 4 is devoted to methodological advancements. This section provides excellent examples of methodological challenges faced by today's scholars and managers alike.
This volume includes the full proceedings from the 1982 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada. It provides a variety of quality research in the fields of marketing theory and practice in areas such as consumer behaviour, marketing management, marketing education, industrial marketing, and international marketing, among others. Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complimenting the Academy’s flagship journals, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review. Volumes are edited by leading scholars and practitioners across a wide range of subject areas in marketing science.
This volume is devoted to those areas that can advance our understanding of international business. It contains contributions from intellectual leaders of the field, using cutting edge research to explore frontier topics in international business, and to look at where international business is going.
Volume 19 of "Advances in International Marketing" is quite unique. It features essays in marketing and international business, written by doctoral alumni of Michigan State University. Based on the 2008 symposium held at Michigan State University (MSU), the authors offer personal reflections of the contributions their mentors, peers, and the larger academic community have made to their professional development. These deliberations serve to illustrate how individual research streams, whose foundations were established during the doctoral program, took off and became primary areas of specialization for individual alumni. The collective contribution of MSU doctoral alumni to the fields of international business and innovation/new products is truly remarkable. Such high visibility of MSU alumni in the international business literature undoubtedly is a major reason why MSU continues to receive high marks and rankings in academic circles.
Written by leading scholars, this new third edition provides readers with a comprehensive and authoritative examination of emerging markets across the globe. Fully updated in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent macro drivers, the authors present analytical frameworks, tools and best practice insights to help readers develop a critical understanding of the growth economies presented within the book, alongside their common characteristics, evolution, and significance in the global economy. Making use of original cases encompassing countries including Brazil, China, Russia, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan, the authors explore the unique challenges and opportunities for emerging markets throughout the world today, including the rising middle class, partnering, and negotiation techniques. This text is essential reading for international business students, researchers and practitioners focused on business in emerging markets.
Hardbound. The collection of papers presented in this volume are the results of research undertaken by a group of scholars examining the field of international marketing and purchasing (IMP). This group of researchers has been conducting IMP studies over the past two decades in a multi-country setting.This book is a good overview of marketing as a discipline and provides insightful writing on the latest developments. The book can be used as supplementary text in courses as Business-to-Business Marketing, International Marketing and Marketing theory.
This book describes companies that conduct international business at or near the founding of the firm. Despite the limited resources that usually characterize new businesses, these "Born Global" firms achieve substantial international sales from an early stage in their development. They internationalize rapidly - the period from domestic establishment to initial foreign market entry is often three or fewer years.Born globals are emerging in sizable numbers worldwide. Until recently, international business was mainly the domain of large, well-resourced multinational enterprises (MNEs). The appearance of large numbers of born global firms is revolutionizing the traditional character of international business and helping reshape the global economy.This book helps managers and scholars understand the born global phenomenon. We offer a comprehensive treatment of born globals, from distinctive features of these companies, to strategies that they use for international success, to implications of the phenomenon for international small- and medium-sized enterprises. We review useful theories and frameworks and introduce a new field based on the born global phenomenon-international entrepreneurship. We provide a comprehensive literature review and an explanation of major theories that explain the born global firm. This complete guide to born global firms was written by leading experts in the field.
This book describes the steps necessary to achieve success in export marketing. It is a step-by-step guide to the art and science of export marketing, from initial discovery to researching new markets, to the financial aspects, to managing ongoing operations. It is written for small to mid-size firms as a primer, and as a reference for larger firms already involved in exporting as a guide to higher levels of success.If you manage a small or mid-size business that is interested in exporting; this comprehensive book will put you firmly on the path toward success. Achievement in export marketing is not easy, and this guide presents a strategic process from the very first steps of discovery all the way to managing your export operations. After reading it, you will be able to apply the practical information and begin the process with confidence. |
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