Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Complex analysis
Before his untimely death in 1986, Alain Durand had undertaken a
systematic and in-depth study of the arithmetic perspectives of
polynomials. Four unpublished articles of his, formed the
centerpiece of attention at a colloquium in Paris in 1988 and are
reproduced in this volume together with 11 other papers on closely
related topics. A detailed introduction by M. Langevin sets the
scene and places these articles in a unified perspective.
This research monograph concerns the Nevanlinna factorization of
analytic functions smooth, in a sense, up to the boundary. The
peculiar properties of such a factorization are investigated for
the most common classes of Lipschitz-like analytic functions. The
book sets out to create a satisfactory factorization theory as
exists for Hardy classes. The reader will find, among other things,
the theorem on smoothness for the outer part of a function, the
generalization of the theorem of V.P. Havin and F.A. Shamoyan also
known in the mathematical lore as the unpublished Carleson-Jacobs
theorem, the complete description of the zero-set of analytic
functions continuous up to the boundary, generalizing the classical
Carleson-Beurling theorem, and the structure of closed ideals in
the new wide range of Banach algebras of analytic functions. The
first three chapters assume the reader has taken a standard course
on one complex variable; the fourth chapter requires supplementary
papers cited there. The monograph addresses both final year
students and doctoral students beginning to work in this area, and
researchers who will find here new results, proofs and methods.
The purpose of this book is to study plurisubharmonic and analytic
functions in n using capacity theory. The case n=l has been studied
for a long time and is very well understood. The theory has been
generalized to mn and the results are in many cases similar to the
situation in . However, these results are not so well adapted to
complex analysis in several variables - they are more related to
harmonic than plurihar monic functions. Capacities can be thought
of as a non-linear generali zation of measures; capacities are set
functions and many of the capacities considered here can be
obtained as envelopes of measures. In the mn theory, the link
between functions and capa cities is often the Laplace operator -
the corresponding link in the n theory is the complex Monge-Ampere
operator. This operator is non-linear (it is n-linear) while the
Laplace operator is linear. This explains why the theories in mn
and n differ considerably. For example, the sum of two harmonic
functions is harmonic, but it can happen that the sum of two
plurisubharmonic functions has positive Monge-Ampere mass while
each of the two functions has vanishing Monge-Ampere mass. To give
an example of similarities and differences, consider the following
statements. Assume first that is an open subset VIII of n and that
K is a closed subset of Q. Consider the following properties that K
mayor may not have."
The present volume contains articles pertaining to a wide variety
of sub- jects such as conformal and quasi conformal mappings and
related extremal problems, Riemann surfaces, meromorphic functions,
subharmonic functions, approximation and interpolation, and other
questions of complex analysis. These contributions by
mathematicians from allover the world express con- sideration and
friendship for Albert Pfluger. They reflect the wide range of his
interests. Albert Pfluger was born on 13 October 1907 in Oensingen
(Kanton Solothurn) as the oldest son of a Swiss farmer. After a
classical education he studied Mathematics at the ETH-Zurich. Among
his teachers were Hopf, Plancherel, P6lya and Saxer. P6lya was his
Ph.D. adviser. After some teaching at high schools (Gymnasien), he
became professor at the University of Fribourg, and a few years
later (1943) he was appointed as successor of P6lya at the ETH. He
retired in 1978, but has always remained very active in research.
Pfluger's lectures were highly appreciated by the students. His
vivid and clear teaching stimulated and challenged them to
independent thinking. Many of his Ph.D. students are now themselves
teaching in universities. His main research relates to the
following fields: entire functions, Riemann surfaces, quasi
conformal mappings, schlicht functions. (See list of publica-
tions.) He collaborated with several mathematical colleagues, in
particular with Rolf Nevanlinna, who taught parallel to him at the
University of Zurich. In 1973 Pfluger was nominated foreign member
of the Finnish Academy of Sciences.
The theory of General Relativity, after its invention by Albert
Einstein, remained for many years a monument of mathemati cal
speculation, striking in its ambition and its formal beauty, but
quite separated from the main stream of modern Physics, which had
centered, after the early twenties, on quantum mechanics and its
applications. In the last ten or fifteen years, however, the
situation has changed radically. First, a great deal of significant
exper en tal data became available. Then important contributions
were made to the incorporation of general relativity into the
framework of quantum theory. Finally, in the last three years,
exciting devel opments took place which have placed general
relativity, and all the concepts behind it, at the center of our
understanding of par ticle physics and quantum field theory.
Firstly, this is due to the fact that general relativity is really
the "original non-abe lian gauge theory," and that our description
of quantum field in teractions makes extensive use of the concept
of gauge invariance. Secondly, the ideas of supersymmetry have
enabled theoreticians to combine gravity with other elementary
particle interactions, and to construct what is perhaps the first
approach to a more finite quantum theory of gravitation, which is
known as super gravity."
In 1960 Wilhelm Stoll joined the University of Notre Dame faculty
as Professor of Mathematics, and in October, 1984 the university
acknowledged his many years of distinguished service by holding a
conference in complex analysis in his honour. This volume is the
proceedings of that conference. It was our priviledge to serve,
along with Nancy K. Stanton, as conference organizers. We are
grateful to the College of Science of the University of Notre Dame
and to the National Science Foundation for their support. In the
course of a career that has included the publication of over sixty
research articles and the supervision of eighteen doctoral
students, Wilhelm Stoll has won the affection and respect of his
colleagues for his diligence, integrity and humaneness. The
influence of his ideas and insights and the subsequent
investigations they have inspired is attested to by several of the
articles in the volume. On behalf of the conference partipants and
contributors to this volume, we wish Wilhelm Stoll many more years
of happy and devoted service to mathematics. Alan Howard Pit-Mann
Wong VII III c: ... c: o U CI> .r. .... o e:: J o a:: a.:: J o
... (. : J VIII '" Q) g> a. '" Q) E z '" ..... o Q) E Q) ..c eX
IX Participants on the Group Picture Qi-keng LU, Professor, Chinese
Academy of Science, Peking, China.
In recent years there has been increasing interaction among various
branches of mathematics. This is especially evident in the theory
of several complex variables where fruitful interplays of the
methods of algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and partial
differential equations have led to unexpected insights and new
directions of research. In China there has been a long tradition of
study in complex analysis, differential geometry and differential
equations as interrelated subjects due to the influence of
Professors S. S. Chern and L. K. Hua. After a long period of
isolation, in recent years there is a resurgence of scientific
activity and a resumption of scientific exchange with other
countries. The Hangzhou conference is the first international
conference in several complex variables held in China. It offered a
good opportunity for mathematicians from China, U.S., Germany,
Japan, Canada, and France to meet and to discuss their work. The
papers presented in the conference encompass all major aspects of
several complex variables, in particular, in such areas as complex
differential geometry, integral representation, boundary behavior
of holomorphic functions, invariant metrics, holomorphic vector
bundles, and pseudoconvexity. Most of the participants wrote up
their talks for these proceedings. Some of the papers are surveys
and the others present original results. This volume constitutes an
overview of the current trends of research in several complex
This book is first of all designed as a text for the course usually
called "theory of functions of a real variable". This course is at
present cus tomarily offered as a first or second year graduate
course in United States universities, although there are signs that
this sort of analysis will soon penetrate upper division
undergraduate curricula. We have included every topic that we think
essential for the training of analysts, and we have also gone down
a number of interesting bypaths. We hope too that the book will be
useful as a reference for mature mathematicians and other
scientific workers. Hence we have presented very general and
complete versions of a number of important theorems and
constructions. Since these sophisticated versions may be difficult
for the beginner, we have given elementary avatars of all important
theorems, with appro priate suggestions for skipping. We have given
complete definitions, ex planations, and proofs throughout, so that
the book should be usable for individual study as well as for a
course text. Prerequisites for reading the book are the following.
The reader is assumed to know elementary analysis as the subject is
set forth, for example, in TOM M. ApOSTOL'S Mathematical Analysis
[Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, Mass., 1957], or WALTER RUDIN'S
Principles of Mathe nd matical Analysis [2 Ed., McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, 1964].
This book provides a concise survey of the theory of zero
product-determined algebras, which has been developed over the last
15 years. It is divided into three parts. The first part presents
the purely algebraic branch of the theory, the second part presents
the functional analytic branch, and the third part discusses
various applications. The book is intended for researchers and
graduate students in ring theory, Banach algebra theory, and
nonassociative algebra.
Why do we make mistakes? Are there certain errors common to
failure, whether in a complex enterprise or daily life? In this
truly indispensable book, Dietrich Dorner identifies what he calls
the "logic of failure"--certain tendencies in our patterns of
thought that, while appropriate to an older, simpler world, prove
disastrous for the complex world we live in now. Working with
imaginative and often hilarious computer simulations, he analyzes
the roots of catastrophe, showing city planners in the very act of
creating gridlock and disaster, or public health authorities
setting the scene for starvation. The Logic of Failure is a compass
for intelligent planning and decision-making that can sharpen the
skills of managers, policymakers and everyone involved in the daily
challenge of getting from point A to point B.