Books > Sport & Leisure > Transport: general interest > Road & motor vehicles: general interest > General
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ted)nifdjen Eimidjtungen nur baburdj moegfidj gemorben, 'oafi
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menigften im inffnnge ftel)enbe eftimmungen geregeft finb. IDnmit
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inaeHJanbfungen bes S)eere ber ifenbagnbeamten erforberfidj, 'Die
fnft burdjmeg eine megr ober meniger grofie Ueberfegung, aUe aber
'Die bemufite, genaue eobadjtung 'Der uber ben aufieren
ifenbagnbienft gegebenen orfdjriften erfor'oern. IDie
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orfd)riftenmefen (eidjt unterfdja t. ssu 'Den mandjerfei @efe en
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befonberen erorbnungen: Dienftanmeifungen un'o 5Borfdjriftrn, 'Die
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fremben a nen ift tf)eifss 'ourd) (R)taatsstlertriige, tgeif burdj
aag(reidje erein- barungen groefieren ober geringeren Umfange
This radically updated third edition encompasses the very latest
developments in motorcaravans. It is full of practical information
for both new and experienced owners and includes an overview of
models, maintenance and repairs on habitation elements,
explanations of construction methods, practical advice concerning
appliances, and detailed descriptions of motorcaravan supply
systems. The content is invaluable for owners of both leisure
vehicles based on van conversions and coachbuilt models constructed
on a separate chassis. Guidance is also given on accessories,
weight restrictions, modifications, restoration work and self-build
This well-illustrated work by a distinguished social historian
narrates the epic of the great age of railway history and
development. It sets this in the context of the social history and
its contemporary impact on society as a whole. It shows
authoritatively how the railways revolutionised everything - being
the most spectacular change of the Industrial Revolution. This
impact continues to shape our life today, as the railways
transformed the economic life of whole nations and transformed the
quality of life itself. The author shows how railways helped break
down class barriers, and established quite new ones which persist
today.;The railways radically altered the pattern of leisure, too,
in upper, middle, and working class life. And they made possible
the growth of vast suburban areas, and ushered in the computer age.
In so many ways the railways formed the social structures of
today's industrial advances, as the author shows. This is a very
readable and highly individual social history full of valuable