Books > Arts & Architecture > Architecture > General
This book offers an extended consideration of the fairground
showfront. It combines archival material, contemporary examples of
fairs, and a sustained theoretical engagement with influential
philosophies of surface, including recent work by Avrum Stroll and
Andrew Benjamin, as well as the nineteenth century author Gottfried
Semper. Semper's work on the origin of architectural enclosure
-formed from woven mats and carpets- anticipates the surface and
material history of the showfront. Initial chapters introduce these
philosophies, the evolution of showfronts, and the ways in which
individual fairground rides and attractions are arranged to form an
enclosing boundary for the whole fair. Later chapters focus on
issues of spectacle and illusion, vast 'interior' spaces,
atmosphere, crowds and surface effects. Informed by a wide range of
work from other design and cultural studies, the book will be of
interest to readers in these areas, as well as architecture and
those curious about the fairground.
Best practice is the concern of this book. An architect has to be
an administrator as well as designer, and smooth economical
administration will provide the conditions under which client
relations can be constructive and good design can be acheived. The
book is divided into 76 short sections covering the entire process,
from preliminary enquiries to final fees, each with a small flow
chart showing who is involved and when. This sixth revised edition
updates the contents in line with present day practice, bearing in
mind the changes in terminology, technology, environmental demands
and the legislative background. Ronald Green and Professor Ross
Jamieson who writes the foreword to this edition, are both
examiners for Part Three.
The tropical belt - where large areas of South East Asia, India,
Africa and parts of both North and South America are located -
forms the biggest landmass in the world and has one of the highest
numbers of rapidly developing cities. Coincidentally, architecture
in these regions shares common problems, the most easily
identifiable being the tropical conditions of climate and natural
environment. The context for architecture here is fraught with
conflicts between tradition and modernization, massive influx of
rural poor into urban areas, poorly managed rapid urban development
as well as the cultural and social strain of globalization. Many
local and overseas architects, planners and city fathers are
interested in the social and environmental dimensions of these
areas that contribute towards short terms solutions and long term
sustainable developments. This book, developed from the first
conference of the International Network for Tropical Architecture,
supplies a wealth of information from experts worldwide covering
the cultural, environmental and technical aspects of thinking,
researching and designing for the tropics.
A history of Reading's iconic gaol: architectural landmark,
cultural emblem and symbol for a community determined to cherish
the town's heritage. Layers of history and art are carefully peeled
back as Peter Stoneley reveals its past as architectural showcase
for Sir George Gilbert Scott's decorative (and expensive!) style,
location for experiments in prison reform, training ground for the
leaders of the Irish Independence movement and, of course, the
inspiration for Oscar Wilde's famous Ballad of Reading Gaol.
Bringing the narrative right up to the present day with the
discussions over its future use, the impact of the ArtAngel
exhibition and Banksy's graffiti, this book is a timely platform
for the building to tell us its story.
1 Zusammenfassung.- Konzept der Studie.- Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen
der Kombination beider Ansatze.- Ergebnisse.- Sachbilanz
Top-down-Ansatz (Momentaufnahme 1991).- Sachbilanz Bottom-up-Ansatz
(Bestandsmodell).- Gegenuberstellung der Ergebnisse.- Eingebrachte
Problemstoffe.- Trendfortschreibung.- Leitbilder fur den
Baubereich.- 2 Methodischer Ansatz.- 2.1 Bottom-up-Ansatz: Das
Modell des Gebaudebestands.- 2.1.1 Stoffflussrelevante Beschreibung
des Bestandes in Nutzungs-und Altersklassen.- 2.1.2 Aufbau des
Dynamischen Gebaudebestandsmodells.- 2.1.3 Zustand des Bestands -
Alterung von Gebauden.- 2.2 Top-down-Ansatz.- 2.2.1 Berechnung
kumulierter Groessen im Top-down-Ansatz.- 2.2.2 Vor-und Nachteile
des Top-down-Ansatzes.- 2.2.3 Erganzende Erlauterungen zur
Vorgehensweise und Datenbasis beim Top-down-Ansatz.- 2.3 Methodik
und Datenbasis fur die Bestimmung der eingebrachten Problemstoffe.-
2.3.1 Vorgehensweise.- 2.3.2 Datenquellen und Datenqualitat.- 2.4
Systemgrenzen.- 2.5 Gegenuberstellung des Top-down und
Bottom-up-Ansatzes.- 2.6 Sachbilanz.- 2.7 Szenario.- 3 Ergebnisse
der Sachbilanz.- 3.1 Bottom-up-Ansatz.- 3.1.1 Stofflager.- 3.1.2
Stoffstroeme.- 3.1.3 Flachen.- 3.1.4 Energie.- 3.1.5 Emissionen und
Umweltindikatoren.- 3.1.6 Kosten.- 3.2 Stoffstroeme,
Energiestroeme, Luftschadstoffemissionen und Kosten -
Top-down-Ansatz.- 3.2.1 Methodik.- 3.2.2 Erstellung der
Sachbilanzen.- 3.2.3 Bestimmung jahrlich anfallender Mengen an
Abfallen aus den Bereichen "Bauen und Wohnen" fur verschiedene
Jahre, Angaben uber weiterverwertete und weiterverwendete Anteile.-
3.2.4 Die Kosten im Sektor "Bauen und Wohnen" im Spiegel der
Statistik.- 3.2.5 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse.- 3.3 Eingebrachte
Problemstoffe.- 3.3.1 Aufgabenstellung.- 3.3.2 Allgemeiner
Untersuchungsgang.- 3.3.3 Vorgehensweise und Begrenzungen.- 3.3.4
Stofflisten und Problemstofffrachten.- 3.3.5 Ausgewahlte Stoffe.-
3.3.6 Ausgewahlte Tatigkeitsbereiche und zugeordnete
Problemstoffe.- 3.3.7 Problemstoffe im Bauschutt.- 3.3.8
Zusammenfassung und Kommentar.- 3.4 Bilanzierung und Diskussion der
Ergebnisse der Bottom-up und Top-down-Ansatze.- 3.4.1
Stoffstroeme.- 3.4.2 Energie und Umweltbelastungen.- 3.5 Vergleich
mit anderen Studien.- 3.5.1 Stoffstroeme.- 3.5.2 Kosten.- 3.6
Internationaler Vergleich.- 3.7 Landschafts-und Bodenverbrauch.-
3.7.1 Flacheninanspruchnahme durch Wohnungsbauflachen.- 3.7.2
Katasterdaten.- 3.7.3 Baufertigstellungen und Baugenehmigungen.-
3.7.4 Stadtebauliche Strukturtypen und ihr Flachenbedarf.- 4
Szenario.- 4.1 Modellannahmen.- 4.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse.- 4.3
Kommentar zum Szenario.- 5 Strategische UEberlegungen zur
Bestandsbewirtschaftung.- 6 Forschungsbedarf.- 6.1 Methodische
Probleme.- 6.2 Untersuchungsbereich.- 6.3 Regionale Erfassung.- 6.4
Gebaudebestand.- 6.4.1 Beschreibung der Gebaude.- 6.4.2 Abriss,
Entsorgung, Recycling.- 6.5 Externe Kosten.- 6.6 Bautatigkeit und
Baukosten.- 6.7 OEkobilanzen von Baustoffen.- 6.8 Problemstoffe.-
6.9 Datenlage.- 7 Ziele, Massnahmen und Instrumente fur eine
nachhaltige Entwicklung im Sektor "Bauen und Wohnen".- 7.1
Nachhaltigkeit im Bereich Bauen und Wohnen - Ziele und gegenwartige
Entwicklungstrends.- 7.2 Handlungsfelder fur eine nachhaltige
Politik im Sektor "Bauen und Wohnen".- 7.3 Perspektiven zur
Fortschreibung des Bestands.- Anhang A: GISBAU-Inhaltsstoffe.-
Anhang B: BUWAL-Zusatzstoffe.- Anhang C: Problemstoffe im
An accessible look at the many regional styles of architecture in
Spain, from Roman times to the present. Covering all regions of
Spain, from Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum to Granada's Islamic palace
of La Alhambra, and all periods of Spanish architecture, from the
Roman aqueduct at Segovia to the modernistic German Pavilion in
Barcelona, this volume examines 68 of Spain's most important
architectural landmarks. Writing in a clear and engaging style,
Lapunzina describes the features, functions, and historical
importance of each structure. Besides identifying location, style,
architects, and periods of initial construction and major
renovation, the cross-referenced and illustrated entries also
highlight architectural and historical terms explained in the
glossary, and the book concludes with a useful listing of further
readings. The volume also offers lists of entries by location and
architectural time period, as well as a general bibliography, a
subject index, and a detailed introductory overview of Spanish
architecture. Part of the Reference Guides to National Architecture
series, this book looks at Spanish architecture from all regions,
and all periods of history.
Tiny Houses
Austin Knight
Discovery Miles 5 120
Save R104 (17%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book considers two key educational tools for future
generations of professionals with a space architecture background
in the 21st century: (1) introducing the discipline of space
architecture into the space system engineering curricula; and (2)
developing space architecture as a distinct, complete training
curriculum. Professionals educated this way will help shift focus
from solely engineering-driven transportation systems and "sortie"
missions towards permanent off-world human presence. The
architectural training teaches young professionals to operate at
all scales from the "overall picture" down to the smallest details,
to provide directive intention-not just analysis-to design
opportunities, to address the relationship between human behavior
and the built environment, and to interact with many diverse fields
and disciplines throughout the project lifecycle. This book will
benefit individuals and organizations responsible for planning
transportation and habitat systems in space, while also providing
detailed information on work and design processes for architects
and engineers.
The papers in this volume deal with the design of many types of
buildings in Islamic countries and the influence that these
structural forms have had in non-Islamic countries. Coverage will
also include construction materials.There is much to learn from
past experiences to arrive at solutions that are environmentally
sound and sustainable in the long term. As conventional energy
resources become scarce, the Islamic design heritage can offer
invaluable lessons on how to deal with difficult and extreme
environments in an efficient manner. Traditional architecture and
urban environment in most Islamic countries is now being eroded by
overemphasis on global type of architecture and city planning.
Consequently, many regions are losing their identity. The papers
review these developments in the light of what the classical
Islamic urban designs and architectures have to offer modern
society.The papers in this book cover such topics as: Architectural
conservation; Architectural heritage; Architecture in Malaysia and
Indonesia; Climate adaptability; Conservation and restoration;
Historical aspects; Houses and gardens; Islamic art and
globalisation; Mosques and minarets; Ottoman Istanbul; Schools; The
African Coast; The Islamic urban environment; The Mediterranean
region; The use of light; Vernacular architecture; Wood and wooden
roofs. The contents will be of interest to all researchers,
practitioners and government employees actively involved with
Islamic Heritage Architecture.
Nicollet Island
Christopher Hage, Rushika February Hage
Discovery Miles 6 690
Save R132 (16%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days