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Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Pathology > Gross pathology
When it comes to bacterial disease, we are living in a state of false security. Antibiotics have indeed brought unprecedented health benefits, protection from and cure of bacterial diseases during the past 50 years. But there are ominous signs that the fortress and the defenses built on antibiotics are crumbling. They are crum bling because we wittingly or unwittingly created selective con ditions for the emergence of superior pathogens that can no longer be controlled by antibiotics. There are numerous warnings. After a long period of eclipse tuberculosis has now emerged as a serious threat unchecked by antibiotic treatment. Recent years have seen reports of cholera epidemics, of anthrax infections, of serious problems with Salmonella and even with E. coli, just to name a few. Mankind is in a race with microbial invaders. The challenge is to anticipate and respond to developments that affect the precarious balance between man and microbe. This will re quire new knowledge and it will take time for an effective appli cation of that knowledge."
We would like to take this opportunity of expressing our sincerest thanks to the many persons who have made adrenal tissue and related materials available to us for our work. Our especial gratitude is extended to Drs. J. J. Brown, A. Lever and J. I. S. Robertson of the M.R.C. Blood Pressure Unit, Glasgow, Dr. J. K. Grant, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Professor R. B. Welbourn and Dr. W. Kelly, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Drs. D. B. Grant of Great Ormond Street, J. Ginsberg, Royal Free Hospital, D. C. Anderson, Hope Hospital, Salford, C. R. Edwards, St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Professor I. Doniach (for merly of the London Hospital) and Messrs. J.-c. Gazet, A. McKinna and P. Greening, Royal Marsden Hospital, London. The preparation and presentation of the material and the results would not have been possible without the help of Dr. P. Monaghan and his Electron Microscopy Unit, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (London Branch), Sutton, Mrs. Mitchell and her Histology Team, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Mr. K. Moreman of the Photographic Department of the Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, London and Mr. M. Hughes for graphics. Particular thanks are due for the untiring efforts and assistance ofMr. J. Ellis and Mrs. D. Corney of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (London Branch), Sutton, for most of the photographic and secretarial work respectively. Professors G. Dhom and E. Mausle kindly provided material for Figs."
The last few years have witnessed major developments in molecular biology which have had a significant impact on biomedical knowledge. As a result new concepts in cell biology have emerged, new etiologic agents have been discovered, and new drugs have become available. Furthermore, the world of mediators, cytokines, and humoral factors has enlarged considerably in a relatively short period and this has modified our views of diverse physio pathologic processes as well as opened up new therapeutic prospects. In addition, recent technologic advances have revolutionized our diagnostic methodology and have greatly enhanced the power of our therapeutic resources. All these factors have contributed to a substantial remodeling of both liver science and clinical hepatology, and these changes have generated the motivation for the production of the present book, which attempts to give an account of well-known clinical facts in the light of current thinking. It is the fruit of the coordinated work of experts from different countries in three continents. In a sense, it is a manifestation of the fact that inter national cooperation is becoming increasingly important not only in the expansion of science but also in its exposition. We hope that Hepatobiliary Diseases will be useful to both students and clinicians and that internists, gastroenterologists, and general practitioners will find in its contents a satifactory coverage of their field of interest."
There have been many advances in the field of gastrointestinal pa thology which are of considerable clinical significance during the 13 years since the last publication of a volume of Current Topics in Pathology devoted to this subject. Many have arisen from the app lication of new techniques of histochemistry, immunocytochemi stry, quantitative morphometry and molecular and cell biology to gastrointestinal diseases, but some, notably the recognition of the association of Campylobaeter pylori with the commonest type of chronic gastritis, have been achieved using such long established 'routine' histological procedures that one wonders how their signifi cance had escaped recognition for so long. The topics covered in this volume have been selected because they present advances of relevance to the diagnostic clinical pathologist. However, they re present the personal selection of the editor, and are in no way exhaustive. Many other examples of progress in our understanding of the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal diseases have been omit ted, either because of the confines of space or because they have been well reviewed recently in other publications. Most of the workload of the practising gastrointestinal patholo gist involves the diagnosis and assessment either of inflammation or of neoplasia in the alimentary tract, and this is reflected in the topics presented in this book."
In Videofluorscopic Studies of Speech in Patients with Cleft Palate, Drs. M.L. Skolnick and E.R. Cohn present multiview videofluoroscopy as a technique for the radiological evaluation of speech defects in patients with cleft palate. Dr. Skolnick's invaluable contributions as both the originator and leading authority on the subject are discussed in a concise, clinical fashion. Topics examined include the anatomy and imaging of the velopharyngeal portal; the equipment and techniques of multiview videofluoroscopy; the interpretation of results and various patterns of velopharyngeal closure; Passavant's Ridge and patterns of velopharyngeal closure; normal and abnormal speech production; and the evaluation of test results. This book is the only source which concisely and completely describes the technique and its interpretations for those who need a description of the clinical procedure.
In commissioning this volume of Current Topics in Pathology, the editor of the series, Prof. Sir Colin Berry, asked me to produce something "which is aimed at the general pathologist but from the point of view of the neuropathologist who knows what is not being done well." This was easier said than done. Many aspects of neuropathology are encountered only infrequently in general pathology and are best dealt with by re ferral of material to a specialist unit. Others need more extensive investigation than is practicable in a general pathology setting. Yet neurological disorders in general are common and are encountered by general histopathologists, paediatric and forensic pathologists on a daily basis, particularly in autopsy practice. In inviting contributions to this volume of Current Topics in Pathology, I therefore biased the con tents towards disorders in which the conduct of the autopsy and the initial approach to neuropathological investigation are of critical importance in making the diagnosis. The authors all have a wealth of experience and expertise and I believe that this is reflected in their approach, which is both personal and practical. Indeed, the emphasis in this book is very much on the provision of practical advice. All of the chapters contain guidelines on the conduct of autopsies as well as infor mation on the macroscopic and basic histological assessment of the nervous system in the relevant disorders."
The third American edition has been completely revised and expanded, although parts of the text of the second edition have been included. I wish to acknowledge once again the excellent translation of the former two editions by Dr. ALAN B. ROTHBALLER and the late Dr. JERZY OLSZEWSKI. With this edition I have followed the general theme of the original German edition published in 1951. However, I have tried to consider modern techniques and the many new publications on the subject of brain tumors. Meanwhile, an early desire of mine has been fulfilled by the completion and publication of a classification which can be understood worldwide and hopefully be used widely, namely, the classi fication of the World Health Organization: Histological Typing of Tu mours of the Central Nervous System (1979). The classification which I used in the 1951 edition is very close to the final pattern of that accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO), since both follow the line of the BAILEY and CUSHING classifica tion of 1926/1930. To consolidate our old concepts and experiences we have reclassi fied our collection of 9000 cases with the assistance of my co-workers Dr. M. FUKUI, Dr. A. SATO. Dr. E. SCHARRER, Dr. E. SIMON, and Dr. J. SZYMAS. In the last decade two large atlases have been published, one called an Atlas of the Histology of Brain Tumors 1 (in six languages) and a second one called an Atlas of the Gross Neurosurgical Pathology 2."
This book has been written from two points of view: firstly, from the viewpoint of those who are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lymphoid malignancies, who must meet the challenge of integrating the new biological insights into their knowledge of these diseases; and secondly, from the viewpoint of those who are involved in basic biological approaches to malignancy and immunology, who wish to know more about the function of the lymphoid tissues and their malignant diseases. Neoplasia of lymphocytes is a focus for considering many of the most important biological advances impinging on cancer in the past two or three decades, because malignant lymphoproliferative diseases offer unequalled opportunities for studying many aspects of cancer. We probably know more about lymphocytes than other normal cells because of the ease with which they can be obtained. For the same reason we probably know more about malignant lymphocytes. One or other aspect of most of the momentous advances in biology of the past two or three decades has implications for lymphoid malignancies: hybridoma technology and the use of monoclonal antibodies, gene technology, the understanding of oncogenes and growth factors in the control of growth and differentiation, insights into causation of cancer by potent tumour promoters such as the phorbol esters and by viruses, and knowledge of the control of growth function of lymphocytes themselves. Conversely, many of the advances in understanding lym phocytic leukaemias and lymphomas have implications for other cancers."
Marburg and Ebola virus, the two species within the family Filoviridae, are among the most pathogenic agents causing fulminant hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates. The chronology of filovirus epidemics and epizootics proves that these viruses are prototypes of emerging/re-emerging pathogens. Since the discovery of Marburg virus in 1967 until the recent Ebola virus outbreaks in Central and West Africa filoviruses have not only raised the interest of scientists, but have also been a matter of high public concern. With the advent of recombinant DNA technology our knowledge on the genome structure and the replication strategies of these agents has significantly increased. This volumes gives an overview on many aspects of filovirus research and summarizes recent advances in the field. The topics addressed include the molecular biology of filoviruses, pathogenesis, epidemiology, immune response, as well as clinical aspects and diagnostic measures.
Soft tissue tumors are a very heterogeneous group of tumors in terms of histogenesis, morphology, cytogenetics, molecular biology, clinical manifestation, and prognosis. Their spectrum is fascinating for morphologists and basic scientists alike. Yet precisely this variability in the morphologic manifestation of soft tissue tumors, specifically their histologic and cytologic patterns, presents great difficulties to any effort to categorize them. Although many soft tissue tumors are today defined not only by histology but also by immunohistochemical, cytogenetic, and molecular biological findings, the histogenesis of many soft tissue tumors, in particular malignant ones, continues to be unknown. This is associated with the fact that the actual precursor cells that lead to these tumors have frequently not yet been identified. For this reason, the customary classification of malignant soft tissue tumors is primarily not histogenetic, but actually according to the dominant phenotype, however characteristic it is. Of course, an exact morphologic examination of soft tissue tumors con tinues to be an essential prerequisite for making a diagnosis and determining a therapy. The use of a wide range of additional modern examination techniques, however, can make a substantial contribution toward more precisely defining the biological behavior of a tumor, which without doubt can have therapeutic implications.
The preceding decade has seen the production of many cancer at lases. As with other techniques of descriptive epidemiology, these atlases have proved valuable in identifying areas for further re sear~h employing the methods of analytical epidemiology. How ever, the various cancer atlases produceq to date have failed to pro vide a common format of presentation, which has limited their comparability and frustrated in a large measure any attempt to compare risks across national boundaries, boundaries which in terms of environmental exposures may have little meaning. In this volume, many features of cancer atlases are presented and there are discussions on the areas where moves towards standardization could greatly increase the utility of the finished product. In contrast to topographic maps, i. e., representations of natural and man-made features on the surface of the earth, thematic maps concentrate on displaying the geographical occurrence and varia tion of a single phenomenon - the "theme" of the map. The link between thematic and base mapping is rather strong as the themat ic information to be depicted is of greater value if displayed on an accurate base map. Further, the thematic map generally uses statis tical data which are frequently related to internal administrative boundaries for enumeration. The major reason for constructing a thematic map is to discover the spatial structure of the theme of the map and to then relate the structure to some aspects of the under lying environment.
Significant progress has doubtlessly been made in the field of cere bral protection compared to earlier centuries, as recently reviewed by Elisabeth Frost (6). She cites the recommendations for treat ment of brain trauma by Areteus, a Greek physician of the second century A. D. He expressed quite modem views with regard to the need for prompt action considering complications that follow even minor symptoms. He advised burr holes for evacuation of hema toma in seizures, the use of diuretics and, most interestingly, also hypothermia. German surgeons of the 17th century had little more to offer than prescriptions of which the most effective constituent was alcohol (10). Thus, Sir Astley Cooper was probably the next surgeon to make noteworthy contributions when advising the use of leeches to the temporal artery and other means of bleeding in stead of surgical intervention in cases of raised intracranial pressure (loc. cit. 6). Although our knowledge has greatly expanded during the last two decades, extensive discussions have led to only few conclusions. Promising results from animal studies were translated to clinical sit uations only to yield controversial and sometimes confusing results. Since the observations of Brierly (5) on ischemic cell damage, im proved information on structural aspects, probably even related to concomitant biochemical studies, should allow the validity of thera peutic concepts to be verified. Investigations on cerebral ischemia have led to the differentiation of synaptic transmission failure and membrane failure."
The ability to diagnose cancer by simple measurement of a serum or tissue' 'marker" has been a goal of medical science for many years. There is ample evidence that tumor cells are different from normal cells and pro duce substances that can be detected by currently available immuno chemical or biochemical methods. These "cancer markers" may be se creted proteins, enzymes, hormones, fetal serum components, monoclonal immunoglobulins, cell surface components, or cytoplasmic constituents. The purpose of this book is to present the current status of our knowledge of such cancer markers. The first tumor marker identified by laboratory means was Bence Jones protein. In a series of lectures delivered to the Royal College of Phy sicians in London in 1846, Dr. H. Bence Jones described studies on a urine sample sent to him with the following note: "Dear Dr. Jones-The tube contains urine of very high specific gravity. When boiled it becomes slightly opaque . . . . etc. " Dr. Jones found that heating of the urine after addition of nitric acid resulted in formation of a heavy precipitate; acid ad dition may have been required to bring the urine to pH 4-6 at which Bence Jones proteins are more likely to precipitate when heated. This urinary pre cipitate was associated with a bone disease termed "mollities ossium. " H. Bence Jones, Papers on Chemical Pathology, Lecture III. Lancet 2, 269-274 (1847)]."
More than a quarter century has passed since the initial descriptions of tardive dyskinesia (Schonecker, 1957; Sigwald et aI., 1959). The earliest epidemiologic study of this disorder was carried out in Roskilde, Denmark, by Uhrbrand and Faurbye (1960); the term tardive dyskinesia was first used a few years later in a subsequent paper (Faurbye et aI., 1964). Despite 25 years of intensive investiga- tive scrutiny, the syndrome persists, and approaches to its prevention and treat- ment continue to have limited efficacy. It is thus fitting to evaluate what has already been learned and consider future directions for research. . Tardive dyskinesia is generally dermed as an involuntary movement disorder, mainly involving the mouth, which attends long-term neuroleptic exposure. Beyond these simple facts, however, there has been relatively little consensus about this disorder. A desire to address the controversies associated with tardive dyskinesia prompted the organization of an international symposium at Kolle- kolle, just outside Copenhagen. This publication comprises all 26 presentations.
The first International Symposium on Brain Edema was organized by Dr. Klatzo and Dr. Seitelberger and held in Vienna in 1965. The second Symposium was held in Mainz in 1972 and organized by Dr. H. J. Reulen and Dr. K. Schiirmann, the third in Montreal in 1976 by Dr. H. M. Pap- pius, the fourth in Berlin in 1979 by Dr. J. Cervos-Navarro, and the fifth in Groningen in 1982 by Dr. K. G. Go. This volume contains the papers presented at the 6th International Sym- posium on Brain Edema, held in Tokyo, Japan, November 7-10, 1984. The invited lectures by Dr. I. Klatzo, Dr. A. Hirano, Dr. S. I. Rapoport, Dr. B. K. Siesj6, Dr. H. M. Pappi us, Dr. K. A. Hossmann, and Dr. D. M. Long are included as special chapters. On behalf of the organizing committee, I wish to express my deep ap- preciation to all the participants for their contribution toward making this meeting so fruitful and significant. Moreover, the great success of this Sym- posium depended on the high quality of the invited lectures and presen- tations by experts in various fields, as well as on the free and enthusiastic discussion. I was deeply impressed with the papers presented by all the authors, who endeavored to elucidate their subjects. The editors have made only minor corrections and rearrangements, since prompt publi- cation was considered to be important.
During the past few years, a considerable number of monographs on bone tumors have been published. They are mainly restricted to bone tumors as clinical-pathological entities, since their diagnosis, more than that of other tumors, requires the interdisciplinary cooperation between orthopedic specialist, radiologist, and pathologist. However, investiga tions concerning the histogenesis of bone tumors are rather limited, although they might be helpful in explaining the unique morphological heterogeneity of tumors of the skeletal system. Furthermore, the histo genetic approach in the study of bone tumors may facilitate the inter pretation of the advanced cytobiological methods available for improv ing classification and diagnosis. Therefore, this volume presents recent pathological advances in the biological characterization of bone tumors. A major chapter deals with the differential diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma as regards its demarcation from the so-called neuroectodermal tumor of bone. The analysis of the ground substances in bone-forming tumors may be helpful for their classification. Therefore the volume includes a chapter on the biochemical and histochemical analysis of different osteosarcoma types. Recently it has become clear that in addition to different collagen types which are not specific for bone tissue, several bone-specific proteins occur, one of which is osteonectin. Its distribu tion is obviously important for the classification and diagnosis of osteo blastic tumors. Proliferative behavior is of major importance for the diagnosis of malignant tumors.
Close cooperation between those involved in clinical treatment and pathology is imperative in head and neck surgery, as in all surgical fields. The degree of cooperation depends, on the one hand, on the knowledge that the head and neck surgeon has about the possibilities and limits that confront the pathologist, and on the other hand, on the knowledge that the pathologist has about the special problems of head and neck pathology and their management by the surgeon. Within the last 15 years, the knowledge of larynx growths and their treatment has changed rapidly. Parallel to this increase in knowledge, the technical possibilities in histopathology have also increased. For this reason, the authors of this volume present an up-to-date view of the whole scope of the pathology and clinical treatment of larynx tumours.
Cancer has become the most critical health problem in the United States. It is expected that 25% of the people will develop this dread disease, and many of these will die from the malady. The causes of cancer are varied, but the best estimate available is that 70--90% arise from environmental factors. These statistics have triggered widespread governmental action along two lines: (l) An effort to identify those chemicals and conditions that give rise to malignant processes has been mounted by the Carcino genesis Testing Program, the National Cancer Program, and subse quently, the National Toxicology Program. (2) Regulatory laws have been enacted that are administered by agencies such as TSCA, FIFRA, EPA, FDA, OSHA, and so on, whose mission is to minimize public ex posure to carcinogens. Since direct verification that specific chemicals induce cancer in hu of unanticipated expo mans is necessarily limited to known incidences sure and is therefore rare, most chemicals are identified as carcinogens only by laboratory experiments. At present, the only accepted procedure is long-term animal bioassay, and not only are these studies expensive and time-consuming, but current worldwide resources permit the evalua tion of only 300-400 chemicals per year, a miniscule amount compared to what is available in the commercial world: 30,000 existing chemicals, with approximately 700 new such materials being introduced every year."
The secretion of bioactive products by tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system results in the development of watery diarrhea that can lead to death in a very short period if not brought under control. Even if the consequences are less dramatic, the patients' ability to lead a normal daily life is seriously impaired, and they may become severely depressed. SandostatinR alleviates the condition by inhibiting peptide release, and its long duration of action makes it an effective and rational adjunct to therapy at all stages. Last year a consensus Round Table Meeting was held in Scottsdale, Arizona, to discuss the optimal use of SandostatinR in this indication. These guidelines offer the results of clinical research and the dosage recommendations arising from them, together with a critical summary of the points of view presented.
W. TH. DAEMS This volume contains the papers presented at a Boerhaave Course for Post graduate Education on The cell-biological aspects of disease: the plasma membrane and lysosomes. One of the purposes of this introduction is to explain the reasons for this choice of subject. The first question which might be asked - why a postgraduate course on the cell biological aspects of disease was considered neccessary - is not difficult to answer: the impact of the basic sciences on medicine is im measurably strong, and among these sciences cell biology has contributed immensely to the advances made in medicine during recent decades. It has provided clues leading to general insights into etiology and pathogenesis as well as to the development of diagnostic tools and a basis for therapeutic methods. These insights derived mainly from the still-increasing body of knowledge about the architecture of cells. Initially, this knowledge arose from the notion that cells are either simply bags full of enzymes or complex sponge like structures in which all organelles are permanently interconnected (Fig. 1). Later, this notion was replaced by a highly schematized picture of the cell as an essentially two-compartment structure (Fig. 2) in which cell organelles are discrete units separated from each other by membranes, enabling each organelle to maintain an internal microenvironment with optimal conditions for its specific metabolic pro cesses."
The processes of distention and recoil have an essential role in the functions of arteries and lungs. In both organ systems, these processes involve to a great extent the connective tissues, in particular the manner in which the extracellular materials are arranged to afford such movements. This book concerns the microenvironment of the connective tissues in the walls of arteries and the stroma of lungs. Proteoglycans, collagen, and elastic fibers and their interrelationships are discussed by eight scientists who are established researchers in this area. Their reports include important findings on how this microenvironment is altered in diseases such as atherosclerosis, emphysema, and pulmonary fibrosis. The concepts developed result from studies at the biochemical, macromolecular, ultrastructural, and light microscopic levels. Taken col lectively, the reports focus attention upon the role of the connective tissues in arterial and lung distensibility and how alterations in the connective tissues result in the loss of this function. Medical researchers and physicians interested in arterial or lung functions or diseases will find the scientific approaches and findings of the authors innovative and provocative. Students of stereologic morphometry will be particularly interested in the quantitative studies of cells and fibers in arterial walls; histologists and pathologists will find the chapter on histochemical staining interesting from both a scientific and historic viewpoint.
Organ transplantation has almost disappeared from headlines in the daily press, possibly because it failed to fulfill exaggerated expectations. Transplanta tion pathology has become more and more important, not only with relation to therapeutic transplantations but even more in its fundamental theories. There is some analogy here to the development in space science where spectacular achievements were followed by sobering frustrations and where, for the time being, the effect on technology is more fruitful than the outcome of the original far-reaching projects. That transplant rejection was defined, in most of its stages, as an immunologic process, has given many new impulses to immunology in general. Transplantation assays have become a pet experiment in immunobiology and an abundant source of general information and knowledge. The implications of such a development could not be predicted when the present volume was outlined and planned. In accordance with the concept of WILLI MASSHOFF, general transplantion pathology was given a central position as a fundamental science, while the chapters on the transplantation of various tissues are of a more paradigmatic character. It was MASSHOFF who invited competent authors and who managed to balance their articles, despite some overlapping, so as to draw a comprehensive picture of contemporary transplanta tion pathology. WILLI MASSHOFF died while he was editing the first manuscripts. As co-editors we have undertaken to complete the publication that we began together."
This volume contains all the invited papers, symposium contributions and workshop reports of the 7th International Congress of Human Genetics, held in West Berlin from September 22 to 26, 1986. The organizers of this congress made sure to gain the cooperation of the leading scientists in the field from all over the world. These contributions therefore document the enormous progress made in human genetics research in recent years. The volume covers a wide range of topics, from analysis of the human genome to basic mechanisms, diagnosis and therapy of hereditary diseases, and to distribution of normal and pathological genes and DNA variation in human populations. Ethical issues raised by modern developments are discussed thoroughly. The volume is a must for all scientists and medical doctors working in human genetics research, its teaching and practical applications.
Vor die Therapie setzten die Gotter die Diagnose. Otto NiigeJi Renal biopsy has decisively enriched renal diagnostics. Kidney diseases may be monitored during their entire course, and new techniques - such as immunofluorescence and electron microscopy - may be systematically applied, resulting in novel insights into the morphogenesis, pathogenesis, and etiology of kidney lesions. These insights, in turn, have served as new starting points, in the spirit of the quotation above, for the institution of causal therapy by the clinician. This work presents our findings based on 20 years of experience in evaluating renal biopsies. As of the end of 1974, our computer-supported, systematic clinical, morphologic, and follow-up evaluation of case material consisted of over 2000 biopsies, including 679 examined by electron microscopy and 400 by immunofluorescence microscopy. The subsequent 500 biopsies (400 studied by electron microscopy and 300 by immunofluorescence) were con sidered qualitatively only. In order to enhance qualitative findings with quantitative data, it was necessary to devise new methods for quantifying electron-microscopic findings. Additionally, we attempted to correlate cyto logic and immunofluorescent observations to integrate the isolated findings of electron microscopy into a vital cytologic pattern of reactions. We also attempted to evaluate the almost overwhelming flood of publications, especially those appearing within the last 10 years. The idea for this book was conceived a decade ago. At that time, however, our own experience in renal biopsy diagnostics seemed insufficient to sup port such a major undertaking."
In 1967 cardiologists in Switzerland were struck by the sudden increase in the number of cases of so-called primary pulmonary hypertensive disease (PPHD). Up untill966, the cardiology centers in Switzerland had not seen more than one or two cases a year, but this number suddenly multiplied by ten or twenty times. At the June 1968 meeting ofthe Swiss Society of Cardiology, Gurtner et al. (1968b) presented a paper which raised the question whether the vascular types of cor pulmonale had increased. They also raised the question about the possible responsibility of environmental factors, such as toxins or drugs, in causing this increase. Krrihenbuhl et al. (1968) first suggested the possible responsibility of anorexigenic drugs, but no proof was provided. Soon after this, the cardiology team in Bem (Gurtner et al., 1968a) published their report, which resumed and completed the above-mentioned prelim inary communication; 31 cases of PPHD, among which 17 had taken an anorexigenic drug, aminorex fumarate (Menocil, Cilag), were reported. The importance of this work was soon recognized and it was followed by several meetings (in Vienna, Hannover, and Burgenstock) and two round tables sponsored by the Swiss Society of Cardiology (in Montreux and Basel)." |
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