Books > Arts & Architecture > Architecture > Individual architects
Analytical thinking and holistic concepts Low-tech buildings with
strong architectural identities Selected works from 25 years of
international architectural practice HOLODECK architects work on a
wide variety of projects, from urban development to exhibitions.
Their impressive body of work is proof that sophisticated
architecture need not ignore ecological and social issues. The
latter are consciously reflected from concept to realization. For
example, HOLODECK have developed strategic solutions as
alternatives to single-family homes, apply a sensitive approach to
existing structures, and design buildings that make consistent use
of natural conditions such as passive solar energy, airflow,
cross-ventilation, and natural lighting. This volume also
reinterprets the typical architecture book. It consists of two
separate yet connected parts; the first presents sketches, plans,
studies and models, while the second features texts and lavish
photo series.
It was perhaps no surprise that Jacques Ferrier was personally
selected by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to design the
country's pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo in 2010. It was to
become, along with Thomas Heatherwick's `Seed Cathedral', one of
the most lauded and visited pavilions of the fair, and embodied the
key characteristics of Ferrier's work: a deep interest in
technology; the encouragement of social interaction through the use
of courtyards, walkways and loggias; and the use of a perforated
outer skin that not only responds to the need for internal climatic
control but also provides an additional space for informal social
gathering while softening the transition from the building's
internal space to the outside world. Influenced by the critic
Rayner Banham, by the work of French architect-engineer Jean
Prouve, and by his early experience of working with Norman Foster,
Jacques Ferrier has developed a highly individual approach to
architecture that seeks to harness technology in order to create
buildings and urban environments that fully engage with the
practical and emotional needs of people. Central to Ferrier's
philosophy is the idea of the `Sensual City', which aims to create
buildings and cities that engage with the five senses - sound,
smell, sight, touch and taste - that are central to human
experience. Ferrier is the antithesis of the celebrity
`starchitect', but his work stands out precisely because of its
calm thoughtfulness, sensitivity and precision.
Pierre-Emile Legrain (1889-1929) was a French bookbinder, framer,
landscape designer, furniture designer, and interior architect.
This is the first full-length monograph about him, exploring his
life and his creations in every genre, and highlighting the formal
links between his work as an ensemblier, bookbinder, and draftsman.
Pierre Legrain is credited with revolutionising bookbinding in the
early 20th century. In 1916 he was commissioned by the French
bibliophile, couturier, and collector Jacques Doucet to design
bindings for his extensive library. He created nearly 400 unique
bindings for him, and numerous frames for Doucet's exceptional
modern art collection - including a steel frame for Les Demoiselles
d'Avignon - as well as a series of African-inspired furniture. He
was a member of the UAM, whose logo he designed, and he associated
with Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Jean Cocteau, the sculptors Gustave
Miklos and Henri Laurens, the painter Francis Picabia, and the
milliner Jeanne Tachard for whom he designed a garden. His rare
body of work - a hundred or so pieces of furniture and a few
interiors - is dispersed today in museums and private collections
throughout the world. Text in French.
For around two decades, the architectural duo of Niklaus Graber
& Christoph Steiger from Lucerne have been continuously working
on the design and construction of high quality buildings that can
without doubt be regarded as an enrichment to Swiss building
culture. Although the architects attempt to make their works
generally understandable and give them a timeless legibility, when
designing them they take the risk of fundamentally questioning the
relevant task. That often leads to surprising interpretations and
tailored solutions that reveal the specific characteristics of each
project. By now, their work includes private family homes and
apartment buildings, as well as a considerable number of public
buildings for educational, cultural, industrial and tourist
purposes, which have attracted a great deal of attention on the
specialist scene both in Switzerland and abroad. For instance the
extension to a window factory in Hagendorn, the therapy centre for
the Heilpadagogische Zentrum Uri and the panorama gallery on the
peak of Mt. Pilatus have been awarded national and international
architecture prizes. Text in German, with English translation
booklet enclosed.
Valerio Olgiati has worked as an architect in Los Angeles, Zurich,
and, since 2008, in Flims. He has been a visiting professor at the
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology) in Zurich, the AA in London, and at Cornell University
in Ithaca, New York. Since 2002 he has been professor at the
Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio and since autumn 2009 he has
held the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard. The unmistakable straight
lines and independence of his buildings has brought him
international attention. The Olgiati s family estate is located in
the historical town center of Flims. Rudolf Olgiati (1910 95)
purchased the property, known as Dado, in 1930 and throughout his
life used it to realize his architectural thoughts and ideas.
Today, the son is living in his father s house, and in 2008 he set
up his much-admired architectural firm on the former site of the
barn. This publication portrays the life and work of both
architects using the example of the house and studio that is,
through the transformations they have undergone at the hands of
their residents over a period of nearly eighty years. It shows
personal furniture and objects, the individual layout and design of
the spaces, and hence the penchants and attitudes of the two
architects. At the same time this unusual portrait documents not
only the relationship between father and son but also the
characters of two generations and their understanding of
architecture and aesthetics. Valerio Olgiati arbeitete als
Architekt in Los Angeles, Zurich und seit 2008 in Flims. Er
unterrichtete als Gastprofessor an der ETH Zurich, der AA London
und der Cornell University, New York. Seit 2002 ist er Professor
der Accademia die architettura in Mendrisio, ab Herbst 2009 fuhrt
er in Harvard den Kenzo Tange Chair. Seine Bauten finden aufgrund
ihrer unverwechselbaren Geradlinigkeit und Eigenstandigkeit
inzwischen internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Im alten Ortskern von
Flims liegt das Grundstuck der Familie Olgiati. Rudolf Olgiati
(1910-1995) hat das Anwesen Dado" 1930 erworben und an ihm Zeit
seines Lebens seine architektonischen Gedanken und Ideen
verwirklicht. Im Haus seines Vaters wohnt heute der Sohn, der
anstelle des ehemaligen Stalls 2008 sein viel beachtetes
Architekturburo errichtete. Die Publikation portratiert das Leben
und Wirken der beiden Architekten am Beispiel von Wohnhaus und
Atelier, also anhand der Wandlungen, die es durch seine Bewohner in
nahezu achtzig Jahren erfahren hat. Es zeigt personliche Mobel und
Objekte, die individuelle Raumbelegung und Gestaltung und damit die
Vorlieben und Haltungen der beiden Architekten. Zugleich
dokumentiert dieses aussergewohnliche Portrat nicht nur das
Verhaltnis zwischen Vater und Sohn, sondern auch die Pragungen
zweier Generationen und ihr architektonisches und asthetisches
This well-illustrated book on the leading international design and
architecture firm Aedas features 24 domestic and five overseas
projects, primarily in China. Accompanied by texts that explore
multiple aspects of Aedas' design philosophy, it showcases their
global platform for research, idea exchange, and creative
excellence. The discussions here range widely over issues that are
central to the Aedas design ethos, including the local influence of
urban culture, the relationship between urban geography and
location, the integrated coordination of industrialisation and
urbanisation with human-centered planning, the sustainable
development of optimised planning based on traffic conditions, and
the survival and development of local characteristics and culture.
Their aim is to facilitate the growth of urbanisation and to
provide new, sustainable, and innovative solutions to contemporary
building and design issues. This book will resonate with
professional readers engaged in architectural design practice,
urban planning managers, and those interested in urban
architectural culture. Text in English and Chinese.
The meticulously, carefully and solidly developed work by the
London architects Daniel Rosbottom and David Howarth has
continuously grown since 2000. Recent important buildings include
the concert hall in Bodo (Norway), which has an outstandingly
elegant and festive character, and the housing for the elderly in
Aarschot, Belgium, which is intelligently integrated into the
small-town structure. Text in English and German.
An attractive volume presenting 14 of the renowned Canadian
architectural firm's most prominent projects. A good half or more
of the book is devoted to excellent color and b&w photographs
and diagrams of the projects, most of which are situated in
Ontario, Canada. The address of the press: Technical
The twin sisters Selma Mikou and Salwa Mikou founded their own
Paris office in 2006 - after working for many years for Jean Nouvel
and Renzo Piano. Each project primarily aims to liberate itself
from preconceived forms in order to create original solutions that
focus on the dimension of an emotional spatial experience. The
architects have produced numerous prominent buildings in this way,
including the Balsaneo Aquatics Center in Chateauroux (2021), which
was developed as a dynamic figure that spans the boulevard like a
bridge to overlook the unique landscape of the Indre region. Text
in English and German.
The diverse works of architect Nicholas Hawksmoor (?1661-1736)
ranged from small architectural details to ambitious urban plans,
from new parish churches to work on the monument of his age, St.
Paul's Cathedral. As a young man Hawksmoor assisted Christopher
Wren and John Vanbrugh, emerging from these formidable
apprenticeships to design some of the most vigorous and dramatic
buildings in England. In this engaging book, architectural
historian Vaughan Hart presents a fresh view of Hawksmoor's built
and planned work. In addition, Hart offers the first coherent
explanation of Hawksmoor's theory of architecture.
The book explains why Hawksmoor's buildings look the way they do,
what contemporary events influenced his work, and how such ancient
buildings as Solomon's temple and Mausolus's tomb inspired him.
Underscoring the unique qualities of the architect's
accomplishments and aspirations, Hart establishes with new clarity
Hawksmoor's vital role in the development of English
The work of award-winning Chinese architecture firm Atelier
Archmixing bridges the gap between design and research. This book
is an in-depth, theoretical work with 11 articles, a commentary by
Professor Wang Junyang and interviews with Professor Ge Ming and
Professor Lu Andong. The articles featured here are from design
research papers published continuously in domestic and overseas
professional periodicals on Atelier Archmixing from 2012 to 2018.
Although these papers were written at different times, they share
echoing concerns, showcasing Archmixing's design ethos with a wide
range of topics covered in a systematic theoretical framework. Text
in English and Chinese.
Vorwort Hans Schmidt wurde am 1 0. Dezember 1893 in Basel geboren
und starb am 18. Juni 1972 wahrend einer Tagung des BSA in Soglio.
Zum Anlass seines 1 00. Geburtstages im Jahre 1993 wird das Werk
von Hans Schmidt von den verschiedensten Seiten her bearbeitet und
gewurdigt. Dass sich die vorliegende Untersuchung auf die
stadtebaulichen Theo rien von Hans Schmidt konzentriert, ist einmal
aus meinem eigenen lehr gebiet des Stadtebaus erklarlich. Vor allem
aber ist Hans Schmidt fur mich derjenige unter den Architekten der
Moderne, der sich am konsequentesten mit den stadtebaulichen
Theorien auseinandergesetzt undzeitseines Lebens mit einer
unbeirrbaren Uberzeugung nach den wesentlichen Grundlagen des
Stadtebaus geforscht hat. Fur ihn gab es keine Trennung zwischen
sei ner politischen, philosophischen Auffassung und seiner
Tatigkeit als Stadt planer, eines bedingte unmittelbar das andere.
Mit Hans Schmidt verbinden mich mehrere personliche und fachliche
Begebenheiten. Da er ein Freund meines Vaters Fritz Huber war, bin
ich Hans Schmidt und seiner Familie schon als Kind ofters begegnet
und seine Zeichnungen von Raubergeschichten schmuckten mein
Kinderzimmer. Als Architekt unseres Vaterhauses in Riehen hat Hans
Schmidt die Architektur und Raumerfahrungen meiner Kindheit
massgebend gepragt. ln meiner Stu dienzeit wurde eine Renovation an
unserem Hause notwendig; Hans Schmidt hat mich bei der Durchfuhrung
dieser Arbeiten hilfreich beraten und dabei mit mir allgemeine
Fragen der Architektur diskutiert."
Since its establishment in 1996, Vienna-based firm
driendl*architects have pursued their search for prototype
solutions in furniture and building design, infrastructure, and
urban planning. The notion that we are constantly situated in a
built environment, or in any case influencing it in some way or
another, is guiding all their projects and is reflected in this new
book. Ritual / Original reviews driendl*architects' work in a
striking literary-visual manner, analysing in theory and
exemplified by selected designs the circumstances of their
approach: How environment and users affect buildings, cities,
infrastructures, and systems; the effect of the inevitable
discrepancy between vision and reality; and architects' capacity to
observe and react to social structures and phenomena.
There is no doubt at all that Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao
is one of the most spectacular buildings of recent years. As the
central element in Bilbao's comprehensive urban renewal programme
the building raised high expectations from the outset. Its site
between river, railway, bridge and new town makes it a symbol of
the Basque metropolis that can be seen from a considerable
distance. It is both the heart of the city and a test bed for the
arts, representing both public presence and artistic change. The
process by which it was created demonstrates the most recent
advances in computer aided design and in material manufacture. For
a long time design and building were broken down into a large
number of individual components, Gehry's museum unifies this
process and is thus able to create fluent links between
architectural detail and urban impact. But the innovations do not
stop at technology, they also extend to the way in which the
interior spaces are shaped. These are extremely varied in form, as
the museum is not so much designed to house a permanent exhibition
of the collection, but to enable artists to create installations.
In contrast with the usual neutral gallery spaces, Gehry offers a
whole variety of stages for artistic presentation. His artist
friends have risen to the challenge of his architecture and are
experimenting very successfully with this new way of showing their
work to the public.
Modern skyscrapers are often inseparably associated with images of
the cities that host them: the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Gherkin
in London, the Empire State Building in New York, and so on. And
while skyscrapers emerge in large numbers, only the most beautiful
of them become symbols of the city that hosts them. This book
presents Vasily Klyukin's projects: towers and residential
buildings that have not found their home yet, but some of them will
be built in the future and become architectural symbols of our age.
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Byoung Cho
Soon Chun Cho, Bong-Ryul Kim, Chul R. Kim, Mark Rakatansky
Discovery Miles 8 910
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Byoung Cho aims to make each of his buildings `so it looks like
it's not designed at all, it's just there'. Influenced by Korea's
rich aesthetic tradition, Cho utilizes understated forms to create
serene buildings that yield powerful and subtle experiences for
their inhabitants. His work focuses on seemingly simple structures
and has a strong regard for nature and sustainability. He has
created many iconic buildings, art and cultural centres, schools,
health facilities and residences throughout Korea, Japan and the
United States. This book features over 25 of Cho's most highly
acclaimed projects, including Twin Trees (2010), his instantly
iconic towers located adjacent to the 14th-century royal Gyeongbok
Palace in Seoul. The projects are accompanied throughout by
sketches and plans, providing a comprehensive insight into the
making of these buildings. Byoung Cho offers an engaging and
indepth overview of one of the most creative and deeply thoughtful
designers working today. It will inspire architects, architectural
students and anyone interested in sustainability and the built
In 1969 and 1970, Louis I. Kahn (1901-1974)-one of America's
greatest 20th-century architects-participated in a series of
interviews with a young German architectural historian, Heinrich
Klotz, then a visiting professor at Yale University, and John W.
Cook, who was teaching architecture at the Yale Divinity School.
Louis I. Kahn in Conversation provides the first full edited
transcript of these candid, illuminating interviews, which provide
remarkable insights into Kahn's philosophy of architecture. The
conversations touch on many of his iconic works, including the
unbuilt City Tower Project for Philadelphia, the Yale University
Art Gallery, the First Unitarian Church in Rochester, and major
international projects then under construction, as well as the Yale
Center for British Art, Kahn's final building, on which he was
beginning work at the time. Illustrated with dozens of plans,
drawings, and photographs, the book also features an introduction
by Jules David Prown, the first director of the Yale Center for
British Art, who recommended Kahn as its architect. Distributed for
the Yale Center for British Art, in association with Manuscripts
and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University and the
Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
Therme Vals, the spa complex built in the Swiss Alps by celebrated
architect Peter Zumthor, became an icon of contemporary
architecture soon after its opening in 1996. Inspired by the spa s
majestic surroundings, Zumthor built the structure on the sharp
grade of an Alpine mountain slope with grass-topped roofs to mimic
Swiss meadows, captured here in a series of sumptuous images.
"Peter Zumthor Therme Vals," the only book-length study of this
singular building, features the architect s own original sketches
and plans for its design as well as Helene Binet s striking
photographs of the structure. Architectural scholar Sigrid Hauser
contributes an essay on such topics as Artemis/Diana, Baptism,
Mikvah, and Spring drawing out the connections between the
elemental nature of the spa and mythology, bathing, and purity.
Annotations by Peter Zumthor on his design concept and the building
process elucidate the structure s symbiotic relationship to its
natural surroundings, revealing, for example, why he insisted on
using locally quarried stone. Therme Vals s scenic design elements,
and Zumthor s contributions to this book, reflect the architect s
commitment to the essential and his disdain for needless
architectural flourishes. This lavishly illustrated volume about
the spa that catapulted a remote Swiss village onto the
international architecture scene will entrance all enthusiasts of
contemporary design."
The Olympiapark in Munich is one of the most famous projects of the
landscape architect Gunther Grzimek (1915-1996), yet his entire
oeuvre has proved to be pioneering and timeless. He advocated for a
new form of urban green space in Germany, a "demokratisches Grun"
(democratic green space), while also campaigning for
practice-oriented training in landscape architecture. Grzimek's
biography offers a wellspring of new discoveries. It traverses the
history of modern Germany and encompasses his collaborations with
famous architects, town planners, and designers - including Otl
Aicher, who developed the basic outline of this volume together
with Grzimek in the 1980s. Featuring plans, images, texts, and
excerpts from Grzimek's own writings, this comprehensive new book
offers a vivid and in-depth encounter with this major innovator and
illustrates the lively history of landscape architecture in Germany
from the 1930s in Berlin to the 1990s in Munich.