Books > Mind, Body & Spirit
Everyone knows the best things in life are free--but it's easy
to forget in a world of continuous commercials and competitive
consumerism. In this witty, inspiring, and beautifully illustrated
book, Alex Quick reminds us how many of the really important things
can be done on less than a shoestring.
In this powerful new collection of wisdom and poetry, Donna Ashworth
helps us to find strength and courage on the days we feel lost, to pick
ourselves up when times are hard, to soothe fear and self-doubt when we
are in their grip, and to let in more life and love as we brave our
Every day we are bombarded by thoughts, feelings and information that
make us feel anxious and afraid. We worry we don't measure up, we are
scared of failure and we find it hard to be ourselves. We also feel
powerless watching the world getting messier, angrier and more
unstable. Fear is a limiting factor for many of us and if we don't
challenge it we can find ourselves falling foul of it, and keeping out
more of the good stuff in life than the bad.
With poems such as 'One Day You'll See', 'Growing in Moonlight', 'The
Comparing' and 'Always There', bestselling author Donna Ashworth helps
us to see that no matter how small or afraid we feel, we make the
biggest difference in this world and to our own happiness when we are
brave enough to show up as ourselves.
The new essential self-healing bible – a revolutionary body-first guide
to regulating your nervous system, curing long-term pain and healing
from trauma for good.
Anxious, burnt out, tired, overthinking, angry, shutting down,
disassociating, procrastinating, people-pleasing, physical pain,
chronic unexplained symptoms. If you’re stuck, we can help.
Many of us have heard of nervous system dysregulation – but what does
it actually mean, and what can we do about it? The Secret Language of
the Body is your essential guide for moving out of survival mode, and
healing your mind and body.
When a person is burdened by stress, anxiety and trauma, their nervous
system adapts to help keep them alive in the short term, but can trap
them in survival mode long-term, with detrimental effects. This is the
state of nervous system dysregulation. Our autonomic nervous system is
responsible for the constant yet subconscious communication between our
brain and body, using a secret language that we urgently need to
understand. Mind and body practitioners Jennifer Mann and Karden Rabin
outline the three essential steps for resolving nervous system
• Become aware of dysregulated body response and why they happen
• Interrupt these responses
• Redesign them into helpful reactions
Exploring the science and triggers behind nervous system dysregulation
and polyvagal theory, and including a comprehensive manual of
cognitive, somatic, developmental and vagus nerve-based practices, this
book will teach you exactly how to create meaningful and positive
changes in your mind and body today. This is your moment to awaken the
vast potential hidden within yourself, become fluent in your body’s
inner dialogue and truly heal.
Learn to forage in the hedgerows like the herbalists of the past
with this best-selling beginner's guide. For centuries our
ancestors looked to nature not just for food, but also for healing.
To this day, our ancient hedgerows, woodlands and forests are still
full of remedies - and they're waiting to be discovered. This is
the essential guide to enjoying the bountiful delights of the
natural world. Learn how to make delicious preserves, healing
balms, soothing toddies and cures for colds with nature's jewels
such as rose hips, elderberries and mugwort. You will also find:
Photographs to help you safely identify edible plants Advice on
what is available in each season Guidance on how best to prepare
and preserve your finds The fascinating folklore and history of
foraging Every walk is an opportunity to learn, identify a new
plant, gather something to eat and reconnect with nature - so dive
in to begin your foraging adventure.
There is a crystal for every occasion Crystals have a mystical,
eternal quality and have long been treasured for their beauty. For
thousands of years, they have been prized for their physical and
spiritual healing properties. In almost every culture and
civilization around the world, crystals of all shapes, colours and
sizes have been used in religious rituals, as ornamentation or as
talismans of good fortune. Small wonder then that today many of us
seem so drawn to these precious and mysterious stones; our
fascination with crystals is part of a vast and extensive legacy.
All natural crystals vibrate with energy, and when these vibrations
are used for healing, they have the effect of balancing the
energies in the body, allowing for physical, mental or emotional
healing. The right crystal can help to bring balance, calm and
positivity into your life. This guide introduces over 40 essential
crystals and their unique properties, from the love- and
harmony-infused rose quartz to memory-boosting amber. Discover: how
crystals work how to select and maintain your crystals how to make
use of their power in everyday life basic techniques for crystal
meditation how to balance your chakras using crystals a guide to
birthstones … and other simple ways to bring harmony to mind,
body and spirit using these natural treasures.
Step into the unknown Tales of the paranormal have seduced us and
spooked us for centuries, passed around from person to person and
frequently retold and reimagined in books, films and TV. Whether
they're based on real events or they're simply urban legends which
have taken on a life of their own, the strange happenings,
unexplained events and unsolved mysteries in this book will take
you on a frightening journey to the outer limits of plausibility,
and dare you to believe the unbelievable. Ranging from the
mysterious to the macabre, the stories in this book span a broad
range of supernatural subjects including ghosts, spirits and the
undead, witchcraft and occultism, extraterrestrial life, mythical
creatures, and much more. Whether you're a believer or a sceptic, a
paranormal junkie or an interested observer, let these stories
spark your imagination, capture your curiosity and perhaps even
send a shiver down your spine.
James Randi leaves a towering legacy as an internationally known
magician, escape artist, and devoted investigator of the
paranormal, occult, and supernatural claims that have captured the
thinking of the public for generations. From ESP and psychokinesis,
psychic detectives, levitation, psychic surgery, and even UFOs and
astrology, Randi dedicated his life to exposing frauds and
swindlers. Forty years after the original publication of his
landmark book, Flim-Flam! remains a classic, with insights that are
still relevant today – and perhaps even more so. In this timeless
and timely book, Randi famously explores and exposes outrageous
deceptions that plague our minds and media. Unafraid to call
researchers to account for their failures and impostures, Randi
tells us that we have been badly served by scientists who have
failed to follow the procedures required by their training and
traditions. Mr. Randi provides readers with a compelling and
convincing document that will startle and enlighten all who
continue to seek out the truth.
What happens when we die? How are some people able to see or
communicate with spiritual worlds beyond our own? Can they offer
answers to some of our most burning questions about life and death?
Sarah Bullen, who has had a life-altering near-death experience
herself, explores these mysteries as she gathers riveting stories of
people from South Africa and beyond – people who have crossed to the
‘other side’ or those who can contact it. This book offers original
interviews with a fascinating collection of teachers with special
abilities, individuals who have gone through near-death experiences and
those who can communicate across worlds using mediumship, gifts, trance
and plants.
Meet and learn from a man who woke up on a stretcher on the way to the
morgue, a spiritual teacher who survived two near-death experiences on
an operating table, a psychic rabbi, an influencer who communicates
with the departed, a former corporate executive-turned-sangoma who runs
a traditional clinic, and shamans and neo-shamans from across the
continent. With her keen observation skills and insights gleaned from
her own experience, Bullen offers a fresh way of looking at the world.
A unique and validating look at the tension you feel between
disillusionment and a desire for truth, Searching for Enough helps
you see your doubt not as an emotion to fear but as an invitation
to be followed. Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I'm not
enough, and I'm never going to be. And I know I'm not supposed to
say this, but God's not enough for me either." Whether or not we
attend church, deep down we wonder if the biblical story of faith
is really enough for the complexity of the world in which we live.
We fill our lives with other things, hoping that maybe the next
experience or accomplishment will complete us. Yet with every goal
we reach, we still feel discouraged and anxious. In Searching for
Enough, Pastor Tyler Staton draws on ancient and modern insights to
introduce us, as if for the first time, to Jesus' disciple Thomas:
history's most notorious skeptic. Like Thomas, we are caught
between two unsatisfying stories: We want to believe in God but
can't reconcile his presence with our circumstances and internal
struggles. But what if there's a better story than shame? What if
there's redemption so complete that there's nothing left to hide?
What if there is a God who can heal your resentments, fears, and
loneliness in such a profound way that you feel whole? From a place
of spiritual companionship and deep authenticity, Tyler shows us
that it is not an empty tomb that will change our lives, but the
presence of the living God. Whether you are a distant skeptic, an
involved doubter, or a busy but bored Christian, Searching for
Enough invites you to find enough in a God who offers the only
promises that never disappoint.
The Mindful Law Student is an innovative guide to learning about
mindfulness and integrating mindfulness practices into the law
school experience. Through the use of metaphor, insight,
mindfulness practices, and relaxation, and self-care exercises,
students are reminded of the tools they have long carried with them
to navigate the exciting and challenging environment of law school
and the practice of law. Scott Rogers brings readers on a journey
through the law school experience with seven hypothetical students
who experience situations that make tangible the challenges,
benefits, and promise of mindfulness. He provides real-world
examples of applying mindfulness in law school using language of
the law to impart mindfulness insights and practices. This novel
guide is an approachable and valuable resource for any law student.
Take the next step with The Secret Daily Teachings - the much-loved
companion guide for living The Secret day by day is now available
in a new hardcover format. The Secret contains clear principles on
how to live your life in accordance with the natural laws of the
Universe, but the important thing for every person is to LIVE IT.
Now, with The Secret Daily Teachings, Rhonda Byrne takes you
through a year of teachings, sharing wisdom and insights for living
in harmony with the laws that govern all human beings, so that you
may become the master of your life. Building upon The Secret's
powerful truths, your knowledge of the law of attraction is about
to expand far beyond what you can imagine. More joy, more
abundance, more magnificence - every single day of the year.