Books > Mind, Body & Spirit
Why is suffering the common lot of all people everywhere - believers
and non-believers alike - and why does it seem that the world is out of
control when it comes to the problem of pain and suffering?
These are not easy questions, and in reality, you will never know the
answers completely until you see our Lord face to face in heaven.
Nevertheless, the Bible does give you some answers.
Who’s in Charge of a World that Suffers? includes an informative and
inspirational new introduction by Franklin Graham that speaks to
today’s reader in the midst of painful circumstances.
In this book, originally titled Till Armageddon, world-renowned
evangelist Billy Graham uncovers the clues the scriptures offer you to
this universal question--the question of suffering. Readers will
discover what the Bible says about:
- Why Christians are not exempt from suffering
- Living above your circumstances
- The place of prayer in suffering
- God’s promises for those who suffer
- And much more
Christians are called to learn what it means to trust God in every
circumstance, and to live for Him no matter what comes our way. It is
essential to think more clearly about suffering, and to rearrange your
priorities so that when your personal armageddons come, you will not be
taken by surprise or be unprepared. Christian readers, pastors, Bible
study leaders, and anyone questioning where God fits into suffering
will find encouragement in this message of hope for a broken world.
The phenomenal and inspiring bestseller by the father of positive thinking.
THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING is a practical, direct-action application of spiritual techniques to overcome defeat and win confidence, success and joy. Norman Vincent Peale, the father of positive thinking and one of the most widely read inspirational writers of all time, shares his famous formula of faith and optimism which millions of people have taken as their own simple and effective philosophy of living.
His gentle guidance helps to eliminate defeatist attitudes, to know the power you possess and to make the best of your life.
OVER ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD In A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson shares her insights into how the practical application of love every day can provide an answer to the problems that confront us, whether these are in our relationships, our careers or our health. This newly updated, best-selling guide reveals how we each can take a spiritual. psychological and emotional journey back to the true inner peace with which we were born, and shows how by practising love we can make our lives more peaceful, loving and fulfilling. Marianne Lectures internationally in the fields of spirituality and metaphysics. Seen as a guru by many of the biggest names in showbusiness, she also works extensively for non-profit making charitable organisations, in particular those that help people with life-challenging illnesses. 'A Return to Love' offers readers the chance to experience the uplifting and empowering teachings which characterise her personal appearances. ‘Marianne Williamson displays in her writing the power and wit that she displays as a speaker. Her honest accounts of different periods in her life will motivate readers for a long time to come. 'A Return to Love' makes for very powerful reading.’ LOUISE L. HAY, author of 'You Can Heal Your Life 'and 'The Power Within You' ‘Marianne Williamson’s book is a classic. She reveals, with elegant simplicity, that love is not a mere sentiment or emotion, but the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.’ DEEPAK CHOPRA, author of ' The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success' and 'Creating Health'