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Books > Language & Literature > Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) > Specific skills > Speaking / pronunciation skills > Public speaking / elocution
In Authenticating Whiteness: Karens, Selfies, and Pop Stars, Rachel E. Dubrofsky explores the idea that popular media implicitly portrays whiteness as credible, trustworthy, familiar, and honest, and that this portrayal is normalized and ubiquitous. Whether on television, film, social media, or in the news, white people are constructed as believable and unrehearsed, from the way they talk to how they look and act. Dubrofsky argues that this way of making white people appear authentic is a strategy of whiteness, requiring attentiveness to the context of white supremacy in which the presentations unfold. The volume details how ideas about what is natural, good, and wholesome are reified in media, showing how these values are implicitly racialized. Additionally, the project details how white women are presented as particularly authentic when they seem to lose agency by expressing affect through emotional and bodily displays. The chapters examine a range of popular media-newspaper articles about Donald J. Trump, a selfie taken at Auschwitz, music videos by Miley Cyrus, the television series UnREAL, the infamous video of Amy Cooper calling the police on an innocent Black man, and the documentary Miss Americana-pinpointing patterns that cut across media to explore the implications for the larger culture in which they exist. At its heart, the book asks: Who gets to be authentic? And what are the implications?
The latest edition of New Media and Public Relations offers communication scholars, professionals, and students current insights on how emerging technologies challenge and change the rules of stakeholder engagement in corporate, nonprofit, and activist environments. Topics include updated thinking on mobile applications, crisis response, and ethical implications of online exchanges in addition to groundbreaking explorations into the developing arenas of personas, emojis, listening theory, and historiophoty in public relations practice. All-new content in this popular text once again delivers new thinking in public relations theory and practice for an ever-changing digital landscape. New Media and Public Relations is well-suited for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in public relations principles, management, case studies, and strategy, as well as courses in corporate communication, marketing communication, integrated marketing communication, and digital communication.
Good public speakers are made, not born - or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building confidence, courage and enthusiasm. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through: -Acquiring basic public speaking skills -Building confidence -Speaking effectively the quick and easy way -Earning the right to talk -Vitalising your talk -Sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation and presentation skills
This is a comprehensive introduction to English text-linguistics. It deals with those areas of text-linguistics that have enjoyed widespread attention in English linguistics, notably aspects of cohesion and coherence. Further topics are corpus-based studies in lexical patterns and in text classifications, psycho-linguistic and cognitive studies in text constitution and decoder-orientation. One special feature of this book is that it not only covers abstract lexical and grammatical structures but also medium-dependent written and spoken presentation.
This volume gets beyond simple descriptions of the values and processes involved in community media and is deliberately seeking argument and structured debate around the issues of this vibrant sector of the media. The contributors examine the dilemmas that have emerged within this sector and provide an incisive overview. The chapters use case studies and data research to illustrate the major debates facing community media, along with a sideways look at the dilemmas that community media practitioners and their audiences must engage with. This collection provides an international perspective and covers the traditional formats as well as newer media technologies. It also gives some intriguing examples of community media, which get beyond simple good practices.
For anyone who fears the thought of writing and giving a speech--be it to business associates, or at a wedding--help is at hand. Acclaimed presidential speechwriter Peggy Noonan shares her secrets to becoming a confidence, persuasive speaker demystifying topics including:
Complete with lessons, tips and memorable examples, On Speaking Well shows us how to create forceful, persuasive, relevant speeches that will resonate with our audiences. Engaging, informative, and always entertaining, this is undoubtedly the authoritative how-to guide for anyone writing or giving a speech
Designed with the busy college student in mind, SPEAK provides students with the essentials to deliver a successful oral presentation. It contains easy-to-read brief lessons that highlight key points and principles, eye-catching visuals, quips, and quotes drawn from a variety of sources. This compact resource's intuitive organization and page layout allow students to absorb each skill quickly, logically, and memorably.
Communication expert and popular speaker Quentin Schultze offers a practical, accessible, and inspiring guide to public speaking, showing readers how to serve their audiences with faith, skill, and virtue. This thoroughly rewritten and expanded four-color edition has been tested and revised with input from Christian undergraduates and contains new chapters on timely topics, such as speaking for video, conducting group presentations, and engaging society civilly. A complete public speaking textbook for Christian universities, it includes helpful sidebars, tips, and appendixes. Additional resources for students and professors are available through Textbook eSources.
How to face the big occasion with confidence and carry it off with style. So you will be 'saying a few words' on the Big Day. The problem is, we don't get much practice, do we? That's why this practical book will prove so useful to you. Whether you are the best man, the bridegroom, the father of the bride, or other speaker, you will find all the tips and advice you need to prepare and deliver a brilliant, unique and memorable speech that even the most seasoned public speaker would be proud of! Now in its fully revised and updated 7th edition. Contents: Preface; 1. Etiquette and all that; 2. Preparing a great speech; 3. Getting mentally prepared; 4. Rehearsing and delivering your speech; 5. Making the father of the bride's speech; 6. Making the bridegroom's speech; 7. Making the best man's speech; 8. Other speeches; Resources; Index.
Having the ability to speak confidently; engage the audience; make a clear, well-argued case; and handle any tricky situations, is rarely a natural talent, but it can be learned through application and practice. Scientists Must Speak: Bringing Presentations to Life helps readers do just that. At some point in their careers, the majority of scientists have to stand up in front of an inquisitive audience or board and present information. This can be a stressful experience for many. For scientists, the experience may be further complicated by the specialist nature of the data and the fact that most self-help books are aimed at business or social situations. Scientists Must Speak includes sections on: * targeting your talk - knowing your audience and how to pitch to them * organizing your presentation - aligning your points logically around a central key theme * using visual aids effectively - how to avoid a random slide show *'practice, practice, practice' - it's a rare orator that does not need to practice * taking control - preparing the room, using eye contact, and checking the audience is with you * voice and language - developing a good speaking style, and help for those for whom English is a second language * body language - the messages your posture, mannerisms and facial expressions convey to the audience * handling question and answer sessions - taking the fear out of these * expecting the unexpected - how to cope with unforeseen mishaps * adapting material for different situations - how to avoid reinventing the wheel * organizing a session with several speakers - how to organize or chair sessions Written by authors with many years' experience of teaching presentation techniques, this engaging text will help readers make the best of their presentations and remove some of the fear that makes them a daunting prospect.
A decolonial reading of Han Dynasty rhetoric reveals the logics and networks that governed early imperial China. In Genre Networks and Empire, Xiaoye You integrates a decolonial and transnational approach to construct a rhetorical history of early imperial China. You centers ancient Chinese rhetoric by focusing on how an imperial matrix of power was established in the Han Dynasty through genres of rhetoric and their embodied circulation, and through epistemic constructs such as the Way, heaven, ritual, and yin-yang. Through the concept of genre networks, derived from both ancient Chinese and Western scholarship, You unlocks the mechanisms of early Chinese imperial bureaucracy and maps their far-reaching influence. He considers the communication of governance, political issues, court consultations, and the regulation of the inner quarters of empire. He closely reads debates among government officials, providing insight into their efforts to govern and legitimize the regime and their embodiment of different schools of thought. Genre Networks and Empire embraces a variety of rhetorical forms, from edicts, exam essays, and commentaries to instruction manuals and memorials. It captures a range of literary styles serving the rhetorical purposes of praise and criticism. In the context of court documentation, these genre networks reflect systems of words in motion, mediated governmental decisions and acts, and forms of governmental logic, strategy, and reason. A committed work of decolonial scholarship, Genre Networks and Empire shows, through Chinese words and writing, how the ruling elites of Han China forged a linguistic matrix of power, a book that bears implications for studies of rhetoric and empire in general.
Are you part of the 73% of the population that experiences anxiety from public speaking? Face your fears with this valuable guide that combines real-world case studies and practice activities to help build your confidence. You may not be afraid of heights or spiders but making a speech in front of a large crowd-whether it's a wedding party, an awards ceremony, or even doing a presentation in the office-is sure to get your heart pounding and your palms sweaty. But with Your Guide to Public Speaking in hand, there's no need to fear public speaking a second longer. This practical and indispensable guide teaches you to understand and work with your audience, take control of your own emotions, and create the perfect materials to supplement your speech and help drive your message home. With practice activities, real-world case studies, tips you never thought you needed-and more!-you'll find everything you need to become a speech master in no time at all. From preparing for a video conference, rallying for support for a cause that's important to you, or facing down multiple interviews, you can banish those fears and feel empowered no matter what the situation with Your Guide to Public Speaking.
Public speaking is an essential component in the life of a scientist, whatever your level of career. In this book, the authors describe a tried-and-tested technique for preparing a presentation: the SELL Method. Following these three simple steps - Skeleton, Envelope, Life & Logistics - will help you make the most out of any talk. Whether it be a 3-minute pitch or an hour-long plenary session, you will find pages of advice, theory and practical exercises enabling you to SELL YOUR RESEARCH with impact. For scientists these days, the work is not done until it is communicated. And now that problem is solved. Solidly researched and immaculately written, Sell Your Research is a goldmine of useful advice. Whether you are brimming with confidence or just setting out, this gem of a guidebook will improve every presentation and nurture every budding science communicator. Dr. Stephen Webster, Director of Science Communication Unit, Imperial College London Public speaking is one of the most intimidating but crucial tasks in a scientist's career. This book provides a welcoming, clear, step-by-step guide to improving your presentations at every level. Reading it and following its advice will make your science talks less frightening and more enjoyable. Dr. Laura Helmuth, Health, Science & Environment Editor, Washington Post
Ella Baker (1903-1986) was an influential African American civil rights and human rights activist. For five decades, she worked behind the scenes with people in vulnerable communities to catalyze social justice leadership. Her steadfast belief in the power of ordinary people to create change continues to inspire social justice activists around the world. This book describes a case study that translates Ella Baker's community engagement philosophy into a catalytic leadership praxis, which others can adapt for their work. Catalytic leadership is a concrete set of communication practices for social justice leadership produced in equitable partnership with, instead of on, communities. The case centers the voices of African American teenage girls who were living in a segregated neighborhood of an affluent college town and became part of a small collective of college students, parents, university faculty, and community activists learning leadership in the spirit of Ella Baker.
This practical guide to effective public speaking for professionals with Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) provides tailored advice on using your Asperger strengths to your advantage and overcoming areas of challenge to find your public speaking voice. Written by a business leader with Asperger Syndrome, it includes guidance and hands-on tools for preparation, research and delivery of successful speeches and presentations. It addresses all the key areas that can cause particular difficulty for people with Asperger Syndrome such as coping with anxiety, interpreting the facial expressions of your audience, awareness of your own body language as projected to others, sensory overload issues caused by the speaking environment, and surviving post-speech networking and social events. Whether giving a presentation at a meeting, hosting a corporate event, or delivering an autism awareness speech, this book provides all the guidance that professionals with Asperger Syndrome need to master public speaking.
The study examines Jewish and judaeophobic language concepts and conflicts between 1893 and 1933. The author is primarily concerned with reconstructing German Jewsa (TM) attitudes to the German language. The sources used include public debates on the assessment of language as they were conducted in prominent Jewish journals around 1900. Conversely, Kremer also examines the specific linguistic, cultural and racial polemics of the contemporary agitation directed against the Jews. His discreetly and tactfully written study contributes to the process of reappraising German-Jewish relations in attitudes to the German language.
Providing a quick resource whenever and wherever you need it, CENGAGE ADVANTAGE BOOKS: THE SPEAKER'S COMPACT HANDBOOK, 5th Edition, equips you with the essential information, tips, and tools you need to be an effective public speaker. Its spiral-bound, quick-reference format makes the handbook easy to use. Each succinct chapter can stand alone, allowing you to easily jump exactly to the topic you need to help you create a great speech. Drawing from academic research and practical experience, the handbook walks you step by step through the entire speechmaking process. Five student-friendly features--Key Points, Quick Tips, Checklists, Web Links, and Critical Thinking Questions--help you stay on track throughout the speech-building process.
This book provides a research-led guide to public speaking in English, using the foundations of applied linguistics research to analyse elements of spoken presentation, including content, form, persona and audience interaction. The author also introduces and analyses case studies of what she calls 'the New Oratory', examining such modern speaking formats as the three-minute-thesis presentation, the investor pitch and TED talks, making this book a cutting-edge exploration of how public speaking is conducted in an increasingly digitalised world. It provides essential advice for non-native English speakers and speakers of English as a Second Language (ESL) whose work or study requires them to present in English, but will also be of interest to students and scholars of applied linguistics and business communication.
Your Voice Is Your Business: The Science and Art of Communication, Second Edition combines the latest in voice research and technology with the most powerful, state-of-the-art presentation skills and methods. The result is an integrated and comprehensive approach to connecting the technically based aspects of voice production with an applied, skill-based grasp of interpersonal effectiveness. This text serves as both a practical handbook and a resource on human vocal production in real-world settings. Relevant techniques of positioning, gesture, and paraverbals are incorporated in the study of successful voice presentation. Additionally, technical information is integrated into the text and reviewed at the end of each chapter.This second edition responds to the readers' desire for an expansion of the topics, illustrations, and techniques found particularly effective in the first edition, and provides new information reported in recent speech-language pathology literature in two brand-new chapters with vivid, powerful, and direct explanations and exercises.Your Voice Is Your Business The Science and Art of Communication, Second Edition has been designed for ease of use for the student of voice science or anyone eager to use their communication abilities to their best advantage at work, on stage, or in everyday life. This text includes terminology and references suitable to the serious student of the voice, as well as detailed, realistic scenarios to further any professional's knowledge on the art of human communication, and will be a staple in multiple fields including speech-language pathology, communications, theater and drama, and business.
This is the first and completely new edition of Victorinus late-antique commentary on Cicero s De inventionesince 150 years. The edition is based on a critical new reading of all the manuscripts including a previously unknown manuscript family which transmitted the correct text in many places."
TED talks have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking around the world. And yet the techniques that top TED speakers use are the same ones that will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking. Communications coach and bestselling author of The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, Carmine Gallo has broken down the top TED talks and interviewed the most popular TED presenters to uncover the nine secrets of all successful TED presentations. From 'Unleashing the Master Within' and 'Delivering Jaw Dropping Moments' to 'Sticking to the 18-minute Rule' Gallo provides a step-by-step method that makes it possible for anyone to create, design, and deliver a TED-style presentation that is engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Ideas are the true currency of the 21st century, and Talk Like TED gives readers a way to create presentations around the ideas that matter most to them, presentations that will energize their audiences to spread those ideas, launch new initiatives, and reach their highest goals.
An insider's guide for students and teachers on how to debate, ranging from how to deliver speeches confidently in a large room to how to respond to arguments effectively. The final section of the book will argue why this activity is important for every child to take part - for social mobility, democratic and economic reasons. Throughout the book, Lewis (a former world university debating champion and a world championship winning coach with England) will draw from examples from his 10 years of experience coaching debates in over 11 countries |
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