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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Applied physics & special topics
With a focus on modified gravity this book presents a review of the recent developments in the fields of gravity and cosmology, presenting the state of the art, high-lighting the open problems, and outlining the directions of future research. General Relativity and the CDM framework are currently the standard lore and constitute the concordance paradigm of cosmology. Nevertheless, long-standing open theoretical issues, as well as possible new observational ones arising from the explosive development of cosmology in the last two decades, offer the motivation and lead a large amount of research to be devoted in constructing various extensions and modifications. In this review all extended theories and scenarios are first examined under the light of theoretical consistency, and are then applied in various geometrical backgrounds, such as the cosmological and the spherical symmetric ones. Their predictions at both the background and perturbation levels, and concerning cosmology at early, intermediate and late times, are then confronted with the huge amount of observational data that astrophysics and cosmology has been able to offer in the last two decades. Theories, scenarios and models that successfully and efficiently pass the above steps are classified as viable and are candidates for the description of Nature, allowing readers to get a clear overview of the state of the art and where the field of modified gravity is likely to go. This work was performed in the framework of the COST European Action "Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions" - CANTATA.
This volume describes and discusses recent advances in angiogenesis research. The chapters are organized to address all biological length scales of angiogenesis: molecular, cellular and tissue in both in vivo and in vitro settings. Specific emphasis is given to novel methodologies and biomaterials that have been developed and applied to angiogenesis research. Angiogenesis experts from diverse fields including engineering, cell and developmental biology, chemistry and physics will be invited to contribute chapters which focus on the mechanical and chemical signals which affect and promote angiogenesis.
The book deals with the development of continual models of turbulent natural media. Such models serve as a ground for the statement and numerical evaluation of the key problems of the structure and evolution of the numerous astrophysical and geophysical objects. The processes of ordering (self-organization) in an originally chaotic turbulent medium are addressed and treated in detail with the use of irreversible thermodynamics and stochastic dynamics approaches which underlie the respective models. Different examples of ordering set up in the natural environment and outer space are brought and thoroughly discussed, the main focus being given to the protoplanetary discs formation and evolution.
Following the breakthrough in the last decade in identifying the key parameters for time and depth imaging in anisotropic media and developing practical methodologies for estimating them from seismic data, this title primarily focuses on the far reaching exploration benefits of anisotropic processing.
This book covers the results obtained in the Tera op Workbench project during a four years period from 2004 to 2008. The Tera op Workbench project is a colla- ration betweenthe High PerformanceComputingCenter Stuttgart (HLRS) and NEC Deutschland GmbH (NEC-HPCE) to support users to achieve their research goals using high performance computing. The Tera op Workbench supports users of the HLRS systems to enable and - cilitate leading edge scienti c research. This is achieved by optimizing their codes and improving the process work ow which results from the integration of diff- ent modules into a "hybrid vector system". The assessment and demonstration of industrial relevance is another goal of the cooperation. The Tera op Workbench project consists of numerous individual codes, grouped together by application area and developed and maintained by researchers or c- mercial organizations. Within the project, several of the codes have shown the ab- ity to reach beyond the TFlop/s threshold of sustained performance. This created the possibility for new science and a deeper understanding of the underlying physics. The papers in this book demonstrate the value of the project for different scienti c areas.
This book provides a practical guide to applying soft-computing methods to interpret geophysical data. It discusses the design of neural networks with Matlab for geophysical data, as well as fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy concepts and their applications. In addition, it describes genetic algorithms for the automatic and/or intelligent processing and interpretation of geophysical data.
This book ushers in a new era of experimental and theoretical investigations into collective processes, structure formation, and self-organization of nuclear matter. It reports the results of experiments wherein for the first time the nuclei constituting our world (those displayed in Mendeleev's table as well as the super-heavy ones) have been artificially created. Pioneering breakthroughs are described, achieved at the Proton-21 Laboratory, Kiev, Ukraine, in a variety of new physical and technological directions.A detailed description of the main experiments, their analyses, and the interpretation of copious experimental data are given, along with the methodology governing key measurements and the processing algorithms of the data that empirically confirm the occurrence of macroscopic self-organizing processes leading to the nuclear transformations of various materials.
This book collects extended and specialized reviews on topics linking astrophysics and particle physics at a level intermediate between a graduate student and a young researcher. The book includes also three reviews on observational techniques used in forefront astrophysics and short articles on research performed in Latin America. The reviews, updated and written by specialized researchers, describe the state of the art in the related research topics. This book is a valuable complement not only for research but also for lecturers in specialized course of high energy astrophysics, cosmic ray astrophysics and particle physics."
The occurrence of seismic events in glaciers has been an issue in the scientific literature since the early 1950s, following the report about icequakes in Baffin Island. Targeted seismological studies were undertaken by the Polish Expedition to Spitsbergen in 1962 and then continued at various glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctic and the Alps. The author of the book has been engaged in the project since 1970; he designed the layout of observations and instrumentation. The quakes he observed were categorized into two groups: typical seismic events called icequakes, and relatively long-period events named ice vibrations. In the case of icequakes, the space-time distributions and focal parameters were determined. In the case of ice vibrations, a spectral analysis was made. The present book is a synthesis of the results obtained. There are reports that the number of seismic events in glaciers has recently grown, which may be related to changing geometry of glaciers due to changing thermal conditions.
The articles included in this Volume represent a broad and
highly qualified view on the present state of general relativity,
quantum gravity, and their cosmological and astrophysical
implications. As such, it may serve as a valuable source of
knowledge and inspiration for experts in these fields, as well as
an advanced source of information for young researchers.
At the end of the 20th century, a tremendous progress was made in biotechnology in its widest sense. This progress was largely possible as a result of joint efforts of top academic researchers in both pure fundamental sciences and applied research. The surplus value of such interdisciplinary approaches was clearly highlighted during the 9th European Congress on Biotechnology that was held in Brussels, Belgium (11-15 July, 1999). The present volume in the 'Focus on Biotechnology' series, entiteld 'Physics and Chemistry Basis for Biotechnology' contains selected presentations from this meeting, A collection of experts has made serious efforts to present some of the latest developments in various scientific fields and to unveil prospective evolutions on the threshold of the new millenium. In all contributions the emphasis is on emerging new areas of research in which physicochemical principles form the foundation. In reading the different chapters, it appears that more than ever significant advances in biotechnology very often depend on breakthroughs in the biotechnology itself (e.g.
This book describes how surface tension effects can be used by engineers to provide mechanical functions in miniaturized products (<1 mm). Even if precursors of this field such as Jurin or Laplace already date back to the 18th century, describing surface tension effects from a mechanical perspective is very recent. The originality of this book is to consider the effects of capillary bridges on solids, including forces and torques exerted both statically and dynamically by the liquid along the 6 degrees-of-freedom. It provides a comprehensive approach to various applications, such as capillary adhesion (axial force), centering force in packaging and micro-assembly (lateral force) and recent developments such as a capillary motor (torque). It devises how surface tension can be used to provide mechanical functions such as actuation (bubble-actuated compliant table), sealing and tightness, energy harvesting, nanodispending.
This book provides an up-to-date understanding of the progress and current problems of the interplay of nonlocality in the classical theories of gravitation and quantum theory. These problems lie on the border between general relativity and quantum physics, including quantum gravity.
This volume, written by experts in the field, discusses the current understanding of the biophysical principles that govern RNA folding, with featured RNAs including the ribosomal RNAs, viral RNAs, and self-splicing introns. In addition to the fundamental features of RNA folding, the central experimental and computational approaches in the field are presented with an emphasis on their individual strengths and limitations, and how they can be combined to be more powerful than any method alone; these approaches include NMR, single molecule fluorescence, site-directed spin labeling, structure mapping, comparative sequence analysis, graph theory, course - grained 3D modeling, and more. This volume will be of interest to professional researchers and advanced students entering the field of RNA folding.
Musical Sound, Instruments, and Equipment offers a basic understanding of sound, musical instruments and music equipment, geared towards a general audience and non-science majors. The book begins with an introduction of the fundamental properties of sound waves, and the perception of the characteristics of sound. The relation between intensity and loudness, and the relation between frequency and pitch are discussed. The basics of propagation of sound waves, and the interaction of sound waves with objects and structures of various sizes are introduced. Standing waves, harmonics and resonance are explained in simple terms, using graphics that provide a visual understanding.
The volume is intended as an introduction to the physical principles governing the main processes that occur in photosynthesis, with emphasis on the light reactions and electron transport chain. A unique feature of the photosynthetic apparatus is the fact that the molecular structures are known in detail for essentially all of its major components. The availability of this data has allowed their functions to be probed at a very fundamental level to discover the design principles that have guided evolution. Other volumes on photosynthesis have tended to focus on single components or on a specific set of biophysical techniques, and the authors' goal is to provide new researchers with an introduction to the overall field of photosynthesis. The book is divided into sections, each dealing with one of the main physical processes in photosynthetic energy conversion. Each section has several chapters each describing the role that a basic physical property, such as charge or spin, plays in governing the process being discussed. The chapters proceed in an orderly fashion from a quantum mechanical description of early processes on an ultrafast timescale to a classical treatment of electron transfer and catalysis on a biochemical timescale culminating in evolutionary principles on a geological timescale.
Applications of wavelet analysis to the geophysical sciences grew
from Jean Morlet's work on seismic signals in the 1980s. Used to
detect signals against noise, wavelet analysis excels for
transients or for spatiallylocalized phenomena. In this fourth
Efi Foufoula-Georgiou and Praveen Kumar begin with a self-contained
overview of the nature, power, and scope of wavelet transforms. The
eleven originalpapers that follow in this edited treatise show how
geophysical researchers are using wavelets to analyze such diverse
phenomena as intermittent atmospheric turbulence, seafloor
bathymetry, marine and other seismic data, and flow in aquifiers.
Wavelets in Geophysics will make informative reading for
geophysicists seeking an up-to-date account of how these tools are
being used as well as for wavelet researchers searching for ideas
for applications, or even new points of departure.
This 6th edition of "Tools of Radio Astronomy", the most used introductory text in radio astronomy, has been revised to reflect the current state of this important branch of astronomy. This includes the use of satellites, low radio frequencies, the millimeter/sub-mm universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background and the increased importance of mm/sub-mm dust emission. Several derivations and presentations of technical aspects of radio astronomy and receivers, such as receiver noise, the Hertz dipole and beam forming have been updated, expanded, re-worked or complemented by alternative derivations. These reflect advances in technology. The wider bandwidths of the Jansky-VLA and long wave arrays such as LOFAR and mm/sub-mm arrays such as ALMA required an expansion of the discussion of interferometers and aperture synthesis. Developments in data reduction algorithms have been included. As a result of the large amount of data collected in the past 20 years, the discussion of solar system radio astronomy, dust emission, and radio supernovae has been revisited. The chapters on spectral line emission have been updated to cover measurements of the neutral hydrogen radiation from the early universe as well as measurements with new facilities. Similarly the discussion of molecules in interstellar space has been expanded to include the molecular and dust emission from protostars and very cold regions. Several worked examples have been added in the areas of fundamental physics, such as pulsars. Both students and practicing astronomers will appreciate this new up-to-date edition of Tools of Radio Astronomy.
The Pacific Rim Conferences for the first decade from the mid 1980's to the mid 1990's were primary concerned with binary stars research. The Conference expanded to all areas of Stellar Astrophysics for the last two meetings in Hong Kong; at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1997 and at the Hong Kong University in 1999. At the conclusion of the very successful Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics held in Hong Kong University, members of the Sci entific Organizing Committee began planning for the next conference. We approached Professor Tan Lu of Nanjing University and Professor Tipei Li of the Institute of High Energy Physics about hosting a con ference in China. The city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province and a city in Yunnan province, were considered to be the most likely locations. It be came crucial to find the right person to serve as Chair (or Co-chairs) for the Local Organizing Committee. Initially, Professor Lu was the logical choice but he declined for personal reasons. Professor Li was invited to lead a new department of Astrophysics at Tsinghua University so he could not take on the additional load of chairing the LOC. Professor Gang Zhao of Beijing Astronomical Observatory was approached to take on the task but he also declined. This has been a busy time for Chinese astronomers. The SOC decided to have the conference dedicated to honor Dr. Helmut A."
Silicon, the basic material for a multibillion-dollar industry, is the most widely researched and applied semiconductor, and its surfaces are the most thoroughly studied of all semiconductor surfaces. Silicon Surfaces and Formation of Interfaces may be used as an introduction to graduate-level physics and chemical physics. Moreover, it gives a specialized and comprehensive description of the most common faces of silicon crystals as well as their interaction with adsorbates and overlayers. This knowledge is presented in a systematic and easy-to-follow way. Discussion of each system is preceded by a brief overview which categorizes the features and physical mechanisms before the details are presented. The literature is easily available, and the references am numerous and organized in tables, allowing a search without the need to browse through the text. Though this volume focuses on a scientific understanding of physics on the atomistic and mesoscopic levels, it also highlights existing and potential links between basic research in surface science and applications in the silicon industry. It will be valuable to anyone writing a paper, thesis, or proposal in the field of silicon surfaces.
This book is a continuation of 'Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in
Geophysics, Part I' published in 2000. The second volume is
dedicated to propagation of linear plane, spherical and cylindrical
acoustic waves in different media. Chapter 1 is devoted to
principles of geometric acoustic in plane wave approximation. The
eikonal and transport equations are derived. Ray tracing and
wavefront construction techniques are explained. Chapter 2 deals
with dynamic properties of wave fields. The behavior of pressure
and displacements amplitudes in zero approximation is analysed in
two ways: using Poynting vector and solving the transport equation.
This chapter contains several examples related to shadow zones and
caustics. In Chapter 3 using the results of analysis of
high-frequency wave kinematics and dynamics some fundamental
aspects of Kirchhoff migration are described. Chapters 4 and 5 are
devoted to propagation of plane waves in media with flat boundaries
in the case of normal and oblique incidence. Special attention is
paid to the case when an incident angle exceeds the critical
angles. Formation of normal modes in the waveguide is discussed.
Chapter 6 deals with a spherical wave reflection and refraction.
The steepest descent method is introduced to describe the behavior
of reflected, transmitted, head and evanescent waves. In Chapter 7
propagation of stationary and transient waves in a waveguide formed
by a flat layer with low velocity are investigated. Normal modes
and waves related to the branch points of integrands under
consideration are studied. Dispersive properties of normal modes
are discussed. Chapter 8 describes wave propagation inside cylinder
in acoustic media. Several appendices are added to help the reader
understand different aspects of mathematics used in the book.
This book provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the generation and application of mono-energetic positron beams. It has been written by acknowledged experts, at a level accessible to graduate students working, or planning to work, with positron beams, and to scientists in other areas who want to know something about the field. The book begins with a brief historical introduction and an overview of how positron beams are generated and transported. A description of the fate of slow positrons in gaseous and condensed matter, with reference to many of the fundamental measurements made possible by the advent of positron beams, is followed by a discussion on applications in the study of solid surfaces, defect profiling in subsurface regions, interfaces and thin films, and the probing of bulk properties in novel ways. The book ends with a look at the future, considering the prospects for intense positron beams and their potential for further research. |
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