Books > Computing & IT > Internet > General
The growth of Internet use and technologies has increased
exponentially within the business sector. When utilized properly,
these applications can enhance business functions and make them
easier to perform. Exploring the Convergence of Big Data and the
Internet of Things is a pivotal reference source featuring the
latest empirical research on the business use of computing devices
to send and receive data in conjunction with analytic applications
to reduce maintenance costs, avoid equipment failures, and improve
business operations. Including research on a broad range of topics
such as supply chain, aquaculture, and speech recognition systems,
this book is ideally designed for researchers, academicians, and
practitioners seeking current research on various technology uses
in business.
A major investment in professional development is necessary to
ensure the fundamental success of instructors in
technology-integrated classrooms and in online courses. However,
while traditional models of professional development rely on
face-to-face instruction, online methods are also gaining
traction-viable means for faculty development.Virtual Mentoring for
Teachers: Online Professional Development Practices offers
peer-reviewed essays and research reports contributed by an array
of scholars and practitioners in the field of instructional
technology and online education. It is organized around two primary
themes: professional development models for faculty in online
environments and understanding e-Learning and best practices in
teaching and learning in online environments. The objective of this
scholarship is to highlight research-based online professional
development programs and best practices models that have been shown
to enhance effective teaching and learning in a variety of
A selection of international perspectives on on-line learning and
the virtual university. The essays are divided into three sections:
Overview and Theoretical Background; Projects and Tools; and
Conclusions and Visions.
Emerging new technologies such as digital media have helped artists
to position art into the everyday lives and activities of the
public. These new virtual spaces allow artists to utilize a more
participatory experience with their audience. Digital Media and
Technologies for Virtual Artistic Spaces brings together a variety
of artistic practices in virtual spaces and the interest in
variable media and online platforms for creative interplay.
Presenting frameworks and examples of current practices, this book
is useful for artists, theorists, curators as well as researchers
working with new technologies, social media platforms and digital
Online advertising expenditures now surpass those allocated to some
traditional media such as billboards. Despite this, little is know
regarding how advertising works in the online environment. This
book, written by two leading PhD researchers in the field, is the
first study of how advertising frequency and variation impact
consumer attitudes online. In addition, this book employs a
pioneering method that uses real web advertisements for real brands
in a systematic investigation. The results of this book prove that
traditional advertising theories and practices developed for
offline media require adaptation to be used successfully online.
Advertisers and researchers will find this book must reading as the
web advertising medium continues to grow.
This book is about using the Internet as a teaching tool. It starts
with the psychology of the learner and looks at how best to fit
technology to the student, rather than the other way around. The
authors include leading authorities in many areas of psychology,
and the book takes a broad look at learners as people. Thus, it
includes a wide range of materials from how the eye "reads" moving
graphs on a Web page to how people who have never met face-to-face
can interact on the Internet and create "communities" of learners.
The book considers many Internet technologies, but focuses on the
World Wide Web and new "hybrid" technologies that integrate the Web
with other communications technologies. This book is essential to
researchers is psychology and education who are interested in
learning. It is also used in college and graduate courses in
departments of psychology and educational psychology. Teachers and
trainers at any level who are using technology in their teaching
(or thinking about it) find this book very useful.
Key Features
* Distinguished authors with considerable expertise in their
* Broad "intra-disciplinary" perspective on learning and teaching
on the Web
* Focus on the Web and emerging Web-based technologies
* Special attention to conducting educational research
* Emphasis on the Social and Psychological Context
* Analyses of effective Web-based learning resources
* Firmly grounded in contemporary psychological research and theory
Cyber-physical systems play a crucial role in connecting aspects of
online life to physical life. By studying emerging trends in these
systems, programming techniques can be optimized and strengthened
to create a higher level of effectiveness. Solutions for
Cyber-Physical Systems Ubiquity is a critical reference source that
discusses the issues and challenges facing the implementation,
usage, and challenges of cyber-physical systems. Highlighting
relevant topics such as the Internet of Things, smart-card
security, multi-core environments, and wireless sensor nodes, this
scholarly publication is ideal for engineers, academicians,
computer science students, and researchers that would like to stay
abreast of current methodologies and trends involving
cyber-physical system progression. Topics Covered The many academic
areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:
Automotive Domain Internet of Things Multi-Core Environments Safety
Concerns Security strategies Smart Card Security System
Verification Wireless Sensor Nodes
To survive in today's competitive business environment, marketing
professionals must look to develop innovative methods of reaching
their customers and stakeholders. Web 2.0 provides a useful tool in
developing the relationships between business and consumer. The
Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic
Marketing explores the use of social networking and other online
media in marketing communications, including both best practices
and common pitfalls to provide comprehensive coverage of the topic.
This book is intended for marketing professionals, business
managers, and anyone interested in how social media fits into
today's marketing environments.
Sektion 1: Internet als Business-Plattform.- Elektronische
Koordination interorganisatorischer Geschaftsprozesse zwischen
privaten Haushalten und Versicherungen im Rahmen von
Tele-Insuring.- Internet-Nutzung im Business-to-Business-Bereich:
Stand der Entwicklung, Typologie und Anwendungsbeispiele.- Aufbau
eines Elektronischen Handelsplatzes fur Java-Applets.-
Preisstrategien fur ein integriertes Universal-Internet.- Sektion
2: Optimierung von Geschaftsprozessen.- Value-Based Management of
Inter-Organizational Business Processes.- A Hierarchical Planning
Procedure Supporting the Selection of Service Providers in
Outtasking Decisions.- A Multiagent System-Approach for the Design
of Information Systems in Virtual Organizations.- Office-Automation
in Municipal and County Administration with an Integrated Workflow
Based Information System.- Efficiency and Cost Implications of
Capital Allocation Mechanisms: A Contribution to the
Market-versus-Hierarchy-Discussion.- Sektion 3: Groupware- und
Workflow-Strategien.- Organisatorischer Wandel bei Einfuhrung von
Groupware.- Increased Competitiveness using a Groupware based
Project Controlling System.- Architektur zur
informationstechnologischen Unterstutzung von Kooperationen.-
Enterprise Knowledge Medium (EKM) - Konzeption und Einsatz eines
computergestutzten Planungs- und Kontrollsystems im
prozessorientierten Unternehmen.- Unterstutzung der
Workflow-Entwicklung durch ein unternehmensweites Repository fur
Geschaftsprozessrealisierungen.- Sektion 4: Groupware-Anwendungen.-
New perspectives for higher education processes as a team-based
approach - Back-office information technology for higher education
and training.- Konfiguration des Informationsdienstes in
Groupware.- Sektion 5: Wirtschaftliche Programmerstellung.- Global
Production: The Case of Offshore Programming.- Metriken fur die
IV-Diagnose, Konzept und prototypische Implementierung.-
Produktinformationssysteme in Business Networks.- Sektion 6: SAP
und Client-Server-Integration.- System Migration and System
Integration: Two SAP Cases.- Unternehmensweite Datenkonsistenz
durch Integration bestehender Informationssysteme.- Client/Server
Architecture: what it promises - what it really provides.- IS
Project Risk in Polish Organizations.- Sektion 7: Organisation und
Datenmanagement.- Flexible Organizations Through Object-oriented
and Transaction-oriented Information Systems.- Determinants and
Outcomes of Electronic Data Interchange Integration.-
Referenz-Informationsmodelle fur den Handel: Begriff, Nutzen und
Empfehlungen fur die Gestaltung und unternehmensspezifische
Adaption von Referenzmodellen.- Entwicklung eines Data Warehouse
fur das Produktionscontrolling: Konzepte und Erfahrungen.- Sektion
8: Neue Chancen durch Multimedia.- Der Markt fur interaktive
elektronische Medien aus oekonomischer Sicht.- Sektion 9:
Anwendungen von Internet/Intranet.- Improving Competitiveness of
Direct Banking via IT-Enabled Incentive Schemes.- Die Nutzung von
Internet-Diensten im Rahmen des Elektronischen Datenaustauschs -
Architekturvarianten und ein Anwendungsszenario.- Sektion 10:
Organisation und Workflow.- Neue Organisationsformen und IT:
Herausforderung fur die Unternehmensgestalter.- INCOME/WF - A Petri
Net Based Approach to Workflow Management.- On the Object-Oriented
Modelling of Distributed Workflow Applications.- Sektion 11:
Reorganisation des Unternehmens.- Synthesizing Business and
Information Systems (IS): Towards a Common Business-IS Model based
on Agents.- Planungs- und Kontrollmodelle zur Steuerung
prozessorientierter Organisationen auf der Basis einer
Intranet-Anwendung.- Neue Kernprozesse fur Versicherer mit
Agenturnetz.- Sponsorenverzeichnis.- Autoren- und
This book introduces social manufacturing, the next generation
manufacturing paradigm that covers product life cycle activities
that deal with Internet-based organizational and interactive
mechanisms under the context of socio-technical systems in the
fields of industrial and production engineering. Like its subject,
the book's approach is multi-disciplinary, including manufacturing
systems, operations management, computational social sciences and
information systems applications. It reports on the latest research
findings regarding the social manufacturing paradigm, the
architecture, configuration and execution of social manufacturing
systems and more. Further, it describes the individual technologies
enabled by social manufacturing for each topic, supported by case
studies. The technologies discussed include manufacturing resource
minimalization and their socialized reorganizations, blockchain
models in cybersecurity, computing and decision-making, social
business relationships and organizational networks, open product
design, social sensors and extended cyber-physical systems, and
social factory and inter-connections. This book helps engineers and
managers in industry to practice social manufacturing, as well as
offering a systematic reference resource for researchers in
manufacturing. Students also benefit from the detailed discussions
of the latest research and technologies that will have been put
into practice by the time they graduate.
The Internet has generated a large amount of information that is
created and shared between individuals and organizations. Because
of the amount of information flying through cyberspace, the time to
locate and digest the information increases exponentially, but the
question of what information can be shared and how to share them
remains unsolved. ""Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 2""
explores the semantic web and intelligent web services, two methods
created to help solidify the meaning and relationship of data, and
explains how they relate to business processes. Professionals,
policy-makers, academics, researchers, and managers in IT,
business, and commerce will find this book useful in understanding
the semantic web and intelligent web services impact on e-commerce.
In today's society, the utilization of social media platforms has
become an abundant forum for individuals to post, share, tag, and,
in some cases, overshare information about their daily lives. As
significant amounts of data flood these venues, it has become
necessary to find ways to collect and evaluate this information.
Social Media Data Extraction and Content Analysis explores various
social networking platforms and the technologies being utilized to
gather and analyze information being posted to these venues.
Highlighting emergent research, analytical techniques, and best
practices in data extraction in global electronic culture, this
publication is an essential reference source for researchers,
academics, and professionals.
About the series: Technology builders, entrepreneurs, consultants,
academicians, and futurists from around the world share their
wisdom in The Future of the Internet surveys conducted by the Pew
Internet & American Life Project and Elon University. The
series of surveys garners smart, detailed assessments of
multi-layered issues from a variety of voices, ranging from the
scientists and engineers who created the first Internet
architecture a decade ago to social commentators to technology
leaders in corporations, media, government, and higher education.
Among the respondents are people affiliated with many of the
world's top organizations, including IBM, AOL, Microsoft, Intel,
ICANN, the Internet Society, Google, W3C, Internet2, and Oracle;
Harvard, MIT, and Yale; and the Federal Communications Commission,
FBI, U.S. Census Bureau, Social Security Administration, and U.S.
Department of State. They provide significant and telling responses
to questions about the future of government, education, media,
entertainment, commerce, and more. They foresee continuing
conflicts over control of networked communications and the content
produced and shared online. They also predict the major changes
ahead for everyone in every field of endeavor. Hopes and Fears: The
Future of the Internet, Volume 2 The 2006 Future of the Internet II
survey asked its participants to react to variety of networked
information technology scenarios related to national boundaries,
human languages, artificial intelligence and other topics. Among
the questions implicit in the scenarios were: Will more people
choose to live "off the grid"? Will autonomous machines leave
people out of the loop? Will English be the lingua franca? Will
national boundaries be displaced by new groupings? Among the themes
in the predictions: Continued serious erosion of individual
privacy; the improvement of virtual reality and rising problems
tied to it; greater economic opportunities in developing nations;
changes in languages; the rise of autonomous machines that operate
beyond human control.
Although many developments surrounding the Internet campaign are
now considered to be standard fare, there were a number of new
developments in 2016. Drawing on original research conducted by
leading experts, The Internet and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
attempts to cover these developments in a comprehensive fashion.
How are campaigns making use of the Internet to organize and
mobilize their ground game? To communicate their message? The book
also examines how citizens made use of online sources to become
informed, follow campaigns, and participate. Contributions also
explore how the Internet affected developments in media reporting,
both traditional and non-traditional, about the campaign. What
other messages were available online, and what effects did these
messages have had on citizen's attitudes and vote choice? The book
examines these questions in an attempt to summarize the 2016 online
Online Harassment is one of the most serious problems in social
media. To address it requires understanding the forms harassment
takes, how it impacts the targets, who harasses, and how technology
that stands between users and social media can stop harassers and
protect users. The field of Human-Computer Interaction provides a
unique set of tools to address this challenge. This book brings
together experts in theory, socio-technical systems, network
analysis, text analysis, and machine learning to present a broad
set of analyses and applications that improve our understanding of
the harassment problem and how to address it. This book tackles the
problem of harassment by addressing it in three major domains.
First, chapters explore how harassment manifests, including
extensive analysis of the Gamer Gate incident, stylistic features
of different types of harassment, how gender differences affect
misogynistic harassment. Then, we look at the results of
harassment, including how it drives people offline and the impacts
it has on targets. Finally, we address techniques for mitigating
harassment, both through automated detection and filtering and
interface options that users control. Together, many branches of
HCI come together to provide a comprehensive look at the phenomenon
of online harassment and to advance the field toward effective
human-oriented solutions.
Since the dawn of the digital era, the transfer of knowledge has
shifted from analog to digital, local to global, and individual to
social. Complex networked communities are a fundamental part of
these new information-based societies. Emerging Pedagogies in the
Networked Knowledge Society: Practices Integrating Social Media and
Globalization examines the production, dissemination, and
consumption of knowledge within networked communities in the wider
global context of pervasive Web 2.0 and social media services. This
book will offer insight for business stakeholders, researchers,
scholars, and administrators by highlighting the important concepts
and ideas of information- and knowledge-based economies.
Advances in Electronic Business, Volume 1 advances the
understanding of management methods, information technology, and
their joint application in business processes. The applications of
electronic commerce draw great attention of the practitioners in
applying digital technologies to the buy-and-sell activities. This
first volume addresses the importance of management and technology
issues in electronic business, including collaborative design,
collaborative engineering, collaborative decision making,
electronic collaboration, communication and cooperation, workflow
collaboration, knowledge networking, collaborative e-learning,
costs and benefits analysis of collaboration, collaborative
transportation, and ethics.
Computer-mediated communication and cyberculture are
dramatically changing the nature of social relationships. Whether
cyberspace will simply retain vestiges of traditional communities
with hierarchical social links and class-structured relationships
or create new egalitarian social networks remains an open question.
The chapters in this volume examine the issue of social justice on
the Internet by using a variety of methodological and theoretical
Political scientists, sociologists, and communications and
information systems scholars address issues of race, class, and
gender on the Internet in chapters that do not assume any
specialized training in computer technology.