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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Life sciences: general issues
This selection of articles from the Encyclopedia of the Eye provides a comprehensive overview of immunological features, diseases and inflammation of the eye and its support structures and organs. Rather than taking an immunological focus that is strictly suitable for clinicians, the volume offers a considerable basic science background and addresses a broad range of topics - the immune system of the eye, its various disorders, mechanisms of inflammation of the eye and visual system, treatment, wound healing mechanisms, stem cells, and more.
This selection of articles from the Encyclopedia of the Eye is the first single-volume overview presenting articles on the function, biology, physiology, and pathology of the structures of the ocular periphery, as well as the related disorders and their treatment. The peripheral structures are implicated in a number of important diseases, including optic neuritis, thyroid eye disease, and strabismus. The volume offers a basic science background of these topics rather than a strictly clinical focus.
Concepts and techniques in genomics and proteomics covers the important concepts of high-throughput modern techniques used in the genomics and proteomics field. Each technique is explained with its underlying concepts, and simple line diagrams and flow charts are included to aid understanding and memory. A summary of key points precedes each chapter within the book, followed by detailed description in the subsections. Each subsection concludes with suggested relevant original references.
Global Ecology focuses on the perception of the biosphere or the ecosphere as a unified cooperative system with numerous synergistic effects, which describe the distinctive properties of this sphere. This book is subdivided into five parts dealing with diverse aspects in global ecology. The first part of the book provides comprehensive description of the biosphere, including its unique characteristics and evolution. This part also describes various spheres in the biosphere, such as the hydrosphere, noosphere, and pedosphere as well as their composition. The next part focuses on the global cycles, including calcium, carbon, iron, microbial nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and water cycles. In addition, global balances and flows are explained. Presented in the third part are the results of the global cycles and flows as well as the patterns of the climatic factors and marine currents. There is also a part discussing the climate interactions, climatic changes, and its effect on the living organisms. The book concludes by covering the application of stoichiometry in the biosphere and in ecosystems. The book offers a comprehensive view of global ecology and ecological stoichiometry, which will aid in the processes of global ecology.
This book offers a new theoretical framework within which to understand "the mind-body problem". The crux of this problem is phenomenal experience, which Thomas Nagel famously described as "what it is like" to be a certain living creature. David Chalmers refers to the problem of "what-it-is-like" as "the hard problem" of consciousness and claims that this problem is so "hard" that investigators have either just ignored the issue completely, investigated a similar (but distinct) problem, or claimed that there is literally nothing to investigate - that phenomenal experience is illusory. This book contends that phenomenal experience is both very real and very important. Two specific "biological naturalist" views are considered in depth. One of these two views, in particular, seems to be free from problems; adopting something along the lines of this view might finally allow us to make sense of the mind-body problem. An essential read for anyone who believes that no satisfactory solution to "the mind-body problem" has yet been discovered.
"Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment" synthesizes current
understanding in stream ecosystem ecology, emphasizing nutrient
cycling and carbon dynamics, and provides a forward-looking
perspective regarding the response of stream ecosystems to
environmental change. Stream ecosystem ecology has undergone major
advances in the past decade following a series of high-profile and
innovative research initiatives focusing on nutrient cycling and
metabolism. Each chapter includes a section focusing on anticipated
and ongoing dynamics in stream ecosystems in a changing
environment, and hypotheses regarding controls on stream ecosystem
functioning. These innovative sections provide a bridge between
papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and
researchers development of new ideas areas of study.
Ending hunger, achieving food security and promoting sustainable development are at the top of the list of United Nations (UN) sustainable global development priorities. In the times of high population growth and increasing pressure of agricultural systems, efficiency in use of natural resources has been at the epicenter of sustainable agricultural. The concept of 'Input efficiency' implies production of high quantity and quality of food, from using only finite natural resources as inputs, in the form of mainly land, water, nutrients, energy, or biological diversity. In this book, editors provide a roadmap to the food, nutritional, and environmental security in the agricultural systems. They share insight into the approaches that can be put in practice for increasing the input use efficiency in the cropping systems and achieve stability and sustainability of agricultural production systems. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers, climate change scientists, capacity builders and policymakers. Also the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, agroforestry, agroecology, and environmental sciences. National and international agricultural scientists, policymakers will also find this to be a useful read.
Arrestins: Structure and Function in Vision and Beyond examines the structural basis of the function of arrestin proteins in the brain. Linking basic, translational and clinical research, this volume begins with history and basic signaling principles and then expands to the use of proteins as potential therapeutic targets. Multiple cellular activities are detailed, including activation, signaling, GPCR endocytosis, and ERK signaling, with chapters examining both visual and non-visual arrestins. Experts in their respective fields are featured throughout, making this book essential reading for anyone who wants to explore the basic science underlying these signaling proteins.
Nanomedical Drug Delivery for Neurodegenerative Diseases opens the door for promising approaches and advances in the diagnosis and treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases. The contents of the book comprise all the aspects related to the design, synthesis, and application of different nanodrug delivery systems in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and motor neuron diseases. This book explores how nanoparticulate drug carriers can improve therapeutic efficacy by selecting a suitable design strategy. Nanomedical Drug Delivery for Neurodegenerative Diseases is a valuable resource for graduates, clinical researchers, and other scientists working to minimize the challenges to deliver the drugs and genes in a more efficient and targeted manner for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Genetics of Monogenic and Syndromic Obesity is the latest volume in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series.
Genes and Evolution, the latest volume in the Current Topics in Developmental Biology series, covers genes and evolution, with contributions from an international board of authors. The chapters provide a comprehensive set of reviews covering such topics as genes and plant domestication, gene networks, phenotypic loss in vertebrates, reproducible evolutionary changes, and epithelial tissue.
The third edition of The Basics of Bioethics continues to provide a balanced and systematic ethical framework to help students analyze a wide range of controversial topics in medicine, and consider ethical systems from various religious and secular traditions. The Basics of Bioethics covers the "Principalist" approach and identifies principles that are believed to make behavior morally right or wrong. It showcases alternative ethical approaches to health care decision making by presenting Hippocratic ethics as only one among many alternative ethical approaches to health care decision-making. The Basics of Bioethics offers case studies, diagrams, and other learning aids for an accessible presentation. Plus, it contains an all-encompassing ethics chart that shows the major questions in ethics and all of the major answers to these questions.
DNA Replication Across Taxa, the latest volume in The Enzymes series summarizes the most important discoveries associated with DNA replication.
Advances in Agronomy continues to be recognized as a leading reference and first-rate source for the latest research in agronomy. Each volume contains an eclectic group of reviews by leading scientists throughout the world. As always, the subjects covered are rich, varied, and exemplary of the abundant subject matter addressed by this long-running serial.
Methods in Enzymology: Visualizing RNA Dynamics in the Cell continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters authored by leaders in the field. This volume covers research methods visualizing RNA dynamics in the cell, and includes sections on such topics as identification of RNA cis-regulatory sequences, IRAS, IMAGEtags, MERFISH, plant RNA labeling using MS2, and visualization of 5S dynamics in live cells using photostable corn probe.
The kidney is innervated with efferent sympathetic nerve fibers reaching the renal vasculature, the tubules, the juxtaglomerular granular cells, and the renal pelvic wall. The renal sensory nerves are mainly found in the renal pelvic wall. Increases in efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity reduce renal blood flow and urinary sodium excretion by activation of 1-adrenoceptors and increase renin secretion rate by activation of 1-adrenoceptors. In response to normal physiological stimulation, changes in efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity contribute importantly to homeostatic regulation of sodium and water balance. The renal mechanosensory nerves are activated by stretch of the renal pelvic tissue produced by increases in renal pelvic tissue of a magnitude that may occur during increased urine flow rate. Under normal conditions, the renal mechanosensory nerves activated by stretch of the sensory nerves elicits an inhibitory renorenal reflex response consisting of decreases in efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity leading to natriuresis. Increasing efferent sympathetic nerve activity increases afferent renal nerve activity which, in turn, decreases efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity by activation of the renorenal reflexes. Thus, activation of the afferent renal nerves buffers changes in efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity in the overall goal of maintaining sodium balance. In pathological conditions of sodium retention, impairment of the inhibitory renorenal reflexes contributes to an inappropriately increased efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity in the presence of sodium retention. In states of renal disease or injury, there is a shift from inhibitory to excitatory reflexes originating in the kidney. Studies in essential hypertensive patients have shown that renal denervation results in long-term reduction in arterial pressure, suggesting an important role for the efferent and afferent renal nerves in hypertension.
Investigating Human Diseases with the Microbiome: Metagenomics Bench to Bedside is a summary of underlying principles for human health and disease studies from a microbiome point-of-view. From birth to old age, microbiomes in fecal, oral/nasal, vaginal, and skin samples contain important information that can predict disease risks in the future. Tissue samples also contain microbes that are relevant for diseases. The microbiome connects genetic and environmental factors and is poised to greatly facilitate precision medicine, including prevention, diagnosis and effective treatment of many complex diseases. Based in traditional microbiology and adding a more wholistic view of the advent of high-throughput sequencing, this reference poses the key questions of the total number of microbial cells and their distribution in the human body while also considering concepts from macroecology and from causal reasoning. An entire chapter is dedicated to methods, providing hands-on information for important considerations when collecting samples for metagenomic studies.
Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 74, the latest installment in this internationally acclaimed series, contains chapters authored by world-renowned clinical laboratory scientists, physicians, and research scientists. This serial discusses the latest and most up-to-date technologies related to the field of clinical chemistry and is the benchmark for novel analytical approaches in the clinical laboratory.
Advances in Agronomy continues to be recognized as a leading reference and first-rate source for the latest research in agronomy. Each volume contains an eclectic group of reviews by leading scientists throughout the world. As always, the subjects covered are rich, varied, and exemplary of the abundant subject matter addressed by this long-running serial.
Advances in Genetics provides the latest information on the rapidly evolving field of genetics, presenting new medical breakthroughs that are occurring as a result of advances in our knowledge of the topic. The book continually publishes important reviews of the broadest interest to geneticists and their colleagues in affiliated disciplines, critically analyzing future directions, This thematic volume focuses on the advances and the future potential of the rapidly growing field of entomopathogenic fungi. With a focus on the genetics and molecular biology behind the progress, techniques developed to study all aspects of these fungi will be highlighted, and topics will span from systematics of fungi to how a fungus infects an insect and how that insect responds.
The technological innovations that have made "learning" computers possible are being met with utopian hopes as well as apocalyptic apprehensions. Will AI research eventually lead to software systems that have consciousness and are capable of autonomous decision making? The essays challenge "strong AI" from the perspective of human agency and moral judgment, explain the categorical difference between vulnerable humans and AI devices, and discuss diverse forms of applied AI, such as prograns of natural language processing, computional creativity, neuroenhancement, and the use of AI in international healthcare. These theoretical issues are illustrated in essays that focus on the encounter with artificial beings in film, literature and theater. Examining science fiction that blurs the borderline between humans and deep-learning androids, the essays explore, and challenge, ways of questioning human exceptionalism, for instance by visualizing non-conscious cognition and sentience. The book suggests a sober distinction between well-argued achievements of digital technology and excessive, unfounded expectations.
Systems Neuroscience in Depression provides a comprehensive overview of the normal and depressed brain processes as studied from a systems neuroscience perspective. Systems neuroscience uses a wide variety of approaches to study how networks of neurons form the bases of higher brain function. A broad overview is discussed starting with a background from neurodevelopment and neural understanding as well as novel treatment approaches for depression. This book covers basic developmental aspects and depressive psychopathology, as well as the basic scientific background from animal models and experimental research. Current advances in systems neuroscience are highlighted in studies from child and adolescent psychiatry. Integrated approaches are presented with regards to genetics, neuroimaging and neuroinflammation as well as neuroendocrinology. The field of systems and network neuroscience is evolving rapidly and this book provides a greatly needed resource for researchers and practitioners in systems neuroscience and psychiatry.
Neural Repair and Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury and Spine Trauma provides readers with a comprehensive overview on the most up-to-date strategies to repair and regenerate the injured spinal cord following SCI and spine trauma. With contributions by international authors, chapters put regenerative approaches in context, allowing the reader to understand the challenges and future directions of regenerative therapies. Recent clinical trial advancements are thoroughly discussed, with the impact of trial findings addressed. Additionally, major ongoing clinical trials are included with thoughts from experts in the field. Recent clinical practice guidelines for the management of traumatic spinal cord injury are featured throughout. These guidelines are quickly being adopted as the standard of care worldwide, and the comprehensive information found within this book will place these recommendations in context with current knowledge surrounding spinal cord injury and spine trauma. |
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