Books > Arts & Architecture > Industrial / commercial art & design > Product design
Negli ultimi anni si e assistito a un crescente interesse per l
identificazione dei prodotti mediante radiofrequenza, sia nella
produzione sia nella distribuzione. L adozione della tecnologia
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) apporta infatti alle aziende
indubbi vantaggi economici, e anche nel settore alimentare si
stanno iniziando a comprendere le nuove opportunita strategiche e
di gestione della filiera offerte dai sistemi RFID. Al di la dei
vantaggi economici, questi sistemi offrono infatti la possibilita
di gestire al meglio aspetti cruciali della qualita e della
sicurezza, soprattutto per quello che riguarda la catena del
Gli autori del volume operano nel laboratorio RFID Lab dell
Universita degli Studi di Parma, che da anni collabora con numerose
aziende del settore alimentare e del largo consumo. Il libro
illustra i risultati delle loro ricerche e guida il lettore
attraverso l analisi delle opportunita derivanti dall impiego della
tecnologia RFID nella supply chain.
The proceedings of a seminar held at TWI in September, 1995,
focusing on crack arrest philosophy which aknowledges that a
brittle crack is arrested when it emerges from the critical region.
Papers from prestigious researchers presented a critique and
assessment of the theory and its application under: Introduction to
crack arrest concepts; Recent trends in crack arrest research;
Application of crack arrest concepts. Intended for those who have
to apply or teach design skills in a technical or engineering
context, this resource book defines and explains eight creative
thinking techniques and shows how to use and adapt these to solve
design problems. Case studies are drawn from a wide range of
Designing Disability traces the emergence of an idea and an ideal -
physical access for the disabled - through the evolution of the
iconic International Symbol of Access (ISA). The book draws on
design history, material culture and recent critical disability
studies to examine not only the development of a design icon, but
also the cultural history surrounding it. Infirmity and illness may
be seen as part of human experience, but 'disability' is a social
construct, a way of thinking about and responding to a natural
human condition. Elizabeth Guffey's highly original and
wide-ranging study considers the period both before and after the
introduction of the ISA, tracing the design history of the
wheelchair, a product which revolutionised the mobility needs of
many disabled people from the 1930s onwards. She also examines the
rise of 'barrier-free architecture' in the reception of the ISA,
and explores how the symbol became widely adopted and even a mark
of identity for some, especially within the Disability Rights
Movement. Yet despite the social progress which is inextricably
linked to the ISA, a growing debate has unfurled around the symbol
and its meanings. The most vigorous critiques today have involved
guerrilla art, graffiti and studio practice, reflecting new
challenges to the relationship between design and disability in the
twenty-first century.
Reading Graphic Design in Cultural Context explains key ways of
understanding and interpreting the graphic designs we see all
around us, in advertising, branding, packaging and fashion. It
situates these designs in their cultural and social contexts.
Drawing examples from a range of design genres, leading design
historians Grace Lees-Maffei and Nicolas P. Maffei explain theories
of semiotics, postmodernism and globalisation, and consider issues
and debates within visual communication theory such as legibility,
the relationship of word and image, gender and identity, and the
impact of digital forms on design. Their discussion takes in
well-known brands like Alessi, Nike, Unilever and Tate, and
everyday designed things including slogan t-shirts, car
advertising, ebooks, corporate logos, posters and music packaging.
Grundlagen - Drahtgitter- und Oberflachenmodelle - Volumenmodelle -
Zusammenstellungs- und Kinematikmodelle - Zeichnungserstellung -
Finite Elemente Berechnung - Ausfuhrliche Beispiele -
Englisch/Deutsches Schlagwortverzeichnis
Target success in OCR A-level Design and Technology: Product Design
with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key
content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical
tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to
review, strengthen and test their knowledge. With My Revision Notes
every student can: - Plan and manage a successful revision
programme using the topic-by-topic planner - Consolidate subject
knowledge by working through clear and focused content coverage -
Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular
'Now Test Yourself' tasks and answers - Improve exam technique
through practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical
mistakes to avoid
Dieses Lehrbuch fuhrt Studierende des Maschinenbaus in
ganzheitlicher Betrachtungsweise in die Grundlagen der
Konstruktionstechnik ein. Es macht vertraut mit den Analyse- und
Syntheseverfahren des methodischen Konstruierens und mit dem
Gestalten von Maschinenbauelementen. Praxisorientiert werden
technische und wirtschaftliche Kriterien bei der Auswahl von
Werkstoffen und der Bauteilfertigung behandelt. Die vierte Auflage
enthalt ein neues Kapitel zum formgerechten Gestalten.
Der Roloff/Matek Bauteilkatalog verbindet Grundinformationen, die
Einkaufer, Ingenieure in Praxis und Studium und der technische
Vertrieb fur ihre Arbeit brauchen: * aktuelle Unternehmens- und
Kontaktdaten * eine UEbersicht uber das Produktportfolio Der
Katalog spezifiziert die Produkte der Hersteller nach ausgewahlten
Merkmalen, wie sie im Rahmen von Konstruktionsarbeiten benoetigt
werden. So werden die Daten vergleichbar und sichtbar. Sucht der
Konstrukteur nach einem geeigneten Bauteil, mit bestimmten
Eigenschaften, findet er konzentriert in diesem Katalog passende
Angebote und kann direkt eine Anfrage an den Hersteller senden. Das
verkurzt die aufwandigen Vergleiche und die Suchen nach dem
optimalen Bau- und Maschinenelement mit den zahlreichen
Herstellerkatalogen. Der Bauteilkatalog erscheint in Erganzung des
in Studium und Praxis bewahrten Fachbuchs Roloff/Matek ,
Maschinenelemente und ist eine speziell auf den Maschinenbau
zugeschnittene Markt- und Produktubersicht. Ein nach Produktgruppen
geordnetes Bezugsquellenverzeichnis leistungsfahiger Lieferanten
rundet das Angebot des Katalogs ab.
A chronological portfolio of the 333 best designs that became
available to homes across the globe thanks to the advent of mass
production. This collection demonstrates how by the middle of the
20th century production had increased worldwide and manufacturers
became conscious of the concept of good design for all. From Lego
bricks and the Frisbee to door handles and sewing machines, chairs,
tables, scooters and airplanes these classics have a timeless
quality and have barely changed since their invention. Each object
is accompanied by a detailed text with precise information about
each product, each designer, each manufacturer and their history.
It includes designs by Charles and Ray Eames, Jean Prouve, Arne
Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto and Achille Castiglioni among many others.
Dieses Lehr- und UEbungsbuch ermoeglicht es dem Leser im
technischen Umfeld, sich schnell und sicher in das EDM/PDM-System
Teamcenter Express einzuarbeiten. Wesentliche Inhalte sind
Grundlagen zur strukturierten Datenverwaltung und Revisionierung,
Aufbau von Produktstrukturen in Baugruppen bis hin zur
Visualisierung von Bauteilen in Teamcenter Express. Die Kapitel zum
Arbeiten mit Prozessen und Workflows sowie Konfiguration und
Administration behandeln kurz und pragnant die wichtigsten
Funktionen und Ablaufe. Besondere Schwerpunkte bilden die
Darstellungen der Integrationen von Teamcenter Express mit den
CAD-Systemen SolidEdge, Unigraphics NX, ProEngineer Wildfire und
CATIA V5 (und somit eines MultiCAD-Ansatzes) sowie die Integration
von MS-Office 2007 und dem Teamcenter WebClient. Anhand praktischer
und nachvollziehbar prasentierter Beispielvorgehensweisen koennen
Funktionen und Umgang mit Teamcenter Express sicher und schnell
erlernt werden. Beispieldaten und viele weitere Informationen zu
Administration und Installation sind im OnlinePlus-Portal zu diesem
Buch erhaltlich.
The creation of an American furniture style at a crossroads of
transatlantic trade American Furniture, 1650-1840: Highlights from
the Philadelphia Museum of Art is the first publication dedicated
to one of the finest collections of its type in the country. Best
known for furniture by artisans from Philadelphia and southeastern
Pennsylvania, the museum's collection includes significant examples
from cities and regions farther afield. Interpretive texts for each
work focus on design sources, showing how early American furniture
participated in an international visual language. A vibrant local
economy was bolstered by coastal trade bringing Caribbean mahogany
and European imports that continued to influence local production.
By the 1740s Philadelphia had developed a distinctive idiom and led
the developing nation in style and aesthetics. This volume provides
an important resource for scholars of American furniture,
illuminates the cultural and mercantile life of the fledgling
nation, and offers a lively introduction to the donors, curators,
and personalities who have shaped the institution from its earliest
days to the present. Published in association with the Philadelphia
Museum of Art
Design Roots provides a comprehensive review of culturally
significant designs, products and practices which are rooted to
particular communities through making tradition and a sense of
place. Many rich traditional practices associated with community,
tacit knowledge and culture are being rapidly lost due to
globalization and urbanization. Yet they have much to offer for the
future in terms of sustainability, identity, wellbeing and new
opportunities in design. This book considers the creative roots,
the place-based ecologies, and deep understandings of cultural
significance, not only in terms of history and tradition but also
in terms of locale, social interactions, innovation, and change for
the sustainment of culturally significant material productions.
Importantly, these are not locked in time by sentimentality and
nostalgia but are evolving, innovative, and adaptive to new
technologies and changing circumstances. Contributing authors
explore the historical roots of culturally significant designs,
products and practices, emerging directions, amateur endeavours,
enterprise models, business opportunities and the changing role and
contribution of design in the creation of material cultures of
significance, meaning and value. An international perspective is
provided through case studies and research from North and South
America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australasia, with examples
including Aran jumper production in Northern Ireland, weaving in
Thailand, Iranian housing design, Brazilian street design and
digital crafting in the United Kingdom.
A guide to the next great wave of technology-an era of objects so
programmable that they can be regarded as material instantiations
of an immaterial system. "Shaping Things is about created objects
and the environment, which is to say, it's about everything,"
writes Bruce Sterling in this addition to the Mediawork Pamphlet
series. He adds: "Seen from sufficient distance, this is a small
topic." Sterling offers a brilliant, often hilarious history of
shaped things. We have moved from an age of artifacts, made by
hand, through complex machines, to the current era of "gizmos." New
forms of design and manufacture are appearing that lack historical
precedent, he writes; but the production methods, using archaic
forms of energy and materials that are finite and toxic, are not
sustainable. The future will see a new kind of object; we have the
primitive forms of them now in our pockets and briefcases:
user-alterable, baroquely multi-featured, and programmable, that
will be sustainable, enhanceable, and uniquely identifiable.
Sterling coins the term "spime" for them, these future-manufactured
objects with informational support so extensive and rich that they
are regarded as material instantiations of an immaterial system.
Spimes are designed on screens, fabricated by digital means, and
precisely tracked through space and time. They are made of
substances that can be folded back into the production stream of
future spimes, challenging all of us to become involved in their
production. Spimes are coming, says Sterling. We will need these
objects in order to live; we won't be able to surrender their
advantages without awful consequences. The vision of Shaping Things
is given material form by the intricate design of Lorraine Wild.
Shaping Things is for designers and thinkers, engineers and
scientists, entrepreneurs and financiers; and anyone who wants to
understand and be part of the process of technosocial
A beautifully packaged look at the world's finest whiskies, with
detailed photography of each bottle Rare Whisky is a stylish
exploration of the world's finest and rarest whiskies, exquisitely
packaged in a hardback book with slipcase. This book looks at the
most exceptional whiskies across the world, focusing on key
producers such as Scotland, Ireland, the USA and Japan, as well as
interesting rarities from the likes of India and Taiwan. This book
is beautifully designed to highlight the unique qualities of each
and every exceptional whisky featured within. Whether you want to
brush up on the classics, hunt down the rarities or find out the
rich history of any number of whiskies, this is the book for you.
Once you acquire a taste for the vast knowledge included in this
book, you will be eager to take a trip around the world of whisky
right away! With beautiful photography of extremely rare bottles,
from a breathtaking 1920s vintage sold at auction to the best
offerings from recent years, Rare Whisky is essential reading for
all whisky lovers.
Current brand communication is increasingly moving towards
real-digital narratives. Storytelling plays a major role in this,
as well as the type of communication. Particularly at trade fairs,
personal discussion is still the key aspect of every presentation.
With this edition of the Trade Fair Design Annual, the authors
present a series of successful examples of trans-media
storytelling, attaching particular importance to the accomplished
use of means of communication. What is decisive, however, is the
exceptional design of the overall presentation, which can add
communicative and therefore informative value for the exhibitor, as
well as provide an emotional experience for the visitors.
I testi di base di Ingegneria delle Strutture, presenti in
letteratura, danno per lo piu esempi introduttivi. Questo testo,
invece, dopo aver dato i fondamenti disciplinari, va oltre per
guidare il lettore nella costruzione di modelli matematici
avanzati... E' un inedito "compromesso" tra testo di teoria di base
e testo avanzato per advanced-professionals e ricercatori. Inoltre
la presenza nel volume di "quadri sinottici" e schede software da
la possibilita al lettore di avere sempre a portata di mano i
fondamenti di una disciplina complessa."
Written and produced by an expert team to support the new Edexcel
Graphic Products specification for 2008. The engaging full-colour
Student Book is matched to the new Edexcel A Level Product Design
course requirements, so you can be confident that it will provide
all students need to develop the skills and understanding to
succeed at AS and A2 Level. Written by experienced examiners and
teachers to support the new Edexcel specification. Additional exam
tips, practice questions and sample answers with comments will give
students the confidence to tackle all the questions that come up in
the exam. Now in full colour to bring the subject to life and help
make explanations of key concepts clearer.