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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Calculus & mathematical analysis > Vector & tensor analysis
This Festschrift on the occasion of the 75th birthday of S.R.S. Varadhan, one of the most influential researchers in probability of the last fifty years, grew out of a workshop held at the Technical University of Berlin, 15-19 August, 2016. This volume contains ten research articles authored by several of Varadhan's former PhD students or close collaborators. The topics of the contributions are more or less closely linked with some of Varadhan's deepest interests over the decades: large deviations, Markov processes, interacting particle systems, motions in random media and homogenization, reaction-diffusion equations, and directed last-passage percolation. The articles present original research on some of the most discussed current questions at the boundary between analysis and probability, with an impact on understanding phenomena in physics. This collection will be of great value to researchers with an interest in models of probability-based statistical mechanics.
This book offers the latest research advances in the field of mathematics applications in engineering sciences and provides a reference with a theoretical and sound background, along with case studies. In recent years, mathematics has had an amazing growth in engineering sciences. It forms the common foundation of all engineering disciplines. This new book provides a comprehensive range of mathematics applied to various fields of engineering for different tasks in fields such as civil engineering, structural engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, among others. It offers articles that develop the applications of mathematics in engineering sciences, conveys the innovative research ideas, offers real-world utility of mathematics, and plays a significant role in the life of academics, practitioners, researchers, and industry leaders. Focuses on the latest research in the field of engineering applications Includes recent findings from various institutions Identifies the gaps in the knowledge of the field and provides the latest approaches Presents international studies and findings in modelling and simulation Offers various mathematical tools, techniques, strategies, and methods across different engineering fields
Meant for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, this lively introduction to measure theory and Lebesgue integration is rooted in and motivated by the historical questions that led to its development. The author stresses the original purpose of the definitions and theorems and highlights some of the difficulties that were encountered as these ideas were refined. The story begins with Riemann's definition of the integral, a definition created so that he could understand how broadly one could define a function and yet have it be integrable. The reader then follows the efforts of many mathematicians who wrestled with the difficulties inherent in the Riemann integral, leading to the work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries of Jordan, Borel, and Lebesgue, who finally broke with Riemann's definition. Ushering in a new way of understanding integration, they opened the door to fresh and productive approaches to many of the previously intractable problems of analysis.
Originating from the authors' own graduate course at the University of North Carolina, this material has been thoroughly tried and tested over many years, making the book perfect for a two-term course or for self-study. It provides a concise introduction that covers all of the measure theory and probability most useful for statisticians, including Lebesgue integration, limit theorems in probability, martingales, and some theory of stochastic processes. Readers can test their understanding of the material through the 300 exercises provided. The book is especially useful for graduate students in statistics and related fields of application (biostatistics, econometrics, finance, meteorology, machine learning, and so on) who want to shore up their mathematical foundation. The authors establish common ground for students of varied interests which will serve as a firm 'take-off point' for them as they specialize in areas that exploit mathematical machinery.
This book is the first to be devoted to the theory of vector-valued functions with one variable. This theory is one of the fundamental tools employed in modern physics, the spectral theory of operators, approximation of analytic operators, analytic mappings between vectors, and vector-valued functions of several variables. The book contains three chapters devoted to the theory of normal functions, Hp-space, and vector-valued functions and their applications. Among the topics dealt with are the properties of complex functions in a complex plane and infinite-dimensional spaces, and the solution of vector-valued integral equations and boundary value problems by complex analysis and functional analysis, which involve methods which can be applied to problems in operations research and control theory. Much original research is included. This volume will be of interest to those whose work involves complex analysis and control theory, and can be recommended as a graduate text in these areas.
Markov Random Flights is the first systematic presentation of the theory of Markov random flights in the Euclidean spaces of different dimensions. Markov random flights is a stochastic dynamic system subject to the control of an external Poisson process and represented by the stochastic motion of a particle that moves at constant finite speed and changes its direction at random Poisson time instants. The initial (and each new) direction is taken at random according to some probability distribution on the unit sphere. Such stochastic motion is the basic model for describing many real finite-velocity transport phenomena arising in statistical physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science and financial markets. Markov random flights acts as an effective tool for modelling the slow and super-slow diffusion processes arising in various fields of science and technology. Features: Provides the first systematic presentation of the theory of Markov random flights in the Euclidean spaces of different dimensions. Suitable for graduate students and specialists and professionals in applied areas. Introduces a new unified approach based on the powerful methods of mathematical analysis, such as integral transforms, generalized, hypergeometric and special functions. Author Alexander D. Kolesnik is a professor, Head of Laboratory (2015-2019) and principal researcher (since 2020) at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kishinev (Chisinau), Moldova. He graduated from Moldova State University in 1980 and earned his PhD from the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev in 1991. He also earned a PhD Habilitation in mathematics and physics with specialization in stochastic processes, probability and statistics conferred by the Specialized Council at the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and confirmed by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine in 2010. His research interests include: probability and statistics, stochastic processes, random evolutions, stochastic dynamic systems, random flights, diffusion processes, transport processes, random walks, stochastic processes in random environments, partial differential equations in stochastic models, statistical physics and wave processes. Dr. Kolesnik has published more than 70 scientific publications, mostly in high-standard international journals and a monograph. He has also acted as external referee for many outstanding international journals in mathematics and physics, being awarded by the "Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing" from the journal "Stochastic Processes and their Applications." He was the visiting professor and scholarship holder at universities in Italy and Germany and member of the Board of Global Advisors of the International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA), United States of America.
An Image Processing Tour of College Mathematics aims to provide meaningful context for reviewing key topics of the college mathematics curriculum, to help students gain confidence in using concepts and techniques of applied mathematics, to increase student awareness of recent developments in mathematical sciences, and to help students prepare for graduate studies. The topics covered include a library of elementary functions, basic concepts of descriptive statistics, probability distributions of functions of random variables, definitions and concepts behind first- and second-order derivatives, most concepts and techniques of traditional linear algebra courses, an introduction to Fourier analysis, and a variety of discrete wavelet transforms - all of that in the context of digital image processing. Features Pre-calculus material and basic concepts of descriptive statistics are reviewed in the context of image processing in the spatial domain. Key concepts of linear algebra are reviewed both in the context of fundamental operations with digital images and in the more advanced context of discrete wavelet transforms. Some of the key concepts of probability theory are reviewed in the context of image equalization and histogram matching. The convolution operation is introduced painlessly and naturally in the context of naive filtering for denoising and is subsequently used for edge detection and image restoration. An accessible elementary introduction to Fourier analysis is provided in the context of image restoration. Discrete wavelet transforms are introduced in the context of image compression, and the readers become more aware of some of the recent developments in applied mathematics. This text helps students of mathematics ease their way into mastering the basics of scientific computer programming.
Now in its second edition, this book gives a systematic and self-contained presentation of basic results on stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensional, typically Hilbert and Banach, spaces. In the first part the authors give a self-contained exposition of the basic properties of probability measure on separable Banach and Hilbert spaces, as required later; they assume a reasonable background in probability theory and finite dimensional stochastic processes. The second part is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of solutions of a general stochastic evolution equation, and the third concerns the qualitative properties of those solutions. Appendices gather together background results from analysis that are otherwise hard to find under one roof. This revised edition includes two brand new chapters surveying recent developments in the area and an even more comprehensive bibliography, making this book an essential and up-to-date resource for all those working in stochastic differential equations.
This monograph develops the theory of pre-Riesz spaces, which are the partially ordered vector spaces that embed order densely into Riesz spaces. Concepts from Riesz space theory such as disjointness, ideals, and bands are extended to pre-Riesz spaces. The analysis revolves around embedding techniques, including the Riesz completion and the functional representation. In the same spirit, norms and topologies on a pre-Riesz space and their extensions to the Riesz completion are examined. The generalized concepts are used to investigate disjointness preserving operators on pre-Riesz spaces and related notions. The monograph presents recent results as well as being an accessible introduction to the theory of partially ordered vector spaces and positive operators. Contents A primer on ordered vector spaces Embeddings, covers, and completions Seminorms on pre-Riesz spaces Disjointness, bands, and ideals in pre-Riesz spaces Operators on pre-Riesz spaces
The fast growing field of mathematical biology addresses biological questions using mathematical models from areas such as dynamical systems, probability, statistics, and discrete mathematics. This book considers models that are described by systems of partial differential equations, and it focuses on modeling, rather than on numerical methods and simulations. The models studied are concerned with population dynamics, cancer, risk of plaque growth associated with high cholesterol, and wound healing. A rich variety of open problems demonstrates the exciting challenges and opportunities for research at the interface of mathematics and biology. This book primarily addresses students and researchers in mathematics who do not necessarily have any background in biology and who may have had little exposure to PDEs.
Considerable attention from the international scientific community is currently focused on the wide ranging applications of wavelets. For the first time, the field's leading experts have come together to produce a complete guide to wavelet transform applications in medicine and biology. Wavelets in Medicine and Biology provides accessible, detailed, and comprehensive guidelines for all those interested in learning about wavelets and their applications to biomedical problems.
This book includes information on elementary general topology, the Cauchy Integral Theorem and concepts of homology and homotopy in their application to the Cauchy theory. It is intended for an introductory course in complex analysis at the first-year graduate and advanced undergraduate level.
This volume deals with first and second order complex equations of hyperbolic and mixed types. Various general boundary value problems for linear and quasilinear complex equations are investigated in detail. To obtain results for complex equations of mixed types, some discontinuous boundary value problems for elliptic complex equations are discussed. Mixed complex equations are included in the quasilinear case, and the text considers both boundary value conditions in the general oblique derivative case and multiply connected domains. Complex analytical methods are used to investigate various problems as well. In particular, hyperbolic numbers and hyperbolic complex functions are introduced to handle hyperbolic complex equations. Researchers and graduate students in mathematical analysis will find this text indispensable.
The subject of Tensor Analysis deals with the problem of the formulation of the relation between various entities in forms which remain invariant when we pass from one system of coordinates to another. The invariant form of equation is necessarily related to the possible system of coordinates with reference to which the equation remains invariant. The primary purpose of this book is the study of the invariance form of equation relative to the totally of the rectangular co-ordinate system in the three-dimensional Euclidean space. We start with the consideration of the way the sets representing various entities are transformed when we pass from one system of rectangular co-ordinates to another. A Tensor may be a physical entity that can be described as a Tensor only with respect to the manner of its representation by means of multi-sux sets associated with different system of axes such that the sets associated with different system of co-ordinate obey the transformation law for Tensor. We have employed sux notation for tensors of any order, we could also employ single letter such A,B to denote Tensors.
Multivariable Calculus with Mathematica is a textbook addressing the calculus of several variables. Instead of just using Mathematica to directly solve problems, the students are encouraged to learn the syntax and to write their own code to solve problems. This not only encourages scientific computing skills but at the same time stresses the complete understanding of the mathematics. Questions are provided at the end of the chapters to test the student's theoretical understanding of the mathematics, and there are also computer algebra questions which test the student's ability to apply their knowledge in non-trivial ways. Features Ensures that students are not just using the package to directly solve problems, but learning the syntax to write their own code to solve problems Suitable as a main textbook for a Calculus III course, and as a supplementary text for topics scientific computing, engineering, and mathematical physics Written in a style that engages the students' interest and encourages the understanding of the mathematical ideas
This book collects papers related to the session “Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations” held at the 13th International ISAAC Congress in Ghent and provides an overview on recent trends and advances in the interplay between harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. The book can serve as useful source of information for mathematicians, scientists and engineers. The volume contains contributions of authors from a variety of countries on a wide range of active research areas covering different aspects of partial differential equations interacting with harmonic analysis and provides a state-of-the-art overview over ongoing research in the field. It shows original research in full detail allowing researchers as well as students to grasp new aspects and broaden their understanding of the area.
Focuses on the latest research in Graph Theory Provides recent research findings that are occurring in this field Discusses the advanced developments and gives insights on an international and transnational level Identifies the gaps in the results Presents forthcoming international studies and researches, long with applications in Networking, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, etc.
Comprehensive presentation of both analytic and probabilistic techniques As a comprehensive survey of the major techniques of average case analysis, this work presents, in detail, both analytic methods used for well-structured algorithms and probabilistic methods used for more structurally complex algorithms. In particular, the applications in the book use algorithms that focus on data structures on sequences, also called strings, which are widely used in computer science, computational biology, and information theory. Specific techniques covered include the inclusion-exclusion principle, the first and second moment methods, the random coding technique, the subadditive ergodic theorem, large deviations, generating functions, complex asymptotic methods, the Mellin transform, and analytic poissonization and depoissonization. Each method is clearly explained and accompanied by related applications and problems involving algorithms on sequences. Important features of the book include:
The International Symposium on Generalized Functions and Their Applications was organized by the Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, and held December 23-26, 1991, on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee Celebration of the university. More than a hundred mathematicians from ten countries participated in the deliberations of the symposium. Thirty lectures were delivered on a variety of topics within the area. The contributions to the proceedings of the symposium are, with a few exceptions, expanded versions of the lectures delivered by the invited speakers. The survey papers by Komatsu and Hoskins and Sousa Pinto provide an up-to-date account of the theory of hyperfunctions, ultradistributions and microfunctions, and the nonstandard theory of new generalized functions, respectively; those by Stankovic and Kanwal deal with structures and asymptotics. Choquet-Bruhat's work studies generalized functions on manifold and gives applications to shocks and discrete models. The other contributions relate to contemporary problems and achievements in theory and applications, especially in the theory of partial differential equations, differential geometry, mechanics, mathematical physics, and systems science. The proceedings give a very clear impression of the present state of the art in this field and contain many challenges, ideas, and open problems. The volume is very helpful for a broad spectrum of readers: graduate students to mathematical researchers.
Approach your problems from It isn't that they can't see the right end and begin with the solution. It is that they the answers. Then one day, can't see the problem. perhaps you will find the G.K. Chesterton. The Scandal of final question. Father Brown 'The Point of a Pin' . 'The Hermit Clad ~n Crane Feathers' in R. van Gulik's The Chinese Haze Murders. Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathe matics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) ~n re gional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical pro gramming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are rele vant to filtering; and prediction and electrical en~ineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as "completely integrable systems", "chaos, synergetics and large-scale order", which are almost impossible to fit into the existinf, classifi~ation schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics.
This book systematically presents solutions to the linear time-fractional diffusion-wave equation. It introduces the integral transform technique and discusses the properties of the Mittag-Leffler, Wright, and Mainardi functions that appear in the solutions. The time-nonlocal dependence between the flux and the gradient of the transported quantity with the "long-tail" power kernel results in the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with the Caputo fractional derivative. Time-nonlocal generalizations of classical Fourier's, Fick's and Darcy's laws are considered and different kinds of boundary conditions for this equation are discussed (Dirichlet, Neumann, Robin, perfect contact). The book provides solutions to the fractional diffusion-wave equation with one, two and three space variables in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. The respective sections of the book can be used for university courses on fractional calculus, heat and mass transfer, transport processes in porous media and fractals for graduate and postgraduate students. The volume will also serve as a valuable reference guide for specialists working in applied mathematics, physics, geophysics and the engineering sciences.
With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this three-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This second volume covers quantum groups in their two main manifestations: quantum algebras and matrix quantum groups. The exposition covers both the general aspects of these and a great variety of concrete explicitly presented examples. The invariant q-difference operators are introduced mainly using representations of quantum algebras on their dual matrix quantum groups as carrier spaces. This is the first book that covers the title matter applied to quantum groups. Contents Quantum Groups and Quantum Algebras Highest-Weight Modules over Quantum Algebras Positive-Energy Representations of Noncompact Quantum Algebras Duality for Quantum Groups Invariant q-Difference Operators Invariant q-Difference Operators Related to GLq(n) q-Maxwell Equations Hierarchies
Architecture of Mathematics describes the logical structure of Mathematics from its foundations to its real-world applications. It describes the many interweaving relationships between different areas of mathematics and its practical applications, and as such provides unique reading for professional mathematicians and nonmathematicians alike. This book can be a very important resource both for the teaching of mathematics and as a means to outline the research links between different subjects within and beyond the subject. Features All notions and properties are introduced logically and sequentially, to help the reader gradually build understanding. Focusses on illustrative examples that explain the meaning of mathematical objects and their properties. Suitable as a supplementary resource for teaching undergraduate mathematics, and as an aid to interdisciplinary research. Forming the reader's understanding of Mathematics as a unified science, the book helps to increase his general mathematical culture.
Advanced Topics in Mathematical Analysis is aimed at researchers, graduate students, and educators with an interest in mathematical analysis, and in mathematics more generally. The book aims to present theory, methods, and applications of the selected topics that have significant, useful relevance to contemporary research.
This book discusses Change Management Impact Analysis and how this method is used to analysis the risks and benefits of a change management initiative when it pertains to obtaining critical insight into how the change management program budget should be allotted. The process also offers useful indicators for what areas within the system should be monitored during the change management process. This book presents theoretical analysis of practical implications and surveys, along with analysis. It covers the functions aimed at identifying various stakeholders associated with the software such as requirement component, design component, and class component. The book talks about the interrelationship between the change and the effects on the rest of the system and dives deeper to include the critical role that the analysis places on the existing multiple functions such as estimating the development costs, the project overhead costs, cost for the modification of the system, and system strength or detecting errors in the system during the process. Case studies are also included to help researchers and practitioners to absorb the material presented. This book is useful to graduate students, researchers, academicians, institutions, and professionals that interested in exploring the areas of Impact Analysis. |
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